
    A Tall Girl's Podcast

    Every girl needs a tall bestie, right?

    That’s where I come in!

    Hosted by a tall girl named India, A Tall Girl’s Podcast is a podcast dedicated to helping (t)all girlies feel comfortable in their own skin and live their best lives. Growing up tall has taught me a thing or two (or maybe three) about embracing my individuality and finding the good things in what’s seemingly bad. And I’m here to spill the beans!

    Join me every Thursday for self-confidence tips, funny stories, my journey through life, and (of course) tall girl problems! Oh, and fun fact, you don’t have to be tall to tune in ;)
    enIndia155 Episodes

    Episodes (155)

    How Does A Woman's Height Affect How People Perceive Her?

    How Does A Woman's Height Affect How People Perceive Her?
    Lowkey, I’m a little congested in this episode; I did quite literally catch something ahA. So, I do apologize in advance.

    Anyways, this episode is actually inspired by one of you guys, so shout out to her! She wanted me to discuss how people perceive us based on our height. She did mention that I talk a lot about how tall women can be seen as masculine or intimidating, and that is true, and it’s also because that’s what I’ve mainly had experience with growing up.

    But she did bring up that there are a lot of other characteristics that are associated with tall women (and tall people in general) because of our height, and I agree with that.

    So what assumptions do people make about tall women based on their height? Are these assumptions true? Tune in to the full episode for more!

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    Are Tall Girls Unattractive?

    Are Tall Girls Unattractive?
    Ok....You’re probably like why is this girl asking this question???? This episode happens to be a request from one of you guys. Someone commented under one of my videos for me to talk about feeling undesirable or unattractive as a tall woman.

    And it’s crazy because this is something that I’ve never really spoken about on the podcast. Like, I’ve spoken about femininity and masculinity, and how when you’re a tall woman around lots of shorter people, they may view you as masculine because of your height and yada yada ya, but I’ve never actually spoken about feeling unattractive. And there were definitely times growing up where I felt undesirable because I was much taller than my peers.

    So, what’s the answer? Are tall girls unattractive??? Tune in to the full episode for more!

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    Don’t Let Their Words Define You | How To Not Let Other People's Opinions Get The Best Of You

    Don’t Let Their Words Define You | How To Not Let Other People's Opinions Get The Best Of You
    Today, we're talking about other people’s opinions. Great subject, huh? In the last episode, I talked about how to respond to negative comments about your height and I posted a couple Reels/Shorts of some of the podcast clips. So, in one of the videos, I discussed how people think that talking about your experiences as a tall woman is not serious or not that deep and the comments….girl. Them comments were cray.

    There were people here saying “someone needs to grow a thicker skin” or “just ignore them” or “it’s not that serious” and basically things that would kind of invalidate your feelings or experiences. And today, I’m here to tell you that if you feel this way, your feelings are VALID. It’s okay to feel hurt or disrespected or sad about the negative things that people have said about you.

    But what are some tips on how to not feel this way and not let other people’s words and opinions affect you? Tune in to the full episode below to learn more!

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    How To Respond To Negative Comments About Your Height

    How To Respond To Negative Comments About Your Height
    One of you guys actually left a comment under one of my videos and asked me to do an episode on how to respond to negative comments about your height. Funny thing, this person is 5’9” and in college and STILL gets comments on their height. They’re now confident in their height but they just don’t know how to respond.

    And ya know, I really resonated with this person because I’m also in college and it still baffles me to this day that people still ask me stupid questions and make weird comments about my height. And I’m like, are we not mature enough to move on from this???? And it took me until my senior year of college to realize that this quite literally may never end.

    Anyways, what was it like growing up getting comments about my height? And how can you respond to these comments? Tune in to the full episode to learn more!

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    How I Learned To Own My Height | 3 Things Being Tall Has Taught Me

    How I Learned To Own My Height | 3 Things Being Tall Has Taught Me
    Today’s podcast episode is centered around what being tall has taught me. I feel like my journey with my height and self-confidence and all that stuff has been a very long and tumultuous one. This stems back all the way from elementary school to now when I’m finishing up my last year of college. And I argue that the journey is still far from over.

