

    Bear老師有20年的語文教學經歷。希望小朋友能跟Bear老師一起聽故事學語言,了解不同文化,發展良好品格。有什麼想法,都歡迎留言給Bear老師,也歡迎社會各界洽談合作項目。請訂閱Bear老師的播客,每個月15、30晚間8:00上架,讓我們一起學習成長。如果需要「各集逐字稿PDF」或進一步了解英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的ⒻⒷ或🅘🅖。 📧:bearlearnlanguage@gmail.com 🅘🅖:bear.bilingual ⒻⒷ:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
    zhBear Weir64 Episodes

    Episodes (64)

    EP.44 英文繪本《親愛的動物園》/An English Picture Book “Dear Zoo”

    EP.44 英文繪本《親愛的動物園》/An English Picture Book “Dear Zoo”
    📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便,也願意,Bear老師感謝您的贊助。不方便也無妨,Bear老師很開心也很榮幸能幫助您的孩子學習。 Hello, this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。小朋友,你喜歡動物嗎(Do you like animals)?你最喜歡哪種動物呢(Which animal do you like the most)?你想不想擁有一隻寵物,並且好好地照顧牠呢(Do you want to own a pet and take good care of it)?如果你有機會寫信給動物園,你希望動物園寄什麼動物給你呢(If you had a chance to write to the zoo, what animal would you want the zoo to send you)?讓我們來聽聽這位小朋友的經驗(Let's listen to this kid's experience)。 英文繪本《親愛的動物園》(An English Picture Book “Dear Zoo”) 作者:羅德 坎博(author:Rod Campbell ) I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet. 我寫信給動物園,請他們寄給我一隻寵物。 They sent me an elephant. 結果他們寄給我一隻大象。 He was too big. I sent him back. 他太大了,我只好把他寄回去。 So, they sent me a giraffe. 所以,他們寄給我一隻長頸鹿。 He was too tall. I sent him back. 他太高了,我只好把他寄回去。 So, they sent me a lion. 所以,他們寄給我一隻獅子。 He was too fierce. I sent him back. 他太兇猛了,我只好把他寄回去。 So, they sent me a camel. 所以,他們寄給我一隻駱駝。 He was too grumpy. I sent him back. 他的脾氣太暴躁了,我只好把他寄回去。 So, they sent me a snake. 所以,他們寄給我一隻蛇。 He was too scary. I sent him back. 他太可怕了,我只好把他寄回去。 So, they sent me a monkey. 所以他們寄給我一隻猴子。 He was too naughty. I sent him back. 他太調皮了,我只好把他寄回去。 So, they sent me a frog. 所以,他們寄給我一隻青蛙。 He was too jumpy. I sent him back. 他太活蹦亂跳了,我只好把他寄回去。 So, they thought very hard, and sent me a puppy. 所以,他們努力想了想,然後寄給我一隻狗寶寶。 He was perfect. I kept him. 他太完美了,所以,我把他留下了。 小朋友,有人說「狗是人類最忠實的好朋友」,你同意嗎(Some people say "dogs are the most faithful friends of humans", do you agree)?你家裡也養狗嗎(Do you have a dog at home too)?還是養了其他寵物呢(Or do you have other pets)?照顧寵物是一個非常大的責任(Taking care of pets is a very big responsibility),如果你家裡已經有寵物了,請善待牠就像善待你的家人一樣(If you already have a pet at home, please treat it like your own family)。如果你沒有寵物,可是很想養,那麼,你必須好好地思考你有沒有能力照顧牠喔(If you don't have a pet, but want to keep one, then you must think carefully about whether you have the ability to take care of it)。 如果,你想對你的寶貝寵物說「我會照顧你的」,用英文你可以怎麼說呢? “I will take care of you.” 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I will take care of you.” 小朋友,雖然不是每一種動物都適合當寵物(Although not every animal is suitable as a pet),可是世界上的每一種動物都很重要,都值得我們珍惜(every animal in the world is very important and worthy of cherishing),希望你能夠愛護動物,保護動物喔(I hope you can love and protect animals)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.43 大家談談「端午節」/ Let's talk about "Dragon Boat Festival" (Bear老師原創故事#10)

    EP.43 大家談談「端午節」/ Let's talk about "Dragon Boat Festival" (Bear老師原創故事#10)
    如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便,也願意,Bear老師感謝您的贊助。不方便也無妨,Bear老師很開心也很榮幸能幫助您的孩子學習。 本集片頭、片尾音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3H9Et_AvZQ Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,最近天氣越來越熱了,你是不是感受到夏天要到了呢(The weather is getting hotter and hotter recently, do you feel that summer is coming)?說到夏天,就不能忘記我們的傳統節慶端午節(When it comes to summer, we must not forget our traditional celebration, Dragon Boat Festival),以及吃粽子、掛艾草等習俗(as well as customs such as eating sticky rice wraps and hanging Chinese mugwort leaves)。讓我們來聽聽Amy與她的朋友們談談端午節(Let's listen to Amy talk about Dragon Boat Festival with her friends)。 Amy:你們知道嗎?端午節快到了(Do you know “Duānwǔ”, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming)。 Jasper:「端午」,到底是什麼意思啊(Duānwǔ, what exactly does it mean)? Robin: 關於「端午」有很多說法(There are many theories about " Duānwǔ "),不過重點就是因為農曆五月五日端午過後天氣慢慢熱了起來(but the main point is that because the weather gradually heats up after Duānwǔ on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month),人們容易生病(people are prone to getting sick),因此在端午這一天要在門上掛艾草,或是配戴著香包來避邪(So, on the day of Duānwǔ , we hang Chinese mugwort leaves on the door, or wear a fragrant sachet to ward off evil)。 Emma: 「避邪」(To ward off evil)?所以古人相信人會生病是因為有邪惡的東西嗎(So did the ancients believe that people get sick because of evil things)?真是迷信(What a superstition)。 Amy: 我奶奶說「寧可信其有,不可信其無」(My grandma said “it's better to believe something than nothing”)。反正端午節的時候我家門口都會掛上艾草(Anyway, during the Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese mugwort leaves will be hung on the door of my house),我奶奶還會自己做香包給我呢(My grandma also makes fragrant sachets for me)。 Emma: 那為什麼要吃粽子、划龍舟呢(So why eat sticky rice wraps and row dragon boats)? Jasper:聽說是為了紀念2000多年前的一個詩人屈原(It is said that it is to commemorate Qu Yuan, a poet who lived more than 2,000 years ago),他在農曆五月五日這一天跳河自盡了(who committed suicide by jumping into a river on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month)。 Emma: 跳河自盡(Committed suicide by jumping into the river)?他為什麼這麼想不開啊(Why did he take things so hard)? Robin: 因為他的國王不但不接受他的建議,還把他趕到很遠的地方(Because his king not only rejected his recommendations, but also drove him far away)。結果他的國家後來真的被別的國家佔領了,所以他太傷心了,就決定離開這個世界(As a result, his country was occupied by others, so he was so sad that he decided to leave this world)。後來人們划船找了半天都找不到屈原的屍體(Later, people rowed for a long time but couldn't find Qu Yuan's body),於是大家就把用葉子包著的米丟入河裡餵魚蝦,希望魚蝦不要傷害屈原的屍體(so they threw rice wrapped in leaves into the river to feed the fish and shrimps, hoping that they would not hurt Qu Yuan's body)。 Amy: 我聽媽媽說後來大家為了紀念屈原,就在端午這一天划龍舟、吃粽子(I heard from my mother that everyone rowed dragon boats and ate sticky rice wraps on the Dragon Boat Festival to commemorate Qu Yuan.)。 Emma: 好可惜喔(What a pity),如果他願意活下去,說不定還有機會能改變情況(If he was willing to live, he might still have a chance to change the situation),結果死了,什麼都機會都沒了(But because he died, he lost all chances)。 Jasper: 唉~~你說得沒錯(You're right)。我們要珍惜生命,遇到困難時要想辦法找別的路(We should cherish life and find other ways when encountering difficulties)。 Amy:嗯~~啊!說到粽子,我奶奶包的粽子最香了(Speaking of sticky rice wraps, my grandma makes the most delicious sticky rice wraps),我已經等不及了(I can’t wait)。 Jasper: 我也要吃(I want to eat too)! Robin:我也要(Me too)! Amy:端午節那天中午你們到我家來立蛋(At noon on the day of Dragon Boat Festival, you all come to my house to stand eggs on end),誰能立最多蛋,我就請奶奶多送他一些粽子(Whoever can stand the most eggs on end, I will ask my grandma to give him more sticky rice wraps )。 Jasper:好,我參加(OK, I’m in)! Robin:我也參加(Me too)。 Emma: 立蛋(Stand eggs on end)?讓雞蛋站著(Make the egg stand upright)? Robin:是啊,你不知道嗎(Yeah, don't you know)?端午節這一天中午,雞蛋能站起來(At noon on the day of Dragon Boat Festival, eggs can stand up)。 Emma:我才不相信(I don't believe it!)! Jasper:哼!端午節那天看我們的(On Dragon Boat Festival, watch us)。 小朋友,端午節那天,你是不是也要挑戰立蛋呢(On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, do you also want to challenge standing eggs on end)?祝你成功(Wish you success)。 此外,端午節的英文叫 “Dragon Boat Festival ”,意思是「龍舟節」,可見對外國人來說,端午節讓他們印象最深的,就是划龍舟喔。 還有,如果你等不及想吃香噴噴的粽子,用英文怎麼說呢? “I can't wait to eat sticky rice wraps.” 意思是,我等不及吃「包起來的糯米」了。是的,你沒聽錯,外國人叫粽子是「包起來的糯米」。 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I can't wait to eat sticky rice wraps.” 小朋友,今年你打算吃幾個粽子呢(How many sticky rice wraps are you going to eat this year)? 希望你吃得很開心喔(I hope you have a good time eating)! 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.42 英文繪本《當我感到忌妒時》/An English Picture Book “When I’m Feeling Jealous”

    EP.42 英文繪本《當我感到忌妒時》/An English Picture Book “When I’m Feeling Jealous”
    如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便,也願意,Bear老師感謝您的贊助。不方便也無妨,Bear老師很開心也很榮幸能幫助您的孩子學習。 Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,你曾經感到忌妒嗎(Have you ever felt jealous)?那個時候,你有什麼樣的感覺呢(How did you feel at that time)?你想過你為什麼會忌妒嗎(Have you ever wondered why you were jealous)?今天Bear老師想給你介紹一本英文繪本(Today I want to introduce you an English picture book),繪本當中的主角是一隻毛毛兔(The main character in the picture book is a furry rabbit),我們來聽他談談忌妒的感覺,好不好(Let's listen to him talk about the feeling of jealousy, shall we?)? An English picture book “When I’m Feeling Jealous” (英文繪本《當我感到忌妒時》) Author: Trace Moroney (作者:崔西 摩洛妮) When I’m feeling jealous, I feel like a big, green, grouchy monster. I see the things others have and want to have them all to myself. 當我感到忌妒時,我覺得自己像一隻巨大的、綠色的、憤怒的怪獸,一看到別人的東西就想占為己有。 When I’m feeling jealous, I feel like Mum and Dad love my little brother more than they love me. 當我感到忌妒的時候,我覺得爸爸和媽媽更愛弟弟。 Feeling jealous can sometimes make me do silly things to try and get someone to notice me. 有的時候,忌妒的感覺讓我想故意做一些傻事來得到別人的關注。 Some things just make me so jealous…like when someone has a new toy that I want…or when someone beats me in a running race…or when someone is getting more attention than I am. 有些事情讓我真的很忌妒,像是朋友有我想要的新玩具,賽跑時他跑贏了我,以及他得到比我更多的關注。 Feeling jealous makes me think about all the things that I don’t have and the things that I am not very good at. 忌妒的感覺讓我想起那些我沒有的東西,讓我想到那些我做不好的事。 This doesn’t make me feel very good, so……… 這種感覺一點也不好受,所以………… When I’m feeling jealous, I try to remember to appreciate the things I do have…and the things that I am good at… 當我感到忌妒時,我試著記得去感謝我所擁有的以及我所擅長的, like my favorite toys, 像是我最愛的玩具, and being good at skating, 我很會溜冰, and knowing that I am a really kind and caring friend. 知道自己是一個善良又有愛心的朋友。 Talking about why I’m feeling jealous makes me realise that my friends and family love me for just being me. 跟別人談談忌妒的感覺讓我明白:我的家人和朋友們愛我,是因為我就是我。 Jealousy is when it seems like others have a lot more or can do a lot more than I can. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t…and sometimes those some people may be jealous of me. 忌妒的時候好像別人擁有的比較多或能比我做得更多。但是,有的時候他們比我好,有的時候他們並不比我好。有的時候他們可能也忌妒我呢。 小朋友,你同意毛毛兔的看法嗎(Do you agree with this furry rabbit)?有些事物Bear老師真的好想得到可是卻得不到(There are things I really want but can’t get),有的時候我也會傷心、生氣、忌妒(Sometimes I also feel sad, angry, and jealous),怎麼辦呢(What should I do)?那個時候,我就會好好地想想自己的優點(At that time, I would think carefully about my own advantages),想想自己能做什麼,然後盡力去做自己能做的事(I would think about what I can do, and then try my best to achieve it),也因為我常常很專心地做自己能做的事,慢慢地就忘了忌妒的感覺了(And because I often focus on doing what I can do, I can slowly forget about feeling jealous)。 但是,如果,有一天,你真的需要讓別人知道你忌妒的感覺,用英文你可以怎麼說呢? “I am jealous.” 意思是「我覺得忌妒」,請跟Bear老師再說一次 “I am jealous.” 小朋友,答應Bear老師,覺得忌妒的時候,看看自己所擁有的,想想自己的優點,並且去做自己能做的事喔(Promise me, when you feel jealous, look at what you have, think about your own advantages, and do what you can do)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.41 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(下)/An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(PartIII)

