
    Asking for a Friend - Fitness, Health & Personal Growth Tips for Women in Midlife

    Asking for a Friend is a midlife podcast that gets your health, wellness, and fitness questions answered by experts in their fields and features women just like you, who are stepping out to make their lives and the lives of others more fulfilled. 

    Interested in making your own midlife years amazing but not feeling your best and that perhaps, menopause has not been necessarily kind?  Do you want to get focused on setting realistic fitness goals, refining your nutrition, and improve your overall physical and mental wellbeing, but don't know where to start?

    Host Michele Folan is a 26-year veteran of the health industry, coach, mom, wife, and self-professed life-long learner, who wants you to feel encouraged to be all you were meant to be. Tune in to celebrate this time of our lives with honesty, wisdom, and lots of humor, because no one said we have to go quietly into this chapter. 

    Follow us on Facebook at Asking for a Friend Pod and Instagram @askingforafriend_pod. 

    en-usMichele Henning Folan95 Episodes

    Episodes (95)

    Ultimate Intimacy

    Ultimate Intimacy

    It takes two to tango.  We all know this phrase, and it can apply to many things in life. When it comes to strong relationships and intimacy, having both parties putting in effort is vitally important.  It can be exhausting to be the partner who feels that they are the only one working to keep the flame burning.  What if one partner has relatively lower desire than the other or things have become routine?

    Many years of marriage, hormones, and body changes can play a role here.  News flash!  Men and women are different.  There are different needs, wants, and desiers, but does it have to be complicated?  Our guests on this episode say that it doesn't have to hard.  Amy and Nick McKinlay have helped thousands of couples not only improve their sex lives, but have found creative ways to enhance communication and overall connection.

    Amy and Nick developed the #1 marriage and intimacy app that is not only clean and non-graphic, but it is really fun.  The Ultimate Intimacy app is the product of the couple's mission to strengthen marriages by making love making interesting and deepening connection and intimacy.  

    They also have a podcast that has 158 episodes, where they dive into all the tough topics with raw, unscripted, and personal conversations.  

    In this episode Amy, Nick and I discuss:

    -Why their own marriage experience prompted them to start the Ultimate Intimacy app
    - Making you as a couple a priority
    - Results of the polls they do with followers
    - When one partner has lower sex drive
    - The 411 on foreplay, especially for midlife women
    - The use of toys and games to spice things up
    - What you can find on the Ultimate Intimacy app

    Amy and Nick McKinlay also hold couples retreats. See their website for details.

    You can  find The Ultimate Intimacy App at:
    Google Play Store and Apple )Google does not allow 
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ultimateintimacyapp/
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/UltimateIntimacyApp

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    How Women Manage and Mismanage Their Health

    How Women Manage and Mismanage Their Health

    Through socialization and culture women are taught to take care of others and typically do not prioritize their own health.  Researchers did a study where they gave women a list and asked them to rank it based on need.  Children, pets, elderly parents, partners were all prioritized (in that order) over themselves. 

    After doing research on women post-hysterectomy, Susan Salenger was intrigued by the fact that women were intentionally taking a backseat to everyone around them.  More research and ten years later, Susan's book Sidelined: How Women Manage & Mismanage Their Health, was published. 

    She dives into not only the historical relevance of women and how we view healthcare, but she also includes a full resource guide and tips for better managing our overall health and major issues that can arise. 

    This eighty year-old, 4 foot 10 inch dynamo isn't finished making her mark on the world.  Her next project is tackling menopause and the differences in cultural perceptions and symptoms around the world.  I'm telling you, this is interesting stuff!

    In this episode Susan Salenger and I discuss:
    - How stress interferes with our overall health
    - Tips for getting the most out of doctor appointments:
         Be more succinct when explaining symptoms
         Write all your questions/issues down before the appointment (Doctors usually                 appreciate this.)
         Bring someone with you
         Don't be afraid to get a second opinion
         Do extra research
    - Women are prescribed more medication than men and are also making 80% of the healthcare decisions for families, but more dollars go toward research for male specific disease.
    - 85% of patients leaving a doctor's office don't understand everything that the healthcare provider said.

    You can find Susan Salenger's book Sidelined: How Women Manage & Mismanage Their Health anywhere books are sold.
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/susansalenger/
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/suesalenger

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    Becoming Who You Already Are

    Becoming Who You Already Are

    The beauty of doing the podcast is getting to meet people like Rechelle Conde-Nau.  She is a fellow podcaster, mom, blogger, and a coach, who wants to encourage other midlife women to stop waiting for good things to happen and hop in the driver's seat to find their passion and purpose.  

