

    Bear老師有20年的語文教學經歷。希望小朋友能跟Bear老師一起聽故事學語言,了解不同文化,發展良好品格。有什麼想法,都歡迎留言給Bear老師,也歡迎社會各界洽談合作項目。請訂閱Bear老師的播客,每個月15、30晚間8:00上架,讓我們一起學習成長。如果需要「各集逐字稿PDF」或進一步了解英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的ⒻⒷ或🅘🅖。 📧:bearlearnlanguage@gmail.com 🅘🅖:bear.bilingual ⒻⒷ:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
    zhBear Weir64 Episodes

    Episodes (64)

    EP.24 聖誕老公公的祝福/The Blessing From Santa(Bear老師原創故事#5)

    EP.24 聖誕老公公的祝福/The Blessing From Santa(Bear老師原創故事#5)
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 Hello, This is teacher Bear, 我是 Bear老師。 小朋友,今天晚上是聖誕夜(Tonight is Christmas Eve),你是不是也在等待聖誕老公公的到來呢(Are you also waiting for the arrival of Santa)?Bear老師特地為了你們跟聖誕老公公連線(I have a message especially from Santa for you),以下是他要對你們說的話喔~ Merry Christmas! Hello小朋友,我是聖誕老公公(Hello kids, I am Santa),我知道今天晚上你們都在期待我的到來(I know you are all looking forward to my arrival tonight),可是,因為這幾年世界非常動盪不安,跟以前比起來,有更多的小朋友生活十分辛苦(but because the world has been very turbulent these past few years, there are more kids having quite difficult lives),我必須先去照顧他們,所以我不確定今天晚上有沒有時間送禮物給你們(I have to take care of them first, so I am not sure if there is time to give you gifts tonight)。 我知道你們都非常有同情心,一定願意讓我先去照顧那些可憐的小朋友(I know you are all sympathetic and would be happy to let me take care of those poor kids first)。所以,如果今晚你沒有收到禮物,請你別失望(So, if you don't receive a gift tonight, please don't be disappointed),因為,那代表我花了更多時間照顧那些生活不安定的小朋友(because it means I’m spending more time taking care of those kids whose lives are not stable)。我相信你們一定也支持我這樣做(And I believe you will support me)。 不管今晚我來不來得及送禮物給你們(Whether I have time to give you gifts tonight or not),我都要先祝福你們新的一年平安健康(I would like to wish you a safe and healthy new year),並且在新的一年裡更上一層樓(and I hope in the new year you can take your abilities to the next level)。不要放棄學習喔(Don't give up learning)。祝你們聖誕快樂!新年快樂(Wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year)! 親愛的小朋友,聖誕老公公超級忙,希望你長大了以後,也有能力幫助他照顧別的小朋友喔(Dear kids, Santa is super busy. I hope you will be able to help him take care of other kids when you grow up)。 你是不是也想祝福聖誕老公公聖誕快樂,新年快樂呢?用英文怎麼說呢? “Wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!” 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!” 小朋友,祝你聖誕快樂!新年快樂! Wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 我們下次見嘍! See you next time!

    EP.23 夏蟲不可語冰/You can’t speak of ice to insects that live only one summer.

    EP.23 夏蟲不可語冰/You can’t speak of ice to insects that live only one summer.
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 Hello,This is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你聽到了嗎(Did you hear that)?這是什麼聲音呢(What is this sound)?這是蟬鳴,也就是蟬在叫的聲音(This is the sound of cicadas chirping )。 蟬是一種昆蟲(Cicadas are a kind of insect),他們還是蟲寶寶的時候,生活在黑暗的泥土裡(When they are babies, they live in the dark soil),等到長大了,他們就爬出泥土,享受夏天的陽光,繁衍後代(When they grow up, they crawl out of the soil, enjoy the summer sun, and reproduce),然後就死去了(and then die)。因此,他們的一生沒有機會親眼看見冬天(Therefore, they don't have the opportunity to see winter with their own eyes in their lifetime)。 有一天,有一隻蟬在樹上快樂地唱著歌(One day, a cicada was singing happily on a tree),他看到一隻松鼠忙著把堅果藏起來,便好奇地問(He saw a squirrel busy hiding nuts, and asked curiously)。 蟬:「你為什麼要把堅果藏起來啊(Why are you hiding the nuts)?」 松鼠回答:「冬天裡沒有什麼東西能吃,所以我要準備食物(There is nothing to eat in winter, so I have to prepare food)。」 蟬:「冬天?什麼是冬天(Winter? What is winter)?」 松鼠:「你不知道冬天(You don't know winter)?!就是天氣很冷,有的時候還會下雪的季節啊(It's a very cold season and sometimes it snows)。」 蟬:「冷(Cold)?雪(Snow)?那是什麼(What is that)?」 松鼠:「『冷』是一種感覺('Cold' is a feeling),『雪』是一種白白的,像冰一樣的東西('Snow' is a white thing like ice)。」 蟬:「冰(Ice)?『冰』是什麼(What is 'ice')?」 松鼠:「天啊(My goodness)!你在跟我開玩笑嗎(Are you kidding me)?別浪費我的時間(Don't waste my time),我忙著為冬天準備食物,沒時間理你了(I’m busy preparing food for winter, I don't have time to talk to you)。再見(Bye~~)!」 蟬:「別走啊(Don't go)!請你別生氣(Please don't be angry),我是真的不知道啊(I really don't know)!」 小朋友,中文有一句話說「夏蟲不可語冰」,意思就是「如果你跟只活在夏天的昆蟲談到冰,他們不能理解你在說什麼,因為他們從來沒有看過冰。」請跟Bear老師再說一次這個中文句子「夏蟲不可語冰」。 所以,松鼠真的誤會蟬了(Therefore, the squirrel really misunderstood the cicada),蟬沒有開玩笑,他是真的不知道冬天的一切( the cicada was not kidding, he really didn't know anything about winter),因為他的生命太短,根本沒有機會看到冬天(Because his life was too short, and he had no chance to see winter at all)。 小朋友,如果以後你碰到不能溝通的人,你需要有多一點耐心來讓他明白你的想法(if you meet someone in the future who you can’t communicate with, you need to be more patient to let him understand your thoughts),因為,他可能真的沒有過跟你一樣的經驗(because he may really have never had the same experience as you),就像井底之蛙一樣,需要別人的幫助(just like the frog who lives in a well,he needs help.)。不過,如果你很忙,有更重要的事情得做,那麼,你就只好離開去做你的事(However, if you are busy and have more important things to do, then you have to leave and do your work),但是記得,不需要生他的氣喔,因為「夏蟲不可語冰」(But remember, you don’t need to be angry with him, because " You can’t speak of ice to insects that live only one summer."),那不是他的錯(That's not his fault),而是他不像你這麼幸運能有豐富的經驗(You may have a lot of experience, but he's not as lucky as you)。 小朋友,一年裡有四個季節(four seasons),你知道用英文怎麼說嗎? 春天spring 夏天summer 秋天autumn 冬天winter 請跟Bear老師再說一次: spring summer autumn winter 小朋友,如果你不想當夏蟲或井底之蛙(If you don't want to be a summer insect or a frog living in a well),記得多學習喔(remember to learn more)! 我們下次見嘍!See you next time!

