
    5D Flow

    5D Flow is an action-based podcast that challenges you to take small steps toward healing yourself. It’s for people who are willing to do inner work. Excess fat, depression, anxiety, compulsive addiction, and many diseases are symptoms of bigger emotional and mental issues. The 5D Flow podcast helps you identify and heal the root causes of these symptoms. Each episode provides a unique perspective on one aspect of holistic health and offers a doable challenge designed to help you balance your life and recapture your vitality. It’s about trying new experiences and making important choices that support emotional, mental, and physical health. With topics ranging from self-esteem, spirituality, compulsive addictions, eating behavior, relationships, physicality, and more, you will learn the tools to address the root causes of these issues so that you can live a life of freedom and fulfillment. If you value self-accountability, building awareness, and getting outside of your comfort zone, then you will feel at home here. Are you ready for a change? Hit subscribe and let’s get started!
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    Episodes (43)

    For the Love of Food: An Intimate Relationship

    For the Love of Food: An Intimate Relationship

    #015 These days food is seen as an afterthought.  Eating is no longer an important ritual done with those we care about.  People are now accustomed to getting their food from gas stations or eating food which has been engineered to be addictive and consumed in front of screens designed to be equally addictive.  It is time to reconnect to the sacred practice of preparing our own food and consuming it with respect and appreciation.

    Invitation to Mastery

    This is a mindfulness exercise in eating.

    • Chew your food at least 25-30 times per bite
    • Take at least one hour to eat
    • Put down the fork/spoon between bites
    • Pay attention to flavors and textures

    Note thoughts related to this exercise.

    • Is there resistance?
    • Are you content?
    • Any negative thoughts come up? 

    Tell me how this week's challenge went: Saturday 5/28/22 @ 3:00 pm PST

    Check out the blog: An Intimate Relationship

    Download your free guide to setting meaningful intentions that can change your life.

    For the Love of Food: Your Formative Food Environment

    For the Love of Food: Your Formative Food Environment

    #014  Your past experience around mealtimes affects your present-day food choices, how you eat, and how you relate to your body. We often don't consider our food environment when we approach our eating behavior as an adult.  Because most families are under so much stress to survive financially, and meet outside obligations, what and how we eat often takes a backseat. But the environment In which you eat matters as much as what you eat.

    Invitation to Mastery

    This is a mindfulness exercise in eating.

    • Chew your food at least 25-30 times per bite
    • Take at least one hour to eat
    • Put down the fork/spoon between bites
    • Pay attention to flavors and textures
    • Note thoughts related to this exercise
      • Is there resistance?
      • Are you content?
      • Any negative thoughts come up? 

    Tell me how this week's challenge went: Saturday 5/21/22 @ 3:00 pm PST

    Check out the blog: Your Formative Food Environment

    Download your free guide to setting meaningful intentions that can change your life.

    For the Love of Food: Refrigerator = Medicine Chest

    For the Love of Food: Refrigerator = Medicine Chest

    #013 What you eat can be medicine or poison.  Although there is no established definition of “food as medicine”, it can generally be understood as the removal of toxins/non-foods from your diet and using whole foods to promote health. I would describe a healthy food/meal as anything you could pick or kill, made by yourself or someone who loves you. I would describe “poisonous” food as any food that is prepared by someone else (in a different location), made with some (or many) synthetic ingredients.  This episode may shock you…

    Invitation to Mastery
    The ability to plan, prepare, and time your meals are essential skills in cooking from scratch.  It can be very daunting at first, but as with anything, if you stick it out through the resistance and setbacks, you will be successful. 

    This challenge may seem simple and easy for some, but it may be harder than you think.  As you do this challenge, be mindful of your resistance, your desire to make it easy for yourself, and any thoughts related to giving up before the 5 days are over.  Also, it will be helpful to pay attention to the signals coming from your body.  Are you feeling more energized, getting better sleep, or experiencing better concentration?

