
    After the IEP: College Transition and Success Tips for Parents of College-bound Students with Hidden Disabilities

    Discover the secrets to college transition, disability accommodations, and academic success for students with learning disabilities, ADHD, and mental health conditions. Join Dan Jordan, a current therapist at a university and former accessibility coordinator, as he provides weekly tips and insights to improve your student’s self-advocacy, academic achievement, and personal wellness. Get the essential information you need to navigate the college journey from start to finish. Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss out!
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    Episodes (63)

    5 Proven Ways That Will Make College Easier With a Mental Health Issue

    5 Proven Ways That Will Make College Easier With a Mental Health Issue

    Atending college is no joke. It's hard for anyone. If the current statistics show anything, it that college is stressful and difficult. So how do students deal with all of that while having a mental health issue? I boiled it all down the top five ways. There are many more but theses are the five that will make the most difference and the biggest impact. 

    What are they? 

    1. Apply for accommodations.
    2. Supports (needed vs. available).
    3. Get a wellness plan together. 
    4. Practice independence skills.
    5. Safety. 

    Yeah, it's a packed episode! So, grab a paper and pen and because each point has more information that can help you guide your student to being at their best and independently managing their mental health.  

    Here's the course and the free services planner I mentioned in the episode. 

    College Services Planner FREE

    Course for Mental Health Professionals and Clients. 

    And don't forget to follow/subscribe where you get your podcast. 



    Got a Mental Health Issue? How To Choose The Best College

    Got a Mental Health Issue? How To Choose The Best College

    College choice is one of the most difficult aspects of the college journey. It gets more difficult the more a student needs to look at the suervices and supports available for a specific issue. Mental health conditions are no less important when considering a college. Students with mental health conditions are seldom discussed or mentioned in any format regarding college choice. 

    In this episode, I'll go over the five things you need to consider when choosing a college. Helping your student make the right choice just got a little easier. So get a pen and paper and take some notes, listen til the end becasue each point has some suggestions that you may want to follow up on. 

    I'll review: 

    1. College supports available.
    2. School location. 
    3. Applying for accommodations. 
    4. Severity of the mental health condition. 
    5. Insurance issues. 

    As mentioned here's the links to the College Services Planner and the course for mental health profesisonals and clients. 

    College Services Planner Free  

    Course for Mental Health Professionals and Clients

    AND Don't forget to leave a review and hit that follow/subscribe button. 


    Look Out! Beware Of Misleading College Disability Information on the Web

    Look Out! Beware Of Misleading College Disability Information on the Web

    I see information on the web about college disability accommodations all the time. Some of it isn't bad and some is just misleading. Some is plain wrong. ESA letter mills being the worst. Just don't go there. 

    What do you look out for? How can you spot what's good and what is not? 

    Do you know that some blog posts are written by people that have no experience in college accessibility?

    It's just a list of things that they were told or found on the internet. Some have lists of accommodations that are rarely approved, but make it seem like it's just as common as extended test time.


    For example, I see lists of accommodations include extensions for assignments. This is exceptionally rare to get approved. You have a better chance of winning the lottery and getting hit by lightning on the same day. It's that rare.

    For an uninformed parent, this can lead to asking for the wrong accommodations. When these don't get approved, it leads to frustration and more.

    You don't have to go through that. Not. AT. ALL.

    You need the right college disability information to make an informed decision.

    I'll go over all that so you can get the best college disability information without wasting your time. 

    Our Show Sponsor

    The Sweet Dahlia

    Free Resources

    College Services Planner

    College Accommodaitons Checklist


    College Transition Essentials

    Book, Workbook, and Planner

    Self-advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Workbook

    Soft Skills Planner

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. 

    5 Uplifting Ways To Encourage Your College Student

    5 Uplifting Ways To Encourage Your College Student

    Have you ever struggled to know how to motivate and encourage your college student? It can be a daunting task for sure. How do you encourage and motivate and not seem like you're pestering or lecturing? 

    Well, in this episode, I'll give you five ways to have a positive influence on them all without pestering or lecturing. 

    Episodes Mentioned

    How to go From Stress to Success: Growth Mindset for College Students

    The Power of Yet: 3 Steps to a Growth Mindset for College Success

    Our Show Sponsor

    The Sweet Dahlia

    Free Resources

    College Services Planner

    College Accommodaitons Checklist


    College Transition Essentials

    Book, Workbook, and Planner

    Self-advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Workbook

    Soft Skills Planner

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. 