    EP.22 井底之蛙/ The Frog in A Well

    EP.22  井底之蛙/ The Frog in A Well
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB或IG。 Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你知道什麼是井嗎(Do you know what a well is)?以前的人,因為沒有自來水(In the past, because there was no running water),所以想喝水的時候,只好從井裡拿水喝(when people wanted to drink water, they had to drink water from the well)。井有一點深,但是井的口很小(The well is quite deep, but the mouth of the well is very small),如果你住在井裡往上看,那麼,你只能看到一片小小的天空(If you live in a well and look up, you can only see a small piece of sky)。有一隻小青蛙,就是住在一口古老的井裡(There was a little frog who lived in an old well),井裡只有淺淺的水,井的牆壁上長滿了小草(There was only shallow water in the well, and the walls of the well were covered with grass)。 小青蛙口渴了,就喝井水(When the little frog was thirsty, he drank the well water);餓了,就吃井裡的小蟲子(When he was hungry, he ate the bugs in the well);累了,就在井底的石頭上躺著睡覺(When he was tired, he lay down and slept on the stone at the bottom of the well)。小青蛙對自己的居住環境很滿意(The little frog was very satisfied with his home)。由於他從還是小蝌蚪的時候,就住在井裡了(He had lived in the well since he was a tadpole),所以從來沒有看過外面的世界(he had never seen the outside world)。 每次,有小鳥飛到井邊休息的時候,小青蛙總是會向他們炫耀(Every time the little birds flew to the well to rest, the little frog would always show off to them):「嗨!下來玩玩吧!(Hey! Come down and play!)我家超棒的,什麼都有(My home is wonderful and has everything)。」而小鳥們總是告訴小青蛙:「外面的世界才美呢(The world outside is so beautiful)!你要不要出來看看啊 (Would you like to come out and have a look) ?」不過,小青蛙總是不相信(However, the little frog never believed it)。 有一天,有一隻布穀鳥飛到井邊休息(One day, a cuckoo flew to the well to rest),小青蛙又開始向布穀鳥炫耀自己的家了:「我家真的好棒!應有盡有(My home is really great, it has everything),你們為什麼都不相信我呢(why don't you believe me)?」沒想到布穀鳥說:「我帶你去看看外面的世界好嗎(May I take you to see the outside world)?比你家有趣多了(There are more interesting things than your home)。」小青蛙半信半疑地回答:「真的嗎(Really)?好吧(Okay)。」於是,布穀鳥用爪子抓起了小青蛙飛了起來(So, the cuckoo picked up the little frog with its claws and flew up )。 小青蛙:「哇!我的天啊!這是哪裡 (Wow! My goodness! Where is this) ?」 布穀鳥:「這就是井外的世界啊 (This is the world outside the well) !」 小青蛙:「那個高高的是什麼 (What's that tall one) ?」 布穀鳥:「那是山 (That's a mountain) 。」 小青蛙:「那些彩色的東西是什麼 (What are those colorful things) ?」 布穀鳥:「那些是花 (Those are flowers) 。」 小青蛙:「你看你看(Look, look),那個有好多水,比我家還大的地方,是什麼?(What is that place with a lot of water bigger than my home?)」 布穀鳥:「那是有很多蓮花的大池塘(That's a big pond with many lotus flowers)。你要自己下去看看嗎(Do you want to go down and see for yourself)?」 小青蛙:「我要我要(I do, I do)!」 小青蛙跳到了大池塘裡,盡情地游泳(The little frog jumped into the big pond, swam as much as he wanted),然後,跳上草地,享受微風(and then jumped onto the grass to enjoy the breeze)。 布穀鳥:「你看,我說得沒錯吧(Look, didn’t I tell you so)?」 小青蛙:「謝謝你帶我出來開開眼界(Thank you for bringing me out to open my eyes)。」 布穀鳥:「不客氣(You're welcome)。等你玩夠了,我再帶你回家(I'll take you home after you have had enough fun)。」 小青蛙:「不,我不回去了(No, I won't go back),我要好好地看看這個世界(I want to take a good look at this world)。」 小朋友,你想當井底之蛙,還是想多看看這個世界呢(Do you want to be a frog in a well, or do you want to see more of this world)?旅行(to travel)、看書(to read books)、聽播客(to listen to podcasts)還是多跟有經驗的人聊聊(to chat with experienced people),都能打開你的眼界(to open your eyes),並且學習更多知識(to learn more knowledge)。有一句話說「知識就是力量(knowledge is power)」,有了知識,你就能有更多力量做更多的事,也能更上一層樓(With knowledge, you can have more power to do more things and take your abilities to the next level)。就像這隻小青蛙,本來他什麼都不知道(Just like this little frog, he didn't know anything at first),後來他知道了更多知識,於是,他決定改變自己的生活(but later he learned more knowledge, so he decided to change his life)。 小朋友,還記得知識就是力量的英文怎麼說嗎? “Knowledge is power.” 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Knowledge is power.” 小朋友,如果你能學習更多知識,你就更有力量改善自己跟別人的生活(If you can learn more, you will have more power to improve your life and the lives of others)。比如說(For example),如果你有修理汽車的知識,你就能開一家修車廠幫別人解決車子的問題(if you have the knowledge to fix cars, you can open a car repair shop to help others solve car problems)。所以「知識就是力量(knowledge is power)」,一定別放棄學習喔(Don't give up learning)。 現在,你有了英文知識,你想利用這個知識來做什麼呢(Now that you have knowledge of English, what do you want to use this knowledge for)?請想想這個問題喔(Please think about this question)。 我們下次見嘍! See you next time!

    EP.21唐詩〈登鸛雀樓〉/ Tang Dynasty Poem "Dēng Guànquè lóu"(唐詩#4)

    EP.21唐詩〈登鸛雀樓〉/ Tang Dynasty Poem "Dēng Guànquè lóu"(唐詩#4)
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB或IG。 Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,在上一集當中,我們學了唐詩〈登樂遊原〉,提到了美麗的夕陽(In the last episode, we learned the Tang Dynasty poem " Dēng lè yóu yuán" and mentioned the beautiful sunset)。今天,我們要學另一首唐詩,也提到了夕陽(Today, we will learn another Tang Dynasty poem, which also mentions the sunset),可是,跟上一首唐詩帶給人的感覺完全不同喔(But if you compare with the previous one, you will feel it’s completely different)。這一首唐詩叫〈登鸛雀樓〉,是詩人王之渙寫的(This Tang Dynasty poem is called " Dēng guàn què lóu", which was written by the poet Wáng Zhīhuàn)。 讓Bear老師來說給你聽(Let me tell you): 白日依山盡,黃河入海流。欲窮千里目,更上一層樓。 什麼意思呢(What does that mean)? 白日依山盡 意思是: 白色的太陽靠著山邊落了下去。 The white sun was setting against the side of the mountain. 黃河入海流 意思是: 黃河裡的水流到大海裡。The water in the Yellow River flows to the sea. 黃河是中國的一條大河喔。The Yellow River is a big river in China. 欲窮千里目 意思是: 如果你想看到更遠的風景, If you want to see more distant scenery, 更上一層樓 意思是: 就要再上去更高的一層樓。 you have to go up to a higher level. 小朋友,你有沒有這樣的經驗?那就是,站在很高的地方,看得很遠很遠(Have you ever had such an experience? that is, standing in a very high place and seeing far away),那個時候,你有什麼感覺呢(How did you feel at that time)?是不是覺得世界好寬、好大,讓你想到更遠的地方去看看呢(Do you feel that the world is so wide and big, making you want to explore distant places)?站得越高,就能看得越遠(The higher you stand, the farther you can see)。同樣的,你學習的事情越多,知識就越廣(In the same way, the more things you learn, the wider your knowledge)。如果你要知道得更多,那就要學得更多(If you want to know more, you have to learn more)。 有一句話說:欲知天下事,須讀古今書。意思是,如果你要知道世界上全部的事,就得把從前到現在的書都看過(It means that if you want to know everything in the world, you have to read all the books from the past to the present)。就好像「欲窮千里目,更上一層樓」,如果要看得更遠,就要努力爬得更高(If you want to see farther, you have to work hard to climb higher)。 小朋友,你是不是覺得奇怪,同樣是看到黃昏,為什麼兩位詩人有完全不一樣的想法呢(Do you feel it’s strange that the two poets had completely different ideas when they saw the dusk)?那是因為兩位詩人的成長背景完全不同(That's because the two poets grew up in completely different backgrounds)。寫〈登鸛雀樓〉的詩人王之渙,他生活在一個安定的社會,家庭環境也不錯(He lived in a stable society and had a good family environment);相反的(On the other hand),寫〈登樂遊原〉的詩人李商隱,他生活在一個不安定的社會,而且小時候家裡很窮(He lived in an unstable society, and his family was very poor when he was little)。小朋友,如果你想知道為什麼別人的想法跟你不同,那麼,多了解那個人的成長背景,會有幫助喔(If you want to know why other people think differently from you, then it will be helpful to learn more about that person's growth background)。 如果在學習英文方面,你想說「我要更上一層樓」,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “I want to take my English to the next level.” 請跟著Bear老師再說一次: “I want to take my English to the next level.” 現在,我們來複習這首詩(Now, let's review this poem)。 白日依山盡,黃河入海流。欲窮千里目,更上一層樓。 你記住了嗎(Do you remember it already)?如果還沒,別擔心(If not, don’t worry)。多念幾次,你就會記住了(You will remember it if you read it more)。 小朋友,希望Bear老師的故事,能幫助你的語言能力更上一層樓喔(I hope my stories can take your language ability to the next level)。加油(You can do it)! 我們下次見嘍! See you next time!

    EP.20 唐詩〈登樂遊原〉/Tang Dynasty Poem"Dēng Lèyóu yuán"(唐詩#3)

    EP.20 唐詩〈登樂遊原〉/Tang Dynasty Poem"Dēng Lèyóu yuán"(唐詩#3)
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB或IG。 Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你看過日出、日落嗎(Have you seen the sunrise and sunset?)?你覺得日出美?還是日落更美呢(Do you think the sunrise is beautiful? Or is the sunset more beautiful)?Bear老師我特別喜歡黃昏的風景(I especially like the scenery at dusk),還記得Bear老師說過的「牛郎與織女」的故事嗎(Do you still remember the story of “Niúláng and Zhīnǚ”)?因為有織女,所以我們才能欣賞到美麗的餘暉和雲彩(Because of Zhīnǚ , we can enjoy the beautiful afterglow and clouds)。 在唐朝,有一個詩人李商隱也特別欣賞黃昏的美(In the Tang Dynasty, there was a poet, Lǐ Shāngyǐn, who especially appreciated the beauty of the dusk),還寫了一首詩〈登樂遊原〉(and wrote a poem " Dēng Lèyóu yuán")。讓Bear老師來說給你聽(Let me tell you)。 向晚意不適,驅車登古原。夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。 什麼意思呢(What does that mean)? 向晚意不適 意思是:傍晚的時候,心情不好。 (At the dusk, I was in a bad mood.) 驅車登古原 意思是: 所以我駕著馬車來到了郊區的小山丘「樂遊原」,想要散散心。 (So I drove a horse-drawn carriage to the small hill " Lèyóu yuán " in the suburbs, wanting to relax.) 夕陽無限好 意思是: 你看,那夕陽多麼美好啊! (Look, how beautiful the sunset is!) 只是近黃昏 意思是: 可惜的是,雖然夕陽非常地美麗,卻很快就要結束了。 (What a pity, although the sunset is very beautiful, it will be over soon.) 小朋友,你是不是也覺得黃昏美麗的風景特別短暫呢(Do you also think that the beautiful scenery at dusk is especially short)?你是不是也覺得快樂的時光很短呢(Do you also feel that the happy time is very short)?人總是這樣的(People are always like this),覺得辛苦的時間很長(we feel that the hard times are very long),玩樂的時光很短(and the fun times are very short)。而當快樂的時光結束的時候,你是不是覺得好可惜呢(And when the happy time is over, do you feel that’s a pity)? 要是你覺得「好可惜啊」,你知道用英文怎麼說嗎? “What a pity!” 我們再說一次喔: “What a pity!” 現在,我們來複習這首詩(Now, let's review this poem)。 向晚意不適,驅車登古原。 夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。 你記住了嗎(Do you remember it already)?如果還沒,別擔心(If not, don’t worry)。多念幾次,你就會記住了(You will remember it if you read it more)。 小朋友,即使每天都有美麗的黃昏,可是你注意過嗎(Even if there is beautiful dusk every day, but have you noticed it?)?這位詩人李商隱他注意到了(This poet Lǐ Shāngyǐn noticed),那是因為他的人生很辛苦(that’s because his life was very hard),所以他特別珍惜生活中的美好(so he especially cherished the beauty in life very much)。 小朋友,你生活中一定也有很多小小的幸福(There must be many small happiness in your life),比如說一碗熱熱的湯(such as a bowl of hot soup)、一張舒舒服服的床(a comfortable bed)、一個溫暖的擁抱(a warm hug),你注意過嗎(have you noticed)?請你一定要珍惜喔(Please cherish it)。你還小,未來還很長(You are still young, the future is still very long),但是,時光飛快(but time flies,),如果你不珍惜,幸福轉眼間就飛走了(If you don’t cherish it, happiness will fly away in a very short time.)。 也希望Bear老師的故事帶給你幸福的感覺(I also hope my stories can bring you happiness),請你把這份幸福分享給更多人喔(Please share this happiness with more people)。 我們下次見嘍! See you next time!

