
    A Tall Girl's Podcast

    Every girl needs a tall bestie, right?

    That’s where I come in!

    Hosted by a tall girl named India, A Tall Girl’s Podcast is a podcast dedicated to helping (t)all girlies feel comfortable in their own skin and live their best lives. Growing up tall has taught me a thing or two (or maybe three) about embracing my individuality and finding the good things in what’s seemingly bad. And I’m here to spill the beans!

    Join me every Thursday for self-confidence tips, funny stories, my journey through life, and (of course) tall girl problems! Oh, and fun fact, you don’t have to be tall to tune in ;)
    enIndia155 Episodes

    Episodes (155)

    I Hate Online Shopping (A Tall Girl's Rant)

    I Hate Online Shopping (A Tall Girl's Rant)
    I’ve been planning and planning and planning for what I wanna do for my birthday. I’m one of those people who like to celebrate over multiple days. Kinda like how some people celebrate for like a week or even a month. I think I’m just good with a weekend tho lol. But last year, I waited til two weeks before my birthday to plan and boy was that a bad decision. Well…I mean, if you were here for the last episode, lowkey last year was iconic lol. I just think that I shoulda planned out more.

    And with that, I’ve been trying to figure out what to wear because ya know, I wanna look nice. But with my busy schedule, I needed to do some online shopping. And I have QUITE A FEW THINGS to get off my chest about this topic. As a tall woman, I genuinely forgot how much of a struggle online shopping can actually be.

    What are my experiences with online shopping as a tall girl that make me hate it so much? I give you the rundown in my episode!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Are Tall Girls Jealous of Short Girls?

    Are Tall Girls Jealous of Short Girls?
    The major question of the day here is: Are tall girls jealous of short girls? I’d love to hear your opinions on this. Is this a controversial topic? Oh 110% Well….is it? Either way I’d love to hear your take on this.

    But there are definitely tall girls who are jealous of short girls. I guess you could say I was one of them but I was only really jealous of the fact that it’s easier for them to find nice clothes that fit them. But many people give a lot of reasons (especially on the Internet) as to why a tall girl would be jealous of a short girl. What are those reasons? And what is the REAL reason why a tall girl would be jealous of short girls? Tune in to the full episode!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    How To Overcome Your Height Insecurities and Stop Letting Them Control You

    How To Overcome Your Height Insecurities and Stop Letting Them Control You
    Today we are talking about insecurities YAYYYYYYY. Lol I hope you know that that was sarcasm. Or was it? I feel like insecurities themselves are not yay but talking about them is yay. Because it’s okay to be in your feels, ya know? But this topic came to mind after I recorded an episode with two people who have experience in the modeling industry. Definitely check that episode out to understand what I mean.

    Before I start this episode, I do want to make sure that this is known - I still have my insecurities, whether it be with my body or other aspects of my life. So even though I’m giving tips in this episode and speaking about my experience, I’m still not 100% where I want to be in terms of confidence. It was especially bad when I was younger.

    No, I’m not even joking. It was so bad that I used to say that if Slenderman had a daughter, she’d be me. The girls who get it, get it :/

    So, what are my experiences with insecurities as a tall woman? And how did I overcome them? Tune in to the full episode below for more!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Are You Too Tall To Model? | The Truth About Height in Modeling ft. Briy and Lucky

    Are You Too Tall To Model? | The Truth About Height in Modeling ft. Briy and Lucky
    Y’all we have two VERY SPECIAL guests on today’s podcast episode: Briy and Lucky! Two are very talented models, one who’s just breaking into the industry and the other experienced and currently retired. I decided to invite them on to today’s episode after a very interesting message that I’ve received on Instagram…

    I posted something on my Instagram story (lowkey don’t ask me what it was because I don’t remember LOL), but Lucky responded to it and mentioned that she was told that she was ‘too tall’ to model. I then posted that response on my story asking people what they thought and boy did I get a whole slew of messages from different people sharing their thoughts/experiences, one of them being Briy! So today, I invited these two fabulous women on to the podcast to bring awareness to this topic!

    Tune in to the episode for more!

