
    Adventure in the Ascent

    To the adventure in Him... This phrase has been a rallying cry for me and my circle of friends for years. We were designed for intimate relationship with God. Jesus made this possible through His sacrifice on the Cross. The veil was torn, and we were invited beyond. We were created for a grand adventure in which we come to Him in repentance, maintain intimacy, learn of Him, walk His path, and ascend the hill of the Lord. Let's ascend together and experience the adventure with God. There's more...

    en-us22 Episodes

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    Episodes (22)

    BAPTISM SUNDAY: Identified with Christ, and raised to new life!

    BAPTISM SUNDAY: Identified with Christ, and raised to new life!

    “Baptism is an outward expression of an inward faith.” -Watchman Nee

    ↠We are to be a people of great celebration! Celebration is key in the Kingdom of God!

    ↠In Scripture, we see the beauty of celebration, celebration of God, what He has done, feasts, banquets, parties, (Ps. 98:4, 145:7). In Matt. 22, Jesus illustrates the Kingdom through a wedding feast. In Luke 15, as the Prodigal returns, the Father says, “Let us CELEBRATE!” Luke 15:7, “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents…”

    ↠Today, we celebrate, rejoice with Heaven as EACH ONE comes out of the water- join us in the celebration! What you celebrate you get more of…

    ↠What is baptism, and why is it important?

    ↠Baptism isn't where you find Jesus; it's what you do once you've found Him. It is an outward, public demonstration of an inward faith.

    ↠Baptism is a step of obedience, response to Jesus’ commands (Matthew 28:19-20)

    ↠Last words are important- The Great Commission given by Jesus instructs us to go, disciple, baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit

    ↠Why be baptized? The Father asked us to. Obedience is a mark of a true Christ follower. One yes leads to another yes..the life of obedience following Him

    ↠Baptism expresses/shows union with Christ (Romans 6:1-11)

    ↠Our baptism is a witness to the saving work of Christ - His death, burial, and resurrection- a visual reenactment, and you are united in that with Him!

    ↠Baptism declares to the world, the enemy, and the Father- I identify with Christ, I choose Christ, I follow Christ, I am in relationship with Christ! It declares to the world what has taken place in your life and walk.

    ↠Baptism is a witness, it prophesies to others!

    ↠Your baptism is a memorial stone (Joshua 4), it points to Christ, it testifies!

    ↠Baptism demonstrates to the world the goodness/kindness of God that draws all of us to repentance (Rom. 2:4)

    ↠What He will do for one, He will do for another, He is no respecter of persons. Have you experienced this? Have you been reborn into right relationship with God?

    ↠Baptism is not “just” a “symbol”

    ↠In saying the word “symbol” for so long, we have dulled down the power of it

    ↠When you step out in boldness and obedience and publicly declare you are with Christ, it puts hell on notice and makes a Father in Heaven proud. It sets up an environment of faith, it “stirs the waters.” We are believing that things are being buried in the water today, and we are rising in NEWNESS of LIFE!

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit- Miracles & Prophecy

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit- Miracles & Prophecy

    1 Corinthians 12

    ↠We talk about The Gospel, we want an authentic Gospel, and we find that in this beautiful Gospel of the Kingdom.

    ↠Jesus preached the “Gospel of the Kingdom (Matthew 4:23).” We are sharing that same Gospel that speaks of the “Kingdom,” God’s reign, the “coming close” of the Father into lives/situations.

    ↠The sending out in Luke 10, “heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you.”

    ↠Operating in these gifts of the Holy Spirit is declaring “the Kingdom of God has come near you!” 1 Cor. 4:20: “The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.” The world is saying enough talk, show us the Kingdom!

    ↠GIFT: The Working of Miracles (v. 10)

    ↠Def’s: A supernatural occurrence that goes beyond our human scope of comprehension, divine act by which God reveals Himself, a phenomenon that transcends all natural laws, the Kingdom invading the impossible!

    ↠Jesus and the disciples were known for a life of miracles (Acts 2:22)

    ↠Matt. 10:8, we’re directed: “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!”

    ↠Miracles move us/change us, leave us standing in awe of a great and good God! It is something usually observable (loaves & fishes, etc.)

    ↠Biblical examples of miracles: Exodus 14, Acts 16, 20

    ↠They point us to Him! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Miracles are still for today as all the gifts: They help to initiate faith, restore faith, and strengthen faith. Demonstrate the heart of the Father/power of the Kingdom!

    ↠GIFT: Prophecy (v. 10)

    ↠“Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy (1 Cor. 14:1)”

    ↠Def: Discourse emanating from divine inspiration, declaring the purposes of God, whether by reproving and admonishing the wicked, or comforting the afflicted, or revealing things hidden; especially by foretelling future events.

    ↠1 Cor. 14:3-5: There is a great building up of the body in this.

    ↠Don’t despise (1 Thess. 5:20-21), true prophecy is from God (2 Pet. 1:21)

    ↠NT examples: Agabus, Barnabas, Paul, John, the four daughters (Acts 21)

    ↠Release of the hope of Heaven, the correction and guidance of Heaven, what’s on the horizon from the Kingdom view/perspective

    ↠Picture of the gifts working together in meeting/worship times (1 Cor. 14:26-33)

    ↠Let’s see us walking in our true, God-given identity, gifts, and the body being built up spiritually, by Biblical means..

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit- Part 2 (1 Cor. 12)

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit- Part 2 (1 Cor. 12)

    “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all…” -1 Cor. 12:7

    ↠Review of last week: The Trinity is in the gift-giving business, Holy Spirit gives!

