
    john 14

    Explore " john 14" with insightful episodes like "Jesus’ Farewell Address | Wk 90", "Water's Edge Mid Week Moment - As You Wish", "John 14:1-14 The only way!", "THE HOLY SPIRIT: Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit- Miracles & Prophecy" and "THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit- Part 2 (1 Cor. 12)" from podcasts like ""Broward Church", "Water's Edge Podcast", "Just a Guy and his Journey Back to God", "Adventure in the Ascent" and "Adventure in the Ascent"" and more!

    Episodes (72)

    John 14:1-14 The only way!

    John 14:1-14 The only way!

    Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

    AW Tozer says of this Grace, "f I want to know this immeasurable grace, this overwhelming, astounding kindness of God, I have to step under the shadow of the cross. I must come where God releases grace. I must either look forward to it or I must look back at it." John 14:6

    This is the most important of all questions, Are you looking at it as you move towards it or are you moving away from it? Join me in reading the first portion of John 14 and be encouraged!

    Just a Guy and His World

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit- Miracles & Prophecy

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit- Miracles & Prophecy

    1 Corinthians 12

    ↠We talk about The Gospel, we want an authentic Gospel, and we find that in this beautiful Gospel of the Kingdom.

    ↠Jesus preached the “Gospel of the Kingdom (Matthew 4:23).” We are sharing that same Gospel that speaks of the “Kingdom,” God’s reign, the “coming close” of the Father into lives/situations.

    ↠The sending out in Luke 10, “heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you.”

    ↠Operating in these gifts of the Holy Spirit is declaring “the Kingdom of God has come near you!” 1 Cor. 4:20: “The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.” The world is saying enough talk, show us the Kingdom!

    ↠GIFT: The Working of Miracles (v. 10)

    ↠Def’s: A supernatural occurrence that goes beyond our human scope of comprehension, divine act by which God reveals Himself, a phenomenon that transcends all natural laws, the Kingdom invading the impossible!

    ↠Jesus and the disciples were known for a life of miracles (Acts 2:22)

    ↠Matt. 10:8, we’re directed: “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!”

    ↠Miracles move us/change us, leave us standing in awe of a great and good God! It is something usually observable (loaves & fishes, etc.)

    ↠Biblical examples of miracles: Exodus 14, Acts 16, 20

    ↠They point us to Him! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Miracles are still for today as all the gifts: They help to initiate faith, restore faith, and strengthen faith. Demonstrate the heart of the Father/power of the Kingdom!

    ↠GIFT: Prophecy (v. 10)

    ↠“Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy (1 Cor. 14:1)”

    ↠Def: Discourse emanating from divine inspiration, declaring the purposes of God, whether by reproving and admonishing the wicked, or comforting the afflicted, or revealing things hidden; especially by foretelling future events.

    ↠1 Cor. 14:3-5: There is a great building up of the body in this.

    ↠Don’t despise (1 Thess. 5:20-21), true prophecy is from God (2 Pet. 1:21)

    ↠NT examples: Agabus, Barnabas, Paul, John, the four daughters (Acts 21)

    ↠Release of the hope of Heaven, the correction and guidance of Heaven, what’s on the horizon from the Kingdom view/perspective

    ↠Picture of the gifts working together in meeting/worship times (1 Cor. 14:26-33)

    ↠Let’s see us walking in our true, God-given identity, gifts, and the body being built up spiritually, by Biblical means..

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit- Part 2 (1 Cor. 12)

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit- Part 2 (1 Cor. 12)

    “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all…” -1 Cor. 12:7

    ↠Review of last week: The Trinity is in the gift-giving business, Holy Spirit gives!

    ↠In three NT locations we are taught about gifts of the Holy Spirit- 1 Cor. 12, Ephesians 4, Romans 12

    ↠These gifts are unique and supernatural abilities given to us to carry out His outreach mission, walk in true identity, edify/build up the body of Christ. They are God empowering Christians to do what He has called us to do. (2 Pet. 1:3) 

    ↠Paul instructs us that we are to “eagerly desire” the gifts (1 Cor. 12:31, 14:1)

    ↠Exploring the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1 Cor. 12:

    ↠LAST WEEK: Word of Wisdom (guides/edifies): It is bringing the wisdom of Heaven into any given situation. It is the supernatural impartation of facts, guidance, and solutions.