    After Rechelle and her husband lost a child, the events to follow would lead her life on an unexpected and welcomed path, but once she hit midlife, Rechelle started to get the itch to share her life learnings and help other women break free from fear to become who they already are.  

    Rechelle and I agree on many things.  Some of the topics we discuss:
     - There is room at the table for all women, and all boats rise with the tide.  Rechelle and I both have podcasts for midlife women, but that doesn't stop us from sharing ideas and tips and cheering each other on.  
    - You don't need confidence to get started, but you may need a little courage.  The confidence comes later with some success under your belt.
    - Don't wait to get started until you are ready.  If you wait, you may never do "the thing".  

    Check out Rechelle's podcast Unabashed You and her lovely, heartfelt blog on her website.

    You can find Rechelle Conde-Nau at:

    This is the first episode of year two of the Asking for a Friend Podcast.  Thank you for listening, for the reviews, and the shares.  I couldn't do this without you, and of course, our editor Kelly.  

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    The Happy Nomad

    The Happy Nomad

    Scarcity and abundance.  When the chips are down, could it be an opportune time to focus on what you do have, create win-win situations, and incorporate gratitude into your daily life?  But how do we do this when we feel overwhelmed or even hopeless?  In this episode Michelle Fishburne shows us how using a simple whiteboard helped her on the journey to training her mind to recognize possibilities instead of wallowing in doubt and self-pity.

    Michelle Fishburne was a normal person, with a house and a job, before COVID hit, but life would throw her a curve ball when she lost her job in the spring of 2020, so Michelle moved into her 2006 motorhome and did the unthinkable.  She motor-homed 12,000 miles all over the United States and sat down with hundreds of people face-to-face. 

    People shared what their lives were like, what made them struggle, and what surprised them.  The personal histories show a diversity of American lives, resilience, and sorrow.  That is how "Who We Are Now: Stories of What Americans Lost and Found During the COVID-19 Pandemic" came to be.

    Everyone's story is different.  Some, like Fishburne, lost their jobs. Others lost family, friends, and even their own health and well-being.  And yet among the difficulties, many found something that had eluded them before the pandemic.  These testimonies offer a glimpse into what people across America lost and found during the pandemic's critical first year.  Fishburne lets us hear people's stories as if we were there, in real time, at the beginning of COVID-19, when employment was uncertain, schools were online, and American life more unpredictable than ever before.
    Michelle Fishburne is a full-time digital nomad, working and living out of her 2006 motor home, Airbnb’s, and housesitting gigs.  

    You can find Michelle Fishburne at:
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/michellefishburne/

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    Your Dating Drill Sergeant

    Your Dating Drill Sergeant

    So you think you are ready to get back into the dating scene, but the thought of using a dating app feels paralyzing and overwhelming or you've already been down that road with lackluster results.  Before you start this process, have you done the work on the front-end to ensure your success?  

    Building dating confidence, defining your values, and embracing self-love are not steps to be missed, according to dating and relationship coach, Martha Bodyfelt.  This former Army Specialist's Dating DNA Framework will not only teach you how to date, but her course will get you mentally prepared to find that person who is right for you, with tough love, structure, and a little bit of ass-kicking!

    In this episode Martha Bodyfelt and I discuss:

    - Pausing dating until you are really ready
    - Why online dating is not optimal and there are other options to meet men
    - Think of where men like to hang out and relax
    - Why building rejection tolerance is key to not feeling badly when a guy says "no"
    - Building your self-worth and confidence
    - Without self-love you are dating at a deficit

    Martha Bodyfelt's Dating Coaching Programs:

    1. Ready For Love  -  4 month program includes
    - Dating detox
    - Building dating confidence and courage
    - Dating connection - the "how"
    2. Intensive 1:1 coaching
    3. Femme Fatale Bootcamp - First session starts May 2023
    If you are on the fence or want more information, Martha is happy to set up a virtual coffee/wine meeting.

    You can find Martha Bodyfelt and Ready for Love at:
    Facecbook private group Empowered Dating for Women
    Great resources and free training

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    A Realistic Approach to Weight Loss

    A Realistic Approach to Weight Loss

    There is a whole lot out there in the media concerning weight loss.  Semaglutide, otherwise known as Ozempic, has been in the headlines as of late and not without controversy.  There are plenty of diets from which to choose and also body procedures, but how do you make heads or tails as to what would work best for you?