    I think the journey of finding any type of confidence is a very difficult one. And I hope that today’s episode can really open your eyes to the positive aspects of being tall and can potentially open your eyes to the things that being tall (or short or whatever personality/physical trait you may have) has taught you.

    Tune in for more!

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    Tall Girl Chats: Taking Up Space, Tall Girl Questions, Feeling Out of Place

    Tall Girl Chats: Taking Up Space, Tall Girl Questions, Feeling Out of Place
    Have you ever felt as though you’re too tall for the space you’re in? Have you ever entered the room and immediately felt all eyes on you? Have you ever wanted to just hide in a corner and disappear because you felt out of place? Lol why does this sound like a TV ad commercial????

    But if you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. I quite literally have experienced these feelings on a daily basis at one point. It was so bad to the point where my posture was affected. Because if you’ve been here for a while, you’d know that I used to have a slouching problem and then on top of that, I have lateral and anterior pelvic tilts, which I guess was my way of subconsciously and consciously making myself shorter.

    Sounds crazy right? If you're looking for a little tall girl chit chat on bad posture, taking up space, and self-confidence, you're in the right place. Tune in to the full ep for more!

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    How To Style (and Love) Your Long Torso ft. Founder and CEO of Korai Kathryn Aposhian

    How To Style (and Love) Your Long Torso ft. Founder and CEO of Korai Kathryn Aposhian
    Today, we are joined by a special guest, founder and CEO of Korai Kathryn Aposhian! Korai is a fashion brand providing bodysuits for women with long torsos!

    Kathryn shares her experiences as a tall woman from finding her tall girl community to people telling her that she has a ‘swimmer’s body’ to short men. Her journey as a woman with a long torso has led her to move from PR into fashion! If you’re tall, we both know how hard it can be to find clothing that fits our length. With Kathryn, she couldn’t find bodysuits that were long enough for her torso, so her solution was to create one. She now sells bodysuits for women with long torsos.

    Learn more about Kathryn’s journey in the episode below!

    You can find/shop Korai at:

    Website: https://wearekorai.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearkorai
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearkorai/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wearkorai?_t=8fnCw5YfO4U&_r=1

    Get a 15% discount on your purchase at Korai with code: tallgirl15 today!

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    Are You Intimidating or Are They Intimidated?

    Are You Intimidating or Are They Intimidated?
    Alright y'all. Today, we're talking about intimidation. If you’re tall, 12 times out of 10, someone has called you intimidating. I know I’ve gotten it so many times that I actually started taking it as a compliment. Because honestly, what do you want me to do with that information?

    Whatever the reason, being called intimidating can be weird. So, if you feel the same, tune in to the full episode for tips on how to deal with this comment!

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    Your Lack of Self-Compassion Is Ruining Your Confidence

    Your Lack of Self-Compassion Is Ruining Your Confidence
    Y’all we completed our first week of college!!

    And even though this first week went really well, I still somehow found a way to talk negatively to and about myself. I’d beat myself up for not making friends fast enough or I wasn’t transitioning into the new year seamlessly enough or I didn’t complete my work fast enough. And it’s like why??? It’s literally the first week. It’s SUPPOSED to be chaotic. The first month is actually SUPPOSED TO BE CHAOTIC.

    Why am I beating myself up because of something that is completely new to me? And then at one point, I began to realize that I used to do this to myself relating to my height. Why? And how did that play a role in my low confidence? Tune in to the full episode for more!

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    Is Being Confident Cringey?

    Is Being Confident Cringey?
    Ok SO, today, we are talking about CRINGING and cringing at ourselves because let's face it, we've all cringed at ourselves before. At some point in time, you’ve looked at a picture or a video of yourself and literally felt so disgusted by it LOL. And that’s what I love about this topic…No matter what age you are, no matter what height you are, no matter whatever features you have or whoever you are, you have cringed at yourself at least once for feeling yourself.

    We all do it. But the real question here is how can we get over this? Tune in to the full episode for more!

