
    At a Total Loss

    Real talk with Loss Moms about stillbirth, grief, happiness, and all things that leave you at a total loss for words.
    enKatherine Lazar82 Episodes

    Episodes (82)

    Stillbirth Prevention & Advocacy

    Stillbirth Prevention & Advocacy

    Amanda from Episode 12 is back! She talks about her recent efforts in DC to create awareness around stillbirth prevention and making moves to stop it. With the organization, Measure the Placenta, she hopes to help make some change in our prenatal healthcare in the US.  She is a wealth of knowledge on this subject and you will learn so much listening to her. This is for anyone that needs light shed on this subject to help others understand what stillbirth actually is and how we can try to stop it from happening in the future...

    Here are some great links that we discussed:

    Find Amanda's post about DC here! @orangeafmama 

    Measure The Placenta info 

    Info on the Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act

    Info on Measure the Placenta: @measuretheplacenta 

    Dr Kliman information

    This is a petition to let your members of Congress know why their continued support for both the Stillbirth Health Improvement and Education for Autumn Act (H.R. 5012/S. 2647) and the Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act (H.R. 4581/S. 2231) is crucial to each bills success AND to urge those, who have not supported them in the past, to do so. Link Here: PETITION

    Placenta Pathology Findings

    Surrogate Loss Mom

    Surrogate Loss Mom

    Camila is a surrogate Loss Mom who experienced a full term stillbirth. In this episode we discuss her experiences with her surrogacy, the weight it put on her and her family and the preventable death of the baby that she was carrying. We talk about how her grief manifested, her relationship with the biological parents, and her calling to join advocacy and prevention efforts with PUSH for Empowered Pregnancy. As the Director of Communications, she has recently finished her time in DC advocating for changes in legislation to help put a stop to preventable stillbirth. 


    This is a very specific topic within an already very rare category. Please share this if you know someone who has had a similar experience as Camila.


    Find Camila on IG: @surrogacy_loss_mama 

    To get involved: Pushpregnancy.org 

    Preventative measures: Countthekicks.org 



    I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own.  I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another drops!

     Instagram  @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


    Some helpful resources:




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    Follow me on Social Media:

    Instagram and Facebook: @thekatherinelazar

    Andrea + Terra

    Andrea + Terra

    Andrea is the mother of 6 children. Her 5th baby, her beautiful daughter, Terra, died at 38 weeks in July of 2021. Terra's two vessel cord has not been to blame but Andrea wonders why there isn't more research on this. We discuss Andrea's experiences with loss & grief.  She has since had another daughter after Terra and is coming up for air getting the help she needs. We talk very openly about the aftermath of death, the panic attacks, the fears, the inability to function and getting medications to assist with coping after your world comes crashing down. Death keeps going after you leave the hospital without your baby and we shed light in this very dark space....We also laugh a lot in this episode. This is how we roll now! :)


    To shop Andrea's store, go to her IG @thegriefcloset

    Her personal page is @grievinglikeamother and she'd love to hear from you.



    I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own.  I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another video drops!

     Instagram https: @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


    Some helpful resources:






    Local to Atlanta:



    Follow me on Social Media:

    Instagram and Facebook: @thekatherinelazar



    Audience Questions

    Audience Questions

    Y'all asked and I'm answering! I polled my IG audience to see what topics you wanted me to address.  So it's just lil ole me on the mic giving you my perspective. Please note that I am not a professional, I'm just a loss mom who has had A LOT of conversations with professionals and other moms. Here to help!

    What I talk about:

    • The months after the trenches
    • Trying to Conceive and seeing Negative tests
    • Pregnancy after loss and connecting with the baby
    • What was it like to hold the new baby after loss
    • Fear of loss
    • Guilt 
    • Fear of other's judgment
    • Triggers Triggers Triggers
    • Age as a factor in pregnancy
    • and so much more.

    Make sure to message me after and let me know what you think! I will be taking more questions next month to do this again!

