
    Alien Theorists Theorizing

    Join The Alien Theorists as they wade through the BS and get inspired by the possibilities. An open-minded comedy podcast discussing: Space exploration, the UFO and ET phenomenon, cold case mysteries, cryptozoology, and anything else in the world of the weird.
    enBig Theory Podcasts441 Episodes

    Episodes (441)

    The Great Airship Mystery | Case File 312

    The Great Airship Mystery | Case File 312
    In the twilight of the 19th century, as the world stood on the precipice of the technological revolution, the skies above America became the canvas for one of the most captivating mysteries of the age. Before the Wright brothers took flight, before the modern age of aviation dawned, citizens across the country reported seeing strange vessels cruising the heavens, adorned with powerful searchlights and otherworldly designs.
    These sightings, emerging from the fog of history, paint a picture of a nation gripped by wonder and fear. Eyewitness accounts describe airships of fantastic proportions and capabilities, far beyond the era's known technological achievements.From California to Chicago, the sky was alive with tales of encounters and abductions, of mysterious pilots conveying messages of peace and warnings for humanity.
    This case file, join the Theorists as they ascend into the clouds of the past, navigating through the lore and legend of... The Great Airship Mystery

    The Mystery of the Acámbaro Figures | Case File 311

    The Mystery of the Acámbaro Figures | Case File 311
    Nestled in the heart of Mexico, amidst the arid plains of Acámbaro, lies a mystery as perplexing as it is provocative. Discovered in the mid-20th century, a collection of thousands of ceramic artifacts challenged the very foundations of prehistoric chronology. Depicting a bizarre array of creatures that resemble dinosaurs, alongside humans in seemingly contemporary attire, these figures suggest an impossible coexistence that defies the established timeline of natural history.The discovery, initially met with intrigue and excitement, soon became the center of controversy and skepticism. Mainstream science dismisses the figures as elaborate hoaxes, yet certain enigmatic qualities of the collection resist such easy explanations.This case file, join the Theorists as we dig into the dirt and dust off the disbelief and enjoy some tasteful dino-erotica in…The Mystery of the Acámbaro Figures

    The MK Ultra-Charles Manson Connection | Case File 310

    The MK Ultra-Charles Manson Connection | Case File 310
    In the swirling turmoil of the 1960s, a narrative darker and more intricate than previously imagined begins to emerge, casting shadows over the era's most infamous of crimes. A web of intrigue that suggests the possibility of Charles Manson, the murderous cult leader, being manipulated by forces far more sophisticated than the traditional narrative leads us to believe.From the depths of MKUltra's mind-control experiments to shadowy figures operating behind the scenes, hints of a sinister confluence of interests, where the counterculture movement and covert government experiments on mind control eerily overlap. Were the horrific acts, perpetrated by Manson’s followers the outcome of a twisted ideology, or were they manipulated by unseen hands, skilled in the art of psychological warfare?This case file, join the Theorists as they dig into the dark dialogue of this chilling chronicle, exploring the sinister symbiosis between cult dynamics and secret government projects, in…The MK Ultra-Charles Manson Connection

    The Mystery of Steven Kubacki | Case File 309

    The Mystery of Steven Kubacki | Case File 309
    In the winter of 1978, the tranquil snowscape of the Lake Michigan area becomes the stage for one of the most baffling disappearances and reappearances in recent history. A student and avid skier, vanishes without a trace, leaving behind a puzzling scene and no clues to his whereabouts. The search, extensive and thorough, yields nothing but dead ends and deepening mystery.Then, as suddenly as he disappeared, he reemerges - 15 months later and hundreds of miles away, with no memory of the time lost. His reappearance raises more questions than answers. How did he travel such a distance unnoticed? What happened during those missing months? Theories abound, from amnesia and abduction to other, more otherworldly explanations.This case file, join the Theorists as they timeslip into something a bit more comfortable in... The Mystery of Steven Kubacki

    Cosmic Channels is BACK | 7.4

    Cosmic Channels is BACK | 7.4
    Cosmic Channels is back! Search Cosmic Channels wherever you get your podcast to enjoy 7 brand new episodes! Record live every Thursday 6pm PST! 1 833 703 0424. If you didn't enjoy it before give it another shot and let me know what you think!

