
    After the IEP: College Transition and Success Tips for Parents of College-bound Students with Hidden Disabilities

    Discover the secrets to college transition, disability accommodations, and academic success for students with learning disabilities, ADHD, and mental health conditions. Join Dan Jordan, a current therapist at a university and former accessibility coordinator, as he provides weekly tips and insights to improve your student’s self-advocacy, academic achievement, and personal wellness. Get the essential information you need to navigate the college journey from start to finish. Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss out!
    en-usDan Jordan63 Episodes

    Episodes (63)

    How to choose the right college for your disability.

    How to choose the right college for your disability.

    In this episode of After the IEP, we tackle a crucial concern for parents and students alike – choosing the right college for individuals with disabilities. Navigating the complexities of college selection can be daunting, especially when it comes to accommodating specific needs. Join us as we discuss the importance of finding a college that aligns with your disability requirements, focusing on learning differences (LD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and mental health (MH). We emphasize the significance of prioritizing your needs over wants, understanding your disability, and being open to necessary accommodations. With practical tips, we guide you through essential questions to ask, ensuring the chosen college provides the necessary support and learning environment. The ultimate goal is to empower students and parents to make informed decisions, reducing tension and fostering mature decision-making.

    Free Guides

    College Services Planner

    College Accommodations Checklist


    Beyond the Brochure: The Ultimate Guide to College Tours for Students with Hidden Disabilities


    Blog Post

    The College Tour for Students with Hidden Disabilities: Services

    Not Requesting Accommodations in College? Read this first.

    How To Improve Self-advocacy Skills At Home that Really Work.

    How To Improve Self-advocacy Skills At Home that Really Work.

    In this insightful episode, we unpack the blueprint for fostering self-advocacy in college-bound students. Through the "I do, we do, you do" model, discover how to gradually empower them to self-advocate effectively. From scheduling their own appointments with healthcare professionals to handling takeout orders and picking up prescriptions (with a bonus: learning to ask pertinent questions), these seemingly routine tasks are pivotal in honing their self-advocacy skills.

    Moreover, we explore the importance of asking questions during college tours and scheduling appointments to meet Disability Support Services (DSS) staff. Learn how these interactions can profoundly impact a student's ability to navigate academic accommodations effectively. Tune in and equip yourself with practical tools to empower your student's journey toward success!

    College Tour for students with Hidden Disabilities- Blog post

    College Services Planner FREE

    College Accommodations Checklist

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education Book

    This is the reason self-advocacy is important for students with disabilities.

    This is the reason self-advocacy is important for students with disabilities.

    In this podcast episode, we uncover the pivotal role of self-advocacy for college students with disabilities. While self-advocacy is widely acknowledged and supported, how to develop self-advocacy is absent from K-12. In addition, self-advocacy's significance within higher education and beyond often remains overlooked. 

    I redefine self-advocacy as a lot more than "speaking up." It's main effort is fostering self-awareness, from navigating strengths, weaknesses, and setting attainable goals.  I'll explore aspects of effective self-advocacy as it extends to encompassing seeking help when necessary and prioritizing overall wellness for college and beyond.

    Discover the interconnectedness between self-advocacy and a student's future trajectory, influencing subsequent generations. Join me as I uncover the essential components of self-advocacy. Grab your notes as we unravel the keys to unstressing success in college through proactive self-advocacy.

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education Book

    Soft Skills Planner

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education Course

    College Transition Tips: What are Important First Semester Student Responsibilities

    College Transition Tips: What are Important First Semester Student Responsibilities

    Unravel the complexities of college responsibilities in this episode! Gain valuable insights into managing daily tasks, notifying instructors, and optimizing accommodations for academic success. Learn how proactive communication and informed choices about accommodations impact the college journey. We explore the use of assistive technology, test accommodations' intricacies, and troubleshooting techniques. This episode equips students and parents with indispensable guidance for a seamless transition into college life. Tune in to unlock the keys to a successful first semester and empower students to navigate their responsibilities with confidence!

    Get The Book: Self-Advocacy for Higher Education


    College Services Planner

    How To Eliminate The Sunday Scaries For Good.

    How To Eliminate The Sunday Scaries For Good.