    Follow me on Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Facebook @thekatherinelazar

    Website: katherinelazar.com

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar


    Some helpful resources:






    Local to Atlanta:


    Kids Grief Support

    Kids Grief Support

    Jessica Correnti has been a Certified Child Life Specialist for 15+ years. Jessica's daughter, Maggie, was stillborn at 22 weeks nearly 7 years. She is the author of Forever Connected, a children’s book for bereaved siblings, and The ABCs of Grief, which will be released in Fall 2023. Jessica is the founder and owner of Kids Grief Support, a private practice that provides virtual and in-person sessions to grieving children and families across the globe through play, therapeutic activities, and emotional support.

    We discuss so many things pertaining to parenting before stillbirth and after it. How children process it is explained and how we can navigate the conversations is broken down and simplified. Jessica, being a loss momma herself, provides invaluable insight on parenting after loss and opening the conversation about death and grief with young children.

    We discuss:

    • Talking very factually to children about death
    • Looking for their grief coming out in behaviors
    • Kids using their imagination regarding their dead sibling
    • How kids process as they get older and how it changes
    • Outsiders opinions regarding your parenting a dead child decisions
    • Breaking the stigma in society about loss and grief
    • Simple ways to start the conversation about death
    • Creating something as the parent of a dead child.
    • IT gets SO good at the end...so much we cover!

    Her IG handle: @kidsgriefsupport

    Her book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/44ICNa3

    Here is Forever Connected: https://amzn.to/44ICNa3

    Her book recs: https://www.amazon.com/shop/kidsgriefsupport/list/2RRQI076UAM8R?ref_=aipsflist_aipsfkidsgriefsupport




    I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own.  I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my real experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone.

     Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another drops!

     Instagram https: @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


    Some helpful resources:






    Local to Atlanta:



    Follow me on Social Media:

    Instagram and Facebook: @thekatherinelazar


    Maria + Rylen

    Maria + Rylen

    Maria lost her first son Rylen James Laxer on October 12, 2022 due to an umbilical cord accident. Maria was 39 weeks pregnant & her world was completely shattered.  She is doing the work in order to pick up the pieces. 

    The day Maria came home from the hospital without Rylen, she put on a bracelet with his name & felt instantly more connected with him. From that moment on, she designed jewelry that reminded her of her son & started @shoprylenjames to provide the same feeling to other mamas throughout the world.  The shop is beautiful and helps so many mommas with broken hearts. Show your support and purchase some jewelry for yourself of a bereaved momma like Maria.

    Maria and I connected right after Rylen's stillbirth. She wanted some insight on how to navigate this. So, seeing how far she has come in her grief makes me truly proud of these incredible mommas whose hearts are so big even though they are completely broken. 

    You will hear two instagram friends chatting about all things life after loss. What we talk about:

    • Different Phases of loss
    • Trying to conceive after loss
    • Relationships and how they change
    • Passing the torch to others after us
    • Connecting with loss mommas and how it helps
    • Cutting people off
    • Creating purpose from your pain
    • Her cute little jewelry shop in honor of Rylen
    • "Choosing" to be happy
    • Putting in the work to making life worth living again
    • And so much more!

    Shop! @shoprylenjames

    Connect with Maria on IG: @mimosaswithmaria


    I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own.  I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another video drops!

     Instagram https: @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


    Some helpful resources:






    Local to Atlanta:



    Follow me on Social Media:

    Instagram and Facebook: @thekatherinelazar

    Holly + Harry

    Holly + Harry

    Holly is a mother of 4 children: her 3  girls and her son Harry, who was born still on January 31, 2023. Holly is unapologetically navigating this loss life how she wants to just 8 months after his death. She has put in the work to make the best of the new life she is stuck with now, one where she can be happy and honor her son. She is a ball of positive energy, and I think it radiates through the episode. She is a working mom, new dog mom, Reality TV aficionado and self proclaimed "Culturista". While navigating life after loss, She has learned how to live in the now, enjoy the moments and still have her son close to her heart.

    For those that are looking for a sign to make the best out of this nightmare, this is it.

    What we talk about:

    • Doing the work it takes to get on a healing path.
    • Being HBIC (Head Bitch in Charge)
    • Navigating relationships after loss
    • How we have to choose to be happy (as cliche as that is)
    • Changing the way our brains work through therapy
    • Light at the end of the tunnel
    • Still being ourselves
    • Different phases of grief and life after loss
    • And so much more!


