
    Salem Magley Church Podcast

    Weekly sermons from Salem Magley Church in Decatur, Indiana.
    en110 Episodes

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    Episodes (110)

    The Narrow Way - Audio

    The Narrow Way - Audio
    In this sermon for the Third Sunday in Lent, Pastor Chris explains that living the way of Jesus is so difficult because it's not nature to us. Yet, he argues that it's still worth learning because it leads to life. He makes this point by exploring several different text from both the Old and New Testaments. In his first text from 1 Corinthians chapter 1, he explores Paul's warning to remember that the cross of Jesus is foolish and unwise to the world. Yet, those who trust it find life. Pastor Chris then explores Jesus' words in John chapter 2, where he drives out the money changers and those selling sacrifices from the temple. Pastor Chis explains that Jesus did this as a prophetic action, intended to communicate that God wants more than religious actions from his people. Instead, God wants a real relationship. This is difficult for humans to understand, because our knowledge and wisdom on religion has always led us to ritual, rather than relationships. Finally, Pastor Chris explores the ten commandments from Exodus chapter 20, which give us a path to life. Each commandment, when understood in a context that connects to today, challenges us to leave behind what is natural to live the life that Jesus offers. Pastor Chris ends the sermon with a call to take our next step down the way of Jesus, and learn to live a way that leads to life.

    The Choice - Audio

    The Choice - Audio
    In this sermon for the Second Sunday in Lent, Pastor Chris beings our Lenten series this year titled "Seeking Harmony." For this first week, Pastor Chris explains that seeking harmony requires us to first make a choice: leaving behind our sin to follow Jesus. Pastor Chris explains this point by first explores the story of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 17. He then reminds us of the words of Jesus in Mark 8, where he called those who follow him to take up their cross daily and follow him. Finally, he looks at Romans 4 where Paul shares Abraham's faith as an example to all. In this sermon, you will be challenged to leave behind your sin and place your trust in Jesus.

    Seeking Harmony - Audio

    Seeking Harmony - Audio
    In this sermon, Pastor Chris delves into a profound question: where does the road paved by God’s will and word lead? Join us as we explore this captivating truth: Harmony is God's plan for the world. Transitioning from last week's discussion on the significance of following the way of Jesus, today's sermon embarks on a journey through scripture to uncover the profound truth that harmony is at the heart of God's plan for humanity. As we journey through the pages of Genesis, we witness God's intention to bring order and purpose to a formless and empty world. Through the lens of the Hebrew word "tov," meaning good, we uncover God's desire for harmony—a world where everything operates according to its intended purpose. We then see that human rebellion then brought chaos back into God’s good world. Despite humanity's rebellion, God's plan for restoration remained steadfast. Through passages from Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Revelation, we glimpse a future where God's righteousness brings peace, where healing flows like a river, and where the new heavens and the new earth resound with the promise of harmony restored. As a congregation, we are called to embody God's plan for harmony. Through loving God, loving others, making followers, and living the way of Jesus, we actively participate in God's redemptive work, paving the way for harmony in our relationships and communities. Join us in this transformative exploration as we align ourselves with God's eternal plan for harmony. Together, let's strive to find harmony with God, with one another, and with the world around us, for harmony is God's plan for the world.

    Living the Way - Audio

    Living the Way - Audio
    In this sermon, Pastor Chris explores the fundamental question: what kind of life are we building? Drawing from the inspiring dedication of Olympic champion Michael Phelps, we learn that the lives we lead are a result of the choices we make each day. This sermon continues our series called Salemology, we explore our fourth core value, "Living the Way." Join us on this transformative journey as we assess the road we're currently on and commit to building lives rooted in the way of Jesus. Whether you're already on the journey or seeking direction, let's embrace the challenge of becoming disciples together. Let's build our lives on the way of Jesus and discover the true joy of living the way.

    Making Followers - Audio

    Making Followers - Audio
    In this sermon, Pastor Chris explores the call to make followers of Jesus. He does this by exploring Matthew 28 verses 19-20, often call the Great Commission, where Jesus commands his disciples to make more disciples. In this sermon, we explore who should make disciples, why they should make disciples, what message they should proclaim, and how they complete the process.

