
    Asking for a Friend - Fitness, Health & Personal Growth Tips for Women in Midlife

    Asking for a Friend is a midlife podcast that gets your health, wellness, and fitness questions answered by experts in their fields and features women just like you, who are stepping out to make their lives and the lives of others more fulfilled. 

    Interested in making your own midlife years amazing but not feeling your best and that perhaps, menopause has not been necessarily kind?  Do you want to get focused on setting realistic fitness goals, refining your nutrition, and improve your overall physical and mental wellbeing, but don't know where to start?

    Host Michele Folan is a 26-year veteran of the health industry, coach, mom, wife, and self-professed life-long learner, who wants you to feel encouraged to be all you were meant to be. Tune in to celebrate this time of our lives with honesty, wisdom, and lots of humor, because no one said we have to go quietly into this chapter. 

    Follow us on Facebook at Asking for a Friend Pod and Instagram @askingforafriend_pod. 

    en-usMichele Henning Folan95 Episodes

    Episodes (95)

    Getting Your Groove Back - A Return to Pleasure and Intimacy

    Getting Your Groove Back - A Return to Pleasure and Intimacy

    When it comes to our intimate partnerships in midlife, this can be a moment for us to get back to a more fulfilling and meaningful sex life, but in this season of change, do we want and need the same things that lit us up twenty years ago?

    Emma Schmidt & Associates is a sex and relationship therapy group practice with a mission is to help make therapy more accessible, locally, nationally and globally. As a sex therapist, Emma believes you deserve to have a great sex life and relationship that fires on all cylinders. 

    Emma started the practice in 2011, because she found that the sex therapy field was significantly under-served in her area. Sex and intimacy play a big part in our lives, and when it isn’t going well, it can have a huge impact on relationships and ourselves, and we know that 30-40% of men and women struggle with some sort of sexual challenge. 

    What Emma sees, is that through guided conversation and exercises, clients are able to not only have a greater bond and connection but tell her that after therapy, they are happier than they have ever been in their relationship. That’s pretty impactful, and that’s why she does what she does.

    Website:  https://heyemma.com/

    Maude massage candles
    Get 10% off with code Emma 10

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    Why He Thinks Women Are Superior to Men and The Real Secret to a Fantastic Relationship

    Why He Thinks Women Are Superior to Men and The Real Secret to a Fantastic Relationship

    Delightful!  That is how I sum up this podcast interview.  I believe that it is important that men have a voice on this podcast, and it is always refreshing to get a different perspective on the intricacies of male/female relationships. 

    As the head of a major hospital, Ricky Arenson, MD worked with many patients who had reached 100+ years of age.  He asked them what the secret to their longevity was, and surprisingly, it wasn't eating acai berries and doing yoga, it was having long-term positive relationships.
    Ricky Arenson's funny yet serious book, Women are Superior to Men,  explores why so many couples have the same arguments about how often to have sex, how men don't notice or pick up the mess they leave lying around, and how men communicate in grunts and jokes when women are looking  for a serious conversation. 

    This husband and podcaster explains with science, psychology, and humor why women are superior to men and why it’s worthwhile for husbands to admit this.  It's an easy guide to creating and maintaining a magical relationship filled with love, joy, and better intimacy.

    One thing that cannot be overlooked is simple biology, and once we wrap our arms around the fact that men and women are wired differently, through years and years of evolution, can we have a meeting of the minds and find common ground.

    You can find Ricky Arenson's book, Women are Superior to Men, on Amazon.

    Dr. Arenson's podcast Happy Healthy Ever After

    Instagram @drrickyarenson_
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/drrickyarenson/
    Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.rickyarenson?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

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    The Intimacy Doctor and Vital Conversations About Menopause

    The Intimacy Doctor and Vital Conversations About Menopause

    After twelve years in medicine, helping families heal their bodies, Dr. Alexandra Stockwell started studying the science and art of emotional and sensual connection to help her patients heal their relationships.

    So why did this already super busy, mom, wife, intimate marriage expert, and podcaster decide to co-author a book about menopause?  As Alexandra and her dear friend, Tricia Brouk, began to dig in, they found that despite the fact that there is more awareness around this life stage, we still aren't really talking about it.  