    EP.19 猴子的一週/ The Monkey’s Week

    EP.19 猴子的一週/ The Monkey’s Week
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起聽故事,學語言。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識或內容說明,請追蹤「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」FB粉專或IG。 Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,星期一到星期五你都忙些什麼呢(What are you busy with from Monday to Friday)?週末呢(What about the weekend)?週末常做些什麼呢(What do you usually do on weekends)?今天Bear老師要告訴你有一隻猴子在上一個星期裡做了什麼(Today, I am going to tell you what a monkey did last week )。讓我們來聽一聽這個中文順口溜喔(Let's listen to this Chinese jingle)。 星期一,猴子穿新衣。 星期二,猴子肚子餓。 星期三,猴子去爬山。 星期四,猴子去考試。 星期五,猴子去跳舞。 星期六,猴子去烤肉。 星期日,猴子過生日。 現在Bear老師用英文說一次喔: On Monday, the monkey wore new clothes. On Tuesday, the monkey was hungry. On Wednesday, the monkey went to climb the mountain. On Thursday, the monkey went to take an exam. On Friday, the monkey went to dance. On Saturday, the monkey went to barbecue. On Sunday, the monkey celebrated his birthday. 你記得猴子每天做了什麼嗎?現在Bear老師來問你喔。 上個星期一,猴子做了什麼(What did the monkey do last Monday)? 猴子穿新衣(The monkey wore new clothes)。 上個星期二,猴子做了什麼(What did the monkey do last Tuesday)? 猴子沒做什麼,可是他肚子餓(The monkey did nothing, but he was hungry)。 上個星期三,猴子做了什麼(What did the monkey do last Wednesday)? 猴子去爬山(The monkey went to climb the mountain)。 上個星期四,猴子做了什麼(What did the monkey do last Thursday)? 猴子去考試(The monkey went to take an exam)。 上個星期五,猴子做了什麼(What did the monkey do last Friday)? 猴子去跳舞(The monkey went to dance)。 上個星期六,猴子做了什麼(What did the monkey do last Saturday)? 猴子去烤肉(The monkey went to barbecue)。 上個星期日,猴子做了什麼(What did the monkey do last Sunday)? 猴子去烤肉(The monkey celebrated his birthday)。 小朋友,你看,這隻猴子上個禮拜好忙喔(This monkey was so busy last week)! 你知道星期一到星期日的英文怎麼說嗎?我們一起學(Let’s learn together)! 星期一Monday 星期二Tuesday 星期三Wednesday 星期四Thursday 星期五Friday 星期六Saturday 星期日Sunday 再說一次喔! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 小朋友,如果你想知道今天星期幾,你可以怎麼問呢?用英文是 “What day is today?” 如果今天是「星期一」,用英文,我們說:“Today is Monday.” 小朋友,“What day is today?” 請想一想,然後用英文回答喔! 小朋友,上個星期,我們聽了萬聖節的故事(Last week, we listened to the story of Halloween),這個星期我們聽了猴子的一週(This week we listened to the monkey's week),下個星期我們會聽什麼故事呢(What story will we listen to next week)?請記得關注、訂閱Bear老師的播客(Please remember to follow and subscribe my podcast),你就會馬上知道喔(and you will know as soon as possible)。如果你喜歡Bear老師的故事,也請你分享給你的同學、朋友喔(If you like my stories, please share them with your classmates and friends)。我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!

    EP.18 萬聖夜派對/Halloween Party(Bear老師原創故事#4)

    EP.18 萬聖夜派對/Halloween Party(Bear老師原創故事#4)
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起聽故事,學語言。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識或內容說明,請追蹤「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」FB粉專或IG。 Hello,this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。 小朋友,每年的10月31號晚上是萬聖夜(Every year, the night of the thirty-first of October is Halloween )。萬聖夜很好玩喔(Halloween is fun),有的人開變裝派對(some people have costume parties),有的小朋友到別人家裡去要糖果(and some children go to other people's houses to ask for candy.)。就讓我們來聽聽Amy跟她的朋友們要怎麼度過萬聖夜(Let's hear how Amy and her friends are going to spend Halloween)。 Amy:萬聖夜的時候,我家會舉辦一個變裝派對(On Halloween, my family will hold a costume party)。歡迎你們來參加(You guys are welcome to come)! Jasper:我要裝扮成超人(I'm going to dress up as Superman)! Emma:我要裝扮成貓咪(I'm going to dress up as a cat)! Peter:我要裝扮成蜘蛛人(I'm going to dress up as Spider-Man)! Amy:Robin,你要裝扮成什麼呢(Robin, what are you going to dress up as)? Robin:嗯~~我還不確定(Well~~ I'm not sure yet)。本來我想要裝扮成鋼鐵人(Originally, I wanted to dress up as Iron Man),可是我也想要裝扮成殭屍或吸血鬼(but I also want to dress up as a zombie or a vampire)。因為聽我媽媽說萬聖節跟華人的中元節很像(Because I heard from my mother that Halloween is very similar to the Chinese Ghost Festival)。 Emma:不要,我怕鬼(No, I'm afraid of ghosts)。我喜歡鋼鐵人(I like Iron Man)。 Robin:好吧!那我就裝扮成鋼鐵人吧(Alright! Then I'll dress up as Iron Man)!Amy,那你要裝扮成什麼呢(Amy, what are you going to dress up as)? Amy:我要裝扮成女巫(I'm going to dress up as a witch)。還要騎著一枝掃把,拿著一個南瓜燈(And I’ll ride a broom and hold a jack-o-lantern)。 Emma:那我這隻貓咪也要坐在你的掃把上(Well, then I, as a cat, will sit on your broom too)。我們一起騎(Let's ride together)! Amy說:好啊!喔~對了(Okay! Oh, by the way),媽媽說派對以後,她要帶我們去鄰居家要糖果吃(my mom said that after the party, she will take us to the neighbors’ houses to ask for candy)。 Jasper:到時候我們要一起說:『不給糖,就搗蛋。』(Then we're going to say: “Trick-or-treat!")。 Peter:我還聽過一個順口溜(I heard a jingle):“Trick or treat, smell my feet. Give me something good to eat. If you don’t. I don’t care. I’ll pull down your underwear.” Robin:我知道我知道(I know I know),意思就是(it means):不給糖,就搗蛋,聞聞我的臭腳丫。快給我些好吃的,如果你不給,我也不在乎,拉下你的內褲來。 Emma:你們很調皮(You are so naughty)! Robin:萬聖節開一下玩笑嘛(It’s Halloween, I’m just kidding),請不要介意(Please don’t mind)。 Peter:請不要介意(Please don’t mind)。 Emma:好吧(Alright)! Amy:我好期待萬聖夜的變裝派對(I'm so looking forward to the Halloween costume party)。晚上7:00我在家裡等你們來喔(I'll be waiting for you at home at seven o'clock in the evening)! 大家:好的,到時候見(Okay, see you then!)! 小朋友,你要怎麼過萬聖夜呢(How are you going to spend Halloween)?你要裝扮成什麼呢(What are you going to dress up as)? 你知道「不給糖,就搗蛋」的英文怎麼說嗎? “Trick or treat.” 意思是:你要選擇「惡作劇(trick)」還是「招待我們(treat)」? 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Trick or treat.” 小朋友!萬聖夜快樂! Happy Halloween! 我們下次見嘍! See you next time!

