
    Audacious Confidence: Defeat Your Doubts, Ignite Your Confidence Make the Shift from Impostor to Icon

    Discover the secrets to unlocking your inner power with ”Audacious Confidence,” the life-changing podcast that’s already captivating women around the globe. Our mission is to empower you to embrace life’s pivotal transitions, including motherhood, marriage, management, and (yikes) menopause, by mastering your mindset and overcoming challenges such as fear, anxiety, impostor syndrome, limiting beliefs, and low self-esteem. Each week, we delve into transformative topics and provide practical advice, invaluable wisdom, and proven strategies that have helped thousands of listeners to: Fearlessly navigate the complexities of motherhood, marriage, management, and menopause with unshakable resilience; Unlock their inner power by cultivating a growth mindset that fosters audacious confidence and shatters limiting thoughts and beliefs; Effortlessly conquer fear and anxiety, allowing them to step into their full potential and achieve their wildest dreams; and Amplify their executive presence and make a lasting impact in their personal and professional lives, commanding respect and inspiring others. Show up as their authentic selves, unapologetically embracing their unique strengths, passions, and purpose. Don’t miss your chance to join the thousands of women who have already transformed their lives with ”Audacious Confidence.” Subscribe now to become a part of our thriving, supportive community and unlock the secrets to developing unshakable self-belief, executive presence, and the ability to make a lasting impact. Get ready to fearlessly navigate life’s transitions and embrace your audacious confidence as you step into a bold, authentic, and fulfilled future.
    enDeena C. Brown, PhD100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Episode 1:The Courage to Be

    Episode 1:The Courage to Be

    The Courage To BE….

    Who AM I?  

    Am I Brave?

    Am I Beautiful?

    Am I Enough?

    Am I ever going to lose those last 10lbs? 


    As women, we continuously question our I AM and often find it challenging to embrace our BEING. We often put our trauma and pain on the shelf and abandon our mental wellness for the sake of the misguided programming of our youth that taught us that honoring our strength made us boastful and sacred self-care was selfish. 


    When we are very young, each of us is programmed with beliefs about our worth, potential, and identity. These beliefs form our self-image.


    Our self-image is simply the image we hold of ourselves. If we view ourselves highly and healthily, we're more likely to believe we can be, do, and have more in our lives.


    And consequently, those beliefs translate into our actions. And our results.


    In other words, people who have a healthy self-image end up being, doing, and having more in their lives.


    On the other hand, if we have a low view of ourselves, we might think of ourselves as simply victims of our circumstances.


    So, here we are, looking outside of ourselves for the answers that are found within.


    So, here we are, looking for the Courage to BE, the best version of ourselves. 


    So here we are, wondering HOW to make the SHIFT … Let's Talk.

    The Myth of Perfection

    The Myth of Perfection

    “There is no perfection, only beautiful versions of brokenness.” ― Shannon L. Alder

    Perfection is a matter of perspective. In this episode I share how one comment "you show up to perfect" sent me on a deeper self-discovery on my perception of who I AM not based on what others see but rooted in what I know. 

    What myth's about perfection do you currently hold?


    This season of Walking Through Glass is all about quieting the inner critic “heffa” that stops you from living your best life. If you want to quiet those negative voices and remove your limited beliefs you have to have some tough conversations with yourself. Those conversations are going to take courage and confidence. Don’t worry, I got your back. This season is all about building confidence, maintaining courage even in tough situations, and owning your I AM story.

    Download my free eBook Imposter Syndrome: What It is and How to Overcome It

    Hello Heffa, Goodbye

    Hello Heffa, Goodbye

    You cannot rise above the image you have for yourself.  Your image is controlled by a mental blueprint we have inside our subconscious mind, and it dictates WHERE we think we belong. I call my subconscious voice “Heffa”, do you have a name for yours?

    The Heffa has saved me from making a few horrible decision, like not going on a 2nd date with the creep who wanted to date my breast not me. But she has also interfered with me pursuing my dreams; She whispers things like “ WHO do you think you are?” “ARE you sure you can do that by yourself?” oh, the best one yet is “Remember the last time you tried that and failed.” She doesn’t stop. She is always talking to me so I had learned to TALK BACK to HER. What I did was make the unconscious conscious and fight HEFFA on my territory; the conscious now.

    Have I always done things right  — NO — will I spend the rest of my life ruminating about things I cannot change - NO - Can I script a new narrative aligned to WHO I AM NOW — absolutely!

    Owning your I AM story is the key to creating a positive self- image.

    We are all on the same journey although we may take different paths. I have some questions  Where are you now? Think about what is working for you and what isn’t .. what is pleasing, what is frustrating .. different areas of your life .. where can you grow .. where are you doing well .. are you doing your best .. what’s your biggest challenge right now .. what’s your biggest asset right now?

