

    Bear老師有20年的語文教學經歷。希望小朋友能跟Bear老師一起聽故事學語言,了解不同文化,發展良好品格。有什麼想法,都歡迎留言給Bear老師,也歡迎社會各界洽談合作項目。請訂閱Bear老師的播客,每個月15、30晚間8:00上架,讓我們一起學習成長。如果需要「各集逐字稿PDF」或進一步了解英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的ⒻⒷ或🅘🅖。 📧:bearlearnlanguage@gmail.com 🅘🅖:bear.bilingual ⒻⒷ:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
    zhBear Weir64 Episodes

    Episodes (64)

    EP.64 一束花的力量/ The power of a bouquet of flowers

    EP.64 一束花的力量/ The power of a bouquet of flowers
    本集節目由「夢の花屋—草本花道/JR Floral Boutique」贊助播出。 官網:https://jrfloralstudio.com.tw/ FB:搜尋「草本花道」 https://www.facebook.com/jrfloralstudio/?locale=zh_TW LineID:@517rduyh Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚上8:00上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 背景音樂:「花正在開/花は咲く」村治佳織古典吉他演奏 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3Wun0yG9lg Hello, this is teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。 本集節目由「夢の花屋—草本花道」贊助播出。(This episode is sponsored by the dream flower house "JR Floral Boutique".)這是一間溫暖又美麗的花店喔。(This is a warm and beautiful flower shop.) 小朋友,中國新年期間,你去拜訪了哪些人呢?(Who did you visit during the Chinese New Year?)去拜訪的時候,你帶了什麼禮物呢?(What gifts did you bring when you visited?)你相不相信有的小禮物能帶來大大的改變呢?(Do you believe that some small gifts can bring about big changes?)讓我們來聽聽其他小朋友的經驗。(Let’s hear about other children’s experiences.) Amy:Jasper,謝謝你陪我一起去探望Vivian奶奶。(Thank you for coming with me to visit Grandma Vivian.) Jasper:不客氣,我也很想去探望她。(You're welcome, I'd love to visit her too.) Amy:其實,我有點怕一個人去。(Actually, I'm a little afraid of going alone.)她家很昏暗,而且,有點亂。(Her house is very dark and a bit untidy.) Jasper:我知道。(I know.)我覺得那是因為Vivian奶奶還沒走出悲傷。(I think that's because Grandma Vivian hasn't gotten over her sadness yet.) Amy:一定很痛苦吧!(It must be painful!)唯一的家人走了,換作是我,一定不知道該怎麼辦。(The last of her family is gone. If it were me, I would not know what to do.) Jasper:我也是。(Me too.)孤單的感覺很可怕。(To be lonely is terrible.) Amy:我好希望她快點走出悲傷,再來我們學校當志工。(I really hope she can get over her grief quickly and come back to volunteer in our school.) Jasper:對啊!我也好想念她在圖書館給我們讀繪本的樣子。(Yes! I miss her reading picture books to us in the library.) Amy:到了到了。我們要開心點。(We are here. We need to cheer up a bit.) Jasper:嗯~~( Yes~~) Amy、Jasper:Vivian奶奶。(Grandma Vivian.) Vivian奶奶:歡迎歡迎,請進請進。(Welcome, please come in.) Amy、Jasper:謝謝。(Thank you.) Amy:哇!Vivian奶奶,你家…你家不一樣了!(Wow! Grandma Vivian, your house…your house is different!) Jasper:是啊!你家…你家好明亮啊。而且…而且…(Yes! Your house…your house is so bright. And…and…) Vivian奶奶:而且不亂了,是嗎?(And it’s not messy anymore, right?) Jasper:沒有沒有,我們不是那個意思。(No, no, that's not what we meant.) Vivian奶奶:沒關係,我知道。(That’s okay, I know.)我也很喜歡我家現在的樣子。(I also like the way my house looks now.) Amy:是誰來幫你整理的?(Who came to help you organize it?) Vivian奶奶:這一切啊,都要從朋友送給我的一束花說起。(It all started with a bouquet of flowers given to me by a friend.)你看,就在那個花瓶裡。(See there in that vase.) Jasper:哇!好美,看了心情真好。(Wow! So beautiful, it’s really so cheerful to see.) Vivian奶奶:是啊!為了放那束花,我把多年前我先生送給我的花瓶找了出來。(Yes! I found the vase that my husband gave me many years ago to arrange the bouquet.) Amy:他很愛花嗎?(Did he love flowers?) Vivian奶奶:是啊,他總是買花送給我。(Yes, he always used to buy flowers for me.)他總是說擁有生活樂趣很重要。(He always said that it’s very important to have joie de vivre.) Jasper:所以你為了放那束花,把那張桌子清乾淨了?(So you cleaned that table to put that bouquet of flowers?) Vivian奶奶:是啊!不但把那張桌子清乾淨了,為了看清楚那束花,我還裝了新燈泡。 (Yes! I didn’t just clean the table, I also installed new light bulbs so I could see the flowers properly.) 看清楚以後,我發現我該打掃了屋子了。(Then, when I could see clearly, I realized it was time for me to clean the house.) Amy:你還換了新窗簾!(You also got new curtains!) Vivian奶奶:是啊,我把多年沒用的縫紉機拿出來用,自己做了新窗簾。(Yes, I took out the sewing machine that I hadn’t used all these years, and made new curtains for myself.)你看,我還自己做了新的桌巾。(Look, I made new tablecloths by myself too.)喔,對了。這兩個我自己做的零錢包送給你們。(Oh, right, these are for you - two coin purses I made.) Amy、Jasper:謝謝Vivian奶奶。(Thank you, Grandma Vivian.) Amy:真不好意思,我們不但沒帶禮物來,還收了你的禮物。(We feel really sorry. We’re just receiving your gifts but didn’t bring anything for you.) Vivian奶奶:哪裡的話!(Don’t say that.)你們來看我,送給我你們寶貴的時間,這是最棒的禮物。(You came to see me and spend precious time with me. This is the greatest gift.) Jasper:Vivian奶奶,我們學校的小朋友都很想念你。(Grandma Vivian, the children in our school miss you very much.) Amy:是啊,以前下課後常到圖書館聽你說故事。(Yes, I used to go to the library after class to listen to you tell stories.)你還會再回來嗎?(Will you come back again?) Vivian奶奶:會的會的,我最近覺得好多了。(Yes, yes, I feel much better recently.)我想,是時候走出去了。(I think it’s time to go out.)喔!對了,我給你們做了小點心,我去廚房把它們拿出來,我們邊吃邊聊。(Oh! By the way, I made some snacks for you. I will go to fetch them from the kitchen and then we can chat while eating.) Amy:好,我們幫你一起拿!(OK, let’s help you.) Vivian奶奶:謝謝!(Thank you!) Amy、Jasper:不客氣!(You’re welcome!) 小朋友,去年Bear老師心愛的狗狗過世了,我悲傷了好一陣子,家裡也亂糟糟的,無心打理。(My beloved dog passed away last year. I was sad for quite a while. My house was in a mess and I had no motivation to take care of it.)後來,也是從一盆花開始,Bear老師一點一點地在生活環境上做一些改變。(Later, starting from a pot of flowers, I made changes little by little in my surroundings.) 過去的事,我們已經無能為力了,但是未來掌握在自己手裡喔。(We can't do anything about the past, but the future is in our own hands.) 如果,你也想鼓勵朋友掌握未來,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “The future is in your hands.” 意思是「未來掌握在你手裡」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “The future is in your hands.” 小朋友,Bear老師祝你新的一年光明燦爛。(I wish you a bright new year.)如果,你還有放不下的煩惱或悲傷,Bear老師希望你找一個辦法讓自己走出來。(If you still have troubles or sadness that you can't let it go, I hope that you will find a way to get past it.)可能是讀一本書、學一個新的興趣或是完成一個新目標。(It may be reading a book, learning a new interest, or completing a new goal.)許多生活中的小改變都能帶來大大的影響喔。(Many small changes in life can have a big impact.) 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.63 宋詞〈生查子 ── 元夕〉/ A Song Dynasty Lyric “Shēngzhāzǐ ── Yuánxì”

    EP.63  宋詞〈生查子 ── 元夕〉/ A Song Dynasty Lyric “Shēngzhāzǐ ── Yuánxì”
    【滿滿黃豆 營養好喝】 統一蜜豆奶採用非基因改造黃豆製造、不添加防腐劑,每一罐都有滿滿植物性蛋白質營養(滿足孩童一餐1/2攝取所需量), 可以陪伴您的孩子在早餐喝、學習喝、玩樂喝,是營養又好喝的豆奶飲料。 https://bit.ly/4bGO7bu ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚上8:00上架。雖然間隔時間較長,但如此才能兼顧生活品質與錄音品質,細水長流地陪伴大家喔。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 特別感謝:今年1月28日Bear老師收到了Axxxx的贊助,是Bear老師的第一筆聽眾贊助喔。特別感動的是您留下的文字,謝謝您看到了Bear老師的用心,也讓我知道持續製作這個節目是有意義的。藉此機會也謝謝其他聽眾的留言鼓勵與回饋。感謝收聽、分享,讓Bear老師有機會做這樣有意義的事。知識就是力量,一起努力、成長。 片頭、片尾【婷婷唱古文《生查子•元夕》】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCQG86TVMjI 婷婷姊姊製作了一系列適合孩子聽的說唱古文節目,歡迎一同欣賞、學習。 背景音樂【劉泳嘉二胡版《青玉案•元夕》】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyVrGfI60is Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,西洋情人節剛過,你感受到浪漫的氣氛了嗎?(Valentine's Day has just passed, do you feel the romantic atmosphere?)接下來就是農曆一月十五號華人的元宵節,你打算去燈會欣賞花燈嗎?(Next is the Chinese Lantern Festival on January 15th of the lunar calendar. Do you plan to go to the festival to enjoy the lanterns?) 今天,Bear老師想給你們介紹一首大約一千年前跟情人、燈會有關的宋詞〈生查子──元夕〉,(Today, I would like to introduce to you a lyric from the Song Dynasty about 1,000 years ago, “Shēngzhāzǐ──Yuánxì”, which is about lovers and lantern festivals.) 作者是宋朝鼎鼎大名的文學家歐陽修。(The author is Ōuyáng Xiū, a very famous Song Dynasty poet and writer.) 〈生查子〉是曲調的名字 ("Shēngzhāzǐ " is the name of the tune.)。歐陽修為這首曲調寫了新的歌詞,並取名叫「元夕」。(Ōuyáng Xiū wrote new lyrics for this tune and named it "Yuánxì".) 從前的宋詞都配上了音樂,但是因為過了太久了,所以沒有人知道怎麼唱了,只留下美麗的文字讓我們欣賞。(In the past, Song Dynasty lyrics were set to music, but because so much time has passed, no one knows how to sing them anymore, leaving only beautiful words for us to appreciate.)不過,有些人為一些宋詞配上了新的音樂,所以,有的宋詞我們又能唱嘍。(However, some people wrote new music for some Song Dynasty lyrics, therefore, we can sing them again.) 「元夕」的意思就是「農曆年第一個月圓的夜晚」,("Yuánxì " means "the night of the first full moon of the lunar year",)也就是「農曆一月十五日的夜晚」,(that is, "the night of the 15th day of the first lunar month",)跟「元宵」是一樣的意思喔。(which has the same meaning as " Yuánxiāo".)所以農曆的一月十五日也叫「元宵節」。(Therefore, the 15th day of the first lunar month is also called "Yuánxiāo Festival".)至於為什麼也叫「燈節」,請聽聽第二十九集喔!(As for why it is also called “Lantern Festival”, please listen to the episode 29!) 現在,讓Bear老師來為你們讀這首詞:(Now, let me read this lyric for you:) 去年元夜時,花市燈如晝。月上柳梢頭,人約黃昏後。 今年元夜時,月與燈依舊。不見去年人,淚溼春衫袖。 現在讓Bear老師一句一句地給你們解釋:(Now let me explain it to you sentence by sentence :) 去年元夜時,花市燈如晝。 意思是:去年的元宵節,花市裡的燈會,亮得跟白天一樣。 At last year's Lantern Festival, the flower market was as bright as the daytime because of the lanterns. 月上柳梢頭,人約黃昏後。 意思是:我跟她約好了在黃昏以後,月亮爬到了柳樹枝頭上的時候見面。 I made an appointment with her to meet after dusk, when the moon climbed over the willow branches. 今年元夜時,月與燈依舊。 意思是:今年又到了元宵節的夜晚,月亮和花燈還是一樣美麗。 It’s the night of the Lantern Festival again this year, and the moon and lanterns are still as beautiful as last year. 不見去年人,淚溼春衫袖。 意思是:可是去年跟我在燈會見面的那個人已經不在了,讓我忍不住哭了起來,袖子因為擦眼淚都濕了。 But the person I met at the lantern festival last year is no longer there, and I cry uncontrollably. My sleeves are wet from wiping my tears. 這裡的「春衫」,意思不是「春天的衣服」,而是「年輕人穿的衣服」。(The "chūn shān" here doesn’t mean "spring clothes", but "clothes for young people".)這首詞寫的正是歐陽修年輕時候的回憶。(This lyric is about Ōuyáng Xiū's memories of when he was young.) 這首詞是歐陽修為了懷念他過世的妻子所寫的。(This lyric was written by Ōuyáng Xiū in memory of his deceased wife.)雖然是作者寫給妻子的,但這首詞卻讓Bear老師想起了童年時的回憶。(Although it was written to the author’s wife, it reminded me of my childhood memories.)小時候,Bear老師也會跟爺爺一起逛燈會,但是Bear老師的爺爺已經過世很多年了,因此,雖然現在每年的元宵節都依然有燈會,卻已經沒有爺爺陪我一起逛了。(When I was a child, I went to the lantern festival with my grandfather. However, my grandfather passed away many years ago. Therefore, although there are still lantern festivals every year, my grandfather no longer goes with me. ) 小朋友,你還小,所以大部分你愛的人都還在你的身邊,可是這並不是永遠的,因此,要珍惜與他們相處的每一刻。(Kids, you are still young, so most of the people you love are still with you, but this is not forever, so you must cherish every moment with them.) 請跟Bear老師再把這首詞念一次:(Please read this lyric with me again:) 去年元夜時,花市燈如晝。月上柳梢頭,人約黃昏後。 今年元夜時,月與燈依舊。不見去年人,淚溼春衫袖。 你記住了嗎(Do you remember it already)?如果還沒,別擔心(If not, don’t worry)。多念幾次,你就會記住了(You will remember it if you read it more)。 小朋友,如果你想說「這真是美好的回憶」,用英文,可以怎麼說呢? “What a beautiful memory!” 意思是「多麼美好的回憶啊!」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “What a beautiful memory!” 今年的燈會,希望你能跟家人一起好好地欣賞,留下永恆的美好回憶。(I hope you can enjoy this year's lantern festival with your family and have lasting, beautiful memories.) 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.62 十二生肖的意義/ The Meaning of The Twelve Zodiac Animals