    EP.17 成語「雪中送炭」/A Chinese idiom "xuě zhōng sòng tàn" (成語#2)

    EP.17 成語「雪中送炭」/A Chinese idiom "xuě zhōng sòng tàn" (成語#2)
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起聽故事,學語言。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」FB粉專或IG。 Hello,This is Teacher Bear,我是 Bear老師。 小朋友,冬天快到了,天氣越來越來冷(Winter is coming, and the weather is getting colder and colder),可是我們不必擔心,因為我們有溫暖的家(but we don't have to worry, because we have a warm home)。可是,那些窮人怎麼辦呢(But what about the poor)?這個時候,如果有人送給他們溫暖的衣服,是不是很大的幫助呢(At this time, wouldn't it help a lot if someone gave them warm clothes)? 今天我們就要學一個跟幫助別人有關的成語「雪中送炭」(Today we are going to learn an idiom related to helping others “雪中送炭")。 大概1000年以前(About 1000 years ago),在中國的北宋朝(in the Northern Song Dynasty of China),有一個皇帝叫宋太宗(there was an emperor named Song Taizong)。有一年冬天,天氣特別冷,大雪不斷(One winter, the weather was extremely cold and the snow kept falling),宋太宗在溫暖的皇宮裡想到(In the warm palace, Song Taizong thought:):「天氣這麼冷,皇宮以外的老百姓一定冷死了(The weather is so cold, the people outside of the palace must be freezing)。」於是宋太宗便命令手下把木炭分送到老百姓家裡(So Song Taizong ordered his subordinates to distribute charcoal to the people’s homes),讓他們可以生火、取暖,度過寒冷的冬天(so that they could make a fire and keep warm during the cold winter)。老百姓們非常感謝宋太宗在下雪的日子裡送木炭給他們(The people were very grateful to Song Taizong for sending them charcoal during the snowy days),因此,後來的人就用「雪中送炭」這個成語來表示在別人真的有困難的時候給予幫助(Therefore, later people used the idiom "雪中送炭" for helping others when they are really in trouble)。 比如說(For example),你正要吃麵包,忽然發現你的朋友Amy肚子也好餓啊(when you are about to eat bread, you suddenly realize that your friend Amy is starving),於是,你就把麵包分了一半給她(so you give her half of your bread),這就是「雪中送炭」(this is “雪中送炭”),因為你在Amy正需要幫助的時候給了她幫助(Because you sent Amy help in her hour of need)。 相反的(On the other hand),如果Amy自己已經有麵包了(if Amy already has a bread),但是你也想讓她試試看不同口味的麵包(but you also want her to try different flavors),所以你也把自己的麵包分給她(so you share your bread with her)。這個情況(In this case),我們就可以說是「錦上添花」(we can say it is “錦上添花”),意思是「在美麗的布上面再加上漂亮的花,更美了」。用英文的說法就是「icing on the cake」,意思是在蛋糕上再加上糖霜,看起來更好吃了。 小朋友,你覺得「雪中送炭」跟「錦上添花」,哪一個行為更讓人感動呢(Which behavior makes you feel more touched?)?你希望能對你雪中送炭的朋友多,還是對你錦上添花的朋友多呢?為什麼呢(Why)?請想一想這個問題喔(Please think about this question)。 你知道如果有人對你「雪中送炭」,你要怎麼用英文謝謝他呢? “Thanks for sending help in my hour of need.”意思是「謝謝你在我需要的時刻送來了幫助」。 請跟Bear老師再說一次 “Thanks for sending help in my hour of need.” 再說一次喔 “Thanks for sending help in my hour of need.” 小朋友,Bear老師希望你有能力能對別人雪中送炭(I hope you can send help in someone’s hour of need),所以,你一定要先把自己照顧好(So, you have to take care of yourself first),讓自己將來成為有能力幫助別人的人(and make yourself become someone who can help others in the future),好嗎(okay)? 我們下次見嘍! See you next time.

    EP.16 塞翁失馬,焉知非福/A Blessing in Disguise

    EP.16 塞翁失馬,焉知非福/A Blessing in Disguise
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起聽故事,學語言。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」FB粉專或IG。 Hello, this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你有沒有聽過一句俗語(a saying )「塞翁失馬,焉知非福」呢?你知道這句俗語是的意思是什麼嗎?(Do you know what the meaning of this saying?) 讓Bear老師來把這個故事說給你聽(Let me tell you this story.)。 有一個老人,名叫塞翁(There was an old man named Sai Weng),他養了一匹好馬(he raised a good horse)。有一天,他的馬跑走了,好幾天都沒回家(One day, his horse ran away and didn't come home for several days ),隔壁的鄰居王先生(The neighbor next door, Mr. Wang)他對塞翁說:「你失去了一匹好馬,真可惜啊!(It's a pity that you lost a good horse)」沒想到塞翁說:「你怎麼知道失去一匹馬不是有福氣的好事呢?(How do you know it isn't a blessing to lose a horse?)」王先生覺得塞翁真奇怪(Mr. Wang thought that Sai Weng was weird)。 沒想到,過了幾天(Unexpectedly, after a few days),塞翁的馬居然帶著另一匹漂亮的馬回來了(Sai Weng's horse came back with another beautiful horse.)。塞翁於是說:「你們看,大家都以為我失去了一匹好馬(Look, everyone thought I lost a good horse),沒想到現在我卻有兩匹馬(but now I have two horses)。是不是很有福氣呢(Isn't it very lucky)?」 小朋友,你有沒有這樣的經驗(Have you had such an experience)?那就是你本來以為倒楣的事,沒想到卻為你帶來了幸運(Something that you thought was unfortunate, but unexpectedly brought you good luck)。比如說(For example),你弄丟了你的手機(you lost your mobile phone),但是媽媽卻不願意再買新的給你(but your mom didn't want to buy you a new one)。沒想到(Unexpectedly),因為沒有手機(because you didn't have a mobile phone),你多了更多時間念書(you had more time to study),結果考了第一名(and you got the first place in the test)。在這個情況下(In this case),你就可以說「塞翁失馬,焉知非福。」(you can say: “It was really a blessing in disguise.”) 因為本來你以為弄丟了手機很倒楣(Because you thought it would be unfortunate to lose your mobile),結果卻因為這件倒楣的事而有了好的收穫(but it turned out that a good thing came from this unfortunate incident)。 所以啊,下次如果你覺得倒楣的時候(So, next time if you feel unfortunate),先別著急、難過(don't worry, don’t be sad),好好地想一想這件倒楣的事情真的這麼糟糕嗎(and consider whether this unfortunate thing is really so bad)?說不定如果你樂觀一點(Maybe if you are optimistic),就會有好事發生喔(something good will happen)。 還有,你聽Bear老師說「馬」的英文是「hɔːs」,可是,你一定聽過別人說「hɔːrs」,兩個發音都是「馬」,不過「hɔːs」是英國的發音,「hɔːrs」是美國的發音,都可以喔。 小朋友,你知道「塞翁失馬,焉知非福」的英文怎麼說嗎(Do you know how to say “塞翁失馬焉知非福” in English)?那就是:“It is really a blessing in disguise.” 「blessing」是「祝福」或「福」這個字的意思。「disguise」是「偽裝」的意思。什麼是「偽裝」呢?比如說萬聖節(Halloween)的時候,你假裝你是鬼(ghost),我們可以說「你偽裝成鬼」。所以“It was really a blessing in disguise.”意思就是「福,偽裝成別的東西」,所以你看不出來它是福,反而以為它是倒楣的事。這樣你懂了嗎? 但是,如果你還不知道這件倒楣的事情是不是福偽裝的,可是你想先安慰自己或別人,那麼,你可以說: “It could be a blessing in disguise.” 意思是「這件事『可能』是福喔! 」簡單來說,如果倒楣的事真的已經變成了好事,你就說 :“It was really a blessing in disguise.” ,可是如果你還不知道,但是你想安慰自己或別人,那麼你就要說 :“It could be a blessing in disguise.” 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “It was really a blessing in disguise.” 或是 “It could be a blessing in disguise.” 「塞翁失馬,焉知非福」“It could be a blessing in disguise.”,小朋友,下次遇到倒楣的事情時,記得多想想這句俗語喔!If next time you meet something unfortunate, remember to think about this saying! 我們下次見嘍。 See you next time.