    ↠In three NT locations we are taught about gifts of the Holy Spirit- 1 Cor. 12, Ephesians 4, Romans 12

    ↠These gifts are unique and supernatural abilities given to us to carry out His outreach mission, walk in true identity, edify/build up the body of Christ. They are God empowering Christians to do what He has called us to do. (2 Pet. 1:3) 

    ↠Paul instructs us that we are to “eagerly desire” the gifts (1 Cor. 12:31, 14:1)

    ↠Exploring the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1 Cor. 12:

    ↠LAST WEEK: Word of Wisdom (guides/edifies): It is bringing the wisdom of Heaven into any given situation. It is the supernatural impartation of facts, guidance, and solutions.

    ↠LAST WEEK: Word of Knowledge (instructs/teaches/sheds light): It’s supernatural revelation of the divine will and plan of God, supernatural insight or understanding of facts, knowledge from God. This is the Christian getting understanding of a situation or person that can’t be known through their own experience or knowledge.

    ↠Gift of Faith: Faith moves God, fear moves Satan. The spiritual gift of faith is a supernatural faith that operates from God directly through you. It accomplishes things that are thought to be impossible to man. When operating with the gift of faith, anything is possible (Heb. 11:6, Lk. 18:8, Daniel 3, Rom. 4:18-21). 

    This gift manifests in extraordinary amounts of faith and is unshakable in times of uncertainty. Faith is a gift. And when the church uses it, it gives believers the power to bring the unseen into reality. Faith is the exceptional ability to hold fast to the truth of God in Jesus Christ in spite of pressures, problems, and obstacles to faithfulness.

    ↠Gift(s) of Healing(s) (only one in the plural): This gift is the supernatural healing released from Heaven. It is the invasion and restoration of Heaven over a body, spirit, soul, etc. When we think of healing, immediately, our minds go to physical healing, but there are other types, and many need mental, emotional, trauma healing and most of all…spiritual healing. Salvation (sozo) describes salvation as wholeness, not just our soul, but restoration to every part of our mind, body, soul. This healing gift allows you to minister God’s healing power into broken lives that need restoration. (Acts 3, 8, 9, Jer. 33:6, Ps. 147:3)

    RESPOND THIS WEEK: Meditate on 1 Corinthians 12. What gifts have you seen already active in your life? Step out in them/ask Holy Spirit to help guide you. “Eagerly desire” the gifts in your personal worship/devotion, then look for opportunities to step out. Share testimonies!

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit- Part 1 (1 Cor. 12:4-11, 31)

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit- Part 1 (1 Cor. 12:4-11, 31)

    “In order for the assembly (ekklesia/church) to be built up, every believer needs to rise up and be actively seeking the Lord and functioning according to the gifts that the Spirit has given each one.” -Henry Hon

    ↠The Holy Spirit gives gifts- we continue to see the “giving” of the Trinity

    ↠Every good and perfect gift comes down from above (James 1:17)

    ↠We are instructed to “earnestly desire” spiritual gifts (v. 31, 14:1)

    ↠Why desire? What are the purposes of these gifts?

    ↠1. For the building up/edification/common good of the Body (v. 7, 1 Pet. 4:10)

    ↠2. To empower us for evangelism (Luke 24, Acts 4:29-31, 1 Cor. 14:24-25)

    ↠For us to walk in our identity, help the Body, and bring unbelievers close! Use demonstrates the heart/love of the Father and boldness/power of the Kingdom!

    ↠What is a gift of the Holy Spirit?

    ↠Unique skills/abilities given by the Holy Spirit to followers of Christ. They are God empowering Christians to do what He has called us to do. (2 Pet. 1:3)

    ↠The varying gifts can be found in Romans 12, Ephesians 4, and 1 Cor. 12

    ↠Each one receives, but there can be times of operation in all as the Spirit wills for Kingdom intervention (v. 11, 14, Ex. 31:3-5, Rom. 8:14)

    ↠Exploring the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1 Cor. 12:

    ↠Word of Wisdom (guides/edifies): This is a gift that helps bring clarity to a person or situation, sense of divine direction, divinely given power to appropriate spiritual intuition in problem solving, perspective to ascertain the divine means for accomplishing God’s will in situations. (Ps. 37:30, Prov. 24:6)

    ↠Not “human wisdom” (1 Cor. 2:4-5), could bring together knowledge you have and give wisdom of direction in its use or be totally revelatory- the direction/ wisdom of Heaven in a situation (how to handle a situation, finances, conflict, in sharing the Gospel, etc.)

    ↠”Word-” words matter (Prov. 16:24, 18) and are creative, when Jesus healed, he SPOKE, blessing, truth is being distorted, Heavenly wisdom is needed, lean in!

    ↠Word of Knowledge (instructs/teaches/sheds light): Supernatural revelation of the divine will and plan of God, insight/understanding of facts/knowledge of God, knowing something that you cannot know based on human understanding/your current knowledge (Prov. 18:15, Acts 10- vision, Gen. 6)

    ↠In this gift, this knowledge of Heaven allows us to speak into a person’s life the things that are relevant to them for that very moment. The more that we step out in them, the more we become tuned to His voice…The gift of the word of knowledge can show up to us as a…Vision, Dream, Thought, Voice, Feeling. It is going to be something that glorifies Christ, draws people closer, and edifies!

