
    Arguing Agile Podcast

    We're arguing about agile so that you don't have to! 

    We want to prepare you to better deal with real-life challenges to agile practices by presenting and/or demonstrating both sides of the real arguments listeners will encounter as they progress through their career. 

    On this podcast, working professionals explore topics and learnings from their experiences and share the stories of Agilists at all stages of their careers. We seek to do so while maintaining an unbiased position from any financial interest.

    en-usBrian Orlando154 Episodes

    Episodes (154)

    AA154 - Intuition vs Evidence, with CEO and Founder: Alex Polyakov

    AA154 - Intuition vs Evidence, with CEO and Founder: Alex Polyakov

    Some people say you can't build products without being guided by evidence.

    Some people say you can't build products without strong intuition.

    We're arguing about the balance so you don't have to!

    This episode, we also welcome back friend of the show Alex Polyakov, CEO and Founder of Project Simple. Alex and his company are on a mission to make Teams better by building the first ever AI Agile Software Management Platform. Go see what Project Simple is all about by visiting them at projectsimple.ai!

    Connect with Alex on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/apolyako

    00:00 Podcast Intro
    00:17 Topic Intro: Evidence vs Intuition
    00:58 Relationship Between Intuition & Evidence
    02:31 Intuition & Experience
    04:02 Survivorship Bias
    06:14 Domain Expertise + Curiosity + Leadership
    09:34 OKRs Done Wrong
    10:43 Alex, on OKRs
    12:06 Leading vs Lagging
    14:57 Experiments, Conceptually
    19:10 Experiments in Business Value
    20:58 Product Management (AirBnB)
    25:17 Coaching Talent
    27:34 Building the Perfect Product Manager
    29:25 Enter the Training-Industrial Complex
    31:04 Transitioning from Founder to First Product Manager
    33:45 Vision & Company Founders
    35:24 Examples of Failures
    37:59 iPhone Example (Risk)
    40:49 Risk vs Evidence
    42:41 Misinterpreting Data
    46:08 Wrap-Up

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    AA153 - "I" Know What the Customer Needs

    AA153 - "I" Know What the Customer Needs

    In agile software development, everyone loves to say they know what the customer needs... but who do you really need to listen to, and what are they really saying?  

    This podcast explores the different roles and their interpretations of "customer needs", from product managers to founders to the actual customer!

    0:00 Topic Intro: It's What the Customer Needs
    0:33 When the Product Manager or Owner Tells You
    1:57 Jumping to Solutions (vs Exploring Problems)
    6:43 "The Customer Said" Defense
    10:04 When a Proxy Product Owner Tells You
    12:02 Business Analysts & UX Researcher
    15:37 Proxy Cons: Decision Making Delays & Bottlenecks
    20:37 When Your Boss Tells You
    23:28 Red Flag on Idea Validation
    26:08 When Sales Tells You
    30:49 Negatives of Sales
    33:28 When a Founder Tells You
    34:53 Founders: 24/7 Type of People
    39:09 When the Customer Directly Tells You
    42:03 Process & Stakeholder Management
    45:54 Customers Don't Know Your Systems
    48:04 Wrap-Up

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    AA153 - "I" Know What the Customer Needs

    AA152 - Weaponizing Efficiency

    AA152 - Weaponizing Efficiency

    Weaponizing Efficiency: Is it really helping your software development, product, and teams?

    Efficiency is crucial, but at what cost? This episode digs deep into the dark side of "weaponized efficiency" in software development, product management, and team & business agility. We discuss how seemingly well-intentioned practices can stifle creativity, breed fear, and ultimately hurt value creation.

    Join us for a thought-provoking discussion that will challenge assumptions about efficiency and equip you with strategies to push back against pedantic optimization efforts.