    EP.15 父子與馬/The Father, the Son and the Horse

    EP.15 父子與馬/The Father, the Son and the Horse
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起聽故事,學語言。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」FB粉專或IG。 Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你有沒這樣的經驗呢?那就是,當你做一件事情的時候,有一些人會給你建議(advice),可是,你卻不知道應該聽誰的比較好,這個時候,怎麼辦呢(What should you do)? 我們先來聽聽這個「父子與馬」的故事,再回頭來想想這個問題。 (Let's listen to this story, "The father, the son and the horse", and then think about this question.) 有一對父子帶著一匹馬上街(A father and his son were walking down the street with a horse),兒子覺得父親走路太累了,於是就請父親坐到馬背上(The son felt that his father was too tired to walk, so he asked his father to sit on the horse)。走著走著,路上有個老伯伯忽然說(While walking, an old man suddenly said):「這個父親虐待小孩(This father abuses the child),天氣這麼熱(The weather is so hot),怎麼能讓小孩走路呢(how could he make his son walk on foot)?」這位父親聽了以後,覺得很不好意思(After hearing this, the father felt very embarrassed),就趕緊叫孩子上馬,自己則下馬跟著馬一起走(so he hurriedly called his son to get on the horse, and he dismounted and followed the horse.)。 走了沒多久,又有一位老婆婆說(Not long after, an old woman said):「唉呦!這個孩子真不孝順(Oh, this child is so disrespectful),竟然自己坐在馬上,讓父親走路。(I can’t believe that he sits on the horse and makes his father walk on foot)。」這個孩子聽了以後,非常難過,立刻請爸爸跟自己一起坐到馬背上(After hearing this, the son was very sad and immediately asked his father to sit on horseback with him)。 就這樣,兩個人一起騎著馬往前走(Just like that, the two of them rode forward together)。走著走著,他們聽到了一個孩子對她的媽媽說(While walking, they heard a child said to her mother):「媽媽,你看那匹馬好可憐喔(Mom, look at that poor horse)。」這對父子聽到了以後,又驚訝又慚愧(The father and the son were surprised and ashamed when they heard this),所以兩個人都下馬跟著馬一起走(so they both dismounted and followed the horse)。 走著走著,又過了不久,他們聽到了一個年輕人喃喃自語地說(They kept walking, and after a while, they heard a young man muttering to himself):「有馬不騎,笨死了(I can’t believe they walk with the horse instead of riding it, how stupid)。」這對父子聽了以後,你看著我,我看你,不知道應該怎麼辦才好(After hearing this, they looked at each other, and they didn’t know what to do)。 小朋友,你覺得,他們應該怎麼辦呢(What do you think they should do)?如果是你,你會怎麼做呢(If you were them, what would you do)?你覺得這對父子是不是因為對自己的想法沒有自信,they were not confident,他們沒有自信,所以才人云亦云呢?「人云亦云」的意思就是「別人說什麼,自己就跟著別人做,沒有自己的主見。」They didn’t have their own opinion, 他們沒有自己的意見。 還有,你覺得這件事有最好的辦法嗎(Do you think there is a best way to do this)?你覺得你的看法也會跟你的家人、朋友一樣嗎(Do you think your opinion will be the same as your family and friends)?如果不一樣,你覺得應該聽誰的呢(If not, who do you think you should listen to)?這個問題有一點難,對不對(This question is a bit difficult, right)?Bear老師也覺得多聽聽別人的建議是必要的(It is necessary to listen to other people's advice),不過,Bear老師覺得聽聽你自己的聲音也很重要(It is also important to listen to your own voice),要對自己有信心喔(You must be confident in yourself)。 如果你看到你的朋友非常沒有自信,要怎麼鼓勵他呢? “Be confident! Believe in yourself.” 意思是「要有自信!相信你自己。」 請跟Bear老師再說一次。 “Be confident!”, “Believe in yourself.” 我們把兩個句子再一起說一次。 “Be confident! Believe in yourself.” 小朋友,希望你能跟家人、朋友討論今天的問題(I hope you can discuss today's questions with your family and friends),祝福你以後能都自信地做出決定(Wish you can make decisions confidently in the future)。 我們下次見嘍。 See you next time.

    EP.14 一首英文詩〈布穀鳥〉/ An English Poem “The Cuckoo”

    EP.14 一首英文詩〈布穀鳥〉/ An English Poem “The Cuckoo”
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起聽故事,學語言。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB粉專或IG。 背景音樂: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvDnXIOkg9A Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,在第五集(Episode five )跟第十一集(Episode eleven),Bear老師教了你兩首中文的唐詩(Tang Dynasty poem ),今天Bear老師要教你一首英文詩(an English poem),這首詩的名字是布穀鳥(The name of this poem is “The Cuckoo”),這位詩人是 彼得 斯特雷克福斯 (This poet is Peter Streckfus)。 Now, let me read it for you. 現在讓Bear老師來讀這首詩給你聽: In April, Come he will. In May,Sing all day. In June, Change his tune. In July, Prepare to fly. In August, Go he must! 什麼意思呢? In April, 四月裡, Come he will.他會來。 In May,五月裡,Sing all day. 他整天唱歌。 In June, 六月裡,Change his tune.他改變曲調。 In July, 七月裡,Prepare to fly. 他準備飛翔。 In August, 八月裡,Go he must! 他就得離開了! 小朋友,你知道為什麼八月的時候布穀鳥得離去呢(Do you know why cuckoos have to leave in August)?因為啊!八月以後,秋天、冬天就要來了(Because after August, autumn and winter are coming),所以布穀鳥要飛到南方去過冬(So cuckoos fly to spend the winter in the south),等到隔年四月春天的時候再回來(And they will fly back next spring in April),快樂地度過夏天(then enjoy the summer happily)。 這首詩是不是很可愛呢(very cute)?而且,你聽聽April, will, May, day, June, tune, July, fly, August, must 每個句子的最後一個字都押韻(rhyme),所以很好聽。 小朋友,你知道從一月到十二月的英文怎麼說嗎?我們一起來學(Let’s learn it together)! 一月January 二月February 三月March 四月April 五月May 六月June 七月July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December 請跟Bear老師再把十二個月的英文說一次: January February March April May June July August September October November December 小朋友,多念幾次,你一定就會記住的(If you read more, you will remember it)。加油(You can do it)! 我們下次見嘍! See you next time!

    EP.13 北風與太陽/The North Wind and the Sun

    EP.13 北風與太陽/The North Wind and the Sun
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起聽故事,學語言。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB粉專或IG。 Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你喜歡別人勉強你做事嗎(Do you like someone forcing you to do things)?意思就是,如果有一件事你不想做,你喜不喜歡別人用很強的態度逼你? “To force you” 就是「逼你」、「勉強你」的意思。如果有人希望你做一件事,你希望那個人用怎麼樣的辦法或態度來請你做這件事呢?今天,Bear老師想跟你說一個「北風與太陽(The North Wind and the Sun)」的故事,幫助你思考這個問題喔。 有一天,北風正在向太陽炫耀著自己的能力(One day, the North Wind was showing off his abilities to the sun),他說:「這世界上沒有我吹不走的東西(There is nothing in this world that I can’t blow away.)。」這時候(At this time),有個人穿了一件大外套走過來(someone came over in a big coat)。北風得意地說:「你相信嗎(Do you believe)?我能在三秒內脫掉那個人的外套(I can take that man’s coat off in three seconds)。」說完,他就拚命地吹(Then, he blew as hard as he could)。可是(But),他吹得越用力,那個人就越是抓緊了外套(the harder he blew, the more the man clung to his coat)。就這樣,不管北風怎麼吹,都沒有辦法脫掉那個人的外套(No matter how hard the north wind blew, there was no way to take that man’s coat off)。北風覺得很不好意思(the North Wind felt very embarrassed),但是,也只好放棄了(but he had to give up)。小朋友, “give up” 你是不是聽過很多次了呢?你記得是什麼意思嗎?對了,就是「放棄」的意思。 接著,太陽說:「讓我來試試吧!(Let me try it!)」於是,太陽用陽光溫暖了大地(The sun warmed the earth with sunshine),天氣越來越暖和(and the weather was getting warmer and warmer),沒想到那個人就立刻把外套脫掉了(Unexpectedly, the man immediately took off his coat)。這個結果,讓北風覺得又驚訝又慚愧(This result made the North Wind feel surprised and ashamed)。 聽完了這個故事,你有什麼想法呢(After listen to this story, do you have any thoughts)?你覺得為什麼太陽的辦法能讓那個男人輕易地就脫下外套呢(Why could the sun make the man take off his coat so easily)?你發現了嗎?北風用的辦法是 “To take that man’s coat off.” 意思是「脫掉那個人的外套」,可是太陽用的辦法是 “To make that man take off his coat.” 意思是「讓那個人自己脫下外套」,是不是不一樣呢?太陽的辦法為什麼更好呢? 小朋友,你一定不喜歡別人逼你,對不對(You don’t like someone forcing you, right)?同樣的,如果你希望別人做一件事,可是對方卻不願意,那麼,你應該好好地跟他談談(to talk to that person with kindness),還是跟他吵架呢(or to argue with that person)? 哪個辦法比較好呢?Which one is better ? 當然,你也需要思考(Of course, you also need to think),你需要思考,比如說,如果父母、老師的要求讓你覺得勉強,只是因為你不喜歡?還是因為你有更好的理由呢(It’s only because you don’t like it, or you have better reasons)? Bear老師也希望你學會好好地跟長輩溝通喔。 Please learn how to communicate with your elders. 請學學怎麼跟長輩溝通。 如果有人逼你做一件事,可是你真的不願意,你想告訴他「請別逼我」,用英文可以怎麼說呢? “Please don't force me.” 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Please don't force me.” 小朋友,希望你好好地想想今天的問題,並且跟家人、朋友討論討論喔! I hope you will think about today's questions and discuss with your family and friends! 我們下次見嘍。 See you next time.