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Gift of the Helper- Coming Alongside (John 14:15-18)

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Gift of the Helper- Coming Alongside (John 14:15-18)

    “When we pray for the Spirit's help ... we will simply fall down at the Lord's feet in our weakness. There we will find the victory and power that comes from His love.”  -Andrew Murray

    ↠Jesus “I will pray/ask the Father…” (v. 16a)- Jesus in His role of intercessor 

    ↠”Coming between on behalf of/the act of praying on behalf of others” (Rom. 8:34, 1 John 2:1, Heb. 7:25). We know the Holy Spirit is ready/chomping at the bit (Gen. 1:2), Jesus comes before the Father on our behalf to ASK…

    ↠”He (The Father) will GIVE…” (v. 16b)- The Holy Spirit is a gift!

    ↠Every good and perfect gift comes from ABOVE (James 1:17, Matt. 7:11)

    ↠The first gift- the Father gave His Son to die on the cross for love (Jn. 3:16)

    ↠The first gift made the second possible- cleansed temples via repentance so that we/the temples could be FILLED with the second gift- the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19-20)

    ↠“He will give you ANOTHER…”

    ↠Another- Two words in Greek for this (heteros and allos), one means ‘another of a different type,’ the second means ‘another of the same type’ (mug example)- The Holy Spirit was to be another of the same type (allos, same as Jesus, but now in them not with them)

    ↠“He will give you another HELPER…”

    ↠Helper/Counselor/Advocate In Greek: 'παράκλητος/paraklētos' (only used by John)

    ↠Overall definition: “summoned, called to one's side, especially called to one's aid”

    ↠Can you think of a time in your life when you needed help with a task or something that you couldn’t do alone? Who was there for you? How did their presence make you feel?

    ↠Part of the promise: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So see Him literally coming alongside in every situation.

    ↠Breaking down the treasure of the word paraklētos…Roles of the Holy Spirit:

    ↠Comforter: The Holy Spirit comforts us (John 14:1, 2 Cor. 2:3-4, Acts 9:31)

    ↠Counselor: Advice/instruction/helping direct (Prov. 11:14, 12:15, Isa. 11:2, Ps. 16:7). The Holy Spirit will guide you into ALL truth (John 16:13).

    ↠Advocate: An advocate is one who speaks up on the behalf of another or defends (Rom. 8:16), speaks up, defends the work of the Cross in us

    ↠Strengthener: To add strength, make stronger, source of strength. Physical strength vs. inner man, strong on the outside but dying on the inside. There is a daily renewal needed. (Eph. 3:16, 2 Cor. 4:16)

    RESPOND THIS WEEK: Read and meditate on the verses above. Do you truly see the Holy Spirit as a gift to you? Thank God for The Gift. The Holy Spirit wants to come alongside you, partner with you, help you, counsel, bring truth, advocate, comfort, and strengthen. In your personal worship and devotion time, ask for these functions, and be mindful this week of how He does it…

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: Who Is the Holy Spirit? Wait on Him!

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: Who Is the Holy Spirit? Wait on Him!

    “If we think of the Holy Spirit only as an impersonal power or influence, then our thought will constantly be, how can I get hold of and use the Holy Spirit; but if we think of Him in the biblical way as a divine Person, infinitely wise, infinitely holy, infinitely tender, then our thought will constantly be, 'How can the Holy Spirit get hold of and use me?'” -R. A. Torrey

    ↠Back to the early church- Acts recounts the life of the early church (The Way)

    ↠If you want to to see a clear picture of how something is designed to function, you go back to its origin, back to it’s beginning.

    ↠We must always return to the Word for instruction, guidance, wisdom, but also to see how the Christian life is to function and operate

    ↠I want to encourage you to read through the book of Acts in this series

    ↠The Holy Spirit was pivotal in the life of the early church

    ↠Jesus gave them instruction to WAIT for the Holy Spirit, their lives were to be Spirit-led, in every aspect. It is imperative, vital, that you do nothing without the Holy Spirit. Spirit-led living was THE way.

    ↠As you read through Acts and the NT, you see how reliant on the Holy Spirit they were. Listen to the examples given, find your own examples this week.. “Then the Spirit said to Philip, ‘Go near and overtake this chariot.’” “And as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them, as upon us at the beginning.”

    ↠The Holy Spirit was involved in every facet of life, in leading, in decision making, there was a deep dependence on the Holy Spirit for life…we are called to the same!

    ↠And if the Holy Spirit is the one we depend on, wait on, and are led by, we must know more of Him. (John 14:26) Essential truths regarding the Holy Spirit…

    ↠The Holy Spirit is God- not a creation of or a lesser “being,” but God 

    ↠One of the most basic evidence of this is how the Holy Spirit is referenced throughout Scripture- “the Spirit of God.” (Gen. 1:26)

    ↠If you are saved, reborn, it’s not a force, or creation of God that indwells you or something lesser, it is God Himself! (Peter’s reference in Acts 5)

    ↠The Holy Spirit is not a force or an “it” but a Person.

    ↠The Holy Spirit is not an indistinct force, power, or thing, but is a Person who has  relationships believers & with the Father and the Son. In the Old and New Testament, the Holy Spirit is continually referred to as a He, and in the NT as a person. (Jn. 14:26)

    ↠What difference will it make in our lives/walk when we know understand that we are not just indwelt by an impersonal force but by the Person of the Holy Spirit.

    ↠The interesting thing about a Person is that they have the attributes of personality

    ↠Mind, will, emotions, grieving, insulting (Heb. 10:29)

    ↠When was the last time that we thought about the fact that our behavior, or our sin, a lack of obedience can cause the Holy Spirit to grieve? Breaching relationship…

    ↠The Holy Spirit has the capacity for relationship (indwelling) (1 Cor. 13:14)

    ↠The H.S. has the ability to create love in our hearts (Gal 5:22, Rom. 5:5, 1 Sam. 16, 2 Sam. 7:15) The Holy Spirit is a source and fountain of steadfast love in us! “Waves!”