    Tune in to our latest episode, "How To Eliminate The Sunday Scaries For Good," where we dive into practical strategies to bid farewell to that looming feeling of anxiety before the week begins.

    Do you know a student caught in the grip of the Sunday scaries? Discover how a simple shift in perspective can reframe those feelings from anxiety to normal pre-week concerns. In this episode, we unravel the secrets to actively dealing with stress and anxiety through a personalized wellness plan tailored for students.

    Routine and structure serve as anchors in an unpredictable world. Learn how establishing a sense of safety through a structured plan can alleviate the Sunday scaries. We'll guide you through the process of setting semester goals, then breaking them down into manageable monthly, weekly, and daily plans.

    But that’s not all—find out how reviewing plans daily, both in the morning and evening, coupled with a forward-looking review of upcoming weeks and months, can be the key to tackling longer assignments and unexpected challenges. Join us as we help your student unstress their success!

    Time Mnagement Essentials For College Students 

    College Transition Tips: Seeking help? What gets in the way?

    College Transition Tips: Seeking help? What gets in the way?

    Welcome to "After the IEP," where we dive into navigating the college experience. In this episode, "College Transition Tips: Seeking help? What gets in the way?" we unpack the complexities surrounding asking for help in college.

    Parents often worry about their student's ability to seek assistance when needed. However, various factors hinder this process. From denial and the pressure to appear independent to the fear of failure ingrained in us, these barriers often overshadow the necessity of seeking help. We explore how our belief that we should inherently know what to do impacts our willingness to ask for support. Moreover, the abundance of resources available sometimes goes unnoticed, leaving students unaware of the aid at their disposal.

    Distractions and conflicting priorities further compound the challenge. By addressing these hurdles head-on, we empower both parents and students to recognize these barriers and proactively overcome them. Tune in for strategies and insights on navigating this essential aspect of the college journey on "After the IEP."

    Ep. 30 How to go From Stress to Success: Growth Mindset for College Students

    Ep 56 One Skill That Can Change Their Life: Resilience - Accessing College

    College Services Panner

    Time Management Essentials Course for College Students - (accessingcollege.com)

    College Transition Tips: Flexibility or Life Balance. Which Is Better?

    College Transition Tips: Flexibility or Life Balance. Which Is Better?

    In this episode, we confront a common myth: the pursuit of life balance in college. This episode challenges the notion that balance is the ultimate goal for students.

    Ever heard someone clamor for more life balance? It's a familiar refrain, but here's the catch—balance might not be the panacea we imagine it to be. In fact, striving for it could lead to more problems than solutions. So, what's the alternative? Flexibility takes center stage in this discussion. Exploring the pitfalls of rigid balance, we unravel the concept's consequences, from conflicting priorities to stifling constraints.

    Instead, we champion flexibility as the true north for college success. Discover how embracing flexibility unlocks a world of benefits, enabling students to navigate shifting priorities and achieve a state of flow. Join us as we explore the power of flexibility over the illusory pursuit of balance in the college journey. Tune in for insights that might just redefine your approach to student life!

    How to go From Stress to Success: Growth Mindset for College Students

    4 Tips To Academic Success With The Best College Study Schedule

    Digital Course

    Time Mnagement Essentials For College Students 

    College Transition Tips: The Best Tips of 2023

    College Transition Tips: The Best Tips of 2023

    Welcome to the anniversary special of After the IEP! As we celebrate a year of incredible conversations and insights, join me in revisiting the top 10 episodes of 2023 that resonated most with our amazing audience.

    Starting off our countdown at number 10 is "Practical College Accommodations for Anxiety You Need to Know." From there, we'll journey through episodes that delve into empowering students with hidden disabilities, navigating college documentation, and understanding ADHD accommodations.

    Discover the uplifting ways to encourage your college student in episode 9, followed by the essential strategies for junior year in high school, specially requested by our listeners in episode 8.

    We'll explore the realities every freshman should know, the triggers of anxiety in college students, and whether a new psychoeducational evaluation is necessary for college readiness. Each episode encapsulates key takeaways that struck a chord with our community.