    Think about all the reasons for your successes and failures. Where are you stuck .. why are you stuck? Where did you win .. why did you win? Where are you stagnating .. why are you stagnating? Where you happy .. why are you happy? Where are you hurting .. why are you hurting? Where do you have hope .. why do you have hope? Where do you feel hopeless .. why do you feel hopeless?

    This season of Walking Through Glass is all about quieting the inner critic “heffa” that stops you from living your best life. If you want to quiet those negative voices and remove your limited beliefs you have to have some tough conversations with yourself. Those conversations are going to take courage and confidence. Don’t worry, I got your back. This season is all about building confidence, maintaining courage even in tough situations, and owning your I AM story.

    I would like to leave you with a golden nugget to help you finish 2020 strong. Spend some time learning WHO YOU REALLY ARE and unlearn who “they” told you to be or what your circumstances and situations made you believe about yourself. Make the unconscious conscious by having a real conversation with your fears, question your emotions, and interview your feelings. Find time to get quiet this week and love on yourself. Write down ONE thing today that you love about YOU … the real you. I believe in you and challenge you to HOLD YOUR IMAGE.

    Download my free ebook Imposter Syndrome: What it Is and How to Overcome it at https://bit.ly/ImposterSyndromeeBook2020


    Welcome to Walking Through Glass: The Podcast

    Welcome to Walking Through Glass: The Podcast

    Walking Through Glass: The Podcast is your gateway to authentic conversations, systems, and strategic tools to build confidence, control negative self-talk, and lead authentically.

    This podcast is a little bit storytelling and a lotta bit get your ‘ish together to lead like the BOSS DIVA you are. New episodes will post every Monday to help get your week started off to an EMPOWERING start.

    You will be challenged to stop focusing on things that you are not and OWN your I AM story.

    You will be expected to stop fussing over perceived flaws.

    You will be celebrated for removing all imposed and unbelievable expectations on yourself.

    You will learn to celebrate yourself more and focus on ALL that you are by owning your AWESOME.

    You will know that you are more than ENOUGH and everything that you need to be the best version of you is already inside of you.

    You will be INSPIRED to live your best life TODAY.

    P.S.  If you have a story to share or a topic you would like covered please reach out by sending an email to admin@leadhershiftmovement.com.

    Conscious Conversation with Marisa Bailey-Clements

    Conscious Conversation with Marisa Bailey-Clements

    "When I think of walking through glass is not necessarily like busting through glass. It's really walking with who you are, to the core of your being, it's when I think of walking through glass it's almost like walking with yourself in that mirror sense so the glass for me is a mirror, and it can change daily really when you're walking through glass when you're walking next to glass but really when it comes down to it for me is I envision dirty dusty glass that you've cleaned off, and when I really get that glass clean even if it is just in one spot of an area and I take a step back and I look at it I could see my reflection. So it's really standing with that reflection of myself and seeing what is on the other side of that glass, and knowing that that's where I want to get to. And while that glass may seem like a barrier. It's something that I need to learn to walk with to get through to the other side of who I really am." Marisa Bailey


    Welcome to Walking Through Glass: The Podcast.


    You are invited to ear-hustle in an intimate conversation where we discuss our journey, joys, and diva "hacks" that help us “walk through glass”.

    Unscripted and Real.


    We share our stories and give you our best strategies to navigate fear, anxiety, depression, limited beliefs, negative self-talk, and shut up the imposter bully beating up our self-confidence.


    Walking Through Glass: The Podcast is about the struggle we face as women on our journey which I’ve coined "walking through glass".


    This podcast is all about telling our stories and LEARNING to live our authentic TRUTH.


    Please join me in welcoming special guest Marisa Bailey.

    Marisa is the CEO and Founder of Marisa Bailey Coaching. She is a certified Authentic Leadership Coaching, trained and certified in Emotional Intelligence and has an extensive professional experience building and leading teams, business development and process optimization. She is personally fascinated and continues to educate herself on the science of the brain, psychology, and the science of well-being.  Marisa works with coaches in consultants to help them confidently build and scale a business based on the foundation of their core values.


    Her approach includes value identification, vision embodiment, and aligned strategy. She believes when all 3 fundamentals are centered, we all have the ability to create a life and business full of abundance, fulfillment, and integrity.


    She is here to help you unravel your limiting beliefs through mindset coaching and create an unshakable business foundation through aligned strategy. Simply said, she is the person you hire when you are tired of wishing and waiting and ready to start being all you are meant to be.


    Please LIKE, TELL A FRIEND, and REVIEW Walking Through Glass: The Podcast on Apple Podcast. Thanks in advance.


    Link Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/walking-through-glass-the-podcast/id1454527119 


    Guest Inquiries: waywithwordmedia@gmail.com

    Social Media Instagram/Twitter: @drdeenaspeaks

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: Fact Check Your Focus Points as an Anti-Racist with Natalie Newport

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: Fact Check Your Focus Points as an Anti-Racist with Natalie Newport

    "try your best to find find three sources, find three sources to get your news and I know that's difficult to do it every single day but I would try and I would try to find a source that is one opinion a source that has another opinion and a source that's just straight down the middle ... I think, a great way to become aware about social issues like racial injustice is that you become more aware." 