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Brooding to New Life- This is That! (Genesis 1:1-2, Acts 2)

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Brooding to New Life- This is That! (Genesis 1:1-2, Acts 2)

    "If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the church today, 95 percent of what we do would go on and no one would know the difference. If the Holy Spirit had been withdrawn from the New Testament church, 95 percent of what they did would stop, and everybody would know the difference.” -A. W. Tozer

    • The third Person of the Trinity
      • In order to begin to understand the Holy Spirit we must first look to the Trinity
      • Cute metaphors attempt to explain the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) such as the egg (yolk, shell, white), but fall short of the beautiful mystery that it truly is. God is not like an egg nor any other thing- He is above all.
      • There is oneness and plurality in the Trinity (Gen. 1:1- “God (plural) created (singular)”
    • ”The Spirit of God was hovering/brooding over the face of the waters”(Gen. 1:2)
      • The Spirit is the first of the three referred to individually in Scripture
      • Among the void, the darkness, the Spirit was hovering/moving/fluttering
      • ”Brooding” is another definition of this word in Hebrew- “to sit upon/INCUBATE” (Deut. 32:11). Brooding creates life- desiring to bring/create NEW LIFE (Job 33:4)
      • The Spirit is still “brooding” and desiring to bring “new life”(John 3:5-6). Besides a physical birth, there is a spiritual birth which IS the work of the Holy Spirit
    • Are you familiar with the Holy Spirit? We endeavor to lean in…
      • The great juxtaposition in Scripture- God is “unsearchable and past finding out”(Rom. 11:33) yet we do not stop there, we dig/lean in. Deut. 29:29 teaches us that the “things revealed belong to us and to our children forever (generational).”  “Those who diligently seek Me, find me (Jer. 29:13)...” With knowledge of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, we don’t shy away, we lean in, learn, seek the treasures of Scripture. There are
        depths that we are called to walk in, steward, and pass on so that we and others can walk in knowledge, clarity, purity, identity, and power! Do you want to know Him?
    • The Holy Spirit is at work throughout Scripture (from the beginning)
      • Creation, would “come upon” judges, warriors, prophets (Judges 6:34, 2 Sam. 23)
    • From UPON to IN
      • Old Testament buildup/the promise- “I will put My Spirit IN YOU” (Eze. 36:27)
      • Expanded upon in Joel 2- “I shall pour My Spirit out on all flesh”
      • Fulfilled in Acts 2- Pentecost: “THIS IS THAT!” which was spoken by the prophet Joel
      • The disciples (Peter’s transformation)/the crowd/we are never the same: boldness, purity, power, the seal, fruit of the Spirit, unashamed to declare the Gospel
      • Jesus: “It is to your advantage that I go..” Do you see the “advantage?”
    • The Holy Spirit is still BROODING, ready to create/transform…IN YOU! (Acts 2:21)
      • Has He created anew in you? Do you see where He is at work? Have you become enamored with the Third person of the Trinity? Declare “This is that” this week! How can you participate with the Holy Spirit this week?

    ROMANS: No Condemnation, No Separation, Walking in The Spirit (Rom. 8)

    ROMANS: No Condemnation, No Separation, Walking in The Spirit (Rom. 8)

    “My dignity as Abba’s child is my most coherent sense of self.” -Brennan Manning

    This chapter is regarded as one of the crown jewel chapters in the Bible, and there are three main things that I believe the Holy Spirit would highlight for us in this treasure chapter…

    ↠There is now there no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus! (v. 1)

    ↠It doesn’t say there is less condemnation, but there is no condemnation. Your standing before God has not just improved but it has been totally transformed!

    ↠No future guilt/charge (vs. 33-34)

    ↠But not everyone can say “there is no condemnation.” (John 3:36, 5:24)

    ↠There is also no separation from His love (vs. 35-39)

    ↠Another great part of the Good News- forgiven, free, and His love never stops

    ↠John 10:27- “neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.”

    ↠We need a revelation of this type of love! 

    ↠Be “rooted and grounded in His love” (Ephesians 3)- see the picture of establishment in His love here- rooted as a tree in it- then understanding the depths of it

    ↠“To separate”- to place space between/Eden Story/clothing/He desires nothing between us- that is the depths of His love. Are you mesmerized by HIs longing for no separation?

    ↠Life/Walking in the Spirit (vs. 5-11)

    ↠What is the secret, the method to walking rightly, what’s the key to constantly living in the understanding of no condemnation, no separation? Walking or living in the Spirit!

    ↠Christian living is supernatural living by the Spirit! It is to be characteristic of a believer to live by the Spirit. Paul presents two ways to live (Deut. 30:19).

    ↠These two paths, both have characteristics and consequences– John 10:10

    ↠Following our sinful nature brings death (corrosion, James 1:15)

    ↠Second- “be led by the Spirit unto LIFE!” Romans 8:6 says, “For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”

    ↠Abandon any hope of finding satisfaction in anything apart from Him. Put “those things to death” (Galatians 5:24- Nail them to the Cross!)

    ↠Living by the Spirit actually proves who we are! (vs. 14)

    ↠Children, continually being led, progression

    ↠Our response to that leading- crying “Abba, Father! (v. 15) an intimate form of addressing a Father. He’s not just a King, you’re not just a slave, you’re not just some sinner saved by grace, you are Abba’s child.

    ↠The foundation of my true self is “I am the one loved by the Father.” The practical side of that—Develop/maintain that awareness of our belovedness by time alone with God. He is calling us, wooing us away into deeper, daily devotion, come away!