    EP.62 十二生肖的意義/ The Meaning of The Twelve Zodiac Animals
    Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚上8:00上架。雖然間隔時間較長,但如此才能兼顧生活品質與錄音品質,細水長流地陪伴大家喔。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfnHm4vZcOw Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,中國新快到了。(The Chinese New Year is coming soon.)你知道代表今年的生肖是哪一個動物嗎?(Do you know how this year is represented in the Chinese zodiac?)今年是龍年。(This year is the Year of the Dragon.)你知道十二生肖是哪十二種動物嗎?(Do you know what are the twelve animals?)你知道每一種動物代表什麼意義嗎?(Do you know what each animal represents?) 十二生肖分別是鼠、牛、虎、兔、龍、蛇、馬、羊、猴、雞、狗、豬。(The twelve zodiac animals are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.)每兩種動物是一個互補的組合,每個組合都有一個特別的意義。(Pairs of animals are complementary, and each combination has a special meaning.) 第一組是鼠和牛。(The first pair is the Rat and the Ox.) 我是老鼠,我很聰明。(I am a rat, I am smart.)我是牛,我很勤勞。(I am an ox, I am diligent.)如果你只有聰明的頭腦,可是不勤勞,那麼就只是「耍小聰明」,什麼大事也做不了。(If you only have a smart brain but are not diligent, then you are just "playing smart" and can't accomplish anything big.)如果你光勤勞卻不動動你的頭腦,那麼一定事倍功半,沒有效率。(If you are diligent but don't use your brain, you will get half the result with twice the effort and be inefficient.) 小朋友,想要達到目標,你不但要勤勞,還要動動你的頭腦喔。(Kids, if you want to achieve your goals, you not only have to be diligent, but you also have to use your brain.) 第二組是虎和兔。(The second pair is the Tiger and the Rabbit.) 我是老虎,我很勇敢。(I am a tiger, I am brave.)我是兔子,我很謹慎。(I am a rabbit, I am cautious.)如果你很勇敢,可是卻不謹慎,那麼就是魯莽,魯莽的人容易犯錯。(If you are brave but not cautious, then you are reckless. Reckless people are prone to making mistakes.)可是如果你太謹慎,什麼事都不敢放手去做,那麼就是膽小。(But if you are too cautious and dare not do anything, then you are timid.) 小朋友,你一定要又勇敢又謹慎,膽大心細,才能創新喔。(Kids, you must be brave and cautious, fearless and careful in order to innovate.) 第三組是龍和蛇。(The third pair is the Dragon and the Snake.) 我是一條龍,我很剛強。(I am a dragon, I am strong.)我是一條蛇,我很柔軟。(I am a snake, I am soft.)如果太剛強就容易被折斷;就好像在颱風當中,樹容易被吹倒,可是小草卻不會,因為小草特別柔軟。(If something is too unyielding, it will be easily broken; just like in a typhoon, a tree will be easily blown down, but the grass will not, because the grass is very soft.)但是,太柔軟的人沒有主見,就容易被別人牽著鼻子走。(However, people who are too soft have no independent opinions and are easily led by others.) 小朋友,可見,我們做人要剛柔並濟,才不會太固執或太軟弱喔。(Kids, so we can see that we need to be both strong and soft in life, so as not to be too stubborn or too weak.) 第四組是馬和羊。(The fourth pair is the Horse and the Sheep.) 我是馬,我總是往前衝。(I am a horse, I always rush forward.)我是羊,我總是合群。(I am a sheep, I always cooperate with others.)如果一個人只顧著往前衝而不顧旁人的感受,那一定會跟人發生衝突。(If a person only cares about moving forward and ignores the feelings of others, he will surely conflict with others.)但是如果只顧著配合他人,那就會失去自己的目標和方向。(But if you only focus on cooperating with others, you will lose your own goals and direction.) 小朋友,所以我們勇敢往前衝的同時,也要適時地停下來關心別人的需要。(Kids, so while we rush forward bravely, we must also stop and care about the needs of others at the right time.)要不然即使你達成了夢想,卻失去了家人、朋友,那麼你會快樂嗎?(Otherwise, even if you achieve your dream, but lose your family and friends, will you be happy?) 第五組是猴和雞。(The fifth pair is the Monkey and the Rooster.) 我是猴子,我很靈活。(I am a monkey, I am flexible.)我是雞,我很穩定。(I am a rooster, I am stable.)如果一個人能夠又靈活又穩定,那麼不但能夠隨機應變,(If a person can be flexible and stable, he will not only be able to adapt to changes,)還能持之以恆喔。(but also persevere.) 小朋友,不管做什麼事,一定要有恆心,並且根據情況修改你的方法,這樣才會成功喔。(Kids, no matter what you do, you must have perseverance and modify your methods according to the situation, so that you will succeed.) 第六組是狗和豬。(The sixth pair is the Dog and the Pig.) 我是狗,我很忠誠。(I am a dog, I am loyal.)我是豬,我很隨和。(I am a pig, I am easy-going.)如果一個人能夠又忠誠又隨和,那麼就不但能交到知心的好朋友,(If a person can be loyal and easy-going, he will not only make close friends,)也能多認識新朋友喔。(but also make more new friends.) 小朋友,人際關係是很重要的,你需要能和你談心的親密朋友,也需要能幫助你開開眼界的新朋友。(Kids, interpersonal relationships are very important. You need close friends who can talk to you, and you also need new friends who can help you broaden your horizons.)朋友能幫助你在人生的路上不寂寞喔。(Friends can help you to not be lonely on the road of life.) 現在,你知道為什麼華人選擇這十二種動物了吧!(Now you know why the Chinese chose these twelve animals!)你覺得有道理嗎?(Do you think it makes sense?)如果有不懂的部分,記得要問問師長喔!(If there is anything you don’t understand, remember to ask your teachers and parents!) 如果你想問別人屬什麼生肖,用英文你可以怎麼說呢? “What is your Chinese zodiac animal?” 意思是「你屬什麼生肖?」 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “What is your Chinese zodiac animal?” 小朋友,如果你想知道更多有關十二生肖的英文和知識,請聽聽第二十八集喔! If you want to know more English and knowledge about the twelve zodiac animals, please listen to episode 28! 祝你農曆新年快樂!龍年行大運! Wish you a happy Chinese New Year! Good luck in the Year of the Dragon! 我們下次見嘍!(See you next time!)

    EP.61日文繪本《有你多麼幸福》/ A Japanese Picture Book “Having you around makes me so happy”

    EP.61日文繪本《有你多麼幸福》/ A Japanese Picture Book “Having you around makes me so happy”
    Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚上8:00上架。雖然間隔時間較長,但如此才能兼顧生活品質與錄音品質,細水長流地陪伴大家喔。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 本集背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sINv8sJ87_Y Hello, this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。小朋友,今天Bear老師想給你們介紹一本日文繪本《きみにありがとうのおくりもの》,意思是「送給你一份感謝的禮物」。(Today I would like to introduce to you a Japanese picture book《きみにありがとうのおくりもの》. The Japanese title means “give you a gift of gratitude”.)不過,臺灣的出版社給這本繪本取了一個新的中文名字「有你多麼幸福」。(However, the Taiwanese publisher gave it a new Chinese name – “Having you around makes me so happy”.)因為Bear老師的日文還不夠好,所以Bear老師讀的是中文譯本,然後,Bear老師再把這個故事翻譯成英文給你們聽。(My Japanese is not good enough, so I will read the Chinese translation, and then translate the story into English for you.)現在,我們來聽聽這個故事嘍!(Now, let’s hear the story!) 日文繪本《有你多麼幸福》/ a Japanese picture book “Having you around makes me so happy” 作者:宮野聰子 / Author:みやのさとこ 中文翻譯:游珮芸 / Chinese translator You Pei-yun 森林的角落有一個大洞穴,大熊和小松鼠相親相愛的在那裡生活。 In the corner of the forest is a big cave, where two dear friends, big bear and little squirrel, live together. 每天早上小松鼠一起床,就開始打掃、洗衣服,然後做早餐。 Every morning when little squirrel gets up, he starts cleaning, washing clothes, and making breakfast. 大熊伸了個懶腰慢吞吞的以床後,就悠閒地在院子裡散步,然後為青菜和花朵澆水。 Big bear gets out of bed slowly, stretches, and takes a walk in the garden, where he waters the vegetables and flowers. 小松鼠也好喜歡慢吞吞的大熊,大熊也好喜歡充滿活力的小松鼠。 Little squirrel likes the big slow bear so much, and big bear also likes the energetic little squirrel very much. 有一天,小松鼠看著大熊,心裡想著……因為有大熊的細心照料,庭院裡才有這麼多美麗的花朵和好吃的青菜。 One day, as the little squirrel was watching the big bear, and thought to himself: it’s because of big bear’s care that we have so many beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables in the garden. 大熊也看著小松鼠,心裡想著……因為有小松鼠勤奮的清洗,家裡才有太陽味道的床單和柔軟蓬鬆的毛巾。 The big bear also looked at the squirrel, and thought: because of little squirrel’s careful cleaning, the house has sheets that smell of sunshine and soft fluffy towels. 溫暖的午後,兩個好朋友一起出門散步。 One warm afternoon, the two good friends went out for a walk together. 「大熊,我找到好多你喜歡的蘑菇喔!」 "Big Bear, I found a lot of those mushrooms you like!" 「這邊也有很多小松鼠喜歡的草莓呢!」 “Over here there are also a lot of little squirrel’s favourite strawberries!” 小松鼠一邊想著大熊,一邊摘蘑菇。 「大熊會不會很開心呢?」 Little squirrel picked mushrooms while thinking about big bear. "I wonder if big bear will be very happy?" 大熊也一邊想著小松鼠,一邊摘草莓。「小松鼠一定會很高興吧!」 Big bear also picked strawberries while thinking about little squirrel. "Little squirrel will definitely be very happy!" 摘完蘑菇和草莓後,他們來到小河邊清洗。 After picking mushrooms and strawberries, they went to the river to wash. 「水好冰啊!」小松鼠說。 "The water is so cold!" said the little squirrel. 「不要緊吧?我們到草原上曬太陽。」大熊說。 "Are you alright? – let's go to sunbathe on the grass," Big Bear said. 「哇!大熊的肚子暖呼呼的!」 "Wow! Big bear's belly is so warm!" 「怎麼樣?是不是暖和了呢?」 “How’s that? You feel warmer now?” 「嗯,好溫暖,謝謝。」 “Oh, it’s so warm. Thank you.” 小松鼠為了感謝大熊,做了一頂花冠送給他。 To thank the big bear, little squirrel made a flower crown and gave it to him. 「呵呵,有點癢癢的。」 “Haha, it tickles” 「好看嗎?大熊,你喜歡嗎?」 “Does it look good? Do you like it?” 「嗯,很喜歡,謝謝。」 “Oh, I like it very much, thank you” 回到家後,他們一起準備晚餐。 When they got home, they prepared dinner together. 今天的餐點是磨菇煎蛋和草莓果醬麵包。 Today’s meal is mushroom omelette, and bread with strawberry jam. 吃晚餐時,大熊對小松鼠說:「小松鼠,謝謝你為我做的一切。」 During dinner, big bear said to little squirrel, "Thank you for everything you have done for me, little squirrel." 小松鼠睜大眼睛問:「怎麼了?為什麼忽然這麼說?」 Surprised, little squirrel asked, "What's wrong? Why did you say that?" 「我一直在想,乾淨的房間、有太陽味道的床單、好吃的早餐,還有花冠……全都讓我覺得好幸福喔!("I keep thinking that the clean room, the sheets that smell like the sun, the delicious breakfast, and the flower crowns… it all makes me feel so content!)『謝謝』一定是在感到幸福的時候才會說的話吧!("Thank you" must be the thing people want to say only when they feel content.”)」 聽到大熊這麼說,小松鼠也說(Hearing big bear say this, the little squirrel replied:):「我也一樣!(Me too!)因為有大熊,庭院裡才會有美麗的花朵和好吃的青菜;(Because of big bear, there are beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables in the garden;)餐桌上才會有整齊的碗盤和杯子。(there are neat bowls, plates and cups on the table.)而且你還溫暖了我的手!(And you keep my hands warm!)我很喜歡你為我做的一切,謝謝你為我做的所有事!(I love all the things you do for me, thank you for everything!)」 到了該睡覺的時間。 It’s time to sleep. 小松鼠一邊打哈欠,一邊說:(The little squirrel yawned and said,)「哇!像這樣跟你一起睡覺,是我最幸福的時候唷!(Wow! Sleeping with you like this is the happiest time for me!)大熊,今天也是,謝謝你所做的一切。(Big Bear, today I feel the same, thank you for everything you did.)晚安…(Good night…)」 小松鼠睡著了,發出呼嚕呼嚕的鼻息聲。大熊輕聲的說:(The little squirrel fell asleep and snored. Big Bear said softly:)「晚安。(Good night.)看著你睡著的臉龐,是我最幸福時候。(To see your face while you sleep is the happiest time for me.)謝謝你,一直在我身邊。(Thank you for always being by my side.)」 那天晚上,小松鼠和大熊都沉浸在幸福的感覺裡睡著了。 So that night, big bear and little squirrel fell asleep full of contentment. 小朋友,你覺得幸福嗎?(Do you feel happy?)如果覺得幸福,你想感謝誰呢?(If you feel happy, who would you like to thank?)如果不幸福,你覺得應該怎麼辦呢?(If you are not happy, what do you think you should do?)Bear老師建議你,記錄下每天完成的事,並且想一想是誰幫你完成的。(I suggest you can record what you achieved every day and think about who helped you achieve it.)比如說,你平安 地抵達了學校,你可以感謝路上指揮交通的警察;(For example, if you arrive at school safely, you can thank the police who directed traffic on the road;)你吃完了午飯,感謝為你準備食物的廚師;(after you finish lunch, thank the chef who prepared the food for you;)洗完了澡,感謝父母為你準備了溫暖的水。 (after you take a shower, thank your parents for providing warm water for you.)Bear老師知道,世界並不 公平,總有讓你羨慕的人。(I know that the world is not fair and there are always people you might envy.) 但是Bear老師知道幸福的秘訣就是:珍惜你所擁有的。(But I know that the secret to happiness is: cherish what you have.) 如果,你想感謝某個人為你所做的一切,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “Thank you for everything you have done for me.” 意思是「謝謝你為我所做的一切」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Thank you for everything you have done for me.” 小朋友,新的一年,Bear老師也謝謝你的陪伴。祝你幸福喔! This new year, I also appreciate your company. Wish you happiness! 我們下次見嘍!(See you next time!)