    EP.41 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(下)/An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(PartIII)
    如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便,也願意,Bear老師感謝您的贊助。不方便也無妨,Bear老師很開心也很榮幸能幫助您的孩子學習。 為了顧全故事的完整性與每集時長,只好把「豆豆與皮皮」分成上、中、下三集。這趟漫長的尋找堅果旅程,歡迎小朋友、大朋友的參與。 Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 在上一集當中,豆豆與皮皮迷路了(In the last episode, Beany and Scamp were lost)。他們的足跡完全被雪覆蓋了,所以也不能沿著腳印找到回家的路(Their tracks were completely covered by snow, so they couldn't follow their footprints to find their way home)。雪越下越大,天氣越來越冷,他們應該怎麼辦呢(The snow was getting bigger and bigger, and the weather was getting colder and colder, What should they do)?他們到底能不能安全回到家呢(Can they get home safely)?讓我們繼續聽下去(Let's keep listening)。 Beany:“I am freezing(我凍僵了).” Scamp: “Something is different about you(你看起來不一樣).” Scamp looked hard at Beany(皮皮打量著豆豆). Scamp: “Your sweater! No wonder you are cold. Your sweater is almost gone(你的毛衣!難怪你會冷。 你的毛衣都快沒了).” Beany: “My sweater snagged on your door hook. It must have unraveled(我的毛衣被你門上的勾子勾到了,一定是脫線了).” Scamp: “Then we are not lost(那我們沒有迷路)! We can follow the sweater yarn back to my door(我們可以順著毛線回到我家門口).” They started back through the woods, gathering up the unraveled yarn as they went(他們開始穿過樹林往回走,邊走邊收集散開的毛線). After a while, they saw a thin stream of smoke. It was coming from Scamp’s chimney(過了一會兒,他們看到了從皮皮家的煙囪飄散出來的細細的煙). Beany: “If you had not thought of following the yarn, we would never have found our way back(如果你沒想到跟著毛線走,我們就永遠找不到回家的路了).” Scamp: “If you had not snagged your sweater on my door, we would still be lost(如果你的毛衣沒被我家門上的勾子勾住,我們一定還在迷路). But here we are right at my doorway(可是我們現在到家門口了).” Beany: “We are back at your doorstep, but we have not found your nuts(我們到你家了,可是,我們沒找到你的堅果).” Scamp: “My doorstep! Now I remember! How convenient(我家門口!我現在想起來了!多方便啊)!” Beany: “What are you talking about(你在說什麼)?” Scamp: “My nuts(我的堅果). The square marked NUTS on the map is my doorstep(地圖上標有「堅果」的正方形就是我家門口). I buried my nuts under my doorstep so that they would be easy to find(我把我的堅果埋在我家門口,這樣很容易找到).” Beany: “Yes, it is the perfect place. It is only one step from your house(這真是個完美的地方,離你家只有一步的距離).” Scamp pulled up the stone step, and Beany began to dig(皮皮拉起石板,豆豆開始挖掘). The shovel thudded against something hard(鏟子碰到了堅硬的東西). They pulled up a chest filled with Scamp’s shiny nuts and carried it inside(他們拉出一個裝滿了皮皮的閃亮堅果的箱子,並且把它抬了進去). Soon the two friends sat by the fire cracking nuts and laughing and talking until late night(很快地,這兩個朋友就坐在火爐旁,邊吃堅果邊聊天,直到深夜). At last Beany said good-bye and hurried home through the snow(最後豆豆說了聲再見,然後穿過雪地匆匆地回到家). When he finally got into bed, he thought he had never been so ready for a long winter’s nap(當他終於上床睡覺時,他覺得自己從來沒有像現在這樣準備好要進入一個漫長的冬眠). 小朋友,你是不是終於放心了呢(Are you relieved)?皮皮實在是太健忘了(Scamp is really forgetful),你知道嗎?在現實生活中,松鼠真的是非常健忘的動物喔(Do you know that in real life squirrels really are very forgetful animals?)。還有,豆豆出門的時候被勾子勾到了他的毛衣,當時他覺得有點倒楣(Also, Beany’s sweater snagged on the door when he was going out. He felt a little unlucky at that time),沒想到卻因為這樣而幫助他們找到了回家的路(but he didn't expect it would help them find their way home)。你還記得第16集「塞翁失馬,焉知非福」的故事嗎(Do you still remember the story of episode sixteen "It's a blessing in disguise")?倒楣的事不都總是會帶來倒楣的結果(Unlucky things don't always lead to unlucky results)。我們不能控制發生的事,但是我們能做的就是不要隨便放棄,並且積極地找出解決問題的辦法(We can't control what happens, but what we can do is not give up easily and actively find solutions)。 小朋友,豆豆與皮皮是不是非常幸運呢?如果你也覺得自己很幸運,用英文可以怎麼說呢? “I am so lucky!” 意思是「我好幸運啊!」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I am so lucky!” 小朋友,希望你喜歡這個故事,也希望你能有一個像豆豆或皮皮這樣能幫助你、陪伴你的朋友(I hope you like this story, and I hope you can have a friend like Beany or Scamp who can help and accompany you)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.40 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(中)/An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(Part II)

    EP.40 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(中)/An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(Part II)
    如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便,也願意,Bear老師感謝您的贊助。不方便也無妨,Bear老師很開心也很榮幸能幫助您的孩子學習。 為了顧全故事的完整性與每集時長,只好把「豆豆與皮皮」分成上、中、下三集。這趟漫長的尋找堅果旅程,歡迎小朋友大朋友的參與。 Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。在上一集當中,豆豆與皮皮開始了他們尋找堅果的旅程(In the last episode, Beany and scamp started their journey to find nuts)。現在,讓Bear老師來告訴你他們在樹林裡發生了什麼(Now, Let me tell you what happened to them in the woods)。 Scamp was looking closely at the map(皮皮正在仔細查看地圖). Scamp: “We must find a tree with bright red leaves(我們必須找到一棵葉子鮮紅的樹). I drew the tree here to mark the spot(我畫這棵樹就是為了標記那個地方).” Beany: “Scamp, the fall leaves are gone(皮皮,秋天的樹葉都不見了). All the trees look the same in the snow(所有的樹在雪中看起來都一樣)! ” Scamp: “Well, I think the tree is over this way(我想那棵樹就在這個方向).” Scamp was heading for a dark part of the woods(皮皮朝著樹林中的陰暗處走去). They trudged through the snow for a long time(他們在雪地裡辛苦地走了很長時間). All the trees were bare leaves(所有的樹都光禿禿的), and Beany was thinking more and more of his warm bed(豆豆越來越想念他溫暖的床). Scamp: “We will have to forget about the tree(我們得忘了那棵樹). We will go to the next place on the map. The field of wildflowers(我們去地圖上的下一個有很多野花的地方吧). It should be simple to find the place where the wildflowers grow(找到長滿野花的地方應該很簡單). ” Beany: “In the snow(在雪中?)? Wildflowers don’t grow in the snow(野花不會在雪地裡生長).” Scamp: “I did not think of that when I drew the map(我畫地圖的時候沒有想到這一點). But if we go this way we will come to the place where the wildflowers used to be(但是,如果我們沿著這條路走,我們就會找到曾經開過野花的地方).” Beany: “I think it is the other way(我覺得是另一條路).” Scamp: “Oh, no, I am sure it is this way(哦!不,我確定是這條路。).” So they started off again, going deeper and deeper into the woods. They walked and walked and walked. (於是他們又出發了,向樹林裡越走越深。 他們走啊走啊走啊。) Beany: “It is useless to look for wildflowers that they are not here(如果沒有花了,再找也沒用). What is the next place on the map(地圖上的下一個地方是什麼)?” Scamp: “The river(是河流). All we have to do is find the place where we like to fish(我們只要找到我們喜歡釣魚的地方就好了).” Beany: “The river is frozen(河水結冰了)! There are no fishing places now(現在沒有釣魚的地方).” But Scamp was not listening(但是皮皮根本沒在聽). He was already pushing farther into the woods(他一直往樹林深處走去). Beany followed after Scamp, but his feet ached and he was cold(豆豆跟在皮皮後面,但他的腳又痛又冷). He thought of his warm bed and soft quilt(他想起了他溫暖的床和柔軟的被子). The snow began to fall again(雪又開始下了). The woods were dark and gloomy. The river was not in sight(樹林裡陰沉沉的,根本看不見河流) . Up ahead, Scamp suddenly came to a stop. Beany hurried to his side(忽然皮皮在前方停了下來,豆豆趕緊走到了他身邊). Beany: “What’s wrong now(現在怎麼了)?” Scamp: “I think we are lost. I don’t think we will ever find my nuts(我想我們迷路了,我們永遠找不到我的堅果了)!” Beany: “Nuts? What about finding our way home(堅果?我覺得我們現在應該先找到回家的路才對)? The snow has covered our tracks. We are lost and I am freezing(我們的腳印都被雪蓋住了,我們迷路了,我凍僵了).” 小朋友,你是不是也替他們擔心呢( Are you also worried about them)?他們應該怎麼辦呢(What should they do)?他們能不能平安地回家呢(Can they get home safely)?請等待下一集喔(Please wait for the next episode)! 還有,你知道迷路的英文怎麼說嗎? “I am lost.” 意思是「我迷路了」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I am lost.” 小朋友,在樹林裡迷路了,是非常危險的事情(Getting lost in the woods is very dangerous)。所以,如果你也要去樹林裡或山裡享受大自然,一定要做好萬全的準備喔( So, if you want to enjoy nature in the woods or mountains, be sure to be fully prepared!) 我們下次繼續聽「豆豆與皮皮」的故事喔(Let's continue to listen to the story of " Beany and Scamp " next time)! 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.39 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(上)/ An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(Part I)