    Reality check.  You've tried and tried with little or no results.  Now what?  Is it time to consult a medical professional who specializes in weight loss?  Someone who can assess your total health picture and provide realistic guidance tailored to your specific challenges?

    Brittny Howell, MD is a board certified vascular surgeon, who made the jump to an evidence-based medical weight loss practice.  Her practical philosophy includes separating fact from fiction, where science is the soul behind her mission.  Brittny Howell has a multi-pronged approach that embraces the individual, creating a treatment plan that goes beyond a one-size-fits-all regimen.

    In this episode Dr. Howell and I discuss:
    Medical gaslighting and women's health care
    Dr. Howell's own fitness and health practice 
    - Sleep
    - Exercise
    - Social connection
    - Plant forward eating
    - Cutting out alcohol

    Semaglutide - Ozempic - mechanism of action and how it works in weight loss - there can be some muscle loss, but you typically lose muscle during any weight loss.  Protein is an important component to a weight loss plan.  Dr. Howell's patients work with a dietician.
    You should be getting weight loss medications from a regular pharmacy, not a compounding pharmacy.

    Her thoughts on detoxes and cleanses - a restrictive, temporary diet that won't yield long term results or any benefit for your liver or kidneys

    Body sculpting procedures - Emsculpt Neo is very effective, as it eliminates fat cells and stimulates muscle production.  Emtone may be more effective for cellulite.

    You can find Brittny Howell, MD at:
    Instagram @doctorbtittnymd
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/modernvascularct/
    Website coming soon for Morph Med Spa
    Practice address:
    63 Copps Hill Road, Suite 200, Ridgefield, CT, United States, Connecticut

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    Walking Through the Fire to Find Your Peace

    Walking Through the Fire to Find Your Peace

    When you choose a therapist or a coach, ones who have had their own struggles and hurdles provide a certain amount of comforting empathy that is relatable and very real.  Our guest on this episode walked through the fire to find what called her to be what she was meant to be.

    Building a coaching practice that is specifically focused on nurturing families and families who are in business together, Lisa Bosse made a life-changing pivot.  Her own family health challenges, navigating the waters of LGBTQ+ with a child, and failed marriages helped her find her passion and purpose in guiding others in creating stronger foundations for a better life. 

    Lisa Bosse is a family-focused executive coach specializing in conflict resolution to preserve the family bond while platforming her clients’ businesses for long-term success.  By teaching individuals how to identify and communicate their needs without judgment, the family can overcome the divisive behaviors that threaten the business, their workplace culture, their company’s bottom line, and home life.  Lisa is an Energy Leadership™ coach, trained in a seven-level framework that shifts mindsets and strengthens relationships.

    Where to  find Lisa Bosse Coaching and Communication:

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    The Enneagram and Self-discovery

    The Enneagram and Self-discovery

    There are many personality tests out there, and the one of which most are aware is Myers-Briggs.  It was published in 1962 and was considered the gold standard for many years, but it is really just a tool that analyzes behaviors.  The Enneagram, however, takes a deep-dive into one's personality and provides a course of true self-discovery.  The modern Enneagram, which has origins that go back hundreds of years, has enjoyed a resurgence in the last thirty years.

    Deni Tato was the ever-optimistic, middle child of eleven siblings.  She managed to escape the chaos of her sometimes tumultuous childhood through idealizations and finding the good in her everyday reality.  Leaving the house right after high school, Deni married young, divorced, and remarried.  After twenty-two years of running a very successful business, having beautiful children, and the handsome husband, she had, what she says, was the perfect made-up life.

    Hitting midlife Deni knew she was still looking for something to fill the void she felt.  Inadvertently, she discovered the Enneagram of Personality, and it spoke to her in a way that nothing had before.  She learned that her always-sunny perspective on life was really her way of shielding herself from pain.  Her own path to self-discovery became her side hustle and eventually the foundation for Deni's very successful career as an Enneagram coach and consultant to companies and individuals all over the country.  

    Corporate Consciousness helps organizations and individuals achieve higher levels of emotional intelligence and create collaborative, effective work environments by offering models that improve internal communications and reinvigorate company culture.

    In this episode Deni and I discuss:
    Everyone has a core type (1-9) that develops by the time we are 7 years-old.  Both nature and nurture are influencers in your type.
    Types are:
    1. The Reformer
    2. The Helper
    3. The Achiever
    4. The Individualist
    5. The Investigator
    6. The Loyalist
    7. The Enthusiast
    8. The Challenger
    9. The Peacemaker

    Your wing is the personality types on either side of your dominant type.  We also have two lines connecting us types that can be called our "super powers" or access points.