    EP.60 最棒的禮物/The Greatest Gift (Bear老師原創故事#14)

    EP.60 最棒的禮物/The Greatest Gift (Bear老師原創故事#14)
    Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚上8:00上架。雖然間隔時間較長,但如此才能兼顧生活品質與錄音品質,細水長流地陪伴大家喔。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 本集背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBKAbghgtfA Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,聖誕節剛過,你收到了什麼禮物呢?(Christmas is just over, what gift did you receive?)你喜歡你的禮物嗎?(Do you like your gift?)有的禮物,雖然不貴重,但卻是無價的,你收過這樣的禮物嗎?(There are some gifts which are not expensive, but are priceless. Have you ever received such a gift?)讓我們來聽聽其他小朋友收到了什麼禮物。(Let's hear what gifts other children received.) Amy:聖誕節你們收到了什麼禮物?(What gifts did you get for Christmas?)我收到了一件我很喜歡的毛衣。(I got a sweater that I like very much.) Robin:我收到了一輛腳踏車。(I got a bicycle.) Emma:哇!聖誕老公公對你好大方,我只收到了一雙手套。(Wow! Santa Claus is so generous to you, I only got a pair of gloves.) Robin:是我爸媽送的。(It was a gift from my parents.) 你不會真的相信有聖誕老公公吧? (You don’t really believe there’s a Santa Claus, do you?) Emma:我寧願相信有。(I would rather believe there is.) Amy:欸,Jasper呢?(Hey, where is Jasper?) Emma:我剛剛碰到他,他看起來好像不太開心。(I just ran into him and he didn't look happy.) Robin:對啊,這幾天大家都在談收到了什麼聖誕禮物,可是他好像什麼都沒收到。(Right, everyone has been talking about what gifts they got for Christmas, but it seems he didn’t get anything.) Amy:新冠疫情的時候,他爸爸開的餐廳收起來了,所以這幾年他家的情況不太好。(During the COVID-19 epidemic, his father’s restaurant was closed down, so his family’s situation has not been very good the last few years.)好像去年他也沒收到禮物。(It seems like he didn't receive a gift last year either.) Emma:我們來假扮聖誕老公公送他禮物 !(Let’s pretend to be Santa Claus and give him a gift!) Robin:可是聖誕節已經過了。(But Christmas is already over.) Amy:沒關係,我來想辦法。(It doesn't matter, I'll figure it out.) 啊!我家到了。我晚上再打電話告訴你們。(Ah! This is my house already. I'll call you this evening to tell you.) Robin、Emma:嗯!我們晚上談談。(Let's talk this evening then.) ********************************************************************************************************* Amy:Jasper,最近怎麼樣?(How are you lately? ) Jasper:你們相信嗎?昨天聖誕老公公在我的抽屜裡留了一個禮物和一張卡片。(Well, can you believe this? Yesterday Santa Claus left a gift and a card in my drawer.)卡片上他跟我道歉。(In the card, he apologized to me.)他說聖誕夜那晚,他送禮物送著送著,忽然肚子痛,所以只好先回家了。因此今天才送禮物給我。(He said that on Christmas Eve, while delivering gifts, he suddenly had a stomachache and had to go home first. So he just gave me my gift today.) Robin:哇!真的嗎?聖誕老公公真的很在乎你。 (Wow! Really? Santa Claus really cares about you.) Emma:是啊!他還特地送禮物來學校給你。(Yes! He specially brought the gift to school for you.) Jasper:我真的很感動。(I’m really touched.)他知道我在努力學英文,所以送給我一本英文文法書。我很喜歡。(He knew that I’m learning English very seriously, so he gave me an English grammar book. I like it so much.) Amy:我很開心你喜歡這個禮物。(I'm glad you like this gift.) Emma:我們本來很擔心你會因為今年沒收到禮物而失望,現在放心了。(We were worried that you’d be disappointed not to receive a gift this year, but now we’re relieved.) Jasper:其實,你們一點都不必擔心。(Well, you really don’t need to worry.) Robin:為什麼?(Why?) Jasper:因為我已經擁有最棒的禮物了。(Because I already have the greatest gift.) Amy:那是什麼?(What’s that?) Jasper:就是你們啊!(It’s you guys!) 小朋友,對你來說,最棒的禮物是什麼呢?(What is the greatest gift for you?)希望你也能擁有最棒的禮物。(I hope you also have the greatest gift.) 還有,當你要送別人禮物的時候,用英文你可以說 “I got you something. I hope you like it.” 意思是「我有一個東西要給你,希望你喜歡。」 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I got you something. I hope you like it.” 小朋友,不管你今年有沒有收到聖誕禮物,不管你今年過得如何,都希望你擁有一個嶄新的一年。(Whether you received a Christmas gift this year or not, no matter how your year went, I hope you have a super new year.) 祝你2024年新年快樂! (Happy New Year 2024!) 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.59 戰火下的聖誕老公公/ Santa Claus under the fire of war (Bear老師原創故事 #13)

    EP.59 戰火下的聖誕老公公/ Santa Claus under the fire of war (Bear老師原創故事 #13)
    本故事靈感來自於戰火下的兩個真實故事: (1)一位父親為了讓孩子能在戰火中正常生活,每當遠方的轟炸聲響起時,就帶著孩子唱歌,苦中作樂,讓孩子能夠堅強地活下去。 (2)記者詢問戰火中的一個小男孩有何希望,他卻反問記者:「我還能活著嗎?」 Bear老師小提醒: (1) 由於涉及戰爭這個殘酷的議題,期盼父母能與孩子一同聆聽,在必要時為其解釋、給予安慰。 (2) 戰爭雙方的百姓都是無辜的,本創作無意控訴任何一方,因此選擇了阿拉伯世界與西方世界的兩個名字Amal 與Olivia作為主角,分別意寓「希望」與「和平」,期盼兩個不同的世界能走向希望與和平。 🎧每個月15號、30號晚上8:00更新。 📜如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 🎁贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 本集背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRkIL13jVXU&t=5303s 背景音樂: 聖誕音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NCcqmYCyoQ&list=PLTfzb4h-uy5wgUTZHzY0QQ9M5E9YjZ6Y3 幻想即興:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmeTrL4lBd0 命運交響曲:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFifaY_eZU0 新世界交響曲:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOofzffyDSA Hello, This is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。小朋友,聖誕節又快到了,你打算怎麼慶祝呢?(Christmas is coming soon, how will you celebrate?)你期待聖誕老公公會送來什麼禮物呢?(What gifts do you hope Santa Claus will bring?)你覺得世界上的小朋友都有機會收到禮物嗎?(Do you think all children everywhere have the chance to receive gifts?)讓我們來聽聽Amal和Olivia這兩位小朋友的故事。(Let's listen to the story of two children, Amal and Olivia.) Olivia:Amal,這麼晚了,你怎不在床上睡覺?(It’s so late, why don't you go to bed and sleep?)坐在窗邊做什麼?(What are you doing sitting by the window?) Amal:Olivia,你怎麼來了?(Why did you get here?) 我坐在這裡,因為我睡不著。(I am sitting here because I can’t sleep.) Olivia:我也睡不著,那邊又在轟炸了,我怕等一下會炸過來這裡。(I can't sleep either, they are bombing over there again, and I’m afraid they will bomb over here later.) Amal:別怕。(Don't be afraid.)就像院長教我們的一樣,把爆炸聲想成音樂。(It’s just like the Director taught us - think of explosions as music.) Olivia:太難了。(It’s too difficult.) Amal:試試看啊,不試你怎麼知道。(Just try. If you don’t try how can you know?) Olivia:好吧~~(All right~) Amal:你覺得這次像誰的音樂?(Whose music are you thinking of this time?) Olivia:蕭邦,幻想即興(Chopin,Fantasie Impromptu)。 Amal:哪裡像?(Why is it like that?) Olivia:哪裡不像?(Why not like that?) Amal:好吧。欸,又來了又來了,你聽。(OK … well, here it comes again, listen …) Amal:你覺得這次像誰的音樂?(You think it’s like whose music this time?) Olivia:貝多芬,命運交響曲(Beethoven,Symphony No. 5)。 Amal:對,我也覺得像。(Yes, I think so too!)啊!又來了又來了,這個很近。(Here it comes again … this one was close.) Amal:這次呢?(So, this time?) Olivia:德佛札克(Dvorak)! Amal:你是不是覺得像新世界交響曲?(Like「The New World Symphony」?)? Olivia:對,就像新世界。(Yes, like「The New World」.) Amal:咦,你聽到了嗎?(Hey, can you hear that?)外面好像有人在哭。(Sounds like someone crying outside.) Olivia:這麼晚了,會是誰呢?(It’s so late – who could it be?) Amal:走!出去看看。(Let’s go out and have a look.) Olivia:不行啊!很晚了,外面好冷。(No, it’s so late, and cold outside!)Amal………好吧!欸!等我! (…OK, wait for me!) Olivia:咦,那不是聖誕老公公嗎?(Hey … isn’t it Santa Claus?)旁邊還有麋鹿。(He has reindeer there.) Amal:我聽說聖誕老公公只照顧一些小朋友,沒想到他會來找我們。(I heard that Santa Claus only takes care of some children, I didn’t expect that he’d come to us.) Olivia:才不是,聖誕老公公照顧全世界的小朋友。(No, Santa Claus takes care of children everywhere.) Amal:他為什麼坐在地上?(Why is he sitting on the ground?)臉好髒,衣服也破了。(His face is dirty and his clothes are torn.) Oliva:走,過去問他。(Let’s go over and ask him.) Amal:你是聖誕老公公嗎?(Are you Santa Claus?) Santa:是的,我是!(Yes, yes I am!) Olivia:真的是你!(You’re really him!) Amal:你為什哭得這麼傷心?你怎麼了?(Why are you crying like that? What happened?) Santa:我給你們孤兒院帶了好多禮物,(I brought a lot of gifts to your orphanage,)可是,剛剛一顆飛彈擊中我的雪橇,現在禮物全沒有了!我拿什麼送給你們?(but a missile just hit my sleigh and now all the gifts are gone! What can I give you?) Olivia:喔,謝謝你!可是真的沒關係。(Oh .. thank you! But it really doesn’t matter.)你受傷了嗎?(Are you hurt?) Santa:幸好我跟麋鹿都沒事。(Luckily, I and my reindeer are all fine.)可是,沒有禮物了,怎麼辦?(But if there are no gifts, what should I do?) Amal:你來看我們,就是最好的禮物。(You came to see us. That’s the best gift.) Olivia:是啊!我以為全世界都忘記我們了。(That’s right! I thought the whole world had forgotten about us.) Santa:喔!不不不,我沒忘記你們。(Oh! No, no – I haven’t forgotten you.) Amal:謝謝你,我會告訴其他小朋友的。(Thank you! I will tell the other children.) Santa:請告訴大家,我明年一定會再來,請等我。(Please tell everyone that you can expect me to visit next year – please wait for me.) Olivia:可是…我不確定明年我們還活著。(But … I’m not sure we’ll be alive next year.) Santa:喔!我可憐的孩子。真的對不起,真的對不起。(Oh! My poor kids. I’m really so very sorry.) Amal:Olivia,你不要亂說,你害聖誕老公公更傷心了。(Olivia, don’t talk like that. You made Santa even more sad.) Olivia:沒事,沒事,我亂說的,真的亂說的。(It’s fine, it’s fine – I really didn’t mean that.) Amal:警報聲響了,一定是炸過來這裡了。院長一定會急著找我們去地下室躲藏。(That’s the alarm sounding –the bombing is definitely coming this way now. The Director will be looking for us to go hide in the basement.)我們得走了。(We have to go.) Olivia:對,要是院長找不到我們,她會很擔心的。(Right – the Director will be very worried if she can’t find us.)你要不要跟我們一起去躲在地下室裡?(Do you want to come with us to shelter in the basement?) Santa:不行,我得快走了。(I can’t – I have to go.) Amal:那你一定要小心。(Then you really must be careful.) Santa:我會的,放心,麋鹿會帶我回去。(I will! Don’t worry, the reindeer will bring me back.)記得,要懷抱希望。等我,我一定會再來的。(Remember, have hope, and wait for me – I’ll definitely come back.) Amal、Olivia:嗯,我們答應你。(We promise!) Santa:快進去吧!(Quick, go inside!)聖誕節快樂!(Merry Christmas!) Amal、Olivia:聖誕節快樂!(Merry Christmas!)再見!(Goodbye!) Santa:再見(See you)!等我!(Wait for me!) Amal、Olivia:好!(OK!) Olivia:我們能嗎?(Can we?) Amal:我不知道,可是我們會努力試試看,對吧?(I don’t know, but we will try hard, right?) Olivia:嗯,我們會的。(Yes, we will.) Amal:快跑!(Run!) 小朋友,如果今年聖誕老公公沒給你禮物,可能是因為他沒時間修好他的雪橇,請不要失望。(If Santa Claus doesn’t bring a gift this year, maybe it’s because he didn’t have time to repair his sleigh; please don’t be disappointed.) 還有,在我們慶祝聖誕節的同時,有很多小朋友正活在戰火中,隨時都有可能喪命。(And remember that while we’re celebrating Christmas, there are children who are living through war, with their lives at risk.)因此,希望你也能為他們祈禱,祝他們平安、幸福。(So I hope you can pray for them and wish them peace and happiness.) 如果你希望神能夠保佑一個人,用英文,你可以說: “God bless you.” 意思是「神保佑你」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “God bless you.” 小朋友,平安幸福的生活,不是理所當然的。(A safe and happy life is not something you can take for granted.)請珍惜你所擁有的一切,好好地發展自己的能力,並且善待他人。(Please cherish everything you have, develop your abilities well, and be kind to others.) 祝你聖誕快樂!(Merry Christmas!) 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.58 英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》(下)/An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”(Part 2/2)