    0:00 Topic Intro: Weaponizing Efficiency
    0:41 Standardizing Creativity out of the Org
    4:37 Fear-Based Management
    7:33 Garbage Metrics, Discouraging Peering
    11:31 Where Ideas Come From
    14:43 Financing Siloes
    17:29 Learning is Wasted Time
    19:49 Driving Costs (and Value) Down
    24:07 Working ON (versus IN) the Business
    25:53 Real Efficiency Gains are Outside Development Teams
    29:13 Making/Saving Money
    33:33 Wrap-Up

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    AA151 - Hardware & Software Products and Teams: Agile in Manufacturing

    AA151 - Hardware & Software Products and Teams: Agile in Manufacturing

    If your product has a combination of hardware and software, this is the podcast for you!

    This podcast is all about agile in the manufacturing world with manufacturing expert and consultant to the stars, Clint Murt!

    Clint joins Enterprise Business Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando for an exploration of a realm where just creating great software isn't enough. We quickly discover that, when hardware enters the picture, complex compounds exponentially.

    Special shout out to the Everything Electric Show and the Fully Charged Podcast for the clip of Ford CEO Jim Farley discussing issues around software in the automotive industry

    0:00 CEO of Ford Jim Farley on Software in Manufacturing
    1:23 Clint's Intro & an Overview of Manufacturing
    3:38 Dependencies
    5:40 Arguing on: Dependencies & Ecosystems
    8:33 Challenging Agile Tropes on Dependencies
    10:43 Compounding Problems
    12:17 Short Term Metrics
    14:57 Upfront Cost
    17:52 Sales Running Ahead
    21:57 User Experience
    25:20 Inventory Management
    30:00 Embedding with Customers
    35:27 Multi-Team Collaboration
    37:54 Quality
    41:34 Summarizing the Podcast
    43:10 Six Sigma & Lean/Agile
    44:30 Wrap-Up

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    AA151 - Hardware & Software Products and Teams: Agile in Manufacturing

    AA150 - Things You Don't Say Out Loud in Agile

    AA150 - Things You Don't Say Out Loud in Agile

    Senior Product Coach Mike Miller is back on the Podcast, joining Brian & Om for a fun and lightweight podcast discussion about the unspoken realities of agile software development!

    Get ready to talk about all those elephants in corners - from the unspoken challenges teams experience, to budgeting woes, to inflated titles, to unclear goals and value propositions!

    0:00 Topic Intro: Things You Don't Say Out Loud in Agile
    0:19 Project Managers Retitled to Product Manager
    2:40 Product vs Project
    4:17 Truer for Scrum Masters?
    10:33 Middle Management is Unnecessary
    18:41 Peering is Rare
    22:45 Systems over Agile Coaching
    27:25 Annual Budgeting is King
    34:50 Backlog Managers are the Norm
    38:36 PO as Delivery Manager
    40:21 Product Goals (Do they Exist?)
    43:11 Strategy (It's Hard, and also Rare)
    47:23 More on Backlogs & Prioritization
    50:25 Customer Value - what Value?
    52:05 Value Must be Defined
    55:10 PO/SM with Technical Knowledge
    58:48 The Typical Answers
    1:02:50 Wrap-Up

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    AA150 - Things You Don't Say Out Loud in Agile

    AA149 - Positive Indicators of Agile Team Effectiveness

    AA149 - Positive Indicators of Agile Team Effectiveness

    In this episode, we answer an interview question that Brian has started to notice Product Managers stumbling over: "What are some indicators you would look for to know if an agile team is working effectively?"

    0:00 Topic Intro
    1:49 Velocity
    4:39 Delivery and Forecasting
    6:21 Flow Metrics (Cycle Time, Lead Time, WIP)
    7:50 Say-Do Ratio
    10:17 Different Uses for Say-Do
    11:31 Retro Improvements
    14:48 Impediment Resolution
    16:45 Roadmap Categorization & Finance
    19:54 Backlog Health
    22:51 Customer Satisfaction and Value Confirmation
    26:47 Surveys
    28:09 A Rant on Steering Feature Factory Culture
    29:56 Team Satisfaction (Niko Niko)
    33:27 Team or Service NPS
    36:29 Bug Leakage / Escaped Defects
    40:27 Training (L&D)
    43:55 Leads Kanban: People Development
    47:01 Meeting Duration & Effectiveness
    49:23 Wrap-Up

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    AA148 - An Introduction to Software Development Finances

    AA148 - An Introduction to Software Development Finances

    This podcast is your ultimate introduction to the cryptic, mysterious, and sometimes clandestine world of software development finance.