    EP.12 Amy一家過中秋/Amy's Family Celebrates the Moon Festival(Bear老師原創故事#3)

    EP.12 Amy一家過中秋/Amy's Family Celebrates the Moon Festival(Bear老師原創故事#3)
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB粉專或IG。 Hello, this is teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。 小朋友,中秋節到了(The Moon Festival is here),我們來聽聽Amy一家怎麼過中秋節喔(Let's hear how Amy's family is going to celebrate the Moon Festival)。 Amy:媽媽,你在忙什麼(Mommy, what are you busy for)? 媽媽:今天是中秋節(Today is the Moon Festival),我在準備烤肉的東西(I am preparing things for the barbecue)。這樣晚上全家就能一起在外面一邊烤肉,一邊賞月(In this way, the whole family can admire the moon while having a barbecue outside together in the evening)。 Amy:哇!好棒啊(Wow, great)! 我們要烤些東西呢(What are we going to grill)? 媽媽:有香菇(mushroom)、青椒(green pepper)、玉米(corn)、蝦子(shrimp)、豬肉(pork)、雞肉(chicken)…還有好多好多(and a lot of different things)。 Amy:嗯~~我流口水了(My mouth is watering)。咦,這一盒是什麼東西啊(what is in this box)?【Amy打開盒子(Amy opens the box)】。哇!看起來好好吃啊(Wow, It looks delicious)! 媽媽:這是月餅(This is moon cake),你看看最喜歡哪個口味(Which flavor do you like the most)? Amy:有奶黃(Egg custard) 、紅豆沙(Red bean paste)、棗泥(Jujube paste)、蓮蓉(Lotus paste)…….嗯~~我最喜歡紅豆沙(I like red bean paste the most)。 媽媽:好,那晚上多吃一點(Well, this evening eat more)。對了,請你幫媽媽從那個箱子裡拿一顆柚子出來(By the way, please help me to get a pomelo from that box)。 Amy:我最喜歡吃柚子了(I like to eat pomelo the most),我也要把柚子皮做成帽子(I also want to make the pomelo peel into a hat)。 媽媽:好,我們一起做(OK, let's do it together)。 (叮咚叮咚叮咚~~) 媽媽:啊~是阿姨一家來了(It's your aunt's family)。 Amy:我去開門(Let me open the door)。【Amy打開門】中秋節快樂(Happy Moon Festival)!歡迎歡迎(Welcome)!請進(Please come in)! 阿姨一家:中秋節快樂(Happy Moon Festival)! 小朋友,你們家要怎麼慶祝中秋節呢(How will your family celebrate the Moon Festival)? 你知道「中秋節快樂」的英文怎麼說嗎? “Happy Moon Festival !”中秋節快樂! 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Happy Moon Festival !” Bear老師希望你有個美好的中秋節(Hope you have a wonderful Moon Festival)。 祝你中秋節快樂(Happy Moon Festival)! 我們下次見嘍! See you next time!

    EP.11唐詩〈靜夜思〉/Tang Dynasty Poem"Jìng yè sī"(唐詩#2)

    EP.11唐詩〈靜夜思〉/Tang Dynasty Poem"Jìng yè sī"(唐詩#2)
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB或IG。(本集背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFA6AqhmdIw) Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你已經聽過Bear老師的故事了嗎?你喜歡那些故事嗎?英文聽不懂怎麼辦呢?別擔心(Don’t worry),學新的語言本來就需要時間。你啊~多聽幾次,慢慢地,慢慢地,有一天,你一定 自然就懂了。試試看喔!加油(You can do it)! 你知道嗎?過幾天9月10號(tenth of September)就是農曆的8月15號(the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month)中秋節(Moon Festival)。在中秋節(Moon Festival)的時候,華人都會想辦法回家跟家人團聚,可是那些不能回家的人怎麼辦呢?What should they do? 他們一定很想家,對不對(They must miss home a lot, right?)? 所以今天Bear老師想教你們一首唐詩〈靜夜思〉,看看這位詩人想家的心情。 Today, I am going to teach you a Tang Dynasty poem〈Jìng yè sī〉, to see how homesick this poet is. 這位詩人非常有名喔,他的名字就是李白。 This poet is very famous, his name is Lǐ Bái. 現在我們來聽聽這首詩: Now let's listen to this poem: 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 舉頭望明月,低頭思故鄉。 什麼意思呢? What does it mean? 床前明月光 意思是: 我看見床的前面有月光。 I saw the moonlight in front of the bed. 疑是地上霜 意思是: 本來我以為那是地上的霜。 Originally I thought it was frost on the ground. 「霜(frost)」是什麼呢?「霜」就是因為天氣太冷,所以水氣變成了像冰一樣一顆一顆小小的白白的東西。可見李白寫這首詩的時候,天氣非常冷(It’s very cold.)。 舉頭望明月 意思是: 我抬頭看天上的月亮。 I look up at the moon in the sky. 低頭思故鄉 意思是: 我低著頭,想念我的故鄉。 I bow my head and miss my hometown. 「故鄉(hometown)」是什麼呢?「故鄉」就是你從小長大的地方。 小朋友,如果有一天你長大了離開家(If one day you grow up and leave home),在很冷的夜裡(on a very cold night),你會不會特別想家呢(will you especially feel homesick)?看到月亮的時候(When you see the moon),你會不會想到家人也看著一樣的月亮想著你呢(do you think that your family is also looking at the same moon and thinking of you)? 雖然你現在可能還沒離開你的故鄉(Although you may not have left your hometown yet),可是相信你一定能想像這位詩人李白想家的心情,對不對(I believe you can imagine the homesickness of this poet Lǐ Bái ,right)? 現在,我們來複習這首詩。 Now, let's review this poem. 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 舉頭望明月,低頭思故鄉。 你記住了嗎(Do you remember it already)?如果還沒,別擔心(If not, don’t worry)。多念幾次,你就會記住了(You will remember it if you read it more)。 小朋友,如果有一天你離開了家,而且非常想家,用英文怎麼說呢? “I miss home very much.” 意思是「我很想家」。 請跟Bear老師再說一次。 “I miss home very much.” 或者你也可以說: “I feel very homesick.” 請跟Bear老師再說一次。 “I feel very homesick.” 你喜歡今天的內容嗎?如果喜歡,請記得關注、訂閱Bear老師喔~也請你鼓勵我,給我五顆星或是一個讚,好嗎?謝謝你(Thank you)。 我們下次見嘍!See you next time!

    EP.10 月亮上的兔子/The Rabbit Who Lives in the Moon

    EP.10 月亮上的兔子/The Rabbit Who Lives in the Moon
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每十天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB或IG。 (本集背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwEbBBXeM4g) Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,每年農曆的八月十五號(every year on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month)是中秋節(Moon Festival), 「Moon」 就是「月亮」或「月球」的意思。中秋節的時候,月亮又圓又大。你知道嗎?在華人的傳說當中,月亮上住著一隻兔子(a rabbit),為什麼月亮上住著一隻兔子呢?讓Bear老師來說給你聽。 從前從前(Once upon a time),有一個很有愛心的老爺爺(there was a very loving grandfather),他養了一隻兔子、一隻猴子還有一隻狐狸(who raised a rabbit, a monkey and a fox),一家人幸福地生活在一起(They lived happily together )。 可是,有一年鬧了大旱災(However, there was a severe drought one year),什麼農作物都長不出來(no crops could grow),村子裡很多人因為沒食物吃,都餓死了(Many people in the village starved to death because they had no food to eat)。而老爺爺也因為好幾天沒吃東西,躺在床上,連站都站不起來了(And the old grandfather was lying in bed because he hadn't eaten for several days, and he couldn't even stand up)。 兔子紅著眼睛著說:「怎麼辦呢?(What should we do)如果爺爺再不吃東西,就要餓死了(If Grandpa doesn't eat anymore, he will starve to death)。」 猴子搔搔腦袋說:「對,我們一定要想辦法救他(Yes, we must find a way to save him)。」 狐狸說:「這樣吧!我們分頭去找食物(How about let's split up to find food)。」 猴子動作快,翻過了好幾座山(The monkey moved quickly and climbed over several mountains),在很遠的地方找到了幾顆已經乾了的果子(she found a few dried fruits far away),於是她抱著果子飛奔回家(so she ran home with the fruits)。 狐狸跑去河邊想抓魚(The fox ran to the river to catch fish),可是沒想到河都乾了,一條魚也沒有(but unexpectedly the river was dry and there was not a single fish)。他想,兔子跟猴子可能已經找到一些食物了(He thought that the rabbit and the monkey might have found some food),於是他撿了一些乾柴回去打算先生火,然後煮飯(so he picked up some dry wood and went back to make a fire for cooking )。 兔子呢(What about the rabbit)?她匆忙跑到田裡,想要挖個胡蘿蔔帶回去(She hurried to the field and wanted to dig a carrot to take back),但是田裡光禿禿的,哪有什麼胡蘿蔔(but the field was bare, and there was no carrot)。不過,兔子不願意放棄,還是一直找啊找(However, the rabbit was unwilling to give up, and kept looking)。 天黑了,月亮出來了(It got dark, the moon came out),兔子兩手空空地回家(and the rabbit went home empty-handed)。猴子和狐狸看見兔子回來,卻什麼都沒有,他們失望地看著彼此(The monkey and the fox looked at each other in disappointment when they saw the rabbit coming back, but there was nothing)。 這時老爺爺虛弱地坐了起來(At this time, the old grandfather sat up weakly),他慈祥地說:「沒關係(It's okay),回來就好,回來就好(It’s good enough that you are back),你們一定很餓了吧(you must be starving, right)?快!把那幾顆果子吃了吧(Hurry up! Eat those fruits)。」 大家聽老爺爺這麼說,都難過得掉下眼淚來(Everyone burst into tears when they heard the old grandfather say this)。兔子看著心愛的家人,望了望眼前的柴火(Rabbit looked at her beloved family and the firewood in front of her),她說:「我什麼忙都幫不了,真是痛苦(It’s really painful that I can’t do anything to help)。你們不能再餓下去了(You shouldn’t be starving anymore),請把我吃了吧(please eat me)!」兔子話才說完,就跳進了火裡(As soon as the rabbit finished her words she jumped into the fire )。 老爺爺、猴子和狐狸大吃一驚(The grandpa, the monkey and the fox were shocked)。就在這一刻(At this moment),天帝在天上看到這個情形(The Emperor of Heaven saw this situation in the sky),立刻伸下一隻手,抓起了火中的兔子(he immediately stretched out a hand, grabbed the rabbit out from the fire,),天帝感動地說:「你居然願意為了你愛的人犧牲(I can’t believe that you are willing to sacrifice for the person you love),這樣的精神,應該讓世界上的人都看到(Everyone in this world should see this spirit )。」 於是,天帝把兔子放到了月亮當中(So, the Emperor of Heaven put the rabbit in the moon),並且下了一場大雨,解除了旱災(and it rained heavily, which relieved the drought)。原來啊,因為人類不愛護環境,所以天帝本來想利用旱災來處罰人類,沒想到,卻被兔子感動了(He was touched by the rabbit),因此停止了處罰。 小朋友,如果有人做了一件事讓你很感動,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “I’m very touched. ”意思是「我很感動」。 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I’m very touched.” 小朋友,今年國曆9月10號(tenth of September)中秋節(Moon Festival)那一天,你抬頭看看月亮,找一找,說不定真的能看到兔子喔。 我們下次見嘍! See you next time!