    ↠Part of walking in the Spirit is hearing His voice. Our lives can be radically transformed by learning to hear HIs voice better (John 10:3-5) His sheep HEAR His voice, not should, or could, but HEAR…tune in/frequency (Ps. 46:10)

    ROMANS: The Beauty of Salvation (Romans 3:22, 10:8-13, 5:1-12)

    ROMANS: The Beauty of Salvation (Romans 3:22, 10:8-13, 5:1-12)

    “God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, 'I love you.'” -Billy Graham

    Last week, we looked at the introduction to the book of Romans and Paul’s first major theme- the problem of sin. Just as God doesn’t discriminate with salvation, sin doesn’t discriminate. “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Today, we see the rescue from that- salvation through Jesus!

    ↠“The recognition of sin is the beginning of salvation.” -Luther

    ↠We see ourselves rightly, as unrighteous before a righteous and holy God

    ↠”For all have sinned and fallen short (Rom. 3:23)” We existed in a fallen state, helpless, but Romans 5:6 says that, in that very state, Christ died for us.

    ↠”We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ.” -Rom. 3:22

    ↠”Place our faith?” It is a genuine reliance on Christ, a heartfelt trust in Him. It’s acknowledging the truth of everything that God has revealed in his Word, trusting in him, and also receiving and resting on him alone for salvation as He is offered to us in the gospel. There is no way to make ourselves right

    ↠How do we place our faith in Him? (Rom. 10:8-13)

    Confess- our confession, our declaration aligning with Jesus Christ, coming into agreement with who He is and what He has done, believing Him fully. (Luke 9:23)

    ↠1 John 1:9 takes it further when it promises that “If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

    Believe- Trust in, have faith in, it carries connotations of deep trust and confidence. It’s more than just believe (demons believe, James 2:19), deep, personal trust that produces obedience. (Prov. 3:5)

    ↠”Whoever calls on the name of the Lord SHALL be saved. (v. 13)

    ↠Blessings & Benefits of trusting in Jesus for salvation (Rom. 5:1-12)

    ↠Being made right/righteous, restoration, sins forgiven, but also…

    ↠Peace with God- from enemies of God to being at peace with Him (Eph. 2:14)- union/back to the Garden/no separation 

    ↠Standing in grace (v. 2)- It’s a present and continuing state of grace- God’s undeserved favor towards us. No works/no earning/no striving (Gal. 5:1)

    ↠We have access- Given permanent access to the throne room

    ↠We can glory or rejoice in tribulation- “Even in times of trouble we have a joyful confidence.” We live in a fallen world, we will have trouble. We also carry our joy and triumph even into the midst of trials. Out of this comes perseverance, character, and HOPE. The progression of Christian character.

    ↠We have a hope that doesn’t disappoint. Because, in all this, God’s love is being poured out into our hearts by a work of the Holy Spirit it says. “Experiencing the endless love of God cascading into our hearts.” 

    ↠Have you experienced this salvation? Have you received and acted upon the Good News?

    ↠“It’s the kindness/goodness of God that draws us to repentance.” -Romans 2:4

    Adventure in the Ascent
    en-usOctober 04, 2023

    ROMANS: Introduction & the Problem of Sin (Romans 1:1-25)

    ROMANS: Introduction & the Problem of Sin (Romans 1:1-25)

    “Romans is really the chief part of the New Testament and the purest gospel. It is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but also that he should occupy himself with it every day, as the daily bread of the soul. The more we deal with it, the more precious it becomes and the better it tastes.” -Luther

    ↠The most powerful epistle written to the “church” in Rome…

    ↠Most widely read epistles that has changed multitudes of lives, sparked revival

    ↠Written by Paul from Corinth in the year 57 A.D. to “the church body” in the capital of Rome,  not one particular church but groups of house churches

    ↠The only large church not founded by an apostle, but by Jewish converts from Acts 2 (Pentecost) who returned to their home in Rome

    ↠The “theme” of the book of Romans- sin, power of salvation, righteousness, mercy

    It is the clearest and most systematic presentation of Christian doctrine in all the Scriptures. The Gospel is as simple as John 3.16, but it is as deep and profound as the book of Romans.

    ↠Paul’s introduction & salutation (Rom. 1:1-17)

    ↠Bondservant- “willingly self-committed to permanent service of the Lord.”

    ↠Set apart as an apostle- He was called by God, set apart for the work of the Gospel

    ↠Paul desires to visit them (v. 8-15)- longs to connect, fellowship, and impart

    ↠First major theme of Romans- the problem of sin that affects all mankind (v. 18-25)

    ↠Vs. 16 teaches no discrimination in salvation, but now also none in sin

    ↠God’s wrath revealed against sin (unrighteousness/ungodliness) because it dishonors God, contradicts His’ holy character, anti-His nature- caused separation

    ↠Unrighteousness leads to suppression of the truth (v. 18)- false view develop

    ↠The real revelation of the truth would require repentance

    ↠His’ truth, though, is all around us (v. 19-20)- even more so today, yet the world would still rather suppress truth/conviction (not to be prominent in thought/life)

    ↠Even in the midst of this sin/suppression of truth- God has revealed Himself!

    ↠He is not beyond finding out (Ps. 19), but, in that, we are without excuse

    ↠He reveals Himself, He draws us, He releases the truth that there is a way out of unrighteousness and into righteousness and favor with God.

    ↠Trading the truth of God for a lie (vs. 24-25)

    ↠They traded the invisible power of the divine creator for powerless images and idols. Created things for the Creator of all things. This still happens today.

