
    About Freedom Show

    About Freedom Show is a podcast that helps you navigate life’s journey, connect with the power within you to make changes in your life and become Free. Host Sergei Davidoff asks the big questions about living and thriving in the world today by having candid and inspiring conversations with some of the world’s best teachers and thought leaders from every walk of life. The show covers all aspects of your life’s journey like spiritual inquiry, personal growth, mental health, social healing, inner healing, self-care, self-love, yoga, meditation, wellness, business, money, entrepreneurship, relationships, and the integration of your mind, body and soul. We are here to help you shift your level of consciousness and help you on your way to Freedom.
    enSergei Davidoff30 Episodes

    Episodes (30)

    Dying of a Heart Attack Brought on by Hypertension He Realized on the Other Side that we are All One

    Dying of a Heart Attack Brought on by Hypertension He Realized on the Other Side that we are All One

    David Williamson shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, dying of a heart attack brought on by hypertension after years of intense activism in support of his community. During his encounter on the Other Side he was able to realize that we are All One while experiencing himself as a glowing orb of light and learning that no experience in this life is ever lost or wasted. David shares how the Experience transformed the way he views life and how it changed the way he relates to other people.

    Contact David: https://www.facebook.com/dvd731/

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        Near-death experiences are triggered during singular life-threatening episodes when the body is injured by a heart attack, shock, or blunt trauma such as an explosion or a fall.
        These events share broad commonalities: becoming pain-free, seeing a bright light at the end of a tunnel, or detaching from one's body and floating above it and even flying off into space.
       A young Ernest Hemingway, badly injured by an exploding shell on a World War I battlefield, wrote in a letter home that “dying is a very simple thing. I’ve looked at death, and really I know. If I should have died it would have been very easy for me. Quite the easiest thing I ever did.”

       Near-death experiences, or NDEs, are triggered during singular life-threatening episodes when the body is injured by blunt trauma, a heart attack, asphyxia, shock, and so on. About one in 10 patients with cardiac arrest in a hospital setting undergoes such an episode. Thousands of survivors of these harrowing touch-and-go situations tell of leaving their damaged bodies behind and encountering a realm beyond everyday existence, unconstrained by the usual boundaries of space and time. These powerful, mystical experiences can lead to permanent transformation of their lives.

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    The Near-Death Experience of Jeremiah Pospisil

    The Near-Death Experience of Jeremiah Pospisil

    The Man Who Had 3 Near Death Experiences! Jeremiah Pospisil | NDE

        Near-death experiences are triggered during singular life-threatening episodes when the body is injured by a heart attack, shock, or blunt trauma such as an explosion or a fall.
        These events share broad commonalities: becoming pain-free, seeing a bright light at the end of a tunnel, or detaching from one's body and floating above it and even flying off into space.
        Why the mind should experience the struggle to sustain its operations in the face of a loss of blood flow and oxygen as positive and blissful rather than as panic-inducing remains a mystery.

    A young Ernest Hemingway, badly injured by an exploding shell on a World War I battlefield, wrote in a letter home that “dying is a very simple thing. I’ve looked at death, and really I know. If I should have died it would have been very easy for me. Quite the easiest thing I ever did.”

    Years later Hemingway adapted his own experience—that of the soul leaving the body, taking flight and then returning—for his famous short story “The Snows of Kilimanjaro,” about an African safari gone disastrously wrong. The protagonist, stricken by gangrene, knows he is dying. Suddenly, his pain vanishes, and Compie, a bush pilot, arrives to rescue him. The two take off and fly together through a storm with rain so thick “it seemed like flying through a waterfall” until the plane emerges into the light: before them, “unbelievably white in the sun, was the square top of Kilimanjaro. And then he knew that there was where he was going.” The description embraces elements of a classic near-death experience: the darkness, the cessation of pain, the emerging into the light and then a feeling of peacefulness.
    Peace Beyond Understanding

    Near-death experiences, or NDEs, are triggered during singular life-threatening episodes when the body is injured by blunt trauma, a heart attack, asphyxia, shock, and so on. About one in 10 patients with cardiac arrest in a hospital setting undergoes such an episode. Thousands of survivors of these harrowing touch-and-go situations tell of leaving their damaged bodies behind and encountering a realm beyond everyday existence, unconstrained by the usual boundaries of space and time. These powerful, mystical experiences can lead to permanent transformation of their lives.

    NDEs are not fancy flights of the imagination. They share broad commonalities—becoming pain-free, seeing a bright light at the end of a tunnel and other visual phenomena, detaching from one’s body and floating above it, or even flying off into space (out-of-body experiences). They might include meeting loved ones, living or dead, or spiritual beings such as angels; a Proustian recollection or even review of lifetime memories, both good and bad (“my life flashed in front of my eyes”); or a distorted sense of time and space. There are some underlying physiological explanations for these perceptions, such as progressively narrowing tunnel vision. Reduced blood flow to the visual periphery of the retina means vision loss occurs there first.

