
    A Moment in History

    A Moment in History is a TV series and podcast hosted by Seth Udinski. The series includes short episodes and full-length documentaries ranging from ancient times to the modern world. Passionate about the importance of learning from our history rather than revising it, Seth shares the often forgotten or unknown truths about the people and events of biblical history, American history, world history, warfare, politics, geography, sports, and culture. With masterful storytelling, A Moment in History is a series for everyone, about the heroes, legends, events, and everyday people who have shaped our world as we know it.
    enFISM TV90 Episodes

    Episodes (90)

    George H. W. Bush

    George H. W. Bush

    At the start of the final decade of the 20th Century, the world was rapidly changing. The Cold War was about to end; technology and computers were on the rise; and there was growing tension in the Middle East. Presiding over this pivotal time in American history was a determined, former baseball star and World War II hero looking to lead the country in the footsteps of his predecessor for whom he had served as Vice President. He was the 41st President of the United States: George H. W. Bush.

    Dome of the Rock

    Dome of the Rock

    Jerusalem is arguably the most important city in the history of the world. With over 3,000 years of history and the location where the Lord of the universe was crucified and rose again, there’s little debate to that statement. Add that to the fact that the city is claimed as the cream of the crop for Christianity, Judaism, and even Islam. Speaking of Islam, the most holy site in the religion is housed on the foundations of the Jewish Temple Mount – the place where Muslims claim that the prophet Muhammad ascended into Heaven. It is one of, if not the oldest, site in Islam – the Dome of the Rock.

    Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter

    In the election of 1976, Americans were looking for a remake from the Watergate scandal and the rough Vietnam years that dominated national news for the more than a decade. The nation elected a man who was seen initially as a pioneer to lead the country to a new level of prosperity. He would end up as one of the most controversial presidents in the nation’s history. Under his leadership, the United States was cast into financial chaos and faced a series of foreign conflicts that grew seemingly out of control under his watch. He was the 39th President of the United States, Jimmy Carter.

    Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford

    In the mid-1970’s, America was in a time of crisis. The nation was coming to terms with the fact that it couldn’t secure a win with the war in Vietnam; it was divided back home between conservatives and a newly-birthed radical liberal contingent; and it was coming off a decade of public assassinations as well as a troubling scandal that forced a promising president out of the Oval Office. Coming out of this chaos was a relatively calm and steady leader who served as the 38th President of the United States: Gerald Ford.

    John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy

    Controversial characters of history are some of the most fascinating to explore because they really do come as a mixed bag. So, the story of America has several of these, especially in the 20th century. One of the most memorable was the golden boy of a 20th century American Dynasty. He is the infamous, 35th President of The United States John F. Kennedy.

    The Appalachian Mountains

    The Appalachian Mountains

    In the United States, there are many geographical landmarks that provide boundary markers for states and regions. One of these is a massive mountain range that runs like a backbone north to south through the eastern section of the nation. It played a critical role in the development of American state boundaries in the first 100 years of the nation’s existence. Running from the state of Maine through the Deep South, these are the Appalachian Mountains.

    The Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift

    In the Cold War, tensions between the two world Superpowers of the United States and Soviet Union had never been higher. Yet, during the 40-plus years of conflict, not a single shot was fired between these two foes. The moment most historians believe started the Cold War was the Berlin Airlift in 1948.

    The Flying Dutchman

    The Flying Dutchman

    In a place as chaotic and eerie as the sea, many legends have come about throughout the ages of sailing. Perhaps the most famous from the Golden Age of pirating is a terrifying tale about a ghost ship that would allegedly appear as a harbinger of doom and death to sailors on dark waters. It was known as The Flying Dutchman.

    A Moment in History
    enJuly 04, 2023

    The Legend of the Bermuda Triangle

    The Legend of the Bermuda Triangle

    In marine legends, there are certain places in the world that strike fear in the hearts of sailors and travelers. One of the most famous is a portion of water that covers a large footprint in the North Atlantic Ocean, roughly 500,000 square miles, and straddles the Sargasso Sea and parts of the Caribbean Islands. Legend says it is a place where ships have been lost at sea, radar connections have been unexplainedly disrupted or fractured altogether, and planes have mysteriously gone down without explanation. This place of legend is known as the Bermuda Triangle.

    The Kraken

    The Kraken

    The ocean is an unsettling place, and humans have often turned to mythological stories as a way to make sense out of the turbulence of the sea. While many of those tales are little more than folklore, some legends are based on aspects of truth. One of the most terrifying of these is the beast of the waters that was said to crush whole ships in its grip.  Known in ancient days as the Kraken, it is known today by another name.