    Join Product Manager Brian Orlando and Enterprise Business Agility Coach Om Patel as they explore the finance-side of the house with special guest and CPA, Newton Owi!

    Listen as we discuss the ins-and-outs of software-finance, including an explanation of Capex vs Opex, an overview of capitalization, an in-depth review of Internal vs External Use Software, and a discussion of Technical Feasibility. We wrap by reviewing strategies for R&D Budgeting and why, how you might save money on MVPs, and it wouldn't be the Arguing Agile Podcast without an in-depth discussion of how Cross-Functional Teams benefit from having access to financial expertise.

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    AA147 - Creating and Launching New Software Products (0 to 1)

    AA147 - Creating and Launching New Software Products (0 to 1)

    Have a world-changing product idea but don't know how to get it to users? This no-nonsense episode of the Arguing Agile podcast breaks down the REALITY of building products from the ground up.

    Listen as two industry veterans discuss market research, MVPs, user feedback, and go-to-market strategies so that you can avoid costly mistakes and boost your chances of success.   

    0:00 Topic Intro: 0 to 1
    0:36 Hey Kid, I Got This New Idea!
    1:55 What Problem Are We Trying to Solve?
    3:42 Identifying a Market and/or Audience for MVP
    7:18 Research & Product Market Fit
    8:25 Data-Driven Culture (or Not)
    12:56 Team Members Talking Directly to Customers
    14:23 Strong Opinions, Loosely Held
    17:29 Interview Your Customers (and Competitor Customers)
    20:19 MVP-to-Pilot
    24:43 Realtime Alpha/Beta Feedback
    27:42 Alpha/Beta Misconceptions
    29:06 Alpha Partners & Clarity of MVP
    32:27 Leveraging (Technical) Debt
    34:46 Usability
    37:53 Monetization
    41:07 Go to Market Strategies
    45:40 Find or Create Your Audience
    48:32 What We Learned
    50:19 Wrap-Up

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    AA147 - Creating and Launching New Software Products (0 to 1)

    AA146 - Our Most Viewed Podcasts and Clips

    AA146 - Our Most Viewed Podcasts and Clips

    Ever wondered about why you hunger for an episode on Release Planning or why Brian's Spotify rant struck a chord?

    Get the inside scoop at this retrospective feast!  We'll examine the recipes for our most popular content from 2024, revealing the juicy trends and themes that tickled your fancy. Plus, we are giving a sneak peek into future episodes, inspired by your binge-worthy favorites!

    0:00 Topic Intro
    0:46 AP17: Scrum Master's Role in Release Planning
    2:41 Back-up Communicator
    6:27 Playing the Role
    10:55 Acceptance Criteria
    12:51 Sprint Review Checklist
    14:51 Tricky AC & Stories
    20:00 Agile vs Traditional Software Budgeting
    26:04 Roadmap Features and Milestones in Agile
    30:33 Gantt Charts
    33:38 AA120 - Did AirBNB Fire All Their Product Managers?
    38:46 Build vs Buy (or Extend)
    40:07 AP2: Brian Hates on Spotify & Capital One
    45:07 Take-Aways

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    AA145 - Why Incompetent Men Become Leaders

    AA145 - Why Incompetent Men Become Leaders

    Why Do Incompetent Men Rise to the Top? ️

    This week's #ArguingAgile #Podcast tackles Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic's 2013 HBR article on this very real issue with #leadership.

