

    BBC TV NFL hosts Nat Coombs & Mike Carlson, comedian Dan Louw & a host of special guests keep you up to date with the latest happenings in American sports & popular culture. Americarnage is brought to you in association with men's grooming range Mancave who keep the guys fresh and help them #OwnTheBathroom - See more at: http://www.americarnage.co.uk/
    enMe:Mo214 Episodes

    Episodes (214)

    Americarnage #194: The Ugly Podcast

    Americarnage #194: The Ugly Podcast

    Nat, Mike and Dan are known for their wide range of sporting tastes and many’s the hour they’ve whiled away considering what would happen if one sport took the methods and ethos of another. They never wrote any of it down though so they’re totally beaten by guest this week Martin Calladine whose book The Ugly Game is all about what the Premier League can learn from the NFL. Dan, as you can expect has some very particular views on that…

    In other news: Dan is frisky this week, so is Mike – worrying; Nat and Martin made a COPA90 film together recently, no-one has seen it; Mike has seen a Horror Western and HdP is weirdly excited about this; Dan has a sandwich recommendation that has nothing to do with Pinocchio; Columbo is the most realistic detective show ever apparently; the NFL continues mental – Eli throws 6 TD passes and loses; Kaepernick is still terrifyingly rubbish; the Broncos are still the worst winningest team; the International Series is over for another year but don’t worry, next year they’re playing ALL the games here; the NBA season tipped off last Tuesday with a regular sight – the Cavs letting everyone down - but they’ve won every game since; Lebron became the youngest player ever to hit 25,000 career points; Tim Duncan has now broken the record for the most games for a single team; Kobe Bryant sucks; in the NHL Montreal lead the East by some distance from the Capitals, Dallas leads St Louis and Minnesota in the West; loads of Mancave Mailbag action, comp winners and indeed much, much more…

    enFebruary 09, 2016

    Americarnage #193: The Fullest House

    Americarnage #193: The Fullest House

    Nat, Mike and Dan rock up at the studio to find that they’re not alone, far from alone in fact: Olympic gold medallist Mark Hunter is in the house but also so is Nate – Carlson Jr  - so it’s the fullest house we’ve had since the 100th show...

    In other news: Mark brings up a hell of a book and everyone agrees; people in Iceland have had a crisis of confidence and Dan has read about how they got their groove back; Mike talks about a Nazi legacy, definitely not his though; Nate Carlson gets his first broadcast interview and handles it adroitly – a most un-‘Carnage way of doing things; in the NFL, the in-inverted-commas athletic quarterbacks are being outrun by the old pocket-passers; is the Texans situation the most shambolic there’s ever been? The International Series game was fittingly one of two halves; Amari Cooper should be rookie of the year; Honeybadger is getting in people’s heads; in the MLB it’s World Series time and a lot of time gets devoted to the general hatred for New York teams, the Mets and, bizarrely, something called the West Ham Way; in the NHL Montreal lead the east from the New York teams. Nashville just about lead the west from Dallas and Chicago; in Anti Rantaa news, he had another solid game for the Rangers as they beat the flames; the NBA season is upon us and the pick of the games is the Cavs against the Bulls; Derrick Rose is back, after returning from his fractured eye bone; Flip Saunders has sadly passed and will be missed; Metta World Peace is back for some reason; there’s Mancave Mailbag goodness, competition winner, more competitions and much, much, much more...

    enFebruary 09, 2016

    Americarnage #192: Mike Gets Ahead in Advertising

    Americarnage #192: Mike Gets Ahead in Advertising

    Nat, Mike and Dan are men who are masters of their chosen professions, men who frequently weep for there are no more worlds for them to conquer. Turns out that the Iron One may have his sights set beyond broadcasting and journalism though, does a Don Draper-esque life await him in advertising…?