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    Do Tall Women Know About This Disorder?

    Do Tall Women Know About This Disorder?
    I have a question for you: Do you ever feel dissatisfied with your height? Do you often compare your height to other people’s heights (in a bad way)? Do you not feel comfortable about your height or believe that you shouldn’t be at the height you're currently at? Okay, I realize that that was more than one question lol, but if you answered yes to two or three of them, then you may have this particular order. Let me stop because I’m no way qualified to diagnose anyone.

    Tune in to the full episode to learn more!

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    How To Keep Your Cool When People Make Thoughtless Comments About Your Height

    How To Keep Your Cool When People Make Thoughtless Comments About Your Height
    Today, we’re talking about thoughtless comments on our height. Notice how I put the word ‘thoughtless’ before ‘comments’ in the title of this episode. Because people don’t like to think. Especially before they speak. That doesn’t necessarily include you. Or me. We’re different. We’re smart LOL. I’m just saying that there are people out there who will make comments about your height or your body without even thinking about how it can affect you.

    If you’re struggling with this, tune in to the full episode below for tips on how to keep your cool when people make thoughtless comments on your height!

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    It’s Time To Embrace Your Right To Take Up Space ft. Rachel Willingham

    It’s Time To Embrace Your Right To Take Up Space ft. Rachel Willingham
    Today is indeed a SPECIAL day; we have a guest! We’re joined by mom, model, marketing consultant, seamstress, and fellow tall girl (wow she does it all lol) Rachel Willingham!

    Let’s face it, being a tall woman can be hard. Growing up, I’m sure you’ve felt “TOO….everything”. Too tall. Too big. Too clumsy. Too much. It just makes us feel like we need to make ourselves smaller just to feel comfortable and accepted. But this shouldn’t be the case! There is more than enough space in the world for you and other people’s discomfort in your height in comparison to theirs is their problem, not yours. And Rachel is here to share with us!

    Tune in to this episode as we discuss tall girl problems, funny stories, how to deal with comments about your height, tips on how to own your space, her future projects, and more :)

    To catch a glimpse of Rachel’s life and share your story with her, check out her Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/willinghamrach/

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    Wear The Short Shorts | How To Build The Confidence To Wear Whatever You Want

    Wear The Short Shorts | How To Build The Confidence To Wear Whatever You Want
    This episode is actually inspired by one of my Reels that I posted over on Instagram. It went something along the lines of “wear what you want to wear. I don’t care how tall or how short you are, wear the heels, wear the short shorts, wear whatever it is you want to wear. PERIOD.” And I think by all of the comments that I received, this video really resonated with you guys lol. So, I figured why not do an entire episode on it.

    I mean, c’mon, it’s summer. Albeit, more than halfway through summer. But it’s still summer. The Sun is shining. The birds are chirping. People are out and about. Now’s the time to get out there and work on your confidence and live your best life. Even though you can really do these things all year round, I argue that it’s easier to do this in the summer because the Sun’s blaring, there’s more daylight, and energy levels are up.

    So how can YOU build the confidence to wear what you wanna wear, long legs and all? Tune in for the answer!

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    Become More Confident In Your Height By Romanticizing It

    Become More Confident In Your Height By Romanticizing It
    I have really been enjoying alone time for the past few weeks. Like going to visit new places by myself, going out to eat by myself, going on walks by myself. And I think that the TikTok and YouTube algorithms are picking up on that because all I’m seeing on my feed is romanticizing alone time. It's a little creepy that they know what I’m up to, but I think with the changing seasons coming, romanticization is gonna become more and more popular.

    We hear the term “romanticizing” so much, but I feel like I don’t actually know what it means. So of course, I Googled it ahA. Tune in to the full episode for more!

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    Getting Over The Fear of Standing Out As A Tall Person

    Getting Over The Fear of Standing Out As A Tall Person
    Today we’re talking about standing out. And this is probably one of the biggest reasons why tall people find it annoying to be tall. And this idea doesn’t even necessarily have to do with height. This could range from your hair to your style or clothing to your makeup to even your race. Just any feature that makes you extremely unique from the rest.