    Deni's goal is for clients to "take up" more real estate on the Enneagram chart, where you get a truer level of consciousness.  

    She recommends the iEQ9 for the most accurate data to find your true Enneagram type, and you will receive a 23 page report.  With Deni's service, for $300, you will also get a 90 minute debrief. 

    You an find Deni Tato at https://www.corpconsciousness.com/


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    Your Sleep Soulmate

    Your Sleep Soulmate

    The pillars of good health for midlife women are proper nutrition with plenty of protein and the correct ratio of carbs and fat, weightbearing and resistance exercise, stress management, social connections, and of course, sleep.  If you think about it, all of these are adversely affected by poor sleep.  Getting optimal sleep is really the building block of great health.  Can I get an amen?

    Morgan Adams became a double-certified holistic sleep coach after dealing with her own sleep struggles.  Two bouts of breast cancer, a dependence on sleeping pills, and the pandemic catapulted her on the path to a new career, when she knew she needed to share the many learnings in her own mission for a good night's sleep.  Morgan now helps women reclaim their rest and their health by leading them to a land of better, bountiful sleep, which is the cornerstone of whole-body health.

    In this episode Morgan Adams and I discuss:

    - Morgan's sleep struggles, the side effects of Ambien, and her decision to stop taking it
    - How her own experience was the catalyst to becoming a double-certified sleep coach
    - The effects of poor sleep on our health and relationships
    - Sleep affects the glymphatic system which influences:
    Brain health
    Heart health
    Mood and mental wellbeing
    Hormone regulation
    Fighting infection
    Injury prevention
    - There is a correlation between poor sleep and low concentration, mood, hunger, and long-term correlation to obesity and heart risk
    - Insomnia definition  acute - up to three months of disrupted sleep  chronic - more than three months
    - Sleep apnea is largely underreported in women and can be the cause for disrupted sleep
    - Sleep tips to fall back to sleep: 4:7:8 breathing - Breathe in count of 4, hold breath for count of 7, and breathe out for a count of 8
      Get out of bed and go to another room in dim light to read, knit, or do an adult coloring book.  No cell phones!
    - Blue light blockers are effective for evening screentime - be sure to get them from a reputable company
    - Sleep trackers are useful to look at your sleep trends - probably about 60% accurate, but the Oura ring has pretty accurate algorithms
    - Average sleep ratios -  Deep 15-20%  Light 60%  REM 20-25%
    - Daytime napping - try to keep to no more than 30 minutes
    - Supplements and sleep-aides
    Melatonin - not a lot of data and lots of variability in amount of melatonin - go for products with the USP label - you can get a hormone level to see how much melatonin you are making
    CBD levels are variable from product to product but may be helpful for some people
    GABA is a good relaxant
    L-theanine can help  with stress and sleep quality
    Valarian root may work  for some people
    Other sleep tips: Get early morning sunlight (light must safely and indirectly hit the back of the retina), as this is our biggest regulator of our circadian rhythm - exercise earlier in the day - cut caffeine intake early (caffeine curfew) - if you must consume alcohol, make it early (happy hour) and at least 3 hours before bed
    CBTI - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia

    Morgan Adams does 1:1 sleep coaching - 6 sessions
    She offers a free  consultation
    You can find Morgan at:
    Instagram  https://www.instagram.com/morganadams.wellness/

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    It's Never Too Late

    It's Never Too Late

    What does the phrase, "It's never too late," mean to you?   I like to think that for me, it means that I am never too old to be whom I've always wanted to be or live a life that I love.  Our guest on this episode decided in her early sixties it was time to change up her health and her mindset.  The first step was to find a coach and then kick her Chardonnay and Thai food habit.

    Tired of living a life of being invisible, Susan Guidi began a physical transformation that was astounding, but not just due to her more than fifty pound weight loss, but also how finding courage and self love and putting herself first, opened up a whole new world of opportunity, joy, and confidence.  

    You are just going to love Susan's life journey, energy, and sense of humor.  She is a 66 year-old digital creator, comedian, business owner, body builder, and motivational speaker, who wants to be an example of what is possible for women at any age!