    In other news: Nat talks Muppets; Mike shills hard; HdP offers to lead him further down the dark path; Americarnage is on Instagram apparently, sure you all care hugely; Dan has seen Sicario and has his usual interesting take on it; Mike reveals his line to get out of any sticky situation; the NFL season continues and is on as mental form as ever and yes, we do mention the Colts; 5 unbeaten teams after 6 weeks and it’s been winning ugly week; Rivers throws for over 500 but no-one cares; Detroit beat Chicago despite neither team seeming to want to win; Mike runs down the MLB and flips more bats than you do; in the NHL, sa if anticipating the results of the Canadian election, Montreal are top of the East with 6 wins out of 6; St Louis are top of the west; in and out of the NBA Lamar Odom is out of hospital after his collapse in a Nevada brothel; the NBA Champion Golden State Warriors have signed free agent guard/forward Xavier Henry and free agent forward Chris Udofia; loads of the usual Mancave Mailbag goodness and of course much, much more….

    enFebruary 08, 2016

    Americarnage #191: Canada Takes the Bronze

    Americarnage #191: Canada Takes the Bronze

    With the Big Man on IR this week it's down to Nat and the newly-recovered Dan to get things done this week. As they glance around furtively and dare to dream of an Americarnage After Dark, who should appear to save them and everyone else from  themselves but All-Pro and now third most frequent guest, the Canadian wonder Mr Erik Janssen. Listen our for some bonus Carlson at the end of the show...

    In other news: Glenn Beardon is our Mancave grand prize winner with his tweet about Iron Mike; Dan talks Red Army and Fresh off the Boat; Erik talks The Americans; Nat relays an argument the guys had backstage at Wembley and A Month of Sundays; Andy Dalton gets big-ups; Ely Manning’s position as most hated man in football just because he’s won more than Peyton continues; Kaepernick’s job security gets a quick discussion, possibly not quick enough; Nat makes a wild prediction about he Bears which he wants noted down in case it’s right in a few weeks time; the MLB playoffs are mental-exciting and Erik tells you why; the Utley incident gets a thorough discussion, along with fighting in baseball;l oads of Mancave Mailbag goodness; comps galore and much, much more...

    enFebruary 08, 2016

    Americarnage #190: Hollywood Dan, Podcrasher

    Americarnage #190: Hollywood Dan, Podcrasher

    Nat, Mike and special guest Paolo “The Great” Bandini arrive at the studio this week with a sense of purpose which is dimmed only by a slight sense of foreboding. There have been sightings of Hollywood back on English soil. What can this mean? They don’t have to wait long to find out…

    In other news: HdP has brought a bunch of Mancave products for the guys and Mike gets a little unnecessary about it; Paolo has seen some documentaries and starts getting into that when Dan Podcrashes his way into the building; luckily there’s very little violence as he’s a little jetlagged and pleasingly squishy; Mike talks about The Crime Vault Live – his and HdP’s new show all about crime fiction; the final round for the Mancave Mystery Star Prize is beginning – exciting isn’t the word; there was NFL at Wembley in case you hadn’t noticed and it was basically the Chris Ivory show; Miami coaching job was outsourced on the way home; the Bears pick up a win; the Bengals seem shakily like a real deal at 4-0; things happen in the MLB, Nat tells you about them; loads of goodness from the Mancave Mailbag and indeed a big pile of much, much more….

    enFebruary 08, 2016

    Americarnage #189: Absolute Carnage

    Americarnage #189: Absolute Carnage

    Nat and Mike are staring right down the barrel of being a gruesome twosome this week as Dan’s still hiding out in the swamps of Louisiana after a run-in with some locals who took exception to him treating the whole place like an episode of True Detective. Luckily for everyone, except maybe Dan, his old Absolute Radio buddy and Gridiron mainstay Mr Will Gavin is on hand to lend his expertise to proceedings.

    In other news: Nat and Mike are back on telly - this Sunday on the BBC for the International series so if you can’t make it down, get involved with them; Mike composes songs on Twitter to Osi Umenyiora; Will rates The Martian and the gang agree the recent NASA announcement is really well timed for movie promo duties; Mike goes all arty-movie-tastic again; Nat talks Ballers and wishes it could be a bit more like Playmakers; Glenn Beardon is this week’s Mancave competition winner, coming in via the Champions Club app (check our facebook page for the download link) and gets goodies as well as entry into the grand final; Mike highlights the madness of this part of the NFL season and the undrinkable superlative-soup; Mike Vick is starting; it’s battle of the Ryans at Wembley this weekend; Brandon Marshall’s non-flea-flicker is play of the week; Jalston Fowler is the other play of the week with a painful Welcome to Big School on his second ever rushing attempt; Nat outlines the madness of the MLB right now and highlights an article by old mate Dave Lengel; loads and loads of Mancave Mailbag goodness and, with a promise of a game for next week prepared by HdP, that’s it aside from much, much, more…

    enFebruary 08, 2016

    Americarnage #188: Night of the Hunter

    Americarnage #188: Night of the Hunter

    Nat and Mike are in the house and with Hollywood out of the country Mike is so keen to get things going that he crashes Nat’s intro in a new record of 3.2 seconds. Making sure the dynamic duo don’t totally kill each other though we have West Ham fan, Niners fan and, last but not least, Olympic gold medallist Mr Mark Hunter who teaches the guys about Firegazing...

