
    Be The Best You Can Be

    My show is designed to give you the information that you can use to be the best you can be! We will provide tools, techniques, and knowledge that will educate and empower you. While we will cover a variety of topics, our primary focus will be on Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping, and how it can make a profound difference in money, relationships, weight loss and general well-being. It can offer rapid help with many of the most commonly experienced problems in life, anxiety, depression, stress and fear. Our experts are clinicians who have the ability to speak to people in a way they can understand and make use of right away. We will share newer ideas in practical psychology that often allow us to cut to the heart of the matter and make a real difference in people’s lives.
    en-us78 Episodes

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    Episodes (78)

    The BEST of Being The Best You Can Be

    The BEST of Being The Best You Can Be
    Today we are doing something different! In celebration of the successful completion of my first year and a half series on Be The Best You Can Be, today we will be hearing from some of my past guests! They will share some thoughts on the show and on their best advice for Being Your Best. I am taking a summer hiatus and thought that a good way to mark the occasion is to have a party! So listen in to hear what the experts say! I will be sharing what I have learned from the show too. You are welcome to call in too and please share your ideas for the next season on my Facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/DrLindaSanicola

    Unlock Your Healing Potential

    Unlock Your Healing Potential
    Unlock your healing potential with Brain Balancing LifeWave Patches! Are you interested in feeling and looking younger and healthier naturally? Be sure and join us for this show as I interview Dr. Karen Kan, bestselling author of Guide to Healing Chronic Pain - a Holistic Approach, about how she discovered the key to unlock the body's healing potential. Having been disabled with fibromyalgia, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome, Dr. Kan sought natural and energetic therapies to heal herself because nothing in conventional medicine could help her. Along the way, she was introduced to phototherapy patches that worked like acupuncture without needles. Being a born skeptic, Dr. Kan didn't think anything so small, inexpensive and portable could possibly work, but she tried them anyway. Within a short period of time of using these patches Dr. Kan's fatigue improved immensely and she became a fan of this product. Tune in to learn more about how this technology can help you too!

    Unlocking the Secrets of the Mind

    Unlocking the Secrets of the Mind
    Tune in to this episode to hear a fascinating discussion of the brain! We’ll be speaking with an expert, Dr. Sharief Taraman, a pediatric neurologist, on many important topics revealing what is new in neuroscience. He’ll help us see how close we are to unlocking the secrets of the mind! We’ll also talk about the timely topic of concussions and sports related injuries in kids. We’ll find out what we can do to help ourselves and our children take good care of our brains! Dr. Taraman is also an expert on the subject of the brain/computer interface. You won't want to miss this exciting episode.

    Your Bucket List

    Your Bucket List
    We all have heard of the term “bucket list”- that is, a list of those things you’d like to do or see before you “kick the bucket”. Somehow this list has always seemed vague and something off in the future somewhere. Well, Vicky T. Jones shows us how, with a little grit and determination, a bucket list becomes a recovery list and life-affirming guide for the future! Tune in for some inspiration and some challenges about how to make your own bucket list and use it to live your life in a proactive way so that you can make your dreams come true. We’ll talk about how to get started and what kinds of things to put on your list!

    The Adoption Option

    The Adoption Option
    Tune in to learn about the adoption option in today’s world! Most of us know someone who was adopted (like my Mom) or who adopted a child or who placed a child for adoption. But unless you have been involved in the process you may not know much about it. Today we will talk about many aspects of this often misunderstood process. We’ll talk about the unsung heroes of the process- the birth mothers! We’ll learn about the nuts and bolts of how it works: different types, how much it costs and what it looks like through the eyes of a child. You’ll learn about the resources that are available to birth moms and adoptive parents. Listen in- you might be able to share the information with someone who needs it!

    What is Love?

    What is Love?
    What is Love? Love is something that we all say we want to give and receive but do we really know what it is? In this episode Rev. Cheryl Ward, Dean of the Agape University at Agape Spiritual Center, will explain to us what love as a verb means and how being more loving starts with ourselves. We’ll learn why the person who is the meanest is the one most in need of love! Have you noticed that it is sometimes hardest to love yourself? For many of us, it’s easy to give love and kindness but very hard to receive it. Using Dr. Emoto’s work on the Hidden Messages of Waters as a model, we’ll discuss the frequency and vibration of love. Tune in to Rev. Cheryl’s love wisdom!