    ↠LAST WEEK: Word of Knowledge (instructs/teaches/sheds light): It’s supernatural revelation of the divine will and plan of God, supernatural insight or understanding of facts, knowledge from God. This is the Christian getting understanding of a situation or person that can’t be known through their own experience or knowledge.

    ↠Gift of Faith: Faith moves God, fear moves Satan. The spiritual gift of faith is a supernatural faith that operates from God directly through you. It accomplishes things that are thought to be impossible to man. When operating with the gift of faith, anything is possible (Heb. 11:6, Lk. 18:8, Daniel 3, Rom. 4:18-21). 

    This gift manifests in extraordinary amounts of faith and is unshakable in times of uncertainty. Faith is a gift. And when the church uses it, it gives believers the power to bring the unseen into reality. Faith is the exceptional ability to hold fast to the truth of God in Jesus Christ in spite of pressures, problems, and obstacles to faithfulness.

    ↠Gift(s) of Healing(s) (only one in the plural): This gift is the supernatural healing released from Heaven. It is the invasion and restoration of Heaven over a body, spirit, soul, etc. When we think of healing, immediately, our minds go to physical healing, but there are other types, and many need mental, emotional, trauma healing and most of all…spiritual healing. Salvation (sozo) describes salvation as wholeness, not just our soul, but restoration to every part of our mind, body, soul. This healing gift allows you to minister God’s healing power into broken lives that need restoration. (Acts 3, 8, 9, Jer. 33:6, Ps. 147:3)

    RESPOND THIS WEEK: Meditate on 1 Corinthians 12. What gifts have you seen already active in your life? Step out in them/ask Holy Spirit to help guide you. “Eagerly desire” the gifts in your personal worship/devotion, then look for opportunities to step out. Share testimonies!

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit- Part 1 (1 Cor. 12:4-11, 31)

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit- Part 1 (1 Cor. 12:4-11, 31)

    “In order for the assembly (ekklesia/church) to be built up, every believer needs to rise up and be actively seeking the Lord and functioning according to the gifts that the Spirit has given each one.” -Henry Hon

    ↠The Holy Spirit gives gifts- we continue to see the “giving” of the Trinity

    ↠Every good and perfect gift comes down from above (James 1:17)

    ↠We are instructed to “earnestly desire” spiritual gifts (v. 31, 14:1)

    ↠Why desire? What are the purposes of these gifts?

    ↠1. For the building up/edification/common good of the Body (v. 7, 1 Pet. 4:10)

    ↠2. To empower us for evangelism (Luke 24, Acts 4:29-31, 1 Cor. 14:24-25)

    ↠For us to walk in our identity, help the Body, and bring unbelievers close! Use demonstrates the heart/love of the Father and boldness/power of the Kingdom!

    ↠What is a gift of the Holy Spirit?

    ↠Unique skills/abilities given by the Holy Spirit to followers of Christ. They are God empowering Christians to do what He has called us to do. (2 Pet. 1:3)

    ↠The varying gifts can be found in Romans 12, Ephesians 4, and 1 Cor. 12

    ↠Each one receives, but there can be times of operation in all as the Spirit wills for Kingdom intervention (v. 11, 14, Ex. 31:3-5, Rom. 8:14)

    ↠Exploring the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1 Cor. 12:

    ↠Word of Wisdom (guides/edifies): This is a gift that helps bring clarity to a person or situation, sense of divine direction, divinely given power to appropriate spiritual intuition in problem solving, perspective to ascertain the divine means for accomplishing God’s will in situations. (Ps. 37:30, Prov. 24:6)

    ↠Not “human wisdom” (1 Cor. 2:4-5), could bring together knowledge you have and give wisdom of direction in its use or be totally revelatory- the direction/ wisdom of Heaven in a situation (how to handle a situation, finances, conflict, in sharing the Gospel, etc.)

    ↠”Word-” words matter (Prov. 16:24, 18) and are creative, when Jesus healed, he SPOKE, blessing, truth is being distorted, Heavenly wisdom is needed, lean in!

    ↠Word of Knowledge (instructs/teaches/sheds light): Supernatural revelation of the divine will and plan of God, insight/understanding of facts/knowledge of God, knowing something that you cannot know based on human understanding/your current knowledge (Prov. 18:15, Acts 10- vision, Gen. 6)

    ↠In this gift, this knowledge of Heaven allows us to speak into a person’s life the things that are relevant to them for that very moment. The more that we step out in them, the more we become tuned to His voice…The gift of the word of knowledge can show up to us as a…Vision, Dream, Thought, Voice, Feeling. It is going to be something that glorifies Christ, draws people closer, and edifies!