    EP.58 英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》(下)/An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”(Part 2/2)
    各位小朋友與大朋友,為了配合工作與作息,Bear老師的故事改成每個月15號、30號晚上8:00上架。雖然間隔時間變得較長,但如此才能兼顧生活品質與錄音品質,細水長流地陪伴大家喔。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 本集背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRkIL13jVXU&t=5303s Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,在上一集當中,阿鼠、松鼠和貓頭鷹為了帶小獾回家,深入了森林裡(In the last episode, Mouse, Squirrel and Owl walked deep into the forest to take little Badger home.)。天快黑了,他們能不能成功地找到獾媽媽呢?(It’s getting dark – will they succeed in finding Mummy Badger?)讓我們繼續聽下去。(Let's keep listening.) An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”/英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》 Story by Steve Smallman /作者:史蒂夫‧史莫曼 Illustrated by Caroline Pedler/插畫家:卡洛琳‧佩德勒 On they trudged through the darkening forest. Little Badger yawned. (他們艱難地穿過黑暗的森林,小獾打著哈欠。) Squirrel(松鼠):“She’s tired!(她累了!)” Squirrel said, as shadows stretched across their path.(松鼠說話的同時,他們拉長的身影映在了路上。) Owl(貓頭鷹):“Well, it’s way past her bedtime.(嗯,已經過小獾睡覺的時間了。)” Mouse (阿鼠): “I know! She’s tired, and hungry, and scared, and she needs her mum, and it’s getting dark, and……I don’t know what to do!(我知道!她又累、又餓、又害怕,她需要媽媽,而且天快黑了,而且……我不知道該怎麼辦!)” Squirrel (松鼠): “There, there.( 秀秀,秀秀。)” Owl spread her wings, “I know what you need.” (貓頭鷹張開翅膀說:「我知道你需要什麼。」) Little Badger cheered(小獾歡呼著說):“Hug!(抱抱!)” Mouse felt funny. Being a bit of a grumpy mouse, he didn’t get very many cuddles. (阿鼠覺得有一點尷尬又好笑,因為他是一隻脾氣暴躁的老鼠,沒有得到過太多的擁抱。) Suddenly, there was flash of grey in the bushes. (突然,有什麼灰色的東西從灌木叢中閃了過去。 ) Little Badger (小獾):“Mummy?(媽媽?)” But it wasn’t Mummy Badger, It was…..a wolf! He swaggered over, licking his lips. (但這不是獾媽媽,而是……一隻狼!他大搖大擺地走過去,舔了舔嘴唇。) The wolf(狼): “Look what we have here!(看看這裡有什麼!) A squirrel for starters(松鼠當前菜), a badger and an owl for the main course,(主菜是獾和貓頭鷹,), and a mouse for pudding!(飯後甜點是老鼠!)” Mouse(阿鼠):“I am not a pudding! (我才不是飯後甜點!)And you can’t eat my friends!(還有你不能吃我的朋友!)” The wolf(狼):“Says who?(誰說的?)” Mouse(老鼠): “Me!(我!)” Squirrel(松鼠): “And me!(還有我!)” Owl(貓頭鷹: “And me!(還有我!)” “And me!(還有我!)” shouted Mummy Badger.(獾媽媽喊。) The wolf took one look at her angry eyes and scarpered.(狼一看獾媽媽憤怒的眼神,就驚慌地跑走了。) Mummy Badger hugged Little Badger tight.(獾媽媽緊緊地抱住了小獾。) Mummy Badger (獾媽媽):“Thank you all for bring her home!(謝謝你們大家帶她回家!)” Squirrel(松鼠):“It was Mouse’s idea.(是阿鼠的主意。) ” Mummy Badger(獾媽媽):“Well, thank you, Mr. ── wait a minute, Aren’t you the grumpy mouse who lives in the oak tree?(嗯,謝謝你,這位先生您……等一下,你不是那隻住在橡樹裡的脾氣很暴躁的老鼠嗎?)” Mouse (阿鼠):“For the last time, I am not grumpy……at least, not anymore!(最後一次,我的脾氣不暴躁……至少……以後不暴躁了。)” And for the first time in a long time, Mouse smiled.(阿鼠笑了,他好久沒笑了。) “Because now I have friends,(因為現在我有朋友了,) and friends, well, that’s just what I need!(而朋友們,正是我需要的!)” 小朋友,現在你是不是放心了呢?(Do you feel reassured now?)你覺得阿鼠是一個好朋友嗎?(Do you think Mouse is a good friend?)你願意接受一個脾氣暴躁的朋友嗎?(Could you accept a grumpy friend?)如果朋友的脾氣暴躁,你要怎麼幫助他呢?(If your friend is grumpy, what can you do to help?)你覺得松鼠跟貓頭鷹的貼心,對阿鼠有幫助嗎?(When Owl and Squirrel were kind to Mouse, do you think it helped?) 而你,是一個脾氣暴躁的人嗎?(And how about you? Are you a grumpy sort of person?)脾氣暴躁的時候,可能對別人造成傷害,讓朋友離你更遠。(When you’re in a bad mood, you might hurt others and drive your friends away.)因此,一定要想辦法找出脾氣暴躁的原因,並且改正,這樣才不會讓身邊的人感到不舒服喔。(In that case you need to find the reason why you’re grumpy, and fix it, so your companions can feel comfortable around you.) 還有,如果某天你因為沒控制好暴躁的脾氣而傷害了朋友,用英文,你可以怎麼表達歉意呢? “I lost my temper, I was wrong.” 意思是「我沒控制好脾氣,我錯了。」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I lost my temper, I was wrong.” 小朋友,希望你不但能控制好脾氣,也能幫助脾氣暴躁的朋友。(I hope you can control your temper, and also help your grumpy friends.) 我們下次見嘍!(See you next time!)

    EP.57 英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》(上)/An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”(Part 1/2)

    EP.57 英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》(上)/An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”(Part 1/2)
    各位小朋友與大朋友,為了配合工作與作息,Bear老師的故事改成每個月15號、30號晚上8:00上架。雖然間隔時間變得較長,但如此才能兼顧生活品質與錄音品質,細水長流地陪伴大家喔。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 本集背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRkIL13jVXU&t=5303s Hello, this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。小朋友,你是脾氣暴躁的人嗎(Are you a grump)?你覺得脾氣暴躁的人一定就是壞人嗎(Do you think a grump must be a bad person)?你願意跟脾氣暴躁的人當朋友嗎(Would you like to be friends with a grump)?今天Bear老師要給你介紹一本英文繪本(Today, I’m going to introduce you an English picture book),故事裡的主角阿鼠是一隻脾氣暴躁的老鼠(The main character Mouse is a grumpy mouse),可是,他卻有著一顆善良的心喔(but, he is very kind)。 An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”/英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》 Story by Steve Smallman /作者:史蒂夫‧史莫曼 Illustrated by Caroline Pedler/插畫家:卡洛琳‧佩德勒 Mouse was in a particularly grumpy mood. He’d woken up to find that the door to his oak tree was blocked by a big furry bottom! (阿鼠的心情特別暴躁,因為他醒來時發現他的橡樹門被一個毛茸茸的大屁股擋住了!) “That’s just what I need(好像我需要這個一樣)!” he grumbled, climbing out of the window to see what was going on.(他嘀咕著,爬出窗外看看發生了什麼事。) Then, splash, a drop of water landed on Mouse’s nose.(然後,撲通一聲,一滴水滴到了阿鼠的鼻子上。) Mouse sighed (阿鼠嘆氣):“Rain! That’s just what I need!(唉~~是雨水啊!好像我需要這個一樣!)” But it wasn’t a raindrop. It was a teardrop, from a very sad little badger. (但這不是雨滴。 那是一滴眼淚,來自一隻非常悲傷的小獾。) Little Badger wailed(小獾嚎啕大哭): “Where is my mummy?(我媽媽在哪裡?)” Squeaked mouse(阿鼠吱吱叫): “I don’t know! But I’ll help you to find her if you stop that racket!(我不知道,不過如果你別吵,我會幫你找到她。)” Little Badger stopped crying. Then, with a sniffle, she took Mouse’s paw and off they went. They hadn’t gone far when a butterfly fluttered past.(小獾不哭了。然後,她吸了吸鼻子,抓住阿鼠的爪子就走了。他們還沒走多遠,一隻蝴蝶翩翩飛了過去。) Little Badger(小獾):“Pretty!(好漂亮!)” Squealed Little Badger, galloping after it. (小獾尖叫著,追著蝴蝶跑。) Squeaked Mouse(阿鼠吱吱叫): “Stop!(站住)” But when Little Badger did, Mouse was completely lost. (但當小獾停下來時,阿鼠完全迷路了。) Mouse groaned(阿鼠呻吟著): “That’s just what I need! (好像我需要這個一樣!)” “Hello,(你好,)” said a squirrel-y voice.(松鼠說) “Aren’t you that grumpy mouse who lives in the old oak?(啊你不就是住在老橡樹裡的那隻脾氣暴躁的老鼠嗎?)” Mouse said grumpily(老鼠生氣地說): “I am not grumpy!(我的脾氣不暴躁!)I am trying to get this little badger back to her mum.( 我正在努力把這隻小獾帶回她媽媽身邊。)” Squirrel said(松鼠說):“How kind!(你人真好!) My friend will know where the Badgers live, come on!(我的朋友知道獾他們住在哪裡,來吧!) ” “Hello, Squirrel,(你好啊松鼠,)” hooted Owl.(貓頭鷹叫著) “What a dear little badger!(好可愛的小獾啊!) Oh, and you’ve brought lunch.(你還帶了午餐來。)” Mouse spluttered(阿鼠氣急敗壞地說): “I am not lunch!(我才不是你的午餐!)” Owl nodded(貓頭鷹點頭): “Indeed,(確實,) You’re that grumpy mouse.(你是那隻脾氣暴躁的老鼠。) I don’t eat grumpy mice, they’re far too sour.(我不吃脾氣暴躁的老鼠,吃起來太酸了。) ” Squirrel said(松鼠說): “Actually, he’s trying to get Little Badger home to her mum!(其實,他正努力要把小獾帶回媽媽身邊呢!)” Owl smiled(貓頭鷹微笑): “Then follow me,(那跟我來吧,) The forest is a dangerous place after dark so we’d better get going!(天黑後森林很危險,所以我們最好加快腳步!)” Everyone follow Owl deeper into the forest then, splosh, a drop of water landed on Mouse’s nose. ) (大家跟著貓頭鷹深入了森林裡,撲通一聲,一滴水滴到了阿鼠的鼻子上。) Mouse grumbled(阿鼠嘀咕著):“Oh! Please don’t start crying again!(喔!拜託別再哭了!) ”But it wasn’t a teardrop, it was a raindrop! (但這不是淚滴,而是雨滴!) “That’s just what I need!(好像我需要這個一樣!)” Mouse huffed as it started to pour.(當雨水開始傾瀉而下時,阿鼠氣呼呼地說。) Said Owl(貓頭鷹說):“We must keep little Badger dry, soggy badgers catch colds. (別讓小獾淋濕了,要不然會感冒。)” Mouse gasped(阿鼠喘著氣說):“Oh crumbs! Anyone got an umbrella?(天啊!誰有雨傘?)” “You’re welcome to shelter under my tummy,” said a big brown bear. (歡迎到我的肚肚下面躲雨,一隻大棕熊說。) “But what is the grumpy mouse doing out here with Little Badger? (可是那隻脾氣暴躁的老鼠和小獾在這裡做什麼呢?) ” Squirrel said quickly(松鼠很快地說):“He’s trying to get her home.(他正試著送小獾回家喔。)” Bear smiled(棕熊笑了):“What a kind friend!(好善良的朋友啊!)” Mouse blushed. He’s never been called a friend before. (阿鼠臉紅了。他從來沒被人稱為朋友。) When the rain stopped, Bear pointed them in the right direction. (雨停了,棕熊給他們指明了正確的方向。) “And you’d better hurry, it’s getting late!(你們最好快一點,越來越晚了!)” 小朋友,夜晚的森林是非常危險的(The forest at night is very dangerous),你覺得他們能找到獾媽媽嗎(Do you think they can find Mummy Badger)?讓我們為他們祈禱(Let’s pray for them),希望在下一集的故事當中聽到好消息(and hope we can hear good news in the next episode)。 還有,你聽到阿鼠說“That’s just what I need!”,這句話如果直接翻譯意思是「這就是我需要的。」不過,當阿鼠脾氣暴躁地說這句話時,其實是一句反話喔,真正的意思是「我不需要這個」。因此,你在說這句英文時,要注意口氣。比如說(For example),你正需要一枝筆,同學就借你一枝筆,這時你的口氣應該是 “That’s just what I need!”。可是,相反的,如果你寫功課寫著寫著,筆卻壞了,也沒有人能借給你一枝筆,害你不能完成功課,這時,你的口氣就是 “That’s just what I need!”,諷刺地說就是「好像我需要這個一樣」,其實就是「不需要」的意思。這樣,你懂了嗎?Do you get it? 請用開心的口氣跟Bear老師再說一次: “That’s just what I need!” 請用諷刺的口氣再說一次: “That’s just what I need!” 小朋友,請等待下一集喔(Please wait for the next episode)! 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.56 英文繪本《不給糖,皮特貓咪就搗蛋》/An English picture book “Pete the Cat:Trick or Pete”