    Here are their deets:


    Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atalllife?igsh=OHAybzZvczY2a2M2
    Personal TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@atalllife?_t=8jnh5ZXNWSg&_r=1

    Fashion Brand Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skyerose_designs?igsh=MW9ndjFjOHNodXZqbQ==
    Fashion Brand TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@skyerosedesignsllc?_t=8jnh7XmF462&_r=1


    Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briygilgeous?igsh=aG9vN21oN2M1dXA3
    Personal TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@briygilgeous?_t=8jnh23BfwcA&_r=1

    75 Hard Style Challenge on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatbriywore?igsh=MTl0aHZ5dG10aW5uag==

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Tall Girls Will Never Fit In...Here's Why That's a Good Thing

    Tall Girls Will Never Fit In...Here's Why That's a Good Thing
    Today, we’re here to talk about fitting it. I have done quite a few episodes on this providing tips on how to feel better about it, but today, I actually wanna discuss why it’s a good thing. Because it is. Here’s my opinion that NOBODY ASKED FOR: tall girls will never fit in. We will always stick out from the crowd. We will always be the odd one out in group photos. And we can’t always wear that dress our friends wear because it’s too short for us lol.

    But NOT fitting in MAY be a good thing. Why? Tune in to the full episode for more!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Stand Tall and Proud | How To Improve Your Posture and Body Language to Exude Confidence

    Stand Tall and Proud | How To Improve Your Posture and Body Language to Exude Confidence
    Today, we’re talking about posture. I don’t think I’ve ever spoken about this in depth on my podcast, which I find pretty weird because I feel like there are episodes where I said that I would do a whole episode on improving posture, but never actually did. And poor posture is a MAJOR tall girl/tall people problem so… But hey, better late than never.

    If you’re tall, you will understand this: low sinks, low tables, low countertops, low desks, the bottom of bookshelves, oh my… We wonder why we’re constantly in pain; we really need to start looking at the everyday things and everyday tasks that are affecting our posture negatively. It’s not just that, but it can also be trauma, bullying, etc.

    Let’s fix our poor posture together lol and explore the role posture plays in confident body language. Tune in!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Why Do People Stare At Tall Women? | Tips for Handling Stares with Confidence

    Why Do People Stare At Tall Women? | Tips for Handling Stares with Confidence
    Today, we are talking about stares. One of the major things that tall women complain about is getting a lot of stares. The looks and stares people give them when they enter the room, when they walk in heels, this and that and the other. And today, I’m gonna tell you how to deal with those in confidence.

    No matter the reason, good or bad, it’s important to not think too deeply into it because it’s only gonna stress yourself out. Tune in to the full episode below to learn more about how to deal with stares in confidence!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Empowering Tall Women Through Fashion | A Chat with the Co-Founders of Tall Size, Kayla and Nicole

    Empowering Tall Women Through Fashion | A Chat with the Co-Founders of Tall Size, Kayla and Nicole
    Today, we have not one, but two special guests with us. Please welcome Nicole Murphy and Kayla Alexander, co-founders of Tall Size!

    Tall Size is a tall woman’s destination for all of her wardrobe needs. The founders have worked to bring together a variety of tall clothing brands from The Elevated Closet to Prissy Duck to Wavelength Swimwear onto one platform so that we can find clothes that fit our length with ease. These childhood friends experienced the difficulty of finding clothing that properly fits them and understand the challenges we face when shopping for tall sizes.

    Tune in to the full episode as we discuss the story behind their brand, tall girl problems, self-confidence, and more!

    Here are their deets:

    Website: https://www.tallsize.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tallsize/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tallsizedotcom
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tallsizedotcom/videos
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tallsizecom?lang=en

    Kayla’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kjalexan40?igsh=ZGZheXU5b2NnZTNy
    Nicole’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicomurphh?igsh=Y3RrOGJwenB3OXBw

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    The Real Reason Why I Became Insecure About My Height...

    The Real Reason Why I Became Insecure About My Height...
    Today I’m sharing my story. I did say that I want to be more vulnerable on this podcast and share more with you guys as a goal for 2024.

    So this is me doing that and sharing my insecurities. I know I talk a lot about my experiences growing up and even now as a tall woman, but I never really spoke about why/how I became so insecure about my height.

    The thing is, yes, I’ve been bullied, shamed, and ridiculed because I’m taller than my peers, but that isn’t the reason why I became insecure about my height.

    Tune in to the full episode for more!

    Let's stay connected: https://beacons.ai/atallgirlspodcast

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Are Your Toxic Friendships Making You Insecure About Yourself?

    Are Your Toxic Friendships Making You Insecure About Yourself?
    Today, we are talking about toxic friendships and how they are impacting your self esteem.

    This was actually a request from last year, and I know that last year was literally last week lol, but Podmas lowkey kinda distracted me from requests and honestly what better way to start the new year than by getting rid of the toxic people in your life??

    This can really go for anyone, whether a toxic friend or toxic family member or toxic partner or co-worker. Yes, the dynamics of each relationship is different from the other but there’s one common theme: YOU NEED TO LEAVE THE SITUATION AS SOON AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. Because let’s face it, one of the main reasons why tall women become insecure about their height is because of the people they’re surrounded by and what they’re saying to and about them.