    The Invitation - Vital Conversations About Menopause is not a book about science, research, or treatment of menopause.  It's a book to inspire connection and community in a time of life that every woman who lives long enough is sure to go through. 

    As we evolve, women are spending a third or more of our lives in menopause.  Let's redefine this inevitable transition and look at it as a beginning - a time of midlife pivots and enhanced relationships, and bring vital conversations out of the dark corner and into the light.

    You can find Alexandra Stockwell's books, The Invitation - Vital Conversations About Menopause and Uncompromising Intimacy, on Amazon.
    The Intimacy Doctor website: https://www.alexandrastockwell.com/
    Alexandra's podcast: https://www.alexandrastockwell.com/podcast/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/intimacydoctor/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093537316555

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    Hey, Michelle! Making a Career Out of a Love for Your Hometown

    Hey, Michelle! Making a Career Out of a Love for Your Hometown

    If you asked your friends or family what you are "known for" or what makes you unique, what kind of answers do you think you might get?   We all have our "thing" whether it is a talent, trait, or a quirk that makes us who we are to those who know us best.

    Are you that person who has the inside track of what's going on around town, the friend who is on top of all the latest and greatest in entertainment, food, and thrills?   Well, that is how Michelle Dorward Jones' friends and followers would describe this popular current events blogger.  She is your go-to gal for making plans for GNO, a romantic date, or out-of-town guests.  

    Michelle took her passion for her hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio, and love of great dining, events, and fun, and turned it into her full-time gig.  Her Hey, Michelle! platform has amassed a very loyal following and is just one more example of a midlife woman stepping out and doing great things to support local businesses and her community.

    You can find Michelle Dorward Jones and Hey, Michelle! at:


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    How She Embraced Midlife Anxiety and Her Many Layers

    How She Embraced Midlife Anxiety and Her Many Layers

    Earlier in 2023 I had a day where out of nowhere came a racing heart and super high anxiety.  It was concerning to feel this out of control, and I never really pinpointed a cause other than maybe one of those annoying symptoms of menopause.  I can't imagine feeling like that all the time, and it was enough of a wake-up call to prompt me to make some needed changes, and that included more intentional downtime and selfcare.  As women, we do a lot and need to cut ourselves some slack.

    In 2019 Melissa Crook had a health crisis that led her to seek help for unaddressed anxiety and suppressed emotions from her early life.  This high energy lady had to learn to sit with herself to meditate, journal, get uncomfortable with her past, and deal with "her stuff" head-on.  

    Melissa knew she had so much to share around her own mental health journey that she started a podcast and a blog, where she brings guests to the table who are living out their best lives with true intent and health in their own unique way.  She wants other women to know that they are not alone and that they have undeniable worth and value just as they were made.  It's all about embracing our many beautiful and complicated layers and living unapologetically.

    The F.E.E.L. Podcast and blog: https://www.embracinglayers.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embracinglayers/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084428100763

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    We Have Options! The Changing Landscape of Menopause and Hormone Therapy

    We Have Options! The Changing Landscape of Menopause and Hormone Therapy

    After episode 64 of the podcast, I had many listeners reach out to me to express their frustration over the lack of healthcare providers in their area who were in the know in the latest in hormone therapy treatments and protocols.  When the company Winona contacted me to speak to one of their medical providers, I jumped at the chance to bring our listeners a possible option to fill a void in their quest to feel better and be their best.

    As telemedicine becomes more and more commonplace, many doctors are seeing it as vehicle to reach more patients and to broaden the conversation and community, especially when it comes to women's health issues.

    When Cat Brown, D.O., was doing her medical training, she was encouraged to pursue the family practice route as part of her Army commitment, but she found her true love was obstetrics and gynecology.  This do-it-all mom and current OBGYN hospitalist decided to join the medical team at Winona in 2021.  

    Winona is a company revolutionizing the treatment of menopause to help women get the solutions they need.  They aim to empower, educate, and treat women throughout the entirety of their menopause journey.  

    Winona offers doctor-prescribed, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy that is backed by science and shipped directly to your door.