    • Practice knife skills -Watch the following video, and practice with at least one vegetable per day.
    • Cook/prepare all meals yourself for 5 consecutive days - If you use anything that comes in a package it needs to have 3 ingredients or less (nothing synthetic/man-made).

    Tell me how this week's challenge went: Saturday 5/14/22 @ 3:00 pm PST

    Check out the blog: Refrigerator = Medicine Chest

    Download your free guide to setting meaningful intentions that can change your life.

    5D Flow
    en-usMay 09, 2022

    For the Love of Food: Your Relationship with Nourishment

    For the Love of Food: Your Relationship with Nourishment

    #012 We have increasingly become detached from where our food comes from and how it’s been prepared.  The transition has been very favorable to the food industry at the expense of our health. The current state of our food system has made it imperative to reevaluate our relationship with food. We can start with our current attitude toward preparing the food we consume ourselves. This episode explores our relationship with food and food preparation.

    Invitation to Mastery
    How much do you argue for your limitations?  What excuses do you have for why you don’t have the money or time to eat healthy? The following exercises will bring awareness to truths that exist in opposition to your rationalizations.

    Free Time Inventory: 

    • For the next 7 days, track how much time you spend doing things that do not align with your dreams, goals, or values.  
    • Examples include: social media, streaming services/TV, watching sports, daydreaming, thinking about/dreading the things you need to do, or shopping online for things you don’t need.  
    • Be brutally honest with yourself and diligently track every minute.  Total the amount for each day.  As you track your time, be mindful of thoughts like: “I deserve this”, “ten minutes won’t hurt”, or “just this once…” etc.

    Grocery budget: 

    1. Track how much you spend on everything you consume over a 7 day period.  This includes drinks (energy drinks/coffee/bottled water), snacks, candy, tobacco, alcohol, and eating out - in addition to groceries.  Once you've tracked the daily totals, add each day's total to find your weekly total.  This is the amount that you currently have to spend on healthy food. You may be surprised by the number.
    2. Take the amount calculated in step one and place that much cash in an envelope.  
    3. Plan your meals for the week and ensure you stay within the amount within your envelope (your budget).
    4. Avoid purchasing anything that’s not part of your plan.  Yes, that means that eventually you’ll need to eliminate energy drinks, purchased coffee drinks, bottled water, snacks, candy, tobacco, alcohol, or eating out.  Start small and gradually eliminate the foods and substances that do not align with your dreams.

    Tell me how this week's challenge went: Saturday 5/07/22 @ 3:00 pm PST

    Check out the blog: Your Relationship with Nourishment

    Download your free guide to setting meaningful intentions that can change your life.

    5D Flow
    en-usMay 02, 2022

    Loneliness and Your Health: Shame

    Loneliness and Your Health: Shame

    #011 Shame is an insidious and often unacknowledged form of self-abandonment.  We experience shame anytime we lose a sense of connection between ourselves and those we love and need.  It crushes self-compassion and the ability to have self-warmth.  In this episode, we explore the role of shame in self-abandonment, loneliness, and health.

    Invitation to Mastery
    Please be gentle with yourself as you explore the origins of your shame in your journal.  It may be necessary to meet with someone in your support network after you finish writing.

    • Where have you experienced a loss of connection with someone you love or needed?
    • Did you experience someone else's shame through their addiction, overwhelm, contempt, or abuse?
    • List as many as you're willing to look at at this moment.
    • If you feel ready, write an unsent letter to your younger self.  This letter can be an important way to build self-warmth and self-connection with the part of you that is still hurting.  What does your younger self need to hear from you? 

    Tell me how this week's challenge went: Saturday 4/30/22 @ 3:00 pm PST

    Check out the blog: Loneliness & Your Health

    Download your free guide to setting meaningful intentions that can change your life.

