
    Getting Started As A Fitness Coach pt IV

    enNovember 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Controversies and reactions at the Olympia bodybuilding competitionThe Olympia bodybuilding competition was intense, with Derek winning due to his impressive package. Female posing was also a standout, and reactions to results should be handled with grace and sportsmanship.

      The Olympia bodybuilding competition was intense and captivating, with some interesting controversies surrounding the results. Nick Shaw and Mike Isratel shared their thoughts on the Olympia experience, with Nick expressing his old man complaints about the loud music and intense posing routines. They agreed that Derek was the clear winner due to his unbeatable package, while the female bodybuilding posing was a standout. Regarding Hottie's reaction to not winning, they urged caution before rendering judgment, suggesting that more information is needed before forming an opinion. Overall, the Olympia was a subjective sport with high stakes, and competitors are expected to handle the results with grace and sportsmanship.

    • Handling criticism in the bodybuilding communityFocus on building credibility and growing your brand instead of reacting negatively to criticism or threats. Maintain a professional demeanor online and offline for success.

      Handling criticism and negativity is an inevitable part of being in the public eye, especially in the bodybuilding community. It's essential to learn how to roll with it and not let it consume you. However, threatening someone's safety or blocking them on social media is not an acceptable response. Instead, focus on building credibility and growing your brand as a fitness coach. The Olympia competition is an excellent platform to meet new people and learn from others in the industry. Remember, maintaining a professional demeanor online and offline is crucial for success. The first episode of our series discussed the importance of self-presentation and not taking things too personally, which ties into handling criticism effectively. Stay tuned for more tips on building your fitness coaching business in the upcoming episodes.

    • Michigan football fights back against sign stealing allegationsCoaches can build their brand and reputation by sharing helpful tips on social media, despite potential losses, as it positions them as experts and attracts a larger following.

      The University of Michigan football program is currently under fire for alleged sign stealing, but instead of rolling over and accepting the criticism, they are fighting back with evidence against other schools in the conference. Michigan has hired a top investigation firm and is not afraid to expose the dirty secrets of their competitors. This bold move has galvanized the team and their fanbase, and they are turning the situation into an opportunity to build their brand and reputation. However, a different topic that was briefly touched upon was the importance of coaches sharing helpful diet, training, and recovery tips on social media to build their brand and reputation. The initial concern might be that giving away content for free would take away from paid services, but the benefits of establishing a strong online presence and building trust with potential clients outweigh the potential losses. By providing valuable information, coaches can position themselves as experts in their field and attract a larger following, leading to more opportunities for growth and success.

    • Sharing Knowledge Freely Can Lead to RewardsBy giving value and helping people freely, you can expand your reach, gain recognition, and benefit from the network effect.

      While it might be tempting to hold onto your knowledge and tips tightly and charge for every interaction, an abundance mindset of giving value and helping people can lead to significant rewards. By putting out free content, you may not directly profit from every person who uses it, but you can reach a large audience, including those who will integrate your tips into their practice and share it with others. This network effect can lead to increased fame and recognition as a valuable resource. Additionally, even if you never know who you've helped, the ripple effect of your advice can benefit many people and expand your reach. Ultimately, the value you provide to others can come back to you in unexpected ways.

    • Attracting followers through free content and monetizing expertiseProviding free content on social media can attract a large following. Monetize expertise by offering various services at different price points, catering to diverse audiences.

      Providing free valuable content on social media can attract a large following, some of whom will be interested in paying for more in-depth services or coaching. This is often referred to as the top of the marketing funnel. By offering a few services at different price points, creators can cater to various audiences and monetize their expertise. For example, someone who offers consulting calls and coaching packages may attract individuals with specific questions or those seeking personalized guidance. The analogy of Eminem's rap battles illustrates this concept: although most people attending are not interested in a romantic relationship with him, a few may be, and the same principle applies to social media and coaching services. By sharing free content, creators can attract the right audience and potentially monetize their expertise.

    • Offering free valuable information on social media can lead to new customers and increased engagementProviding free content demonstrates expertise and can attract potential clients with low cost and high ROI

      Giving away valuable information for free on social media can lead to significant returns in the form of new customers and increased engagement. This is because even if only a few people value your content enough to pay for it, the marginal cost of providing the information is so low that the potential ROI is substantial. Furthermore, offering free content can also serve as a demonstration of your expertise and the value you can bring to potential clients. This idea is illustrated in the concept of "being ultra nice to the 'not so pretty girl'" in the movie "How to be a Player." By treating the less desirable girl with kindness and respect, the player shows that he is capable of treating the more desirable girls in the same way, making them more likely to be interested. Similarly, by providing valuable information for free, you can show potential customers that you are capable of delivering even more value if they choose to pay for your services.