    ↠When we willingly give ourselves into the hands of powerless idols we unknowingly give the devil opportunity to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Ephesians 4:27 teaches us- “and do not give the devil a foothold.” (Genesis 4:7)

    ↠Solution to the problem that fulfills the latter part of John 10:10

    ↠Where there is a problem, there is a solution- God knew that sin wasn’t something we could battle or correct on our own, we needed a Savior. We needed someone to rescue us. What we will see as we continue in Romans, is that we can stand on the truth, stand firm in the Gospel in the power of Christ…

    Adventure in the Ascent
    en-usSeptember 29, 2023

    Thankfulness- His Will & A Distinctive Mark (Ps. 100 & John 6)

    Thankfulness- His Will & A Distinctive Mark (Ps. 100 & John 6)

    “A spirit of thankfulness is one of the most distinctive marks of a Christian whose heart is attuned to the Lord.” -Billy Graham

    Joy and thankfulness are not just emotions, but they are actually a posture of our heart…

    ↠What is the will of God for me? His Word gives us insight into His will…

    ↠Great Commission (Matt. 28), Ministry of Reconciliation (2 Cor. 5), Abiding (Jn. 15), but His’ will also involves “thankfulness”- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

    ↠It’s not giving thanks FOR all things but IN all things (Rom. 8:28)

    ↠If bitterness is present in our lives, it’s an indicator that thankfulness is absent. 

    ↠Thankfulness is how we “enter in…” 

    ↠”Enter into His gates with thanksgiving…” (Ps. 100:4)

    ↠These verses set the stage for this beautiful journey into the presence of God.

    Thanksgiving ushers us into His very presence- alone, on Sundays, in trials (gates of pearl, irritation, Rev. 21:21)

    ↠Joy & thankfulness are not just emotions, they are actually a posture of our heart.

    ↠”Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks…(Matt. 12)” to Hebrews 13:15- “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.”

    ↠The “discipline of thankfulness” is cultivated like any other thing- starting and maintaining (exercise regimen)- count your blessings, teach and model thankfulness, give testimony, acts of kindness, praise before prayer, course correct when the opposite of thankfulness presents itself

    ↠Jesus modeled thankfulness & everything He did was intentional, modeling a life of faith

    ↠In the Gospels, we not only see Jesus’ prayer life, but we also are able to see His praise life! He understood the “good things (James 1:17).”

    ↠Jesus gave thanks that His prayers were answered (Jn. 11:41)

    ↠Jesus gives thanks for revealed truth (Matt. 11:25), He stops to give thanks

    ↠Jesus gives thanks for the provision of God in the midst of suffering (Matt. 26:27)

    ↠Jesus gives thanks that leads to provision/more than enough (John 6:1-13)

    ↠It wasn’t “this isn’t enough” but “thank You.” / feeding thousands

    ↠In the midst of lack, He gave thanks, and out of that apparent lack, thankfulness transforms the situation into more than enough. What do you have? What's in your hand?

    ↠Remembered as a place of “thanksgiving” (John 6:22-23)

    ↠Unthankfulness ends in “futile” thoughts (Romans 1:18-21)

    ↠Thankfulness acknowledges the truth about our lives. When we withhold thanks from God, we actually cut ourselves off from who we are. It’s not hard to know Him, but glorying and thankfulness is a way to know Him, and without that response, we become futile in our thoughts- the POWER OF THANKFULNESS!

    *THIS WEEK: Step into deeper levels of thankfulness. Identify what you are thankful for and areas that you haven’t walked in thankfulness. “In everything, give thanks!”

    Adventure in the Ascent
    en-usSeptember 18, 2023

    Remember, Come Back To First Love, & Shine (Revelation 2:1-7)

    Remember, Come Back To First Love, & Shine (Revelation 2:1-7)

    “But I have this against you: you have abandoned the passionate love you had for me at the beginning." -Rev. 2:4, The Passion Translation

    ↠Remembering what God has done in our lives…

    ↠What Has he down? What testimonies & praises do you have?

    ↠Laying memorial stones (Joshua 4)

    ↠What “stones” can you lay? For you & those after…

    ↠God longs for us to proclaim His goodness now and to future generations

    ↠God’s people had forgotten (Jeremiah 2)

    ↠God doesn’t move, we do (Heb. 13:5)

    ↠”Can a bride forget her wedding dress (Jer. 2:32)? Yet My people have forgotten Me for days without number.” God likens us forgetting the Father to the bride forgetting her dress. How distracted would she have to be to forget?

    ↠Stumbling off the “ancient” path onto a muddy one (Jer. 18:15) vs. walking in “His” way (Psalm 119:35-37)

    ↠The “magnificent” church at Ephesus (Rev. 2:1-7, Acts 20, Ephesians)

    ↠They excelled at almost everything save the main thing

    ↠”You have abandoned your passionate love for Me/your first love”

    ↠The results of losing first love…

    ↠The world as the enemy instead of the mission field, more passionate about other things above Christ, dull to sin, insensitive to Holy Spirit…

    ↠Return to first works/love, keep your lampstand

    ↠A church without light in the darkness = no impact

    ↠Ephesus today

    ↠Jude 21, “keep yourselves”

    There isn’t a call to “time out” but a call to simply RETURN, sit at His’ feet, fan into the flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you (2 Timothy 1:-6-7)

    *THIS WEEK: Read back over and meditate on the verses from this week.

    Look back in remembrance, thankfulness & praise (consider journaling, taking notes, hanging them up where they can be seen). Create and foster an environment of thankfulness. Be encouraged and spurred on to first love/first works- REMEMBER/RETURN. Get away with Him daily, make time, schedule time.