    This Episode is Cosmic Channels 7.4
    Alien Theorists Theorizing
    enFebruary 01, 2024

    Puma Punku | Case File 308

    Puma Punku | Case File 308
    High in the Andean mountains of Bolivia, amidst the windswept plateaus, lie a mysterious set of ruins within the ancient complex known and Tiahuanacu. A place of ancient wonder, this archaeological site has puzzled historians, archaeologists, and enthusiasts for centuries. Its precise stone cuts and interlocking blocks, dating back millennia, defy conventional explanations and challenge our understanding of ancient civilizations.

    The intricacy and precision found in these stone structures raise profound questions. How were such feats achieved with the purportedly primitive tools of the era? Do these ruins hold the key to forgotten technological prowess, or do they hint at the involvement of otherworldly visitors, as some theories suggest?

    The mystery of its construction is not just a question of how, but also of why. Why was this monumental site constructed, and what led to its eventual and enigmatic abandonment? This case file, join the Theorists as they delve into the heart of this ancient Andean mystery, exploring the myths, marvels, and mystifying engineering feats of... Puma Punku

    The Hessdalen Lights | Case File 307

    The Hessdalen Lights | Case File 307
    Deep in the heart of a sparsely populated Norwegian valley, a luminous mystery dances in the night sky. A series of unexplained and enigmatic light phenomena that have captivated scientists, skeptics, and sky-watchers alike. These mysterious illuminations, ranging from bright white beams to deep, pulsating reds, have been observed sporadically for decades, painting the Nordic skies with their inexplicable glow.What makes these lights an enduring enigma is not just their unpredictable appearances, but the variety of shapes and behaviors they exhibit. From hovering orbs that float with eerie intent to rapid flashes darting across the horizon, these lights defy conventional explanations and challenge our understanding of the natural world.Are they a product of unique geological conditions, a window into unknown atmospheric processes, or evidence of something far more profound? This case file, join the Theorists as they venture into the valley of mystery meticulously mapping the mystical while exploring the enigmatic energies of... The Hessdalen Lights

    The Thiaoouba Prophecy | Case File 306

    The Thiaoouba Prophecy | Case File 306
    In the realm of cosmic enigmas and spiritual odysseys, few tales are as provocative and perplexing as the claims of Michel Desmarquet. His narrative transcends the boundaries of ordinary existence, plunging into the depths of interstellar travel, higher consciousness, and the mysteries of our very purpose in the cosmos.The story unfolds with an ordinary man, allegedly whisked away from Earth by beings from another distant planet named Thiaoouba. What follows is a journey not just across the vastness of space, but through the intricate tapestry of existential questions, ancient civilizations, and the delicate balance of life in the universe.This case file, join the Theorists as they traverse the astral anecdotes and celestial claims of Michel Desmarquet in... The Thiaoouba Prophecy

    The Moffitt Family Demon | Case File 305

    The Moffitt Family Demon | Case File 305
    In the quaint suburb of Rancho Cucamonga in Southern California, an ordinary American family found themselves at the center of an extraordinary and chilling mystery. What started as an idyllic tale of long distance love, soon spiraled into a harrowing saga of supernatural events and unexplained occurrences in their home, thrusting the family into the spotlight of paranormal investigators and skeptics alike.1Whispers of objects moving on their own, eerie shadows lurking in corners, and inexplicable sounds echoing through the halls turned their everyday life into a living nightmare. The family's claims, both compelling and disturbing, prompt questions about the existence of malevolent entities and the vulnerability of the human spirit to unseen forces.This case file, join the Theorists as they delve into the heart of this unsettling enigma, exploring the fine line between the natural and the supernatural in... The Moffitt Family Demon

    The Dark Legends of Yuletide

    The Dark Legends of Yuletide
    In the heart of winter, as the world wraps itself in the festive embrace of the Christmas season, there lurks a darker, more ancient side to these holiday celebrations. Beyond the jingle bells and joyful carols hide tales of monsters and dark creatures, born from the shadowy corners of folklore and the depths of the human psyche. From the frosty forests of Europe to the snowy expanse of North America, every culture seems to harbor its own spectral beings, turning the season of light into a playground of nocturnal terrors and cautionary tales.
    These legends, woven into the very fabric of the holiday, serve as a chilling reminder that Christmas isn't just a time of cheer and goodwill, but also a season of mystery and ancient lore. What truths lie behind these mythic creatures of yuletide terror?
    This Case File, join the Theorists as we unravel the tinsel-wrapped terror and the holly-jolly horrors of...The Dark Legends of Yuletide.