    Says Who?

    Says Who?
    Says who? Tune in to learn how that one simple question can change the way you think forever. My guest, Ora Nadrich, will help us understand how to examine and understand our thoughts and how those thoughts create our reality. We’ll learn how to look and see if our most negative thoughts are really our own, or, instead, represent echos of what we heard from someone else, long ago. We’ll also discuss the relationship between thoughts and feelings, the danger of believing your negative thoughts and how to change them. Ora believes you are the true master of your mind. Listen in to discover how to think the thoughts you want to think and create the life of your dreams.

    Overcoming Adversity With Energy Tapping

    Overcoming Adversity With Energy Tapping
    For all of us, life brings trials and tribulations, in other words adversity! My guest today, Dr. Caroline Sakai, shows us how to overcome adversity! She is an expert in using energy tapping to help us heal and actually become better! Crises and adversity can increase our strengths and resilience. We can transcend trauma, hurt, rage, anger, loss, grief and pain. Tapping into our own healing systems, we can optimize our health and live with gratitude. Join us and learn how apply this to your life!

    Get Ready To Receive Love

    Get Ready To Receive Love
    Are you really open to receiving love? You may be thinking: Of course I am open to receiving love! Love is a wonderful thing. I like nothing better than receiving love! Well, despite what we all think, it's not that simple. Receiving love is not an all-or-nothing thing. After all, think of how hard it can be to accept a compliment! Believe it or not, most people have a hard time receiving love to some degree. Why would this be since love is so wonderful? On the surface it doesn't seem to make sense. After all, don’t we all want love? In this interview the Love Coach, Stefan Gonick, will again be joining us as we look beneath the surface to discover why you might be having trouble fully receiving love. Fortunately, Stefan knows how to help us open our hearts to more fully receive life's greatest gift!

    Be The Best Version of Yourself-After Divorce

    Be The Best Version of Yourself-After Divorce
    In this episode we will be discussing how to be your best self- especially if you are a divorced, mature man. The divorce rate among the over 50s is the fastest growing segment of total divorce statistics in the West. These Baby Boomers are more affluent, healthier, fitter and have often accomplished many of their life goals only to find themselves alone at age 50+. My guest, John Cirak, helps his clients write a new chapter in their lives, learning to be single and enjoy it and then developing a happy, successful social life for themselves. Listen in to learn his Top Ten Dating Tips and advice that is applicable to anyone newly single. He teaches everyone how to “get rid of the old baggage and pick up some new luggage”!

    Do Not 'Should' on Yourself in Your Finances

    Do Not 'Should' on Yourself in Your Finances
    In this episode we will be discussing realistic approaches to money management. When talking about money management, most of us will say “Well, I know I should be saving...I should be paying more attention to my bills” and so on. These kinds of statements merely set up resistance and fill us with guilt or negative energy. My guest today will help us learn how not to “should on ourselves” and how to re-frame our relationship with our finances. She will be discussing both practical management ideas and the spiritual solutions to our financial matters. Tune in for this amazing combination of wisdom, knowledge and compassion. You can find Niina at Niina-Bagdasar@squarespace.com

    A Unique Healing Journey

    A Unique Healing Journey
    The body never lies! Join me in this episode as we discuss ways to tune into our own body wisdom. Using spirit, soul, mind, and body techniques, my guest Janine Fafard, Soul Mentor, works with our “inner space” to connect each of us with our own soul! This work creates peace in your heart to help bring peace in the world. Yoga teachings and energy healing are combined to bring each of us closer to our true selves and to connect with the Divine.

    How To Survive The Loss of a Beloved Pet

    How To Survive The Loss of a Beloved Pet
    We know in today’s world it is much more common for people to accept and even understand how those of us who are pet parents feel when we lose our beloved companions. Our pets, no matter the species, are members of our family and we hurt when they transition. However, there are still the insensitive and unenlightened among us who make cold or insensitive remarks as we deal with the loss. For example, some might ask, upon seeing an elderly dog, “how much longer do you think he’ll last?” or “when are you going to get another one?”, or “well, it was just a cat”. Can you imagine saying that to someone whose spouse just passed away? It’s an extra burden on the grief process. The good news is that you can survive and thrive through the process. We will talk today with Animal Communicator, Joan Ranquet. She has worked with hundreds of pet parents through these transitions and she will share some her tips for thriving through the loss. By the way, do you have a “bucket list” for your dog?