    In this episode Susan Guidi and I discuss:

    - Susan's childhood and how this formed her attitude and confidence in adulthood
    - Her marriage and having the courage to walk away
    - The beginning of her comedy career and how humor helped her deal with the pain of her childhood
    - How her career in research propelled Susan to becoming an entrepreneur
    - Her son's trip to Haiti was the catalyst for Susan's desire to get in shape and take better care of herself
    - The importance of Wonder Woman in Susan's life journey
    - How Train with Joan (Joan McDonald) transformed her body and mindset

    You can find Susan Guidi at:

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    Pivot on Purpose

    Pivot on Purpose

    Do you ever have a sense of untapped potential and purpose as you've hit the second half of life?  Have you asked yourself what you can offer the world?  This week's podcast guest has created a resource to help you get the clarity and confidence that you need to pivot to a life reimagined, informed by meaning and inner trust instead of external validation and hustle.   

    Career and life pivot coach, Anne Pillsbury, calls it pivot paralysis, and how it relates to perfectionism, people pleasing, and priorities.  Those three things are signs that your inner critic is keeping you stuck.  She believes that the first step to taking the leap towards your next chapter is to get a clear definition of what you want it to look like.  How does she know this?  Because she, too, followed the expected path and rang the bells of achievement and success, but was feeling dissatisfied with the status quo.

    In this episode Anne and I discuss:
    - Why she became a coach and stopped hustling for external validation
    - How she took an 8 week internship at the age of forty-five to land a permanent position at her dream company
    - The 10 clues to clarify your pivot on purpose
    - Pivots are not always career changes, it can be a creative project, self-care routine or relationship shift
    - The Meant for More Program starts with three steps: 
    1. Reclamation
    2. Release
    3. Rise

    The Bloom Retreat will be Sunday, March 26, 2023  9:00 AM - 3:00 PM  Please website below for more details

    Anne Pillsbury does a live program bi-weekly on Facebook and Linked-In

    Where to find Anne:

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    An Olympian Talks Cannabis

    An Olympian Talks Cannabis

    Once again a podcast guest proves that many of us find our real passion and purpose in midlife.  Sometimes it is very intentional, and other times, life experiences propel us onto a path that was meant to be.

    The impressive accomplishments of Joanna Zeiger are too numerous to mention, but it wasn't until a horrific biking accident that she discovered her true calling.  You won't want to miss this episode where I speak to an Olympian, champion triathlete, PhD in genetic epidemiology, author, and cannabis researcher.  And yes, this is all the same person!

    In this episode Joanna Zeiger and I discuss:

    Joanna has a BA in Psychology from Brown University
    MS in Genetic Counseling from Northwestern University
    PhD in Genetic Epidemiology from Johns Hopkins University

    Zeiger competed at the first Olympic triathlon at the 2000 Summer Olympics where she placed fourth and then went on to place fifth in the Ironman World Championship.  She is the first athlete to do both in the same year.  She also won the Ironman 70.3 World Championship in 2008.  Her athletic career ended after a horrific biking accident in 2009.

    What we know about cannabis:

    • The gateway drug (cannabis) theory has been disproven, however adolescents should not be given cannabis because of the affects on the developing brain.  Children can be given CBD, which is often used for seizure disorders.
    • Micro-dosing for pain during the day can help people function and work with a clearer mind.
    • There are much higher levels of THC in cannabis today than there were back in our high school and college days.
    • Cannabis is still illegal federally, so there is not much research being done, as licenses to do so are hard to get.  CBD studies are much easier to do, because hemp is legal.
    • We have an endocannabinoid system in our bodies.  We make cannabinoids that bind to receptors CB1 and CB2.  When taking exogenous cannabinoids, THC binds much better to the receptors than CBD.
    • Full spectrum CBD will contain some THC (whole plant CBD), whereas broad spectrum CBD has no THC.
    • CBD is not regulated like THC products and lacks testing and labeling guidelines.  There is a lot of variability in the market.  Try to find products that are labeled as lab tested.
    • Cannabis hyperemesis - stomach pain and nausea, which can be alleviated with a hot shower.
    • Canna Research Foundation is looking to do a study on cannabis-induced psychosis, rheumatoid arthritis, athletics, and cannabis allergy.  

    Canna Research Foundation is non-profit organization.  They are a consortium of researchers and medical professionals who have an interest in understanding how cannabis can be used for a variety of demographic groups and medical conditions in an effort to improve patient treatment for symptom reduction and improved well-being.  They conduct independent research, collaborate with universities, and work with product manufacturers.  Their mission is to execute high quality research in an effort to provide evidence based education to patients, medical providers, and the industry.  http://cannaresearchfoundation.org/

    Joanna Zeiger's book The Champion Mindset: An Athlete’s Guide to Mental Toughness

    Race Day Coaching:

    Joanna Zeiger's email:

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    Different After You

    Different After You

    Loss can come in many forms.  It can be a beloved career, a pet, the unfathomable loss of a child, or perhaps a marriage or life partner.  The grief and trauma that can follow such life events can be daunting.  Sometimes awful things happen to us, and we somehow gather up the courage to handle whatever life puts in our way, but how we get there is different for everyone.