    EP.56 英文繪本《不給糖,皮特貓咪就搗蛋》/An English picture book “Pete the Cat:Trick or Pete”
    📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,萬聖節快到了(All Saints' Day is coming),你想打扮成什麼呢?超人、巫婆還是鬼怪呢(what do you want to dress up as? Superman, witch or ghost)?如果看到嚇人的裝扮,你會不會怕呢(Would you be afraid if you saw a spooky costume)?還有,萬聖夜的時候,你會不會跟著家人或朋友一起去挨家挨戶地討糖吃呢(Also, on Halloween, will you go door-to-door with your family or friends to ask for candy)?讓我們跟著皮特貓咪一起去看看吧(Let's follow Pete the Cat and see what happens)! An English picture book “Pete the Cat Trick or Pete”/英文繪本《不給糖,皮特貓咪就搗蛋》 Author: James Dean, Kimberly Dean/作者:詹姆士狄恩、金柏莉狄恩 Illustrator: James Dean/插畫家:詹姆士狄恩 It’s Halloween. Pete the Cat is excited to go trick-or-treating in his superhero costume. (萬聖夜到了。皮特貓咪興奮地裝扮成超級英雄準備去要糖吃。) “I hope nothing too spooky happens” says Pete. (「我希望不會發生太嚇人的事。」皮特說。) “Don’t worry” says Pete’s dad. “We have our flashlights!” (「別擔心,我們有手電筒。」皮特的爸爸說。) “Let’s go trick-or-treating!” Says Pete. (「走,不給糖就搗蛋!」皮特說。) Pete and his dad walk outside(皮特跟爸爸出了門). The wind rustles the leaves(風吹得樹葉沙沙作響). Pete sees something moving in the tree(皮特看到樹上有東西在動). It’s just an owl! “That wasn’t too spooky” says Pete. (「只是一隻貓頭鷹!沒那麼嚇人。」 皮特說。) They arrive at a neighbor’s house (他們到了鄰居家). Pete rings the bell (皮特按了按門鈴). He hears a strange sound coming to the door (他聽到了奇怪的聲音越來越靠近門口了). “It’s just Callie.” Pete says. “She’s not too spooky.” (「原來是凱莉,她沒那麼嚇人。」 皮特說。) Callie joins Pete and his dad trick-or-treating (凱莉跟著皮特還有皮特的爸爸一起去要糖). At the next house, there is something in the yard (在隔壁鄰居家的院子裡,有一個東西). “Phew. It’s just a scarecrow.” Says Pete. “That’s not too spooky.” (「原來是稻草人,沒那麼嚇人」皮特說。) Pete rings the doorbell (皮特按了按門鈴). “Trick or treat!” say Pete and Callie. (「不給糖就搗蛋!」皮特和凱莉齊聲說道。) “Awesome costume!” says Pete. “Very spooky …… but not too spooky.” (「好棒的服裝!非常嚇人,不過,也沒那麼嚇人啦。」皮特說。) “Thank you.” Says Mrs. Gold, the crossing guard. (「謝謝!」指揮交通的導護金太太說) At the next house, there is something glowing on the steps. (隔壁的台階上有東西在發亮) “Cool!” says Pete. “Jack-o’-Lanterns!” (「酷!南瓜燈。」皮特說) Callie rings the doorbell (凱莉按了按門鈴). “Trick or treat!” say Pete and Callie. (「不給糖就搗蛋!」皮特和凱莉齊聲說道。) It’s Pete’s teacher (是皮特的老師)! “One piece of candy each!” she says. (「一人一個糖!」老師說。) Suddenly, they hear something behind them (忽然他們聽到身後有聲音)! “What was that?” ask Callie.(「那是什麼?」凱莉問。) “Oh, it’s just our friend Emma.” Says Pete. “Not spooky but groovy!”(「原來是我們的朋友艾瑪。沒那麼可怕,可是很時髦喔。」皮特說。) “One last house. And then we’ll go home.” Says Pete’s dad.(「最後一家,然後我們就回去嘍。」皮特的爸爸說。) Pete rings the bell. Ding-dong! (皮特按了按門鈴,叮咚!) “Yikes! It’s a spooky ghost! ” screams Pete. (「哎呀!是嚇人的鬼!」皮特尖叫。) “Don’t be silly, Pete. It’s just me.” says Grandma. (「別傻了!皮特,是我。」奶奶說). Callie and Pete get treats and hugs(凱莉和皮特不但得到了糖果,還得到了奶奶的擁抱)! Trick-or-treating wasn’t too spooky at all. It was actually full of sweet surprises. Happy Halloween. (「不給糖就搗蛋」的活動不但一點也不嚇人,而且其實充滿了甜蜜的驚喜。萬聖夜快樂!) 小朋友,聽了這個故事後,你是不是也想試試看呢?還是你已經試過了呢?如果,你看到了別人的服裝好棒啊!用英文,你可以怎麼誇獎他呢? “Awesome costume!” 意思是「好棒的服裝」,請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Awesome costume!” “Trick or treat!”,不給糖就搗蛋。小朋友,祝你有個好玩的萬聖夜(Have a fun Halloween)。如果想聽更多有關萬聖夜的故事,也可以聽聽第十八集喔(If you want to hear more stories about Halloween, you can also listen to episode eighteen)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.55 英文繪本《當我感到傷心時》/An English Picture Book “When I’m Feeling Sad”

    EP.55 英文繪本《當我感到傷心時》/An English Picture Book “When I’m Feeling Sad”
    📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 背景音樂:Chopin: Nocturne No. 21 in C Minor, Op. posth. (recording of the Century : Claudio Arrau) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUdoxvigIl8 Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,當你感到傷心時,你能怎麼辦呢(What can you do when you feel sad)?讓我們來聽聽這位小朋友的經驗(Let's listen to this kid's experience)。 An English Picture Book “When I’m Feeling Sad”/英文繪本《當我感到傷心時》 Author:Trace Moroney(作者:崔西 摩洛妮) When I’m feeling sad I feel like someone has taken all the colours away……and everything is grey and gloomy and droopy. 當我感到傷心時,我覺得有人把顏色都帶走了,什麼都是灰色的,又陰沉又垂頭喪氣。 When I’m feeling sad I feel like I could cry…and cry…and cry soooo much that I make a flood! 當我感到傷心時,我覺得我只能一直哭,一直哭,哭得淚水氾濫成災。 I want to crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head…and stay there until the sadness goes away. 我想爬到床上用被子蓋住頭,就這樣一直在被窩裡待著直到傷心遠離。 Some things make me really sad…like when I hear Mum and Dad arguing, or when I am sick and my body doesn’t work properly…or when someone, or something, I love dies. 有些事真的讓我傷心,就像當我聽到父母吵架時,或當我的身體因為生病而不能正常活動時,或我所愛的死去時。 It’s okay to let yourself feel sad…but it could help to talk to someone about it. Sharing your feelings can sometimes make you feel better. 如果你覺得傷心,就傷心吧,沒關係的。不過,如果你能跟別人談一談,或把你的感覺說出來,有時候會有幫助的。 When I’m feeling sad, I try to be kind and gentle to myself. I like to soak in a big bubble bath, or listen to my favourite music. 當我感到傷心時,我試著對自己更好更溫柔。我喜歡洗個泡泡浴,或聽聽我最愛的音樂 Sometimes, just being with friends and family makes me feel better…even if I don’t want to talk. 有的時候,只是跟家人或朋友待在一起,即使我一句話都不想說,也能讓心情好些。 But the nicest feeling of all is when a kind person gives me a hug and says “Everything is going to be okay.” 但最好的感覺就是有一個體貼的人抱著我跟我說:「一切都會好起來的。」 小朋友,其實最近Bear老師非常傷心,因為我心愛的狗狗過世了(I’m actually very sad recently because my beloved dog passed away),我的心好痛好痛(My heart hurts so much)。不過我知道時間是最好的藥,我相信一切都會好起來的(But I know time is the best medicine and I believe everything is going to be okay)。. 如果你想安慰我或其他傷心的朋友,用英文,你可以說: “Everything is going to be okay.” 意思是「一切都會好起來的」。請你再用英文為我說一次,好嗎? “Everything is going to be okay.” 小朋友,我知道一切都會好起來的(I know “Everything is going to be okay.”)。也希望你學會怎麼面對悲傷(I also hope you learn how to face sadness)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.54 唐詩〈月下獨酌〉/ Tang poem 'Drinking Alone Under the Moon'(唐詩#6)

    EP.54 唐詩〈月下獨酌〉/ Tang poem 'Drinking Alone Under the Moon'(唐詩#6)
    📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqL1yplhJY0 Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,這幾天是中秋節假期(During these few days, we celebrate Moon Festival)。因此,今天Bear老師要給你介紹一首跟月亮有關的唐詩〈月下獨酌〉(Therefore, today, I want to introduce you a Tang poem related to the moon, titled 'Drinking Alone Under the Moon’)。寫這首詩的詩人非常有名喔,他的名字就是李白,Bear老師也在第十一集當中介紹過他(The poet who wrote this poem is very famous, and his name is Li Bai. I also introduced him in Episode 11)。 現在讓我們來聽聽這首詩: Now let's listen to this poem: 花間一壺酒,獨酌無相親。 舉杯邀明月,對影成三人。 什麼意思呢? What does it mean? 花間一壺酒 意思是: 我在花叢間品嚐著一壺酒。 I am savoring a jug of wine amidst the flowers. 獨酌無相親 意思是: 可是只有我一個人自己喝著酒,身邊一個親友都沒有。 But it’s only me here, drinking by myself, with no friends or family around. 舉杯邀明月 意思是: 我舉起了杯子,邀請月亮跟我一起喝酒。 I raise my cup, inviting the moon to join me for a drink. 對影成三人 意思是: 因為我邀請了月亮,所以現在我、月亮和我的影子,我們三個人一起喝酒。 Because I invited the moon, now it's me, the moon, with my shadow cast by the moonlight, the three of us drinking together. 小朋友,你曾經有過孤單的感覺嗎(Have you ever felt lonely before)?其實,世間萬物都能是你的朋友,就看你能不能運用想像力來為自己創造快樂與豐富的生活(Actually, everything in the world can be your friend; it depends on whether you can use your imagination to create a happy and fulfilling life for yourself)。 現在,我們來複習這首詩(Now, let's review this poem)。 花間一壺酒,獨酌無相親。 舉杯邀明月,對影成三人。 你記住了嗎(Do you remember it already)?如果還沒,別擔心(If not, don’t worry)。多念幾次,你就會記住了(You will remember it if you read it more)。 小朋友,如果有一天你真的必須表達寂寞的感覺,那麼,用英文,可以怎麼說呢? “I feel very lonely.” 意思是「我很寂寞」。 請跟Bear老師再說一次。 “I feel very lonely.” 小朋友,寂寞的時候,希望Bear老師的故事能陪伴你,幫助你思考,並走出寂寞的感覺(When you feel lonely, I hope my stories can accompany you, help you reflect, and alleviate the sense of loneliness)。 如果你還想聽聽更多有關中秋節的故事或唐詩,可以回頭找找第10、11、12集喔(If you'd like to hear more stories or Tang poems related to the Moon Festival, you can go back and look for episodes 10, 11, and 12)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.53 矮個子晏嬰/ The short Yan Ying