    Creating A Sacred Business

    Creating A Sacred Business
    Are you working too hard for too little money? Maybe you need to take a look at your business as a sacred adventure! My guest in this episode believes that people can only be as successful in business as they are willing to do the inner work necessary to grow and evolve. She has been on a mission to see if it is truly possible to live one’s passion and purpose and get paid well to do it! She has created a model of service-based marketing to help people, especially service based practitioners, create a life-changing business. A true adventurer, Natalie has traveled the world seeking and developing the spiritual formula for the most direct path to success for a holistic practitioner. Tune in and learn the 3 most common massive mistakes most practitioners make that get in the way of their success.

    Blasting Through Your Money Blocks

    Blasting Through Your Money Blocks
    Tune in to learn about your Money Story and clear old blocks! A money story is something we all have- it’s a meaningful pattern of communication between you and your money! And it’s mostly unconscious; learned at a very young age. In order to build wealth consciousness and achieve your financial goals, you have to start inside-out: You have to get real with your ideas, decisions, feelings, and beliefs about money. Most of these things are out of your awareness, like silent software running in the background. All change begins with awareness and that’s where we are going to start today. I am going to teach you about the 5 different types of money. We will learn to uncover, and then clear, the limiting beliefs you have about each one of them. As these limiting beliefs are cleared, a road map to success is formed! Tune in to learn where your limitations lie and then ask yourself: what else is possible for me?

    Skinny Dipping In the Fountain of Youth

    Skinny Dipping In the Fountain of Youth
    Skinny Dipping in the Fountain of Youth! Now, doesn't that something we all want to do? In this episode we are going to talk about those dreams that are in your heart; those dreams that are pointing you towards your life purpose and greatness! We are not talking just about physical appearances. According to Dr. Elizabeth, we can all learn how to make small changes that lead to miraculous results in spirit, soul and body! We all have the potential for expansion and greatness and Dr. Elizabeth has developed 7 key steps to help us all have a magnificent life! It’s never too late to start. Listen in and trust your longing for something greater.

    Practices Determine Experiences!

    Practices Determine Experiences!
    Our Practices Determine our Experiences and Results! Have you ever wondered why you have the experiences you do in life? Why you get the results you do, especially when the same things keep happening over and over again? Our guest today will share his insights into how our practices, those things we do regularly, determine our results and experiences. In other words, we are what we practice: Kindness, compassion, meditation are a few examples of positive practices. It is also true that we have practices of which we are unaware! Through the process of self-reflection and an examination of our lives we can glean insights into those practices which do not support us and which may get in the way of having the life we desire. Tune in for a powerful and enlightening message.

    Aim Higher!

    Aim Higher!
    Get ready for the New Year, 2016! In this episode we will be discussing how to aim higher! Forget the old resolutions that don’t work and that you have probably already forgotten! Let’s set our Intentions for more: let go of the past which doesn't serve you, set yourself free from prisons of the past through forgiveness and start new! It’s the perfect time to focus on what we desire and learn how to align with Source to achieve our highest and truest path to love and peace. In community, we can make the world, and ourselves, better!

    Greatness Within You

    Greatness Within You
    What if you could learn how to use the unused portions of your mind that contain extraordinary abilities to instantly change your mind, your emotions, and your genetic programs by your command? My guest today is going to share with us her message of possibilities! Asara Lovejoy says there is one decision you must make to tap into your genius for success! She believes negative thinking is a natural function and you can learn to look at the good side of negativity but there is so much more! We will learn the benefits of theta thinking that are key to being the best you can be! Learn how to expand beyond the logical deductive reasoning we usually use and move into your personal Super Intelligence! As Asara says, “The way out is in.”

    The Love Conspiracy

    The Love Conspiracy
    In this episode we will be talking with multi-talented singer, songwriter, filmmaker, actress and inspirational coach, Marianne Lewis, “Mystical Marianne”. She will be teaching us about “The Love Conspiracy”! We will learn how to be “love gladiators” and move in inspired overt, rather than covert, action for love! We all have to learn how to find, and trust, our own voice of love so that we can love one another to peace and greatness! Marianne believes in using The Arts as tools to move love forward as we redefine love as fluff to love as force! You won’t want to miss this powerful message!