
    An Ounce

    An Ounce provides amusing stories, ideas, wisdom, and a positive attitude with informative commentary, and interviews with experts. An Ounce is a short format podcast (less than 15 minutes per episode) that encourages the listener to consider for themselves ways they can create a more robust, resilient, and joyful life an ounce at a time. Topics of the podcast include a smattering of all kinds of subjects. The listener will gain insights from stories encouraging a good attitude, personal responsibility, and presentations promoting learning, doing, and expanding one's understanding and experience. The podcast will expound unique and useful life hacks and deliver informative interviews with experts. Looking for something to make you smile, tips that can make life better, insights that can help you see life more clearly, the wisdom that will build resilience, ideas that will make you think, something you can share with others, a timely podcast with an easy charm that will make you smile? You found it!

    en-usJim Fugate256 Episodes

    Episodes (256)

    Commitment with One Brown Door

    Commitment with One Brown Door

    Did your parents or grandparents ever tell you one of ‘those’ stories. You know the ones – “Back in my day we used to walk 7 miles to school. It was uphill both ways. It was always raining, the snow was at least chest deep, and you were lucky if you didn’t get heat stroke.” 

    IT’s kinda’ fun to hear them tell their stories, but O. k. old timer – we get it – things were harder ‘back in the day’. 

    Speaking of ‘back in the day’ I’ve got a great experience to share. 

    It was the early 90s, and I was working a Dulles International Airport fire department, in Virginia, just outside Washington, DC. It was about 7 in the morning and my 24-hour shift was over, so I was headed home. Home was a 70+mile drive – and it usually took a little over an hour. And, with a commute like that I didn’t want to be running miles up on a new car, so I would keep my eye’s open for what I hoped would be a reliable jalopy – wore out a few of them during that decade's long career. 

    I hoped into my late 70's Subaru station wagon and headed home. This little Subaru hoopdy was really ugly. It was painted mostly a silverish and rather rock chipped blue - Except for the driver’s door – which was an awful brown color. This little rattle trap had a very reliable (boxer style) 4-cylinder engine, good tires, and was about the size of today's 4 door RAZOR ATV. Fun to drive, though it was a bit embarrassing to be seen in. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usJanuary 06, 2023

    Un-hidden Surprise

    Un-hidden Surprise

    Did you know that the driest desert on this earth has not received any precipitation for as long as 2 million years? 

    You’d think it must be hot, and dry, and oppressive. 

    And, well dry – yes. Oppressive – maybe. Hot – not even. The driest deserts on earth are found in Antarctica. Ice and Snow cover about 98% of the continent,  leaving 1-2% permanently ice free. These ice free spots are dry valleys, or Antarctic Oasis. Not necessarily the picture I’d think of when imagining a desert... but there you go. 
    If you don’t like reptiles, Antarctica is the place for you. 

    But there’s a lot of strangeness there. Though it’s a part of our planet, it seems like a completely different world. 

    But, think about it. We may be completely comfortable and familiar with where we are – but the places we are used to, have plenty of unique and strange qualities. Slow down and look around a bit, you’ll notice all kinds of stuff. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usDecember 30, 2022

    Too Much

    Too Much

    Everybody love’s bunnies. Rabbits are ubiquitous. Soft, Cuddly, Cute. 

    But is it possible to have too much of a good thing? 

    Rabbits are found in multiple environments – from desert to mountain… or as a stuffed plush, may be snuggled up tight to a sleeping child. 

    On another - they can be great sport to hunt, and can be prepared to be downright tasty. Just ask Elmer Fudd (and if you don’t know who that is ask a grandparent). 

    These adorable little hoppers found in everything from literature to cartoons. 

    You’ve got the easter bunny, bugs bunny, peter rabbit, the energizer bunny, (Bambi’s little friend) thumper, Watership Down and the white rabbit found in Alice in Wonderland, or co-staring with Jimmy Stewart in the 1950s classic, “Harvey”. 

    However, one environment they were not found in – until the 1800’s – was Australia. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usDecember 23, 2022

    Of Gifts and Guilt

    Of Gifts and Guilt

    I have observed as many of us participate in one of the biggest, and most well know, consumer events in the United States. That magical Friday after Thanksgiving when folks line up in the early morning hours outside their favorite stores to get a shot at amazing deals on the newest hot toy, electronics, and other items with prices cut to the bone. 