    Loneliness & Your Health: Subtle Addictions

    Loneliness & Your Health: Subtle Addictions

    #010   When we think of addicts, we may think of somebody in an alley drinking from a bottle in a brown paper bag, but addictions can be very subtle.  We can be addicted to using ego-based strategies to get our needs met and distract from emotional pain.  The end result is often isolation and loneliness. 

    Invitation to Mastery

    Respond to each of the following prompts in your journal.

    • How am I powerless over my need ___________
      • To be liked/approved of
      • To be seen for what I have in my life
      • To be seen for what I do
    • What are some of the consequences of this behavior?
    • What am I willing to do differently?  What does that look like?
    • How can I embody Integrity and personal responsibility as I take action toward healing this addiction?

    Tell me how this week's challenge went: Saturday 4/23/22 @ 3:00 pm PST

    Check out the blog: Loneliness & Your Health

    Download your free guide to setting meaningful intentions that can change your life.

    Loneliness & Your Health: Seeking Approval

    Loneliness & Your Health: Seeking Approval

    #009 It seems innocent enough, maybe that’s because almost everyone does it, but seeking approval has a costly shadow side.  A self-centered concern for approval and validation can lead to shame and guilt.  Real self-esteem can never come from the esteem of others.  Seeking approval and validation from others can lead to loneliness through the self abandonment that comes from forsaking your own emotional needs for the needs of your ego. The result is often a feeling of emptiness that comes from self-denial and inauthentic behavior.

    Invitation to Mastery

    Choose from one of the following and do it at least three times this week.  I suggest you do the one thing that brings you the most discomfort.  Your growth and development happens outside your comfort zone.

    • Sit by yourself for one hour with no distractions - write down all of your thoughts that are related to seeking approval. Examples include: worrying about a look someone gave you, a concern that some may be ignoring you, or thoughts of how you can win someone's favor.
    • Do a 24 hour social media fast (three total for the week - ideally consecutively) 
    • Put up a personal boundary between you and someone who constantly crosses them
    • Say no to any request that you truly don't want to oblige

    Tell me how this week's challenge went: Saturday 4/16/22 @ 3:00 pm PST

    Check out the blog: Loneliness & Your Health

    Download your free guide to setting meaningful intentions that can change your life.

    Loneliness & Your Health: Trauma

    Loneliness & Your Health: Trauma

    #008 When we experience trauma, especially during childhood, it can lead to dis-integration or fragmentation.  This happens when we compartmentalize emotional pain. When we have portions of ourselves that are unable or unwilling to look at and to integrate, it could lead us to a sense of loneliness. This is because when we have parts that we do not acknowledge, we're not able to accompany ourselves.  Healing lies in integration. It's putting back together our fractured pieces and becoming whole again. This episode provides a path towards integration.

    Invitation to Mastery
    Take action toward healing your past pain and trauma.  The fact that you are reading this now means the time is right to start (or restart) your healing journey.  Life is too short to be carrying around emotional baggage.  Please consider taking action on this TODAY!  

    • What steps can be taken to begin the healing process?
      • Do you need to find a good counselor?
      • Research books on healing trauma?
      • Seek out trauma healing modalities such as journal writing?

    Download your free guide to setting meaningful intentions that can change your life.

    Check out the blog:
    Loneliness & Your Health

    Self-Sabotage: Therapeutic Personal Responsibility

    Self-Sabotage: Therapeutic Personal Responsibility

    #007 Getting healthy usually requires a considerable amount of effort and a group of friends and professionals to support you. That said, you are ultimately responsible for your own healing. If you have a mental, physical, or emotional health issue no one can “fix” it for you.  For some, it’s tough to accept that ultimately no one is rescuing them from their health issues.  Personal responsibility is one of the most potent ways to reverse self-sabotage because it cannot coexist with a victim mentality.  This, and more, is explored in today's episode.

    Invitation to mastery

    Now that you're more aware of the ways that you self-sabotage, return to something you're trying to heal; a place where you’ve sabotaged yourself in the past.  As you face the challenges that go along with this new change, reflect on your new perspective in your journal by completing these stems. 