    Welcome to Walking Through Glass: The Podcast.

    WE had a powerful conversation about Race, Class, and Sisterhood. You are invited to ear-hustle in an intimate conversation where we discuss our journey, joys, and diva "hacks" that help us “walk through glass”.

    Unscripted and Real.

    We share our stories and give you our best strategies to navigate fear, anxiety, depression, limited beliefs, negative self-talk, and shut up the imposter bully beating up our self-confidence.

    Walking Through Glass: The Podcast is about the struggle we face as women on our journey which I’ve coined "walking through glass".

    This podcast is all about telling our stories and LEARNING to live our authentic TRUTH.

    Please join me in welcoming special guest Natalie Newport.

    Meet Natalie

    I’m Natalie Newport, and I’m a 29-year-old white woman who still needs to figure my sh!t out. I don’t just mean doing my taxes without the assistance of TurboTax – I mean holding myself and others accountable to learning more about our white/straight/cis/thin privilege and being an intersectional feminist. I grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma, so you can’t convince me that our country hasn’t been ignoring racial inequality for generations. Currently, I live in Pittsburgh and I moved for my career at the time - working in news. I started in local news Tulsa and moved to national news. I’ve been in the middle of protests before and after Trump was elected. If I can help give voices those who are marginalized/disenfranchised, then I should. Period. That’s my goal in life. 

    Please LIKE, TELL A FRIEND, and REVIEW Walking Through Glass: The Podcast on Apple Podcast. 

    Subscribe Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/walking-through-glass-the-podcast/id1454527119

    Extend the Conversation: Join us for our monthly Racial Literacy for Leaders Roundtable the first Tuesday of the month to engage in authentic conversations and learn strategies for leading a diverse and inclusive environment. Register here https://bit.ly/racialliteracyforleaders

    Next session August 4, 2020

    Conscious Conversation: Mindset, Mental Health, and Total Wellness with Te'retta Hall.

    Conscious Conversation: Mindset, Mental Health, and Total Wellness with Te'retta Hall.

    "I know I can get in my own way, with doubting the work that God called me to do you know doubting that he called me to do it, doubting that I am capable of doing those things and really standing firm on that word that says, you know, those that are called. Also, equipped. And you know it's a lot easier said than done, but I feel that sometimes, I can be my own glass, and that I'm second guessing you know myself second guessing my abilities, and also procrastinating, you know, that's me myself being the glass procrastinating not prioritizing and putting forth the putting time constraints or time restraints around those different things that I'm assigned to or the different obligations that I have. So I would say that more so than anything else. I can be my own glass and I'm probably my piece of glass." Te'retta Hall.

    Welcome to Walking Through Glass: The Podcast.

    You are invited to ear-hustle in an intimate conversation where we discuss our journey, joys, and diva "hacks" that help us “walk through glass”.

    Unscripted and Real.

    We share our stories and give you our best strategies to navigate fear, anxiety, depression, limited beliefs, negative self-talk, and shut up the imposter bully beating up our self-confidence.

    Walking Through Glass: The Podcast is about the struggle we face as women on our journey which I’ve coined "walking through glass".

    This podcast is all about telling our stories and LEARNING to live our authentic TRUTH.

    Please join me in welcoming special guest Te'retta Hall.

    ⭐️Please LISTEN


    ⭐️REVIEW Walking Through Glass: The Podcast on Apple Podcast.


    👉🏽Subscribe: Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/walking-through-glass-the-podcast/id1454527119

    Open Invitation for Race, Class, and Sisterhood Series

    Book Here 👉🏽https://DrDeenaBrown.as.me/raceclassandsisterhood


    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: The Awakening: Moving from Awareness to Action with Jen Kinney

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: The Awakening: Moving from Awareness to Action with Jen Kinney

    "What do I want the listeners to know about me. I am a person contending for a better world. And I'm passionate about justice, about humanity, about important conversations and how we engage them better, because I think that there is definitely. There's, there's something missing there in in a lot of conversations today. So yeah, I'm a writer a podcaster a mother I homeschool children I have a child with complex medical needs. Yeah, I'm just kind of a little bit of everything." Jen Kinney 

    Welcome to Walking Through Glass: The Podcast.

    You are invited to ear-hustle in an intimate conversation where we discuss our journey, joys, and diva "hacks" that help us “walk through glass”.

    Unscripted and Real.

    We share our stories and give you our best strategies to navigate fear, anxiety, depression, limited beliefs, negative self-talk, and shut up the imposter bully beating up our self-confidence.

    Walking Through Glass: The Podcast is about the struggle we face as women on our journey which I’ve coined "walking through glass".

    This podcast is all about telling our stories and LEARNING to live our authentic TRUTH.

