
    A Tall Girl's Podcast

    Every girl needs a tall bestie, right?

    That’s where I come in!

    Hosted by a tall girl named India, A Tall Girl’s Podcast is a podcast dedicated to helping (t)all girlies feel comfortable in their own skin and live their best lives. Growing up tall has taught me a thing or two (or maybe three) about embracing my individuality and finding the good things in what’s seemingly bad. And I’m here to spill the beans!

    Join me every Thursday for self-confidence tips, funny stories, my journey through life, and (of course) tall girl problems! Oh, and fun fact, you don’t have to be tall to tune in ;)
    enIndia155 Episodes

    Episodes (155)

    My First Week In Italy | Studying Abroad, Pisa, Rome

    My First Week In Italy | Studying Abroad, Pisa, Rome
    If you’re new here or you haven’t listened to my most recent episodes, I am in Italy for the next few weeks for a study abroad program. It’s been about a week and a half since I’ve been here, and boy, am I having THE TIME OF MY LIFE.

    And I’m extremely exhausted. Do you know that video that’s like ‘no sleep, bus, club, another club, another club, another club, plane…’?? That’s exactly how I’ve been living my life for the past few days and I don’t know how much more of it I can take.

    So what's the past week been like for me? Tune in for more!

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    I’m in Italy??

    I’m in Italy??
    I’m just gonna cut to the chase; as you can tell by the title, I am in Italy. Like right now. Like physically in Italy. What the heck???? This is so unreal. But I’m not here to vacation though (unfortunately). I’m here to study abroad at one of the universities and I’m taking a Global Brand Management course. And this course credit transfers back to my school, so it will indeed impact my GPA. Meaning, I need to be on my grind lol.

    So, what's been happening the past couple of days?? Tune in to this episode to find out!!

    Also, a little sidenote, I completely butchered the name of a garden I visited lol. I kept saying Bobogoli Garden when it's really Boboli Garden. Oopsie. Hopefully, Italian natives don't listen to this episode ahA

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    Growing (Literally and Figuratively) Can Be Scary...

    Growing (Literally and Figuratively) Can Be Scary...
    A few days ago, I visited my high school. Again. Yes, I’m one of those who, even after 3 years, still visit their high school. But what can I say? Even though a lot of bad, borderline traumatic events happened there, I still consider it my safe space…for the most part. When I’m in the right offices with the right teacher(s) and right staff, I feel better.

    But anyways, it was during this visit to my high school that I had some kind of revelation. It really hit me that I'm GROWING UP. These teachers have seen me when I was 15, 16, 17, and even 18, and now all of a sudden I'm 21???? HOW does that even work?

    Am I ready to start truly adulting? Am I doing enough? Am I doing too much? I don't even know what's going on lmfao. Tune in!

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    Can We Go Back To Doing Things For The Plot?

    Can We Go Back To Doing Things For The Plot?
    Let's face it...we all get scared to do things. Especially the big things. The things that are outside of our comfort zone.

    And I'm right there with ya. Now that summer's here (sun's out, buns out ahA), there a lot of changes that are coming my way and boy, am I TERRIFIED. I genuinely can't stop thinking to myself "what if I fail?" or "what if I look stupid?" and it's so overwhelming dude.

    But something that really calms me down is saying "it's for the plot." Yes. As DUMB as it sounds. I gotta keep telling myself that it's just for the plot lol.

    So are we doing this for the plot together? Tune in and we'll see ;)

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    You Are Not Meant For Everyone, and That's Okay

    You Are Not Meant For Everyone, and That's Okay
    Alright y'all, I made someone mad. Not like MAD mad. Just aggravated, agitated, irritated.

    I didn't even do it intentionally :/

    So, you know how you’re in a group of people and you vibe with most of them (aka you’re cool with them), but there’s just that one person or those 2 people that are a little sus? Like every time you talk, breathe, or exist, they just seem irritated? That’s exactly what happened here.

    Tune in to the full episode for more!

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    You Deserve To Take Up Space

    You Deserve To Take Up Space
    Can you believe that one of my classes actually inspired this episode? That's cray...

    Growing up as a tall girl, I would always slouch because I didn't want to appear 'too tall'. At first, I believed it was so I could 'fit in' but in reality, I started to believe that I didn't deserve to take up space. And that makes me sad because I held myself back from being the person that I wanted to be back then...

    So, if you're feeling similarly, tune in to this episode!