    In other news: Mike crashes everything; Nat talks Doll and Em; Mike has started his London Film Festival viewings which will furnish his 3 points for the next few weeks; we announce the winner of this week’s Mancave competition and tee up next week’s along with some exciting app-based stuff; Mike talks through the weirdest week of an NFL season since that time Chip Kelly traded for Cthulu; injuries abound and all bets are now off; Nat runs down the magic numbers in the MLB, including the age of the newest team manager who will make anyone who left school last century weep; Mike talks Eurobasket; there’s loads of goodness from the Mancave Mailbag and the requisite much, much more...

    enFebruary 07, 2016

    Americarnage #187: Regular Season Burn Time

    Americarnage #187: Regular Season Burn Time

    Nat, Mike and Dan roll into the studio this week with the sort of spring in their step that can only mean football is back – real, regular season, this-really-means-something-not-maybe-means-something god-damned football. So it’s back to business as usual and in that spirit, Mike crashes Nat’s intro beautifully. Ah, it’s good to be back…

    In other news: college ball expert and prime mover in the UK’s only pro American Football scouting outfit Mr Matt Phillips is in the house; Mike has seen a film which prompts two major questions – is there life after death and how much nepotism is there in the movie business? Matt brings the dark arts of college football recruiting to the table; Mike tells some of his early athletic stories and they have a surprising theme; Dan brings up the Burn of the Show prize again and offers prizes – vote for the best burn of the show and be in with a chance to win something to ease the pain; the winner of the first week of the Mancave #OwnTheBathroom competition is the brilliant David Hughes who wins goodies and is through to the grand final to compete for International Series tickets; NFL is happening but Goodell isn’t in view; there are pranks; Buffalo trash Indy; Dez Bryant is out; Seattle lost to the Rams; Marcus Mariota really is quite good; MLB things are happening, Nat tells you about them; Dan goes back-to-back with NBA and NHL round-ups; the gus compete on one of the lowest-scoring games ever; loads of goodness from the Mancave Mailbag, including one slip of the tongue and of course much, much more…

    enFebruary 07, 2016

    Americarnage #186: ManCave NFL Season Preview

    Americarnage #186: ManCave NFL Season Preview

    Nat, Mike and Dan are fragrant individuals, although often not in the way that works out for those around them. This week though we're celebrating the beginning of a beautiful friendship, one which will not only herald the dawn of a new Mailbag but also hopefully remind the gang that real men can scrub up just a little every now and again. Yes, Americarnage is proud to be sponsored by top men's grooming range ManCave and thanks to them things are about to get even more awesome...

    In other news: regular season NFL kicks off in less than 48 hours at time of recording and Football Fever is officially in town; the guys get a bit over-excited about the new sponsor and try some old schtick which is quickly stepped on; Dan follows on from Straight Outta Compton last week with Boyz n tha Hood this week, stepping back a few years; Mike talks The Crime Vault Live, his new show with HdP; Nat talks competitions - specifically getting yo' ass some International Series tickets; the gang run down their predictions for the upcoming season and these will be set in Internet Stone to be praised or scorned come Playoff time; some baseball gets talked about, mainly "how many innings does it take to destroy and arm"; Dan talks gambling in the NBA but not in the usual way; there's plenty of goodness from the newly-monikered ManCave Mailbag and a whole heaping bowlful of Much, Much More...

    enFebruary 07, 2016

    Americarnage #185: The Chasm of Chat

    Americarnage #185: The Chasm of Chat

    Nat, Mike and Dan are back after only a week, ain't it grand rocking into the old schedule? They'll be keeping this up for at very least the next six months because they bloody love it. And the show. Aaaanyway....

