
    All Queens Army Podcast

    Giving you the tools and confidence to be UNF*@KWITHABLE.
    enBrei Rowley83 Episodes

    Episodes (83)

    How To Be More Patient

    How To Be More Patient

    Patience is a virtue… yeah, we KNOW… but it’s annoying AF to hear when we want things to change in our lives. Let’s keep it real, being patient is hard and can even be stressful. But, Coach Breezy Time has a solution for you, press play and listen to this episode to learn how to stop feeling frustrated while waiting for your blessing.


    Get exclusive episodes & connect with Coach Breezy: https://bit.ly/3KaOooN

    Download Free eBook "How To Create Boundaries": https://bit.ly/3udVtzg

    Karma Isn't A Bitch, She's A Reflection

    Karma Isn't A Bitch, She's A Reflection

    We all know the term ‘you reap what you sow’ - right? Of course we do! That’s good ole KARMA working the universal law of cause and effect. But, did you know that you can use KARMA to manifest the things that you want? 

    In this episode, Coach Breezy Time will explain how to use KARMA to sow the seeds in your life that will reap blessings and good fortune. Press play and dive in, this is a must hear!


    Get exclusive episodes & connect with Coach Breezy: https://bit.ly/3KaOooN

    Download Free eBook "How To Create Boundaries": https://bit.ly/3udVtzg

    How To Boost Your Self Confidence

    How To Boost Your Self Confidence

    Do you need a boost in confidence? Need a reminder to remember how dope and bada$$ you are? Well, go on and press play because Coach Breezy Time is dropping all the heat that will motivate you to get back on your game! 

    Tune in now to get your confidence kicked into high gear!


    Get exclusive episodes & connect with Coach Breezy: https://bit.ly/3KaOooN

    Download Free eBook "How To Create Boundaries": https://bit.ly/3udVtzg

    How To Stop Being Scared and Just Go For It

    How To Stop Being Scared and Just Go For It

    Is fear holding you back? Are you hesitating to start a business, go full on into a relationship, apply for the job you want, or make a decision that you know you need to make? 

    Do you need that extra push, that boost of confidence to charge forward and just do it! 

    Well, you’re about to get the tips and motivation that you need to JUST GO FOR IT! So, go on and press play and Coach Breezy Time will fill your ears with the much needed encouragement to get your feet moving towards your goals and dreams. 


    Get exclusive episodes & connect with Coach Breezy: https://bit.ly/3KaOooN

    Download Free eBook "How To Create Boundaries": https://bit.ly/3udVtzg

    How To Be Happy Even When You Aren't Where You Want To Be

    How To Be Happy Even When You Aren't Where You Want To Be

    Are you tired of feeling frustrated because you aren’t where you want to be in life? Do you want to learn how to be happy even before you get the things in life that you want? If so, press play and listen up because Host Breezy Time is sharing tips for becoming happy while you are waiting on your blessing.


    Get exclusive episodes & connect with Coach Breezy: https://bit.ly/3KaOooN

    Download Free eBook "How To Create Boundaries": https://bit.ly/3udVtzg

    How To Eliminate Your Need For Validation and Stop Caring What People Think

    How To Eliminate Your Need For Validation and Stop Caring What People Think

    Needing validation is a confidence killer. It Gives other people the power to control how you feel about yourself, your abilities, your goals, or plans. So, if you’re looking to take your power back, press play. 

    In this episode, host Breezy Time is spitting fire motivation that has changed the lives of hundreds of people, tune in to get the goods.

    What To Do When You're Not Being Valued

    What To Do When You're Not Being Valued

    Feeling unappreciated? Feeling like your job, kids, family, friends, or spouse don’t value who you are or what you bring to the table? 

    Well, you’ve just found the podcast episode that will provide you with the solutions to teach you how to put a stop to this yucky feeling. 

    Press play now, because Breezy Time is giving away all the foolproof steps that you need to change how you feel today! 

    7 Things To Do To Get Over a Break Up

    7 Things To Do To Get Over a Break Up

    Going through a break up? Sucks doesn’t it? Well, if you’re looking for solutions to getting through the pain, this episode will give you 7 things that you can do to survive the pain and feelings of rejection when a relationship ends. 

    So, tune in and take it all in because host Breezy Time is giving away ALL the gems that will help you heal your heart and prepare yourself for love again. 

    How To Know When It's Time To Let Go

    How To Know When It's Time To Let Go

    Are you trying to decide whether to let go of someone or not? Have you been thinking it’s time for a relationship to come to an end, but you’re not sure of what to do? Well, tune in because host Breezy will be talking all about signs that it’s time to bounce! 