    Please join me in welcoming special guest Jen Kinney.

    Meet Jen Kinney

    Jen Kinney is a writer, podcaster, and speaker.  After living abroad in Shanghai, China with her husband and children for years, she returned to a country that felt more divided than ever. Since then she has become a passionate advocate for building bridges through brave and difficult conversations, and an advocate for the every day person’s power to create change in the world. She is the co-host of Speaking of Racism Podcast and the founder of Food For Thought Dinner Parties.

    ⭐️Please LISTEN


    ⭐️REVIEW Walking Through Glass: The Podcast on Apple Podcast.


    👉🏽Subscribe: Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/walking-through-glass-the-podcast/id1454527119

    Open Invitation for Race, Class, and Sisterhood Series

    Book Here 👉🏽https://DrDeenaBrown.as.me/raceclassandsisterhood

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: Minding your mental health while advocating for social justice with Ashley Oken

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: Minding your mental health while advocating for social justice with Ashley Oken

    "It's just, it's a matter of steering people to the right things, like you said, it's about doing what you feel like you can do without overextending yourself like I feel a lot of people have been getting into this space where people, they're so focused on educating people which is great, but you have to take care of herself, too. And I think a lot of us are forgetting about that. I certainly have, in the midst of all this." Ashley Oken

    Welcome to Walking Through Glass: The Podcast.

    You are invited to ear-hustle in an intimate conversation where we discuss our journey, joys, and diva "hacks" that help us “walk through glass”.

    Unscripted and Real.

    We share our stories and give you our best strategies to navigate fear, anxiety, depression, limited beliefs, negative self-talk, and shut up the imposter bully beating up our self-confidence.

    Walking Through Glass: The Podcast is about the struggle we face as women on our journey which I’ve coined "walking through glass".

    This podcast is all about telling our stories and LEARNING to live our authentic TRUTH.

    Please join me in welcoming special guest Ashley Oken.

    Ashley describes herself as journalist with big hair and a kind heart forever wanting the Mets to win a World Series and thinking MGK won the feud with Eminem.

    Did you  hear something JUICY👄


    ⭐️REVIEW Walking Through Glass: The Podcast on Apple Podcast.


    👉🏽Subscribe: Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/walking-through-glass-the-podcast/id1454527119

    Open Invitation for Race, Class, and Sisterhood Series

    Book Here 👉🏽https://DrDeenaBrown.as.me/raceclassandsisterhood

    Conscious Conversation: Defining Your New Normal as you make the shift from victim to victorious with Malika Pegues

    Conscious Conversation: Defining Your New Normal as you make the shift  from victim to victorious with Malika Pegues

    "finding that courage and self love to be able to get myself out of the relationship. And it almost felt like me detaching from a whole identity. And so I felt like pulling away from this individual that I was so connected to for years. It felt like there was so many pieces of me that was so intertwined with that person's identity that I didn't know what was him, or what was me, and I had to redefine who I was. That took some time, I had to hit rock bottom which is not a bad thing I was talking to a few people and I tell them all the time, hitting rock bottom is the best thing because there's only one way up, and that is up." Malika Pegues 

    Welcome to Walking Through Glass: The Podcast.

    You are invited to ear-hustle in on an intimate conversation where we discuss our journey, joys, and diva "hacks" that help us “walk through glass”.

    Unscripted and Real.

    We share our stories and give you our best strategies to navigate fear, anxiety, depression, limited beliefs, negative self-talk, and shut up the imposter bully beating up our self-confidence.

    Walking Through Glass: The Podcast is about the struggle we face as women on our journey which I’ve coined "walking through glass".

    This podcast is all about telling our stories and LEARNING to live our authentic TRUTH.

    Please join me in welcoming special guest Malika Pegues.

    Malika Pegues, also known as “The Unstoppable Mom” is a United States Air Force Veteran, Mother, Student, and an upcoming motivational speaker that focuses on the challenges of motherhood by primarily campaigning Mental Health Awareness . While raising three daughters as a single mother, Malika advocates Domestic Violence Prevention and Woman Empowerment. Originally from New York City, Malika earned her associates degree at The City University of New York Queensborough Community College primarily concentrating on the study of Psychology and is currently in pursuit of her Bachelors degree at CUNY Queens College studying Neuroscience and Therapeutic Recreation.

    Please LIKE, TELL A FRIEND, and REVIEW Walking Through Glass: The Podcast on Apple Podcast. Thanks in advance.

    Link Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/walking-through-glass-the-podcast/id1454527119

    Guest Inquiries: waywithwordmedia@gmail.com

    Social Media Instagram/Twitter: @drdeenaspeaks

    #domesticviolence #survivor #newbeginnings #singlemom #unstoppable #newyork

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: Navigating the intersectionality of Racism, Sexuality, and Living Your Truth with Pat Tietgens

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: Navigating the intersectionality of Racism, Sexuality, and Living Your Truth with Pat Tietgens

    Love is Love and transcends racism, bigotry, and prejudice.