    And I can understand this fear. I’ve been there. Heck, I’M STILL THERE. I get scared when people stare. When they whisper and point. And some people are so shameless about it. Like they’ll do it super loud and in your face. They may even go up to you and say a bad comment right then and there. And it’s not a good feeling. It can make you feel like there’s something wrong with you. Like you’re a weirdo.

    So why do people do this? And how can you get over your fear of standing out? Tune in to the full episode below for more!

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    Tall Girl Chats: Transitioning Into Summer Mode, Tall Girl Moments, Fake Confidence vs. Real Confidence

    Tall Girl Chats: Transitioning Into Summer Mode, Tall Girl Moments, Fake Confidence vs. Real Confidence
    Summer is officially here y’all (I mean like it's BEEN here), and that means transitioning into summer mode. Yes, I studied abroad for like a month, but quite frankly it felt like an extension of the school year because I still had classes and homework and exams. I’m glad that’s done and over with, especially because school gives so much unnecessary busy work.

    But I also find that I have a lot of extra time on my hands. Because before I would do school, work, and manage this podcast. But now I just work and manage this podcast. And my schedule literally revolved around school. So now that I don’t have school, it just feels weird to actually have time on my hands to just sit and exist.

    How have I been handling that? Do I have any other plans this summer? Tune in to this episode to learn more!

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    I'm Back Home... | My Last Few Days in Italy, Post-Study Abroad Depression, Getting Back Into Routine

    I'm Back Home... | My Last Few Days in Italy, Post-Study Abroad Depression, Getting Back Into Routine
    As you can tell by the title, I am back home. Officially. Once again. After an entire month. Of living a literal dream. I don’t know how to feel about it honestly. I’m excited because I get to see all of my friends and I can get back into a normal routine and NOT TAKE ANY CLASSES FOR A COUPLE WEEKS. But then I’m also gonna miss that Italy weather and being able to go to a different country every week and eating gelato. I don’t know; there’s a give and take for everything.

    Now, if you’re a little confused right now as to what’s going on, I studied abroad in Florence, Italy for the past month of June. I took a Global Brand Management course where I had classes four days a week (quite frankly don’t even know how I survived that) and on the weekends, I would try to explore the city, explore Italy, explore other countries, you get the picture.

    Tune in to hear about my last few days studying abroad!

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    I Spent 48 Hours in Switzerland and Here's How It Went...

    I Spent 48 Hours in Switzerland and Here's How It Went...
    Soooo, I went to Switzerland...

    You may be thinking, of all places, Switzerland????? Yes, hear me out lol. I actually have a cousin who lives in Switzerland and before I even went on this trip, my father kept telling me that I HAD to visit her. I mean, think about it, when am I ever going to be this close to her again? So, I took the opportunity.

    I told my dad to give me her phone number, which he did, and I called her up. I asked her if I could visit and she said that she and her husband would love to have me. Don’t get me wrong I was super excited to visit her, but I immediately thought to myself ‘free housing!!’ Idk maybe it’s just the broke college student in me talking…

    Anyways, tune in to the full episode for more on my Switzerland adventure!

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    A Weekend Abroad | 24 Hours in Paris, Day Trip to Venice, Got Catcalled at McDonald’s??

    A Weekend Abroad | 24 Hours in Paris, Day Trip to Venice, Got Catcalled at McDonald’s??
    As you can tell by the title, I’ve had quite the weekend. But before I get into that, I just wanna share that I finished my midterms not too long ago?? I’m halfway through this program?? ALREADY????? (just for context, I'm currently studying abroad in Italy for the month of June)

    I’m sad but not too sad, if that even makes any sense. I like being able to travel to different places, take this class, and meet new people, but I also like having my own kitchen, not waking up early to go to class, and seeing my friends back home. I just don’t know how to feel about that. On the other hand, I got a 98 on my first paper! So I’m so glad about that. I’m hoping that I can get the same grade on my midterm exam.

    Spoiler alert: I didn't aHa, but it was still a good grade!

    Tune in to find out how I celebrated!

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