    When you are ready to heal from the grief, the important thing is to recognize that you not only choose growth but embrace the new you that came out on the other side of the trauma.  Michele Neff Hernandez did just that, and she now shares with other widowed people her innovative grief support through Soaring Spirits International, a nonprofit providing research-based programs and a community of peers for anyone who has experienced the death of a spouse or partner.

    Michele Neff Hernandez is the author of the book Different After You : Rediscovering Yourself and Healing After Grief or Trauma, nonprofit leader, compelling speaker, and a 2021 CNN Hero.  Her story is one of grit, determination, and self-discovery.  Under Michele's leadership, Soaring Spirits has grown from a dream on a napkin to a global nonprofit serving over four million people to date.

    In this episode Michele and I discuss:

    Grieving what you lost
    Inventory what you have
    Deciding what you want to build next
    Allowing yourself to be changed by trauma

    Michele is currently working on a book on self-love.  The love of self is the first piece to healing.

    Camp Widow is part of Soaring Spirits International.  There will be a PBS special about Camp Widow in November of 2023.

    If you would like to request a Newly Widowed packet for you or someone else, it will provide an orientation to all Soaring Spirits' programs.  (Requests for someone  other than yourself, will be sent to the requester.)

    Soaring Spirits International

    Michele Neff Hernandez

    Different After You : Rediscovering Yourself and Healing After Grief or Trauma is available at most booksellers.

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    Reiki, Hypnosis, and Past Life Regression Therapy

    Reiki, Hypnosis, and Past Life Regression Therapy

    Have you been curious about the practice of Reiki?  I was, so I went on a search to find someone who was an expert on the subject.  How excited was I to find a Reiki Master, who is also a clinical hypnotist and regression therapist.  Jackpot!

    Laura Giurdanella is a Mindset Coach and Holistic Wellness Practitioner.  When her own journey inward began, it brought to the surface the many layers of issues that years of a poor self-image had created, and it brought deep insight into what her true purpose in life was meant to be.  It was on this path that Laura realized it was her mission to become a Mindset Coach.  She discovered things about herself that she didn’t even know existed.  Laura was finally able to connect with her inner-self and find true joy!

    In this episode Laura Giurdanella and I discuss:

    Reiki stands for "universal life force change", where it clears the negative energies or blockages that have developed.  These can manifest into the physical.  

    There are seven main energy centers.  Interestingly, women suffer the most in the heart center.

    Everyone has the ability to channel energy through Reiki.  The Reiki master is not seen as a healer, because the body as the ability to heal itself.

    The goal is change, and is much like a guided meditation.  The person at any time can open their eyes but most do not, because they are so relaxed.  Laura recommends at least four sessions to help you deal with core issues. 

    Hypnosis can help with:
    Smoking and other addictions
    Anxiety and stress
    Phobias and fears
    Weightloss and athletic mental performance

    This practice dives into the the journey of the soul, going into the realm of where the soul has been.  Many times unresolved issues or trauma haven't been properly closed.  You don't relive the trauma in therapy, but you see it.

    You go into the regression through a process that looks like hypnosis.  Laura records sessions and questions are asked during the process in active conversation.  We do travel in soul circles, and people will seem familiar to us.

    The first step to any therapy and healing is self-love.  

    Laura Giurdanella is working on self-love oracle cards, and she will inform me when they are ready for purchase.  She is also writing a book.

    Contact Laura at:
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/revival_healthandlifecoaching/
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063735961665

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    The Menopause Diet Plan

    The Menopause Diet Plan

    Organic chemistry lab partners, Hillary and Liz, had an immediate connection when they met at UMass Amherst, and what ensued is a forty year friendship that has withstood marriages, the birth of children, and busy careers.  So what do two dieticians do to spice up things up in midlife?  The funny and engaging duo writes a book and start broadcasting their health and wellness conversations from Hillary's kitchen on social media. 

