
    Arguing Agile Podcast

    We're arguing about agile so that you don't have to! 

    We want to prepare you to better deal with real-life challenges to agile practices by presenting and/or demonstrating both sides of the real arguments listeners will encounter as they progress through their career. 

    On this podcast, working professionals explore topics and learnings from their experiences and share the stories of Agilists at all stages of their careers. We seek to do so while maintaining an unbiased position from any financial interest.

    en-usBrian Orlando154 Episodes

    Episodes (154)

    AA134 - The Most Common Disagreements You'll Get Into as a Scrum Master (Part 1 of 2)

    AA134 - The Most Common Disagreements You'll Get Into as a Scrum Master (Part 1 of 2)

    In this podcast, Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando discuss the most common disagreements, arguments, and spirited discussions that Scrum Masters find themselves in throughout their careers.

    There were so many topics, we had to split this podcast into two!

    0:00 Topic Intro: Most Common Disagreements
    0:34 Today's Framework
    0:59 Hourly Estimates
    3:04 Relative Estimation
    7:13 Re-Estimating After Discovering New Info
    11:27 Scope Creep
    17:50 Role Confusion
    20:23 Aligning on Role Clarity
    25:15 Pressure for More Velocity
    26:47 Overcommitment
    28:47 Measuring Value Delivered
    33:33 Technical Disagreements
    39:27 Wrap-Up
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    AA133 - Do Infrastructure Teams Need Product Management?

    AA133 - Do Infrastructure Teams Need Product Management?

    In this episode, we explore an article titled "Do Infrastructure Teams Need Product Management."

    Join Product Manager Brian Orlando and Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel as we discuss the realities of Infrastructure or Platform teams and the reasons they team might or might not have a Product Manager.

    Click here for the Source Article.

    0:00 Topic Intro: Do Infrastructure Teams Need Product Management
    0:26 Reading the Article
    1:29 Om's Initial Take
    3:13 Arguing on Observation #1: Seasoned Teams
    4:37 Why So Scarce?
    5:51 What is Culture?
    9:00 Statement #2 - Solving Different Problems
    14:01 Reframing the Argument
    15:25 Examples from the Article
    17:13 Going Over Each Point
    18:49 Brian's Example of One Product, Multiple Teams
    21:16 Common Use & Politics
    27:26 Executive Interrupts
    34:37 Listen with Empathy
    35:07 Aligning with Strategy
    39:29 Multiple Teams & the Bigger Picture
    43:04 Article Conclusion
    45:11 Brian's Call to Action
    46:03 Om's Summary
    48:53 Podcast Summary
    50:31 Wrap-Up

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    AA133 - Do Infrastructure Teams Need Product Management?

    AA132 - Who Should Product Management Report Through?

    AA132 - Who Should Product Management Report Through?

    On this episode, Product Manager Brian Orlando and Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel discuss the reporting structures of Product Management and dive into an article on the subject by Product Consultant, Jason Knight.


    Jason Knight's Full Article: "Falling in Love with Problems, and who SHOULDN’T Product Management report through?," published Feb 20, 2023.

    0:00 Topic Intro: Who Should and Shouldn't Product Management Report Through
    0:17 Jason Knight's Newsletter Article
    2:08 Sidebar on "Bad Executives"
    2:53 Founders and Company Size
    3:56 Chief Marketing Officer
    5:34 Om's Experience
    7:12 Arguing On the CMO
    10:41 Power Dynamics
    12:07 Hot Take: Working with Sales
    14:39 Chief Operating Officer
    16:11 Experiences with the COO Cons
    19:01 Pros of COO
    21:02 Realities of the Operations
    22:29 Customer Focus & Centricity
    23:46 Chief Technology Officer
    25:18 Arguing on the CTO Role
    28:38 Shadow Roadmaps
    32:01 Progression of the CTO Role
    33:32 Chief Executive Officer
    34:47 Cold Realities of Product Management
    36:58 Testing Ideas
    38:47 A Big Pro of the CEO
    40:28 Article Conclusions
    41:30 Arguing on CPOs
    43:16 Unique CPO Requirements
    46:49 Wrap-Up

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    AA132 - Who Should Product Management Report Through?

    Arguing Agile Podcast
    en-usOctober 04, 2023



    On this episode, Product Manager Brian Orlando and Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel discuss the reasons why everything is always priority one in some teams and software development organizations, their experiences in these organizations, and what might be done.