    In other news: It's the last ever Bodean's Mailbag folks because there's a new sheriff in town - a fine smelling one at that - in the form of Mancave and their awesome grooming products, something which needs surprisingly little explanation to the gang; prepare for much Mancave goodness over the coming months, starting next week; Mike talks French telly and its foibles; he and HdP are doing a new show this week too - Crime Vault Live and you're going to love it; Dan has seen Straight Outta Compton and has opinions about it; Nat talks about the legend Oliver Sacks; in the NBA Nick Young wants to be an Aussie; Kobe Bryant has an NBA2K16 rating of a mere 85; in the NFL Mike talks legal situations, brilliant names and starting quarterbacks so it could be pretty much any year; NHL is getting going with the NHLPA Rookie Showcase, gateway to the good stuff; Milan Lucic is the least grateful player ever to sign to the LA Kings or possibly any team; in the MLB Jake Arrieta of the Chicago Cubs threw a no-hitter against the Dodgers, his sixth this season;  the Blue Jays lead the Yankees narrowly in the AL East, the Royals are steamrolling their way to the central title, with the Astros 4 up over Texas in the central; loads of the usual goodness from the last ever Bodean's Mailbag and indeed much, much more...

    enFebruary 07, 2016

    Americarnage #184: It Hasn't Got a Motor or a Horse

    Americarnage #184: It Hasn't Got a Motor or a Horse

    Nat, Mike and Dan stride into the studio with a swagger in their steps and it's probably because from this week on we'll be weekly again - good news for fans, bad news for Camden's bartenders as it means HdP will be kept away from his one-man mission to buy them holiday homes for at least a couple of hours a week. All this aside the gang are pleased as pucnh to be joined by sports writer extraordinairre Ed Overend who Mike has a nick-name for straight away. Guess what it is. Go on, guess...

    In other news: Ed outlines his sports fan parameters; Dan has had a haircut and people seem no have noticed without noticing; Ed listened to the first ever showw, this causes a slight relection on how bloody long we've been doing this; Dan has a made a telly show and you should watch it; we've all seen the Madden ad and think it's basically this show with a budget; Michael Jordan beats the supermarkets; Kobe is playing for first time since he underwent surgery in January to repair a torn rotator cuff; the NHL preseaqson has been announced and among the highlights of the 15-day, 104-game slate is the New York Islanders launching the first season in their new home, Barclays Center, in Brooklyn; Mike gets editorial in the NFL round-up' RGIII of course gets discussed; Ed rounds up all the baseball you could ever need; Dan brings EL James to the studio in this week's game; the LAST EVER Bodeans' Mailbag and much, much more...

    Americarnage #183: The Great Bandini

    Americarnage #183: The Great Bandini

    Nat, Mike and Dan are... Wait, hold up, Nat, Mike, and Dan? When the hell was it these three guys were last in a room together?! Long time ago that's for sure and boy do they prove it by wittering on for bloody ages before they get to the sport (30 minutes or so, fact-fans) but at least there is a voice of sanity and reason with them this week: freelance man of sporting letters Mr Paolo Bandini, for whom Mike already has a nick-name...

    In other news: How long have you got? Paolo missed one week of picks last year and lost the whole season; Dan trails a sex game for later in the show but thank all that is Goodell it doesn't happen; the C4NFL situation is discussed; Border Security Canada will now be your new favourite show; everything else in the world is discussed; Geno Smith takes part in the most Jets thing ever to happen; in the MLB all the home teams win on the same day which is a mental stat in a game of mental stats; lots of Bodeans Mailbag goodness as usual, including wondering why it's called that; new 'Carnage listener-legend Patrick Jackson has catalogued every single three point and is worthy of both praise and therapy; HdP pops a GoPro in the studio to see what that will do and of course much, much more...

    enFebruary 06, 2016

    Americarnage #182: Camden Used to be Cool

    Americarnage #182: Camden Used to be Cool

    Nat and Dan caper into the studio, know that Mike can't make it hits week and convinced, after last time's near-miss, that they'll get to do a 'Carnage After Dark,. Luckily for the whole world, man of the hour and All-Pro friend of the show Phil Spooner is there to keep things legal.

    In other news: Nat talks about his showbiz lifestyle; Dan talks documentaries; Phil talks documentaries; they all talk documentaries; sports stuff starts arouin 20 minutes in if you want to skip; in the NFL there are deals to be done, fingers to be mended and questiopns to be asked; in the NBA it's Vegas, Free Agency and upcoming strikes; MLB is all about the All Stars and hockey is all about big deals and Canadian drugs; loads of Bodean's Mailbag goodness as usual and a game which goes so badly it's good. Much, much more too...

    enFebruary 06, 2016

    Americarnage #181: Before Dark But After Bedtime

    Americarnage #181: Before Dark But After Bedtime

    Nat and Dan arrive at the studios downcast when they realised the big man isn't here this week. Then they perk up for two reasons: Marek Larwood is here and without Mike they can do a 'Carnage After Dark! Then it's pointed out that seeing as this is summer and all, no matter how late it is it's still light out there. It's ok though, there's plenty of sport to talk about, including the best sport of the 21st century...