    EP.39 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(上)/ An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(Part I)
    如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便,也願意,Bear老師感謝您的贊助。不方便也無妨,Bear老師很開心也很榮幸能幫助您的孩子學習。 Hello, This is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,今天Bear老師想為你們讀一本英文繪本(I want to read an English picture book for you today),這本繪本的名字叫「豆豆與皮皮」(The name of this picture book is " Beany and Scamp"),豆豆是一隻友善的熊(Beany is a friendly bear),皮皮是一隻健忘的松鼠(Scamp is a forgetful squirrel )。讓我們來聽聽他們的故事(Let's listen to their story)。 Beany and Scamp(豆豆與皮皮) Story by Lisa Bassett (作者:麗莎․巴賽特) Pictures by Jeni Bassett (繪圖者:珍妮․巴賽特) When the first snow fell, Beany knew it was time for his long winter’s nap(當第一場雪落下時,豆豆知道他漫長的冬眠時間也到了). He put extra blankets on his bed and plumped his pillow(他在床上多鋪了一些毯子,拍了拍枕頭). Then he went to say good-bye to his friend, Scamp Squirrel(然後他去和他的松鼠朋友皮皮道別). As Beany came to Scamp’s doorstep and reached up to ring the bell, the door suddenly flew open(當豆豆來到皮皮家門口,伸手去按門鈴時,門突然開了). Scamp rushed out, bumped into Beany, and fell back through the doorway(皮皮衝了出來,撞到了豆豆,然後從門口跌回了屋子裡去). Scamp : “Beany! I was just going out to look for you, and here you are right on my doorstep(豆豆!我正要出去找你,你就出現在我家門口了). Come in come in! I have big plans for us today(進來進來!我今天給我們訂了很大的計劃。). ” Beany was squeezing inside(豆豆擠進了屋子裡). Beany : “But, Scamp, it is time for me to go to bed for the winter(但是,皮皮,我該上床冬眠了).” Scamp : “I will miss you, especially today, I thought we could go together(我會想你的,尤其是今天,我以為我們可以一起去的).” Beany : “Go where(去哪裡)?” Scamp : “ Hunting for nuts(去找我的堅果啊). It’s time for me to find the nuts I buried this fall(是時候去找我今年秋天埋下的堅果了). I will not have any food for the winter without nuts(如果沒有那些堅果,今年冬天我就沒有食物了).” Beany : “I cannot leave you without food(我不能讓你沒有食物). But….but how long will it take to find your nuts? Last year…(但是……但是找到你的堅果需要多久呢?去年…)” Scamp : “Forget last year. This year we will find my nuts in no time(別想去年了。今年我們很快就會找到我的堅果了).” Beany : “Oh, I am glad you remember where you hid them(我很高興你還記得你把它們藏在哪裡). ” Scamp : “But I don’t remember(但我不記得了).” Beany : “How are we going to find them(那我們要怎麼找)?” Scamp : “Just look(你看!). Have you ever seen anything as clever as this(你看過這麼聰明的東西嗎)?” cried Scamp, pulling a crumpled piece of paper from his coat pocket(皮皮大聲地說,並且從他的外套口袋裡掏出一張皺巴巴的紙). Beany : “Well, I’m not sure. What is it(嗯,我不確定那是什麼)?” Scamp : “A map(一張地圖). This fall I put all my nuts in one place, so it would not take so long to find them all(今年秋天我把所有的堅果都放在同一個地方,所以很快就能找到它們). Then I drew a map to lead me to them(然後我畫了一張地圖帶著我找到它們). All we have to do is follow the map. We will be like pirates looking for buried treasure(我們只要跟著地圖走。我們就像海盜一樣尋找被埋起來的寶藏).” Beany : “It doesn’t look exactly like a pirate’s map(它看起來不像海盜的地圖). Why is the paper all purple(為什麼這張紙都是紫色的)?” Scamp : “Because I spilled a bottle of blueberry juice on it(因為我把一瓶藍莓汁灑在上面了).” Beany : “I think the juice blurred the lines(藍莓汁把你畫的線都弄模糊了).” Scamp: “Oh, you are right. I will put in more lines to tidy it up(哦,你說得沒錯。我來多畫一點線條把它弄得更清楚).” He scribbled over the purple spots(他在紫色的斑點上畫呀畫). “Now, as you can easily see(現在就容易看得清楚了), we start right here and follow the lines until we come to the end, here(我們從這裡開始,沿著路線一直走到盡頭,就是這裡). That is where we will find my nuts(我們將在這裡找到我的堅果).” Scamp was pointing to a square with the word Nuts written inside(皮皮指著一個正方形,正方形裡面寫著「堅果」). Beany : “What does the squire mean(這個正方形代表什麼)?” Scamp: “I wish I could remember, but then we would not need the map(我真希望我記得,可是那我們就不需要地圖了). We will find out what it means when we get there(反正到了那裡就會知道這個正方形代表什麼了). Those nuts are hidden in a very clever place this year, and it is all right on the map(那些堅果今年藏在一個很聰明的地方,就在地圖上).” Beany tried to keep from yawning(豆豆努力忍著不打哈欠). He had a feeling that it would be a long time before he went to bed(他感覺到要過一段很長時間以後他才能去睡覺). Scamp: “I will carry the map, and you can carry the shovel(我拿地圖,你拿鏟子).” He trotted out the door into the frosty woods(皮皮小跑出了門,進入了結霜的樹林裡), while Beany got the shovel out of the hall closet(而豆豆則從壁櫥裡拿出鏟子). AS Beany was squeezing through Scamps little door, he bumped his head, snagged his sweater, and dropped the shovel on his foot(當豆豆擠出了皮皮家的小門時,他撞到了頭,勾到了他的毛衣,還把鏟子掉在了他的腳上). Scamp: “Come on! You will never find anything just standing there(快來啊!你一直站在那裡我們怎麼找啊)!” Beany hurried after Scamp, but not without thinking that they were off to a very bad start(豆豆急忙追上皮皮,但是也不能不擔心這個倒楣的開始). 小朋友,你是不是很想知道他們在樹林裡發生了什麼事呢(You really want to know what happened to them in the woods, right?)?請等待下一集喔(Please wait for the next episode)。 還有,如果你睡覺的時間到了,你要怎麼用英文說呢? “It is time for me to go to bed.” 意思是「是時候去睡覺了」 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “It is time for me to go to bed.” 小朋友,你睡覺的時間到了嗎(Is it time for you to go to bed)? 我們下次繼續聽「豆豆與皮皮」的故事喔(Let's continue to listen to the story of " Beany and Scamp " next time)! 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.38 一首英文詩〈金錢的價值〉/An English Poem “The Value of Money” (Bear老師原創故事#9)

    EP.38 一首英文詩〈金錢的價值〉/An English Poem “The Value of Money” (Bear老師原創故事#9)
    📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便,也願意,Bear老師感謝您的贊助。不方便也無妨,Bear老師很開心也很榮幸能幫助您的孩子學習。 大家久等了,母親節快樂!Bear老師特別寫了一首英文詩與小朋友、大朋友分享,希望你們喜歡。 本集背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b91fr3ZsYrg&list=RDb91fr3ZsYrg&start_radio=1 Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,在上一集當中,Bear老師希望你們能思考思考金錢的價值(In the last episode, I hoped that you could think about the value of money)。因此,Bear老師寫了一首英文詩跟你們分享(Therefore, I wrote an English poem and want to share with you),希望能幫助你思考喔(I hope it can help you think)。 讓我們先來聽聽這首詩(Let's listen to the poem first) The Value of Money Money can buy an ice cream, Cannot buy my sweet smile, If no one shares it with me. Money can buy a bouquet, Cannot buy my happy tears, If you never surprise me. Money can buy many books, Cannot buy wisdom, If we read without hearts. Money can buy a piano, Cannot buy my painstaking practice, If no melody touches me. Money can buy the internet, Cannot buy connection, If we have no words to say. Money can buy the whole world, Cannot buy your understanding, If you don’t want to waste your time on me. 現在,Bear老師翻譯給你聽(Now, I will translate it for you): 金錢的價值 錢買得到冰淇淋(ice cream),卻買不到我甜蜜的微笑,如果沒有人與我分享。 錢買得到一束花(a bouquet),卻買不到我快樂的眼淚,如果你從來不給我驚喜。 錢買得到很多書(many books),卻買不到智慧,如果我們沒有用心去讀。 錢買得到一架鋼琴(a piano),卻買不到我辛苦的練習,如果沒有旋律感動我。 錢買得到網路(the internet),卻買不到人與人的連結,如果我們無話可說。 錢買得到整個世界(the whole world),卻買不到你懂我的心,如果你不想為我浪費時間。 小朋友,你同意Bear老師的看法嗎(Do you agree with me)?你覺得錢買得到什麼?買不到什麼呢(What do you think money can buy or cannot buy)?你也可以試試看把你的想法寫下來喔(You can also try to write down your thoughts)。還有,對你來說,什麼是「無價之寶」呢(Also, what is a "priceless treasure" to you)?「無價之寶」的意思就是用錢也買不到的非常珍貴的東西("Priceless treasure" means something very precious that cannot be bought with money.) 母親節快到了(Mother's day is coming),如果,你想讓媽媽知道,在你心裡,她有多麼珍貴,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “You are priceless to me.” 意思是「對我來說,你是無價的。」 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “You are priceless to me.” 小朋友,還有什麼人或事物對你來說是無價的呢(Is there anyone or anything that is priceless to you)?請好好地珍惜你生命中的無價之寶喔(Please cherish the priceless treasure in your life)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.37 會下金蛋的鵝/The Goose That Laid Golden Eggs

    EP.37 會下金蛋的鵝/The Goose That Laid Golden Eggs
    📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 🧸如果家長您手頭方便,也願意,Bear老師感謝您的贊助。不方便也無妨,Bear老師很開心也很榮幸能幫助您的孩子學習。 Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是 Bear老師。 小朋友,在上一集當中,我們談到了一隻貪心的狗,因為貪心,而害自己餓肚子(In the last episode, we talked about a greedy dog who made himself hungry because of his greed)。今天Bear老師要再跟你們分享一個因為貪心,而傷害了自己的故事(Today I want to share with you another story about someone hurting himself because of greed)。 有一位農夫,每天都努力地工作(There was a farmer who worked hard every day),可是,因為他的土地很小,生產的農作物不多,所以還是過著窮苦的生活( but because his land was small and didn’t produce many crops, he still lived a poor life)。有一天早上他走入農場時,眼睛被一道金色的光刺得睜不開眼(One morning when he walked into the farm, his eyes were blinded by a golden light),農夫向發光的地方走了過去,發現居然有一隻鵝生了一顆金蛋(The farmer walked to the place where the light was shining, and found that a goose had laid a golden egg):「天啊!這是金蛋嗎(My goodness! Is this a golden egg)?一定是上天知道我太辛苦了,所以派了這隻鵝來幫我(God must have known that I was working too hard, so he sent this goose to help me)。」農夫趕緊把鵝抱回家去,給了牠最好的食物與生活環境(The farmer quickly took the goose home and gave it the best food and living environment)。神奇的是,那隻鵝真的每天下一顆金蛋(Miraculously, the goose really laid a golden egg every day),而農夫也靠著賣金蛋,終於能過上吃飽喝足的生活了(and the farmer was finally able to live a life full of food and drink by selling the golden eggs)。 有一天,農夫心想(One day, the farmer thought):「雖然我現在的日子過得不錯,但是,我的房子不夠大、不夠好(Although I am living a good life now, my house is not big enough and not good enough),這隻鵝每天才下一顆金蛋,那我要等到什麼時候才能買大房子啊(This goose only lays one golden egg every day, so when will I be able to buy a big house)?如果能一次把鵝肚子裡的金蛋全部拿出來,然後 都拿去賣掉,就能馬上買一間大房子(If I can take all the golden eggs out of the goose’s belly at once, and then sell them all, I can buy a big house immediately),剩下的錢還能拿去做生意(and use the remaining money to start a business)。這樣多好啊(How great it will be)!」農夫越想越心動(The more the farmer thought about it, the more he wanted to do it)。農夫說:「鵝啊~對不起啊~但是我現在就要更多錢 (goose~ I'm sorry~ but I want more money now) 。」然後,他居然真的把鵝給宰了(then he actually killed the goose)。沒想到,鵝的肚子裡,一顆金蛋都沒有(Unexpectedly, there was not a single golden egg in the belly of the goose)。失去了鵝的農夫,既後悔又心痛,只能回到以前辛苦工作並且窮苦的生活(The farmer lost his goose, regretted and heartbroken, and could only return to his hard-working and poor life.),這個時候,他才明白,每天都有一顆金蛋的生活真的好幸福啊(At that moment, he realized that the life of having a golden egg every day is really happy)! 小朋友,有個成語叫「一夜致富」,意思就是很快就能變得非常有錢(there is an idiom, "to get rich overnight", which means to become very rich very quickly)。你相信真的有人能一夜致富嗎(Do you believe that someone can get rich overnight)?如果今天有人告訴你他有一夜致富的辦法,你會相信他嗎(If someone told you today how to get rich overnight, would you believe him)?如果有一份工作,雖然會傷害他人,但是卻能一夜致富,你也願意做嗎(If there was a job that would hurt others but make you rich overnight, would you be willing to do it)?小朋友,你一定要好好地思考這些問題,並且想想這個農夫的故事(you must think about these issues carefully, and think about the story of this farmer)。想要更多錢並沒有錯(There is nothing wrong with wanting more money),但是一定要心安理得、腳踏實地,而且還要有智慧(but you must have a conscience, be realistic, and be wise),你覺得呢(what do you think)? 如果你的朋友很貪心,你想勸他「別貪心」, 用英文可以怎麼說呢? “Don’t be greedy.” 請跟Bear老師再說一次, “Don’t be greedy.” 小朋友,如果你希望將來能擁有財富,那麼你就得好好地培養自己的能力,並且思考幸福的定義與金錢的價值(If you want to have wealth in the future, then you have to cultivate your abilities well, and think about the definition of happiness and the value of money)。 我們下次見嘍(see you next time)。