    "The woman that I dated before Michelle was from Taiwan, but before her, I hadn't been with anyone Asian not for any reason at all I just hadn't had that experience, but some people who recently met me would be like, Oh, your wife is Chinese and your ex-girlfriend, so you have like the yellow fever Hmm. And it really just like, like, what, like, it really really bothered me because it's like, look like you can find beautiful people everywhere in the world, beautiful people come in all colors, and all different types of, you know, it's just the idea that that people want to put it in a category like that's my type. And sometimes, you know, in the LGBTQ community especially with gay men on dating apps, sometimes people will say like, oh my type is this but not that and they'll just explicitly say like no blacks or something." Pat Tietgens

    Welcome to Walking Through Glass: The Podcast.

    You are invited to ear-hustle in on an intimate conversation where we discuss our journey, joys, and diva "hacks" that help us “walk through glass”.

    Unscripted and Real.

    We share our stories and give you our best strategies to navigate fear, anxiety, depression, limited beliefs, negative self-talk, and shut up the imposter bully beating up our self-confidence.

    This special series is all about RACE, CLASS, and SISTERHOOD. We are peeling back the layers and facing our discomfort head on about our unique experiences during this health and cultural pandemic.

    This podcast is all about telling our stories and LEARNING to live our authentic TRUTH.

    Please join me in welcoming special guest Pat Tietgens

    Please LIKE, TELL A FRIEND, and REVIEW Walking Through Glass: The Podcast on Apple Podcast. Thanks in advance.

    Link Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/walking-through-glass-the-podcast/id1454527119

    Guest Inquiries: waywithwordmedia@gmail.com

    Social Media Instagram/Twitter: @drdeenaspeaks

    #socialjustice #loveislove #pridemonth #strongertogether #blacklivesmatter #LGBTQ #podcast


    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: Perspective is everything when processing through the lens of social unrest with Nicole Vick

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: Perspective is everything when processing through the lens of social unrest with Nicole Vick

    "I'm an educator I teach public health. And so I also see things through this public health, social justice lens. It can be interesting to understand things from that epidemic level and understand why things are happening the way that they are right now from that perspective. And then ultimately say but daggone it, I'm a black woman and this hurt. This is horrible. This is unfair. And I don't know what's going to happen next. So that's that weird sort of line that I walk, almost all the time." Nicole Vick

    Welcome to Walking Through Glass: The Podcast.

    You are invited to ear-hustle on an intimate conversation where we discuss our journey, joys, and diva "hacks" that help us “walk through glass”.

    Unscripted and Real.

    We share our stories and give you our best strategies to navigate fear, anxiety, depression, limited beliefs, negative self-talk, and shut up the imposter bully beating up our self-confidence.

    Walking Through Glass: The Podcast is about the struggle we face as women on our journey which I’ve coined "walking through glass".

    This podcast is all about telling our stories and LEARNING to live our authentic TRUTH.

    Meet Nicole Vick ...

    Nicole Vick is a public health professional, educator, civic leader, and image consultant who  has spent the last fifteen years providing tools and strategies to stakeholders, community-based organizations, students, and residents to improve health and prevent disease in some of Los Angeles County’s most underserved communities.

    Her commitment to community has led to a few prestigious appointments. She serves on the boards of three public health/social service organizations and for two years chaired the Health Commission for the City of Los Angeles.

    Ms. Vick has a B.S. in Public Policy and Management and Master of Public Health degrees from the USC, a place she lived less than 5 minutes away from growing up but felt beyond reach for a young girl from South Central LA.

    In her first “Pushing Through: Finding the Light in Every Lesson” she shares both the heartbreaking pain and the extraordinary triumphs that led her to advocacy and social justice work. Her story takes place against the background of the long neglected and overlooked community of South-Central Los Angeles, where she grapples with the grotesque imbalance of power and privilege as it unfolds in every aspect of her life and those around her.

    Please LIKE, TELL A FRIEND, and REVIEW Walking Through Glass: The Podcast on Apple Podcast. Thanks in advance.

    Subscribe Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/walking-through-glass-the-podcast/id1454527119

    Extend the Conversation: Join us for our monthly Racial Literacy for Leaders Roundtable the first Tuesday of the month to engage in authentic conversations and learn strategies for leading a diverse and inclusive environment. Register here https://bit.ly/racialliteracyforleaders

    Next session July 7, 2020

    Conscious Conversation with Melanie Childers "Smash the Patriarchy, Get Shit Done"

    Conscious Conversation with Melanie Childers "Smash the Patriarchy, Get Shit Done"

    How do you SHIFT past all the BS to #getshitdone?