    • Provide helpful tips and content as a coach to establish expertise and attract clientsUse a variety of post types and present information in lists to reach a wider audience and keep them engaged

      Providing helpful tips and content as a coach can help establish your expertise and attract paying clients. Use a variety of post types, such as pictures, videos, stories, and infographics, to diversify your content and reach a wider audience. The algorithm may favor certain types of content over others, but don't abandon those that don't perform as well. Instead, continue to produce a mix to avoid being a one-trick pony and to keep your audience engaged. Additionally, lists are an effective way to present information and can help establish a strong connection with your audience.

    • Diversify your social media content for successFocus on a mix of content types, not just viral posts, to maintain a successful social media presence. Experiment and adjust strategy as trends change.

      Having a diverse range of content is essential for success on social media. Not every post will be a "banger" or go viral, but it's important not to focus solely on those posts and neglect other types. The Pareto Principle, or 80/20 rule, can be applied to identify which types of content generate the most output, but it's crucial not to abandon other content entirely. Treating social media as a game and being open to trying new things can help adjust your strategy as trends change. Additionally, there may be a difference between content that performs best on social media and content that converts best for your business. It's important to find a balance and not become a "one trick pony." Keep experimenting with different types of posts and adjust your emphasis accordingly.

    • Balancing Attention-Grabbing and Revenue-Generating ContentDiversifying social media content attracts followers but focus on converting viewers with valuable content is essential for monetization.

      Having a diverse range of content on social media can help attract new followers and convert them into paying clients. However, it's essential to understand which content drives attention and which content drives conversions. The speaker gives the example of a YouTube channel that produces both technical fitness advice and goofy videos. While the goofy videos bring in a large audience, not all of those viewers will be interested in the technical advice and may unsubscribe. However, some viewers who are drawn in by the goofy content may eventually become paying clients if they find value in the technical advice. The speaker warns against chasing after content that goes viral at the expense of content that converts, as the latter is crucial for monetizing a social media presence. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance between content that generates attention and content that generates revenue.

    • Creating engaging content and building brand awarenessProduce various types of content, offer free resources for contact info, and post regularly to maintain engagement

      Creating engaging content and building awareness for your brand are crucial first steps in growing your online presence. This can be achieved by producing various types of content that cater to different audiences and interests, such as fitness tips or quizzes. Once you have their attention, offer them free resources in exchange for contact information to begin building a relationship and nurturing potential customers. Consistency is also key, so be sure to schedule and post content regularly to maintain engagement and keep your audience coming back for more.

    • Maintain Consistency in Content CreationConsistently schedule content in advance, expand on ideas, interact with clients for inspiration, and create valuable, interesting content

      Consistency is key in content creation, and banking ideas for future use can help ensure a steady stream of valuable content. Use software for scheduling content in advance to maintain consistency, and expand on ideas when ready to create full content. Interacting with clients can provide a wealth of content ideas, as common questions from a small sample of clients likely resonate with a larger audience. Don't produce content just for the sake of it; only create content that is interesting, valuable, and aligns with your passion. Consistency, organization, and a focus on providing valuable content are essential components of successful content creation.

    • Consistency and authenticity in content creationProvide high-quality content consistently or less frequently, experiment, plan, and organize to add value and potentially earn income.

      Consistency and authenticity are key to creating valuable content, no matter the frequency or length. The speaker uses the example of a YouTube channel, where some creators post frequently and others less so, but both can be successful as long as they provide high-quality content that resonates with their audience. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of experimenting and finding what works best for each individual, whether that's through writing a book or creating content online. The process of creating content, whether it's a book or a YouTube video, requires planning and organization, such as creating an outline and developing sub-points. Ultimately, the goal is to provide value to others and potentially earn income, making the process a fun and rewarding experience.

    • Exploring Technology's Impact on Our LivesStay informed about the latest technology trends and advancements to remain competitive and make the most of its benefits, including improvements in AI, machine learning, cybersecurity, education, and productivity.

      During our discussion, we explored various topics related to technology and its impact on our daily lives. We talked about the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, and how they are being used to improve efficiency and productivity. We also touched upon the importance of cybersecurity in today's digital age and the need for individuals and organizations to take necessary measures to protect their data. Furthermore, we discussed the role of technology in education and how it is transforming the way we learn. Lastly, we emphasized the importance of staying informed about the latest technological trends and developments to remain competitive in today's fast-paced world. In summary, technology is constantly evolving, and it's essential to keep up with the latest advancements to stay ahead of the curve and make the most of its benefits.

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    #283 - Coltivare Sogni
    #283 - Coltivare Sogni

    La vita su una piccola isola: un sogno diventato realtà.

    Ho vissuto per più di quaranta anni in città.
    Ma la vita sull'isola è un'altra cosa.

    Il bello è che mi sono reso conto solo adesso di quanto ho personalmente cullato questo sogno, per tantissimi anni, mantenendolo vivo, con piccoli accorgimenti nel mio cuore.

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    Riflessioni: Chi sono - Cosa faccio
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    Musica: "Bravo" by Moose Dawa - disponibile su Bandcamp: https://chillhop.bandcamp.com/