    • I can now see that “failure” in this situation means…
    • Healthy ways I can deal with disappointment include…
    • Actions that serve as a demonstration of my personal responsibility are…
    • I can be more accepting of setbacks by…
    • When I see signs and symptoms that I may be engaging in self-sabotage, I will now choose to…

    Check out the blog: Self-Sabotage & Your Health

    Download your free guide to setting meaningful intentions that can change your life.

    Self Sabotage: “Failure” Does Not Make You Defective

    Self Sabotage: “Failure” Does Not Make You Defective

    #006 We live in a society that is driven by (and often only rewards) success.  Anything short of what is often outwardly defined as success is seen as failure.  “If you’re not first, you’re last”- Rickey Bobby.  This attitude never works when it comes to self-healing.  Most of this viewpoint comes from an unwillingness to accept failure and setback as a part of the growth and healing process. 

    Your invitation to mastery

    Understanding your reactions is the first step in changing your relationship failure. Use the following journal prompts to expand your awareness around failure.

    • How do you deal with failure? 
    • How do you react to disappointment and missed expectations?  What kind of strategies or behaviors do you use to comfort yourself in those situations?
    • What do you say to yourself when you experience failure?
    • What would it look and feel like to change your relationship with failure?

     Check out the blog: Self-Sabotage & Your Health

     Download your free guide to setting meaningful intentions that can change your life.

    Self-Sabotage: Same Problem - New Solution

    Self-Sabotage: Same Problem - New Solution

    #005 Why do we continue to apply the same flawed strategies that clearly do not improve our chances of getting us what we want?  We have so much to deal with in our lives.  The stress of work, commitments and obligations, and relationships is only part of the daily pressure affecting our ability to navigate challenging situations.  Add to that, past pain and emotional scarring. No wonder so many of us walk around at consistently high levels of overwhelm. In this overwhelming state, it is extremely difficult to change and heal.  The solution to this problem may surprise you.

    Your invitation to mastery

    Incorporating a new health behavior into your life can be stressful.  Having an increased awareness around the signals that your body is sending you can be helpful. Try following these steps to move into the relational side of your brain and to create new solutions to stubborn obstacles standing between you and your goals.

    1. Naming feelings and body sensations
      • If feelings of loneliness, fear, or uncertainty come up, strive to locate and name the sensations and signals your body is sending.
    2. Name thoughts without identifying with them
      • When self-limiting thoughts come up such as “I can’t do this” or “this is too hard”, name these feelings (such as “fear”) without allowing the thoughts to settle into the body and cause anxiety or stress.
    3. Journal writing 
      • Reflect on your experiences throughout the day by writing about how naming your thoughts and feelings affect your stress levels and sense of your connection to self. 

     Check out the blog: Self-Sabotage & Your Health

     Download your free guide to setting meaningful intentions that can change your life.

    Self Sabotage: Are they Goals or Fantasies?

    Self Sabotage: Are they Goals or Fantasies?

    #004 We live in a society focused on instant gratification.  It’s easy to get caught in daydreams of what it will be like when goals are achieved.  This common attitude toward goals gives us a small amount of pleasure in the moment, but ultimately distracts us from getting what we want.

     Your invitation to mastery

    In your journal,  use the following prompts to identify  past  patterns of behavior.

    1. What area of your life do you fantasize the most (finance, physical, relationships, career, school, etc.)?
    2. List all of the times where you focused on the outcomes more than the process.
    3. How did focusing on the outcomes affect your ability to do the day-to-today work to achieve and your goal(s)?
    4. When your expectations did not align with your eventual outcomes, what did that feel like? How did you react? What are the common patterns involved with each situation? 

     Check out the blog: Self-Sabotage & Your Health

     Download your free guide to setting meaningful intentions that can change your life.


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