    Follow Holly on her Personal IG: Hollygirl8

    And Harry's page at Harry’s “Diary” IG: harrys_h0use



    I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own.  I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!


    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another drops!


    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


    Some helpful resources:






    Local to Atlanta:



    Follow me on Social Media:

    Instagram and Facebook: @thekatherinelazar

    Kelly + Owen

    Kelly + Owen

    Kelly is a mom to 2 living children and her son Owen, who died in January 2021 at 38 weeks after a placental abruption. To honor Owen, Kelly created #OwensLight to share his story and support her initiative to create and donate birthday cake kits to celebrate his birthday. The support group, SHARE has been instrumental in her grief journey and pregnancy after loss. She is currently working with other parents in her community to plan a walk during Pregnancy And Infant Loss (PAIL) Awareness month. 

    Kelly talks about her traumatic birth, her grief with living children, and how she has continued to parent Owen from earth.

    If you'd like to reach out to her, find her on instagram @Morankn11

    Her walk in Naperville, IL linked here: https://eehealth.ejoinme.org/2023ShareWalk



    I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own.  I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another video drops!

     Instagram https: @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


    Some helpful resources:






    Local to Atlanta:


    Sarah + Jasmine

    Sarah + Jasmine

    Sarah is behind the rainbow skirt that you may have seen on social media, Project Finding Your Rainbow. She is a mother to three living children and a daughter, Jasmine, who died before she was born in 2018. This skirt has been worn by almost 300 loss mommas to celebrate their rainbow babies. The community she has created has helped so many.

    We also touch on the subject of gender disappointment and the challenges of pregnancy after loss. Sarah had a tough battle with infertility and hopes to shed light on this topic, something we discuss as well.

    Sarah now works to help other loss parents through her Journey for Jasmine pages, Project Finding Your Rainbow, and the Finding Hope After Loss Podcast.


    Where you can find her:







    I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own.  I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another video drops!

     Instagram : @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


    Some helpful resources:






    Local to Atlanta:



    Follow me on Social Media:

    Instagram and Facebook: @thekatherinelazar

    Alissa + Anna

    Alissa + Anna

    Alissa lost her first daughter, Anna, in 2018 to a placental abruption that almost took her life too. She talks about her experiences not only losing her daughter but also almost losing her own life. The changes that happened after and the magnitude of the experiences have shaped her in every way.


    We discuss:

    • Parenting after loss
    • Kind nurses that are angels
    • The impact of our experiences on our partners
    • Almost losing your own life after stillbirth
    • The death of your baby and what that looks like through the years
    • Having a NICU rainbow baby
    • Keeping sense of humor
    • Finding light after loss

    You can follow her at @lissables on instagram, as well as @a.missing.stitch where she honors the names of those missing from our families.


    I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own.  I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!


    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!


     Instagram https: @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


    Some helpful resources:






    Local to Atlanta:


    Charmell + Harper

    Charmell + Harper

    Charmell is an IVF Warrior whose first child, Harper, died and was stillborn just a few months ago. I found Charmell's the way she speaks of her loss and copes inspiring. She loves to use her life and faith to motivate women all over the world with what she called Moments with Mell. Moments with Mell is just a transparent, sneak peak into her everyday life with hopes of encouraging others. Charmell and her Husband, Martin, have also created the Harper Grace Foundation to award scholarships to deserving girls of color; that is how they parent Harper.


    She has also created a way to help others daily. If you’re looking for empowerment and encouragement, checkout her book entitled “I Am: A 30 Day Guide for Devine Empowerment” . Available on Amazon.


    Connect with Charmell on her Socials:

    IG: moments_with_mell.p

    FB: Moments with Mell P

    TikTok: @iammellp



    I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own.  I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another video drops!

     Instagram https: @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


    Some helpful resources:






    Local to Atlanta:



    Follow me on Social Media:

    Instagram and Facebook: @thekatherinelazar


    Nicole + Cameron

    Nicole + Cameron

    Nicole is the momma of two. A 3 year old son on Earth and her daughter, Cameron, in heaven. An unrecognized virus spread throughout older son’s daycare class a week prior to Cameron’s birth. She was born via C-section at 35+2 but was not showing signs of sickness. Cameron was admitted to NICU for monitoring. She lived for 29 days and passed from Enterovirus.

