
    A Moment in History

    A Moment in History is a TV series and podcast hosted by Seth Udinski. The series includes short episodes and full-length documentaries ranging from ancient times to the modern world. Passionate about the importance of learning from our history rather than revising it, Seth shares the often forgotten or unknown truths about the people and events of biblical history, American history, world history, warfare, politics, geography, sports, and culture. With masterful storytelling, A Moment in History is a series for everyone, about the heroes, legends, events, and everyday people who have shaped our world as we know it.
    enFISM TV90 Episodes

    Episodes (90)

    John Quincy Adams

    John Quincy Adams

    In American history, only a handful of presidents have followed in their father’s footsteps to the presidency. The first which to do so happened early on in the nation’s history. Let’s explore the narrative of the sixth president of the United States, from the state of Massachusetts and son of the nation’s second president John Adams, John Quincy Adams.

    The Confederate Army Surrenders

    The Confederate Army Surrenders

    In today’s episode, we journey back to the spring of 1865. The American Civil War had ravaged the United States for four years; thousands of men and boys had died in this brutal war between brothers, a war to ultimately save the Union and finally end the horrid practice of racial slavery in the nation. And on April 9, 1865, the United States was saved from destruction, as the Confederate Army formally surrendered to the Union in Appomattox, Virginia.

    Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln

    We explore the man who, many historians say, single-handedly saved the United States of America during its darkest period. He guided the nation through a bloody Civil War and led the nation away from the vile practice of slavery. On March 4, 1861, he began his first term as US president, and 4 years later on the same day, he began his second. He was Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States.

    The Christmas Truce

    The Christmas Truce

    In December of 1914, the world was at war. Many called it the “war to end all wars” for its massive casualty count and worldwide scope. The two sides, mainly led by Germany and Great Britain, respectively, remained deadlocked in a brutal stalemate on the trenches of Western Europe. But in a moment unmatched in history before or possibly since, the fighting stopped. It was only for one day, but it was the appropriate day in the world for enemies to come together in peace – Christmas Day, the celebration of the birth of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. On Christmas Day in 1914, World War I stopped. This is the Christmas Truce.

    The Historical St. Nicholas

    The Historical St. Nicholas

    In our journey through history, let’s dive into a figure who is beloved by many in the West as a legendary figure of gift-giving, merriment, and goodwill. Santa Claus, or St. Nicolas as he is known, is one of the most well-known, and in some cases controversial, characters of the Christmas season. Many, myself included, can recall the day as children when we found out that the jolly old elf who gives gifts to all the good little boys and girls on Christmas Eve is merely a fairy tale. Or was he? While we can all agree that there is no world-traveling gift giver who magically bestows Christmas presents all in one night, there was a real St. Nicolas, and he was a titanic figure of the Christian faith. Let’s discover the Christian hero and servant of Jesus behind the legend Santa Claus – St. Nicholas of Myra.