    Check out Winona here: https://winona.pxf.io/oq5OPE

    In this episode Dr. Cat Brown and I discuss:
    - Cat's path to becoming an OBGYN
    - The obvious and not so obvious symptoms of menopause
    - The data on hormone therapy and alzheimer's
    - The role of cortisol and how to minimize its effect
    - Is estrogen dominance really a thing?
    - Oral vs. topical hormone therapy - deciding who gets what form
    - How DHEA fits into the treatment regimen
    - Blood and saliva hormone tests and why they may not be reliable
    - The future of telemedicine
    - Cat's words of advice for midlife women

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    It's Not Normal, It's Toxic: Choosing Yourself Over an Unhealthy Relationship

    It's Not Normal, It's Toxic: Choosing Yourself Over an Unhealthy Relationship

    Do you ever wonder why a particular relationship that you have is so darned difficult?  If you sometimes ask yourself if the relationship is unhealthy for you, then maybe it's time to assess the situation.  Being walked on, devalued, or feeling stuck can be demoralizing, and worse yet, if we let things go too long, we can develop emotional abuse fatigue.

    These relationships can be confusing, because they may not be bad all the time.  So at what point do we decide, for our own emotional health and wellbeing, that we need set boundaries or walk away altogether?

    Toxic relationship specialist, Dr. Heidi Brocke, walked the path, struggled, learned, healed, and recovered from an emotionally abusive relationship.  Now she is here to help you do the same.  Heidi is a coach, and she also has a top-ranked podcast called It's Not Normal, It's Toxic: Rid Your Life of Toxic People.

    In this episode Heidi and I discuss:
    - Her journey to finally walking away from her emotional abuser
    - How to define a toxic relationship and what the red flags are
    - Family and workplace toxicity
    - What the recovery process looks like
    - Getting help in order to be able to make a clean break

    You can find Dr. Heidi Brocke at:

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    These Don't Have to Be Your Momma's Varicose Veins

    These Don't Have to Be Your Momma's Varicose Veins

    More than 80 million Americans suffer from vein disease.  We mostly think of varicose veins, which for some, can makes us self-conscious about the appearance of our legs, but they can be downright painful.  Pregnancy, heredity, and what do you know, menopause, can all play a role.

    Cindy Asbjornsen, DO, found a passion and calling for helping people with vein disease.  She is committed to educating her patients about vein health so that they can make informed decisions about the best treatment options.  As a board-certified phlebologist, Cindy is utilizing the latest in technology to ensure optimal outcomes to not only improve her patients' self-esteem, but also their overall health and wellbeing.  

    In this episode Dr. Asbjornsen and I discuss:

    - How Cindy became interested in vein disease
    - Defining vein disease and the symptoms
    - Risk factors for men and women
    - Pregnancy and varicose veins
    - When it's a good idea to wear compression stockings
    - The heredity link and vein disease
    - Current treatments and how far we have come 
    - The importance of getting help and asking questions of your provider if you have concerns about your veins

    You can find Dr. Cindy Asbjornsen at:
    Check out her website - there is some great education and patient testimonials

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    The Many Facets of Physical Therapy and Why It May Be Right for Midlife

    The Many Facets of Physical Therapy and Why It May Be Right for Midlife

    There is so much that we do in midlife in the name of prevention, such as eat well, exercise, and focus on self-care.  When you think about the physical therapy, we typically put it in the category of reacting to an injury or recovery post-surgery, rather than prevention.  My own recent experience opened my eyes to the many facets of PT, and it is astounding to me the amount of training and specialization physical therapists complete.  Think of it as your whole body being connected and your physical therapist is the sleuth that solves the puzzle and comes up with a holistic treatment plan.

    Sarah Crawford, PT, DPT, is not only a first-class physical therapist, but she is a visionary, who fulfilled her dream as the founder of Anchor Wellness and Wave Physical Therapy in Cincinnati, Ohio.  Sarah and her team bring highly specialized, collaborative, and patient-centric care to their clients.  Whether you have a creaky back, pesky bladder leakage, or an osteoporosis diagnosis (to name just a few), you can consider PT as a very viable option.  It's not just for rehab!  

    Some of the topics Sarah and I discuss:
    - What it takes to become a physical therapist and why they are required to know the mechanics of the whole body
    - Assessing chronic pain
    - The role of fascia in the body
    - Using pilates and yoga for prevention and healing
    - The difference between dry needling and acupuncture
    - Osteoporosis - building muscle and lifting heavier weights and the importance of balance
    - Gait analysis and how it can help prevent injury for walkers and runners
    - Massage therapy benefits
    - TMJ and physical therapy
    - Considering pelvic floor therapy 
    - Why everything seems to tie back to hormones for women

    You can find Sarah Crawford, PT at: 
    I highly recommend you check out their social media posts for great tips and reminders!