    "I feel like now is the most important time, I think that it's it's really easy to get our brains caught up in the crisis of it and the fear and the worry and the anxiety of it. But I think that actually now is the most important time for us to be our creative human inventive selves. And I think that, you know, universally we're being called to slow way down, so that our brains have an opportunity to come up with new inventions and new businesses and new ideas, so that we can help more and more and more people." Melanie Childers

    Welcome to Walking Through Glass: The Podcast.

    You are invited to ear-hustle on an intimate conversation where we discuss our journey, joys, and diva "hacks" that help us “walk through glass”.

    Unscripted and Real.

    We share our stories and give you our best strategies to navigate fear, anxiety, depression, limited beliefs, negative self-talk, and shut up the imposter bully beating up our self-confidence.

    Walking Through Glass: The Podcast is about the struggle we face as women on our journey which I’ve coined "walking through glass".

    This podcast is all about telling our stories and LEARNING to live our authentic TRUTH.

    Meet Melanie ...

    In a world that caters to mediocre white men, Melanie made it her mission to help ambitious women  bring their high impact, patriarchy smashing projects to life. From finishing books, launching online workshops, courses, and businesses, to getting elected – we’ve done it all.

    After overcoming cancer and losing everything in the process, Melanie became a master coach specializing in working with womxn who give a damn, helping them build confidence, get the clarity they needed, and – more than anything – get shit done.

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: Triggers, Trust, and Building Your Own Table with Chanel Spencer

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: Triggers, Trust, and Building Your Own Table with Chanel Spencer

    What do you do, what do you say, how do you respond when the world finally decides to "Do Something" and "Say Something" and "Feel Something" when faced with the undeniable harsh reality of institutionalized racism in American?

    "I'm one of the people where I'm not really saying much about it, only because I'm just tired of the over-explaining I'm tired of the debating. I'm like it's just we're not sitting here saying no one else matters. We're just saying that we matter and would like to matter, at some point, to someone. Ultimately, so that's kind of where I am at this point with it and just navigating through the motions and figuring out, and also pushed me more in regards to my brand message and the point of my brand in creating a table for those who feel like they have to fight for a seat at someone else's table." Chanel Spencer

    Welcome to Walking Through Glass: The Podcast where you are invited to ear hustle on an intimate conversation between real women as they discuss their journey, joys, and in this special series their views regarding race, class, and sisterhood.

    Our conscious conversations are  all about real talk with real women that are doing their best to navigate fear, anxiety, depression, imposter syndrome, limited beliefs, negative self-talk and other BS you know … belief systems.

    Please LIKE, TELL A FRIEND, and REVIEW Walking Through Glass: The Podcast on Apple Podcast. Thanks in advance.

    Link Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/walking-through-glass-the-podcast/id1454527119

    Extend the Conversation: Join us for our monthly Racial Literacy for Leaders Roundtable the first Tuesday of the month to engage in authentic conversations and learn strategies for leading a diverse and inclusive environment. Register here https://bit.ly/racialliteracyforleaders

    Next session July 7, 2020

    Guest Inquiries: waywithwordmedia@gmail.com

    Social Media Instagram/Twitter: @drdeenaspeaks

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: How racial trauma leaves an indelible mark on your psychological DNA with Nicole R. Goode M.A. Sociologist and Sexologist

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: How racial trauma leaves an indelible mark on your psychological DNA with Nicole R. Goode M.A. Sociologist and Sexologist

    What happens when trauma has left an indelible mark on your psychological DNA?

    "African Americans don't really understand and see themselves as a nation so they don't operate that way. How you think and how you see yourself is how you're going to act is how you're going to engage, this is how you're going to do business."

    You are invited to ear-hustle on an intimate conversation where we discuss our journey, joys, and diva "hacks" that help us “walk through glass”.

    Unscripted and Real.

    Please join me in welcoming special guest Nicole R. Goode.

    In this episode Nicole shares that one possible next step for white allies is to support black owned businesses. Supporting black owned businesses is a purposeful option as long as it is not a one-off event. Furthermore African Americans need to practice ethno-aggregation. 

    Ethno-Aggregation is best defined as the voluntary concentration of individuals and their resources around their ethnic or language commonalities for the purpose of improving their economic and political competitiveness. The term may be new but the concept is not.

    There are many golden nuggets so grab your pen, paper, and twitter fingers and tune in for an engaging conversation about Race, Class, and Sisterhood.

    Nicole R. Goode, M.A. is a Distinguished Graduate of DePaul University (Chicago, Illinois) and a member of Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society. She graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Master of Arts in Sociology specializing in Sexuality, Gender, Men/Masculinity and Power, Group Dynamics, Race and Ethnicity, Social Inequality and Stratification.

    Did you enjoy the episode?

    Please LIKE, TELL A FRIEND, and REVIEW Walking Through Glass: The Podcast on Apple Podcast. Thanks in advance.