    EP.36 貪心的狗/ A Greedy Dog

    EP.36 貪心的狗/ A Greedy Dog
    謝謝小朋友、大朋友耐心等候。如果需要完整逐字稿PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 Hello, this is teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你對你現在所擁有的東西感到滿足嗎(Are you satisfied with what you have now)?還是想要更多呢(Or do you want more)?你是不是常常羨慕別人總有新玩具呢(Do you often envy others who always have new toys)?你覺得你真的需要更多嗎(Do you think you really need more)?還是因為貪心呢(Or is it because you are greedy)?如果思考後,你覺得還是需要更多,那麼,應該怎麼做呢(If after thinking about it, you feel that you still need more, then what should you do)?讓我們先聽聽這個故事,再來思考這個問題(Let's listen to this story first, and then think about it)。 有一隻肚子好餓的狗,到處尋找食物,沒過多久,發現地上有一塊香噴噴的肉(There was a very hungry dog who was looking for food everywhere. After a while, he found a piece of delicious meat on the ground),他心裡想(he thought):「真是太幸運了(I’m so lucky),我要回家好好地享受(I want to go home and enjoy it)。」於是他趕緊把那塊肉叼了起來,跑啊跑,想快點跑回家(So he quickly picked up the meat and started running, wanting to get home quickly)。終於要過河了,只要過了河,就到家了(He reached the river - he just had to cross the river, and he would be home)。於是他小心翼翼地走上了河上的小橋,當走到橋中間時,不經意地往河裡看了一下(So he cautiously walked up the small bridge over the river; when he got to the middle of the bridge, he happened to looked down into the river),結果他看到有一條狗在水裡,嘴裡也咬著一塊好大的肉(and he saw a dog in the water with a big piece of meat in its mouth)。忽然,他有了一個想法(Suddenly, he had an idea):「那塊肉好像比我的這一塊大一點(That piece of meat seems to be bigger than mine),如果我對那隻狗大叫,說不定他會怕得丟下肉跑走(If I bark at that dog, maybe it will be afraid and drop the meat and run away),這樣我就有兩塊肉了(so I will have two pieces of meat)!」 他越想越興奮(The more he thought about it, the more excited he became),於是,他張開嘴大聲地吼(so he opened his mouth and barked loudly):「汪、汪……(Woof, woof…) !」結果,他一張開嘴,肉便從他的嘴裡掉了下去,「噗通」一聲,便沉到水裡不見了(Of course, when he opened his mouth, the meat fell from his mouth, and with a "plop" it sank into the water and disappeared)。這時他才發現,原來那隻狗是自己在水中的倒影(At that moment, he realized that the other dog was his own reflection in the water)。他傷心地哭了起來(He cried sadly):「早知道我就不要那麼貪心了,好餓啊( If I knew this would happen, I wouldn’t be so greedy. I'm starving )。」可是,一切都來不及了(But it was too late)。 小朋友,你是不是也替這隻狗感到可惜呢(Do you feel sorry for this dog)?其實,想要更多,想要更好,都是很正常的(In fact, it is normal to want more and better),人類也因為想要過更富足、更享受的生活,所以有了更多更好的發明(Human beings have more and better inventions because we want to live a richer and more enjoyable life)。只要是靠自己的力量,並且不傷害他人,那麼,人人都有權利追求自己想要的生活(Everyone has the right to pursue the life they want as long as they rely on their own strength and do not harm others)。如果這隻狗能夠先回家填飽肚子,以後餓了,再靠自己的力量出去找更多食物,而不是搶別人的東西,那麼他就不會有這樣的下場了(If the dog could go home to fill his stomach first, and then go out to find more food on his own when he was hungry, instead of grabbing other people's things, then he would not end up like this)。 有一句話說(there is a saying):「知足常樂(To be content is to be happy.)。」意思是,如果你知道自己擁有的已經足夠了,那麼,你就會常常感到快樂(It means that if you know that what you have is enough, then you will always be happy)。我們應該感激並且珍惜目前所擁有的一切(We should be grateful and cherish what we have now)。但是,如果你思考過後,發現真的需要更多,也記得千萬不可以傷害他人(However, if you think about it and find that you really need more, remember that you must not hurt others)。用誠實並且善良的方法所得到果實,才是最甜美的喔(The fruit you get in an honest and kind way is the sweetest)。 小朋友,你知道「知足常樂」的英文怎麼說嗎? “To be content is to be happy.” 意思是,「知足就會快樂。」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “To be content is to be happy.” 小朋友,祝福你知足常樂(Wish you can be content and happy),並且發展更好的能力去得到你需要的一切喔(and develop a better ability to get everything you need)! 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.35 吃不到葡萄的狐狸/The Fox Who Couldn’t Get The Grapes

    EP.35 吃不到葡萄的狐狸/The Fox Who Couldn’t Get The Grapes
    小朋友、大朋友久等了,謝謝大家耐心等候。如果需要完整逐字稿PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 Hello,this is teacher Bear。我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你聽過「酸葡萄心理」嗎(Have you heard of "sour grapes")?還有一句話說「吃不到葡萄說葡萄酸」(There is a saying, "That’s just sour grapes.")。這到底是什麼意思呢?讓Bear老師來說給你聽(What does this mean? Let me tell you)。 在一個很熱的夏天,有一隻正在四處尋找食物的狐狸(In a very hot summer, there was a fox who was looking for food everywhere),牠努力找啊找,終於在不遠處發現了一棵葡萄樹(He searched hard and finally found a grapevine not far away)。當狐狸走近這棵葡萄樹,看到樹上結滿了一串串葡萄(When the fox approached the vine and saw the bunches of grapes),狐狸心想(the fox thought):「哇!這葡萄看起來實在香甜可口!(Wow! These grapes look really sweet and delicious!)」狐狸看著葡萄,忍不住一直流口水(The fox looked at the grapes and his mouth couldn't help watering)。狐狸努力地往上跳,往上跳,不停地將前爪伸直,卻連葡萄的邊邊都碰不到(The fox tried to jump up, and reached with his front paws, but he couldn't even get close to the grapes)。狐狸心想(the fox thought):「這棵葡萄樹太高了…怎麼辦呢(This vine is too tall… what should I do)?好吧!我再多試幾次(all right! I will try again)!一定要吃到那美味的葡萄(I must eat those delicious grapes)!」狐狸繼續一直跳啊,跳啊(The fox kept jumping and jumping)。時間慢慢地過去了,樹上的鳥兒看見狐狸努力想吃葡萄卻吃不到的樣子,都忍不住笑了起來(Time passed, and the birds on the tree couldn't help laughing when they saw the fox trying hard to eat the grapes but couldn't)。狐狸覺得好丟臉啊,因此,牠假裝不在乎地說(The fox felt so ashamed, so he pretended not to care and said):「哼!這葡萄一定還沒熟,肯定很酸(Huh! These grapes must be unripe, they must be very sour)!我才不吃呢(I won't eat them)。」就這樣,狐狸只好餓著肚子離開了(Eventually, the fox left hungry)。 小朋友,如果你是那隻狐狸,你會怎麼做呢(If you were the fox, what would you do)?其實,如果狐狸願意勇敢地請求鳥兒的幫助,或許,牠就能吃到美味的葡萄(In fact, if the fox was willing to bravely ask the birds for help, maybe he could eat delicious grapes),而且,說不定其實鳥兒也很樂意幫助牠喔(and maybe the birds were also willing to help)。當我們的能力不夠時,常把別人的反應看得太嚴重而覺得丟臉(When we are not capable enough, we often take other people's reactions too seriously and feel ashamed),但其實這樣反而限制了自己的發展,也可能會失去很好的機會(but in fact, this limits our own development and we may miss good opportunities)。狐狸有狐狸的長處,鳥兒有鳥兒的長處(The fox has strengths, and the birds also have their own strengths)。這次,如果狐狸能請求鳥兒的幫助,將來,說不定鳥兒也有需要狐狸幫助的時候(In this situation, if the fox asked the bird for help, maybe the bird would also need the fox's help in the future)。所以,如果有一天碰到自己能力不足的情況,記得要勇敢地請求幫助(So, if one day you encounter a situation where you are not capable enough, remember to ask for help bravely);而看到別人能力不足的時候,你可以主動問問對方需不需要幫忙(and when you see that others are not capable enough, you can take the initiative to ask the other party if they need help),並且記得千萬別取笑他人喔(and remember not to make fun of others)。 小朋友,如果有一天你需要幫助,你可以怎麼用英文請求別人的幫助呢? “Could you help me?” 意思是:你能幫助我嗎?請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Could you help me?” 如果你看到需要幫助的人,你想問問他需不需要幫助,用英文怎麼說呢? “Do you need help?” 意思是:你需要幫助嗎?請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Do you need help?” 小朋友,希望你碰到困難時,能勇於求助(I hope you will have the courage to ask for help when you encounter difficulties),千萬不要有「酸葡萄心理」喔(and don't have that "sour grapes" feeling)。 我們下次見嘍(see you next time)!