    EP.53 矮個子晏嬰/ The short Yan Ying
    📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5H98FrAhv-o Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,你有沒有自己非常在意的缺陷呢(Do you have any weakness that you're particularly concerned about)?如果有人拿你的缺陷開玩笑,或是羞辱你,你應該怎麼辦呢(If someone makes fun of your weakness or humiliates you, what should you do)?讓我們先聽聽這個故事,再來思考思考應該怎麼做(Let's first listen to this story and then think about what to do)。 大概2000多年前,齊國有一個名叫晏嬰的人,從小就很聰明,但是由於他長得特別矮,所以常常被別人取笑(More than 2000 years ago, there was a man in the kingdom of Qi named Yan Ying. He was very clever from a young age, but because he was unusually short, he was often teased by others)。可是晏嬰並不在意,並且非常努力,長大以後,成為了齊國的大臣(However, Yan Ying was not self-conscious about it and worked very hard. As he grew older, he became a government minister in the kingdom of Qi)。 有一年,齊王派晏嬰出使強大的楚國(One year, the king of Qi sent Yan Ying as an envoy to the powerful kingdom of Chu)。可是晏嬰到了楚國,前來迎接他的楚國官員卻故意不開大門,只開了一扇最小的邊門(However, when Yan Ying arrived in Chu, the Chu officials who came to welcome him deliberately didn't open the main gate; they only opened a small side gate)。晏嬰知道這是楚國官員故意羞辱他,卻一點也不生氣,反而心平氣和地說(Yan Ying knew that this was a deliberate insult by the Chu officials, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he calmly said):「只有到狗國去才會鑽小小的狗洞,楚國認為自己是狗國嗎(Only in a dog's country would one go through a tiny dog door. Does Chu consider itself a dog's country)?如果不是,那麼,我就該走大門才對(If not, then I should enter through the main gate)。」楚國的官員聽了,只好打開大門讓他進去(The Chu officials had no choice but to open the main gate for him)。 楚王見到晏嬰後,裝出很驚訝的樣子說(When the King of Chu saw Yan Ying, he pretended to be very surprised and said):「難道齊國都沒人才了嗎(Does Qi have no talent left)?怎麼派你這樣一個矮子來呢(Why would they send such a short person like you)?」晏嬰笑了笑,很從容的回答(Yan Ying smiled calmly and replied):「大王,您錯了,我們齊國各種人才都有(Your Majesty, you misunderstand. In Qi, we have talented people of all kinds)。上等人才出使上等國家,次等人才出使次等國家。而我是齊國的下等人才,所以我們大王就派我來這兒了(The top talents are sent to the top countries, and the lower-ranked talents are sent to lower-ranked countries. I, being one of the lesser talents of Qi, have been sent here by our king)。」楚王原來是想要羞辱晏嬰的,沒想到卻自取其辱(The King of Chu had originally wanted to humiliate Yan Ying but ended up humiliating himself)。 過了不久有個官員押解了一個犯人到大殿上來向楚王報告(Not long after that, an official escorted a prisoner into the royal court and reported to the King of Chu):「大王,這個齊國人在我們楚國幹了許多壞事,現在總算把他逮到了(Your Majesty, this person from the kingdom of Qi has done many bad things in our land, and we have finally captured him)。」楚王聽了,又故意裝出非常驚訝的樣子對晏嬰說(Upon hearing this, the King of Chu once again pretended to be very surprised and said to Yan Ying):「難道你們齊國人都這麼差嗎(Are all the people from Qi so bad)?」晏嬰不慌不忙地回答(Yan Ying, with calm composure, replied):「大王,您可知道,橘子本來是南方的水果,又大又甜又好吃(Your Majesty, do you know that mandarins are originally a fruit from the south? They are big, sweet, and delicious there )。可是,如果把它移植到北方,就變得又酸又苦又難吃,這就是環境造成的(However, if you transplant them to the north, they become sour, bitter, and hard to eat. This is all due to the environment)。這個人我認得,他在我們齊國規規矩矩的,怎麼到了楚國就變壞了呢(I know this person, and he behaved properly in Qi. How did he turn bad after coming to Chu)?可見你們楚國的環境有問題啊(It seems there might be some issues with the environment here in Chu)!」楚王聽了以後,又生氣又丟臉。從此,他再也不敢瞧不起晏嬰了(Upon hearing this, the King of Chu became both angry and embarrassed. From then on, he dared not look down on Yan Ying anymore)。 小朋友,你是不是覺得晏嬰非常機智也非常有自信呢(Do you think Yan Ying is very clever and confident)?中文有一個成語叫「不卑不亢」,意思就是「不自卑,也不自大(In Chinese, there is an idiom called '不卑不亢,' which means 'neither inferior nor arrogant)」。其實,每個人都有優缺點,沒有人是完美的(In fact, everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and no one is perfect)。我們都應該以不卑不亢的態度,努力發揮自己的才華,同時也欣賞他人的優點(We should all maintain a ' neither inferior nor arrogant ' attitude, striving to showcase our talents while appreciating the strengths of others)。 小朋友,如果你想向晏嬰學習,用英文,可以怎麼說呢? “I will learn from him.” 意思是「我會向他學習的」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I will learn from him.” 小朋友,希望你能向晏嬰學習(I hope you can learn from Yan Ying)。將來,若看到地位比你高,或比你厲害的人,千萬不必自卑(In the future, if you encounter people who are in a higher position or more skilled than you, you should never feel inferior)。而若看到不如你的人,也千萬不可驕傲自大喔(And when you encounter those who may not be as capable as you, it's important not to become arrogant)。 我們下次見嘍! See you next time.

    EP.52 魏美人的鼻子/ Wei Meiren’s nose

    EP.52 魏美人的鼻子/ Wei Meiren’s nose
    📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMdtOGNGgFo Hello, this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。小朋友,如果有人在背後說你的壞話,或是用惡毒的言語在網路上霸凌你,你應該怎麼辦呢(If someone is gossiping about you behind your back, or says something nasty about you on the Internet, what should you do)?最近Emma小朋友也遭遇到了這樣的問題,讓我們來聽聽她怎麼做(Little Emma had this problem lately, let’s hear about what she did)。 Amy:Emma,你怎麼了(What’s wrong)?為什麼哭(Why are you crying)? Emma:上個禮拜的體育課我們班一起跑步,結果我是最慢的(We were running in gym class last week, and I was the slowest)。後來,我發現班上同學有一個Line的小組群,他們在組群裡嘲笑我(Then I found out my classmates have a Line group where they’re laughing at me)。他們說我不但跑步慢,長得也慢,難怪這麼矮,就像一隻烏龜(They said I’m a slow runner, and I grow slowly that’s why I’m so short, just like a turtle)。 Amy:喔~我覺得烏龜超可愛,他們太不懂得欣賞了(Oh … I think turtles are super cute, seems like they don’t know how to appreciate them)。 Emma:可是,我不喜歡被說又矮又慢(But I don’t like being called short and slow)。 Amy:看你傷心讓我好難受(I don’t like to see you sad)。不過,我忽然想到了一個故事,你想聽嗎(But you reminded me of a story. Do you want to hear it)? Emma:嗯~~我要聽(Sure, I’d like to hear it)。 Amy:大概兩千多年前,中國東南部有一個強大的楚國,在楚國西北方的魏國為了討好楚王,就送給楚王一個美女當妃子(About two thousand years ago, there was a powerful region of south-east China called the Chu kingdom. In order to please the King of Chu, the Wei kingdom in the northwest sent the King of Chu a beautiful wife)。大家都叫她「魏美人」,因為她是魏國來的美麗女人(We call her “Wei Meiren”. In Chinese it menas “a beautiful woman from Wei.”)。 Emma:那楚王一定很開心(So the King of Chu must have been very happy)。 Amy:對,楚王非常開心,常常跟魏美人在一起(Yes, the King of Chu was very happy and spent a lot of time with Wei Meiren)。可是,楚國的王后卻不高興了,並且非常忌妒魏美人(However, the Queen of Chu was unhappy and very jealous)。於是,她派人在宮裡散佈謠言說「魏美人雖然很美,可惜鼻子有一點歪」(So she sent people to spread rumors around the palace, saying, "Although Wei Meiren is very beautiful, her nose is a little crooked)。 Emma:王后好壞(That Queen was so bad)。不過,魏美人的鼻子真的有一點歪嗎(So, was Wei Meiren‘s nose really a little crooked)? Amy:魏美人的鼻歪不歪並不重要,因為楚王是真的喜歡她(That wasn’t the point, because the King of Chu really liked her)。可惜的是,魏美人居然真的相信了謠言,並且非常擔心(It’s a pity that Wei Meiren took notice of the rumours and was very worried)。後來,只要見到楚王就開始遮掩她的鼻子,因為她怕楚王嫌棄她的鼻子而不喜歡她了(After that, whenever she saw the King, she started covering her nose because she was afraid the King would dislike her because of her nose)。 Emma:結果呢(So what then)? Amy:結果,楚王誤會魏美人是嫌棄自己的體臭才遮的鼻子,一氣之下,就派人把魏美人的鼻子給割下來了(It turned out that the King got the wrong idea. He thought Wei Meiren was covering her nose because of his body odour. In a fit of anger, he ordered her nose cut off)。 Emma:天啊!好可怕!她中了王后的計了(Oh my – how awful. She fell into the Queen’s trap)。 Amy:對,你還記得嗎(Right. Do you remember )?Bear老師說過「有的時候人比鬼還可怕」(Miss Bear said that sometimes people are more scary than ghosts)。 Emma:如果魏美人能夠有自信,不管別人說什麼就好了(If Wei Meiren had had enough confidence, she wouldn’t have cared what others said)。 Amy:沒錯!你有沒有想過,或許是因為同學忌妒你功課好,所以故意嘲笑你(Exactly! Did you ever think that maybe your classmates are just jealous of your good grades, and that’s why they laugh at you)。如果你因為在意而傷心難過,然後影響了念書的心情,那麼,受害的就只有你自己(If you brood about it and it affects your mood when you’re studying, you’re the only one who suffers)。 Emma:謝謝你告訴我這個故事,現在,我知道應該怎麼做了(Thanks for telling me the story, now I know how to handle it)。 Amy:嗯~~走(Hey, come on),我帶你去看烏龜,你就知道牠們有多可愛了(I’ll take you to see turtles, you will see how cute they are)。 Emma:嗯~我要看我要看(Oh, I want to see, I want to see),走吧走吧( Let’s go)! 小朋友,如果你是Emma,你會怎麼做呢(If you were Emma, what would you do)?還是,你也正在說別人的壞話呢(Or are you gossiping about others)?Bear老師希望你能夠專注於自己喜歡的事情,不要 在乎那些惡意的批評(I hope you can focus on things you enjoy and ignore the haters)。同時,Bear老師更希望你不要成為霸凌的加害者(And … I hope you won’t become someone who bullies others)。 如果,你聽到關於你的惡意的批評,希望你可以瀟灑地說 “I don’t care!” 意思是「我不在乎」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I don’t care!” 小朋友,希望你能夠判斷哪些意見對你才是重要的,哪些批評對你根本不重要(I hope you can learn to judge which opinions are valid and which don’t matter at all)。還有,最重要的是,千萬不要成為霸凌者喔(And most importantly, don’t become a bully)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.51 新鬼與老鬼/A new ghost and an old ghost

    EP.51 新鬼與老鬼/A new ghost and an old ghost
    📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftizgTrTAWw&t=4885s Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,現在是農曆七月,是華人文化中的鬼月(It is the 7th month of the lunar calendar, which we call “ghost month” in Chinese culture)。在這個月當中,很多事都不能做,比如說,不能搬家,不能結婚,不能到水邊去玩…等等(During this month, we avoid many things – for example, you cannot move house, get married, or play in the water, and several other things)。你也一定聽過有一些老人說,晚上少出門,免得碰到鬼(Most likely you’ve heard old people say it’s better to avoid going out at night, to avoid meeting a ghost)。今天,就讓我們來聽聽一個「新鬼與老鬼」的故事(Today, let’s listen to a story about “A new ghost and an old ghost”)。 很久很久以前,有一個地方叫胡家村,這個胡家村,一到晚上就鬧鬼,比如說,門忽然打開了,蠟燭忽亮忽暗,或是院子裡的樹忽然倒了(A long time ago, there was a place called HuJia village. At nightfall, this village was haunted by ghosts – which is to say, the door might suddenly open, or the candle may flicker on and off, or the trees in the yard might suddenly fall)。每次遇到這樣的情況,那戶人家就必須準備一頓好吃的來拜拜,安撫那些鬼(Whenever this happened, the family of the house had to prepare a tasty meal for the ghosts to appease them)。 可是,有一個人,名叫胡田生,他一點都不怕,所以啊,常常在晚上出門閒晃,就是想看看鬼到底長什麼樣子(However, there was one man, called Hu TianSheng, who was not afraid at all. He often went outside for a stroll, just to see what the ghosts looked like)。有一天,他半夜從朋友家離開後獨自走路回家,忽然,他看到一個面色蒼白的人飄過來,越來越近,越來越近(One day, he was leaving a friend’s house in the middle of the night, and started walking home alone. Suddenly, he saw a pale figure, floating closer and closer)。胡田生心想:「我該不會是碰到鬼了吧()?」(Hu TianSheng thought to himself: “Surely, this must be a ghost!”)就在這時,那個鬼忽然先開口了:「你這個大膽的人,居然敢一個人走夜路,看我怎麼嚇你!」(and at that moment, the ghost suddenly spoke. “Such a brave man you are - you dare to walk the streets alone? Let’s see how I can scare you!”) 胡田生忽然靈機一動地說(But an idea occurred to Hu TianSheng, and he replied):「老大哥您誤會啦,我也是鬼啊!(Big brother, you misunderstand – I am also a ghost!)」 那個鬼半信半疑地說(The ghost said, doubtfully):「真的嗎?那…你為什麼看起來這麼像人呢(Is that so? Then … why do you look so human)?」 胡田生回答(Hu TianSheng replied):「唉~~那是因為我剛死不久啊!是個新鬼。(it was only recently that I died. I am a new ghost!)」 那個鬼說(The ghost said):「哎呀!難怪你走路的樣子這麼笨重(Aha! No wonder you walk in that clumsy way)。來來來,你跟著我這個老鬼吧!我教你怎麼去找吃的(Come along, you follow this old ghost, and I’ll teach you how to find food)。」 於是,胡田生跟在老鬼後面,邊走邊聊了一會兒(So Hu TianSheng followed along behind the old ghost, chatting as they walked)。 胡田生:「大哥,謝謝您跟我說了這麼多經驗(Brother, thank you for relating to me your experience)。不過,我很好奇的是,我們鬼,到底怕什麼啊(But I am very curious: what are we ghosts afraid of)?」 老鬼:「對了,我忘了告訴你,千萬別讓人在你身上吐口水啊(Ah yes, I forgot to tell you: you must never, ever let anyone spit on you)!要不然,你會馬上化作一陣煙,然後永遠消失,再也沒有機會投胎啦(Otherwise, you will disappear in a puff of smoke and never be seen again, even losing your chance to be reincarnated)!」 胡田生一聽,立刻朝老鬼身上吐了一大口口水(Upon hearing this, Hu TianSheng immediately spat a big mouthful at the old ghost)。「啊~~~~( Aaaah)!」就這樣,老鬼一聲慘叫,化作一陣煙,消失得無影無蹤了(just like that, the old ghost screamed, and with a puff of smoke, disappeared without trace)。 小朋友,聽了這個故事以後,你有什麼想法呢(What are your thoughts when you hear this story)?你覺得鬼很可怕嗎(Do you think ghosts are scary)?你是否曾聽過一句話說「有的時候,人比鬼還可怕」,這句話是什麼意思呢(Have you heard the saying: “sometimes, people are more scary than ghosts”? What does the saying mean)? 其實,Bear老師也不清楚世界上到底有沒有鬼(I’m not so sure if there are any ghosts in the world),可是,Bear老師很清楚的是世界上有很多壞人(but I am certain that there are lots of bad people)。他們做的事比鬼還要可怕多了,而且,你常常看不出來他們是壞人,直到你被他們害了才知道(What they do is much scarier than ghosts, and you can’t always tell that they’re bad people – you won’t know until you’re harmed by them)。因此,我們真正該害怕的或許並不是鬼,而是那些可惡的人(So perhaps what we should really be afraid of is not ghosts, but those terrible people)。你同意嗎(Would you agree)? 小朋友,如果聽了這個故事以後,你覺得一點都不怕鬼,用英文,可以怎麼說呢? “I am not afraid of ghosts.” 或是 “I am not scared of ghosts. ” 意思是「我不怕鬼」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I am not afraid of ghosts.” 或是 “I am not scared of ghosts. ” 小朋友,Bear老師希望你能夠勇敢,同時,也學會保護自己喔(I hope that you can be brave, and at the same time, learn to protect yourself)。如果你還想聽跟鬼月有關的故事,歡迎你去聽聽第八集和第九集喔(If you still want to hear stories about Ghost Month, you are welcome to listen to episode eight and nine )。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.50 我的感冒好了/ My cold is gone (Bear老師原創故事#12)

