
    A Man's Journey Through Divorce

    “A Man’s Journey Through Divorce” Podcast studies various aspects of divorce, the common challenges and pitfalls, and shares tools and strategies to help divorcees achieve the best possible outcome. Hosted by Steve Schleupner, Certified Divorce Coach® and Financial Advisor, the podcast shares insights from someone whose been there.

    New Episodes air every Monday
    enSteven Schleupner111 Episodes

    Episodes (111)

    Ep. 91 Practicing Cycles of Forgiveness

    Ep. 91 Practicing Cycles of Forgiveness
    Divorce tension will exist until forgiven. When it’s not forgiven, the tension turns into cycles of un-forgiveness that block one from moving beyond the divorce. In this episode, Steve talks about how to practice cycles of forgiveness so you can unleash from the stored hurt in divorce.

    Visit to learn more about Prosperity Coaching.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Ep. 90 Moving On From "The Taker"

    Ep. 90 Moving On From "The Taker"
    Your ex-spouse might be a “taker”. Their concern might be centered on how much money they can get, custodial time they can capture, or even how much joy they can take from your life. Their self-centeredness breeds frustration, resentment, bitterness, and even anger — all of which are anchors to moving on with your life. In this episode, I talk about how to move on from “the taker”.

    Visit to learn more about Prosperity Coaching.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Ep. 89 Divorce is Showing Where You Are Living Unauthentically

    Ep. 89 Divorce is Showing Where You Are Living Unauthentically
    Beyond the loss of a spouse, or the loss of your retirement, sits a miracle. A miracle that lies in the stripping away of the accumulations supporting an inauthentic life. In this episode, I explain how many divorcees were stuck living a life with pent-up intentions. The divorce merely awakens these intentions by shedding light on changes they truly want to make.

    Visit to learn more about Prosperity Coaching.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Ep. 88 Investing in Your Bench

    Ep. 88 Investing in Your Bench
    In this episode, I speak to the importance of making investments in your bench, or support team, as you transition into the unfamiliar. I highlight how our archetype of “The Provider,” “The Protectors” of our family can hinder us as we make the investments.

    Visit to learn more about Prosperity Coaching.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Ep 87 Releasing Stored Sadness

    Ep 87 Releasing Stored Sadness
    Divorce is unlike any other life transition. The loss of dreams and identities, that once were strong, guiding attachments, bring complex emotions that are hard to understand and release. In this episode, I share a recent story of stored sadness catching me off guard, and how I went about releasing it.

    Visit to learn more about Prosperity Coaching.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Ep 86 Money is Your Teacher

    Ep 86 Money is Your Teacher
    In this episode, we talk about money and it’s purpose as a teacher. Money brings out our greatest fears, yearnings, secrets, and needs. Our response to money, irrespective if we have it or not, highlights the path for our soul’s growth.

    Visit to learn more about Prosperity Coaching.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Ep. 85 Shadowboxing "Aimless Anger"

    Ep. 85 Shadowboxing "Aimless Anger"
    Your success with fully moving beyond divorce rests on your ability to accept the denied parts of yourself, or what psychologists call the shadow. In this episode, I speak to “aimless anger,” and dive into a recent event that caused anger to uncover part of my shadow-self I have been denying.

    Visit to learn more about Prosperity Coaching.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Ep. 84 Dying to Your Idea of Success

    Ep. 84 Dying to Your Idea of Success
    Is “not ever getting married again” the only thing you learned from your divorce? There is a deeper question, possibly one that resides around the question, “What was it all for?” In this episode, Steve continues on the theme of the Hero’s Journey and uses divorce as the “falling event” that opens up the call to adventure. He uses his own learning around dying to one’s definition of success as an example.

    Visit to learn more about Prosperity Coaching.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Ep. 83 Transitioning to a New Season

    Ep. 83 Transitioning to a New Season
    Listen as I launch Season 2. The theme for Season 2 is “Beyond”. We are moving beyond divorce towards the person you want to be and the life you want to live using the tools, strategies, and wisdom learned through season 1 - the transition through divorce.

    Visit to learn more about Prosperity Coaching.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Ep. 82 Be Stingy with Your Attention

    Ep. 82 Be Stingy with Your Attention
    Your attention is a commodity. It's actually the most valuable commodity in my mind. It’s something that’s been up from grabs prior to your divorce and is certainly up for grabs during and after. In this episode, I share an exercise to help you stop the time thieves and bring your focus to what’s important now.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Take the Divorce “Suckiness” Assessment: https://youtreecoaching.com/divorce-assessment/ https://youtreecoaching.com/support-tools/

    Ep. 81 Tackling Anger and Winning

    Ep. 81 Tackling Anger and Winning
    Anger is a natural expression to situations that harm our body, family, and property. It’s when we allow anger toward these situations to harm our character do we permit ourselves to experience even greater harm. In this episode, I share a Stoic tool for tackling anger by looking at the judgements we cast towards situations. It’s understanding these judgements that hold the key to tackling anger. I also explain how to diffuse unnecessary expressions and repressions of anger through the virtue of kindness.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Take the Divorce “Suckiness” Assessment: https://youtreecoaching.com/divorce-assessment/ https://youtreecoaching.com/support-tools/