    Practical College Accommodations For Anxiety You Need To Know

    Practical College Accommodations For Anxiety You Need To Know

    Anxiety is a prevalent issue on college campuses, affecting numerous students. In this episode, we delve into some of the most common accommodations available to help students manage their anxiety while pursuing higher education. However, it's important to note that the suitability and approval of these accommodations can vary, so it's crucial to work closely with your school's accessibility staff to determine the right accommodations for your specific needs.

    While accommodations can enhance access to education, they are just one part of the equation. It's essential for students to prioritize their wellness, implement a wellness plan, and collaborate with accessibility staff to determine the accommodations that best suit their needs. Remember, these accommodations aim to provide access, and your overall well-being should always be a priority.

    Disclaimer: The conent is ony for educational and informationnal purposes only. The accommodations mentioned may or may not fit for your specific disability needs. A student must be aware of their disability, their needs, what works for them, and what does not. Thus, the interview with the disability services office is key to determining what disability accommodations are appropriate and reasonable for you. Use the information only as a guide.  

    Our Show Sponsor

    The Sweet Dahlia

    Free Resources

    College Services Planner

    College Accommodaitons Checklist


    College Transition Essentials

    Book, Workbook, and Planner

    Self-advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Workbook

    Soft Skills Planner

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. 

    4 Tips to Academic Success with the Best College Study Schedule

    4 Tips to Academic Success with the Best College Study Schedule

    Are you a parent eager to guide your college-bound student toward academic triumph? Join us in this insightful podcast episode as we delve into the art of designing a study schedule that propels your student's success to new heights. The first semester is a pivotal phase, and the key to conquering it lies in strategic planning.

    This episode unveils four essential tips to help your student create a study schedule tailored to their unique needs. Whether your child faces challenges like dyslexia, ADHD, or anxiety, or simply needs guidance in optimizing their study routine, this podcast equips you with actionable steps.

    Learn how to make the most of open time slots between classes, allocating study hours based on peak cognitive performance. Discover the power of the Pomodoro Technique and the importance of brain rest in enhancing focus and memory retention. I also unveil the secret to effective nightly and morning review routines that set the stage for productive days.

    As a parent, your role in shaping your student's study habits is crucial. This podcast arms you with the knowledge to provide tailored support and guidance. 

    Tune in and unlock the tools you need to empower your student to thrive academically and beyond. Your role as a guiding force in their education just got a whole lot easier!

    Digital Course

    Time Mnagement Essentials For College Students 

    Lean more at Accessing College.com

    Top 3 essential strategies for junior year in high school for college readiness.

    Top 3 essential strategies for junior year in high school for college readiness.

    I often talk about college transition. It's an important topic for sure, but when does a student prepare for college. Personally, I think it starts as soon as the first IEP or 504 plan is signed. Regardless, when should you realistically start planning? Junior year is perfect. Why? There's enough urgency and awareness that the next phase of life is coming, and soon. She what three essential strategies does each student need to do? Listen and find out what three essential stategies every junior year student needs to have to get ready for college. 

    Here are the links to the Free products and e-courses I talked about in the episode that can help get you and your student ready for college. 

    Our Show Sponsor

    The Sweet Dahlia

    Free Resources

    College Services Planner

    College Accommodaitons Checklist


    College Transition Essentials

    Book, Workbook, and Planner

    Self-advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Workbook

    Soft Skills Planner

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. 

    Podcast and Blog Posts

    The Power of Yet: 3 Steps to a Growth Mindset for College Success

    How to Go From Stress to Success: A Growth Mindset for College Students

    Beyond the Brochure: The Ultimate Guide to College Tours for Students with Disabilities


    Top 5 Most Effective Ways to Support Your Student Their First Semester

    Top 5 Most Effective Ways to Support Your Student Their First Semester

    The first semester at college is crucial for your student’s success. It leads to a solid foundation with skills, accurate expectations, and grades. Basically, they are beginning know how to be a college student. The spring semester builds on this and can make those skillsets stronger. Or there is the other side, not having accommodations, or waiting to get them, not asking for help, and grades are lower. Now we have to use the spring semester to make up for that and learn the skillsets and expectation and correct the past mistakes. How do we encourage our students and support them best? Listen in as I identify the Top 5 Most Effective Ways to Support Your Student Their First Semester.