    0:00 Topic Intro: Everything is Priority One!
    0:34 Not Touching This...
    2:10 Unclear Product Expectations
    7:00 Games with Metrics
    10:33 Delegating to the Team
    12:09 Misaligned Goals and Strategies
    21:50 Team Overcommitting
    26:45 Impact of Culture
    29:55 Ineffective Inter-Team Communication
    37:37 Artificial Urgency or Pressure
    42:42 Technical Debt
    46:31 Wrap-Up

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    AA130 - Exploring Quality Assurance (QA) and Testing in Agile Software Development

    AA130 - Exploring Quality Assurance (QA) and Testing in Agile Software Development

    Dive into the world of Agile software development, quality assurance, and testing in this knowledge and experience-packed podcast episode! Join a former QA Manager turned Product Manager and an Enterprise Agility Coach as we explore key topics around agile development and testing!

    #AgileDevelopment #QualityAssurance #TestingInAgile #SoftwareQuality #TechDebt #CrossFunctionality #AutomationTesting #ShiftLeft #ScrumGuide #TechnicalProductPeople #SoftwareBugs #ReleaseProcesses #PodcastDiscussion #AgileMindset #EngineeringMindset #podcast

    0:00 Topic Intro: Testing and Agile
    0:16 Quality in the Scrum Guide
    2:44 Tech Debt
    4:15 Cross Functionality
    6:23 Analytical & Engineering Mindset
    10:29 Testing Mindset
    11:25 Unburdening Development
    14:50 Aligning Product and Quality
    18:18 Technical Product People
    22:01 Experiences with Bugs
    26:15 Grades of Service
    29:22 Shift Left
    34:07 Automation
    37:15 Advanced Release Processes
    43:01 Wrap-Up

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    AA129 - Agile Complaints, Gripes, and Pushback

    AA129 - Agile Complaints, Gripes, and Pushback

    On this episode, Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel responds and discusses some typical complaints or gripes with agile practices and agilists in general.

    0:00 Topic Intro: Gripes with Agile
    0:26 Om's Immediate Response
    2:25 Agile Has No Deadlines
    5:08 Lack of Product
    7:30 Giving Deadlines
    9:43 No Documentation
    11:47 Formality of Handoffs
    16:36 No Long Term Planning
    21:31 Systems Design & Architecture
    25:20 Locking Down Scope (Scope Creep)
    28:04 Inadequate Testing
    32:36 Wrap-Up

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    AA128 - Change Management with Stormy Dickson

    AA128 - Change Management with Stormy Dickson

    If everybody needs change management, then why are we so bad at it?

    Today, returning Arguing Agile guest Stormy Dickson stops by for an in-depth discussion on change management, including:

    • Why Having a Coach is a HUGE Bonus
    • A Summary of "Leading Change" by John Kotter (from AA60)
    • Where Change Typically Breaks Down
    • The Importance of Setting and Communicating a Solid Vision
    • The Importance of Short Term, Quick Wins
    • What Happens When Leaders Fail
    • Moving Forward with Assumption versus Evidence
    • Consolidating & Anchoring Your Gains
    • and on being Brave Enough to Lead the Change

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    AA127 - Deep Dive on Agile Transformations with Two Agile Coaches

    AA127 - Deep Dive on Agile Transformations with Two Agile Coaches

    Product Manager Brian Orlando has the absolute pleasure of sitting down to talk agile transformations with the dynamic duo of Agility Coaching - William Kremner and Om Patel!

    Listen as we discuss the pain points that organizations face that lead them to consider agility and as we offer advice on how to overcome these challenges.

    Pain points aside, we also banter about:

    • Aligning Stakeholders with Change
    • Avoiding "Bubbles of Agility
    • Courage in #Coaching
    • Experimentation
    • The Importance of Small Wins

    0:00 Topic Intro: Why Are We Going Agile?
    1:21 Pain Points
    4:27 Considering the How
    8:46 Arguing on Alignment
    12:20 Fragile Bubble of Agile
    15:21 Arguing on: Fragility
    17:18 Courage & Coaching
    19:38 It's Great, but Not Now
    25:14 Experimenting Your Way to Success
    29:41 Effects of Company Size
    33:06 Product Skills
    34:43 Diminishing Conviction
    37:47 Small Wins
    40:18 Avoiding Disaster
    44:04 Coaching or Leading, Based on Maturity
    47:16 Mitigating Risk Liability
    50:06 Wrap-Up