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    Why She Chose a Hangover-free Life

    Why She Chose a Hangover-free Life

    Allow me to introduce you to Jen Butler.  She is a self-proclaimed imperfectionist, who wanted to reach some of her own personal goals, but she knew deep down that her wine habit was going to hold her back from being successful.  

    Removing alcohol is a courageous act of self-care, and she made the decision at the end of 2017 to hand sauvignon blanc a pink slip and started her sober journey.  Jen wants to help other women find their joy in a sober curious or sober serious life through 1:1 and group coaching.

    This wife, mom, and kick boxing enthusiast has a fun and refreshingly self-deprecating approach that makes her a relatable and true supportive partner for women wanting to go alcohol-free.   Her BYOB (Build Your Own Break) 31 Day self-paced, online course is a great place to start!

    Gray area drinking is a term often-used these days, but how exactly is it defined?  

    1. You silently worry and fret about your drinking.
    2. You aren't drinking one glass of champagne at a party a few times a year, nor have you hit rock bottom.
    3. You can stop drinking and have done so - maybe even for weeks at a time, but you easily fall back into your old habits.
    4. People around you don't see that you have a problem with drinking, but it still creates anxiety for you. 
    5. You've lost count how many times you've woken and said to yourself, "Never again. I can't keep drinking like this."

    In this episode Jen Butler and I discuss:
    - The catalyst for making the decision to go alcohol-free
    - How chronicling her journey on social media kept her accountable
    - Resources she used to stay on track
    - The first things she noticed both physical and emotional when she quit drinking
    - Her thoughts on moderation
    - Why she became a sobriety coach

    Check out Jen's engaging and motivating social media at https://www.instagram.com/jenbutlercoach/ 

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    In the Know on Hormone Facts and the Weight Loss Connection

    In the Know on Hormone Facts and the Weight Loss Connection

    One of the goals of the Asking for a Friend Podcast is to bring thought leaders to the table in all matters that impact midlife women.  As things are rapidly changing, it is difficult staying current on hormone replacement therapy and the treatment of menopause.  It is vitally important that we are armed with information so that we can do our own research and feel empowered to have discussions with our healthcare providers.  

    Nicole Lovat, MD, was two weeks away from opening her family medicine practice, when she attended a hormone education seminar held by World Link Medical.  She was blown away by what she learned, and as a pharmacologist, she was able to connect the dots in regard to what the underlying issues were for her perimenopause and menopause patients.  

    Nicole did a 180 pivot and is now successfully treating women who were once struggling with low libido, tired, and gaining weight.  Her multi-pronged approach looks at inflammation markers, vitamin levels, symptoms from hormone pathways, and metabolic levels to devise an individual treatment plan that is science-based.

    In this episode Nicole Lovat, MD, and I discuss:

    - Why she did a 180 pivot two weeks before opening her medical practice
    - Why women need estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and thyroid and the impact on weight
    - Pellets, creams, and oral hormones - what she prefers and why
    - HRT, cancer, and the current risk
    - The importance of identifying insulin resistance in patients even if they are not diabetic
    - Vitamin supplementation to complete a treatment protocol 
    - Rounding out her practice with esthetic offerings


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    Got Buff Bones? The Science of Strength and Movement to Protect Our Bones

    Got Buff Bones? The Science of Strength and Movement to Protect Our Bones

    If you follow the podcast on social media, you may already know that I had a recent osteoporosis diagnosis.  I felt dismissed as the doctor prescribed a pharmaceutical, told me to increase my calcium and vitamin D, and they would see me back in two years.  Really?  That just wasn't good enough, so I went on my own search for answers.

    I am happy to report that there are professionals out there, like this episode's guest, who are reliable resources to guide you with an effective holistic approach to bone health, strength, and mobility.   As I have said before, I am not anti-pharmaceutical, but we owe it to ourselves to do the research to ensure that we are making the most educated decisions possible.

    Rebekah Rotstein was diagnosed with osteoporosis in her twenties.  A former ballet dancer, she has used her love of movement and her pilates instructor experience to develop the Buff Bones program, where she certifies other exercise professionals and works with individuals to help them along in their healthier bones journey.