    Retailers in brick-and-mortar stores, and online businesses, brace for the Black Friday weekend deals that constitute the biggest rush of retail activity of the year. This is the time when Santa, and those helping him, make more purchases than at any other time of the year. 

    For some retailers it is the make-or-break event that launches their balance sheets into the black, or on a bad weekend, condemns them to finish out the year in the red – and maybe ends their business for good. 

    But is it true that the Black Friday weekend is the most active time for holiday shopping? 

    Well now – maybe not. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usDecember 16, 2022

    Heart Failure

    Heart Failure

    The heart of a human can – and sometimes does – just stop. It can be a chronic condition that worsens over time; or an acute event that suddenly, catastrophically, just happens. 

    Its potential causes are legion. Some we can take precautions against – some strike out of the blue. 

    When heart failure happens, it is possible to recover. But recovery is certainly not guaranteed, and it is not easy; nor is there any certainty recovery can be complete. 

    At this point, most are probably thinking about taking care of the muscle in our chest. The one that starts beating before we are born, and when it stops for good, we move on from this life. And, yes, everything shared thus far applies to that. 

    But there is another kind of heart failure. And the hard numbers are frightening. As this type of heart failure is becoming more prevalent in our world. It is clear, even without consulting research, any casual observer can see it. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usDecember 09, 2022



    The date of the release of this episode is Friday, December 2, 2022. In 5 days, December 7th, it will be 81 years since the attack on Pearl Harbor. This surprise attack was the impetus that pulled the America into World War 2. When considering the history of The United States of America, December 7th, 1941, like September 11, 2001, is a day that can never be forgotten. Within the conflict of World War 2 there are thousands of events – some recorded -some forgotten. Stories of smaller battles, and lesser-known poignant occurrences, from which we have the opportunity to learn. 

    This is a story of a smaller, ancillary event, which occurred on December 7, 1941. One that many may have never been heard, as it was eclipsed by the enormous catastrophe occurred later that same day, and the worldwide conflict that ensued. 

    The Ward, was a ship that had been rapidly constructed and commissioned for battle in 1918, during World War 1. It was a 1247 ton ‘Wickes’ class destroyer. The keel of the vessel was laid down on May 15th, and 17 and ½ days later, on June 1st, the USS Ward was launched at Mare Island, California. A few weeks after that she was outfitted, equipped, and commissioned. 

    Then about 5 months later, on November 11th, 1918 – The first war to end all wars – was over. By 1921, the USS ward as decommissioned. 

    This old and obsolete vessel, was recommissioned for service as the probability of the US going to war was increasing. The military needed to be built up dramatically to be ready – so many available retired assets, including the Ward, were pulled back into service. 

    On January 7th, 1941, the ward was recommissioned and sent to Pearl Harbor, to perform routine patrols around the islands. 

    Flash forward about 11 months. It was early in the morning of December 7th, 1941. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usDecember 02, 2022



     I’ve got a familiar story for you. Yes – familiar, but not the one you might be thinking of as you hear the tale. 

    Back when the rich took time to ‘dress’ for dinner, when no female would ever consider wearing pants, and long before air travel was practical. Back in the glory days of trans-Atlantic travel - there was a ship. A ship built bigger and grander than any other. It was an engineering marvel for it’s time. It could cut through the ocean waters at speeds of up to 30 knots. The ship was over 800 feet long – larger than any other vessel. An absolute miracle of modern know-how and ambition. 

    This astonishing ship’s maiden voyage was the hot ticket. First class passage was sure to be where the rich and famous would be – traveling in style like never before, on the British luxury liner, from Europe to the United States. With elegant dinning at every meal – and shuffleboard on the upper deck. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usNovember 25, 2022

    Lighting Strikes

    Lighting Strikes

    Ever heard the old saying lighting never strikes twice. A phrase, that I suppose, was meant to covey that extraordinary things only happen once. That rare circumstances and happenings just don’t repeat. 

    And, if you ask the odds makers, they’d likely agree. There are plenty of things that, if they ever do happen, will probably only happen once. In fact, I suspect there are many who would tell you that some things are just never going to happen – not even once. Like Charley Brown will never get to kick that football if Lucy is teeing it up for him. 

