
    Anchorpoint Radio

    Anchorpoint Radio promotes Gospel awareness on 74 radio frequencies weekly across Canada as well as on satellite TV. Our mission is to provoke deeper thought upon life's key issues and to offer the only sure answer to man's deepest need - the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    en-ca360 Episodes

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    Episodes (360)

    The Ten Lepers - David Petterson

    The Ten Lepers - David Petterson

    In this week's message we look at an interesting story from the New Testament in which ten lepers had a momentous encounter with the only One who could help them - the Lord Jesus Christ. They were helpless and hopeless. What would Christ do? Well, yes, He healed them. But for one of them, He did much more. Listen about how a short encounter with the Saviour not only restored this man his health and his family but his eternal future as well!

    You Must Be Born Again - Frank Sona

    You Must Be Born Again - Frank Sona

    In the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ answered all the questions that men put to Him. Some were genuine; others were nothing but trickery. But the most important questions were the ones He Himself asked. These were honest questions, questions that really matter. Like the day He asked the people, "What do you think of Me?" What a simple and yet searching question. And He’s looking for honesty in your answer. So, what DO you think of Christ? What is YOUR answer to life's greatest issue?

    Life's Greatest Issue - Marvin Derksen

    Life's Greatest Issue - Marvin Derksen

    In the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ answered all the questions that men put to Him. Some were genuine; others were nothing but trickery. But the most important questions were the ones He Himself asked. These were honest questions, questions that really matter. Like the day He asked the people, "What do you think of Me?" What a simple and yet searching question. And He’s looking for honesty in your answer. So, what DO you think of Christ? What is YOUR answer to life's greatest issue?

    Look Unto Me and Be Saved - David Hierlihy

    Look Unto Me and Be Saved - David Hierlihy

    Did you know that God describes Himself in the Bible? He says He is the ONLY God - there is no other. He says that He is just - perfectly right and fair in His assessment of things. And He says that He is a Saviour. That is, He desires to save those who don't and can't meet up to His holy standards. But how can He do this? Well, there was only one who could do this – the Lord Jesus Christ. He was the holy and sinless One who gave His life to ransom others. Are YOU one of them?He is the isis

    The Rapture Explained - Jack Hay

    The Rapture Explained - Jack Hay

    Last week we were considering the great truth that the Lord Jesus Christ, the same One who lived here on earth over 2000 years ago, who died for our sins, rose again from the dead, and ascended into heaven, will one day come again. It’s a wonderful and exciting truth for Christians, encouraging our hearts in this sad and dreary scene, and inspiring us to live each remaining day for His glory. But it’s bad news for unbelievers. For them, it will be a tragic surprise. They would be left behind to face the terrible Tribulation and later, judgment for their sins. Speaker Jack Hay, continues on this topic today starting with a reading from 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4 which describes this great event in some detail. 

    The Rapture Promised - Jack Hay

    The Rapture Promised - Jack Hay

    Well, one of the greatest hopes for Christians worldwide is the coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ – the rapture. The apostle Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 4:18, “Comfort one another with these words”. What a joy to know that at any moment Christ could return to take all believers to be with Himself – forever removed from sin and sorrow. Of course, the prospect of the Lord’s return is not a comforting one for those whose sins are not yet forgiven. They are not ready for that shout. Be honest. If that describes you, you should listen to our message today and  learn more about this great, soon-coming event, and how you can be prepared. 

    Alienation and God's Remedy for It - Dan Shutt

    Alienation and God's Remedy for It - Dan Shutt

    Our broadcast today deals with our alienation from God - and its consequences. But, here's the good part - there was One who was willing to bear this alienation, this separation for us. It was none other than the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary - where He suffered the separation from God that we should have experienced. It is possible for you to find forgiveness of sins and get to know God personally - to close up that gap of separation once and for all. Interested?