    So what does a toxic relationship look like? And how can you leave a toxic situation? Tune in to the episode for more!

    Let's stay connected:

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Let's Talk About Our Goals | A Tall Girl’s Podmas (Week 4)

    Let's Talk About Our Goals | A Tall Girl’s Podmas (Week 4)
    Since we’re 2 days away from 2024, it’s time to start looking at our GOOOOOAALLLLSS. It’s so weird that goals (well really New Year’s resolutions) have such a bad connotation nowadays and I don’t really understand why. Like I’ll ask people “What are your goals for the new year?”, and they’ll be like 'oh I don’t have those; why would I have those?’

    They’re more so like yeah nobody ever follows those. And I’m here like just because no one follows them that doesn’t mean you can’t follow them, right? Anyways, I just think that setting goals is great to do. Like you should be setting goals and trying to achieve them continuously. You don’t necessarily have to wait for the New Year to set/start them, but I just feel like it’s the beginning of a new chapter and the closing of an old one, so it kinda works that you can start something new in a new year.

    So what are my goals for 2024? Check out the full episode for more!

    Let's stay connected:

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Tall and Proud: Embracing Your Differences With Confidence ft. Co-Founder of Above The Crowd Laurice Sosa

    Tall and Proud: Embracing Your Differences With Confidence ft. Co-Founder of Above The Crowd Laurice Sosa
    Today, we have a special guest!!!! We’re welcoming Laurice Sosa, co-owner of Above the Crowd! Laurice is a mom, business owner, and fellow tall girl working to make the fashion industry a more inclusive place. She and her co-owner founded Above the Crowd, LLC. to provide tall women 5’10” and above with clothing that fits their length and reminds them that it’s awesome to be tall! As an advocate for tall women and the LGBTQIA+ community, Laurice’s aim is to help tall people feel loved, beautiful, and confident.

    Learn more about Laurice's journey as a tall woman and business owner by tuning in!

    Here are the deets:

    Website: https://www.abovethecrowdclothing.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abovethecrowdllc/

    Laurice’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/extratall34?igsh=dXZ4aDE4MGMweWUz

    Let's stay connected:

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas for Tall People | Podmas Week 3

    Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas for Tall People | Podmas Week 3
    And as you can tell by the title of this episode, I will be talking about last minute gift ideas to get for tall people. Just a little disclaimer: you don’t have to buy gifts if you can't afford them. This is very low pressure, low stakes. Don’t feel forced to do anything you can’t do.

    If you have a tall friend or loved one, this one's for you! Tune in to the full episode for some gift ideas :)

    Let's stay connected:

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Spreading Tall Vibes: A Chat About Self Confidence with Founder of Hautier Emily | Podmas Week 3

    Spreading Tall Vibes: A Chat About Self Confidence with Founder of Hautier Emily | Podmas Week 3
    Today, we have a special guest on the podcast! We are welcoming Emily, the founder of Hautier. Emily is a 5’11” businesswoman looking to start the conversation on tall inclusivity in the UK. Her mission is to empower tall women by bringing tall women stylish and sustainable clothing from different brands.

    Hautier is the one-stop shop for your tall fashion needs and features brands such as Teni the Label, Megan Ismay, and more! Tune in to the episode to learn about her journey to starting her business and loving her height as a tall woman!

    Here are the deets:

    Website: https://hautier.co.uk/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hautieruk/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hautier

    Let's stay connected:

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    A Tall Girl's Guide to Becoming More Confident in 2024 | A Tall Girl's Podmas (Week 2)

    A Tall Girl's Guide to Becoming More Confident in 2024 | A Tall Girl's Podmas (Week 2)
    I wanna talk to you guys today about staying positive and boosting confidence and all of that stuff because I feel like with the colder months here, that’s when all of that decreases. Especially because many of us face that seasonal depression that comes in the winter months. I’m sure we all go through it. And understandably so since it’s going to be colder, the Sun is gonna be out less, it’s gonna be darker for longer, you may feel a little less energetic. It happens.

    And what’s really important is to take care of yourself. Practicing self-care is definitely the way to go when it comes to feeling your best. So what are some self-care tips that can boost your confidence and get you ready for the new year? Tune in to the full episode for more!