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    AA126 - Pros and Cons of Offshoring Software Development

    AA126 - Pros and Cons of Offshoring Software Development

    Offshoring in Software Development

    0:00 Topic Intro: Offshoring
    0:28 Cost of Labor
    3:06 Not So Pure Cost
    5:31 Product Quality
    9:08 Larger Talent Pool
    12:16 Replacing Employees (Attribution)
    13:50 Time Zones (24/7 Development)
    19:36 Irreconcilable Time Zone Differences
    21:37 Less Support Staff
    24:30 Missionaries, Not Mercenaries
    25:52 Collaboration & Culture
    31:19 Partners
    33:31 Real Perspectives on Hiring Mercenaries
    38:03 Counterpoint (Shoe Store Example)
    41:52 Wrap-Up
    42:40 Being "Southern"

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    AA125 - Working with Multiple Teams as a Scrum Master or Product Manager

    AA125 - Working with Multiple Teams as a Scrum Master or Product Manager

    Are you a Scrum Master or Product Manager serving on multiple teams?

    Are you feeling overwhelmed, or have you noticed certain problems that you can't quite put a name to? It could be that you've got one team (or a couple teams) too many!

    On this episode, Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando discuss the effects of serving on multiple teams.

    We discuss some situations and conditions that mitigate the effects of overload, and many that cause overload!

    0:00 Topic Intro
    0:20 Warning Indicators
    1:12 Team Maturity
    5:12 Org Structure
    8:55 Level of Experience
    12:57 Time Commitments
    17:28 This One Scrum Master Trick...
    18:30 Communication & Collaboration
    22:19 Stakeholder Management Red Flags
    24:11 Product Complexity
    28:28 Our Advice
    31:14 Wrap-Up

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    AA124 - Blockers, Impediments, and Dependencies

    AA124 - Blockers, Impediments, and Dependencies

    The team constantly scans for impediments. The scrum master should be "causing the removal of impediments."

    ...but how?

    In this episode, Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando deep dive into the world of impediments.

    Are impediments the same as blockers?

    Is a dependency an impediment?

    How do we deal with organizational design and communication between teams as an impediment?

    What happened to Brian's hair?!?

    All these discussions and more, on this episode of Arguing Agile!

    0:00 Topic Intro
    0:38 Blockers & Impediments - The Difference
    2:51 Tech Debt
    4:35 Dependencies
    11:22 Organizational Design Problems
    13:11 Making Decisions
    16:24 Silos Are Evil
    21:36 Technical Impediments
    22:26 Intra Team Communication
    23:54 Technical Dependencies Again
    27:39 Communicating with Other Teams
    29:58 Ad Hoc, Scaled Refinements
    35:46 Wrap-Up

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    AA123 - Product Requirements Document in Agile Development

    AA123 - Product Requirements Document in Agile Development

    This episode promises to broaden your understanding of the Product Requirements Document's (PRD) significance as you join an experienced agile coach and a seasoned product manager as they deconstruct the PRD in Agile Software Development.

    Delve into real-world examples like the Amazon Six Pager to understand how these documents contribute to clarity and alignment within the team.

    Explore the importance (or not) of helpful documentation and check out Brian's Miro Board in action and how it challenges the traditional PRD

    0:00 Topic Intro
    1:12 What Is the PRD?
    1:52 Amazon Six Pager Example
    5:58 Reflecting on the 6-Pager
    7:40 Aha! Example
    9:21 Product School Example
    10:41 Clarity & Alignment
    12:35 Helpful Documentation
    13:52 Brian's Opinions
    16:31 Worst Case Scenario
    19:14 Marty Cagan 4 Risks
    20:52 Brian's Miro Board
    25:30 Challenging the Miro Board
    27:30 Updating the PRD
    29:48 Deconstructing the PRD
    32:29 Conclusions

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    AA123 - Product Requirements Document in Agile Development

    AA122 - What to Do When the Scrum Master and Product Owner are the Same Person

    AA122 - What to Do When the Scrum Master and Product Owner are the Same Person

    Ayo is back to talk about his experience with the same person serving as both Scrum Master and Product Owner.

    With a different take on this topic, Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando explore what to do if you might be in this position rather than the textbook concept of "should" or "can" one person play both roles.