    In this episode Rebekah Rotstein and I discuss:

    - Rebekah's own diagnosis and her decision to not go on a pharmaceutical in her twenties and why some young people and men may have poor bone health
    - How her education, dance, and pilates background catapulted her into training other fitness professionals and working with clients on their whole bone health journey
    - The process with which she works with clients and how breathwork is an important foundation
    - The most common fracture for midlife women (and it's not the hip)
    - Incorporating mobility and progressive load strength training (for those who are able)
    - Tendon injury being more prevalent in midlife with the decrease in estrogen
    - The importance of having good balance and core strength in midlife and beyond
    - Why walking is not enough to build your bones and some options that you can add to your walking routine

    You can find Rebekah Rotstein and Buff Bones at:
    Instagram @gotbuffbones
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BuffHealthyBones

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    A Vagipreneur and Orgasmic Leadership

    A Vagipreneur and Orgasmic Leadership

    The size of the sexual wellness market for 2023 is estimated to be over $37 billion.  This growing industry, ripe with potential and opportunity, is more than just gadgets and apps.  The business of femtech and sextech is largely driven by female entrepreneurs who, through their own experiences, have found holes in the market where there is unmet need.

    Rachel Braun Scherl is a champion for women's health and is passionately focused on driving innovation in the business of women's sexual and reproductive health.  She was dubbed the first Vagipreneur after she successfully started her own female health and wellness company, creating a new category in the process.

    With more than 50% of the world's population being female, it's natural to see a rising interest in woman-focused technology.  Bringing the conversation to the forefront is necessary to destigmatize the shame and taboo that all too often comes with the discussion of female health and pleasure.

    In this episode Rachel and I discuss:
    - Her long career in the health segment and getting dubbed the first Vagipreneur
    - How writing a book became her calling card 
    - The dynamic sexual health and wellness market, recent innovation, and how far we still need to go
    - Corporate America's need to get on board with retaining their most experienced workers by embracing perimenopause/menopause in the workplace
    - Getting creative and scrappy to find funding for new innovation
    - How she went about starting the concept of a podcast during the pandemic
    - What's next for Rachel 

    Where to find Rachel Braun Scherl:
    Podcast https://businessofthev.com/
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rbscherl/
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/rbscherl

    Her book Orgasmic Leadership is available on Amazon and other booksellers

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    Why I Won't Stop Being Bold

    Why I Won't Stop Being Bold

    Not many of us will have the opportunity to spill coffee on a future president during an interview, but think about the times in your life when you had to be bold, stepping out of your comfort zone to accomplish something that you needed to do or wanted to do.  We have all been called to address a relationship, situation, or life calling where we have had to summon courage to overcome what it was that may have held us back.

    One of the many great things about being in midlife is that with our hard-earned life experience and maturity, we can push aside the fear of failure and more readily tap into our boldness.  

    Some people make a life or career out of being bold.  Julie O'Neill is a speaker, author, and former news anchor, whose dynamic personality has entertained and inspired on TV and stage since the age of six.  Her work over 30+ years in TV news has been seen on ABC, CBS, CNN, and stations across the country.  Her recently released book, BOLD, chronicles the secret to her big wins to help you crash through your own comfort zone.  She wants you to unleash your inner boldness, because now is the time to reach your greatest potential in life!

    In this episode Julie O'Neill and I discuss:
    - Building a foundation of boldness in her early years
    - The positive impact of competing in pageants and the value in losing in life
    - How Julie came to spill coffee on Bill Clinton and other stories from the news desk
    - Mentorship, relationships, humility, and humanity - defining what is really important in your work and life
    - Getting pushed out of her 30+ year career due to ageism and Julie's desire to speak up for other midlife women (and men, too)
    - Why Julie filed a lawsuit against her former employer
    - The mission behind writing her book BOLD
    - The importance of having your own "board of directors" and finding your path forward when the chips are down

    You can find Julie O'Neill at:

    You can purchase Julie's book BOLD on Amazon

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    The Vagina Coach

    The Vagina Coach

    Incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse can come with sometimes uncomfortable or embarrassing consequences.  So often pharmaceutical or surgical intervention is suggested before addressing the core issue.  The great news is that there are highly trained and passionate professionals out there to help women get back to living life to the fullest.