    EP.50 我的感冒好了/ My cold is gone (Bear老師原創故事#12)
    📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kek3bM7yswQ&t=9388s (Happy Now) Hello, this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。小朋友,你還記得不久以前,Bear老師和Amy都感冒了,可是,現在我們都好了(Do you remember, not so long ago, I and Amy had a cold, but we’re both recovered now)。今天,Amy終於跟她的好朋友Emma見面了,我們來聽聽他們說什麼(Today, Amy finally meets up with her friend Emma, let’s hear what they say)。 Emma:Amy,好久不見,希望你覺得好多了(Amy, didn’t see you for so long, I hope you’re feeling better now)。 Amy:謝謝你,我覺得我的病好了(Thank you! I think I’ve recovered now)。 Emma:我知道你很怕打針(I know you’re afraid of injections),醫生給你打針了嗎(did the doctor give you an injection)? Amy:沒有,不過她給我吃了一些藥,讓我舒服一點(No … just some medicine to make me feel better)。 Emma:這次感冒,你有那些症狀,嚴重嗎(Did you have any serious symptoms with this cold)? Amy:我有一點發燒(I had a slight fever)、流鼻水(runny nose)、咳嗽(cough)、頭痛(headache)、肌肉痛(some muscle pain),不太嚴重,可是很不舒服(Nothing too serious, but very uncomfortable)。 Emma:我懂,生病的時候真難受(I know. It’s hard when you’re sick)。去年我得到了流行感冒,不但跟你有一樣的症狀,還一直吐,一直拉肚子(I got the flu last year. Not just the same symptoms as you; vomiting and diarrhea too)。 Amy:我記得,那個時候我擔心死了(I remember. I was so worried for you when that happened)。 Emma:謝謝你這麼關心我(Thanks for caring about me so much)。 我們都要更小心注意自己的健康(We all need to pay attention to our health)。 Amy:嗯。對了,醫生還告訴我流行感冒病毒無所不在,而且有很多不一樣的類型(I remember the doctor was telling me the flu virus is everywhere, and there are several different types)。所以最好的辦法就是增加自己的抵抗力(So it’s really best to improve your immune system)。 Emma:我奶奶說打流行感冒疫苗有用(My grandma said that it’s worth getting the flu vaccine),可是我媽媽有不一樣的看法(but my mother thinks differently)。 Amy:我爸爸也說打疫苗這件事很複雜(My father says vaccination is a very complicated issue),應該根據自己的狀況決定,我們也應該尊重每個人的選擇(He says it’s something for everyone to decide according to their own situation, and we should respect everyone’s personal choice)。 Emma:可是Mary阿姨說每個人都一定得打疫苗(But Aunt Mary says everyone should be vaccinated),所以他們全家每年都打流感疫苗(so her whole family gets the flu vaccine every year)。 Amy:我爸爸說民主社會,每個人的想法都值得尊重(My father says that in a democratic society, everyone’s views should be treated with respect),所以Mary阿姨一定也有她的道理(I’m sure Aunt Mary has her reasons),下次我們去找她聊天,聽聽她的看法(Next time we go to chat with her, we’ll ask about her opinion)。 Emma:嗯,我喜歡去她家,每次都有好吃的(I like going to her house, she always has nice things to eat!),她總是說營養很重要(She’s always saying nutrition is important)。 Amy:喔~~這才是你的目的(So you’re only thinking about that)。 Emma:才不是(That’s not true)! 小朋友,以前你感冒的時候,有哪些症狀呢(When you had a cold, what symptoms did you have)?是不是也跟Amy一樣(The same as Amy)?而現在,你是不是也替Amy開心呢(Now, Do you feel happy for Amy)? 你知道「我康復了!」用英文怎麼說嗎? “I recovered!” 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I recovered!” 小朋友,你在生活中做了哪些事情來維持你的身體健康呢(What are you doing with your lifestyle to improve your health)?請分享給朋友,並請繼續保持喔(Share tips with your friends, and keep it up)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.49 我感冒了/I have a cold (Bear老師原創故事#11)

    EP.49 我感冒了/I have a cold (Bear老師原創故事#11)
    📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEeCMBaAAkg Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,你聽出來了嗎?Bear老師感冒了(Can you tell that I have a cold?)。這幾天,真不舒服(These last few days, I’ve been really uncomfortable)。最近好多人感冒,Amy小朋友也感冒了,我們來聽聽她的情況吧(A lot of people have had colds lately … including little Amy. Let’s hear about what’s happening with her)! 我感冒了,還有一點發燒,真不舒服(I have a cold. I’ve got a slight fever, and just not feeling well)。我一點胃口也沒有(I don’t have appetite at all)。我的鼻水一直流,好難呼吸(My nose keeps running and it’s hard to breathe)。不停地咳嗽,讓我好累(The constant coughing makes me so tired)。不但頭痛,肌肉也有一點痠痛(My muscles feel a little sore, and a headache too)。害我只能待在家裡,哪裡也不能去(So I can only stay at home and can't go anywhere)。 去診所的時候,我得戴口罩(When I went to the clinic, I had to wear a mask)。醫生給我一些藥,叫我多喝水,多休息,這樣才好得快(The doctor gave me some medicine, told me to drink more water and rest more, so that I can recover quickly)。 媽媽告訴我說,等我的病好些了以後,要多運動,多吃健康的食物(My mother told me that when I get better I should do more exercise and eat more healthy food),所以能增加抵抗力,這樣以後才不容易生病(so my immune system becomes stronger and I won’t get ill easily in future)。 經過這次嚴重的感冒以後,我覺得健康太重要了(As I get over this heavy cold, it’s making me think that my health is really important)。因為如果沒有健康的身體,好多事都不能做(If I don’t have a healthy body, there are so many things I won’t be able to do)。以後,我再也不挑食,再也不偷懶不去運動了(I won’t be a picky eater, and I’ll make sure I do some exercise instead of sitting around)。 希望我的感冒快點好起來(I hope my cold will hurry up and go away),因為我太想念我的朋友們了,真想快一點跟他們見面(because I miss my friends so much, and I really want to see them soon)。 小朋友,你感冒的時候是不是真的很不舒服呢(When you have a cold, it’s not much fun, right)?你是不是也覺得健康真的很重要呢(Do you also think health is very important)? 你知道「感冒了」,用英文,怎麼說嗎? “I have a cold.” 意思是「我感冒了!」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I have a cold.” 小朋友,健康是無價之寶,再多錢也買不到健康,所以,一定要珍惜喔(Your health is a priceless treasure – no amount of money can buy good health, so please cherish it)! 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.48 英文繪本《我的爸爸是一隻長頸鹿》/ An English picture book “My dad is a giraffe”

    EP.48 英文繪本《我的爸爸是一隻長頸鹿》/ An English picture book “My dad is a giraffe”
    📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便,也願意,Bear老師感謝您的贊助。 Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear 老師。 小朋友,如果用一種動物來形容你的父親,你覺得你的父親像什麼動物呢(If you had to pick an animal that’s like your father, what animal would you choose)?今天Bear老師要給你們介紹一本英文繪本(Today, I will introduce an English picture book to you),繪本當中的小朋友覺得他的爸爸像一隻長頸鹿(In the picture book, the child thinks his father looks like a giraffe)。為什麼他覺得他的爸爸像一隻長頸鹿呢(Why does he think that)?讓我們來聽聽他是怎麼說的(Let’s hear what he has to say)。 An English picture book “My dad is a giraffe”/英文繪本《我的爸爸是一隻長頸鹿》 Author: Stephen Michael King/作者:史蒂芬.麥克.金 My dad is big like a giant. But never scary like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. My dad is a giraffe. 我的爸爸像巨人一樣大。 但從來不像暴龍一樣可怕。 我的爸爸是一隻長頸鹿。 My dad is faster than me, but is happy to slow down and walk at my speed. 我的爸爸走得比我快,可是他很樂意慢下來,用我的速度行走。 Most of the time, my dad is kind and funny. I can climb up his legs, slide down his neck, and ride on his back. 大部分的時間裡,我爸爸和藹又風趣。我能爬上他的腿,從他的頸子滑下來,然後騎在他的背上。 My mum says my dad is very special. Dad says Mum is very special too. 我媽媽說我爸爸非常特別。我爸也說我媽很特別。 My dad can do amazing grown-up things, like sitting in a big chair with his feet touching the ground. 我爸爸能做大人才能做到的了不起的事,就像坐在一張大椅子上,而且雙腳還能碰到地上喔。 At the movies, he can see all of the screen. And so can I. 在電影院,他能看見整個螢幕,所以我也能喔。 (因為我坐在他的肩膀上/Because I sit on his shoulders,嘻…..) My dad can cross a river without needing to swim. 我爸爸不必游泳就能過河喔。 My dad protects me, listens to my fears, and helps me feel brave. 我爸爸保護我,聆聽我的恐懼,並且幫助我勇敢。 My dad is proud of me. Mum says Dad is her best friend. I say, I love my dad. My dad is a giraffe. 我爸爸以我為榮。 媽媽說爸爸是她最好的朋友。 我說我愛我爸爸。 我爸爸是一隻長頸鹿。 小朋友,你的爸爸也像一隻長頸鹿嗎?還是像別的動物呢?你可以運用你的想像力來想一想喔。 Does your dad look like a giraffe too? Or a different sort of animal? Use your imagination and have a think about it. 父親節快到了,你知道「父親節快樂」的英文怎麼說嗎? “Happy Father’s Day! ” 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Happy Father’s Day!” 小朋友,不管你爸爸像什麼動物,都希望你能向他學習喔(No matter what kind of animal you father looks like, I hope you can learn from him)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.47 麥克阿瑟將軍為子祈禱文/A Father's Prayer by General Douglas MacArthur

    EP.47 麥克阿瑟將軍為子祈禱文/A Father's Prayer by General Douglas MacArthur
    小朋友、大朋友久等了,這次Bear老師在錄製上遇到一些困難。本來想假裝並利用軟體來改變聲線,製造出「父親」的聲音,但是聽起來非常不自然,反覆錄了幾次都作罷。後來,想找男性英語母語者來錄製,但是中文部分卻不自然了,於是又試了不同的剪輯辦法。還有譯文的部分,本來Bear老師把原文翻譯成適合小朋友閱讀的版本,但是,感覺失了些許深度與美感。總之,幾經折騰與掙扎,最後Bear老師決定以「朗誦文章」的方式來表現,把重點放在優美的文句上,期待與小朋友、大朋友一同欣賞。此外,父親節快到了。Bear老師在此藉本集節目預祝各位爸爸們「父親節快樂!」 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便,也願意,Bear老師感謝您的贊助。 Hello, this is teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你知道麥克阿瑟將軍是誰嗎(Do you know who General McArthur was)?他是美國人,在第二次世界大戰中扮演了非常重要的角色(He was an American who played a very important role in World War II)。今天Bear老師要給你們介紹一篇他為兒子寫下的祈禱文(Today, I want to introduce to you a prayer that he wrote for his son),現在,就讓Bear老師來念給你聽(Now, let me read it for you.) A Father's Prayer/為子祈禱文 Translator:Wú Xīzhēn/翻譯:吳奚真 Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid; one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory. 主啊,請陶冶我的兒子,使他成為一個堅強的人,能夠知道自己什麼時候是軟弱的;使他成為一個勇敢的人,能夠在畏懼的時候認清自己,謀求補救;使他在誠實的失敗之中,能夠自豪而不屈,在獲得成功之際,能夠謙遜而溫和。 Build me a son whose wishbone will not be where his backbone should be; a son who will know Thee and that to know himself is the foundation stone of knowledge. 請陶冶我的兒子,使他不要以願望代替實際作為;使他能夠認識主---並且曉得自知乃是知識的基石。 Lead him, I pray, not in the path of ease and comfort, but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenge. Here let him learn to stand up in the storm; here let him learn compassion for those who fail. 我祈求你,不要引導他走上安逸舒適的道路,而要讓他遭受困難與挑戰的磨鍊和策勵。讓他藉此學習在風暴之中挺立起來,讓他藉此學習對失敗的人加以同情。 Build me a son whose heart will be clean, whose goal will be high; a son who will master himself before he seeks to master other men; one who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past. 請陶冶我的兒子,使他的心地純潔,目標高超;在企圖駕馭他人之前,先能駕馭自己;對未來善加籌畫,但是永不忘記過去。 And after all these things are his, add, I pray, enough of a sense of humor, so that he may always be serious, yet never take himself too seriously. Give him humility, so that he may always remember the simplicity of greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, the meekness of true strength. 在他把以上諸點都已做到之後,還請賜給他充分的幽默感,使他可以永遠保持嚴肅的態度,但絕不自視非凡,過於拘執。請賜給他謙遜,使他可以永遠記住真實偉大的樸實無華,真實智慧的虛懷若谷,和真實力量的溫和蘊藉。 Then I, his father, will dare to whisper, "I have not lived in vain." 然後,作為他的父親的我,才敢低聲說道:「我已不虛此生!」 小朋友,Bear老師知道這篇祈禱文對你來說可能有一點困難(The language of this prayer may be a little difficult for you),但是,Bear老師希望你先欣賞這些優美的文字(but I hope that you will appreciate the beauty of the words first),然後,Bear老師知道你一定有辦法去理解(and later you will find a way to understand the more difficult parts)。比如說,你可以問問師長,跟朋友討論,或查查字典(For example, you can ask your parents or teachers, discuss it with friends, or look it up in a dictionary)。 當你遇到困難時,你會害怕嗎?Bear老師希望你能勇敢面對困難,這時,你可以說: “I will be brave.” 意思是「我會勇敢的」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I will be brave.” 小朋友,Bear老師希望你能藉由這篇祈禱文思考思考你想成為怎麼樣的人(I hope you can use this prayer to reflect on who you want to be)。還有你知道父母曾經為你祈禱過什麼嗎(Do you know what your parents once prayed for you?)?你可以問問他們喔(You can ask them)。你呢?你想為父母祈禱什麼呢(And you, what prayer would you say for your parents)?八月八號父親節快到了,你可以把你的祈禱文寫下來給父親看看喔(Father’s day is coming on August the 8th, you can write your prayer down and share it with your father.) 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.46 萬事保研究所〈寵物狗走失篇〉(下)/ Universal Insurance Institute "The pet dog got lost" (Part II)