    Be ready for some serious truth serum in this episode because after you hear this, you will be motivated to make bold decisions about some relationships in your life. 

    Let’s go!

    Why You Should Get In The Habit Of Journaling

    Why You Should Get In The Habit Of Journaling

    Are you looking for ways to get more organized? 

    Need to be more productive?

    Got some goals that you want to achieve?

    Want to clarify your feelings, thoughts, or ideas?

    Need help sharpening your memory?

    If any of those describe you, press play because our Host, Breizy Time is sharing how journaling is the solution that you've been looking for! 

    3 Ways To Balance Being Productive and Enjoying Life

    3 Ways To Balance Being Productive and Enjoying Life

    Are you stuck in the "I Need To Be Productive" trap because of goals that you've set for yourself, demands from your job, responsibilities of starting or running a business, or just the everyday tasks that come with adulting? 

    If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you need to listen to this episode. 

    Host, Breizy Time shares 8 proven solutions to this common problem. 

    Go ahead, get tuned in and find the balance you've been seeking! 

    How To Break Bad Habits

    How To Break Bad Habits

    Are you trying to achieve a goal or have some bad habit that you wanna give up?

    'Tired of feeling like you can't control yourself or have enough will power to stick to a plan or refrain from doing something that is taking you down a path you no longer want to go? 

    If so, then this episode will help you solve the mystery as to why you are not sticking to your objectives. 

    Listen in as Host, Breizy Time provides step by step actions that you can take immediately to help you break bad habits and replace them with good habits. 

    Why You Should Become What You Expect Your Spouse To Be

    Why You Should Become What You Expect Your Spouse To Be

    Are you ready for a relationship? A life long partnership? A marriage? Or, are you hoping that your current partner makes some necessary changes to keep your relationship alive and thriving? 

    If so, then this is your episode! 

    Host, Breizy Time drops the keys to attaining the type of relationship that you want, with the qualities and characteristics from a spouse that you want. 

    Tune in, and pocket these gems! 


    3 Ways To Stop Attracting The Men (Women, or Person) That You're Just Not Into

    3 Ways To Stop Attracting The Men (Women, or Person) That You're Just Not Into

    Isn't it just so frustrating when you are not attracted to the person who is sooooo in to you? Ughhhh 

    Well, we've got some great news for you! In this episode, Host Breizy Time will share 3 things that you can do to stop attracting the people who you are just not in to; and learn how to attract someone who gives you alllllll the feels. 

    Tune in and enjoy! 

    Also, check out our new resource center on the website that provides free tools to assist you with breaking through some of your life's frustrations. 

    How To Stop Being Taken Advantage Of, Overlooked, and Not Valued

    How To Stop Being Taken Advantage Of, Overlooked, and Not Valued

    Who the hell do people think they are trying to take advantage of you, overlooking you when you are dope AF, or not valuing the incredible qualities that you possess??? Tuhhh 

    Go 'on and tune in and let our Host, Breizy Time lace your ears with motivation, tips, and tools that will have you pumped so full of confidence that NO ONE will even think to play with you again. Period. 


    How To Create Healthy Emotional Boundaries

    How To Create Healthy Emotional Boundaries

    Do you want to learn how to set your expectations for how you want to be treated? 

    Need to know how to set basic guidelines for what you will and will not tolerate and accept? 

    Well, then 'go on and tune in to get the tips from Host Breizy Time. 'Guarantee , by the time you're done listening, you'll know how to create boundaries and demand the respect of a Queen. 

    'Don't forget to check out all of the new resources and eCourses on the All Queens Army website. They're free, so hop on them! 

    How To Control Your Emotions

    How To Control Your Emotions

    Want to remain cool, calm, and collected all while expressing yourself with confidence and pure badassery? If so, then this episode is for you! 

    Tune in and listen as Host, Breizy Time gives you some fire tips on how to change the way you react to your emotions and experiences; and learn to say GOODBYE to feeling like you're always on an emotional roller coaster. 

    How To Get Over The Fear Of Rejection

    How To Get Over The Fear Of Rejection

    In this Season Premier episode, Host Breizy Time talks bout how rejection is one of the most debilitating fears that we can experience. In this episode, you will learn how the damage that fearing rejection can jack up your self esteem. 

    Tune in to get the motivation and tools to kick fear's ass and go after whatever it is that you want in life with confidence and courage!

    Oh, and don't forget to check out the new Resource Center on the All Queens Army website. There are worksheets, guides, and blog articles to assist you on your journey to self improvement.