
    5.0 Five-Fold & Beyond - Dr. Matt and Amy Carpenter

    Connect with us as we delve into the riches of 5-fold truths that unlock and mobilize people to take part in God’s design for His Church. Leaders will learn how to identify, inspire, and integrate 5-fold ministry functions in their teams experiencing maximum growth. With over 30 years of experience, Dr.’s Matt & Amy Carpenter assist individuals, leaders and teams to thrive in their callings.
    enIHIM TV /In His Image Ministries58 Episodes

    Episodes (58)

    Beyond what I could ever dream

    Beyond what I could ever dream

    Have you ever stood at the crossroads of a life-altering decision, feeling the pull towards a path less traveled? Evangelist Herb Desjardins stood at just such a crossroads, and his choice led him on a remarkable journey from business owner to full-time ministry. In our latest episode, Herb recounts the hurdles and epiphanies that paved the way for the founding of the Christian Fellowship Center. His narrative isn't just a tale of transition; it's a lesson in integrity, the strength found in testimony, and the unyielding perseverance needed when heeding the divine call. Herb’s infectious humor and wisdom shine through, offering a dose of encouragement and inspiration for anyone navigating their faith journey.

    Can you imagine a soup kitchen, struggling to keep its doors open, transformed into a hub of hope for an entire county? This episode brings you the heartwarming story of a community in Hartford County that rallied behind a failing soup kitchen, turning it into a beacon for the hungry. Herb shares the roller coaster of developments, from overcoming infrastructure issues to the almost magical provision of resources that reinforced the mission's calling. The tale doesn't stop at feeding the needy; it’s a saga of collaboration and individual transformation, like the story of a once-unstable woman who became a fundraising powerhouse, echoing a broader narrative of hope and redemption.

    Our final reflections touch upon the resilience required in the face of life's ceilings and the power of a faithful testimony to the blessings received when pursuing God's path. Herb Desjardins opens up about the early days of his ministry, the unexpected allies, and the pastor who transitioned from skeptic to supporter. This episode is an invitation to rekindle your spiritual passion, remember your purpose.

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    It's Never Too Late / Guest Evangelsit Herb Desjardines

    It's Never Too Late / Guest Evangelsit Herb Desjardines

    When Herb Desjardins stepped into the light of his calling, he set out on a path that would not only redefine his own life but also inspire countless others. Our latest episode features this deeply passionate evangelist, who shares his journey from the depths of despair to the peaks of spiritual leadership. Herb's tale is not just one of personal triumph; it's a masterclass in the transformative power of faith. He opens up about his pivotal experience at a business fellowship breakfast and how it propelled him from a strict Catholic upbringing to a life dedicated to ministry.

    This episode takes an intimate look at the intersection of faith and everyday life, extending beyond Herb's personal narrative. We explore the intriguing story of a heat treating plant purchase that blossomed into a business grounded in biblical principles, highlighting the challenges and victories that come with holding steadfast to integrity and ethical standards in the commercial world. The journey of the plant's previous owner, from battling cancer to embracing our faith-driven ethos, underscores the profound impact that a spiritual approach to business can have on individuals and communities alike. The decision to transition from commercial success to a burgeoning ministry is a testament to the deep connections we forge when we align our work with our spiritual beliefs.

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    Apostles get connected. The power of collaboration in Apostolic leadership

    Apostles get connected. The power of collaboration in Apostolic leadership

    Have you ever wondered how apostles and five-fold ministry leaders stay spiritually charged and interconnected? Join Amy and me as we unravel the critical role of fellowship and mentorship among these pillars of the church. Our enlightening discussion uncovers the perils apostles face when isolated and the rejuvenating power of apostolic networks.  We highlight how spiritual maturity and character development bolster the impact of God's work, proving that true maturity extends beyond age and into the realm ofmantle growth and divine character.

    Navigating the waters of ministry leadership requires more than solitary paddling; it demands the synergy of cross-pollination. In our conversation, we reveal the transformative effects of shared anointings, bringing fresh momentum to local churches and apostolic centers. We don't shy away from discussing the hardships faced by apostles—from exhaustion to complex dynamics—and the indispensable value of a supportive apostolic community. This episode serves as a reminder that no ministry is an island and that collective wisdom and encouragement are key to thriving in God's calling.