    No One Like Him - Stephen Harper

    No One Like Him - Stephen Harper

    What a glorious message the gospel is! And what a glorious Saviour Jesus is! The one who was made perfect through His sufferings, who by Himself purged our sins on the cross of Calvary, and who passed into the heavens and abides there today awaiting the day when we shall be with Him. Do you have a message any greater than this? Do you have a religious leader greater than this? Do you have a way to God more sure and glorious than this?

    A Name Called Wonderful - Marvin Derksen

    A Name Called Wonderful - Marvin Derksen

    Isaiah wrote over 700 years ago in Chapter 9 and Verse 6 the following words: “For unto us a child is born; unto us a Son is given." We know that this child, this Son, was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself who was born in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. But He didn’t begin his life there. The Bible says that He was the Creator of all things, the eternal Son of God. He was really born. He really died. He really rose again. And He will ultimately rule the universe as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Do you know Him?

    What a Friend We Have in Jesus

    What a Friend We Have in Jesus

    Speaker Peter Ramsay considers the marvel of the friendship of Christ. He's a personal friend - a friend you need to know one-on-one - personally. He's the prodigal's friend. Have you ever acknowledged that YOU need Him? He's a continual friend - one who will never leave us or forsake us. And He's an eternal friend - His is a friendship that will not end at death. So, how about it? Do YOU have a friend in Jesus? Are YOU saved?

    The Risen Christ - Marvin Derksen

    The Risen Christ - Marvin Derksen

    Christ is indeed alive! The apostle Paul wrote from prison to a young man, Timothy, explaining how this wonderful resurrection is the answer to all our tears, our fears, and our doubts. The glorious truth of the risen Christ is what gives us the strength and confidence to continue on in our Christian lives. If you don't enjoy the wonders of this risen Christ, turn to Christ today and come into the good of His glorious resurrection!

    Atheism and the Origin of the Universe, Part 2 - Michael Penfold

    Atheism and the Origin of the Universe, Part 2 - Michael Penfold

    Atheists have proposed some alternatives to God as creator, such as - the universe doesn't actually exist, or that the universe always existed, or that the universe came from nothing - created itself, so to speak. You be the judge of these supposed alternatives as evangelist and teacher Michael Penfold explains each one. 

    The Thief on the Cross - Peter Ramsay

    The Thief on the Cross - Peter Ramsay

    Calvary is the focal point of all history. It's the reason the Lord Jesus came. But there were two others that died that day. Two criminals - murderers and thieves. Both had lived a life of sin and rebellion. Both were the same literal distance from the Lord himself. Both had equal opportunity. But only one of them went to heaven. Listen to this episode to find out why. 

    Looking to Christ - David Petterson

    Looking to Christ - David Petterson

    Have you ever wondered deep down about your life? Why you're here? Where you're going? Have you ever wondered if answers to such questions even exist? Has following a system of religious ideas and practices brought you the peace and purpose you're looking for? Well, the Bible gives the answer to our soul's longings. It's both profound and simple at the same time - "Look unto Me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth for I am God and there is none else." Yes, God is the only One who can bring salvation to the soul. The work has been done by Christ on Calvary, and salvation is a free gift offered to all who will accept it. Will you?

    Forgiveness for Your Sins - Brody Thibodeau

    Forgiveness for Your Sins - Brody Thibodeau

    There's an interesting story in the Bible about the healing of a paralytic man by the Lord Jesus Christ. Amidst all the drama of breaking up the roof and lowering the man down into the crowd, the Lord Jesus remained unfazed. He didn't even seem that concerned about the man's physical condition. "Your sins are forgiven", He said. Why would He say this? The man needed to be healed, didn't he? But to Christ, he had a more obvious need - the forgiveness of sins. The same goes for you and me. 

    Is the Bible True, Part 2 - Eugene Higgins

    Is the Bible True, Part 2 - Eugene Higgins

    The Bible has the unique power to convict the soul, to save the soul, and to give comfort and assurance to all who trust in it. Hebrews 4:12 says that the Word of God is living and powerful and able to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart. It reaches into the inmost heart of our being. It convicts. It saves. How precious is this book! Have you read it today?