    EP.34 唐詩〈清明〉/A Tang Dynasty poem "Qīngmíng" (#唐詩5)

    EP.34 唐詩〈清明〉/A Tang Dynasty poem "Qīngmíng" (#唐詩5)
    小朋友、大朋友久等了。不過你們知道Bear老師不會忘記的,謝謝大家耐心等候。如果需要完整逐字稿PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjE-l1PoEnQ Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,你已經聽過Bear老師的故事了嗎?你喜歡那些故事嗎?英文聽不懂怎麼辦呢?別擔心(Don’t worry),學新的語言本來就需要時間。你啊~多聽幾次,慢慢地,有一天,你一定自然就懂了。試試看喔!加油(You can do it)! 過幾天4月5號是清明節(In a few days, April 5th is Tomb Sweeping Day),「Tomb Sweeping Day」的意思是「打掃墳墓的日子」。在清明節的時候,很多華人會去掃墓、祭祖(During Tomb Sweeping Day, many Chinese will go to visit the graves of their ancestors to pay respect),你家也一樣嗎(Is it the same in your family)?今天Bear老師就來給你們介紹一首跟清明節有關的唐詩〈清明〉(Today I will introduce you a Tang Dynasty poem "Qīngmíng" related to Tomb Sweeping Day)。 寫這首詩的詩人叫杜牧(The poet who wrote this poem is called Dù Mù)。 現在就讓我們來聽聽這首詩(Now let's listen to this poem): 〈清明〉清明時節雨紛紛,路上行人欲斷魂。借問酒家何處有,牧童遙指杏花村。 什麼意思呢(What does it mean)? 清明時節雨紛紛 意思是:清明節前後的那些日子裡,雨下個不停(During the days around Tomb Sweeping Day, it rains non-stop )。小朋友,清明節那幾天你觀察一下,是不是真的下雨(Around Tomb Sweeping Day, please observe whether it’s really raining)。 路上行人欲斷魂 意思是:在路上走的那些行人都非常地悲傷(Those pedestrians** **walking on the road are very sad)。為什麼悲傷呢(Why they are so sad)?因為他們去掃墓的時候,想起了過世的親人(Because when they went to sweep the tomb, they thought of their relatives who are gone)。 借問酒家何處有 意思是:我想問哪裡有賣酒的地方(I want to ask : where is the wine-seller?)。其實啊,杜牧很喜歡喝酒(Actually, Dù Mù liked to drink very much)。不過在古代,這是很平常的習慣(But in ancient times, this was a very common habit),而且杜牧是成年人,小朋友不可以學喔(And Dù Mù is an adult, so you kids please don’t learn it)。 牧童遙指杏花村 意思是:放牧牛、羊的孩子告訴我,杏花村那兒賣酒(The child who is grazing cattle and sheep points into the distance, and tell me that Apricot Blossom Village sells wine)。杏花是一種在春天開的花,杏花村就是開滿了杏花的村子(Apricot blossom is a kind of flower that blooms in spring, and Apricot Blossom Village is a village full of apricot blossoms)。 小朋友,掃墓的時候,你是不是看到很多人因為思念親人而傷心難過呢(When you visit the grave, do you notice many people are sad because they miss their loved ones)?可是,不管我們再傷心,過世的親人也不可能再活過來(However, no matter how sad we are, it is impossible for our deceased relatives to come back to life),這個時候應該怎麼辦呢(What should we do at this time)?你看,詩人杜牧建議我們一個好辦法( See, the poet Dù Mù suggested a good way for us),那就是去找找能讓自己快樂的事物(that is to find things that can make us happy),比如說,詩人杜牧就決定在這麼傷心的時候,去找一個地方,好好地享受美酒(For example, the poet Dù Mù decided to find a place to enjoy good wine when he was so sad)。 還有,你覺得真的有像杏花村這樣的一座村子嗎(Also, do you think there really was a village like Apricot Blossom Village)?還是詩人杜牧想像的一個像春天一樣,充滿新生命的地方呢(Or was it a place full of new life, like springtime, as imagined by the poet Dù Mù)?詩人杜牧覺得清明節雖然是一個傷心的日子(The poet Dù Mù felt that although Tomb Sweeping Day was a sad day),可是他不願意一直活在傷心當中,而是去找生命的樂趣與新希望(he didn’t want to live in sadness all the time, but sought the joy and new hope in life)。小朋友,你同意他的做法嗎(Do you agree with him)? 現在,讓我們來複習這首詩(Now, let's review this poem)。 〈清明〉 清明時節雨紛紛,路上行人欲斷魂。借問酒家何處有,牧童遙指杏花村。 你記住了嗎(Do you remember it already)?如果還沒,別擔心(If not, don’t worry)。多念幾次,你就會記住了(You will remember it if you read it more)。 小朋友,如果有一天你的朋友失去了親人,你想表達你的同情(sympathy),用英文,可以怎麼說呢? “I’m sorry for your loss.” 意思是「對於你的失去,我很遺憾」。 請跟Bear老師再說一次。 “I’m sorry for your loss.” 小朋友,希望你去掃墓的時候,不要太難過(I hope you won’t feel too sad when you go to visit and sweep the grave),想想快樂的事(try to think about happy things),相信過世的親人在天上看到你開心,他們也會開心喔(I believe that when your deceased relatives see you happy, they will be happy in heaven too)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.33魯王養鳥/King Lu Raised the Bird

    EP.33魯王養鳥/King Lu Raised the Bird
    抱歉讓小朋友、大朋友久等了。Bear老師最近因學校突發事件而特別忙碌,加上身體微恙,所以遲了一些。謝謝大家耐心等候。如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcaiM3fYpGw Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你知道嗎?在2000多年以前的中國,有一個哲學家叫莊子(In China more than 2,000 years ago, there was a philosopher named Zhuāngzǐ),他常常用小故事來告訴人們一些道理(He often used short stories to describe some principle)。Bear老師今天就來跟你們說其中的一個故事(Today I am going to tell you one of the stories)。 從前有一個國家叫魯國,有一天,皇宮附近飛來了一隻鳥(A long time ago, there was a country called Lu. One day, a bird flew near the king’s palace)。魯王從來沒見過這種鳥,以為是神鳥,就派人把牠抓了起來,並且把牠養在了廟裡(King Lu had never seen this kind of bird before. He thought it was a divine bird, so he sent someone to catch it and keep it in the temple),魯王覺得這樣就沒有人能傷害那隻鳥了(King Lu thought that in this way no one could harm the bird)。此外,魯王還要求樂師每天演奏音樂給牠聽,讓廚師做最好的菜給牠吃(King Lu also required musicians to play music for it every day, and asked the chef to cook the best dishes for it to eat)。魯王說:「給牠最好的(Give it the best)。」可是因為這隻鳥失去了自由,很不快樂(But because the bird had lost its freedom, it was very unhappy)。而且,人類的音樂對牠來說只是奇怪的噪音,再加上,人類的食物根本不適合牠( Human music was just a strange noise to it, and human food was not suitable for it at all),結果那隻鳥嚇得精神失常,也吃不下東西,最後,只活了三天就死了(The bird was so scared that it became insane and couldn't eat. In the end, it only survived for three days)。 小朋友,聽了這個故事以後,你覺得莊子想要告訴我們什麼呢(After hearing this story, what do you think Zhuāngzǐ wanted to tell us)?你是不是覺得很奇怪,魯王明明給了那隻鳥最好的照顧,為什麼那隻鳥還是死了呢(Do you find it strange that the king already gave the bird the best care, and yet the bird still died)?那是因為魯王用自己的方式養鳥,而不是用適合鳥的方式來養鳥,最後造成了這個悲傷的結果(That's because King Lu raised the bird in his own way, not in a way suitable for the bird, which finally caused this sad result)。就好像,你覺得巧克力很好吃,所以你想給小狗、小貓吃(It’s like this: you think chocolate is delicious, so you want to give it to a dog or a cat),可是你知道嗎?巧克力對小狗、小貓來說卻是毒藥,他們吃了是會中毒的(But did you know? Chocolate is poison for dogs and cats, and they will be poisoned if they eat it)。 我們常常主觀地認為自己喜歡的事,別人也一定會喜歡(We often subjectively think that what we like will be liked by others),結果卻常常不如我們預期(but the result is often not as good as we expected)。Bear老師覺得最好的方式就是尊重別人的想法,多多了解他人的需求(I think that the best way is to respect other people's ideas and learn more about their needs),這樣能幫助你做出更好的決定(which can help you make better decisions)。 小朋友,你是不是想說:「父母或老師常用我不喜歡的方式對我。」(Do you want to say: "Parents or teachers often treat me in a way that I don't like.”) Bear老師覺得你先別難過或生氣 (I think that you don’t need to be sad or angry),因為,師長的出發點是善意的,師長想用他們覺得最好的方式對你(Because the parents or teachers’ starting point is kind, and they want to use the best way they know for you),只是他們可能不夠瞭解你,所以造成了反效果(But they might not know you well enough, so it has the opposite effect)。這個時候,你應該怎麼辦呢(Then what should you do)?Bear老師覺得你可以試試看把你的感覺說出來,好好地跟師長溝通(I think that you can try to express your feelings and communicate with your parents and teachers properly)。如果還是沒有用,你也可以試著問問其他長輩的意見,或者多跟同學、朋友聊聊(If it still doesn't work, you can also try to ask other elders for their opinions, or talk to your classmates and friends more),相信你一定能找到最好的辦法(I believe you will be able to find the best way)。 小朋友,如果你想婉轉地拒絕別人的善意,並且讓他知道這不是你需要的,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “Thank you very much, but it’s not what I need.” 意思是,「非常謝謝你,可是這不是我需要的。」 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Thank you very much, but it’s not what I need.” 小朋友,希望你能夠學會尊重他人,也希望當你覺得不受到尊重時,能夠有勇氣跟別人溝通(I hope you can learn to respect others, and I hope you can have the courage to communicate with others when you feel disrespected)。Bear老師知道學會這些並不容易,但是,相信慢慢地,你一定能做到( I know that it is not easy to learn these things, but I believe that you will be able to do it little by little)。 小朋友,你喜歡莊子的故事嗎?像「EP.22井底之蛙」、「EP.23夏蟲不可語冰」都是莊子說過的故事喔,Bear老師以後再說別的給你們聽。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.32小兔誤會了/ The Little Rabbit Misunderstood

    EP.32小兔誤會了/ The Little Rabbit Misunderstood
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 Hello, this is teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你知道什麼是「誤會」嗎(Do you know what "misunderstanding" is)?你誤會過別人,或是被別人誤會過嗎(Have you misunderstood others, or been misunderstood by others)?如果發生了誤會,你覺得最好應該怎麼辦呢(If a misunderstanding occurs, what do you think is the best way to handle it)?最近小兔子婷婷也誤會了她的新朋友,害自己好傷心啊(Recently, the little rabbit Tingting misunderstood her new friend, making herself very sad)。如果你是她,你會怎麼做呢(What would you do if you were her)? 現在我們聽聽那天到底發生了什麼事(Now let's listen to what happened that day): 那一天,天氣真好,小兔子婷婷在草原上跳著跳著,在不遠處,她看到了她上個月才認識的新朋友土撥鼠波波(One day, the weather was really nice, and the little rabbit Tingting was jumping on the grass. Not far away, she saw her new friend Bobo the groundhog that she met only last month)。 婷婷:波波,你好(Hello, Bobo)!你在那裡做什麼啊(What are you doing there)? 但奇怪的是,波波完全沒有反應(the strange thing is that Bobo didn't respond at all),於是婷婷往波波那兒跳了過去,但就在同時,波波卻往另一個方向跑走了(so Tingting jumped over to Bobo, but at the same time, Bobo ran away in the other direction),婷婷加快腳步追了上去,一不注意,卻掉進了一個很深的洞裡,跳不出來了(Tingting jumped faster to catch up. Suddenly, she fell into a deep hole and couldn't jump out)。婷婷很害怕,她想大聲叫波波回來救她,可是,她也想 (Tingting was scared, she really wanted to call Bobo to come back and save her, but she also thought):「這一定是波波的惡作劇(This must be a prank by Bobo),他一定不喜歡我,所以故意挖了這個洞讓我掉進來 (he must not like me, so he dug this hole on purpose to make me fall in),難怪他不但不理我,還跑走了(no wonder he ignored me and ran away)。(哭起來)怎麼辦(What should I do)?為什麼他不喜歡我(Why doesn’t he like me)?為什麼他要害我(Why does he want to hurt me)?(越哭越大聲)」忽然,婷婷聽到了小象康康的聲音(Suddenly, Ting Ting heard the voice of the Little Elephant Kangkang)。 康康:婷婷,原來是你在哭啊(Tingting, so it’s you crying there!),你怎麼掉到獵人的陷阱裡了(how did you fall into the hunter's trap)? 康康伸長了鼻子,把婷婷拉了出來(Kangkang stretched out her nose and pulled Tingting out)。 康康:別哭了(Don't cry),現在你安全了(you are safe now)。 婷婷:(哭)是波波害我的(Bobo hurt me)! 康康:波波?應該不是(Bobo? I don’t think so),這是獵人的陷阱(this is a hunter's trap)。 婷婷:一定是他,一定是他(It must be him, it must be him)!(繼續哭) 康康:如果你不相信,我建議你明天好好地找他談一談(If you don't believe me, I suggest you have a good talk with him tomorrow)。 隔天,婷婷在池塘邊碰到了波波(The next day, Tingting met Bobo by the pond),她很想鼓起勇氣去打招呼,但是想到波波的惡作劇,她轉頭就想跑走(She really wanted to muster up the courage to say hello, but thinking of Bobo's prank, she turned her head and wanted to run away),忽然波波叫住了她(but suddenly Bobo called and stopped her)。 波波:婷婷,你怎麼剛來就要走(Tingting, why are you leaving right after you arrived)?你要去哪裡(where are you going)? 婷婷:哼!我知道你要害我,所以,我不敢靠近你(Huh! I know you want to hurt me, so I don’t dare to be close to you)。 波波:我為什麼要害你(Why would I want to hurt you)? 婷婷:那昨天我叫你,你為什麼不理我?還跑走了(I called you yesterday. Why did you ignore me and run away)?你害我掉進你挖的洞裡(Then I fell into the hole you dug)。 波波:真的嗎(Really)?我沒聽到啊(I didn't hear you)!而且昨天我也沒有挖洞啊(And I didn't dig a hole yesterday)! 婷婷:那你為什麼跑走(Then why did you run away)? 波波:因為我聽到附近有聲音(Because I heard a sound nearby),我以為是獵人來了,所以要趕快跑啊(I thought it was a hunter coming, so I had to run quickly)! 婷婷:喔~~我誤會你了(Oh~~ I misunderstood you)。對不起(Sorry)。 波波:沒關係(It doesn't matter),你一定是掉進獵人的洞裡了(You must have fallen into the hunter's hole)。你還好嗎?有沒有受傷(Are you alright? Are you injured)? 婷婷:幸好康康經過救了我(Fortunately, Kangkang passed by and saved me)。放心,我沒事了(Don't worry, I'm fine)。 波波:下次不要自己胡思亂想了(Try not to think like that next time),有問題隨時問我喔(If you need to talk to me about anything, just ask)。 婷婷:嗯,一定(Sure)。 小朋友,在你的生活中,有沒有發生過類似的情況呢(Has anything like this happened in your life)?如果你是婷婷,是不是也會誤會波波呢(If you were Tingting, would you also misunderstand Bobo)?我們常常會因為不夠了解,或沒有自信,所以胡思亂想,誤會了對方(We often make bad assumptions and misunderstand each other because we don't understand enough or have no self-confidence)。小朋友,你覺得避免誤會最好的辦法是什麼呢(what do you think is the best way to avoid misunderstanding)?Bear老師覺得可以好好地找對方談一談(I feel that you can have a good talk with that person)。如果你好好地找對方談了以後,結果還是讓你失望,這個時候,你再決定應該怎麼做。(If you have a good talk with that person and the result still disappoints you, then you’ll need to decide what to do about that)。 如果,你要跟對方說明「這真的是一個誤會,請聽我解釋。」,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “This is really a misunderstanding, please let me explain.” 意思是「這真的是一個誤會,請聽我解釋。」,請跟Bear老師再說一次喔: “This is really a misunderstanding, please let me explain.” 小朋友,避免誤會或解決誤會還有很多辦法(There are many ways to avoid or resolve misunderstandings),Bear老師希望你能多跟長輩談一談,相信你一定會有收穫的(Hope you can talk to your elders more. I believe you will learn something for sure)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.31畢馬龍效應/ Pygmalion Effect(Bear老師原創故事#8)