    Ep 80 Difference Between Justice and Fairness

    Ep 80 Difference Between Justice and Fairness
    Philosophy works to identify differences between similar themes, like justice and fairness. We want justice and fairness in divorce. Is it possible to have both? In this episode, Steve talks about justice and fairness, and explains how we can control the impact of less than ideal outcomes on who we are and the life we want to live.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Take the Divorce “Suckiness” Assessment: https://youtreecoaching.com/divorce-assessment/ https://youtreecoaching.com/support-tools/

    Ep 79 An Unexamined Divorce is a Lost Opportunity

    Ep 79 An Unexamined Divorce is a Lost Opportunity
    Divorce presents a lot of “unwelcomes”. Yet, it also presents the opportunity to truly exam your life right now. In this episode, I speak to the trap of waiting on time as one sits with a grievance, and how to move from this exile towards the miracle lying within each grievance.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Take the Divorce “Suckiness” Assessment: https://youtreecoaching.com/divorce-assessment/ https://youtreecoaching.com/support-tools/

    Ep 78 Being Responsible for Setting a New Beginning

    Ep 78 Being Responsible for Setting a New Beginning
    Divorce is an ending. But as with all endings, it is a new beginning. In this episode, I talk about why it’s important to start the new beginning with clear intentions for your life, and not let the new beginning be dictated by the past, or by some professional who may be in your life for just a short window of time.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Take the Divorce “Suckiness” Assessment: https://youtreecoaching.com/divorce-assessment/ https://youtreecoaching.com/support-tools/

    Ep 77 Creating Your Way Through Problems

    Ep 77 Creating Your Way Through Problems
    Problems are teachers, not persecutors. Many see problems as the thing that’s breaking them. No, problems are what's teaching where you are arguing against the truth. They show where we are absent a tool to create change. In this episode, I share how to look at problems with curiosity so that you can be the creator around the problem.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Take the Divorce “Suckiness” Assessment: https://youtreecoaching.com/divorce-assessment/ https://youtreecoaching.com/support-tools/

    Ep 76 Reversal of Obligation

    Ep 76 Reversal of Obligation
    As the main provider for your family, you willingly offered a lifestyle. At no point did you ever think one would suggest they have a “right” to maintain that standard of living. The obligation you shouldered pre-divorce tied more to the dreams you wanted for your united family. Now that the separation is here, there is a shift in this obligation. Instead of the welcoming the free will to provide, you find yourself stuck as you lose this free-will and shoulder entitlement. In this episode, I share how to reverse the paralyzing negativity of this new form of obligation.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Take the Divorce “Suckiness” Assessment: https://youtreecoaching.com/divorce-assessment/ https://youtreecoaching.com/support-tools/

    Ep 75 How to Get Over Divorce?

    Ep 75  How to Get Over Divorce?
    It's easy to get trapped in the divorce kaleidoscope of worry, doubt, fear, and uncertainty. In this episode, I talk about how to get over divorce by stopping the fragments from spinning out of control.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process.https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Take the Divorce “Suckiness” Assessment:https://youtreecoaching.com/divorce-assessment/https://youtreecoaching.com/support-tools/

    Ep 74 The Outcome is What You Decide It Is

    Ep 74 The Outcome is What You Decide It Is
    Your divorce outcome is what you decide it is. It's as simple as that, or as hard as that. The outcome is not the swirling uncertainty, and the layers of toxic attacks - unless you decide those are pieces of the outcome you want. No, the outcome is what you decide it is - irrespective of the swirling forces outside of you. Once you decide to believe the drama cannot take any parts of what your "really own", then you are making a decision that you cannot lose, and are allowing full possibility - full prosperity - to open to your future.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process.https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Take the Divorce “Suckiness” Assessment:https://youtreecoaching.com/divorce-assessment/https://youtreecoaching.com/support-tools/

    Ep. 73 Letting Go of the Old

    Ep. 73 Letting Go of the Old
    The fabric of an old life can cause you to hold onto what once was, and prevent you from allowing your new life to unfold. In this process, you can get trapped in thinking about all that you lost, instead of grasping what is here now. In this episode, I share an analogy from David Brooks' book, "The Second Mountain" to help with letting go of the fabric of your old life.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process.https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Take the Divorce “Suckiness” Assessment:https://youtreecoaching.com/divorce-assessment/https://youtreecoaching.com/support-tools/

    Ep. 72 Your Construct of Divorce

    Ep. 72 Your Construct of Divorce
    We approach divorce with a construct of the way things "should be". It's this construct that drives much of one's behavior and reactions. In this episode, Steve talks about personal divorce constructs and how they can block best outcomes.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon page gives listeners access to target support that matches where they are in the divorce process.https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72246018&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutreecoaching.com%2Fsupport-tools%2F&utm_medium=widget

    Take the Divorce “Suckiness” Assessment:https://youtreecoaching.com/divorce-assessment/https://youtreecoaching.com/support-tools/