    Remember, your voice matters! Just like episode 37, your topics and questions can shape the podcast. Reach out via email or DM on IG to spark conversations and insights. Tune in for a celebration of learning and empowerment on After the IEP's anniversary special!

    To listen to all the episodes, click the link below for the whole list. 

    Celebrating One Year of Empowerment: After the IEP Anniversary Special

    One Skill That Can Change Their Life: Resiliency

    One Skill That Can Change Their Life: Resiliency

    Welcome to After the IEP! In this month’s episode, we're diving into a critical skill that can redefine your child's trajectory: resilience. Failure is inevitable, especially in the journey of a student. As parents, witnessing these setbacks can be tough, but fostering resilience can empower them to bounce back stronger.

    In this installment, we embark on a journey to equip both parents of college-goers and high schoolers with pivotal strategies for building resilience. Join us as we dissect Bruce Lee's wisdom—shaping our children's skills not by providing what we lacked but by teaching what we didn't learn.

    We'll explore the essence of resilience, emphasizing that failure marks not the end but a beginning. Unpacking the significance of a growth mindset (featured in episode 30) and grasping the art of introspection: acknowledging lessons learned and envisioning necessary changes.

    Crucially, self-care takes center stage—we emphasize its non-negotiable role in the resilience-building process. Shifting perspectives, we reframe learning as a continuous journey, not a final destination devoid of mistakes. Plus, crafting a wellness plan becomes a cornerstone to nurturing resilience.

    As we gear up to celebrate the podcast's first anniversary next week, let’s mark this milestone by joining in on this vital conversation. Tune in and equip yourself with the tools to instill resilience in your child’s journey toward success in college and life.

    Ep. 30 How to go From Stress to Success: Growth Mindset for College Students

    Ep 52 An Important Truth. You Need To Let Them Fail.

    Ep 53 The Best Practical Reasons To Assess Their Semester.


    College Transition Tips: Bottom Line, Emotion-Based Decisions Are Hazardous To Success

    College Transition Tips: Bottom Line, Emotion-Based Decisions Are Hazardous To Success

    Join us as we unravel the intricacies of decision-making and the impact our emotions can have on this process.  Ever found yourself making decisions from extreme emotional states? It happens more often than we realize, impacting our college journey. In this episode, we delve into the dangers of emotion-based choices and strategies to triumph over them. So, grab your notebook and pen, and let's dive into crucial insights for a successful college experience.

    Discover what constitutes emotion-based decisions, stemming from boredom, lack of motivation, or feeling overwhelmed. Uncover their consequences - from lower grades to decreased focus and increased procrastination. Emotions often overpower rationality, but there are remedies. Strengthen your mind to surpass emotional hurdles by gaining experience in overcoming them. Learn practical approaches: finding novelty in mundane classes, breaking goals into manageable steps, and initiating progress from small tasks when feeling overwhelmed. 



    College Transition Tips: The Best Skillsets For Proven College Success.

    College Transition Tips: The Best Skillsets For Proven College Success.

    Welcome to "After the IEP," where we're diving into the essential skillsets crucial for college triumphs. In this episode, "The Best Skillsets for Proven College Success," we unpack the roadmap to thrive in higher education.

    Crafted explicitly for soft skills development, the Soft Skills Planner is used. It's a personalized tool designed to cultivate the fundamental skills pivotal for college triumphs. Whether you're a high schooler gearing up for the transition or already navigating college waters, this episode is a compass guiding your skill-building journey.

    From mindset shifts—emphasizing growth over perfection—to actionable steps, like self-assessment and seeking external perspectives, we outline a strategic approach. Learn how to prioritize skills, rate yourself accurately, and make impactful changes by focusing on the most crucial, easiest, hardest, and high-impact skills.

    Grab your notebook, pen, and tune in to chart your path to college success. It's never too early or late to start honing these skills—your future self in college and the workplace will thank you!

    Soft Skills Planner

    Time Management Essentials Course for College Students


    The Best Practical Reasons To Assess Their Semester.

    The Best Practical Reasons To Assess Their Semester.

    In this episode, we delve into the pivotal task of assessing your semester—especially when it seems like everything went smoothly. We explore the necessity of avoiding complacency and seeking areas for improvement even in successful times.