    0:00 Topic Intro
    0:42 The Textbook Answer
    2:14 Ayo's Experience
    4:16 Brian's Start in Product
    7:38 Om's First Product Experience
    8:18 Conflict of Interest
    10:38 Doing More, Coaching Up
    14:24 Split Accountability
    17:13 Wearing Multiple Hats
    19:15 Justifying the Job (Not the Role)
    21:05 Critiques of the Scrum Guide
    22:41 Management Expectations
    25:17 Show Me the Money
    28:29 How to Ask for Help
    34:07 Before-and-After
    36:27 Wrap-Up

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    AA121 - Self Organization Gone Bad

    AA121 - Self Organization Gone Bad

    What happens when self organization goes off the rails?

    Join another riveting episode as your hosts - an agile coach and a product manager  -dive deep into the fascinating world of self-organization within agile teams!

    From cancelling sprint events to dealing with conflicts, your hosts explore various subjects that impact team dynamics and project success!

    Discover valuable insights on leadership's viewpoint, the product's role, feedback loops, communication, and more!

    Learn how to address decreased collaboration, anchor strong personalities, and tackle power imbalances to foster a truly self-organized and adaptable team!
    0:00 Topic Intro
    1:35 Cancelling Sprint Events
    4:14 Leadership's Viewpoint
    6:24 Product's Role
    7:44 Organizational Roadmap
    10:56 Decreased Collaboration
    13:34 Anchoring & Strong Personalities
    16:20 Inequality / Power Imbalance
    17:47 Not Meeting Goals
    20:09 Feedback Loops
    24:12 Communication & Coordination
    27:30 Coordination Assistance
    30:34 Not Adapting to Change
    34:44 Conflict
    37:52 Wrap-Up

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    AA121 - Self Organization Gone Bad

    AA120 - Did AirBnB Fire Their Product Managers?

    AA120 - Did AirBnB Fire Their Product Managers?

    The CEO of AirBnB Brian Chesky made some (probably unintentional) waves when he announced at Figma's Config 2023 that he had eliminated the role of Product Manager.

    In this podcast, we watch and respond to the entire talk. We dig past the clickbait and discuss the context behind his remark.

    0:00 Topic Intro
    0:35 Curtis's Breakdown
    1:16 Config 2023 with Brian Chesky: Intro & Ordinary World
    2:00 Discussion Break 1
    2:55 Config 2023 with Brian Chesky: Call to Adventure
    4:18 Discussion Break 2
    7:47 Config 2023 with Brian Chesky: Refusal of the Call
    9:00 Discussion Break 3
    11:00 Config 2023 with Brian Chesky: Meeting the Mentor
    11:54 Config 2023 with Brian Chesky: Crossing the Threshold
    13:19 Discussion Break 4
    18:12 Discussion: A Vision for Org Transformation
    21:08 Config 2023 with Brian Chesky: The Approach
    21:54 Discussion Break 5
    23:12 The Clickbaitey Part You Saw on LinkedIn
    24:12 Discussion Break 6
    27:03 Arguing On: Centralizing Decision Making
    30:39 Config 2023 with Brian Chesky: The Ordeal
    31:37 Discussion Break 7
    33:27 Config 2023 with Brian Chesky: The Road Back
    33:51 Discussion Break 8
    35:17 Config 2023 with Brian Chesky: The Return
    36:01 Discussion Break 9
    37:03 Design Driven Strategy
    38:17 Discussing: Design Driven Strategy
    40:48 Growth for Growth's Sake
    43:00 Shared Services Model
    46:01 Where is the Value?
    47:57 Arguing On: Roadmaps
    51:08 The Power of Stories and Narratives
    52:45 Thinking Like a Business Owner
    55:24 User Journey Maps
    58:02 Closing Statements
    1:00:26 Summary
    1:03:39 Wrap-Up

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    AA120 - Did AirBnB Fire All their Product Managers?

    AA119 - Software Development Methodologies

    AA119 - Software Development Methodologies

    Today we're answering more fan mail!

    In this podcast, we answer Mitch's question by discussing the different software development methodologies available and what happens when management forces a methodology on a team.

    We cover the pros and cons of each methodology, as well as some of the common pitfalls that can occur when a methodology is forced on a team and we might even share tips for better aligning a software development methodology with your team(s)!