    Podcast Episodes

    Ep26 Empowering Parenthood: Self-Care Skills to Triumph Through College Transition

    Ep 29 The Stress-Free Student: Unlocking Powerful Stress Reduction Skills

    Ep 30 How to go From Stress to Success: Growth Mindset for College Students

    Book and Workbook

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Workbook - (accessingcollege.com)

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College 


    College Transition Essentials

    Time Management Essntials for College Students


    Top 4 Underused Strategies to Make your College Transition Better

    Top 4 Underused Strategies to Make your College Transition Better

    Out of all the things to do to prepare for college, there are four strategies that are often overlooked. They maybe overlooked for a variety of reasons, but these for strategies do not get the recognition they deserve. They are effective and can help your college transition be better, more enjoyable, and less stressed. And let’s face it. If all those positive effects can happen, think of what that does to your academic performance. So, here are the Top 4 Underused Strategies to Make your College Transition Better.

    DIY Digital courses 

    Time Management Essentials For College Students 

    College Transition Essentials

    Learn to Self-Advocacte

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Workbook

    FREE Stuff!

    College Services Planner Click Here

    College Accommodations Checklist Click Here


    Web Page Accessing College

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    Want a great college transition? Start with Setting Accurate Expectations

    Want a great college transition? Start with Setting Accurate Expectations

    The first in a series of episodes all in time for the fall college transition. Expectations are powerful. As I’ve stated in the episode on growth mindset, what you think has a powerful effect on your emotions and decisions. What your student expects going into freshman year and transitioning to college will have a profound effect on how they navigate that transition. In this episode, I review some of the common expectations of students and parents and how those relate to the reality of college. All this to get you and your student prepared.

    Time Management Essentials Course for College Students

    FREE Stuff!

    College Services Planner Click Here

    College Accommodations Checklist Click Here


    Web Page Accessing College

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    Facebook  Accessing College | Facebook

    Top 5 Advantages of Time Management For Empowering College Success

    Top 5 Advantages of Time Management For Empowering College Success

    Discover why time management is crucial for college seniors and graduates to achieve success in college. Learn how mastering this key skill can lead to a deep sense of accomplishment and pride in their college experience. Set your student up for success by developing the right skillsets and mindset to effectively manage their time.

    Achieving success in college hinges on one crucial factor: time management, as highlighted by college seniors and graduates. The ability to effectively manage time emerges as the top priority for maximizing academic performance and personal fulfillment. By honing this key skill, college students can look back on their college experience with pride and a profound sense of accomplishment. Empower your student by equipping them with the necessary skillsets and mindset to optimize their time and make the most of their college journey.

    Time Management Essentials Course for College Students

    FREE College Services Planner

    College Services Planner Click Here 

    College Accommodations Checklist Click Here

    Book: Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. 

    Learn More Here

    Web Page Accessing College

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    Facebook  Accessing College | Facebook

    Not requesting college accommodations? The One point That Matters Most.

    Not requesting college accommodations? The One point That Matters Most.

    The decision to apply for and/or use college disability accommodations requires the right informaiton. It can make or break tyour college transition and even your career goals. So if your student is saying that they do not want accommodaiotns or if they have them they won't use them, then this is the episode for you. There is one consequence that is so important it deserves it’s own episode. It’s the most important consequence to keep in mind as you and your student navigate the decision to seek accommodations of not. Regardless of thier decision, let's have them make on informed one. 


    FREE Stuff!

    College Services Planner Click Here

    College Accommodations Checklist Click Here


    Web Page Accessing College

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    Facebook  Accessing College | Facebook

    Top 5 Consequences of Not Having Accommodations in College

    Top 5 Consequences of Not Having Accommodations in College

    Did you know that a significant number of college students who are eligible for disability accommodations often refrain from requesting them? Surprisingly, even those who do apply for accommodations sometimes delay their application or decide not to utilize the available support. It's crucial to consider the potential consequences of such choices and discuss them thoroughly with your student. It relates directly to what a student knows about their disability, academic success, and the transition to being their own advocate.

    Blog Posts Mentioned

    Not Requesting Accommodations in College? Read this first.

    The Power of Autonomy and Awareness

    My Book:

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. 

    Learn More Here

    DIY Digital courses 

    College Transition Essentials

    Time Management Essentials For College Students 

    Master Test Anxiety and Level Up your Success

    Empowering Advocacy: Demystifying College Disability Laws

    FREE Stuff!

    College Services Planner Click Here


    Web Page Accessing College

    Follow me here

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    Facebook  Accessing College | Facebook

    How to go From Stress to Success: Growth Mindset for College Students

    How to go From Stress to Success: Growth Mindset for College Students

    Want to know one of the best ways to reduce stress and improve academic performance for college? It’s not what you think and you, as a parent, can help your student practice this over the summer before college, HS, or even grade school. Any student can use this. It's a growth mindset, which some call the power of yet. I’ll walk you through how I teach this to college students using the most common issue, anxiety. I’ll review how to use the power of yet, the growth mindset, and addressing the effects anxiety and a growth mindset can have on academics. 