    We start by reflecting on what went well, conducting a comprehensive class review that delves into preferred elements, dislikes, professors' impacts, and key information gained. A skills review follows, spotlighting eight essential skills using a soft skills planner available in the show's description for guidance.

    Referencing previous episodes like Ep 33 and Ep 24, we offer additional resources for assessing and initiating changes, including insights from the TM course. We tackle obstacles that hindered progress, emphasizing the importance of making plans for improvement while capitalizing on existing strengths.

    The episode culminates in a strategic guide on what to do differently, highlighting the significance of identifying what NOT to do for future success. Whether your semester was outstanding or challenging, this episode equips you with the tools to assess, strategize, and thrive.

    Episode 24 

    Episode 33

    Soft Skills Planner

    Time Management Course

    An Important Truth. You Need To Let Them Fail.

    An Important Truth. You Need To Let Them Fail.

    I realize this will be a tough topic for most parents, but it's an essential aspect of education: letting your students fail. It might be difficult to do, and even harder to watch, but trust us, you'll never regret it. So, grab a notebook and pen, because we've got some invaluable insights coming your way.

    Failure is a fundamental part of the learning journey, and we're here to break down the benefits. We'll discuss the emotional side of letting them fail and how to navigate this challenging aspect of parenting and teaching.

    Your role as a parent or educator is pivotal in this process. 

    Failure isn't the end of the road; it's a stepping stone to success. Tune in to this episode of "After the IEP" and learn how to embrace this important truth. Your child's future success and happiness depend on it. So, let's cue the intro and get started on this transformative journey together.

    Here's the link to the book and my course that walks you through the process step-by-step. 

    Self-advocacy for Higher Education Book

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education Course

    Free Stuff

    College Services Planner Free  

    College Accommodations Checklist Click Here

    College Transition Tips for Finals: The Best Ways Support Your Student

    College Transition Tips for Finals: The Best Ways Support Your Student

    Get ready for the ultimate guide to conquering finals with your college student on "After the IEP"! As the semester winds down, the pressure amps up. In this episode, we delve into strategies to support your student during this crucial period.

    Discover the importance of a wellness plan and how your student can navigate stress effectively. Whether they're a commuter or living on campus, find out how you, as a parent, can offer valuable support. Explore the available resources within the school and learn how to adjust to reduced communication during finals.

    From care packages to time management tips, we cover it all. Is tutoring or academic coaching necessary? What about incorporating finals activities into their routine? Don't miss insights on encouraging healthy sleep habits for optimal performance.

    Tune in to equip yourself with practical tips and foster your student's success during the finals frenzy! Grab your notebook, and let's ace those exams together!

    As mentioned here's the links to the College Services Planner and the course for mental health profesisonals and clients. 

    College Services Planner Free  

    Course for Mental Health Professionals and Clients

    AND Don't forget to leave a review and hit that follow/subscribe button. 

    You need to be more selfish? Secrets of putting yourself first.

    You need to be more selfish? Secrets of putting yourself first.

    Today, we're diving into a rather unconventional idea: the power of being more selfish. You heard that right, but before you raise your eyebrows, let us redefine what selfishness means.

    In this episode, we'll debunk the negative connotations associated with selfishness and show you how embracing it can benefit your college student with a disability in ways you never imagined.

    Do you want your student to know how to self-advocate? 

    Here's the link to the book and my course that walks you through the process step-by-step. 

    Self-advocacy for Higher Education Book

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education Course


    Something Special Happens When You Practice Gratitude

    Something Special Happens When You Practice Gratitude

    In today's episode, we're diving deep into the transformative effects of practicing gratitude and how it can significantly impact your life. You'll discover that something truly special happens when you embrace gratitude in your daily routine.

    Gratitude has the power to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and even decrease your heart rate. It acts as a shield against the storms of life, making you more resilient to stress by invoking the relaxation response within you. But that's just the beginning.

    So, join us in this insightful episode as we explore how the simple act of practicing gratitude can unlock the door to a healthier, happier, and more joyful life. Get ready to experience the profound transformations that await when you embrace the power of gratitude.

    Here are two resources you may consider. 

    College Services Planner FREE

    Course for Mental Health Professionals and Clients. 