    Kim Vopni is an author, speaker, and pelvic health coach who helps women prevent and heal incontinence and prolapse as a leading authority in health and fitness coaching with pelvic floor dysfunction.

    Also known as the Vagina Coach, Kim has a podcast called Between Two Lips, where she connects with other experts to share the latest in technology and information.  Her Buff Muff app, a training platform for women, offers a 28 day challenge to get clients' muffs buff and improve their quality of life. 

    In this episode Kim Vopni and I discuss:
    - How this fitness coach and entrepreneur entered the world of pelvic coaching
    - The most common symptoms of incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse
    - Why some of these issues later in life are from our earlier years of birthing babies
    - The benefits of belly wrapping postpartum (and why our daughters may want to consider it)
    - Kegels - you have to do them correctly to be effective.  What do you need to do  beyond kegels.
    - Vaginal rejuvenation options - Votiva, Femlift, ThermiVa, Femtouch
    - PRP injections like the O Shot
    - Exciting, new innovations 
    - The Buff Muff program

    You can find Kim Vopni, The Vagina Coach at:

    Between Two Lips Podcast

    The Buff Muff app is available on for both Android and Apple

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    Mocktails, Cancer, and Finding Peace

    Mocktails, Cancer, and Finding Peace

    There are so many layers to our lives and often, when presented with a guest opportunity, I am not only impressed with their accomplishments but the stories intertwined into how they got to where they are today.  As a midlife woman, there is a great deal of inspiration to be garnered when we take the time to listen to each other's whole narrative.

    Marnie Rae Clark is a successful business woman, writer, mom, and wife, who made the decision twenty years ago to quit drinking after an incident at an elementary school auction.  That later propelled her to start tinkering with fun, creative non-alcoholic drink options, and eventually, she co-founded National Mocktail Week.  Marnie was truly ahead of her time, because people weren't really talking about the sober curious movement then.  

    And as many of us do, we ignore the sometimes nagging, obvious symptoms that there may be something physically awry, and Marnie finally got her odd neurological issues checked out.  A stage IV cancer diagnosis followed, and while some her plans and dreams were put on hold, this cancer warrior wants to inspire others through her writing by sharing about her journey.  There really isn't a lot of good stuff that comes having cancer, but Marnie believes that there are some really great things that would not have happened had she not received that diagnosis, and she hopes to encourage someone else who is going through a rough spot.  

    In this episode Marnie Rae Clark and I discuss:

    - The catalyst for her sobriety
    - Mocktails and starting National Mocktail Week
    - Her symptoms, eventual cancer diagnosis, and sober cancer journey
    - Selfcare and listening to our bodies
    - The importance of her writing in the healing process

    You can find Marnie at:
    Good Things Good People

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    The Adaptable Entrepreneur

    The Adaptable Entrepreneur

    The goal of the podcast is multi-faceted.  I want to share health and wellness information with our listeners but also provide a platform for women entrepreneurs to speak about their journey and the great things that they are doing.  I love it when I get to interview a female founder who is working in the femcare space and providing innovative solutions to help moms and all women make well-informed and timely decisions when it comes to their health and that of their families.  Bonus!

    Enter Checkable, Patty Post's ingenious idea to combine at-home testing with online, real medical solutions.  Women make 80% of the healthcare decisions for their families, and with comes the burden of time spent and stress when we are already spread very thin.  Is is strep or just a regular old sore throat?  Are my girly bits itchy because I used a different body wash, or do I have a full-on yeast infection?  Checkable not only gives you reliable results but also provides access to medical professionals and treatment options that are quick and effective.  Way to go, Patty!

    In this episode Patty Post and I discuss:
    - Patty's personal experiences as the driver to develop the Checkable technology
    - The challenges of securing funding for women-focused innovation
    - Getting creative, scrappy, and resourceful to make her idea a reality
    - The future of at-home testing and online medicine
    - What is on the horizon for Checkable and Patty Post

    Checkable's at-home testing options:
    Breastmilk nutrient and alcohol testing
    Strep test
    Vaginal pH
    Urinary tract infection

    You can find Patty Post at:


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    Date Like a Goddess

    Date Like a Goddess

    You never imagined you’d be entering the dating pool again at this point in your life, but here you are … lost, confused, and frustrated. Nobody seems to be meeting organically anymore, and it’s nearly impossible to navigate dating apps – or weed out the good ones from a profile alone. You might even be wondering if there are any more single, emotionally healthy men capable of a long-term commitment.