    Step into the flow of active collaboration within God's Kingdom, as we explore the extraordinary ways His timing aligns our paths with others' for greater impact. Discover the importance of leaning into the unique grace of your mantle, weaving together the diverse threads of anointings for a stronger fabric of ministry. As we wrap up, we extend an invitation to foster divine connections, share in the richness of community support, and trust the Master's hand in orchestrating our journeys. Listen in and be inspired to embrace the collective strength and guidance available to leaders in the body of Christ.

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    When teams face crisis

    When teams face crisis

    Staring down the barrel of a leadership crisis can either set you ablaze or forge you into something greater – which will it be for you? Our latest episode doesn't just explore this question; it offers the strategies and insight to ensure you emerge victorious. We bring to light the various crises that can rattle an organization, from the financial quicksands to the moral mazes, and how a leadership team's composition is pivotal in these high-stakes moments. Drawing inspiration from 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, we discuss transforming potential breaking points into opportunities for unity and progress, because let's face it, adversity isn't going anywhere – but neither are we.

    As the host, I delve into a conversation that runs deeper than crisis management; it's about the essence of a team's spirit in the face of fire. With the same solidarity that fortifies couples in pre-marriage counseling, we dissect the principles of support and shared responsibility essential for leadership teams. Here, personal growth and the finesse of handling home crises become powerful lessons for steering your team through stormy seas. This episode provides a blueprint for crafting an environment where security and cooperation are the bedrock, ensuring that when the heat rises, your team doesn't just survive but thrives.

    In our final discourse, we balance the scales of leadership, measuring vulnerability against conviction. We lay out the collaborative leadership framework, illustrating how each member contributes to fleshing out the bare bones of a collective vision. We also stress the value of external strategic advisors who, like reinforcements in battle, provide the support needed to navigate tumultuous times. For anyone leading through crises or looking to bulletproof their team, this episode is a beacon, guiding you towards a strategy that aligns divine wisdom with the strength of a united front.

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Peeking into the Evangelist's mantle

    Peeking into the Evangelist's mantle

    In this refreshing episode, we offer a unique glimpse into the diverse world of the evangelist's mantle. Rejecting the notion of cookie-cutter personalities within the five-fold ministry, the conversation unfolds with an exploration of the various expressions that reveal a particular calling within the evangelistic realm.

    We share examples showcasing the rich tapestry of evangelistic callings, including:

    1. Power of Testimony: Dive into the transformative stories of those who wield the evangelist's mantle through the compelling power of personal testimony.
    2. Crusade-Driven Evangelists: Explore the passion and impact of evangelists driven by large-scale crusades, reaching and inspiring crowds with their message.
    3. Street Preachers: Discover the unique role of street preachers, bringing the evangelistic message to the public sphere with boldness and conviction.
    4. Prophetic Evangelists: Unpack the dynamic world of evangelists who operate prophetically, delivering messages that resonate on a deeper, spiritual level.
    5. Healing and Miracles Evangelists: Delve into the realm of evangelists who specialize in healing and miracles, showcasing the supernatural power of faith.
    6. Cross-Cultural Evangelists: Appreciate the significance of evangelists who bridge cultural divides, carrying the message across diverse communities and boundaries.
    7. and many more discussed

    "How can I take personal responsibility to stir up what the Lord put in me?" Join us as we provide practical insights and encourage listeners to reflect on their own journeys, inspiring you to nurture and activate the gifts and calling that lie within.

    Join us and celebrate the beautiful diversity within the evangelistic calling, shedding light on the various expressions that make each evangelist's journey unique and impactful.
    Connect with us today @
     Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: linkedin: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Navigating success/ What if I succeed? Drift or shift?

    Navigating success/ What if I succeed?  Drift or shift?

    In this thought-provoking episode, we explore the intriguing question: "What if I succeed?" Delving into the complexities of success, the discussion unfolds in the following key areas:

    1. The Struggle with Success: Examine how success can sometimes be accompanied by an unexpected companion—struggle. Explore how this dynamic might influence thinking patterns and potentially limit one's vision.
    2. Recognizing Group or Team Shifts: Understand the signs of shifts within a group or team. Is it a natural evolution, or is there a risk of mandate drift? Explore the delicate balance between growth and potential challenges when a group surpasses its initial stages.
    3. Insecurity vs. Hostile Takeover: Unpack the nuances of navigating success, addressing the internal battle between personal insecurities and external pressures that may resemble a hostile takeover. Discuss strategies for maintaining authenticity and purpose.