    Link Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/walking-through-glass-the-podcast/id1454527119

    Extend the Conversation: Join us for our monthly Racial Literacy for Leaders Roundtable the first Tuesday of the month to engage in authentic conversations and learn strategies for leading a diverse and inclusive environment. Register here https://bit.ly/racialliteracyforleaders

    Next session July 7, 2020


    Guest Inquiries: waywithwordmedia@gmail.com

    Social Media Instagram/Twitter: @drdeenaspeaks



    #racism #ethnoaggregation #activism #blacklivesmatter #slavementality #institutionalizedracism

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: How to build your anti-racist arsenal with Nicole Trick Steinbach

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: How to build your anti-racist arsenal with Nicole Trick Steinbach

    "This system was built by people. So people can change it."

    Nicole and I had an amazing authentic conversation regarding racism, relationships, and what each of us can do to truly develop into anti-racist.

    If you are stuck and do not know what to do right now to be better bridges, supporters, connectors and to locate your starting point to begin your journey of healing and understanding anti-racist ideals then this episode is going to resonant with you on so many levels. 

    According to Nicole, the first thing is that if it's not making you sweat, if it's not making you uncomfortable, it's not enough.During this episode Nicole shares several strategic strategies she implemented to kick-start her anti-racist journey. 

    Meet Nicole Trick Steinbach

    Nicole Trick Steinbach is a global career coach and change management consultant. She is known for inspiring change through deep connections, brave insights, and radical responsibility. She’s worked in over 25 countries and lived in Europe for over 13 years before the mountains of Colorado called her name.

    Nicole’s coaching includes building the skill of bravery so that her clients create the careers of their biggest dreams. Her clients have lived in over 30 countries and have accomplished goals are varied as accepting executive positions, doubling their income, breaking six figures before 30, relocating globally, and the power to step into dreams that were hidden for so many years.

    Please LIKE, TELL A FRIEND, and REVIEW Walking Through Glass: The Podcast on Apple Podcast. Thanks in advance.

    Link Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/walking-through-glass-the-podcast/id1454527119

    Guest Inquiries: waywithwordmedia@gmail.com

    Social Media Instagram/Twitter: @drdeenaspeaks

    Extend the Conversation: Join us for our monthly Racial Literacy for Leaders Roundtable the first Tuesday of the month to engage in authentic conversations and learn strategies for leading a diverse and inclusive environment. Register here https://bit.ly/racialliteracyforleaders 

    Conscious Conversation: How to find beauty in your brokenness with Chanel Spencer

    Conscious Conversation: How to find beauty in your brokenness with Chanel Spencer

    How do you break the cycle of shame and blame and find beauty in your brokenness?

    You are invited to ear-hustle on an intimate conversation where we discuss our journey, joys, and diva "hacks" that help us “walk through glass”.

    Unscripted and Real.

    We share our stories and give you our best strategies to navigate fear, anxiety, depression, limited beliefs, negative self-talk, and shut up the imposter bully beating up our self-confidence.

    Walking Through Glass: The Podcast is about the struggle we face as women on our journey which I’ve coined "walking through glass".

    This podcast is all about telling our stories and LEARNING to live our authentic TRUTH.

    Please join me in welcoming special guest Chanel Spencer.

    Chanel Spencer is an innovative entrepreneur and CEO of Maximum Evolution, specializing in branding, executive coaching, and business development. Spencer is also 6x best-selling author, creator of ME Publishing, and works with aspiring authors from all over the world walking them through the entire writing process from idea development to launching their finished product into the world.

    Chanel has two small children that motivate her to make the world a better place which has fueled her passion to give back to her community; donating her time, services, and products to survivors of domestic abuse and high risk youth.

    Chanel is a tenacious force who worked her way up from an accounting clerk all the way to general manager of a major hotel in NYC. Along the way she has overcome every kind of obstacle you can imagine; she uses her wisdom to help businesses and professionals bypass potential threats by identifying and strengthening their weak areas while expanding on their strengths.

    After successfully achieving her professional goals in the hospitality industry, Chanel walked away from her career to focus on Maximum Evolution full-time. Since then she has developed multiple products, written eight best-selling books (including two children’s books), worked with numerous authors, created a publishing company, and works as an executive coach.

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: Raising African American Sons with Jacqueline Miller

    Race, Class, and Sisterhood: Raising African American Sons with Jacqueline Miller

    How do you raise strong African American sons in America as a single mom?

    If you really want to know what it is like to raise a SON in times such as these and why black mothers PRAY differently when their sons leave the home then catch this conscious conversation with Jacqueline Miller.

    Motherhood is hard when there are two parents in the household but what do you do when life happens and you find yourself raising your children alone. They say it takes a man to raise a man but I say it takes a MOM to raise a husband.

    Please tune in to this powerful conscious conversation with Jacqueline Miller about the unique role moms play in raising heart healthy sons as a single mom.

    Meet Jacqueline Miller ...