    EP.46 萬事保研究所〈寵物狗走失篇〉(下)/ Universal Insurance Institute "The pet dog got lost" (Part II)
    本集節目與「富邦產險」合作播出。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意,Bear老師感謝您的贊助。 Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。本集節目是Bear老師與富邦產險合作播出的喔(This episode is in cooperation with Fubon Insurance 繪本《萬事保研究所──寵物狗走失篇》(A picture book “ Universal Insurance Institute : The pet dog got lost ") 「富邦產險」出版(published by "Fubon Insurance") 作者:富邦產險(story by Fubon Insurance) 繪者:鍾宛妤 (picture by Zhōng Wǎnyú ) 小朋友,你覺得小花會在狗骨頭公園裡嗎(What do you think, everyone? Could Flora be at Dog Bone Park)?讓我們繼續跟著保哥與樂樂一起尋找走失的狗狗小花(Let’s pick up on Bao and LeLe’s story, and try to find the lost dog Flora)。 樂樂:「我好擔心小花會被車子撞(I’m so worried that Flora will be hit by a car),怎麼辦(what should I do)?(哭了起來) 」 保哥:「你先別太悲觀(Don’t expect the worst)。別哭了,我們快去狗骨頭公園看看吧(Come on, don’t cry, we’ll go to Dog Bone park)!」 樂樂:「嗯~~我平常都會帶小花到那裡去跟朋友玩耍、奔跑(I usually take Flora there to play and run around with her friends),我覺得她一定在那裡(I feel sure she’s there)。」 保哥與樂樂準備穿越小巷前往狗骨頭公園,樂樂小跑步,想快速地繞過小巷裡暫停的一輛汽車。 Bao and LeLe set off through the little street towards Dog Bone Park, and LeLe darted quickly around a parked car 。 保哥:「小心(Be careful)!」 樂樂:「啊!嚇死我了(so scary)!我又差一點被撞到了(I almost got hit again)!」 幸好保哥又及時拉住樂樂,她才沒被剛好經過的摩托車撞上。 Luckily, Bao had grabbed LeLe in time, so she wasn’t hit by the passing scooter. 保哥:「你剛才那樣做是很危險的(Doing that was really dangerous)。巷子裡的空間狹小,要是行人突然出現在路上,車輛可能會因為不容易閃避而迎頭撞上(This alleyway is so small. If you run out into the road like that, oncoming cars could hit you because there’s no way for them to avoid you),所以一定要先確認有沒有來車,才能繼續行走喔(Check whether there’s an approaching car before stepping out)。」 樂樂:「是!我記住了!謝謝(Sure! I’ll remember! Thank you)。」 過了不久,保哥和樂樂終於安全抵達了狗骨頭公園。樂樂著急地往公園裡看啊看。 Shortly, Bao and LeLe arrived at Dog Bone Park safely. LeLe looked anxiously around the park. 保哥:「你看到小花了嗎(Did you see Flora?)?」 樂樂:「嗯~~啊!我看到了,她在那裡(There, I see her)。小花!小花(Flora! Flora)!」 保哥:「我們過去找她吧(Let’s go to get her back)!」 樂樂:「不過她好像很緊張,好像不認得我了(But she seems nervous … like she doesn’t recognize me)。」 保哥:「別擔心,跟著我一步一步做(Don’t worry, just follow what I do)。」 為了不讓小花感到威脅,保哥帶著樂樂慢慢地靠近小花。 To make sure Flora didn’t feel threatened, Bao brought LeLe slowly towards Flora. 保哥:「眼睛不要直視小花(Don’t stare directly at Flora),眼神要溫柔一點喔(and be gentle)。」 樂樂:「小花(Flora)!」 保哥:「噓~~小聲一點(not so loud),還有,不要馬上摸小花的頭(And don’t touch her head right now),你看她打哈欠的樣子,代表她有點緊張,再慢一點(You see how she is yawning? It means she’s a little nervous, so slow down a little)。」 樂樂:「小花~小花(Flora~ Flora)。」 保哥跟樂樂走到小花身邊輕輕蹲下,緩緩伸出手讓小花聞聞味道。 Bao and LeLe walked over to Flora and squatted down gently, then slowly stretched out their hands to let Flora sniff. 小花認出了樂樂,開心地撲向了樂樂的懷抱! Flora recognized LeLe and happily jumped into her arms! 樂樂:「小花!小花(Flora! Flora)!」 保哥趁著這個時候幫小花繫上牽繩,然後把牽繩交到樂樂的手上。 Bao took the chance to help attach Flora’s leash, and then handed the leash to LeLe. 保哥:「不管小花多乖,愛她就要好好地繫好牽繩,並且讓她靠路邊走,這才是真正保護她的方法(However well-behaved she is, you need to make sure Flora is properly on her leash, and walk between her and the road. That’s the best way to protect her)。」 樂樂:「謝謝你一路陪伴並適時提醒我(Thank you for coming with me all this way and reminding me of things at the right time),我以後一定會牽好牽繩(I will definitely keep hold of the leash in future)。」 保哥:「如果下雨天遛狗,也一定要記得穿亮色雨衣(If you’re walking your dog in the rain, you can wear a bright-coloured raincoat),或把亮色的雨傘拿高一點,別擋住視線喔(or hold a bright-coloured umbrella higher – don’t block your view)。」 樂樂:「我一定會注意(For sure, I’ll pay attention)。」 保哥:「還有,遛狗的時候也要觀察地面的溫度,記得帶著水,並且避免太熱的時候出門喔(And do check the pavement temperature on a hot day – bring water, and avoid going out at all when it’s really hot)。」 樂樂:「我知道(I know),而且,要記得撿狗大便,保持環境清潔(And we have to remember to keep the environment clean by scooping up our dog’s poop)。」 保哥:「沒錯!這樣才是好主人(Right! That’s a good pet owner)。」 就這樣,在保哥的幫助下,樂樂和小花萬無一失地度過了美好的一天。 And so, with Bao’s help, LeLe and Flora had a nice day together without a single mishap. 小朋友,你是不是很替樂樂與小花開心呢?這句話用英文可以怎麼說呢? “I am so happy for you.” 意思是「我好替你們開心啊!」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I am so happy for you.” 小朋友,生活中充滿了危機(sometimes in life things go badly wrong),所以不管做什麼活動,除了小心以外,你也要做好萬全的準備(so whatever you’re doing, take care, and be fully prepared)。 小朋友,你喜歡這個故事嗎?現在,Bear老師想問你們一個問題,請在Bear老師的IG或臉書上留言寫下答案,前五位小朋友能獲得富邦產險準備的小禮物喔。不過,只限台灣地區,住在國外的小朋友真的不好意思喔~~ 請問,樂樂和保哥是在哪裡找到小花的呢?快去Bear老師的臉書或IG的本集貼文下方留言吧,記得寫英文喔! 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.45 萬事保研究所〈寵物狗走失篇〉(上)/Universal Insurance Institute "The pet dog got lost" (Part I)

    EP.45 萬事保研究所〈寵物狗走失篇〉(上)/Universal Insurance Institute "The pet dog got lost" (Part I)
    本集節目與「富邦產險」合作播出。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便,也願意,Bear老師感謝您的贊助。 Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。本集節目是Bear老師與富邦產險合作播出的喔(This episode is in cooperation with Fubon Insurance)。 小朋友,今天Bear老師要給你們介紹一本繪本(Today I am going to introduce you a picture book)。《萬事保研究所──寵物狗走失篇》 “Universal Insurance Institute:The pet dog got lost") 「富邦產險」出版(published by "Fubon Insurance") 作者:富邦產險(story by Fubon Insurance) 繪者:鍾宛妤 (picture by Zhōng Wǎnyú ) 現在,就讓我們來聽聽這個故事喔(Now, let’s listen to this story)。 保哥在路上遇見一邊走一邊哭得很難過的樂樂(Bao met Lele who was crying while walking on the road)。 保哥:「樂樂,你怎麼了(Lele, what happened)?」 樂樂:「我們家最近領養的狗狗小花不見了(The dog, Flora, we just adopted has disappeared)。」 保哥:「怎麼會不見了呢(How did she disappear)?」 樂樂:「我帶著她出門幫媽媽買橘子,因為她平常都很乖,所以我就沒用牽繩(I took her out to help my mother buy oranges. She is usually obedient, so I didn't use the leash)。結果忽然有一聲好大的喇叭聲,小花就被嚇得跑走了(Suddenly there was a loud horn, and Flora was scared and ran away)。」 保哥:「狗狗很容易被突發的聲音或事件驚嚇到而四處亂跑(Dogs can get easily frightened and run off if they’re startled by a loud noise or something like that),所以沒有好好地使用牽繩對小狗來說是非常危險的事情(It’s quite dangerous for dogs not to use the leash properly)。」 樂樂:「我知道了(I know now)。可是現在怎麼辦(But what should I do now)?」 保哥:「現在最重要的就是趕快找回小花(The most important thing now is to find Flora as soon as possible)。不過我們也得趕快去準備小花的相片和協尋單(But we also have to prepare Flora’s photos and a missing notice as soon as possible),提供給大家小花的基本資訊(and provide everyone with Flora‘s basic information),像(such as)品種(breed)、性別(gender)、顏色(color)、特徵(characteristics)、晶片號碼(chip number)、走失日期、地點(When and where she disappeared)…什麼的(and so on),對了,還有你家的連絡資訊(and also your home's contact information),這樣能幫助我們更快地找到她(which will help us find her sooner)。」 樂樂:「嗯,謝謝保哥(Thank you, Bao)。」 保哥:「你放心(Don't worry),有保哥在,保你萬無一失(I am here to protect you from everything)。」 保哥跟樂樂以最快的速度把協尋單印製好了以後,決定回到當初小花走失的水果店尋找線索,並且把協尋單發給附近的店家幫忙張貼(Bao and Lele printed the missing notices as soon as possible, and then they decided to go back to the fruit shop where Flora ran away to find clues. They gave the missing notices to nearby stores to help post them)。 保哥:「小心(Be careful!)!」 樂樂:「啊!嚇死我了(That was so scary)!」 保哥和樂樂站在十字路口準備過馬路時,因為樂樂站得太靠近馬路,差點就被正在轉彎的公車撞上(When Bao and Lele were standing at the intersection and were about to cross the road, because Lele was standing too close to the road, she was almost hit by a turning bus),好險保哥及時把樂樂往後拉(Fortunately, Bao pulled Lele back in time)。 保哥:「在等待過馬路時,要記得站在人行道內側(When waiting to cross the road, remember to stand on the inside of the sidewalk),並且與馬路保持至少三大步的距離,這樣才不會被轉彎的車輛撞到(and keep at least three big steps away from the road, so as not to be hit by turning vehicles)。」 樂樂:「我以為司機先生會注意到我(I thought the driver would notice me)。」 保哥:「車子越大,轉彎的時候輪子就會越靠近路邊,而且司機也更不容易看到車子後方的人(The bigger the car, the closer the wheels will be to the side of the road when turning, and it will be harder for the driver to see the people behind the vehicle),所以非常危險,一定要保持距離(so it can be very dangerous and you must keep your distance)。」 樂樂:「喔~~我懂了(I got it),謝謝,我下次一定會注意的(Thank you, I will definitely pay attention next time)。」 樂樂與保哥終於抵達了水果店(Lele and Bao finally arrived at the fruit shop)。樂樂回想起水果店的老闆常拿出客人不喜歡的醜蘋果送給小花吃,所以小花一定很喜歡老闆,說不定會跑來找老闆(Lele remembered that the shopkeeper at the fruit shop often gave Flora ugly apples that customers didn't want, so Flora liked the shopkeeper very much. Maybe she would run to find him)。 樂樂把協尋單拿給老闆看(Lele showed the notice to the shopkeeper)。 樂樂:「老闆,請問你看到小花了嗎(Sir, did you see Flora)?她的身上有一個米奇圖案的斑紋(She has a Mickey Mouse pattern on her body)。」 老闆:「等一下,我看看相片(Wait, let me look at the photo)…….我想想喔(Let me think)……,啊!我認得這個米奇圖案(I recognize this Mickey Mouse pattern),這隻狗剛剛往那個方向跑走了(This dog just ran over in that direction)。」 樂樂:「往那個方向的話……有可能是小花最喜歡的『狗骨頭公園』(If it is that direction… it may be Flora‘s favorite "Dog Bone Park")。」 保哥:「老闆,你能幫我們張貼這張協尋單嗎(Sir, could you help us post this notice)?」 老闆:「沒問題(No problem)!希望你們快點找回心愛的狗狗(I hope you can find your beloved dog soon)。」 樂樂:「保哥,車子好多,好危險喔(Bao, there are so many cars, it's so dangerous),我好擔心小花被車子撞了(I'm so worried that Flora might be hit by a car),怎麼辦(what should I do)? 」 小朋友,你聽過「馬路如虎口」這句話嗎(Have you heard the phrase "the road is like a tiger's mouth")?馬路非常危險(The road is very dangerous),樂樂差一點被公車撞到(Lele was almost hit by a bus),而且也因為她沒給小花繫好牽繩,現在擔心得不得了(and because she didn't leash Flora properly, she is very worried now)。你覺得在保哥的幫助下,樂樂能安然無恙地找到小花嗎(Do you think that with the help of Bao, Lele can find Flora safe and sound)?請等待下一集喔(Please wait for the next episode)。 還有,如果你要提醒別人小心,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “Be careful!” 意思是「小心!」,請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Be careful!” 小朋友,讓我們祈禱樂樂與保哥平安順利地找到小花(Let’s pray that Lele and Bao can find Flora safe and sound)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!