    Adventure in the Ascent
    en-usSeptember 13, 2023

    A Love Towards Intimate Commands (John 14:15-24)

    A Love Towards Intimate Commands (John 14:15-24)

    We love Him. We keep His commandments which are really just simple invitations to know Him, be with Him, abide in Him, and He will come and take up residence, you won’t be a lost orphan, and the comforter will come rush in, in a way the world can’t explain, Heaven on earth…

    ↠The word love is used a lot in these verses, but is reserved for those in relationship

    ↠This isn’t the same as the blanket statement in John 3:16 for “the world, it’s something special offered to those who come in repentance

    ↠The “world can’t receive it…”

    ↠So, what does that mean “those that love me?”

    ↠Loving Jesus is NOT the same as keeping commandments, love for Him is not a to-do list, but is simply pure delight in Him, love can’t be reduced to a verb

    ↠Loving Him enables us to keep His Word, His instruction. Keeping His Word is a result of loving Him.

    ↠Love is our cherishing, our treasuring Christ. It is loving Him with all we are. Love for Jesus is totally deserved. He is good. He is worthy. Loving Jesus isn’t a matter of doing excellent things. It’s a matter of delighting in an incredibly excellent Savior.

    ↠If we love, we will “keep His commands.” What, though, are His commands?

    ↠We are not talking about simply the 10 commandments, let’s go deeper…

    ↠What commands of Jesus do you find in the Gospels, especially John? John 13:34-35 (love one another), John 21:16 (Tend/feed my sheep), John 1:43 (follow Me), John 14:1 (believe in Me), John 15:4 (Abide in Me), John 15:7 (Ask), John 20:22 (Receive the Holy Spirit). And there are more…

    ↠When we reflect on Old Testament commands, we feel ok. We haven’t murdered anyone, but are you abiding? Have you received Him? Are you following Him? These commands are much more personal

    ↠So if the commandments in the John are receive, believe, ask, abide, then it makes sense that Jesus would say, “If you love me — if you desire me and delight in me and treasure me — then you will receive me, and believe me and abide in me.”

    ↠The promise of Holy Spirit (v. 18)

    ↠Another promise just for those that love/come in relationship- the comforter will come and dwell within

    ↠In verse 23, He says, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our HOME with him.”

    ↠That word “home” is used only one other time in John’s Gospel and it's in that same chapter, John 14:2. “In My Father’s house are many rooms;” That word translated rooms is the same as the one for home in verse 23.

    Preparing a place for us in Heaven,and then They come early and dwell in you and bring some of that Heaven into you- “on earth as it is in Heaven.” That’s how you can encounter a situation that seems hopeless…Colossians 1:27- “Christ in YOU the hope of glory.”

    Adventure in the Ascent
    en-usSeptember 04, 2023

    Learning to Lean with a Stayed Mind (Isaiah 26:3)

    Learning to Lean with a Stayed Mind (Isaiah 26:3)

    Isaiah 26 is a song of salvation, part of a song of praise that spills over from the previous chapter. The prophet Isaiah celebrates God’s trustworthiness to provide all that the people need, including their ultimate need: salvation.

    ↠The benefits of possessing the mind of Christ- one is His peace/His shalom

    ↠“You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” (v. 3)

    ↠This beautiful promise was given in one of the darkest periods of Israel’s history, and today is no less of a dark time in our history- anxiety abounds (top issue)

    ↠Minds are occupied, overridden, anxiety-ridden, and Father comes in with the freedom of the offer of peace, not just peace but perfect peace (Phil. 4-6-7)

    ↠What is perfect peace (Hebrew: “shalom, shalom”)?

    ↠Words repeated for emphasis: “peace, fulfillment, completion, the way things ought to be” This perfect peace is offered to us.

    ↠The Father will “KEEP” us in this perfect peace

    ↠It’s the idea of a sentry, someone watching guard, He guards the peace that He gives, as we cannot maintain it ourselves

    ↠God as a sentry, guarding/promoting our peace, releasing His shalom, but there is a condition:

    ↠You will keep him in perfect peace…WHOSE MIND IS STAYED ON YOU

    ↠It is fixed (Isa. 50:7), not looking to the right or the left (Exodus 2:12)

    ↠That word stayed is “leaning upon”– a mind leaned upon God

    ↠As we grow in the mind of Christ, we are learning to lean. Do you remember the song? “I'm learning to lean, learning to lean on Jesus…”

    ↠Prov. 3:5: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and LEAN not on your own understanding…” Putting my weight on/resting upon/fully supported by Him

    ↠What is “the mind” referenced here?

    ↠”imagination, imagination of the mind, creative imagination, or form.” The Hebrew word has the idea of that place where thoughts/ideas are formed, and then those inform our life and actions (Romans 1:18-21)

    ↠God gave us the power of imagination so that we could imagine according to sanctified reasoning- it must be based on His truth with our constant leaning into Him

    ↠We have to take our thinking and our mind/our imagination seriously (2 Cor. 10:5)

    ↠“Casting down IMAGINATIONS, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God…” So, we could read Isaiah 26:3 this way: “He will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind (his imagination, the form of his thinking) is stayed (leaning, fixed) on Him.” 

    ↠We begin each day leaning/steeping in His Word & Presence, imagining with Him

    ↠“Because he trusts in You.” It all begins in trust: I trust You, therefore I lean on You, therefore I receive Your perfect peace (Isa. 12:2) He sees you, lean in with everything, trust, and receive His perfect peace, the shalom of God.

    Rain>Growth>Fruit- An Invitation into the garden of a soft heart

    Rain>Growth>Fruit- An Invitation into the garden of a soft heart

    Isaiah 55 is an invitation to "come..." In verses 10-11, we have a picture of the earth being watered. The guarantee is rain to growth to fruit, not just for the farmer, but for all. He then draws a comparison into how His Word flows and does not return void but goes forth producing fruit (Ps. 1:3). What has He said? What promises have been released? Where have you doubted? A soft garden of your heart is the desire of the Father...