    EP.31畢馬龍效應/ Pygmalion Effect(Bear老師原創故事#8)
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,新的學期開始了,你過得怎麼樣呢(The new semester has begun, how are you doing)?有沒有新的煩惱呢(Are there any new worries)?讓我們來聽聽小朋友Jasper的煩惱,也想想你可以怎麼幫他喔(Let's listen to Jasper’s troubles, and think about how you can help him)。 Amy:Jasper, 怎麼了(What's wrong with you)?看起來垂頭喪氣的(Why do you look so dejected)? Jasper:我覺得我完蛋了(I think I’m doomed)。 Amy:什麼事(What's up)?這麼嚴重(Why it’s so serious)? Jasper:才剛開學不久,我就發現功課好難(The new semester just started and I found that the homework is really difficult),如果這學期成績再不好,升高年級以後我一定完蛋了(If my grades are not good this semester, I will be totally finished when I move up to the next grade)。 Amy:(呼~~)我以為誰要死了(I thought somebody was going to die)?原來只是這件事(It turned out to be just this)。 Jasper:這件事很嚴重,而且我不知道應該怎麼辦(This is very serious and I don't know what to do),我完了(I’m just so doomed)。 Amy:我覺得你太悲觀了(I think you are too pessimistic),首先,你應該停止說「我完了」(First, you should stop saying "I’m doomed"),你聽過心理學的「畢馬龍效應」嗎(Have you ever heard of the " Pygmalion Effect" in psychology)? Jasper:那是什麼(What’s that)? Amy:「畢馬龍效應」(Pygmalion Effect),是我表姊告訴我的(my cousin told me about it)。她說,你對你自己有什麼期待,就會使你變成那樣的人(She said what you expect from yourself makes you who you are)。所以,如果你一直覺得你完了,那你就真的完了(So, if you keep feeling like you're doomed, then you really are)。 Jasper:真的嗎(Really)?所以如果我覺得自己很厲害,我就會變得很厲害嗎(So if I think I'm great, am I going to be great)? Amy:是的(Yes)。我表姊還教我一句英文說「Fake it till you make it.」(My cousin also taught me an English saying "Fake it till you make it.")。意思是「你先假裝,直到你做到為止。」(It means "You fake it first until you can really make it.") Jasper:喔~~所以如果我一直假裝我的成績很好,偷偷改分數,我的成績就會真的變好嗎(So if I keep pretending my grades are good, and secretly change the score, will my grades really get better)? Amy:當然不可以欺騙(Of course you can't cheat)!這句話的意思是你應該先相信你自己做得到,然後努力試著去做,最後就會變成真的(This saying means that you should first believe that you can do it, and then try hard to do it, and finally it will become true)。 Jasper:可是我怕我做不到(But I'm afraid I can't make it)。 Amy:所以你得先假裝(So you have to fake it first)。 我知道你很害怕,可是你得先假裝你自己不害怕,最後你就真的不怕了(I know you're scared, but you have to pretend you're not scared first, and then you won’t be)。 Jasper:可是如果最後成績還是不好呢?我怕自己是真的很笨(But what if the final result is still not good? I'm afraid I'm really stupid)。 Amy:那你可以試試看別的事啊(Then you can try something else)!誰說成績是最重要的,我看你打籃球打得很好啊(Who said grades are the most important thing, I see you play basketball very well)!我爸爸說打籃球的時候腦子裡要想著策略,那些球員一定也很聰明(My dad said when you play basketball you need a strategy in your head, so those players must be very smart too)。 Jasper:謝謝你,我一定會試試看(Thanks, I’ll definitely try)。 Amy:不客氣,我會為你加油(You're welcome, I will cheer for you)。 Jasper:你知道我還有什麼夢想嗎(Do you know what else I dream of)? Amy:說來聽聽吧(Tell me)! Jasper:我想像超人一樣在天上飛(I want to fly in the sky like Superman),從今天起,我要fake it till I make it. Amy:欸~~夢想實不實際也很重要喔(It's important to have dreams that are practical)!你永遠不可能像超人一樣飛(You'll never be able to fly like Superman)。 Jasper:畢馬龍效應(Pygmalion Effect)!Fake it till you make it. 現在我覺得沒有不可能的事(Now I feel like nothing is impossible)! Amy:好吧(All right~~~)~~~ 小朋友,我們一起說: “Fake it till you make it.” 請跟 Bear老師再說一次: “Fake it till you make it.” 「Fake it」就是「假裝」,「make it」就是「做到」。「Fake it till you make it.」意思就是先假裝你能做到,然後一直努力,最後你就真的能做到。但是記得喔,這裡的「假裝」並不是「要你去騙人」,而是「先相信你自己會做到」。還有,重點是「Make it」,所以「努力去做」才是最重要的喔。 Fake it till you make it. Believe in yourself. 相信你自己,You can do it. 加油! 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.30 西洋情人節的由來/ The Origin of Valentine's Day

    EP.30 西洋情人節的由來/ The Origin of Valentine's Day
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfBZIClY7KU Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,每年的二月十四號是西洋情人節(Every February 14th is Valentine's Day) ,跟華人的情人節「七夕」是不同的日子喔(It is a different day from Chinese Valentine's Day "Qixi")。你知道什麼是情人嗎(Do you know what a lover is)?情人就是來自不同家庭的兩個人,他們相愛並且想一直在一起(Lovers are two people from different families who love each other and want to be together forever),就像你的爸爸、媽媽一樣(just like your mom and dad)。 那麼,你知道為什麼西洋情人節叫Valentine's Day?Valentine是一個人的名字(Valentine is the name of a person),這個人是誰呢(Who is this)?讓Bear老師來說給你聽(Let me tell you)。 大概在兩千年以前(About two thousand years ago),在西方有一個羅馬帝國統治著很多國家(the Roman Empire ruled over many countries in the West),羅馬帝國常常跟別的國家打仗(The Romans often fought with other countries),因此這個國家的某個皇帝叫Claudius規定所有的男人在當兵以前都不可以結婚(Therefore, the Roman emperor Claudius stipulated that men couldn't marry until they had served as soldiers),因為這個皇帝擔心男人們結婚以後,就不想離開孩子和太太去打仗了(Because the emperor was worried that men wouldn’t want to leave their children and wives to go to war if they got married)。這個法律讓很多情人們非常難過,因為他們真的很想在一起(This law made many couples very unhappy, because they really wanted to be together)。小朋友,你可以問問爸爸、媽媽或你的爺爺、奶奶,如果當時有人阻止他們結婚,是不是很難過呢? 有一位天主教神父Valentine看到了這個情形,覺得皇帝的規定非常不合理(A Christian priest, Valentine, saw this situation and felt that the emperor's regulations were very unreasonable),因為讓相愛的兩個人結婚是神賜給人的權利(Because it was a right given by God to get married if two people loved each other),因此,他就答應偷偷地幫這些情人們主持婚禮(so he agreed to secretly help these lovers to hold the wedding ceremony)。但最後卻被羅馬帝國皇帝發現了(The emperor of the Roman Empire finally found out),結果皇帝非常生氣(As a result, the emperor was very angry),就在二月十四號這一天處死了神父Valentine(and executed Father Valentine on February 14th)。小朋友,你覺得神父Valentine是不是非常勇敢呢(Do you think Father Valentine is very brave)? 神父Valentine犧牲了以後(After the sacrifice of Father Valentine),大家非常感謝神父Valentine(everyone was very grateful to Father Valentine),就把二月十四號訂為情人節(and set February 14th as Valentine's Day)。每年的情人節,情人們會在一起慶祝,並且紀念神父Valentine(Every Valentine's Day, lovers will celebrate together and commemorate Father Valentine)。小朋友,天主教的神父也叫「Father」,所以「神父Valentine」你可以叫他「Father Valentine」。 小朋友,聽了這個故事以後,你有什麼感想呢(What do you think after hearing this story)?如果你是神父Valentine,你願意冒著生命危險偷偷地為情人們主持婚禮嗎(If you were Father Valentine, would you risk your life to secretly preside over weddings for lovers)?還是你覺得不值得呢(Or do you think it's not worth it)?每個人都有不同的價值觀,當然就會做出不同的選擇與決定(Everyone has different values, and of course they will make different choices and decisions)。有的人很偉大,願意為了更多人的利益犧牲自己(Some people are so great that they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of other people);有的人很自私,為了自己的利益犧牲別人(some people are very selfish and sacrifice others for their own benefit)。 小朋友,你不一定要同意神父Valentine的決定,但是,你卻不能不尊敬他,因為他願意為了別人犧牲自己,是不是呢?還是你有別的想法呢(You don't have to agree with Father Valentine's decision, but you have to respect him, because he is willing to sacrifice himself for others, don’t you think? Or do you have other ideas)?請多思考思考(Please think about it),多跟別人談談喔(and talk to others)。 小朋友,如果有人為你犧牲自己的利益,你能怎麼用英文謝謝他呢?你可以說: “Thank you for the sacrifice you made for me.” 請跟Bear老師再說一次喔: “Thank you for the sacrifice you made for me.” 小朋友,你大概還沒有情人(You probably don't have a lover yet),但是你一定非常祝福情人們都能幸福快樂地在一起,對不對(but you must wish all lovers to be together happily, right)?Bear老師祝福你現在努力充實自己,將來才能有智慧找到最適合你的情人喔(I hope you can work hard to enrich yourself now, so that you will have the wisdom to find the most suitable lover for you in the future)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.29 元宵節的故事/ The Story of Chinese Lantern Festival