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Gift of the Helper- Coming Alongside (John 14:15-18)

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Gift of the Helper- Coming Alongside (John 14:15-18)

    “When we pray for the Spirit's help ... we will simply fall down at the Lord's feet in our weakness. There we will find the victory and power that comes from His love.”  -Andrew Murray

    ↠Jesus “I will pray/ask the Father…” (v. 16a)- Jesus in His role of intercessor 

    ↠”Coming between on behalf of/the act of praying on behalf of others” (Rom. 8:34, 1 John 2:1, Heb. 7:25). We know the Holy Spirit is ready/chomping at the bit (Gen. 1:2), Jesus comes before the Father on our behalf to ASK…

    ↠”He (The Father) will GIVE…” (v. 16b)- The Holy Spirit is a gift!

    ↠Every good and perfect gift comes from ABOVE (James 1:17, Matt. 7:11)

    ↠The first gift- the Father gave His Son to die on the cross for love (Jn. 3:16)

    ↠The first gift made the second possible- cleansed temples via repentance so that we/the temples could be FILLED with the second gift- the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19-20)

    ↠“He will give you ANOTHER…”

    ↠Another- Two words in Greek for this (heteros and allos), one means ‘another of a different type,’ the second means ‘another of the same type’ (mug example)- The Holy Spirit was to be another of the same type (allos, same as Jesus, but now in them not with them)

    ↠“He will give you another HELPER…”

    ↠Helper/Counselor/Advocate In Greek: 'παράκλητος/paraklētos' (only used by John)

    ↠Overall definition: “summoned, called to one's side, especially called to one's aid”

    ↠Can you think of a time in your life when you needed help with a task or something that you couldn’t do alone? Who was there for you? How did their presence make you feel?

    ↠Part of the promise: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So see Him literally coming alongside in every situation.

    ↠Breaking down the treasure of the word paraklētos…Roles of the Holy Spirit:

    ↠Comforter: The Holy Spirit comforts us (John 14:1, 2 Cor. 2:3-4, Acts 9:31)

    ↠Counselor: Advice/instruction/helping direct (Prov. 11:14, 12:15, Isa. 11:2, Ps. 16:7). The Holy Spirit will guide you into ALL truth (John 16:13).

    ↠Advocate: An advocate is one who speaks up on the behalf of another or defends (Rom. 8:16), speaks up, defends the work of the Cross in us

    ↠Strengthener: To add strength, make stronger, source of strength. Physical strength vs. inner man, strong on the outside but dying on the inside. There is a daily renewal needed. (Eph. 3:16, 2 Cor. 4:16)

    RESPOND THIS WEEK: Read and meditate on the verses above. Do you truly see the Holy Spirit as a gift to you? Thank God for The Gift. The Holy Spirit wants to come alongside you, partner with you, help you, counsel, bring truth, advocate, comfort, and strengthen. In your personal worship and devotion time, ask for these functions, and be mindful this week of how He does it…

    Follow His Commands

    Follow His Commands

    Life Point is an inspirational show that airs at 8:45 am Monday – Thursday on 94.1 The Voice. Tom Dougherty of the Cloverdale Church of God seeks to share God’s truth and interview people who have experienced an encounter with the Lord.

    Life Point is an inspirational show that airs at 8:45 am Monday – Thursday on 94.1 The Voice. Tom Dougherty of the Cloverdale Church of God seeks to share God’s truth and interview people who have experienced an encounter with the Lord.
    Friday's program's are Life Point Plus with Pastor Gary Moore That deals with Communication in Marriage.

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    (208) 362-1700 | info@cloverdalechurch.org

    Easter 6: Thursday

    Easter 6: Thursday

    We’re looking ahead to the Sixth Sunday of Easter. Our gospel reading is from John 14, verses 15 through 21, read by Pastor Ryan Kandoll.

    God’s Word for Today is a podcast ministry of the Apostolic Lutheran Church of America. You can visit our website at apostoliclutheran.org for more information about our ALCA Federation, or to find a congregation. Also, please subscribe, so you’ll receive our new content every weekday.