    EP.9 善良的水鬼/A Kind Water Ghost

    EP.9 善良的水鬼/A Kind Water Ghost
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每十天才更新一次喔!如果想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB或IG。(欲下載逐字稿PDF檔請加入臉書或IG) (本集背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDZ9fbKDtoM) Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 在上一集當中,Bear老師提到了農曆七月(the seventh lunar month)是華人文化當中的鬼月(the ghost month)。在鬼月的時候,你是不是常聽到老人說別去水邊,因為有水鬼(water ghost)會抓人。小朋友,你一定覺得奇怪,水鬼為什麼要抓人呢?傳說啊~那是因如果一個水鬼能抓一個人來代替祂,那麼,這個水鬼就可以去投胎 (to reincarnate),重新當一個人。而被抓的那個人就會淹死,也變成水鬼,必須等到抓了下一個人代替祂,才能離開。聽起來真可怕,對不對?(It sounds scary, right?) 不過,你知道嗎?大部分的鬼都不是壞鬼,有的鬼甚至於很善良 (very kind)。今天,Bear老師就要來跟你們說一個善良的水鬼的故事。 有一個水鬼 (There was a water ghost),等著抓一個人來代替祂 (he was waiting to catch someone to replace him)。可是過了好多年 (But after many years),祂卻因為不忍心 (because he couldn't be ruthless),所以一個人都沒抓 (so he didn't catch anyone)。一年一年地過去了 (years passed),水裡又黑又冷又寂寞 (it was dark, cold, and lonely under the water),所以啊,今年祂決定一定要離開這條河(so, this year he decided that he must leave this river.)。祂說:「我這次一定要抓一個人來代替我 (I must catch someone to replace me this time)。」 有一天,來了一個抓魚的男孩 (One day, a boy came to catch a fish),水鬼準備好了 (the water ghost was ready),正要抓他的時候 (and just as he was about to catch the boy),忽然這個少年說:「希望今天能抓到一條魚給弟弟吃 (I hope I can catch a fish for my brother to eat today),這樣他的病就會快一點好了 (so that his illness will get better as soon as possible)。」原來,這個少年是一個孤兒 (It turned out that the boy was an orphan),家裡有一個生病的弟弟需要他照顧 (and there was a sick younger brother at home who needed him to be cared for)。水鬼不忍心,就放棄了 (The water ghost couldn't be ruthless, and gave up)。 過了幾天,來了一個女人到河邊洗衣服 (A few days later, a woman came to wash clothes by the river),水鬼正準備要抓她,忽然看見她摸著肚子 (The water ghost was about to catch her, but suddenly saw her touching her belly)。她說:「孩子啊!再過幾個月就能見到你了 (My child! I will see you in a few months),希望你健康長大 (I hope you grow up healthy) 。」原來,這個女人懷孕了 (It turned out that this woman was pregnant),這樣是兩條生命啊 ( This is two lives)!水鬼又不忍心,只好再次放棄 (The water ghost couldn't be ruthless, and gave up again)。 又過了幾天,水鬼下定決心,無論如何今天都要抓一個人來代替 (A few days later, the water ghost made up his mind, no matter what, he would catch someone to replace him today)。過了不久,有一個年輕人到河邊來取水 (Not long after, a young man came to the river to fetch water),水鬼把握機會狠狠地把他拖下水去 (the water ghost took the opportunity and dragged him into the water ruthlessly)。就在這時,水鬼想起了這個年輕人上個月才帶著他的老母親來河邊散步 (At this moment, the water ghost recalled that this young man took his old mother for a walk by the river last month),如果他死了,那麼他的老母親怎麼辦呢 (If he died, what would happen to his old mother)?想到這裡,水鬼立刻放手了(Thinking of this, the water ghost immediately let him go)。 最後,水鬼還是一個人都沒抓 (In the end, the water ghost caught no one)。又過了好久好久以後,有一天(After a long, long time, one day),玉皇大帝經過這裡,看見了水鬼,祂很驚訝 (the Emperor of heaven passed by here and saw this water ghost, he was very surprised),祂說:「已經過了這麼多年,你怎麼還在這裡 (It has been so many years, why are you still here?)?唉~~看來你不適合當水鬼(Alas~~ It seems that you are not suitable to be a water ghost),這樣吧,最近天上的工作太多 (well - there is too much work in Heaven lately),我忙不過來 (I am too busy to finish my work),你來幫我吧(you come to help me)!」就這樣,水鬼變成了神仙,到天上去工作啦 (With that, the water ghost became an angel and went to work in Heaven)! 小朋友,你看這個鬼是不是跟你想的很不一樣呢?特別善良 (especially kind)。不過,不管怎麼樣,不管你相不相信這個傳說,你去水邊玩的時候,還是得注意安全,好好地保護自己,知道嗎?(You have to pay attention to safety and protect yourself, okay? ) 一定一定要注意安全、保護自己喔!永遠記住,安全第一(Safety first)! 你還記得「善良」的英文怎麼說嗎?你怎麼用英文誇獎一個人非常善良呢?你可以說: “You are very kind.” 你說對了嗎?請跟Bear老師再說一次: “You are very kind.” 小朋友,希望鬼月不但不讓你害怕,反而讓你有機會認識華人文化中的鬼。 I hope Ghost Month won’t make you scared, but you can learn more about ghosts in Chinese culture. 我們下次見嘍。 See you next time.

    EP.8 中元節/Chinese Ghost Festival

    EP.8 中元節/Chinese Ghost Festival
    歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每十天才更新一次喔!如果想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB或IG。 (本集背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watchv=pdlJ70brNkM&list=PLzVC4EJvb4WNuMwEW8m4aBqSvt7Ppo1Eg&index=55) Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你怕不怕鬼(Are you scared of ghosts?)?Bear老師小時候也很怕鬼(ghost),但是長大以後才知道,如果我們沒做壞事,一點都不必怕鬼。華人有句話說:「平時不做虧心事,半夜不怕鬼敲門。」就是這個意思。所以,如果等一下你聽到跟鬼(ghost)有關係的部分,不要怕喔(Don’t be scared.) 在華人的傳統文化當中(In traditional Chinese culture,),農曆七月是鬼月(the seventh lunar month is ghost month.),在這個月當中(During this month,),很多陰間的鬼都回到了人間(many ghosts from the underworld have returned to the human world.)。而農曆的七月十五號是「中元節」(The fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month is the "Ghost Festival".),在這一天,人們要準備很多食物招待這些在陰間受苦的鬼(On this day, people prepare a lot of food to treat these ghosts who are suffering in the underworld.)。 為什麼農曆七月十五號是「中元節」呢(Why is the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month the "Ghost Festival"?)?聽到了嗎?「中元節」也叫「鬼節」(Ghost Festival)。為什麼很多華人在這一天要準備這麼多食物呢(Why do many Chinese prepare so much food on this day?)?讓Bear老師來說給你聽喔。 很久很久以前,有一個孤兒叫目蓮(Long time ago, there was an orphan named Mùlián.)。有一天晚上,他夢到了母親在哭(One night he dreamed of his mother crying,),他母親說:「兒子啊~~我在地獄好餓啊 (Son~ I am starving in hell!) !你快來救我吧(Come and save me!) !」 目蓮趕緊拿了一碗飯給母親(Mùlián quickly brought a bowl of rice to his mother.)。沒想到,正當母親要吃飯時(Unexpectedly, just when his mother was about to eat,),那碗飯卻變成了火,根本吞不下去(the bowl of rice turned into fire, and she couldn't swallow it at all.)。目蓮又驚訝又傷心(Mùlián was shocked and sad.),就醒過來了(He woke up.)。 目蓮醒過來以後,非常擔心,卻不知道應該怎麼做(After Mùlián woke up, he was very worried, but he didn't know what to do.)。目蓮只好問佛陀(Mùlián had to ask the Buddha,),佛陀說:「我知道你是聽話的孩子(I know you are an obedient child.)。可是你母親活著的時候,是一個非常自私的人(But when your mother was alive, she was a very selfish person,),因此,她才會在地獄受到這種處罰(That’s why she finds herself punished in hell.)。」 目蓮回答:「求求您原諒我的母親吧(Please forgive my mother!)!您要我做什麼,我都願意( I will do whatever you want me to do. )。求求您,求求您(Please, please.)。」 看到目蓮這麼愛他的母親(Seeing that Mùlián loves his mother so much,),佛陀非常感動(the Buddha was very touched),於是祂說:「你必須多做好事(You must do more good deeds.), 在每年的農曆七月十五日這一天(Every year on the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month,),你必須準備很多食物給所有挨餓的人跟鬼(you must prepare a lot of food to feed all the hungry people and ghosts,)。這樣就能幫助你的母親不必再受處罰(It will save your mother from being punished again.)。」 就這樣,目蓮不但幫助了許多受苦的人與鬼,也幫助了自己的母親不必再受處罰(In this way, Mùlián not only helped many suffering people and ghosts, but also helped his mother not to be punished again.)。後來,每年的農曆七月十五日就成了「中元節」(Later, the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month became the "Ghost Festival" .)。小朋友,今年2022年國曆八月十二日(12th of August 2022) 就是農曆的七月十五日(the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month)。你觀察一下中元節(Ghost Festival)那一天,是不是很多人家準備了很多好吃的東西來普渡、拜拜呢? 小朋友,你相信什麼宗教(What religion do you believe in?)?你相信有神、鬼嗎(Do you believe in gods and ghosts?)? 不管你信什麼教,不管你相不相信鬼神,你一定也覺得我們應該要多幫助別人(to help others more),而不是當一個自私的人(a selfish person),對不對 ( right?) ?此外,現在世界上還有很多人每天都吃不飽,餓肚子。所以,一定不可以浪費食物喔 (Don't waste food, please.) 。請別浪費食物。 小朋友,你知道「我好餓」的英文怎麼說嗎? “I am starving.” 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I am starving.” 你對這個故事有什麼想法呢?請跟你的家人、朋友、同學們分享喔! What do you think about this story? Please share with your family, friends and classmates! 我們下次見嘍。 See you next time.