    Nicole and her husband have started "Planting Memories", memorial tree planting, small business, for those people grieving the loss of a loved one by planting a tree in their honor.

    Nicole is a the definition of badass loss momma, and you can hear in her voice how much she loves her babies. Her spirit, energy and grief vibe I dig very much and I hope you can feel it radiate through wherever you are listening. It's mommas like this that keep me going and I hope she can provide some insight on how to navigate this horrible loss life.


    Find her on IG https://www.instagram.com/nikuhns614/


    Support her small business: https://plantingmemoriesnc.com/




    I am not a doctor or a therapist. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real life, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone.


    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another drops!

     Instagram https: @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


    Some helpful resources:






    Local to Atlanta:



    Follow me on Social Media:

    Instagram and Facebook: @thekatherinelazar

    Emily + Oliver

    Emily + Oliver

    Emily's first and only child Oliver died and was stillborn just 6 months ago at the time of this recording. The cause is still unknown. While she finds peace in not knowing, she does want to investigate further as she hopefully navigates pregnancy after loss in the near future.

    Emily talks about what happened, the casualness of her care, knowing now what we didn't know then, and how she is prepping to try to have a living child someday.

    She has a blog and Instagram @plannedandplanted that has helped her during her grief. She has been open with her followers about Oliver and her journey and has found that they have been receptive. She had to let her fear of being open about her grief journey go. Those that don't like it can unfollow. This unapologetic way of doing it works for her and I'm here for it!

    Her perspective is one that I feel is simplified in a way that could help others when they are trying to navigate the early months after stillbirth.

    Find her at @plannedandplanted and feel free to reach out!



    I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own.  I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another video drops!

     Instagram https: @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


    Some helpful resources:






    Local to Atlanta:



    Follow me on Social Media:

    Instagram and Facebook: @thekatherinelazar

    Baby Weight & Body Image After Loss

    Baby Weight & Body Image After Loss

    Kelsey, Patrick's Momma from Episode 2, is back to discuss a topic that is near and dear to both of us: Baby weight and body image after loss. This is a taboo subject where so many feel like, after the stillbirth of their baby, they aren't allowed to be uncomfortable in their skin, to see someone different in the mirror, to have more weight and no baby. But we're here to smash the stigma that it's superficial or unimportant. It's part of OUR journey so we hope it can help those that struggle with this.

    We are still mothers. Mothers who struggle with this. Just like those with living babies. It's time we normalize it!

    Kelsey is a former gymnast and has been hyper focused on her physique her entire life. Me as a pro dancer and fitness professional, has also focused and pretty much identified with my body looking a certain way for success.  We unpack all the things we have felt before, during and after pregnancy. It's uncomfortable, it's sad, there are regrets, and things we wish we could do over, but it's real and if it is reality for us, it probably is for you too.

    Listen to us discuss it ALL.


    Find Kelsey on IG at @Kelsey.Heslin

    And ME! at @thekatherinelazar

    Fitness reference: @loved_momma_fitness


    I am not a doctor or a therapist. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. Not all of my guests opinions reflect my own. Do your own research and always make your own informed decisions. This is my real life, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone.


     Instagram https: @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


    Some helpful resources:






    Local to Atlanta:



    Follow me on Social Media:

    Instagram and Facebook: @thekatherinelazar

    Amy + Carter

    Amy + Carter

    Amy and I connected on Instagram shortly after her first and only child, Carter, was stillborn in July 2022. She is a total grief vibe as she still laughs, experiences joy and deals with her grief and coping in a way that is her own. Never receiving answers as to what happened to Carter, she has entered into pregnancy after loss. She has decided to relinquish control in some way and trust that things will work out.

    We talk about

    • Her story
    • Grief after stillbirth
    • Getting answers
    • Her grief vibe
    • Ok to laugh and experience life again
    • Denying the autopsy
    • Respecting partners' wishes
    • Her doctors being on top of this new pregnancy
    • Having a looming feeling but not with her rainbow
    • How the techs handle ultrasounds/not reading charts
    • Sharing information about our experiences and having people not think it could happen to them
    • Drinking during pregnancy
    • Believing that this could actually happen and we end up with a living baby
    • Deciding that it's ok to not be ok, BUT it's also ok to be ok.
    • Getting up from the ground and not going back down.
    • Digging ourselves out of the trenches
    • And so much more...