    Co-authors, and long-time friends, Hillary Wright and Liz Ward, lay out a common sense eating plan that is not only effective but realistic.  The Menopause Diet Plan -  A Natural Guide to Managing Hormones, Health, and Happiness encourages a positive, fad-free approach to managing your physical and emotional health during perimenopause and menopause.  Their book highlights current scientific knowledge about the best diet and lifestyle choices to manage your weight, keep your heart, brain, and bones healthy, and decrease the risk for cancer and other chronic conditions.  It also offers natural strategies to help diminish hot flashes, manage sleep difficulties and mood swings, improve energy, and more.

    Is it really a diet or a research-based lifestyle once we hit midlife?

    In this episode Hillary, Liz and I discuss:

    Intermittent Fasting - do what is sustainable - 8/16 would require you to get all your calories within an 8 hour window and fasting for 16 hours.
    There is evidence that 10-12 hours of fasting can be beneficial. 
    Tip: Don't eat after dinner.  Dial-back on your food at dinner and spread your calories more evenly throughout the day to prevent evening binge eating.  Getting protein at every meal is key.

    Hillary and Liz are not fans of Keto.

    Alcohol - Research shows that women are drinking more post-Covid.  Recommend not drinking at all several days per week and limiting intake to one drink.  There is evidence that there is an increased risk of cancer with alcohol consumption.
    - shot and a half of liquor
    - 5 ozs. of wine
    -12 ozs. beer (not a higher alcohol craft beer)

    Macros and recommended percent of your diet - Protein 25-30%, Fat 20-25%, and Carbohydrates 40-45%

    Protein - We need more protein in midlife, not just for muscle but for bone health as well.  1.2 - 1.6 grams of protein/kg of weight.  Spread your protein out throughout the day.

    Prebiotics can be obtained through high fiber foods.  Examples: Asparagus, onions, and garlic.  Some foods rich in probiotics are yogurt, kefir, and kombucha.

    Calcium - Recommended 1200 mg/day with 15 mcg or 600 IU of vitamin D
    Magnesium is also important for bone health, as is exercise (resistance and weight training).

    What is in Hillary and Liz's shopping cart every week?
    Lots of fruits, veggies and leafy greens
    Beans and hummus
    Milk, cheese, eggs, and yogurt
    Chicken, salmon, shrimp, canned tuna
    Tea and coffee
    Dark chocolate and 80 calorie ice cream cones for Trader Joes :)

    You can find Hillary Wright and Liz Ward at:

    The Menopause Diet Plan - A Natural Guide to Managing Hormones, Health, and Happiness is available at booksellers.  

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    Failing Forward

    Failing Forward

    In the very first episode of the Asking for a Friend Podcast, I speak of listening to podcasts for the first.  I had lost my job, it was during the pandemic, and I was walking A LOT!  The podcast that drew me in was called Failing Forward.  The guests all have had some measure of failure or a life misstep that provided them a pivotal moment.  The question is, are they truly failures or stepping stones that propel us to success?  It gave me pause to hear their stories and provided clarity to examine what was missing in my own life.  One of the messages I kept hearing was, "Be true to yourself."  

    By being true to myself, I realized that I needed a creative outlet, which was the genesis of starting this podcast.  I consulted with the host of the Failing Forward Podcast as I was devising my plan, and I am so appreciative of her support and encouragement.  It is important, as women, that we lift each other up and applaud life's accomplishments.  That is one of the missions of this podcast, and it is with great pleasure that I introduce to you, the very engaging and inquisitive, Sarah Brown.
    Instagram @failforwardpod

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    Anti-aging Medicine and Stem Cell Therapy

    Anti-aging Medicine and Stem Cell Therapy

    The field of regenerative medicine has made great strides, in recent years, to become established as credible and effective treatment for joint and spine degeneration.  While stem cell research has been controversial in the past, the FDA regulates its use, and the process is quite safe.  So why is Europe is so far ahead of the US in embracing the benefits of this technology?

    Neurosurgeon, Jeffrey Gross, wanted to explore the area of regenerative medicine, so he went back to get the training needed to be able to treat patients in his medical practice.  His passion and enthusiasm is palpable, as he and his colleagues know the value in giving the body what it needs to heal itself.  The world of regenerative and anti-aging medicine is fascinating, and it holds much promise in the prevention and halting the progression of disease.  