    Join us as we share practical insights on navigating developing success, identifying shifts, and addressing the internal and external dynamics that accompany growth. This episode encourages listeners to consider how to strategically shift for continued success.
    Connect with us today @
     Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: linkedin: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Cultivating Community /How to create a culture of involvement

    Cultivating Community /How to create a culture of involvement

    In this episode, we dive into the transformative power of creating a culture of involvement. The discussion unfolds in five key stages:

    1. Fostering Belonging: Explore the importance of fostering an inclusive environment where individuals feel valued and connected.
    2. Recognizing Contribution: Learn how to teach others the profound value of their contributions, fostering a culture of appreciation and mutual respect.
    3. Equipping with Instruction: Delve into the critical aspects of equipping others with essential skills such as team-building, confidence, and taking responsibility, laying the foundation for personal and collective growth.
    4. Commitment Follow-Up: Discuss the significance of following up on commitments, building trust, and creating a culture of accountability within the community.
    5. Opportunity Creation: Explore strategies for creating opportunities that empower individuals to thrive and contribute meaningfully to the community.

    Join the conversation as we share practical insights on fostering a sense of belonging, imparting value, and equipping others for success, ultimately creating a community where each member can flourish.

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Managing Expectation

    Managing Expectation

    In this episode of 5.0 Five-Fold & Beyond we are unpacking the subject of expectation.  We all have expectations , it's important to know how to have healthy expectations, recognize unrealistic expectations and handle false expectations. 

    Putting this into practice will alieviate ministry pressures that are directly affected by expectation of ouselves and others.  

    For other content like this, listen to the other 5.0 podcasts and also search for Dr.'s Matt & Amy Carpenter on YouTube. 

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Don't Shove it

    Don't Shove it

    In a world where influence is all around us, from five-fold ministry, churches, marketplace, social media to everyday interactions, it's crucial to examine the ethical and heart implications of our actions.  We'll navigate the gray areas of persuasion, motivation, and the responsibilities that come with having a voice in society and people's lives. 
    We will discuss the difference between to coerce and inspire.
    " If you can inspire people you won't have to convince them." 

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    To Fleece or not to Fleece ?

    To Fleece or not to Fleece ?

    The phrases "putting out fleece" and "keys of the Kingdom"  Let us explain each of these concepts:

    1. Putting Out Fleece:
      In a Christian context, "putting out fleece" refers to the practice of seeking divine guidance or confirmation through a specific test or sign. This term is derived from the story of Gideon in the Bible, found in the book of Judges (Judges 6:36-40). In this story, Gideon asked God for a sign by placing a fleece (a woolen cloth) on the ground and requesting that it become wet with dew while the surrounding ground remained dry, and then later requesting the opposite. Gideon used these signs as a way to discern God's will and gain confidence in his decisions.
    2. Keys of the Kingdom:
      The concept of the "keys of the Kingdom" comes from a passage in the New Testament, specifically in the Gospel of Matthew 16:19, where Jesus says to the apostle Peter:
    3. In this passage, Jesus is symbolically giving Peter the authority to make decisions and judgments within the early Christian community, indicating a position of leadership and responsibility. This passage is often understood as a symbol of the authority and responsibility granted to church leaders and, by extension, to mature and spiritually advanced believers.
    4. It's seen as a sign of maturity when individuals shift from a more elementary or superficial understanding of their faith to a deeper, more responsible role within the church or their spiritual community, where they are entrusted with the "keys" to guide and make decisions for the benefit of others.

    In summary, "putting out fleece" is a way of seeking divine guidance through specific signs and can be seen as a less mature approach to faith, while the "keys of the Kingdom" represent a higher level of spiritual authority and responsibility within the Christian context, indicating a degree of maturity and trust in one's spiritual journey. These concepts reflect different aspects of faith and growth within your calling.