    In other news: Dan likes dismanteling Nat's air of professionalism; Marek is getting old; Dan suggests social media tactics; Nat's been trolled; Marek talks Volfsball; the NBA Draft is in the books and the Minnesota T-Wolves, via the lottery, snagged the first overall pick in their history and went for Kentucky shot swatter Karl Anthony Towns; the Cavs drafted Sir Dominc Porter, who was knighted by the queen in a private ceremony and has the best name ever ever ever; the NHL Draft has also happened at the BB&T down Florida way, and played out largely as expected - Connor Mcdavid a jinky centre from the Eerie Otters in the OHL went first overall; Edmonton took him – they take every overall first round pick and they rarely amount to much; lots of Bodeans Mailbag goodness and much, much more...

    enFebruary 06, 2016

    Americarnage #180: Sitting on the Dick of the Bay

    Americarnage #180: Sitting on the Dick of the Bay

    The Iron One is back! And he talks quite a lot about cocks! Turns out he's doing this to assert his dominance, something he reinforces by being in the host's chair this week as Nat is on IR with a screen. Never fear though, Hollywood is in the house alongside long-time friend of the show, TV sports person extraordinaire and third Montreal Canadiennes fan Mr Erik Janssen who joins the gang in basically wondering where it all went wrong...

    In other news: the guys talk karaoke for some reason; an extremely serious discussion happens in 3 points, this is rather strange; Dan has done all three of his marathons now, the last two in two weeks and massive thanks to all the 'Carnage faithful who sponsored him; The Golden State Warriors are your 2015 NBA Champions, beating Lebron James’ Cleveland Cavaliers in 6 games - it’s GSW’s fourth championship and their first in 40 years; Lebron has now made five straight finals, six overall and only won two; The Chicago Blackhawks are your Stanley Cup Champions - on Monday night Patrick Kane thumped home in Game 6 against the Tampa Bay Lightning; Gary Bettman praised the greatest dynasty of the modern age as he awarded the Cup to Duncan Keith, or did he. No – the Cup was stuck in traffic, having been kept at the airport during flash floods of the downtown area. The Cup made it 40 mins late. Bullshit. Said everyone; baseball things happen, Mike tells you about them; NFL things have happened, some of them even about football; loads of Bodean's mailbag goodness and a avcracking game which Erik chairs as Dan and Mike square off for the first time ever. all this and the requesite much, much more...

    enFebruary 05, 2016

    Americarnage #179: After Dark, After All

    Americarnage #179: After Dark, After All

    The Big Man is out of town this evening so Nat and Dan rock up to the studio eager and prepared to go all After Dark when who should arrive but star of stage and screen as well as one of the finest stand-ups on the circuit Mr Jarred Christmas! He soon proves that this is going to be an After Dark After All...
    Dan get offended by lots of things but nowhere near as offended as young people these days; Jarred reveals a strange relation to bacon; the ratio of Hitler documentaries vs. Stalin documentaries gets a heavy going-over; NFL is pretty quiet but this doesn't stop a once-over including domestic violence, rule breaking and crowd noise being pumped into stadia - pretty much like the regular season then; NHL-wise, in the East it’s last year’s beaten finalist New York Rangers against the Tampa Bay Lightning, who tragically beat the Montreal Canadiens, causing Dan and Mike to lose interest in the Stanley Cup for another year; in the NBA one Conference Final is over, one is about to be… the 2015 NBA Championship will be between, oh why don’t you just be patient; the West is the Golden State Warriors, who closed out against the Memphis Grizzlies in 6, and the Houston Rockets, who made it back from 3-1 and two of the worst performances in NBA history, to beat the LA Clippers in 7; Dan brings back Malett's Mallet but with a twist and it's awesome; loads of Bodean's Mailbag goodness and much, much more...

    enFebruary 05, 2016

    Americarnage #178: Dismantle Your Echo Chamber

    Americarnage #178: Dismantle Your Echo Chamber

    Nat is on IR with an office (don't ask) so Mike slips into the silky seat of ultimate power and hosts the hell out of this week's show. Dan rocks up to help and the guys are joined by All-Pro Man of Many Sports Phil Spooner who brings up an extremely valid modern social point, although mainly because he lost money...

