
    5.0 Five-Fold & Beyond - Dr. Matt and Amy Carpenter

    Connect with us as we delve into the riches of 5-fold truths that unlock and mobilize people to take part in God’s design for His Church. Leaders will learn how to identify, inspire, and integrate 5-fold ministry functions in their teams experiencing maximum growth. With over 30 years of experience, Dr.’s Matt & Amy Carpenter assist individuals, leaders and teams to thrive in their callings.
    enIHIM TV /In His Image Ministries58 Episodes

    Episodes (58)

    Master Key -with guest Bishop Don Carpenter

    Master Key -with guest Bishop Don Carpenter

    In this exciting episode we got to sit down with Bishop Don Carpenter from Wickham New Brunswick, Canada, and scratch the surface about some keys for impactful ministry. He has 60 years experience to pull from as he shares with you some important master keys. 
    Check out our Guest: www.doncarpenter.ca

    Connect with us today @

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, or for more products, on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Are You A Square Peg In A Round Hole Part 3

    Are You A Square Peg In A Round Hole Part 3

    Episode 36  “Are You A Square Peg in a Round Hole?” Part 3

    Special guest Apostle Ron Satrape joins us for part 3 as we continue to discuss the question; What if the current system you’re in doesn’t support and encourage the development and/or operation of your gift or call?

    In this final mini 3-part episode, we look at the importance of submission and responsibility with faithfulness. When is it time to leave? How do I do that properly? How do I receive feedback from my leaders? Is my gift meant for within the walls of my church? How do I reconcile the calling of the Lord and the local Body of Christ?

    Book “Retooling the Church” by Ron Satrape found on Amazon or other publishing platforms that carry Destiny Image publishing 

    Connect with us today @

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Are You Square Peg In A Round Hole Part 2

    Are You  Square Peg In A Round Hole Part 2

    Special guest Apostle Ron Satrape joins us for part 2. We discuss the question; What if the current system you’re in doesn’t support and encourage the development and/or operation of your gift or call?

    We focus on worship leaders, pastor’s wives, pastors, and prophetic people in this podcast with questions like: how do I reconcile my belief that God called me here with a stifled environment that is unwilling to morph into a vibrant expression of the kingdom? When do I shake off the dust? Matthew 10:14 These and more questions we answer in this special 3 series podcast.

    . Connect with us today @

    Book “Retooling the Church” by Ron Satrape found on Amazon or other publishing platforms that carry Destiny Image publishing 

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com) 

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Are You A Square Peg In A Round Hole Part 1

    Are You A Square Peg In A Round Hole Part 1

    Episode 34 “Are You A Square Peg in a Round Hole?” Part 1

    Special guest Apostle Ron Satrape joins us as we discuss the question; What if the current system you’re in doesn’t support and encourage the development and/or operation of your gift or call?

    Do you have the authority to implement any effective change?

    Am I being effective here? Am I being a faithful steward with the call God put upon my life? Are some questions we answer in this special 3 series podcast.

    Connect with us today @ 

    Book “Retooling the Church” by Ron Satrape found on Amazon or other publishing platforms that carry Destiny Image publishing.

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    The Uniqueness of women in ministry

    The Uniqueness of women in ministry

    Special guest Dr.John Eckhardt Stauron ministries. Listen as we discuss the uniqueness that “female” adds to 5-fold ministry leadership.

    Women do not need to try to operate as men in these mantles. Women should not demean or compare themselves to men. God made male & female- as each one carries imparted characteristics that together reflect the full image of God.

    This will bring understanding to us all, male and female, to the design God has for the Ephesians 4 gifts to the Bride of Christ.

    Connect with us today @

    Guest: Dr. John Eckhardt.. http://www.pursuitoftheholy.org/  http://www.stauron.org/

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Women in 5-Fold Leadership

    Women in 5-Fold Leadership

    Special guest Dr. John Eckhardt of Stauron Ministries joins us we discuss the validity of women in 5-fold leadership. We will unfold the dynamics of women apostles, prophets, teachers and evangelists in scripture. You will be encouraged and empowered with clarity of how male and female integration in the Kingdom of God is designed.

    Connect with us today @

    Guest: Dr. John Eckhardt.. http://www.pursuitoftheholy.org/  http://www.stauron.org/

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)


    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    The Call Reaps a Harvest” An Interview with World Evangelist Caleb Wampler

    The Call Reaps a Harvest” An Interview with World Evangelist Caleb Wampler

    Caleb’s life has been marked by several supernatural encounters that began in his childhood and continue to this present day. As these encounters have increased, there has been a grace to release impartation of a Kingdom lifestyle into those that are ministered to. The Wampler’s have echoed the prayer of Jesus, “Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” and are carriers of His Kingdom into the nations of the world. 

    Caleb has witnessed incredible miracles and healings and has seen countless lives changed by the power of the Gospel from gas stations, restaurants, and shopping centers to the mission fields of the earth. The Wampler’s minister through the preaching of the Gospel, teaching, and the laying on of hands in Gospel Crusades, conferences, impartation services, house meetings, and churches as the Lord has confirmed His Word through salvations, signs, wonders, healings, and miracles. The Wampler’s currently reside in the Orlando, FL. USA area.

    Kingdom Encounters International (calebwampler.com)

    Connect with us today @

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Unintended Sabotage

    Unintended Sabotage

    As a 5-fold or ministry leader, you have a wonderful opportunity to empower people. Misguided mindsets as an effective leader will limit not only you, but those you are leading. Determine to empower others to fulfill what the Lord put on their life.