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    The Walk of the Called

    The Walk of the Called

    Interview with Bishop Don Carpenter with 60 years of ministry experience.
    We unwrap 2 Peter 1:10 making your calling sure. 
    Attention: What is this?
    Activation: Then what?
    Assignment: Doing it.

    guest contact: www.doncarpenter.ca

    Connect with us today@

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    When loneliness knocks at your door

    When loneliness knocks at your door

    Not shying away from this subject as many in ministry struggle or face loneliness. 
    How do you deal with it? Losing yourself in busyness or isolation?  
    We share 5 practises that will free us (and keep us) from loneliness's cold clutches.
    In ministry, you give a piece of yourself with what you deliver to those around you. You require relationships that fill you with encouragement, trust, and empowerment. 
    Go ahead and give that phone or video call to that fellow ministry you've been thinking about. We all need it!

    Connect with us today@

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Don't Weaponize Your Calling

    Don't Weaponize Your Calling

    The discussion during this episode.
    Assess and reframe what you say and how you get your message across so that it empowers and edifies.
    Jesus spent more time edifying His disciples than putting energy into correcting the Pharisaical religious group. Speak the truth in love. Ephesians 4:15.
    Rather than chastising incorrect or limited mindsets all the time, present to people the excellence of a thing. The more excellent will attract those who are hungry and willing. 
    He that has an ear to hear, let him hear.
    Connect with us today@

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Your Calling Becomes Alive with every Opportunity

    Your Calling Becomes Alive with every Opportunity

    Guest interview with Pastors Richard & Gail Perinchief of Ocala, Florida, USA.
    In this glimpse of their adventure, they share the priority of being available to whatever the Lord presents before you and how they complement one another in the ministry. Richard & Gail talk about how to quit striving and rely on the Holy Spirit for instruction. 
    We are called to serve. From there, you develop into what the Lord planted in you. 

    Connect with us today@

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Young Kings

    Young Kings

    Our guest, Mylon Beiler joins us as a young man who flows in the marketplace and in the church. He shares with us how he merges his responsibilities and his mindset as he reveals the call of God in his life. The marketplace and church ministry  is not a paradox. God moves powerfully as He gives the right tools for the right road.

    Connect with us today@

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Care For It...Teach it !

    Care For It...Teach it !

    In this interview with Denise Satrape who is an amazing administrator and pastor/prophet. Administrator and prophetic how does that all work? She is senior pastor of a thriving Kingdom church in Eliot Maine.
    She shares with us her 'ministry-calling-growth-experiences'... 
    Do not underestimate, or limit, the abilities the Lord put in you. Serve people with excellence and any opportunity that presents itself. This will cause whatever God put in you to rise to the top and be filled with His Glory.  
    Guest Pastor website https://citlchurches.org/
    Connect with us today@

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    I See It…I See It

    I See It…I See It

    One of the most common questions leaders ask us is “ How do I identify and develop  people with 5 Fold characteristics?”
    This episode, done in a Strategic Advisory approach, probes this question revealing approaches to; take notice of others and not be so consumed with our own ministry headway. 
     Encourage and promote ‘calling-health’, identify traits, Holy Spirit leading , do not  lay hands suddenly on anyone and so much more…..

    Connect with us today@

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Kingdom Links

    Kingdom Links

    Kingdom Links

    Are you having a difficult time connecting with other ministry and kingdom minded people? People who are genuinely excited about what God is doing in your life are the ones worth your while. 

    What are the benefits of spending such time, energy, and resources to develop connection? I’m glad you asked. 

    Let’s talk about why we  should make the effort, with who and how.

    Connect with us today@

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Do I Smell Good?

    Do I Smell Good?

    5.0 Five-Fold & Beyond Podcast

    Do I Smell Good? | The Fragrance of the Anointing

    The anointing is the burden removing & yoke breaking power of God that empowers believers to function supernaturally, having God’s favor upon our calling & life. Yesterday’s anointing will not be adequate to help you build and establish in new territory. 

    Let’s delve into this intriguing topic and keep it fresh!

    Connect with us today@

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Work it Out

    Work it Out

    Episode 38 Work it Out

    We jump in on this podcast with the question… how can the 5-Fold offices & ministries integrate effectively?

    We use Acts 11:19-0, Acts 13, as a launching point; delving into the Apostolic center in Antioch. The co-operation of evangelism- to pastor-teacher and prophets working together with the apostle’s guidance.

    When varying Five-fold ministries convene, there is a compounded supernatural, Biblical and anointing present to accomplish strong, effective and lasting work. 

    You need not be alone. Bring your piece to the table and get connected to others with a Five Fold Kingdom understanding.


    Connect with us today@

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com