    Loving Others - Audio

    Loving Others - Audio
    In this video, Pastor Chris preaches the third sermon in our Salemology series. The focus of this week is on loving others. In this sermon, Pastor Chris explores the second part of Jesus greatest commandment: loving others as yourself. What we discover from this study is that Jesus took his idea of loving others straight out of the Jewish scriptures. Looking at Leviticus 19:18, we see that God summed up the right way to live by telling his people to love their neighbor. If we want to love God, then we need to start by loving our neighbor.

    All Ears - Audio

    All Ears - Audio
    In this sermon, Pastor Chris explores Acts 16 where we learn that Paul's approach to ministry required him to know himself, and to know his audience. He knew his strengths and weaknesses, and how his story could connect to his audience. He also know the barriers that would block his audience from hear the gospel, and he did his best to remove them. Join us as we learn together and are challenged to know ourselves and our audiences better so that the good news of Jesus can be made known to the world.

    Balancing Differents - Audio

    Balancing Differents - Audio
    In this sermon, Pastor Chris explores Acts 15, where the Jerusalem council faces the challenge of how new Gentile Christians will be welcomed into the people of God. After listening, praying, and studying scripture, the leaders of the Jerusalem church explain their decision: Gentiles may follow Jesus without converting to Judaism. What we learn from this, Pastor Chris explains, is how to handle conflict and disagreement in the body of Christ.

    Never Too Late - Audio

    Never Too Late - Audio
    In this sermon, Pastor Chris explores the vision of Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus. Saul, known later in Acts and throughout the New Testament as Paul, hunted down Christians before he become one. In this sermon, Pastor Chris explains that, with Jesus, our past never has to influence our present or future. God often will meet us in the least likely of times, if we simply look for him, and he's ready to help us grow into a better person. Yet, this growth might require us to face some challenging situations. But as we see with the story of Saul, those who remain faithful will grow into a life that impacts the world.

    Kingdom Expansion - Audio

    Kingdom Expansion - Audio
    In this sermon, Pastor Chris explores what happened in the life of the early church after it was scattered because of the death of Stephen in Acts 8. This scattering of the early church provided it an opportunity to spread the message of Jesus outside the bounds of traditional Judaism. In Acts 8, Philip shares the message of Jesus first to a Samaritan village then with an Ethiopian Eunuch. Each of these stories makes one thing clear about the message of Jesus, it is for all people!

    Limitless - Audio

    Limitless - Audio
    In this sermon for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Pastor Chris explores the story of Stephen's death in Acts 7. This story comes down to the question of where and how God plans to work through his people. The Jewish people of the day believed God worked through the law of Moses in worship at the temple, but Jesus' first followers claimed that God worked in and through all who followed Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Chris explores how this disagreement lead to Stephen's death, because the religious leader saw him and the early Christians as a threat to the gatekeepers to worship at the temple. In the end, we learn from this passage that Jesus dwells in his people, and that each and every one goes into the world with his power and presence.

    This is the Life! - Audio

    This is the Life! - Audio
    In this sermon, Salem Magley Elder Shelly Netherton calls on all Jesus followers to life a life of faithfulness to the way of Jesus. She does this by exploring Acts 6, where the early church is faced with the challenge of learning to live as a diverse community. Their solution is to appointed seven leaders to oversee the life of the community. From this group of leaders we meet Stephan, who from the beginning exhibits a life of faithfulness.

    A Real Community - Audio

    A Real Community - Audio
    In this sermon, Pastor Chris looks at Acts 4 and 5 and explores the idea that life in the kingdom of God isn't about us, but others. These ideas are made clear in the end of Acts 4, where the early Christian community is described as sharing all their positions for the greater of the community. Then, in Acts 5, we see this lifestyle set against several different groups of people who misuse the mission of God for their own benefit. The of this sermon is to be people who live the way of Jesus, which is a way of life that is about others.

    Crossroads - Audio

    Crossroads - Audio
    In this sermon, Pastor Chris explores Acts 4:1-31, where the story of the first Christian's earliest encounter with the Jewish leaders. In this story, Peter and John are arrested for healing a lame man and then preaching the gospel in the temple courts. As this passage unfolds, the religious leaders reveal that they view early church as a threat to their power. Because of this, they attempt to silence Peter and John. It's in these moments where we see that the message of Jesus is never neutral. We can only choose one path in life, and choosing to follow the way of Jesus is a rejection of other paths and the power they offer. What will you choose?