    Jacqueline Miller is an award-winning entrepreneur, three-time best-selling author, certified life coach, grief support facilitator, speaker, blogger and career and leadership resource for high-achieving women. She is passionate about inspiring excellence in women, especially moms. A former senior human resources executive, she is also equipped to help leading-edge organizations boost their success factor, by delivering essential business and personal development skills training programs, designed to cultivate an inclusive workforce of high-performing talent. She has been featured on multiple platforms including Today’s Parenting, Black Enterprise, Forbes, NBC, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Sheen Magazine, Cartier International and MegaFest. Her registered trademarked tagline “Motherhood is not where dreams go to die” ® and her often-used social media hashtags, #KeepGoing and #KeepGrowing speak loudly to her life experiences, as well as her brand which reminds women that there is life outside of motherhood, and that they were women before they were moms.. Website: jacquelinedujour.com Social Media Platforms:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mogulmomdujour Instagram http://www.instagram.com/mogulmomdujour https://www.instagram.com/motherhoodish/ LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/thejacquelinemiller Twitter http://www.twitter.com/mogulmomdujour Medium https://medium.com/@JacquelineDujour Huffington Post https://www.huffingtonpost.com/author/jacqueline-miller Email: jacquelinemiller@jacquelinedujour.com

    If this episode resonates with you please share, subscribe, and comment.

    Walking Through Glass: The Podcast is available on iTunes, Google Music Play, Stitcher, Spotify, and Podbean.


    #podcast #speakerlife #mindsetmatters #blackinamerica #wecanbreathe #blacklivesmatter

    Instagram/Twitter @drdeenaspeaks


    Booking Inquiries: drdeena@drdeenaspeaks.com

    Conscious Conversation with Ellice Ogle " Food Technologist"

    Conscious Conversation with Ellice Ogle " Food Technologist"

    How does your food impact how you think, feel, and lead. Join me for a conscious conversation with Ellice Ogle, food technologist. Has Covid-19 caused a shift in your food philosophy?

    Welcome to Walking Through Glass: The Podcast.We have another great conscious conversation for you.

    You are invited to ear-hustle on an intimate conversation where we discuss our journey, joys, and diva "hacks" that help us “walk through glass”.

    Unscripted and Real.

    We share our stories and give you our best strategies to navigate fear, anxiety, depression, limited beliefs, negative self-talk, and shut up the imposter bully beating up our self-confidence.

    Walking Through Glass: The Podcast is about the struggle we face as women on our journey which I’ve coined "walking through glass".

    This podcast is all about telling our stories and LEARNING to live our authentic TRUTH.

    Please join me in welcoming special guest Ellice Ogle

    Ellice founded Tandem Food, LLC to make food safety relevant, simple, and engaging. Applied chemistry education to food chemistry, structure, and function, food safety, and food processing and technology. Industry experience with SCS Global Services, Sun Basket, Nestle Ice Cream Research & Development, Mama Ganache Artisan Chocolates, and Dierberg & Star Lane Vineyards. Background in teaching and training through tutoring and volunteer activities.

    Conscious Conversation with Sue Guerrieri: Surviving Suicide and Setting the Stage to Thrive

    Conscious Conversation with Sue Guerrieri: Surviving Suicide and Setting the Stage to Thrive

    Inspiring _Empowering_Transformative

    Welcome to Walking Through Glass: The Podcast.

    You are invited to ear-hustle on an intimate conversation where we discuss our journey, joys, and diva "hacks" that help us “walk through glass”.

    Unscripted and Real.

    We share our stories and give you our best strategies to navigate fear, anxiety, depression, limited beliefs, negative self-talk, and shut up the imposter bully beating up our self-confidence.

    Walking Through Glass: The Podcast is not about breaking through the "glass ceiling" it is about the struggle we face as women on our journey which I’ve coined "walking through glass".

    This podcast is all about telling our stories and LEARNING to live our authentic TRUTH.

    Please join me in welcoming special guest Sue Guerrieri.

    Meet Sue,

    As a John Maxwell certified coach, speaker and trainer, I work with individuals in a group or one-to-one basis, I am very aware of the mistakes that we all make that hold us back I have been there.

    Through my story of loss and grief I am still able to inspire, motivate and encourage anyone that has lost their hope and purpose in life and help them rediscover their unique inner strength and gift because I have done it!

    I am a survivor of suicide, after losing my first born child I have had to rebuild my life again challenging myself by changing my mindset so that I am still able to see the beauty in life and continue on my journey of adding as much value to other people’s lives. 

    Life is a journey of highs and lows, we can’t always control everything that will happen to us along our life journey but what we can control is our minds and how we deal with challenging events. Everyday we are given a choice, we can choose to live our best lives in spite of where we find ourselves or live in fear. 

    Please LIKE, TELL A FRIEND, and REVIEW Walking Through Glass: The Podcast on Apple Podcast. Thanks in advance.

    Link Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/walking-through-glass-the-podcast/id1454527119

    Guest Inquiries: waywithwordmedia@gmail.com

    Social Media Instagram/Twitter: @drdeenaspeaks