    But, what about lightning? Does it never strike the same thing twice? 

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    An Ounce
    en-usNovember 18, 2022

    The Redwoods

    The Redwoods

    A story told by Maria Jackson, about a family trip to the Redwoods, of California, USA. 
    Maria briefly recounts the trip, the sights, and the three lessons - or ounces - she and her family took from the experience.

    This episode was recorded through Zoom, and some of the audio quality is not up to par. My Apologies - But, the story is worth a listen!

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    An Ounce
    en-usNovember 11, 2022

    Practical Bit 3, Wil Becker, Read a Book

    Practical Bit 3, Wil Becker, Read a Book

    This is a bonus episode, practical Bit 3, an interview with Wil Becker.

    The interview introduces a resource that I think this audience will appreciate. 

    Wil Becker is promotes books and other media from which we can learn lessons and gain wisdom. In the interview, Wil shares some of his favorite books, and explains why they had an impact on him. He also recounts an experience where he used the kid's animated film, Kung Fu Panda, as a lesson on leadership.

    Check Wil out at turningleafs.com .

    You can listen to his podcasts, find him on social media, and take advantage of his list of recommended books for self-improvement, positive attitude, and growth. Will provides his unvarnished, straight forward, and useful reviews of books that you might find helpful and interesting to you as well.

    I do recommend you connect with Wil's stuff at Turningleafs.com.

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    An Ounce
    en-usNovember 08, 2022

    Orphan Trains

    Orphan Trains

    Life in the United States is amazing. I know that in this day and age, there are many who might disagree for one reason or another. And, it is true that this society falls short of perfection. 

    There were times in the past when things were different. When the culture was different that what we know now. When things happened in the past, that we might look by today's norm’s with amazement or disapproval. It is important to view them cautiously – and without the lens, values, and expected norm’s, of today’s society – otherwise we miss the gems we can learn from in the critical judgement of a culture the past had never conceived of. 

    And at the risk of sounding like your grandpa telling you how good you’ve got it, compared to how it was in his day, I’m going to share a story with you. A true story of something that happened in the United States, that might be considered shocking. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usNovember 04, 2022

    Just a Second

    Just a Second

     Not every detail matters. 

    The subtle difference between the fire brick red, and chili red, isn’t much. 

    The difference between lukewarm, and tepid, probably not perceivable. 

    And the difference between 20 and 21 miles an hour – hardly worth noting – unless you are doing 21 in a school zone. 

    Yes, there are instances where very small things make all the difference. What we might perceive as a tiny detail, may have a powerful impact. 

    The difference is in the context of the tiny thing – 

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    An Ounce
    en-usOctober 28, 2022

    Death Inside the Shell

    Death Inside the Shell

     Like most humans, I am a creature of comfort. I love to be in an environment that is familiar and secure. My backyard. On the couch watching a good show with my wife snuggled in at my side. Laughing at my grandkids as they run around willy-nilly laughing at each other and playing. I take great comfort and joy in good, savory snacks, and sweet deserts. 

    I’m guessing almost everyone can relate to this. We all have those places in our lives that we prefer, and things we have peace in. 

    Why would anyone go out looking for trouble? 

    Like those nutty folks who like to jump out of perfectly good airplanes, and then hang by a few strings as they float to the ground. Or the weirdos who enjoy dangling from sheer rock cliffs. Or the ones who choose to run an Iron Man race – 2 ½-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride, followed by a 26.2-mile run – that’s not comfortable. And there are some who willing choose to stand in front of large groups of people and speak – some would, quite literally, rather die, than do that. Or how about devoting hour upon hour – days and even weeks – solving a math problem. Are you kidding me? 

    The truth of life is that all of us will face hard things in life – they will be foisted upon us without choice. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usOctober 21, 2022

    The Rope

    The Rope

    A part of the human condition is that there will always be something with which we will struggle. It is common to all, rich and poor, those with privilege and those without. Even in the lives of those who seem to have the perfect life – there will be struggle of some sort. Internal, or external and visible to all. Things that seem, in our perspective of another life, as small. Or challenges that appear to be absolutely overwhelming – and we ask – how could we survive? 