    0:00 A Real Intro
    0:12 Topic Intro
    1:20 Waterfall
    5:30 The Insidious Nature of Waterfall
    7:41 Dual Track Agile
    10:45 Mandated Waterfall
    13:19 Common Waterfall Drivers
    16:49 Slide to Mediocrity
    21:06 Mandated Scrum
    25:39 Brian's First Scrum Experience
    27:58 Questionable Scrum Practices
    31:18 Waterfall to Agile
    33:28 Customizing Scrum
    35:23 Kanban
    37:46 Leadership Kanban
    44:31 Lean
    46:35 XP
    53:58 Wrap-Up

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    AA119 - Software Development Methodologies

    AA118 - Scrum Master to Project Manager Career Transition

    AA118 - Scrum Master to Project Manager Career Transition

    With all the layoffs facing agile professionals, Scrum Masters might be looking at open Project Manager positions.

    If you're a Scrum Master, moving to Project Management - this podcast will walk you through some of what you might expect.

    0:00 Topic Intro
    1:00 What's a Project Manager
    3:22 Position Decline
    7:56 The Contracting Market
    9:37 Scrum Master Development
    13:24 Consultant Agile Coaches
    14:34 Skills to Learn
    17:25 Doing Things from Scratch
    21:35 Managing Risks
    26:40 Scaling
    28:38 Scrum Master Benefits
    32:16 More Scrum Master Benefits
    34:23 Dealing with Customers
    37:20 Should You Move?
    39:42 Wrap-Up

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    AA118 - Scrum Master to Project Manager Career Transition

    AA117 - You Should Do Time-Based Estimates (Article Review)

    AA117 - You Should Do Time-Based Estimates (Article Review)

    Should we all just be promising and committing to dates when asked?

    Today, we're reacting to an article that seemed to express the opposite opinion of our our Roadmaps episode. On further inspection, we find that it's not exactly what it seemed to be at first glance.

    Our Roadmaps Episode: AA113 - Debating Outcome-Based vs Output-Based Roadmaps

    A step back into time about the XBox One Launch:

    ...and another...

    ...and another...

    0:00 Topic Intro
    0:45 Reading the Article
    2:24 Moving Along...
    5:21 Slinging Dates
    8:10 Deadlines & Shell Games
    11:00 Valid Date Discussions (or Are They?)
    13:09 Being Late is No Big Deal (Unless It Is)
    16:07 Accountability Issues
    17:55 Cut the Scope, Make the Schedule
    20:25 A Basic Untruth
    21:45 Questions, Not Statements
    25:19 Summarizing the Article
    27:31 The Blame Game
    29:01 Suggestions for Estimation
    30:59 Wrap-Up

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    AA117 - You Should Do Time-Based Estimates (Article Review)

    AA116 - Breaking Labels: The "Agile Purist" Stereotype

    AA116 - Breaking Labels: The "Agile Purist" Stereotype

    Have you ever been referred to as an Agile Purist?

    We have - and today, we're talking about this derogatory label! Who might you hear this from? Why might they say it? What can (and should) you do when you hear it?

    0:00 Topic Intro
    0:43 Why You Hear It
    2:24 Executives
    4:39 Pragmatic Management
    6:25 Brian's Pushback
    7:21 Project Managers
    8:49 Product Managers
    10:09 Engaging with the Statement
    12:01 The Empathetic First-Step
    13:26 Examples: What is Agile
    15:51 Consultants and/or Vendors
    21:06 Siloed Team Members
    24:37 Quality Assurance & Testing
    27:15 Training and Adapting
    30:27 Summary & Wrap-Up

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    AA116 - Breaking Labels: The "Agile Purist" Stereotype

    AA115 - Going from Scrum Master to Product Manager (and why you should)

    AA115 - Going from Scrum Master to Product Manager (and why you should)

    Both Product Manager Brian Orlando and Product Manager Tricia Barnes have been recommending to our favorite Special Mystery Guest that she consider transition her career towards Product Management.

    On this episode, we talk about the benefits, advantages, and concerns of a Scrum Master moving into a Product role.

    Bonus points if this has been your career journey - we'd like to hear from you in the comments!

    0:00 Topic Intro
    0:12 Less Stress
    4:32 Growth for Scrum Masters
    12:33 Leadership Skills
    15:44 Accountability & Decision Making
    20:41 Accountability & Communication
    26:09 Compensation
    30:47 Agile Experts
    33:46 Equity, Permanent Roles, & Consulting
    35:10 Business Analyst
    37:07 Ad-Hoc Salary Searches
    39:07 Communication, Empathy, & Advocacy
    42:23 Career Advancement
    46:35 Accepting Responsibility
    47:55 Summary
    48:46 Wrap-Up

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    AA115 - Going from Scrum Master to Product Manager (and why you should)