    It is The Way

    It is The Way

    John puts John 14: 1-14 back into its context. He reads it in its holy week context as Jesus offering words of hope to his disciples as words of hope and promise - that there is always a place in the heart of God, in the midst of our uncertainty and fear.
    And he reads it for the Easter season we are invited to also ask how these words help us see the risen Christ among us, active in our world. In particular how do we read "I am the way, the truth and the life."
    How might we be “We must be people of the way, being the dream and hope of God, as we participate in abundant life while here on earth together” (https://www.workingpreacher.org/commentaries/revised-common-lectionary/fifth-sunday-of-easter/commentary-on-john-141-14-6)

    The God-Man - Audio

    The God-Man - Audio
    In this sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Pastor Chris explores Jesus’ claim to be equal with God. Jesus makes this claim through conversation with his disciples in John chapter 14 when he first tells his disciples that he will prepare a place for them in his Father’s house. Jesus then tells his disciples that he is the only way to his Father, and finally he claims to fully represent his Father. Together, these claims place Jesus at an equal place with his Father, which means he’s claiming to be God. Pastor Chris explores what this means for Christians and the broader world, and makes the first point that all are welcome in the house hold of God through Jesus, who has come to remake the world through his death and resurrection. Second, Jesus brings us into God’s presences, and shows us God because he is God. This radically changes the type of relationship we can have with God, and how we can know God.

    Easter 5: Thursday

    Easter 5: Thursday

    We’re looking ahead to the Fifth Sunday of Easter. Our gospel reading is from Saint John, chapter 14, verses 1 through 14, read by Speaker Jon Salo.

    God’s Word for Today is a podcast ministry of the Apostolic Lutheran Church of America. You can visit our website at apostoliclutheran.org for more information about our ALCA Federation, or to find a congregation. Also, please subscribe, so you’ll receive our new content every weekday.

    Day 103: Judas' Secrecy (2023)

    Day 103: Judas' Secrecy (2023)
    Fr. Mike points out the secrecy in Judas' life, and highlights Jesus' words of conviction to the disciples before his death on the cross. He also explains how important it is to bring Jesus into our temptation, and to not hide our hearts from him like Judas did. Today's readings are John 13-15 and Proverbs 6:6-11. For the complete reading plan, visit ascensionpress.com/bibleinayear. Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

    Foundations Of Our Faith (1) The Trinity And Role of Holy Spirit - Audio

    Foundations Of Our Faith (1) The Trinity And Role of Holy Spirit - Audio
    What happens when you take a let off a chair or table? It falls down. What happens when you remove a cornerstone from a building? It gets really unstable. In the same way, the Christian faith rests on some critical foundations -- some vital teachings that, if you take them away, the whole thing just seems to fall apart. In this message, we begin a series on the foundations of the Christian faith by first looking at the Christian belief in the Triune God and the special role the Holy Spirit plays in the Trinity.

    John 14:27

    John 14:27

    John 14:27 I am leaving you with a gift -peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift that the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. 

    So what is this gift of peace of mind and heart that Jesus is leaving us. Because he also warned us that persecution will come for those who believe and trust in him. How can we have peace and also persecution? This perceived conflict between having peace while also expecting persecution is mostly due to our misunderstanding of what “peace” is. 

    We believe that peace is the absence of conflict, an exemption from the rage and havoc of war. And to some extent it is. But that’s not all. The peace of mind and heart Jesus is gifting us is not relegated to our physical safety. It is a calm state of a soul assured of it’s salvation through Christ, fearing nothing from God and content with what we have. 

    So even though we will experience some sort of persecution because of our faith in Christ, our soul can remain calm and fearless because we are not God’s enemy, sin is. 

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    The Follower's Trail Guide - Part 4 - A Helper for the Way - Pastor Kevin Pobursky

    The Follower's Trail Guide - Part 4 - A Helper for the Way - Pastor Kevin Pobursky

    Throughout the world, people know about Jesus and many of His stories. Similarly, God The Father is also known throughout the world. But there’s one person of the Trinity that seems to be more of a mystery--the Holy Spirit! We continue our series, The Followers Trail Guide: Navigating the Path of Jesus, by diving into the Scriptures to we find the active role the Holy Spirit has in our everyday life as a believer? When you think about your days, is the Holy Spirit an active participant in your day-to-day life? Listen to our latest message of the series, A Helper for the Way, as Pastor Kevin Pobursky helps us find comfort for our journey.