    Isaiah 55:10-11, Hosea 10:12, Deut. 32:2, 2 Cor. 9:10, Matthew 13:15

    Adventure in the Ascent
    en-usAugust 04, 2023

    Live By His Every Word (Matthew 4:1-4)

    Live By His Every Word (Matthew 4:1-4)

    What natural bread is to the human body, the Word of God is to the human spirit…
    His Word is the secret to the abundant life (John 10:10). We can’t try to live by natural means when we’re called to live by supernatural ones.  What could be more valuable than knowing the personal voice of God our Father? Through Jesus, we have been granted access! What are you feasting on?


    BEING ROOTED: Pruning (John 15:1-5)

    BEING ROOTED: Pruning (John 15:1-5)

    The vinedresser is never nearer the branches then when He is pruning them.”  -David Jeremiah

    ↠Pruning is a Natural Part of our Relationship with God (Colossians 2:6-7)

    ↠Pruning: “to trim (a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, especially to increase fruitfulness and growth.” 

    ↠Just like a plant, a Christian experiences growth when unhealthy areas of their lives are trimmed or thinned. Like many aspects of our faith journey, pruning isn’t always easy, but it’s necessary in order for healthy new growth to occur- you are called to live a fruitful life!

    ↠God’s Got a Green Thumb (John 15:1, Rom. 8:28)

    ↠Jesus is the vine, there’s no true and abundant life apart from Him/connection (Jn. 10:10)

    ↠Just as nutrients flow through the vine, our life flows from Him

    ↠The Gentle Art of Elimination and Cultivation

    ↠One of the main jobs of a gardener is to remove dead, fruitless or broken limbs from a plant- plants are actually hindered by dead parts

    ↠The plant is wasting precious energy and nutrients on branches that do not produce fruit

    ↠In our lives, we often have areas that are hindrances to us- It may be sin that needs to be removed, discipline in our lives that we need to accept, may even be something good in our lives that is distracting us from something great, but they are drawing too much from the branches that actually need to grow! He has your best in mind!

    ↠Removal of Things to Run the Race Unhindered (Hebrews 12:1)

    ↠Pruning is not because He is angry with us, but for our good- run and finish well!

    ↠Anything that gets in the way of this race of faith, has to go. We have this picture of an unbridled race- no hindrances, no distractions, no nutrient sucking branches (loins girded)

    ↠A Healthy Connection to the Vine will Produce Good Fruit (John 15:4-5, Galatians 5:22-23)

    ↠Desiring to grow in the fruits of the spirit (Gal. 5). The only way these fruits are able to grow day to day in our lives is for us to remain connected to Jesus through full surrender and unwavering faithfulness. As we remain connected, the Divine Gardener/Vinedresser prunes away the unhealthy and fruitless parts of our lives. Let Him cut…

    This Week- Respond:

    THINK: God has our spiritual growth as His ultimate goal. He will use anything in our lives to shape us into the people that He wants us to be. If there’s something in our lives that is unhealthy for us, God will want to prune it. If there is something in our lives that is good but not the best, God will want to prune it. 

    FEEL: Jesus is the source of all life and every person must be careful to remain connected to Him. To grow deep roots that will sustain us through anything we will face in life, we must receive acceptance, guidance and love as a branch receives from a vine. Lean in, stay connected…

    DO: We must make a conscious decision to welcome God’s pruning in our lives. Join Him in actively seeking out areas of our lives that He would like to effectively change. Ask Holy Spirit to highlight areas and bring conviction.

    Prayer: “My deep desire is to grow in relationship with You, Father. Search my heart and know our minds and remove those things that will cause us harm. I want to be a faithful follower of You. Cause our roots to grow deep into Your love and give us a solid foundation for our lives.”

    Out of the Desert & Shame to the King's Table

    Out of the Desert & Shame to the King's Table

    From 2 Samuel chapters 4 and 9, we explore the life of Mephibosheth. A royal, whose name literally means "Shame Destroyer," living in the pasture-less place (Lodebar). An invite to the King's table of restoration, though, alters his course.

    He is calling out those in relationship with Him, from the desert of shame into the palace. Pull up a chair and feast with the King.

    1 Peter 2:9- "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."

    Fellowship- The Shared Life (1 John 1:1-4)

    Fellowship- The Shared Life (1 John 1:1-4)

    We encounter the voice of John, the lovesick disciple, inviting us into a deep, relational fellowship with the Father...

    When fellowship is the sweetest, your desire is the strongest that others may have fellowship with you; and when, truly, your fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ, you earnestly wish that the whole Christian brotherhood may share the blessing with you.”  -Charles Spurgeon


    Adventure in the Ascent
    en-usApril 18, 2023

    God Is Always at Work (Psalm 66:3-5, John 5:17)

    God Is Always at Work (Psalm 66:3-5, John 5:17)

    “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” -Jesus, John 5:17

    God is always at work-- around us, in us, through His handiwork, but do we see it?

    “God does not so much want us to do things as to let people see what He can do. . . . We must learn to live on the heavenly side and look at things from above. To contemplate all things as God sees them, as Christ beholds them, overcomes sin, defies Satan, dissolves perplexities, lifts us above trials, separates us from the world and conquers fear of death. . . . God is not looking for extraordinary characters as His instruments, but He is looking for humble instruments through whom He can be honored throughout the ages. . . .” -A. B. Simpson

    Adventure in the Ascent
    en-usApril 18, 2023