    Hit up Amy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amyycampisi/



    I am not a doctor or a therapist. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real life, and I'm putting it out there to help you feel less alone. Not all views or opinions of my guests are my own. Always do your own research and make your own informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe 

    Follow me on Instagram https: @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


    Some helpful resources:






    Local to Atlanta:



    Follow me on Social Media:

    Instagram and Facebook: @thekatherinelazar

    Nikki + Skylar

    Nikki + Skylar

    This episode is incredible. Nikki talks to me about her beautiful baby Skye who died from a severe and rare disorder called Meckel-Gruber Syndrome. It is only passed to the baby if both parents are carriers. Upon hearing this news, Nikky and her husband decided not to have biological children moving forward, as the chances are high that it will happen again. Nikky talks about her journey through her pregnancy, all of the fear and heartbreak but also the love and beauty for her daughter that was so strong. She discusses their decisions after Skye's death and what that means for them moving forward as foster parents to children needing love and support.


    Nikki also discusses her relationship with God and how to redefine what it means when we hear "God is good" The last 30 minutes of this episode are everything if you are searching to strengthen your relationship with your faith after loss. She puts it so simply and so eloquently, you have got to listen to it.


    To message Nikki, find her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nikki.hawk/

    The Book we Discussed: A Grace Disguised


    **NOTE: this is always an open platform from the viewpoint of the guest and does not always reflect my beliefs. As always do your own research & use your own judgement on what's best for you. I am not a doctor or a therapist. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real life, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. ***

    For more REAL TALK about pregnancy loss, stillbirth and grief, hit follow!


    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Facebook: @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com



    Dr Heather Florescue, OBGYN

    Dr Heather Florescue, OBGYN

    Dr Heather Florescue is an OBGYN in Rochester, NY and works at Women’s Gynecology and Childbirth Associates. Her passion is caring for families who experience pregnancy loss and stillbirth awareness and prevention.

    Dr Florescue is championing for major change in the prevention of stillbirth and she alone seems to be the only one in her field. I am hopeful after hearing her speak, others will want to step forward and join her in the fight to end preventable stillbirth as well as help provide better bereavement and grief support to families as they navigate pregnancy after loss.


    We cover:

    • What is wrong with our current system and why
    • How the US is behind in any standard protocols for prenatal
    • Grief support for mothers after stillbirth
    • Making change to a system that doesn't want to be changed
    • The lack of motivation for other medical professionals to make a difference in stillbirth
    • Her motivation for why she wants to help lead this mission
    • Speaking at the Stillbirth Convention


    She can be reached via email is hflorescue@gmail.com but I actually like Instagram better. I don’t provide individual consults or advice.

    Her IG Handle: @drflorescueobgyn

    PUSH Pregnancy: https://www.pushpregnancy.org/about


    **NOTE: this is always an open platform from the viewpoint of the guest and does not always reflect my beliefs. As always do your own research & use your own judgement on what's best for you. I am not a doctor or a therapist. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real life, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. *** 


    For more REAL TALK about pregnancy loss, stillbirth and grief, hit follow! 

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar 

    Facebook: @thekatherinelazar 

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar 

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com 

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com

    Liz, Kelsey + Sarah are BACK!

    Liz, Kelsey + Sarah are BACK!

    The ladies from the 1st three episodes of At a Total Loss are back to tackle some popular topics regarding loss. If you didn't listen to their first episodes, Liz is Harrisons mom who was born over a year and a half ago. Kelsey is Patricks momma who was born still 4 years ago, and Sarah is the other Brody's momma who was stillborn 3.5 years ago.  They all have gone on to have "rainbow" babies and they give their insight as to what life looks like since they last recorded almost one year ago.