    And don't forget to follow/subscribe where you get your podcast. 

    Delay Telling The Diagnosis? Simple Reasons That Make Sense.

    Delay Telling The Diagnosis? Simple Reasons That Make Sense.

    You might already know that I'm not a fan of the "never tell the student the diagnosis" crowd, but in this episode, we'll explore situations where delaying the revelation makes sense. Grab your notebook and pen because you won't want to miss this discussion.

    I'll shed (much needed) light on the complex decision of when to reveal a diagnosis to a child. Tune in, learn, and let's work together to provide the best support and understanding for our children.

    Do you want your student to know how to self-advocate? 

    Here's the link to the book and my course that walks you through the process step-by-step. 

    Self-advocacy for Higher Education Book

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education Course

    You Need To Tell Them Their Diagnosis: Important Reasons Why

    You Need To Tell Them Their Diagnosis: Important Reasons Why

    Hey there, parents, guardians, and educators! Are you getting ready to send your high school graduate off to college? It's an exciting time, but it can also be a little nerve-wracking, especially if your child has a diagnosis that's been kept under wraps. In this episode of After The IEP, we're diving into the vital reasons why you should let your college-bound student in on their diagnosis.

    Imagine sending your young adult into the world without giving them a map. That's what happens when they don't know their diagnosis. It's like setting out on a journey with no idea where you're headed. We'll explain how this simple revelation gives them a correct starting point, helping them navigate their educational path with confidence.

    Do you want your student to know how to self-advocate? 

    Listen in and find out!

    Here's the link to the book and my course that walks you through the process step-by-step. 

    Self-advocacy for Higher Education Book

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education Course

    5 Easy Steps Your Student Needs To Know For Self-Advocacy

    5 Easy Steps Your Student Needs To Know For Self-Advocacy

    Do you know what it takes to have your student self-advocate in college? Where does a parent start? What information is important for your student to know? Is it complicated? Will it take a long time? How does it even relate to college or their success?

    In this episode of After The IEP podcast, I'm going over the five steps for self-advocacy. These are the five things your student needs to advocate for their disability in college. It's directly based on my book Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide To Preparing To Request Accommodations In College.  

    I firmly believe that a knowledgeable student is a prepared student. Your student cannot advocate for a place of ignorance. That starts with you, the parent. These five steps for self-advocacy will give your student a solid beginning for college.

    If you know what to focus on and how best to get them the information, then your student has a much better chance of successfully advocating for their needs. It also leads to them being more self-aware, more resilient, and ask for help when they need it. 

    It also maximizes the chance of them requesting accommodations in college and not waiting to do so. Remember this statistic: students who wait to request accommodations are 3 times less likely to graduate. Let that sink in. 

    Do you want your student to know how to self-advocate? 

    Listen in and find out!

    Here's the link to the book and my course that walks you through the process step-by-step. 

    Self-advocacy for Higher Education Book

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education Course

    Other help you can use: 

    Soft-skills Planner

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Workbook

    How to Successfully Manage A Medication Change In College: 5 Tips

    How to Successfully Manage A Medication Change In College: 5 Tips

    If you have a student with a mental health condition, chances are they are taking a medication to help manage it. What happens if they have to change that medication at some point in the semester? 

    Medications come with thier own set of issues. Changing a medicaiton comes with it's own set of issues. When taking college classes, the a medicaiton change can be challenging. 

    What do you do you need to consider?

    What are the risks? 

    How can thgey get through it in the best way possible? 

    What policies do you need to know about in case you need to use them? 

    Who do you need to communicate with? Which offices need to be involved? 

    Here's what I'll cover:

    1. Know the risks ahead of making the change

    2. Discuss the change with your support team. 

    3. Identify the students needs during the medicaiton change. 

    4. Communicate with the appropriate campus offices if needed.

    5. Know the school policies that may help. 

    Handling a medicaiton change can be challenging. At college the stakes are even higher, but it can be managed successfull. Your student does not need to get behing nor drop out, but they need to consider all the options in as much advance as possible. 

    Here are two resources you may consider. 

    College Services Planner FREE

    Course for Mental Health Professionals and Clients. 

    And don't forget to follow/subscribe where you get your podcast.