    Let's stay connected:

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    A Tall Girl's Podmas (Week 1) | Tiny Christmas Trees, Horrible Gifts, Getting Into The Holiday Spirit

    A Tall Girl's Podmas (Week 1) | Tiny Christmas Trees, Horrible Gifts, Getting Into The Holiday Spirit
    Welcome to A Tall Girl’s Podmas!!! Probably one of the most wonderful times of the year!!!! As I’ve said in my previous episode, this Podmas is gonna look a little different. I’m trying my best to not say that I’m not doing Podmas this year lol because technically I am. I’m posting holiday-themed episodes. They’re just being posted at a lower frequency.

    It’s not gonna be like Vlogmas or Blogmas where I post 1 episode every day for the month. It’s also not gonna be like my 12 days of Podmas where I post 3 episodes a week for 4 weeks. I’m going to do 1-2 episodes per week and hopefully incorporate more guests on here because that’s one of my goals for this podcast in 2024.

    But lowkey, Podmas is my desperate attempt to get into the holiday spirit. Tune in to the full episode for more!

    Let's stay connected:

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Is Dating A Struggle for Tall Women?

    Is Dating A Struggle for Tall Women?
    We’re here to talk about DATING as you can tell by the title lol. Holiday season is here, which means cuffing season is here so I find this topic very fitting. I just wanna start off by saying that everyone’s dating situation is unique. There’s no one correct way of doing these types of things. But I do understand the dating struggle (a little bit) myself being a tall woman.

    So what is it like dating as a tall woman? How can we overcome those struggles? Tune in to the full episode for more!

    Let's stay connected:

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    A Tall Girl's Thanksgiving | Thanksgiving Plans, Friendsgiving, Feeling Grateful

    A Tall Girl's Thanksgiving | Thanksgiving Plans, Friendsgiving, Feeling Grateful
    Today is officially Thanksgivingggg!!! Isn’t that cray? Isn’t that cray cray? Like 2023 is almost done???? But hey, I’m glad to be around for my favorite holiday this year. By the time this episode is up, I would have been cheffing away in the kitchen for the past few hours lol. Yes, we start early out here. Like 4 a.m. early. There’s no time to waste.

    So what are my Thanksgiving plans this year? And am I celebrating Friendsgiving? Tune in to the full episode for more!

    Thank you to Korai for partnering with me on today’s episode!

    Make sure to shop Korai at wearekorai.com this Black Friday and use code “tallgirl15” for 15% off your purchase with Korai.

    The deets:

    Website: https://wearekorai.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearkorai
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearkorai/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wearkorai?_t=8fnCw5YfO4U&_r=1

    Check out my episode with Kathryn: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/episode/how-to-style-and-love-your-long-torso-ft-founder-and-ceo-of-korai-kathryn-aposhian

    Let's stay connected:

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Tall Girl Q&A | Life Updates, Post-Grad Plans, My Dream Career, How Tall Are My Parents??

    Tall Girl Q&A | Life Updates, Post-Grad Plans, My Dream Career, How Tall Are My Parents??
    Today, we are doing a long overdue Q&A episode! Don’t ask me when was the last time I did an episode like this. It’s been a minute lol. And since a lot of time has passed since then (and since y’all requested for me to do one on an Instagram poll), I figured why not do one??

    Tune in to learn more about me, my future plans and goals, and more!

    Also, thank you Raffe for partnering with me on this episode!

    They’ll be running a Black Friday sale from Friday November 24th to Sunday November 26th. You don’t wanna miss out on this one folks! Be sure to check them out:

    Website: https://www.raffeofficial.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raffeofficial_/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@raffeofficial_?lang=en
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085796109668

    Let's stay connected:

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews

    Is Social Media Ruining Your Confidence? | A Tall Girl’s Take on Social Media

    Is Social Media Ruining Your Confidence? | A Tall Girl’s Take on Social Media
    Today, we are talking about social media and the effect that it has on the confidence of tall women.

    Growing up, scrolling through my feed, all I would see were posted pictures of shorter women. Whether it’s on my personal feed or even through the Explore Page. At the time, I didn’t really have much control over what my feed looked like (mainly because I didn’t know how to do that), and it led me to believe that short girls are prettier than taller girls.

    How so? And how can tall women use social media to become more confident and embrace their height? Tune in to the full episode for more!

    I’d like to thank Gowa Shoes for partnering with me on this episode! Gowa Shoes is a platform to shop different brands that provide high-quality, fashionable shoes for women with larger feet. From heels to flats to boots, Gowa provides inclusive sizing, ranging from US 10 to US 14 and EU 42 to EU 46.

    Learn more about Gowa at:

    Website: https://gowashoes.com/en-us
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gowashoes/

    Make sure to use code “tallgirlpod” for 15% off your first purchase at Gowa Shoes!

    Let's stay connected:

    Leave a review and let me know how tall you are: https://atallgirlspodcast.com/reviews