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    How Self-Doubt Almost Ruined My Life (and How It May Be Ruining Yours...)

    How Self-Doubt Almost Ruined My Life (and How It May Be Ruining Yours...)
    Today we are talking about good-ol' self-doubt.

    Ya know that feeling when there's something you REALLLLYYYY wanna do, but in the back of your mind, you're like "I'm not good enough to do that" or "I can't be like that"? Yup, that's her. Good-ol' self-doubt.

    It's normal to feel it sometimes. I argue that that's healthy actually. It gives us a chance to reflect on our thoughts and actions. But when it becomes CHRONIC, that's when it gets bad.

    Tune in to this episode to learn how self-doubt almost ruined my life and how it may be ruining yours.

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    Life Updates - School, Career Goals, Self Confidence, I’m Going Abroad??

    Life Updates - School, Career Goals, Self Confidence, I’m Going Abroad??
    Welcome or welcome back to A Tall Girl’s Podcast! So glad that you’re here with me on this fine day ;)

    I feel like it’s time for a much-needed life update. We’re about 5 months into 2023. FIVE WHOLE MONTHS. That’s almost halfway through the year and so much has happened and so much MORE is going to happen, so I figured I’d fill you guys in.

    Tune in to the full episode to hear updates about my post-grad plans, love life, and more!

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    How I've Been Feeling Lately...

    How I've Been Feeling Lately...
    We're about a week into being 21 years old, and boy do I feel LIKE TRASH. Lol, not really something you expect to hear from someone who just came off their birthday weekend, right?

    I don't know. They say that your 20s are one of the most intense periods of your life. Which I can understand. There were so many highs and lows, ups and downs, and I've only been in my 20s for a year. One year. Absolutely horrendous. Nonetheless, we need to keep pushing through. I think?

    If you feel like you've been in a rut or just out of sorts recently, then this episode is definitely for you. We're all in this together 👏

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    A Tall Girl's 21st Birthday | Dinner Cruise, Flirty Short Men, I Can Play Mini Golf???

    A Tall Girl's 21st Birthday | Dinner Cruise, Flirty Short Men, I Can Play Mini Golf???
    We are back y'all for the first ever episode of me BEING 21. WTF?? Time flies bro. Time really flies. Hence why every single birthday at this point has to be iconic. It has to be a movie. It has to be a 12/10. Starting now. So y'all are probably thinking, was this birthday iconic, a movie, a 12/10? You gotta tune in to this episode to find out ;)

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    Tall Girl Reacts To Tall Girl Problems (Part 14) | Low Stall Doors, Problematic Posts, Branches

    Tall Girl Reacts To Tall Girl Problems (Part 14) | Low Stall Doors, Problematic Posts, Branches
    Another episode of Tall Girl Reacts to Tall Girl Problems? Insane! Actually no not really lol. If you're new here, Tall Girl Reacts to Tall Girl Problems is a series here on this podcast where I, a tall girl, react to tall girl problems posts from 1975 Tumblr (ok maybe i'm exaggerating here lol) and determine whether or not they're actually something we experience. We've got 14 parts up to this point, so make sure to catch up on the other ones!

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    Tall Girl Chats: Feeling Like Too Much, Vulnerability, Disappointment

    Tall Girl Chats: Feeling Like Too Much, Vulnerability, Disappointment
    We are back with another episode of A Tall Girl's Podcast! So glad that you're here! What a week it's been...let's just get straight into it; I've been in my feels. Yes, girl. IN MY FEELS. Just trying to put myself out there and make connections and make the most of my college experience. But it's so HARD.

    Tune in to the full episode for more.

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    Being So Hard On Yourself Is Causing You To Hate Yourself

    Being So Hard On Yourself Is Causing You To Hate Yourself
    Listen, it's okay to put SOME pressure on yourself. That's how you step out of your comfort. How you grow. How you become better. But too much is a fat no-no. Setting unrealistic expectations and not giving ourselves a chance to take a step back, congratulate ourselves for our hard work, and TAKE A BREAK is only going to cause burnout and resentment towards ourselves. And we don't want that. It's not cute for our self-acceptance journey lol. Tune in to the full ep for more!

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    Listen To This If You Feel Like You Don't Fit In...