    Here is a tale that will illuminate the struggles we have in our own lives differently. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usOctober 14, 2022

    Making Tough Choices: Don't add to the pile

    Making Tough Choices: Don't add to the pile

    While living in a rural section of the Northern Shenandoah Valley, my family occasionally had the chance to see the beauty of an ice storm. The way the sunlight would stream in and bend color around the trees, fences, and every other surface was breathtaking. 

    However, it wasn’t all beauty. Ice storms were commonly accompanied by power outages and a large number of auto accidents. During and after an ice storm, the roads became a like an ice rink. Those who felt compelled to travel frequently spun off of the road and remained trapped, unable to venture out on the ice, until help could safely arrive. 

    During and after the more serious ice storms, my family and I took part in a rather macabre spectator sport. I don’t wish to minimize the property damage, or the personal trauma that people went through, but there was nothing we could do to intervene. We were fortunate that all the action was going in a direction away from our home. So, from the second-floor bay window, we watched. 

    And, there we learned about choices and consequences.

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    An Ounce
    en-usOctober 07, 2022

    A Tale of Two

    A Tale of Two

    A shocking tale about 2 rather outstanding characters who lived during the 1800s. One hailed from New England – The other all the way across the continent in the west. 

    This Two Tale’ed legend begins with the romance of gunslingers, outlaws, and lawmen in the untamed west. Among characters like Butch Cassidy, Jesse James, and Wyatt Earp, there was one known as One Eyed Charley – Some preferred to call him Cockeyed Charley. 

    The second part of our 2 tale’ed legend begins somewhere in New Hampshire. Mortality rates were pretty high among some of the settlers trying to eke out a living between the rocks and trees in that area. Often leaving being an orphan or two. Among them was a sweet, but rather determined, dark haired little girl. Left to an orphanage at a young age.

    Hold-on, you might be thinking – what in tarnation does a dark-haired little orphan in New Hampshire have to do with a hard driving whip and stage driver in California. Hold yer oatmeal, and let me tell you how the tale of these two characters, becomes one. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usSeptember 30, 2022

    Coyote Prints

    Coyote Prints

    Have you ever considered how the things we do, the choices we make, and the experiences we have tended to follow us through our whole life. 

    Experience informs the perspectives we have, and the choices we make. 

    And in most cases, the path we’ve taken illuminates our presence. When we meet folk’s, there is always a first impression of who they are. Sometimes we’re wrong, and we have to allow our understanding of that person evolves and sharpens. But, most of the time – it’s pretty much right. 

    Have you ever wondered what people see when they first look at you? 

    There are those things we are proud of that we put out there with confidence – and those things that we would rather hide a little that show just as clearly. 

    The path we’ve walked follows behind us all the time – some of the tracks we’ve left are absolutely clear – others are subtle – but still there. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usSeptember 23, 2022

    Bonus Episode 2 / Worth A second Look

    Bonus Episode 2 / Worth A second Look

    In an interview with Susan Meehan a discussion about the deeper meanings which are found in a few profound words. Short phrases from literature, conversation, and in this case scripture.

    Those potential 'deeper meanings' are discussed and considered in the episode with an eye to listening more completely, looking past just words, to what those words might imply. 

    It's a fun, but imperfect exercise. And, it is worth exploring in your own life. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usSeptember 17, 2022

    Don't Touch It

    Don't Touch It

    Susan Mehan shares an amusing family story. It is about something that happened when here kids were a bit younger. A story they often re-tell when they get together and always laugh at. The ones that begin with, "Remember that time...."

    Every family has a few stories about improbable events. Some that were funny from the start, and some that might have been a rough at the time. But, either way, the stories bring laughter, memories, and fun.

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    An Ounce
    en-usSeptember 16, 2022

    Making a Difference

    Making a Difference

    Have you looked around you lately? Our world is a mess! 

    I don’t know how anyone can watch the news anymore. In the picture painted there, it seems like the world is on a path of self-destruction. We are exploding with religious, political, and cultural differences. There are riots. Churches and Court houses being set on fire. 

    There is another vision available. A perspective that is powerful and positive. Something better. Something that is – dare I say it without being mocked – Hopeful. 

    I am not naive. I have witness first-hand the insanity and brutal callousness of our world. 

    I propose to you - that as bad as it is – it is not as bad as it seems. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usSeptember 09, 2022