    In the episode Dr. Gross and I discuss:

    • Perinatal sources for stem cells - placenta, the umbilical cord and the amniotic fluid from pre-screened, new mothers - labs are FDA certified and regulated
    • Our own stems cells are not optimal as we age
    • European knee study results - knees and hips are the "low hanging fruit"
    • Spine treatment is refined to address the specific area of pain
    • Importance of muscle mass and bone density - protein intake and weight-bearing exercise
    • Hormone replacement therapy to activate the body's DNA
    • Why the FDA has not approved stem cell therapy but still regulates it 
    • PRP (platelet-rich plasma), stem cells, and exosomes for anti-aging - exosomes have been used to treat heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's

    Jeffrey Gross, MD has graciously offered a complimentary 15 minute consultation for Asking for a Friend listeners.
    You can reach his office at: (844)4recell
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/recellebrate/
    Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/recellebrate

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    Thrive Post Divorce

    Thrive Post Divorce

    January has been dubbed Divorce Month, likely because couples wait until after the holiday to initiate filing.  If you have been through a divorce or someone close to you is struggling with this life-changing experience, please listen to this episode.  There is coaching out there to help you reevaluate and rethink how you are going to recover and get your life back.

    Peg Ruppert has spent the bulk of her career as a very successful executive coach.  As she was dealing with her own traumatic divorce, after infidelity on the part of her spouse, she realized that she needed to apply, what she was teaching her clients, to her own life.  This has led her to her new passion, which is to guide women to rediscover their confidence and reclaim life post-divorce.  Her coaching platform, Thrive Post Divorce, is available to anyone who is ready to move forward and look toward their future.

    In this episode Peg Ruppert and I discuss:
    - Peg's divorce journey
    - The grief process and deciding when it is time to move forward
    - When children are involved - what you shouldn't do
    - The work that needs to be done before you start dating

    - Five Modules to moving forward
    1. Discovering Your Strengths
    2. Activating Your Core Values
    3. Habits and Habit-Stacking
    4. What is Your "Why"?
    5. The Windshield of Life - Looking Toward Your Future

    She is also working on modules for dating , navigating dating apps and re-entering the workforce.

    How to find Peg Ruppert and Thrive Post Divorce
    Peg also has a private Facebook page for members

    Asking for a Friend listeners will only pay $39.00 for the Thrive Post Divorce program with the discount code AFAF!

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    You Are Not Invisible

    You Are Not Invisible

    When you put a survey out to midlife women, and many respondents indicate that they feel "invisible", what do you do with that information?  Well, Kwavi decided it was time to help other women navigate the complex, over-fifty path to create a future more exciting than their past.  She created a community of like-minded women, where each can grow in her own unique way, in a safe, non-judgmental place.

    You can just feel the positive vibes and energy in this interview!  Kwavi reminds us all that it is never too late to step into our light and design a life that we have never thought impossible.  She is on a mission to coach women to get unstuck from the rut that keeps them from making the most of their midlife years.

    In this episode Kwavi and I discuss:

    - Her journey from the UK to Nigeria then to Boston and Atlanta
    - Invisible Woman Syndrome
    - Her ah-ha moments coaching other women
    - How life coaching has impacted her own personal journey
    - Coaching success stories
    - The mistakes women make in midlife
    1. Believing it is too late
    2. Ignoring our Superpowers
    3. Saying "I don't know" when it comes to what we want
    - Imposter Syndrome

    Kwavi's book 50 Questions to Ask When You Reach 50


    Tik Tok

    Flourish Community

    For more info you can email Kwavi at:

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    Finding Your Gentle Warrior

    Finding Your Gentle Warrior

    When you decide to write a book in your fifties, no one prepares you to be named as best motivational read of the new year, by a best-selling author on the Today Show.  That is what happened to our podcast guest, Andrea DeWitt!  Her book, Name Claim & Reframe, is more than a self-help book.  It is really an expression of her very relatable journey to calming her own inner critic and limiting beliefs to help others access their power and potential in ultimately finding their truth,

    Known for her infectious energy, Andrea Mein DeWitt is an author, speaker, and life coach.  Her career path is proof that it is never too late to transition, modify, revise, and rewrite your life story!  It takes courage to live your truth, and part of living an authentic life is stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing your Gentle Warrior.  

    In the episode Andrea and I discuss:

    - Why she decided to leave her long career in academia to become a life coach and write a book
    - The foundation of Name Claim and Reframe
    - Reacting or responding to situations - Balancing your response by being aware of feminine and masculine traits
    - Defining your core values
    -Who is the Gentle Warrior?

    Andrea is going to have a pilot Name Claim Reframe small group coaching program in February.  Interested participants should reach out to Andrea directly.

    How to find Andrea DeWitt:
    Instagram - @andreadewittcoaching

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