
    A Moment in History

    A Moment in History is a TV series and podcast hosted by Seth Udinski. The series includes short episodes and full-length documentaries ranging from ancient times to the modern world. Passionate about the importance of learning from our history rather than revising it, Seth shares the often forgotten or unknown truths about the people and events of biblical history, American history, world history, warfare, politics, geography, sports, and culture. With masterful storytelling, A Moment in History is a series for everyone, about the heroes, legends, events, and everyday people who have shaped our world as we know it.
    enFISM TV90 Episodes

    Episodes (90)

    The Knights Templar

    The Knights Templar

    Let’s travel back to the Medieval world and age of Crusading. The Crusades were some of the most epic battles in world history, pitting Christians and Muslims against one another for ultimate supremacy over the Holy Lands in Israel. Out of these bloody battles, a legendary military order would arise. The order was powerful yet also pious. It became one of the wealthiest institutions in medieval Europe yet collapsed suddenly and swiftly. Let’s discover the epic story of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon, also known as the Knights Templar. To watch the video of this episode click here https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-the-knights-templar/

    Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson

    Let’s take a journey back into American history and explore one of the more baffling and quite unpopular presidents in the United States. This man was tasked with the difficult responsibility of rebuilding, or more appropriately, “reconstructing,” the United States in the years following the devastating American Civil War. He was Andrew Johnson, the 17th President of the United States. You can watch this episode here https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-andrew-johnson/

    Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill

    Let’s go back over a century and explore one of the most complex figures in Western History.  He was at the same time a gifted writer, an English gentleman, and a stern military man; he was born into a noble lineage, but it was his life’s work that earned him a knighthood; he was hated by some as a brash and pompous elitist, but lauded by most as a hero of democracy and a champion of the free world.  This complex man is Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain during the Second World War. To watch the video of this episode click here https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-winston-churchill/

    JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination

    In today’s segment, we explore one of the most shocking national crimes in the history of the 20th century. If you ask any American born before the year 1960, they will likely be able to remember the exact moment when they found out that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while riding in a motorcade parade in Dallas on November 22, 1963. History tells us that the prime suspect in this murder investigation was Lee Harvey Oswald, an embittered ex-Marine and an expert marksman. But we may never know for sure if he was the president’s murderer, because of the actions of a Dallas nightclub owner named Jack Ruby, on November 24, 1963. You can watch this episode here https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-jack-ruby-and-the-jfk-assassination/

    The Columbine Massacre

    The Columbine Massacre

    On April 20, 1999, hundreds of high school students arrived at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, for what they expected to be a normal day. It would become a tragic and horrific day for these students and teachers, as 13 members of Columbine High School were murdered in cold blood by two shooters in one of the worst mass school shootings in American history: the Columbine Massacre.



    This landmark is one of the oldest in the world, and it stands in much the same way as it has done for thousands of years. Historians have argued and been subsequently baffled by this strange collection of rocks in Wiltshire, England. Let’s go back thousands of years and explore the circle of stones in England known as Stonehenge. Go here to watch this episode https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-stonehenge/

    A Moment in History
    enSeptember 20, 2022

    United Flight 93

    United Flight 93

    On September 11, 2001 two planes were taken over by Islamic terrorists and flown into the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York, and a third crashed into the side of the Pentagon in Washington, DC. There was a 4th plane hijacked that day, and many believe these hijackers had another Washington DC target in mind, such as the Capitol building or even the White House. But thanks to the sacrifice of several brave civilians on board, the plane crashed into a field in western Pennsylvania. Let’s explore the heroic takeover of United Flight 93. Watch this episode here https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-united-flight-93/

    The 9/11 Boat Rescue Pt. 2

    The 9/11 Boat Rescue Pt. 2

    In our last segment, we looked at the horrific terrorist attacks of 9/11, orchestrated by Islamic terrorists and causing the deaths of nearly 3,000 people. The Twin Towers had collapsed, and hundreds of thousands of New York citizens, many in need of medical attention, were stranded on Manhattan Island as int became engulfed in smoke and ash. All bridges and tunnels were closed, and the only way off the island was by boat. Here, in the face of great tragedy, hundreds of ordinary American heroes stepped in to help rescue these stranded souls in the 9/11 Boat Rescue. Watch this episode here https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-the-9-11-boat-rescue-pt-2/

    The 9/11 Boat Rescue Pt. 1

    The 9/11 Boat Rescue Pt. 1

    Every American born before the late 1990s likely remembers the moment they found out that Islamic terrorists had orchestrated a horrific attack against innocent civilians on September 11, 2001. This attack, though horrible, also brought out the very best in American citizens. One of the most under appreciated rescues in American history happened because of ordinary people caring for one another in this extraordinary way. In this special two-part September 11 memorial of A Moment in History, let’s explore the inspiring story of the 9/11 Boat Rescue. Watch this episode here https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-the-9-11-boat-rescue-pt-1/

    Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass

    This man rose from slavery to freedom and eventually national prominence and was one of the first nationally-known African American statesmen in the country. Let’s explore the life and legacy of Frederick Douglass. Watch this episode here https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-frederick-douglass/

    Babe Ruth

    Babe Ruth

    This man came from a hard upbringing to stardom in Major League Baseball. He was a complex figure – he dealt with drunkenness and failed marriage, and at the same time had a soft spot in his heart for children, beloved universally for his childish personality and superstar fame. Let’s explore the story of George Herman Ruth, known in history as Babe Ruth Watch this episode about Babe Ruth here https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-babe-ruth/

    The United States Supreme Court

    The United States Supreme Court

    The United States Supreme Court was created at the foundation of the nation with the intention of being the last and most powerful defense of justice in the land. In this moment in history, let’s explore the history of the Supreme Court of the United States. Watch this episode here https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-the-supreme-court/

    The Creation of Pizza

    The Creation of Pizza

    Many would agree that this food comes in at the top of their favorite cuisines. It originated in Europe and has become synonymous with the American experience. Let’s explore the history of one of the most beloved food groups in the United States. Watch this episode about pizza here https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-the-creation-of-pizza/

    A Moment in History
    enAugust 24, 2022

    The Challenger Disaster

    The Challenger Disaster

    On January 28, 1986, the spacecraft Challenger lifted off the ground at approximately 11:30 AM Eastern time above the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Just over a minute into the flight, one of the ship’s internal fuel tanks imploded, causing the entire spaceship to break apart in a fiery explosion. Watch this episode here https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-the-challenger-disaster/

    George Washington

    George Washington

    On February 4, 1789, George Washington, commander in chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution, was elected as the first president of the young United States. He would become perhaps the most influential man in American history. Watch this history story about George Washington here https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-george-washington/

    The Roman Colosseum

    The Roman Colosseum

    The sports that took place in this stadium, though, were vastly different from baseball or football. They were life-and-death battles, killing for sport and for entertainment for the Roman aristocracy. Let’s explore the 2000-year-history of the mighty Colosseum in Rome. Go to FISM TV to watch this episode https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-the-roman-colosseum/

    What Happened to Medieval Warfare?

    What Happened to Medieval Warfare?

    By the early 17th century, the traditional concept of medieval warfare was all but a thing of the past, though it should be noted that many of the tactics of medieval warfare, such as the cavalry charge, claiming high ground, siege warfare, and hand to hand combat, would remain for centuries after, with some tactics even surviving to this day. Watch this episode here https://fism.tv/a-moment-in-history-what-happened-to-medieval-warfare/