    EP.29 元宵節的故事/ The Story of Chinese Lantern Festival
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 片頭音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEbANd2foPY 配樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR3SsHwrxXA Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,農曆一月十五號元宵節到了(The Chinese Lantern Festival is here on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar),你會跟家人一起提燈籠、看花燈,並且欣賞煙火嗎(will you carry lanterns, watch beautiful lanterns, and enjoy fireworks with your family)?你知道為什麼在元宵節這一天,華人要掛燈籠、放煙火嗎(Do you know why Chinese people hang lanterns and set off fireworks on the Chinese Lantern Festival)?讓Bear老師來說給你聽(Let me tell you)。 很久很久以前,有一個獵人到野外去打獵(A long time ago, there was a hunter who went hunting),因為除夕夜快到了,他想讓家人的年夜飯能豐盛一點(Because Chinese New Year's Eve was coming, he wanted to make a lavish meal for his family's New Year's Eve dinner)。忽然,他看到一隻鳥飛過,立刻把它射了下來(Suddenly, he saw a bird flying by and shot it down immediately)。獵人興奮地把那隻鳥從地上撿了起來,但卻覺得奇怪(The hunter excitedly picked up the bird from the ground, but felt strange),因為這隻鳥的樣子非常美麗又特別,是獵人從來沒看過的鳥(because the bird looked very beautiful and special, a bird that the hunter had never seen before.)。 獵人把鳥帶回了村子裡去(The hunter took the bird back to the village),有一位老人,看到了獵人手上的那隻鳥,大叫說(an old man saw the bird in the hunter's hand and shouted):「哎呀~~這是傳說中的火鳥,是火神的寵物啊(this is the legendary fire bird, the pet of Vulcan)!你闖大禍啦(You’ll be in big trouble)!」老人話才剛說完,就從天上傳來了火神的怒吼(The moment the old man finished speaking, the roar of the fire god Vulcan came from the sky):「可惡的人類,我要替我的火鳥報仇(You wretched humans, I will avenge my firebird)!」恐懼籠罩了整個村子,結果大家都沒心情過年了(Fear gripped the entire village, and as a result, everyone was in no mood to celebrate the Chinese New Year),每個人不是哭哭啼啼,就是唉聲嘆氣,擔心大火來臨(Everyone was either crying or moaning, worried that the fire was coming)。 過了幾天,有天夜晚,村長做了一個夢,夢到了一位美麗的仙女告訴他(A few days later, one night, the village chief had a dream in which a beautiful fairy told him):「我是火神的女兒,我是來幫助你們的(I am the daughter of Vulcan , and I am here to help you)。記得,十五號月圓的晚上,你們一定要在村子裡掛滿燈籠,並且放煙火(Remember, on the night of the full moon on the fifteenth, be sure to hang up lanterns and set off fireworks in the village)。記得啊(Remember)!一定別忘記啊(Don’t forget)!」村長醒了過來,雖然他對仙女說的話半信半疑,但是,他還是交代大家趕快去準備燈籠和煙火(The village chief woke up. Although he doubted what the fairy said, he still told everyone to hurry up and prepare lanterns and fireworks)。 農曆一月十五號,月圓之夜到了,家家戶戶掛起了燈籠,放起了煙火(On the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, the night of the full moon came, every household hung up lanterns and set off fireworks)。這時(At this time),火神正好路過(Vulcan happened to pass by),在天上看到那座村子紅通通的,還噴出火花,心想(he saw the village from the sky, it looked red and was sending up sparks, and he thought ):「這座村子怎麼自己燒起來啦(How did the village set itself on fire)?哼!活該(They had it coming)。」於是就不再想報仇的事了(So Vulcan stopped thinking about revenge)。 就這樣,村民們平安地活了下來(In this way, the villagers survived safely)。為了紀念這個特 別的日子(To commemorate this special day),後來到了每年的農曆一月十五日,家家戶戶就掛燈籠、 放煙火(the fifteenth day of the first lunar month every year, every family hangs lanterns and sets off fireworks)。最後(Eventually),就變成了賞花燈和煙火秀(this became a festival of enjoying beautiful lanterns and fireworks shows)。所以,當我們慶祝元宵節的時候,也別忘了提醒自己感謝那些原諒我 們,以及善良幫助我們的人喔(When we celebrate the Chinese Lantern Festival, it is a reminder to ourselves to thank those who forgive us and those who kindly help us)。小朋友,也希望你思考思考,報 仇真的是好辦法嗎(I also hope you will think about this, is revenge really a good way)?試著多跟別人討 論討論喔(Try to discuss with others)。 小朋友,如果你想邀請朋友一起去賞花燈,看煙火,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “Let's enjoy the beautiful lanterns and the fireworks together!” 意思是「讓我們一起去賞花燈、賞煙火。」 “lantern”是「燈籠」的意思,因為「元宵節」也叫「燈節」,所以英文我們說“Chinese Lantern Festival”,意思是「華人的燈節」。 「讓我們一起去賞花燈、賞煙火。」這個句子請跟Bear老師再用英文說一次喔。 “Let's enjoy the beautiful lanterns and the fireworks together!” 小朋友,祝你元宵節快樂(I wish you a happy Chinese Lantern Festival)! 我們下次見嘍(see you next time)!

    EP.28 你屬什麼生肖?/What is your Chinese zodiac animal?(Bear老師原創故事#7)

    EP.28 你屬什麼生肖?/What is your Chinese zodiac animal?(Bear老師原創故事#7)
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,去年是虎年(Last year was the Year of the Tiger),今年是兔年(this year is the Year of the Rabbit),你知道明年是什麼年嗎(Do you know what next year is)?你知道十二生肖是哪十二種動物嗎(Do you know which twelve animals are in the Chinese zodiac)?你知道你屬什麼嗎(Do you know your Chinese zodiac animal)?讓我們來聽聽這些小朋友們討論十二生肖(Let's listen to these kids discuss the Chinese zodiac)。 Amy:今年是兔年,我哥哥屬兔,所以他今年十二歲了(This year is the Year of the Rabbit. My older brother’s animal is Rabbit, so he is twelve years old)。 Jasper:為什麼屬兔的孩子今年十二歲(Why is a child born in the Year of the Rabbit twelve years old)? Amy:因為十二生肖就是每十二年循環一次啊(Because the Chinese zodiac cycles every twelve years)。 Robin:Amy,那你屬什麼( Amy, what is your Chinese zodiac animal )? Amy:我屬馬(My Chinese zodiac animal is Horse)。 Robin:所以你今年九歲(So you are nine years old)。 Emma:哇!你算得好快啊(Wow! You calculate so fast)! Amy::其實你只要知道十二生肖的順序,就能很快算出年紀喔(Actually, as long as you know the order of the Chinese zodiac, you can quickly calculate someone’s age)。 Jasper:十二生肖的順序是什麼啊(What is the order of the Chinese zodiac)? Robin:就是「鼠、牛、虎、兔、龍、蛇、馬、羊、猴、雞、狗、豬」(It means "Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig")。我屬龍,我今年十一歲(My Chinese zodiac animal is Dragon and I am eleven years old)。 Jasper:我屬蛇(My Chinese zodiac animal is Snake)。 Robin:所以你今年十歲(So you are ten years old this year)。 Jasper:沒錯(That’s right)。 Emma:我屬羊(My Chinese zodiac animal is Goat)。 Robin:所以你今年八歲(So you are eight years old this year)。 Emma:是的(Yes)。 Amy:我媽媽屬龍(My mom’s Chinese zodiac animal is Dragon),所以明年她四十八歲,今年她四十七歲(so next year she will be forty-eight, and this year she is forty-seven)。 Jasper:喔~~我懂了(Oh~~I see),所以屬兔的人今年可能是十二歲、二十四歲、三十六歲、四十八歲、六十歲,或七十二歲(so people whose Chinese zodiac animal is Rabbit may be twelve, twenty-four, thirty-six, forty-eight, sixty or seventy-two years old this year)。 Emma:哇!你的數學真好(Wow! Your math is really good)。 Jasper:哪裡哪裡(It's nothing),你現在才念二年級,剛學乘法不久(You are only in the second grade now, and you have just learned multiplication not long ago)。以後你也會很厲害(Your multiplication will be great in the future too)。 Amy:你們覺得生肖跟個性有關係嗎(Do you think the Chinese zodiac has anything to do with personality)? Robin:我覺得沒有(I don't think so),因為我妹妹也屬羊,可是她的個性跟Emma的很不一樣(because my younger sister’s Chinese zodiac animal is also Goat, but her personality is very different from Emma's)。 Jasper:我聽媽媽說,生肖跟運氣有關係(I heard from my mother that the Chinese zodiac has something to do with luck),比如說,今年屬兔的人「犯太歲」,所以要特別小心(For example, people whose Chinese zodiac is Rabbit "offend the God of Tai Sui" this year, so they should be very careful)。 Amy:對,所以今年我媽媽去廟裡幫我哥哥「安太歲」(Yes, so this year my mother went to the temple to help my older brother "pacify the God of Tai Sui")。 Emma:犯太歲(To offend the God of Tai Sui)?安太歲(To pacify the God of Tai Sui)?那是什麼(What’s that)? Jasper:其實我也不太懂(Actually, I don't quite understand either)。 Robin:在中華文化中,「十二生肖」有很多學問,我們慢慢學(In Chinese culture, there is a lot of knowledge about the "Chinese zodiac", let’s learn little by little)。 Amy:嗯~~我們一起慢慢學 (Let's learn together little by little)。可是也不可以太迷信(But don't be too superstitious)。 Jasper:沒錯(That’s right)! 小朋友,你屬什麼呢(What is your Chinese zodiac animal)?你還記得怎麼用英文來說十二生肖的動物嗎?鼠(Rat)、牛(Ox)、虎(Tiger)、兔(Rabbit)、龍(Dragon)、蛇(Snake)、馬(Horse)、羊(Goat)、猴(Monkey)、雞(Rooster)、狗(Dog)、豬(Pig) 我們用英文再說一次喔! Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig 小朋友,你知道你的家人屬什麼嗎(Do you know what are your families’ Chinese zodiac animals )?快去問問他們吧(Go to ask them)!我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.27 年獸的故事/The Story of The Nian Monster