    NDEs can be either positive or negative experiences. The former receive all the press and relate to the feeling of an overwhelming presence, something numinous, divine. A jarring disconnect separates the massive trauma to the body and the peacefulness and feeling of oneness with the universe. Yet not all NDEs are blissful—some can be frightening, marked by intense terror, anguish, loneliness and despair.

    Contact Jeremiah

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    Man With A 16-years Of Research Into Near Death Experiences Gave His View On Mankind Future | NDE

    Man With A 16-years Of Research Into Near Death Experiences Gave His View On Mankind Future | NDE

    David Suich is a retired engineer who founded and operated Steps of Hope Outreach, a nonprofit organization that served orphanages in Nepal, Mexico, and Haiti from 2003 through 2018. During a painful and chronic physical condition that triggered severe depression, he clicked on a YouTube video about an atheist who died momentarily and saw Heaven. This led him on a 14-year journey of research into near-death experiences, including the testimonies of over 1000 people who have died, seen the afterlife, and returned. His book God Took My Clothes. What happens when we die? Is it the end of existence, or is there something more? Thanks to advances in modern medicine and some miraculous recoveries, thousands of people have died, seen the afterlife, and returned. God Took My Clothes summarizes the lessons learned from 12 years of near-death experience research as well as the testimonies of over 700 people who have died in various ways, returned, and talked about the afterlife. Their incredible testimonies reveal a non-judgmental creator of light and infinite love beyond what human language is capable of describing. God Took My Clothes discusses what it feels like to die, the life review, the environments of Heaven and Hell, God’s view of religion, the nature of our existence, humanity’s future, and the importance of living life with love and compassion. This book presents the hidden truth. Death is no different than waking up from a dream. You cannot die. 

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    0:00 Start
    3:15 God Took My Clothes
    8:30 How NDE Experience transforms people
    31:00 When the angels are talking to you
    45:30 We chose this for our evolution
    54:15 Talking to your Guides
    1:03:20 About the book God Took My Clothes

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    #nde #neardeathexperience #afterlife #heaven #nde2023 #heaven 


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    Disclaimer: This video is taken from an interview by us and our channel, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content. 


    About Freedom Show
    enOctober 21, 2023

    How to Know Your Life Purpose in 10 minutes: Insights from an 82-Year-Old Man | Jerry K Paul

    How to Know Your Life Purpose in 10 minutes: Insights from an 82-Year-Old Man | Jerry K Paul

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    Wisdom from an 82 year Old Man: The Purpose of Life is Not What You Think | Jerry K. Paul

    I enter into a state of prayer and communion with God by focusing on Divine Light and Love. This state is so deep that what I receive will be lost to memory unless I write it down immediately. Sometimes it occurs in the middle of the night, while I am driving and am undistracted, or even while I’m eating alone. It is not a matter of just receiving a message but also an experience of Divine Presence. The impression it makes on me is so profound that I think I could never forget it; however, it is too deep to be impressed on the conscious memory, much like dream. Once the messages are written down, reading them triggers the memory of the experience. That memory is of 
    Holiness, Love, and Light.

    The Purpose of Life is to Dwell in Love | Jerry K. Paul

    Contact Jerry K. Paul

    Jerry's Book "Dwell in Love" 

    Jerry Paul asked God and Jesus for messages for those of the heart in order to inspire and instruct them as to the best way to commune with Divine Presence and discover that Presence in others. The first chapter consists of 211 daily, inspirational messages for use as devotional material. The remainder of the book consists of longer messages in answer to questions asked about healing, service, suffering, forgiveness, sacrifice, praying, how to care for the sick, the current world situation, etc. The main theme of the book is becoming an empty vessel through which God can extend unconditional love.

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    Disclaimer: This video is taken from an interview by us and our channel, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content. 

    How to Know Your Life Purpose in 10  minutes: Insights from an 82-Year-Old Man | Jerry K Paul

    #nde  #neardeathexperience  #afterlife  #heaven  #lifespurpose

    Struck by LIGHTING 4 Times! | Near-Death Experience! Sharon Milliman | NDE

    Struck by LIGHTING 4 Times! | Near-Death Experience! Sharon Milliman | NDE

    I was truly honored to have Sharon Milliman as my guest on About Freedom Show Podcast. Amazing woman with some incredible NDE stories. Please enjoy my conversation with Sharon. 