    Drawing upon her professional knowledge and personal experience, coach, author and Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) expert, Allison Jayne Ewing, has guided hundreds of women in navigating through the landscape of dating after divorce. In her insightful and entertaining book, Find Love Again: Learn to Date Like a Goddess, she shares valuable revelations, proven techniques, and empowering strategies to help you attract an emotionally healthy man, find love and create the fulfilling romantic life you desire.

    While we do speak about midlife dating in this episode, much of Allison's methods apply to all women, (married gals, too) who want to find their inner goddess. EFT can also be effectively used in couples therapy, depression, and emotional trauma.

    In this episode Allison Jayne Ewing and I discuss:

    -EFT Tapping and how it works and how it helps people
    - How EFT works in her coaching practice
    - Dating apps and the struggle to find good men
    - What is holding women back from finding "Mr. Right"
    - Doing  work on the front-end to ensure dating success
    - Tapping into your feminine AND masculine energies (in marriage, too)
    - Why we sometimes need to relinquish a little control in our relationships
    - The New Naked and body confidence

    Listeners can get a free downloadable copy of Find Love Again: Learn to Date Like a Goddess  and learn more about EFT Tapping on Allison's website at:

    Her book is also available on Amazon.



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    Your Mental Wellbeing in Midlife

    Your Mental Wellbeing in Midlife

    In May 2023, during Mental Health Awareness Month, I had the opportunity of having a Q&A discussion in front of a live audience with Laurie Little, Psy.D., who is the Chief Patient Experience Officer and staff psychologist at the Lindner Center of Hope in Cincinnati, Ohio.  The center has an amazing auxiliary of women, who support special programs and projects.  This year's luncheon and auction helped to fund psychiatric services for patients needing financial assistance.  

    One in four Americans suffer from some type of mental illness.  With an influential audience of mostly midlife women, Dr. Little and I decided to dig into this topic as it pertains to this specific population.  The conversation was robust, informative, and so well-received, that we decided it warranted a sit-down with a podcast recording.  

    In this episode Dr. Laurie Little and I discuss:
    - Why midlife women are particularly susceptible to emotional and mental issues
    - Invisible Woman Syndrome
    - Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and how it works for her female patients
    - What behaviors Dr. Little typically sees in midlife women
    - Differentiating bipolar depression and personality disorders
    - When certain behaviors become problematic - eating disorders, over-indulging, substance abuse, addictions
    - Minimizing the stigma of seeking mental health services

    Since 2008, Lindner Center of Hope has served as a lifeline to tens of thousands who've faced the struggles of mental illness or addiction, offering a wide range of mental health services and treatments in an atmosphere that promotes long-term healing.


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    A Divorce Attorney Speaks

    A Divorce Attorney Speaks

    I haven't spoken about this topic much, but in 2007 my first husband and I separated and eventually divorced in 2009.  The whole process was relatively amicable, and we managed to do a decent job co-parenting.   Being more concerned about my daughters through the process, I focused very little on myself or on what the outcome would be.  Some women opt to stay in an unhappy situation until their children are out of the house, and I totally respect that.   No matter your situation, it is important to have your legal ducks in a row to be sure that you are protected both financially and emotionally with the best outcome possible.

    "I don't think anybody dreams of being a divorce or family law attorney, nobody goes to law school saying, that's what I want to be," says family law attorney Joseph Willmore.   This week's guest expert says that he "kind of fell into" this area of law.  What caught my eye about Joseph was his more people-focused approach.  Joseph doesn't want to be seen as home wrecker, as he wants his clients to focus on the big picture.  His main goal is to ensure an equitable parting of ways that is not vindictive or vengeful.  

    In this episode Joseph Willmore, Esq and I discuss:
     - Is the marriage truly broken beyond repair with no chance of reconciliation
    -  When divorce is the best option
    - Community property - who gets what
    - When you need a forensic accountant
    - Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements
    - How debt is handled in divorce
    - Why infidelity is not the most common reason for divorce
    - Communication is key to keeping marriages together

    You can find Joseph Willmore at:


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