    DIY Digital courses 

    Time Management Essentials For College Students 

    Master Test Anxiety and Level Up your Success

    FREE Stuff!

    College Services Planner Click Here

    My Book:

    Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. 

    Learn More Here


    Web Page Accessing College

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    Want less stress? Practice These Powerful Stress Reduction Skills

    Want less stress? Practice These Powerful Stress Reduction Skills

    In this episode of "The Stress-Free Student," I delve deep into the realm of stress reduction and explore powerful techniques specifically designed to alleviate anxiety among college students. Join me as I uncover practical strategies and advice on managing stress and cultivating a relaxed mindset for college.

    I’ll share valuable insights on the relationship between stress, anxiety, and academic performance;  the connection with time management, and the importance of self-care and its direct impact on mental well-being.

    Whether you're a freshman overwhelmed by the transition or a senior navigating the challenges of thesis deadlines, this episode equips you with the tools to regain control, embrace serenity, and thrive academically. Don't let stress hold you back – join us on this empowering journey to Unstress Your Success!

    DIY Digital courses 

    Time Management Essentials For College Students 

    Master Test Anxiety and Level Up your Success

    FREE College Services Planner

    College Services Planner Click Here

    Book: Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. 

    Learn More Here

    Web Page Accessing College

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    Want to Supercharge Your College Transition? Summer Planning for College Disability Accommodations

    Want to Supercharge Your College Transition? Summer Planning for College Disability Accommodations

    Now that graduation is near or over, how do you use the summer months to prepare to request accommodations for college? in this episode of "After The IEP," I’ll unveil the secrets to optimizing your college transition through effective summer preparation planning for disability accommodations. If you’re an advocate or a student, this episode will explore practical strategies and the crucial steps to take so you can make an effective plan to start off your college transition.

    Podcast Episoides

    EP 2 How to Get Disability Accommodations for College Students

    Ep 6  Demystifying College Disability Documentation: A Guide for Parents and Students

    Blog Posts

    Parents Guide to College Disability Documentation Requirements

    Four Steps to Get Disability Accommodations for College Students.

    FREE College Services Planner

    College Services Planner Click Here

    Book: Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. 

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    Web Page Accessing College

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    Empowering Parenthood: Supporting Success of College Students with ADHD

    Empowering Parenthood: Supporting Success of College Students with ADHD

    Off the heals of last weeks episode about self-care, comes this episode about how to support your college bound child with ADHD, now and during the college transition. What do you need to focus on, no pun intended? What skills do you need to help them develop? What are their strengths, how do they leverage them, and how do they address their deficits? All to get ready for college.

    FREE College Services Planner

    College Services Planner Click Here

    Book: Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. 

    Learn More Here


    Web Page Accessing College

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    Empowering Parenthood: Self-Care Skills to Triumph Through College Transition

    Empowering Parenthood: Self-Care Skills to Triumph Through College Transition

    Today I dive deep into the world of self-care for parents of college-bound students with hidden disabilities. It can be overwhelming and cumbersome at times. In today's episode, we unveil powerful strategies to help you navigate this unique journey. Stay tuned for insights that will up your parenting game and hopefully inspire you.

    FREE College Services Planner

    College Services Planner Click Here

    Book: Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. 

    Learn More Here


    Web Page Accessing College

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    Embracing Inclusion: Shedding Light on Students' Resistance to Requesting Disability Accommodations in College

    Embracing Inclusion: Shedding Light on Students' Resistance to Requesting Disability Accommodations in College

    In today's episode, we're diving deep into the consequences of not asking for accommodations.

    Picture this: your college-bound student with a hidden disability does not want to ask for accommodations. BUT do they know the consequences of this choice? And do they know what to potential benefits would be if they did seek them? Join us as we uncover the true cost of silence and the impact it can have on your college journey. We'll shed light on the hidden aftermath of not seeking disability accommodations in college and how to avoid it.

    FREE College Services Planner

    College Services Planner Click Here

    Book: Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. 

    Learn More Here


    Web Page Accessing College

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    Want to Improve Your Next Semester? Advice and Proven Tips for More Success

    Want to Improve Your Next Semester? Advice and Proven Tips for More Success

    In this episode, I’m looking at how to review academic performance at the end of the semester. Whether your student’s grades in college are good or not is irrelevant. It’s looking at what needs to be improved and planning to do better.  It’s all in the planning and I go through what I think is the best way to do that and maximize your success.

    FREE College Services Planner

    College Services Planner Click Here

    Book: Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. 

    Learn More Here


    Web Page Accessing College

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