    Sharon Milliman was struck by lightning numerous times over the course of several years. The powerful lightning strike, that occurred in 2005, resulted in her second NDE. Her third NDE occurred in November 2016 where she aspirated and stopped breathing while undergoing emergency surgery. Her fourth NDE occurred in December 2017 due to an adverse reaction to seizure medication, she died from acute respiratory acidosis. Sharon has been a guest on several radio shows, as well as numerous YouTube interviews and podcasts. Most prominently, Sharon was featured in a Near-Death Experience Documentary film by producer and filmmaker James Bonato in 2022. Sharon was also featured on The Dr Oz Show which aired February 15, 2019, as well as being featured on The National Geographic Channel in a show titled ‘Return from the Dead' about Near-Death Experiences which aired on April 17, 2016. Sharon is a licensed ordained minister and has presented as a guest speaker at a number of spiritually oriented groups, including the 2023 IANDS conference. She was a guest speaker at the Edgar Casey Institute as well as various Churches, Hospitals and Hospice groups. She is the author of four books, "A Song In The Wind, A Near-Death Experience", "The Whispers In The Wind, A Poetic Journey Of The Soul” , “A Rose From Heaven”, and Sharon’s latest book, Timeless Love, A Song In the Wind 2 is to be released this Fall 2023. All of her books can be found on Amazon. 

    A Song in the Wind: A Near Death Experience
    A Rose From Heaven
    A Song in the Wind

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    Man Saved by a DOLPHIN | Incredible STORY | Near-Death Experience | Carlos Vivas | NDE

    Man Saved by a DOLPHIN | Incredible STORY | Near-Death Experience | Carlos Vivas | NDE

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    Help from Heaven: Miracles Happen When You Believe Kindle Edition 


    Life is a manifestation of miracles; every day and every moment.

    In Help from Heaven, Carlos Vivas shares a story of hope and love as he describes the true events surrounding his near-death experience and the miracles he continues to witness since that day. Through nature and spiritual messages, Vivas describes how God not only saved him, He also transformed him.


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    Is There Life After Death? What People See in a State of Clinical Death? Near-Death Experience | NDE

    Is There Life After Death? What People See in a State of Clinical Death? Near-Death Experience | NDE

    People who have experienced clinical death are well aware of the answer to the age-old question - is there life after death? Almost everyone knows that during clinical death a person is able to see the other world. Doctors do not find a logical explanation for this. The phenomenon of seeing the afterlife during clinical death began to be widely discussed after the publication of Dr. Raymond Moody's book Life After Death in the 70s of the last century.

    There are statistics of what was seen during clinical death. Many people see the same thing. They could not agree with each other in any way, therefore, what they saw was true. So, 31% of survivors of clinical death talk about flying through a tunnel. This is the most common posthumous vision. 29% of people claim that they managed to see the starry landscape. About 24% of respondents talk about how they saw their body lying on the operating table from the side. At the same time, some of the patients who survived clinical death accurately described the actions of doctors that took place in the process of their resuscitation.

    23% saw a bright blinding light that beckoned people to them. The same number of near-death survivors claim to have seen something in vibrant colors. 13% of people had pictures from their lives, and they managed to see the whole life path, in the smallest detail. 8% talked about what they saw the border between the worlds of the living and the dead. Some managed to see and even communicate with deceased relatives and even angels. Being in an inanimate state, but not yet dead, a person can make a choice - to return to the material world or go further. Only the stories of people who have chosen life are known. Sometimes they say to those who got to the other side that it is "still too early" for them and they let them go back.

    It is interesting that people who are blind from birth describe everything the same as when they were “on the other side”. see the sighted. The American doctor K. Ring interviewed about two hundred blind from birth patients who survived clinical death. They described exactly the same thing as people without visual impairments.

    People who are interested in facts about life after death are afraid of the end of physical existence. However, more than half of the people surveyed noted that the sensations during their stay in the afterlife were more positive than negative. In about half of the cases, there is an awareness of one's own death. Unpleasant sensations or fear are very rare during clinical death. Most people who have been beyond the line are convinced that a better world awaits beyond the line, and are no longer afraid of death.

    In all the moments when the light focused on events that related to learning, it seemed to say that I should continue to study without fail, so that when he comes for me next time, I will keep this desire in myself. By that time, I already understood that I was destined to return to life again. He called knowledge a continuous process and now, I think that the process of learning certainly does not stop even with death.

    The Light After Death Book:
    Amazon: https://amzn.to/3j2Yu2N


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    Hans Wilhelm, a German-American mystic, writer, children's book author and illustrator, has written and/or illustrated over 200 books – mostly for children. They have been translated in more than thirty languages and have won numerous international awards and prizes. Many of them have been made into animated television series. Presently there are over FORTY TWO MILLION BOOKS by Hans Wilhelm in print. Some of his best-known books include "I'll Always Love You", "Bunny Trouble" series, "Tyrone The Horrible" series, "Waldo" series, and the "Noodles" books.

    He's also host to the "Life Explained" video series, which aims to visually explain a number of spiritual phenomena from his personal point of view.

    Contact Hans Wilhelm


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