    In this podcast 5 keys of empowerment are introduced that will essentially enhance your ministry's influence and will cause people to be excited and free in the ways of the Kingdom.

    Connect with us today @

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    In the meantime

    In the meantime

    Defining what it is to have a ‘call’ from the Lord and what it means to be commissioned is so significant that it forms your steps and approach to ministry.

    We discuss the value of peers and spiritual coverings that recognize the fruit of your call and encourage you to blossom. A special, anointed commissioning creates a weighty glory that one never forgets.

    Between the ‘call’ and the ‘commission’ there is a ‘meantime’. Recognize your ‘meantime’ and don’t be discouraged.

    Connect with us today @

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Open Arms

    Open Arms

    How do you receive a five-fold ministry among you? How does one perceive and strengthen emerging five-fold ministries and get over the familiarity when seeing them grow and develop? How do I, as a leader, treat those that come among us that operate differently than I do?

    Ministerial ethics is becoming a forgotten art and younger and emerging ministries are not being taught. Honor one another.

    These questions and more are brought up and pointed out in this podcast such as expectations, boundaries, relational building, recognition, honor, etc.

    Connect with us today @

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    When the Veil Lifts

    When the Veil Lifts

    How do I move in my gits outside of the church building? How do I recognize when God is speaking to me in unexpected moments? These questions and more are opened up with guests: Evangelist Stephen and Barb Lewis from” Relevance Today.” Check out their podcast on your audio platform. Know your gift, Grow the person, and release it. 2 Timothy 4:2a, 1 Peter 4:10-11

    Connect with us today @
     Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: linkedin: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

     Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Knock, Knock. Who’s there? An apostle!

    Knock, Knock. Who’s there? An apostle!

    Apostles are chosen by the Lord and not men. Being an apostle is not a result of promotion and graduation from another calling. Lets explore together in this introduction of an apostle, the mantle, the office. Ephesians 4:11, 1 Corinthians 12:28-30.

    Apostleship is a relational, covenantal ministry motivated by love. They are fathers and mothers, not masters and ruler of another. Apostles activate the saints.

    Connect with us today @
     Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: linkedin: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

     Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Apostolic DNA

    Apostolic DNA

    There are many gifts and anointings that are apostolic. You may possess some of them. Let's identify and define some of the gifts and behaviors that are clearly in operation in the apostolic realm.

    Definition of the apostolic: Apostolos (GRK Noun), Apostello (GK Verb). “The leader of the fleet sent with the king's authority to invade, conquer and occupy a country in his name." Jesus came down from Heaven, from another kingdom, and established an apostolic team around Him. He invaded this kingdom to cause satanic strongholds to fall. He brought the Good news with a higher law to bring liberty to the captives.

    Connect with us today @
     Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: linkedin: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Apostolic Culture

    Apostolic Culture

    An apostolic influenced environment is brimming with building and establishing people's calling, releasing them into the world. Strategies are implemented and a pioneering spirit is encouraged in this realm. This podcast unwraps the traits and influences that are evident where an apostolic people are active. Ephesians 2:20-22.

    Connect with us today @
     Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: linkedin: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Apostolic Pitfalls

    Apostolic Pitfalls

    How to identify the false apostle from the true. Understand the difference between the emerging and immature versus the down right mean and ugly. This podcast talks about some of the pitfalls apostles have to watch out for in their lives. 1 Thessalonians 2:6

    Connect with us today @
     Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: linkedin: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Prophetic Pitfalls

    Prophetic Pitfalls

    Listen as we delve into the prophetic pitfalls to avoid and strategies to overcome them. It is important to mature in the gift and the call as you minister to those around you. May you discover the truth of the office of a prophet and be healed from any misuse of the office towards you. Also, honor and do not take for granted any rightly prophetic voice that has imparted God’s breath into your journey.

    Connect with us today @

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: linkedin: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV : Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Knock knock. Who’s there? A prophet

    Knock knock. Who’s there? A prophet

    In this episode, we talk about the office of a prophet and the traits and varied expressions of a prophet. We look at how important it is to have a mature prophet speaking in your midst and life. There is a level of authority and responsibility in this mantle that brings newness, instruction, correction, confirmation, and direction.

    Connect with us today @

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: linkedin: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV : Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Prophetic DNA

    Prophetic DNA

    It’s not a Pentecostal thing rather, it’s a Kingdom of God thing! This episode discusses a few gifts and anointings found in the prophetic realm of the Five-fold. Utterance gifts, revelatory gifts, creative gifts, spirit of prophecy, and prophetic teams are all introduced in this podcast. Discover and connect the flow in your life as you contribute your piece to the Body of Christ and the world.

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com
    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/
    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Prophetic Culture

    Prophetic Culture

    Prophetic; the Divine movement of God’s Presence reveals His heart and thoughts. The prophetic realm is filled with identifiable traits that bring God’s mind to the earth. Identify today prophetic elements found in a prophetic culture of your church, life and the Body of Christ. This episode reveals the importance of activation of faith for the impossible and a flow of fresh air to clear out any stagnation in our life.

    Connect with us today @

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

    Social media: linkedin: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com

    Teacher Pitfalls

    Teacher Pitfalls

    Things to watch out for in teaching ministries to ensure levels of maximum effectiveness in your ministry. We look at the pitfalls of the teacher realm and how to pull back from negative tendencies, if unchecked, that leads to legalism, elite-ism and being quarrelsome.

    Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com
    Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/
    Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)

    Thanks for listening! Connect with us, for more products or our availability on Facebook, Linkedin and ihimtv.com