    What we cover:

    • Grief in the past year
    • Being more comfortable with their grief
    • Being able to mentor others is therapeutic
    • Allowed to laugh again
    • No Playbook but we can be a guide
    • Validating our loss & grief
    • Parenting kids after loss
    • The term Rainbow Baby
    • The pressure on rainbows to fix us
    • Ready to TTC
    • Having a PAL pal
    • Baby's reincarnated spirits?
    • Partners and their grief
    • And omg we talk about it ALL...

    Hit up each of them on instagram!

    Liz: @lizmyers19

    Kelsey: @kelsey.heslin

    Sarah: @sarah_emmert

    And ME:@thekatherinelazar


    **NOTE: this is always an open platform from the viewpoint of the guest and does not always reflect my beliefs. As always do your own research & use your own judgement on what's best for you. I am not a doctor or a therapist. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real life, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. ***


    For more REAL TALK about pregnancy loss, stillbirth and grief, hit follow!


    Instagram  @thekatherinelazar


    Facebook: @thekatherinelazar


    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar


    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com


    Website: www.katherinelazar.com



    Sydney + Leighton

    Sydney + Leighton

    Sydney & I met up here in Atlanta to talk about her beautiful first born child, Leighton, who died at 39 weeks from a 4x nuchal cord on October 17, 2022. This is an extremely rare event, and unlike a lot of stories on this podcast, was not preventable.

    Sydney opens up about how this has altered her whole world and the choices she's had to make to keep moving forward. We are friends here in Atlanta, and I can tell you Sydney is such a light in such a dark dark reality. Her faith in God is inspiring & how she handles her grief with such grace is truly admirable. I felt the world needed to hear her story.

    What we discuss:

    • Leighton's death & birth
    • Things that happened in the hospital
    • How to continue your faith
    • Her experience "in the trenches"
    • The choice she made to keep going
    • How she handles situations that make her anxious
    • Her relationship with her husband
    • What she is battling now 6 months later
    • So much more.


    Sydney hopes to help as many mommas as she can. Feel free to connect with her on IG at @sydandlexphoto

    Shop her store & help support! @shopleightonbrooke

    **NOTE: this is always an open platform from the viewpoint of the guest and does not always reflect my beliefs. As always do your own research & use your own judgement on what's best for you. I am not a doctor or a therapist. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real life, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. ***


    For more REAL TALK about pregnancy loss, stillbirth and grief, hit follow!

    Instagram  @thekatherinelazar

    Facebook: @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


    My Story

    My Story

    Welp, y'all asked for it, so I'm givin it to ya! I've had some requests to tell my story, all the way back to my dancin days & what exactly happened to Brody. You could probably piece it all together on my IG but no one has time for that. So here is my story in my own words, the beginning of it at least. In this episode, I talk about how we got here. I laugh at myself, I cry, I curse, I rant, I chuckled again, I cheerlead. There's a lot going on but it will give you some insight on my background, how we got to this podcast, & my life as the mother of sweet Brody.


    What I cover:

    • My history, where I'm from, family life
    • Being a dancer
    • How I got into hosting
    • My career in fitness
    • My career on camera
    • Meeting Michael
    • My Pregnancy with Brody
    • What happened to him
    • His delivery & the trauma that ensued after
    • Recovering
    • Therapies I've done
    • Coping in the early days of loss
    • Starting this podcast
    • And a lot in between!

    I hope this helps you guys see where I'm coming from,  my experiences with pregnancy & stillbirth, to piece together what happened to Brody, & where I want to go from here in honoring his memory.

    I do this for him, I do this for you, i do this for your babies.

    Hit me up on instagram to say hi! 


    Dr Kliman's info: EPV: Estimated Placental Volume

    Pregnancy loss: Pregnancy Losses

    Home page: Reproductive and Placental Research Unit

    Organization: Measure the Placenta

    Email: harvey.kliman@yale.edu

    ** As always do your own research & use your own judgement on what's best for you. I am not a doctor or a therapist. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. This is my real life, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. **

    For more REAL TALK about pregnancy loss, stillbirth and grief, hit follow!

    Instagram https: @thekatherinelazar

    Facebook: @thekatherinelazar

    WATCH IT HERE: Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: thekatherinelazar@gmail.com

    Website: www.katherinelazar.com

    Some helpful resources:



