
    Alien Theorists Theorizing

    Join The Alien Theorists as they wade through the BS and get inspired by the possibilities. An open-minded comedy podcast discussing: Space exploration, the UFO and ET phenomenon, cold case mysteries, cryptozoology, and anything else in the world of the weird.
    enBig Theory Podcasts441 Episodes

    Episodes (441)

    The Linda Napolitano UFO Abduction Case | Case File 304

    The Linda Napolitano UFO Abduction Case | Case File 304
    In the early hours of November 30, 1989, the quiet of a Manhattan night is shattered by an event that would etch itself into UFO lore. Right in the bustling heart of New York City, a woman claimed to have been whisked from her apartment by otherworldly beings, an incident allegedly witnessed by baffled onlookers.But the strangeness doesn't end with the alleged abduction. In the aftermath, a bizarre tapestry of events unfolds, including mysterious kidnappings and enigmatic figures that seem to emerge from the shadows of government and espionage. These peculiar developments add layers of complexity and intrigue, transforming an already extraordinary claim into a labyrinth of mystery and conspiracy.This Case File, Join the Theorists as they delve into this metropolitan mystery in... The Linda Napolitano UFO abduction case

    The Exeter UFO Incident | Case File 303

    The Exeter UFO Incident | Case File 303
    In 1965, the sleepy town of Exeter, New Hampshire, became an unwitting landmark in the annals of the unexplained. It was here that a series of startling encounters would unfold, etching the name 'Exeter' into the cosmic consciousness of UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike. This was not Hollywood fiction, but real-life drama played out under the starry canopy of New England night sky. Citizens, average and unsuspecting, found themselves thrust into a bewildering ballet of lights and mystery. Their tales of close encounters would not only captivate the nation but also rattle the corridors of power and science.At a time when the space race was in full swing and Cold War tensions simmered, these celestial visitations raised questions that transcended the terrestrial squabbles of humankind. Was Exeter a waypoint in an interstellar journey? A cosmic crossroad of otherworldly interest?This case file, join the Theorists as they venture into the vortex of vintage sightings in... The Exeter UFO Incident.

    Richard Syrett | Case File 302

    Richard Syrett | Case File 302
    Welcome to another captivating interview, with none other than radio legend Richard Syrett. Richard, a maestro of the mysterious, brings to the table an insatiable curiosity and a flair for the dramatic. His voice, a familiar beacon in the night since the early 90’s, guides us through the shadowy corridors of the unknown and the unexplained.Whether he's probing the depths of conspiracy theories, unearthing the nuances of paranormal phenomena, or challenging the boundaries of scientific understanding, Richard does so with a mix of earnest inquiry and engaging charisma all while helming the legendary late night paranormal fare of Coast to Coast AMThis case file, join the Theorists as we journey into the strange, the speculative, and the sensational with sultan of strange…Richard Syrett

    State Nationals With Brandon Joe Williams | Case File 301

    State Nationals With Brandon Joe Williams | Case File 301
    This Casefile, Alien Theorists Theorizing treads the thin line between legal luminary and legal labyrinth as they welcome author Brandon Joe Willams to the show. A self-described foreign national of The Amnesty Coalition, Brandon offers his views on the often perplexing legal parlance of parts of the U.S. code and how they make for possible cracks in the concept of U.S. citizenry.

    The views and opinions of our guests are not necessarily the views held by the Theorists themselves and should not be interpreted as professional legal/financial advice.

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    A Long and Winding Road, A Theorite-stravaganza | Case File 300

    A Long and Winding Road, A Theorite-stravaganza | Case File 300
    2023 marks a milestone in the annals of auditory exploration. As the calendar pages turn, we find ourselves at the grand juncture of the 300th episode of our beloved podcast. From its humble beginnings, weaving through the intricate tapestry of history, unearthing hidden truths, and venturing into the realms of the mysterious and the unexplained, this podcast has been more than a journey—it's been a revelation. Throughout these 300 episodes, we've traversed time and space, delved into the depths of human ingenuity, and soared through the cosmos of curiosity. We've dissected conspiracies, illuminated forgotten chapters of history, and dared to question the unquestionable. Our voices have echoed in the ears of the inquisitive, sparking minds and stirring souls. In this celebratory episode, join us as we stroll down memory lane, revisiting the remarkable and the bizarre, the groundbreaking and the earth-shaking. We raise our glasses to you, our loyal listeners, who've been the compass guiding us through this odyssey of the obscure and the profound. Welcome to Case File 300: Alien Theorists Theorizing Theorite-stravaganza

    Imminent Imperils: World Wars and Wandering UFOs | Case File 299

    Imminent Imperils: World Wars and Wandering UFOs | Case File 299
    2025, a world teetering on the brink of geopolitical collapse. As nations flex their military muscles and tensions simmer just beneath the surface, another, more enigmatic presence casts its shadow across Earth's fragile peace: Unidentified Flying Objects. Sightings multiply, with crafts of unknown origin piercing the skies, leaving defense systems confounded and intelligence agencies scrambling.Are these aerial anomalies mere distractions from the dire diplomatic dynamics, or harbingers of a different kind of confrontation—one not between countries, but civilizations? Could these mysterious visitors hold the key to our planet's salvation, or might they be spectators to our own self-destruction?This case file, join the Theorists as they navigate the nexus of nuclear nerves and nebulous night-fliers, seeking to uncover the unsettling union of... Imminent Imperils: World Wars and Wandering UFOs

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    Stellar Skirmishes: Sagas of Solar System Strife | Case File 298

    Stellar Skirmishes: Sagas of Solar System Strife | Case File 298
    3 billion years ago, the vast expanse of our solar system was not just a tranquil ballet of planets and moons. Debated among modern scholars is a tantalizing theory: that an epic battle raged among the stars, where extraterrestrial entities waged wars of cosmic proportions. From the asteroid belt's scars to the peculiar formations on Mars, evidence might suggest more than mere geological processes at play in the formation of our solar system. Might there be echoes of laser clashes and remnants of alien armadas? This case file, join the Theorists as they voyage through vast voids and analyze astral anomalies, aiming to ascertain the astonishing account of... Stellar Skirmishes: Sagas of Solar System Strife.

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    The Mysterious Disappearance of the Sodder Children | Case File 296

    The Mysterious Disappearance of the Sodder Children | Case File 296
    On December 24, 1945, a fire destroyed the Sodder residence. United States. At the time, it was occupied by George Sodder, his wife Jennie, and nine of their ten children. During the fire, George, Jennie, and four of the nine children escaped. The bodies of the other five children have never been found. The surviving Sodder family believed for the rest of their lives that the five missing children survived.

    Jack Parsons | Case File 293

    Jack Parsons | Case File 293
    1942, World War II rages across continents, and in the deserts of California, the quest for rocket supremacy ignites. A brilliant but unconventional rocket engineer, emerges as a pivotal figure, pushing the boundaries of both science and the occult. While his daytime hours are consumed with explosive experiments in propulsion, by night, he delves into dark rituals, seeking to marry the mystical with the mechanical.Behind the fiery rockets and chemical concoctions, his double life intertwines with figures from occult orders and top-secret government programs. His endeavors influence both the birth of modern rocketry and the underground world of esoteric exploration. But as brilliance often borders on madness, the line between genius and folly becomes increasingly blurred.In this case file, join the Theorists as they navigate through propellants and pentagrams to probe the perplexing paradox of rocketry’s rebellious ritualist... Jack Parsons