    Listen To This If You Feel Like You Don't Fit In...
    As a tall girl, it's inevitable. It's inevitable that we're gonna feel like we don't fit in. Because the truth is, we always stick out in a crowd. Whether with a group of friends who are on the shorter side or just in public in general, it's easy for the insecurities to come up. Believe me, I've been there several times. Actually, I've been there just the other day.

    Just know that you're not alone; I'm right there with you. Tune in to this episode for a much-needed talk!

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    Tall Girl Shopping Hacks: How Tall Girls Can Thrift Like A Pro Ft. Corinna

    Tall Girl Shopping Hacks: How Tall Girls Can Thrift Like A Pro Ft. Corinna
    Ok but now thrifting is a trend??? I'm telling you, when I was younger, anytime anyone said anything about having thrifted something, you were automatically shunned. AUTOMATICALLY. But now if you DON'T thrift, you're shunned. Crazy how the world works...

    Anyways, as tall women, we struggle with shopping. We struggle to find clothes that fit our long limbs, that accentuate our figure, or even aren't TOO long. And this is in regular shops. But thrift shops? With way less variety in sizing??? THE STRUGGLE. So today, special guest Corinna joins me as we discuss thrifting tips for tall girls, funny tall girl experiences, and more! Tune in!

    Check out Corinna’s Instagram and Depop: https://instagram.com/corinnaiskindatall?igshid=NTdlMDg3MTY=

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    The Things They Don't Tell You About Being Tall… | Health Problems, Weird Fetishes, and More

    The Things They Don't Tell You About Being Tall… | Health Problems, Weird Fetishes, and More
    Okay, was I looking too much at social media and the Internet the past few days? Yes, I was. BUT it's for a good reason. There is so much more to being tall (ESPECIALLY BAD) that I wasn't aware of, like health problems. HEALTH PROBLEMS. Since we're "athletes", how do WE have a higher risk of health problems???? Listen, I had to bring these facts to light so that all my tall peeps can stay aware and stay safe. Tune in for more!

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    Tall Girl Reacts To Tall Girl Problems (Part 13) | Being Clumsy, Short Pants, Can People See Up Our Noses?

    Tall Girl Reacts To Tall Girl Problems (Part 13) | Being Clumsy, Short Pants, Can People See Up Our Noses?
    We are BAAAAACCKCKKKK with another episode of A Tall Girl's Podcast! I love this podcast. This is amazing. This is everything to me. Today, we have PART 13 of Tall Girl Reacts to Tall Girl Problems! I'm sorry but how long has it been since I've done one of these? 8 years? 9 years? lol can you tell I'm exaggerating?

    Anyways, tune in as I dive into the depths of the Internet to find 2012 tall girl problems posts from Tumblr to determine whether or not these are actually tall girl problems. This episode also includes a few life updates sooooooo tune in!

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    Stop Shrinking Yourself Into Places You've Outgrown

    Stop Shrinking Yourself Into Places You've Outgrown
    Whether or not you see it, you're growing. Physically, mentally, emotionally. In some shape or form, you're growing. But these changes can be extremely subtle. And one day, you may notice a HUGE difference in yourself that you haven't noticed before. This is due to that buildup of 'growth' you've experienced over time.

    Just as we change, the people in our lives need to change, the environment we're in needs to change, the clothes we wear even need to change. Why? Tune in to the full episode!

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    You Don't Need To Be Shorter To Wear What You Want

    You Don't Need To Be Shorter To Wear What You Want
    The title says it all. After overhearing several conversations in the fitting rooms (totally not creepy at all aHa), I figured I'd come on here and tell the world that you DON'T need to be shorter to wear what you want. All you need is a little time and effort to find what works for YOU. Remember, the clothes are supposed to fit YOU, not the other way around. Tune in!

    Previous episode with founder and CEO of Raffe: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/52599340

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    Make The Most of Your Height with Founder and CEO of Raffe Kemi Essi

    Make The Most of Your Height with Founder and CEO of Raffe Kemi Essi
    Welcome to another episode of A Tall Girl's Podcast! I'm so glad you're here.

    Who says tall women couldn't be successful business owners? Today, we have a special guest, founder and CEO of Raffe Kemi Essi! Her brand provides clothes not just for tall moms, but for all tall women who are 5'10" and up! Tune in to this episode to learn more about her journey as a tall girl and an entrepreneur!

    Check out Raffe, a tall maternity clothing brand:

    Website: https://www.raffeofficial.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raffeofficial_/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@raffeofficial_?lang=en
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085796109668

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