    In other news: Phil is upset about something called cricket but doesn't want to talk about it; some general election stuff gets talked about but only in passing; Dan talks documentaries and socail media; Mike talks box-sets; deflate-gate is a load of... puns mainly - bad ones; the draft gets some deconstruction and Dan reckons his Colts have made their offence too good; in the NHL the Western Conference final will be Blackhawks and Ducks in a very one sided set of ornithological conference semis;  in the East it’s game 7 between the Rangers and the Capitals tonight and game 6 between the Lightning and the Canadiens; in the NBA Conference semi finals Atlanta and Washington have been going back and forth for the last week; Nat sends an MLB round-up in but HdP folds to popular pressure and lets Mike read it; loads of Bodean's Mailbag goodness, 15% more nonsense and much, much more...

    enFebruary 05, 2016

    Americarnage #177: Do You Remember the Second Time?

    Americarnage #177: Do You Remember the Second Time?

    Nat, Mike and Dan have been missing you guys, especially seeing as HdP has been keeping them away from you with his sordid "hey guys, got to finish building the studio, y'know" antics. The good news is threefold: it's draft day's eve, draft expert Matt Phillips is in the house and the guys remenisce about the second time they ever did t hings with a lady. No, I didn't want to know either...

    In other news: Nat and Mike had a classy lunch together and it turns out Mike has a cocktail named after him; Dan says the word 'hubris' in the best way ever; Matt brings some Steinbeck to the table; Dan lays the moral side of his life bare, it's horrible; Matt delivers a cracking NFL draft round-up; Mike runs a mock draft; the Ducks sweep the Jets; the Canadiennes are 3 up; social media smack-talk gets an outing; baseball is more than back, it's back on the show and Nat runs you through the important bits; the NBA play-offs are properly underway and the Raptors are getting wailed on even after being dropped; Kevin Love has a deeply horrible injury which is hard enough to say, let alone have; loads of good stuff from the Bodean's Mailbag and of course, much, much more...

    enFebruary 05, 2016

    Americarnage #176: It Burns Quite Badly

    Americarnage #176: It Burns Quite Badly

    Mike and Dan assemble in the secret underground lair to go over their plans for world domination and how they're usually ruined when HdP gets drunk and loses the key to the CarnageTank or something* when who should rock up but a man who has the whole world domination thing sorted - people just give him all the shit he could possibly need - Mr Ben Isaacs!

    In other news: Dan accepts gifts from people who accept gifts from companies and is conflicted in more than one way; Ben buys something with his own money and boy does it feel good; Dan talks documentaries you need to see; Mike talks the movies of Jason Statham and the guys get surprisingly excited; March Madness is over and Mike tells you all about it; FIghtMadness is also over and we have a winner - listen to find out folks; a rare quiet week in the NFL means just drugs charges and murder trials to compete with the beginnings of draft-frenzy; NHL is coming to the sharp end of the season and it's all abit mental; NBA is coming to the sharp end of the season and it's a bit boring - well, less mental than hockey but them's the breaks; lots of fun in the Bodean's Mailbag and the requisite much, much more...

    *There is no CarnageTank, go back to sleep and dream happy dreams which don't involve a thousand foot high war machine implanted with Rex Ryan's brain.

    enFebruary 05, 2016

    Americarnage #175: The Las Vegas Unlimited Buffets

    Americarnage #175: The Las Vegas Unlimited Buffets

    Nat and Mike get to the studio to find two things which please them greatly - HdP's microphone is broken and Dan hasn't arrived yet. They plough straight in then have to do that 'aw, hey buddy, you made it...' thing when Dan rocks up and HdP talks anyway.

    In other news: Nat's kids pretend-phone Mike; Mike talks sitcom actors on stage; NFL things happen but less that usual - a rare drop off the radar for the 365-league; March Madness is getting good - you guys have the ESPN player, right...? Dan talks basketball pros and some hockey, including a deeply prescient look at how the Las Vegas team's crowds will be procured; there's a strangely high-brow game which gets low-brow quickly; loads of Bodean's Mailbag goodness, plust the requesite much, much more...

    enFebruary 05, 2016