    Read the Article:

    0:00 Topic: Incompetent Men in Leadership
    0:37 Ratios of Men to Women in Management
    3:03 Management vs Leadership
    5:04 We Can't Measure Leadership
    7:53 Downfall of Bad Managers
    10:10 Personality Disorders
    11:50 Short Term Thinking
    13:31 Women Leaders
    14:55 Humility Fails to Impress
    16:52 Is Hiring Broken?
    18:42 HR, Taylorism, and the Ivory Tower
    21:17 Leading with Emotional Intelligence
    24:29 Systemic Problems
    25:55 The Wrong Conclusions
    29:00 Discrimination
    30:26 Wrap-Up
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    AA144 - Your Scrum Manager Should Be... Your Manager?

    AA144 - Your Scrum Manager Should Be... Your Manager?

    Buckle up fellow agilists because this episode we're asking the question - should your next Scrum Master be your Manager?

    Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando are breaking the working agreement for this week's podcast to review an article posted on Scrum.org by Ryan Ripley titled: "Your Next Scrum Master Should Be Your Manager."

    Read the Article:

    0:00 Topic Intro
    1:16 Article Premise
    3:34 Why the Change?
    4:29 Positional Authority
    6:18 What to do Instead
    8:03 Managing Change
    10:54 Badly Run Companies
    13:16 These Problems Happen Anyway
    15:07 Alignment
    19:50 Leveraging Authority (or Not)
    22:21 Training and Mindset
    26:29 Scrum Masters as Managers
    29:22 Building Trust and Expertise
    32:33 Role Conflicts & Positional Authority
    36:26 Perception of Getting Things Done
    37:36 The Scary Part of Town
    40:14 Weekend Warriors vs Professionals
    44:36 Wrap-Up

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    AA143 - How Ego Kills Team Empowerment and Products

    AA143 - How Ego Kills Team Empowerment and Products

    Is ego the silent assassin in your team's success story? Tag a friend who needs to hear this conversation!

    In this blistering episode of the Arguing Agile Podcast, Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando crack open the Pandora's box of ego in the workplace and its devastating impact on team dynamics, product development, and overall success.

    A big thank you to Jeff Gothelf whose recent article titled: "Ego Killed the Empowered Product Team" served as the inspiration and backdrop for this episode.

    Read the Article:

    0:00 Topic: Ego Killed the Empowered Product Team
    0:15 Ego and Experience
    2:09 Start with Why
    5:22 Reading the Intro
    6:13 Humility: The Oxygen for Empowerment
    7:46 Ego as a Glass Ceiling
    11:59 Challenging Ideas
    15:03 Ego in Strategy and Sales
    17:09 Collaborative Strategy and Vision
    21:50 Ego, but also Bad Systems
    24:53 The Tony Roberts Band
    27:03 Soften the Executive Ego
    29:04 Process Change: Product Impact
    32:21 Learning from Evidence
    34:52 Finishing the Article
    35:46 The Unmovable Object
    39:05 Customer Involvement
    40:53 Think About YOUR Ego
    43:08 Wrap-Up

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    AA142 - What Technical Skills Should a Scrum Master Have

    AA142 - What Technical Skills Should a Scrum Master Have

    The question came up recently at a community event: "What Technical Skills Should a Scrum Master Have?"

    Brian didn't answer the originally posed question, turning it into "What skills should a SM have," and that bugged him so much, he wanted to turn the actual question into a podcast!

    On this episode, Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando discuss the corporate atmosphere that may be behind this question, as well as answering the re-worded question, and even delving into some pros and cons of the Scrum Master having technical skills.

    0:00 Topic Intro: What Technical Skills Should a SM Have?
    0:23 Om's Response: Should Haves
    1:39 Om's Example
    2:28 Brian's Counter-point
    4:53 Desire for Knowledge
    7:50 Additional Value via Skills
    11:35 More Examples (New Dev Laptop Example)
    14:31 Speed to Knowledge
    16:21 Barriers to Initial Employment
    19:12 Om's Counterpoint: Curiosity & Willingness to Learn
    21:32 Product Managers & the BA Skillset
    23:35 Skills a SM Should Have
    24:36 Programming Knowledge/Skill
    26:54 Self-Imposed Barriers
    28:58 Public Opinion vs Reality
    31:30 Is a SM Entry Level?
    35:44 You Get What You Pay For...
    37:13 ...but Entry-Level Can Be Done

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    AA141 - Minimum Viable Product

    AA141 - Minimum Viable Product

    Minimum Viable Product as made famous by Eric Reis in the Lean Startup is barely recognizable and likely unusable due to the proliferation of different concepts associated with the term.

    Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando discuss and debate what MVP is, what it's supposed to be, and try to discern any usefulness from the jargon that seems to have coopted and repurposed "Minimum Viable Product!"

    0:00 Topic Intro: MVP
    0:18 Why Talk About MVP?
    1:16 Discussion Framework
    3:14 Users/Market Want Everything
    5:18 Arguing on the Dropbox Video "MVP"
    10:31 Terminology Hang-ups
    13:02 Platform Compatibility
    15:18 Release Planning (Alpha, Beta, Production)
    17:18 Laundry List of Assumptions
    20:09 Agreeing on the Obvious
    21:43 The Case Against Expansion of the Term MVP
    24:47 Assuming Risk (or Gambling)
    27:12 Skipping the Learning
    29:48 Wireframes
    30:41 Arguing on: What is a Product (Again)
    34:03 Running Out of Money
    35:44 Summary: Test Feasibility
    39:29 Wrap-up
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    AA140 - The Backlog Has 500 Bugs!

    AA140 - The Backlog Has 500 Bugs!

    HELP! Our Backlog has 500 Bugs and we feel like we're never going to dig ourselves out!!!

    Remain calm...

    On this episode, Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando walk through how a company or shop might get to this point, and discuss some strategies to help dig yourself out of this deep, dark hole!

    0:00 Topic Intro: 500 Bugs in the Backlog
    0:28 Initial Reactions
    2:44 Reasons
    3:55 Process
    5:10 Rogue QA, or the Perception Thereof
    7:18 It's Done, But...
    8:53 Customers Pay the Bills
    10:12 Culture - the 3 (or 4) "P's"
    11:28 The Business of Prioritization
    13:39 A Strategy for Digging Out
    15:59 Involving Customers/Stakeholders
    17:41 Another Strategy - Categorization
    19:30 Pushing Back on Customer Involvement
    21:04 Rank Ordering and Closing Bugs As-Is
    24:28 Definition of Done
    28:36 Program DoD
    29:11 The Restaurant Analogy
    33:04 Customer Validation
    37:10 Surveying Customers
    40:02 Podcast Summary
    41:44 Wrap-Up

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    AA139 - We Have No QA

    AA139 - We Have No QA

    Recently, a small audience was shocked to learn that Product Manager Brian Orlando has no team members in the permanent role of QA (or Testing).

    On this episode, Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando discuss why the audience reacted like Brian just kicked their dog, and what it takes to get a hypothetical team to the same point.

    0:00 Topic Intro: We Have No QA
    0:26 The Backstory
    1:46 It's What We've Always Done
    2:43 Handoff Disfunctions
    4:55 Efficiency
    7:27 Brian's Programming Story
    8:52 Unpacking Brian's Tirade
    10:00 What Are Testers Doing?
    12:21 Real Example of Collaboration
    14:49 QA and Customers
    16:57 Process Improvement
    19:18 Customer Verification
    22:14 Cross-Functionality vs. Penny-Pinching
    25:19 Team Collaboration vs Silos
    27:02 Brian's Rant on Silos
    30:47 Summary & Key Takeaways
    33:10 Wrap-Up

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    AA138 - Interview with Software-Engineer-turned-CEO and Founder, Alex Polyakov

    AA138 - Interview with Software-Engineer-turned-CEO and Founder, Alex Polyakov

    On this week's podcast, we're joined by Alex Polyakov. Alex is the CEO and Founder of Project Simple. Alex and his company are on a mission to make Teams better by building the first ever AI Agile Software Management Platform and solving the ever-growing list of problems and frustrations that come with Jira. Go see what Project Simple is all about by visiting them at projectsimple.ai

    ...or connect with Alex on LinkedIn!

    Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando sit down with Alex to talk about his journey from Software Engineer to CEO and Founder, the frustrations of Jira, and many, many other topics.

    0:00 Guest Intro
    0:33 Alex's Journey
    3:01 Raising Funding
    4:44 Fear of Failure
    6:08 Learning New Skills
    9:58 Sponsorship & Mentorship
    12:35 Rotating Roles
    13:36 Making a Difference
    15:25 Strategy and Problem Solving
    19:15 Start-Up Success Factors
    20:58 Investing
    23:57 Early Investors
    25:48 Jira
    30:07 Better Concepts and Systems
    33:06 Better Ways of Working
    36:40 Delegation and Ownership
    38:47 Visibility
    40:40 Wrap-Up

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    AA137 - Estimation is Evil by Ron Jeffries

    AA137 - Estimation is Evil by Ron Jeffries

    We're reviewing Ron Jeffries article: "Estimation is Evil" from the February 2013 issue of the Pragmatic Programmers magazine.

    This article is mostly known for being the source most people quote when they say the inventor of story points is sorry he created them, or that the inventor of story points doesn't like story points. We dig into this claim, reading the article and summarizing and pontificating on key points.

    Join, Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando as they time-travel back to the not-so-good old days of 2013 (and before)!

    The source article:

    0:00 Topic Intro: Estimation is Evil by Ron Jeffries
    1:14 Article Opening: A Historical Snapshot
    7:07 Undistinguished Teams
    8:45 "All Our Requirements" is Wrong
    11:06 80/20 Rule in Requirements
    14:11 Forcing the Answer
    16:05 Contracts in Agile
    18:11 Forecasting & Stretch Goals
    24:52 Asking for "Better" Estimates
    28:28 Financing Software
    31:41 How Much Do You Want to Spend?
    35:24 Relative Estimation (the Soundbite Section)
    40:17 Two Ways to Go
    44:58 Article Conclusion
    52:33 Summary
    54:02 Wrap-Up

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    AA136 - Selling Management on Retrospectives

    AA136 - Selling Management on Retrospectives

    How do you "sell" management on Retrospectives?

    This question was posed to the group at a community networking event and we thought it was such a deep question, we'd bring it into the podcast!

    On this episode, Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando discuss ways to bring up retrospectives and way to engrain them into the culture of your organization.

    0:00 Topic Intro
    0:14 Om's Initial Reaction
    0:42 Om's First Pitch
    1:52 A Manager's Fallacy
    4:25 Escaping Middle Management Purgatory (ROI)
    5:38 Start Small
    7:38 One on Ones
    8:28 Business Alignment
    11:40 Aligning Teams
    16:38 Not Visible = Not Urgent
    17:49 Communities of Practice & Getting Help
    19:43 Marketing Continuous Improvement
    21:35 Pushback: Management Fiat
    23:44 Team Empowerment
    27:09 Om's Story
    30:29 Wrap-Up

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    AA135 - The Most Common Disagreements You'll Get Into as a Scrum Master (Part 2 of 2)

    AA135 - The Most Common Disagreements You'll Get Into as a Scrum Master (Part 2 of 2)

    In this podcast, Enterprise Agility Coach Om Patel and Product Manager Brian Orlando discuss the most common disagreements, arguments, and spirited discussions that Scrum Masters find themselves in throughout their careers.

    There were so many topics, we had to split this podcast into two!

    0:00 Topic Intro: Most Common SM Disagreements
    0:35 Impediment Disagreements
    2:59 Using the Definition of Done
    6:34 Building Communication
    10:53 Meeting Fatigue
    15:20 More Effective Retrospectives
    17:43 Example - One Cause of Meeting Fatigue
    20:53 Cultural Resistance
    26:58 Personality Clashes
    28:56 Scrum Master Value
    32:47 Conflict and Perspectives
    34:13 Wrap-Up

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