    EP.27 年獸的故事/The Story of The Nian Monster
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 背景音樂:喜慶:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2YKj_uU_Eg&t=490s/鋼琴:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9KEASi-tas Hello, This is Teacher Bear,我是 Bear老師。 小朋友,農曆新年快到了(The Chinese New Year is coming)!你開心嗎(Are you happy)?可是,其實在很久很久以前,華人並不喜歡過新年(In fact, a long time ago, Chinese people didn’t like to celebrate the New Year),因為,「年」其實是一隻非常可怕的怪獸,大家都叫牠「年獸」(because "Nian" was actually a very scary monster. Everyone called it the "Nian Monster")。在每年農曆12月30號除夕的晚上,牠會從海裡爬出來找東西吃(Every year on the night of New Year's Eve, on December thirtieth in the lunar calendar, it would crawl out of the sea to find something to eat),只要看到什麼活著的東西,都會吃下肚子裡去(It would eat anything alive it saw )。 這一天,農曆12月30號又到了,一大早,大家忙著往山裡面跑,就是希望年獸來的時候不要被牠吃了(December thirtieth of the lunar calendar came again. Early in the morning, everyone was busy running into the mountains, hoping that they wouldn’t be eaten by the Monster)。 可是,王家的老太太不願意離開(However, the old lady of the Wang family was unwilling to leave)。因為去年她的兒子被年獸吃了(Because her son was eaten by the Monster last year),她說:「我要替兒子報仇(I will avenge my son’s death)。 時間越來越晚,年獸就快要醒過來了(It was getting later and later, the Monster was about to wake up)。王太太在家裡等著準備好好地和年獸打一架(Mrs. Wang was waiting at home, preparing for a fight with the Monster),忽然「叩叩叩」,一陣敲門聲響起(Suddenly , there was a knock on the door)。王太太走過去開了門,看到是一位冷得發抖的老先生(Mrs. Wang went to open the door and saw an old man shivering with cold),老先生說:「這位太太,我又冷又餓,能不能請你給我一點吃的東西啊(Madam, I am cold and starving. Could you please give me something to eat)?」王太太馬上請這位老先生進屋子裡坐下,還給他做了一頓飯菜 (Mrs. Wang immediately invited the old man in to have a seat, and cooked a meal for him )。吃飽的老先生開心地謝謝王太太,並且問她(After he was full, the old man thanked Mrs. Wang happily, and said):「這位太太啊!這裡怎麼只有你一個人啊?其他人呢(Madam! Why are you alone here? Where are the others)?」王太太把自己的情況說給了老先生聽,沒想到老先生聽了以後哈哈大笑(Mrs. Wang told the old man about her situation, unexpectedly, the old man laughed loudly when he heard this ),他說:「年獸有什麼可怕的(Why do we need to be scared of the Monster)?我教你一個辦法(I'll teach you a method),你去找一些竹子還有紅色的紙來(Go find some pieces of bamboo and red papers)。」王太太雖然不相信他,可是,還是把竹子跟紅紙拿來了(Although Mrs. Wang didn't believe him, she still brought the bamboo and red papers)。只見老先生把紅色的紙貼在門上,並且告訴王太太,年獸來的時候,馬上燒竹子(The old man pasted red papers on the door, and he told Mrs. Wang that when the Monster came, she must burn the bamboo immediately)。 到了半夜(In the middle of the night),年獸一步一步慢慢地爬到陸地上來了(Step by step, the Monster slowly crawled onto the land)!一家一家地找東西吃(House by house, it went looking for something to eat),餓得不得了的年獸發現什麼東西都沒有了,氣得不得了(The starving monster got very angry when it found nothing to eat)。沒過多久,年獸來到了王太太家門口(Before long, the Monster came to the door of Mrs. Wang's house),王太太馬上燒起了竹子,竹子被燒得霹靂啪啦響(Mrs. Wang immediately burned the bamboo, which made a crackling noise)。年獸痛得大叫(The Monster screamed in pain):「那個紅色的東西是什麼啊?看得我的眼睛好疼啊(What is that red thing? It hurts my eyes)!這是什麼聲音啊?我的耳朵快受不了啦(What is this noise? My ears can't take it anymore)!」年獸的眼睛和耳朵越來越痛(The Monster’s eyes and ears hurt more and more),牠越來越害怕(it became more and more scared),就這樣,很快地逃回了海裡,再也不敢出來吃人了(And then, it quickly fled back into the sea, and never dared to come out to eat people again)。 王太太開心地正想謝謝老先生,老先生卻已經不見了(Mrs. Wang happily wanted to thank the old man, but the old man had disappeared)。第二天,大家都下山,看到王太太一點事都沒有,驚訝地問王太太昨天晚上的情況(The next day, everyone came down from the mountains and went home. Seeing that Mrs. Wang was fine, they were surprised and asked Mrs. Wang what happened last night)。聽了王太太的故事以後,大家都說那位老先生一定是個神仙,他是來幫助大家的(After hearing Mrs. Wang’s story, everyone said that the old man must be an angel, and he was here to help everyone)。從那天起,每到農曆新年,大家就在門上貼紅紙、燒竹子(From that day, every Chinese New Year, everyone pasted red papers on the door and burned bamboo),漸漸地,就變成了貼春聯、放鞭炮(in time, this became the pasting of Spring Festival couplets and setting off firecrackers)。 小朋友,現在你只需要好好地享受農曆新年,不必再擔心年獸了。還有,今年是兔年,你知道怎麼用英文祝福別人「兔年行大運」嗎? “Wish you good luck in the year of the rabbit.” 請跟Bear老師再說一次。 “Wish you good luck in the year of the rabbit.” 小朋友,祝你兔年行大運(Wish you good luck in the year of the rabbit)! 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.26 一首中文詩〈眼睛〉/ A Chinese Poem “Eyes”

    EP.26 一首中文詩〈眼睛〉/ A Chinese Poem “Eyes”
    很抱歉,稍早上傳的版本取消了。原因是國外友人們多給了一些建議,使得Bear老師很難決定使用哪個翻譯版本。最後,Bear老師決定使用兩個英文翻譯版本,也藉機讓小朋友了解「翻譯學問大」。即使小朋友目前無法區別或甚至聽不懂也無妨,學習語言需要時間,潛移默化,先用耳朵、用心去感受才是最重要的。 歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 背景吉他音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Doh60LQb8R4 Hello, this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你的眼睛大,還是小呢(Are your eyes big or small?)?有多大?有多小(How big or how small are they?)?有芝麻那麼小嗎(Are they as small as a sesame seed)?有拳頭那麼大嗎(Are they as big as a fist)?Bear老師最近在網路上讀到了一首很有想像力的詩(I recently read a very imaginative poem on the Internet),這首詩的作者是八歲的陳科全(The poet is eight-year-old Chén Kēquán)。讓我們一起來聽聽他的眼睛有多大,有多小(Let's listen to this poem about how big his eyes are )? Bear老師先用中文讀一次,然後再用英文讀一次喔(I will read it in Chinese first, and then again in English)。不過,英文的翻譯有兩個版本。第一個版本對英文母語者來說是比較清楚明白的。第二個版本比較有詩的感覺,但對英語母語者來說,需要多思考一下才能明白。現在Bear老師來唸詩嘍~ 眼睛 我的眼睛很大很大, 裝得下高山, 裝得下大海, 裝得下藍天, 裝得下整個世界。 我的眼睛很小很小, 有時遇到心事, 就連兩行淚, 也裝不下。 英文的第一個版本(The first version in English): Eyes My eyes are so big, There are mountains inside, There are oceans inside, There is the blue sky inside, There is the whole world inside. My eyes are so small, Sometimes when something bothers me, My eyes can’t fit even two tracks of tears. 英文的第二個版本(The second version in English): Eyes My eyes are very very big, They can hold mountains, They can hold oceans, They can hold the blue sky, They can hold the whole world. My eyes are very very small, Sometimes when I am troubled, Even just two tracks of tears, They can’t hold back. 這兩個英文版本聽起來,你喜歡哪一個呢?翻譯有很多學問,Bear老師很難在短短的時間裡跟小朋友解釋清楚。如果你現在不能知道差別,也沒關係,先用耳朵、用心去感受,相信將來的某一天,你回想起來,就會有更清楚的感覺了。 小朋友,你覺得這首詩美不美呢(Do you think this poem is beautiful?)?是不是很有想像力(Isn't it very imaginative)?他談的不是眼睛實際的大小,而是他的眼界與感情(He was not talking about the actual size of the eyes, but about his vision and feelings)。其實一個人的眼睛小,還是大,並不重要(Actually, it doesn't matter whether a person's eyes are small or big),美醜是很主觀的(Beauty and ugliness are very subjective),Bear老師覺得有自己的特色才是最重要的(I think the most important is to have your own characteristics)。更重要的是,你的眼界大不大(And more importantly, whether you have vision or not)。如果你是井底之蛙,或是夏蟲,你的知識太少,就沒辦法有更好的發展或幫助別人(If you are a frog in a well, or a summer insect, your knowledge of the world is too little, and you will not be able to develop yourself or help others)。 小朋友,如果你要誇獎別人很有想像力,你知道用英文怎麼說嗎? “You are so imaginative!”意思是「你真有想像力!」 請跟Bear老師再說一次 “You are so imaginative!” 小朋友,想像力很重要喔(Imagination is very important)!比如說(For example),如果以後你當翻譯人員,有的句子的意思不能直接翻譯,這個時候你就需要想像力(if you are a translator in the future, the meaning of some sentences cannot be directly translated, and you need imagination at this time)。還有,想像力也能幫助你面對許多困難,或者發明許多新東西(Also, imagination can help you face many difficulties or invent many new things)。總而言之(Anyway),多看書、多學習能訓練你的想像力喔(reading more and learning more can train your imagination),加油(You can do it)! 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.25 新年新計畫/New Year and New plans (Bear老師原創故事#6)

    EP.25 新年新計畫/New Year and New plans (Bear老師原創故事#6)
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,新年快樂(Happy New Year)!今年是2023年(This year is twenty twenty-three),在新的一年裡,你有什麼新計畫呢(In the new year, what new plans do you have)?讓我們來聽聽其他小朋友們說了什麼(Let's hear what the other kids say)。 大家:新年快樂(Happy New Year)! Amy:今年你們有什麼計畫(What are your plans for this year)? Robin:我計畫今年開始學跳舞,媽媽已經幫我報名了舞蹈補習班(I plan to start learning to dance this year, and my mother has already signed up for dance tuition classes for me)。 Jasper:哇!我以後一定要去看你的表演(Wow! I must go to see your show in the future)。 Robin:當然,如果有表演,我一定邀請你們(Sure, if there is a performance, I will definitely invite you)。 Jasper:我們拭目以待(We'll see)。Emma,你呢(Emma, what about you)? Emma:我計畫今年開始學畫畫,我對畫畫真的很有興趣(I plan to learn painting this year, I am really interested in painting)。 Jasper:祝妳以後跟畢卡索一樣有名(Hope you’ll be as famous as Picasso in the future)。 Emma:謝謝。你呢?你有什麼新計畫(Thank you. What about you? What new plans do you have)? Jasper:我覺得英文好難喔,有的時候很想放棄(I feel English is so difficult, sometimes I want to give up)。可是我知道學新的語言很重要,所以應該多練習(But I know it's important to learn a new language, so I should practice more)。希望我的英文能更上一層樓(I hope I can take my English to the next level)。 Emma:別放棄(Don't give up),要有自信,相信你自己(be confident, believe in yourself),加油(You can do it)! Jasper:謝謝你(Thank you)。Amy,你呢?你還沒說(Amy, what about you? You haven't said it yet)。 Amy:我有好多計畫,不確定應該先做哪一個(I have so many plans and I'm not sure which one to do first)。我也想學電腦、也想學做蛋糕、也想學彈吉他(I also want to learn computers, bake cakes, and play the guitar),可是時間不夠,而且媽媽的錢也不夠(but I don’t have enough time and my mother doesn’t have enough money),怎麼辦(What should I do)? Robin:沒關係(It doesn't matter),現在網路上有很多學習資源和教學影片,有空的時候可以自己學(There are many learning resources and teaching videos on the Internet. You can learn by yourself when you have time)。 Amy:可是我媽媽不讓我上網,她擔心我在網路上被騙(But my mum doesn't let me use the Internet. She is worried that I will be cheated.)。 Emma:我爸爸也這麼說(My dad said the same thing),他說網路上有很多不好的東西(he said there are a lot of bad things on the Internet)。 Jasper:我記得Bear老師說過「要學會跟長輩溝通」(I remember Teacher Bear said :" You need to learn to communicate with elders."),你可以試試看跟媽媽談一談喔(you can try to talk to your mother)。 Amy:好的,我會試試(OK, I'll try)。從網路也能學會很多東西,我要證明給媽媽看(I can also learn a lot from the Internet, and I want to prove it to my mum)。 Robin:祝你成功(Wish you success)!新的一年,我們一起加油(In the new year, we can do it together)! 大家:加油(we can do it)! 小朋友,你知道怎們用英文祝福別人成功嗎?你可以說: “Wish you success!” 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Wish you success!” 小朋友,你有什麼新計畫(What are your new plans)?Bear老師祝你新的一年能學會更多新東西(I wish you can learn more new things in the new year)。祝你成功(Wish you success),加油(You can do it)!新年快樂(Happy New Year)! 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!