    EP.7 中國情人節「七夕」/Chinese Valentine's Day

    EP.7 中國情人節「七夕」/Chinese Valentine's Day
    Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你知道農曆的七月七日是什麼特別的日子嗎?(The seventh day of the seventh month in the Lunar Calendar is a special day, do you know what it is?)是中國的情人節(Chinese Valentine's Day),也叫「七夕」。什麼是情人呢?情人就是男朋友(boyfriend)、女朋友(girlfriend),或是先生(husband)、太太(wife),總而言之,就是兩個來自不同家庭相愛的人。 為什麼農曆的七月七日(seventh day of the seventh lunar month)是中國的情人節(Chinese Valentine's Day)?讓Bear老師來跟你說說這個故事。 從前從前,(Once upon a time,)有一位住在天上的仙女(an angel who lived in heaven,),她的名字叫織女,(Her name was Zhīnǚ.)為什麼叫織女呢?因為她的工作就是負責織布(to weave cloth),像天邊的雲彩(the clouds in the sky)、落日的餘暉(the afterglow of the sunset),都是她織的。因為有織女,天空才會一直這麼美麗。小朋友,你看,織女的責任(responsibility)是不是很大呢? 有一天,織女到人間遊玩,碰見了一個男人。這個男人因為養牛,所以大家叫他牛郎。牛郎看到了可愛的織女,很想跟她交朋友((Niúláng really wanted to make friends with Zhīnǚ.),而織女也很欣賞牛郎的勤勞與善良。因此,兩人便開始約會,(They stared dating,)慢慢地變成了情人。(and slowly became lovers.) 有一天,牛郎問:「織女,你願意嫁給我嗎?(Zhīnǚ, would you marry me?)」 織女開心地回答:「我願意!(Yes, I will!)」 就這樣,他們偷偷地結婚了。(They secretly got married.) 時間一天一天地過去了,(The days passed.) 天帝,也就是天上最大的神,(the Emperor of Heaven,) 發現天上的雲彩都不見了,這個時候祂才知道織女居然放下了她應該做的工作,偷偷地跟一個凡人結婚了。(Zhīnǚ secretly married a mortal.)織女偷偷地嫁給了一個凡人。小朋友,這在天上可是很嚴重罪啊!怎麼辦呢? 天帝生氣地說:「大膽!織女居然為了愛情忘了自己應該負的重要責任!(How dare she! How could Zhīnǚ forget her important responsibility just for love!)來人啊!把她給我抓回來!(Listen!Bring her back!)」 天帝(the Emperor of Heaven)派了天兵天將(the heavenly soldiers)去把織女抓回天上。牛郎當然不願意放棄自己的妻子,(Niúláng certainly was unwilling to give up his wife.)便一直追、一直追。天帝看他不放棄,便在天邊畫了一條巨大的河流,(He drew a huge river.)天帝祂畫了一條好大的河流啊,也就是銀河(the galaxy river),就這樣,牛郎完全過不去了。 牛郎只能看著織女被抓回了天上。但是牛郎還是不願意放棄,(Niúláng still was not willing to give up.)他用勺子一勺一勺地把水舀出來,想把河水弄乾了,過河去跟織女相會。(He kept scooping water and wanted to dry up the river.)他一直舀水,想把河水弄乾,但是,這怎麼可能呢?過了好久好久,牛郎還是不放棄,(Niúláng still was not willing to give up.)一直舀著水。 看著牛郎對織女這樣堅定的愛,天帝終於有些心軟了,(The Emperor of Heaven finally relented.)祂心軟了,於是,祂便答應讓牛郎和織女在每年農曆的七月七日這一天見一面。喜鵲們(magpies)聽到了這個好消息,也都飛來幫忙。大家飛過來搭成了一座橋(a bridge)跨越銀河(the galaxy river),好讓牛郎、織女能相會。 小朋友,這就是中國情人節(Chinese Valentine's Day)「七夕」的故事。而今年2022年國曆的八月四號(4th of August 2022 )就是農曆的七月七號(seventh day of the seventh lunar month),聽說牛郎跟織女見面時總是喜極而泣,開心到哭了。所以啊等到八月四日(4th of August)那一天,你觀察一下天空有沒有下雨喔,如果有,那一定是他們相會時流下的眼淚。 小朋友,雖然你現在大概還沒有情人,但是,你一定能想像如果跟心愛的人每年只能見一次面,那一定很痛苦吧,(very painful)很痛苦。你知道嗎?在有的家庭中,因為父母工作的關係,因為父母責任的關係,全家人一年可能只有幾天能在一起,是不是很辛苦呢?(It’s really hard, right?)如果有一天,為了責任你得跟你愛的人分開,你怎麼辦呢?你可以跟家人、朋友們討論討論喔。(You can discuss it with your family and friends.) 現在,你知道「give up」是放棄的意思,那麼「別放棄」的英文怎麼說呢? Don’t give up! 你說對了嗎?請跟Bear老師再說一次: Don’t give up! 小朋友,Bear老師知道學英文沒那麼容易,(It’s not easy,)但是別放棄喔!(But, don’t give up.)有一天,你的努力會有回報的。(One day, you will definitely be rewarded for your effort.)加油!(You can do it!) 我們下次見嘍! See you next time!

    EP.6 成語「畫蛇添足」/A Chinese idiom “huà shé tiān zú”(成語#1)

    EP.6 成語「畫蛇添足」/A Chinese idiom “huà shé tiān zú”(成語#1)
    今天我們要學成語「畫蛇添足」,請跟著Bear老師,也學中文,也學英文! 背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCkdA9K-2lA Hello, this is teacher Bear.我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你已經聽過Bear老師的故事了嗎?你喜歡那些故事嗎?英文聽不懂怎麼辦呢?別擔心,學新的語言本來就需要時間與耐心。(It takes time and you need patience.)多聽幾次,有一天,你一定自然就懂了。請你試試看,好不好?(Please try it, ok?) 今天我們要來學一個成語「畫蛇添足」。 Today we are going to learn an idiom “huà shé tiān zú”. 有一個有錢人給三個窮人一瓶好酒,(A rich person gave a good bottle of wine to three poor people,)可是那瓶酒非常少。(but the bottle of wine was only very small.)如果三個人都想喝,那麼每個人都只能喝到一點點。(If they all had to share, each person would only get a little bit.)一點點 (a little bit),唉呀~那真不過癮,(Not satisfied)怎麼辦呢?(So what should they do?)於是,他們決定比賽畫一條蛇,(They decided to compete to draw a snake.)贏的人就可以得到這瓶酒。(The winner would get the bottle of wine.) 比賽開始了,(The contest started,)有一個人很快就畫好。(one person finished very quickly.)他看另外兩個人都還沒畫好,(He saw that the other two people hadn't finished painting,)就開心地拿起酒喝了起來。(he happily picked up the wine and started to drink.)他一邊喝,一邊說:「你們兩個這麼慢,(You two are so slow,)我還能再給蛇畫上幾隻腳呢。( I can draw some feet on my snake.)」於是,他真的給蛇畫起腳來了。(So, he really drew feet on the snake.) 才畫了兩隻腳,(When he had drawn two feet,)第二個畫好的人就把酒搶了過去,(the second person finished drawing and grabbed the wine.)他說:「蛇沒有腳,你畫的不是蛇。(Snakes don’t have feet, you are not drawing a snake.)所以,我贏了!(So, I won!)」那個人說完以後,就一口氣把酒喝光了。(He drank all of the wine.)他把酒喝光了。 小朋友,你是不是覺得幫蛇畫腳,根本不需要呢?(It’s not necessary. )第一個人幫蛇畫上腳,不但沒幫助,反而輸了比賽。(lost the contest)因此,在生活中,如果你做了一件不需要的事反而讓原本已經很好的情況變糟了,你都可以用「畫蛇添足」來形容喔。 比如說,媽媽買了滷肉飯(Braised pork on rice),姊姊覺得再加一點醬油(soy sauce)一定更好吃。沒想到,姊姊加了醬油以後,卻變得太鹹(too salty),不好吃了。這樣的情況,就是「畫蛇添足」。 你知道怎麼用英文說「畫蛇添足」嗎?(Do you know how to say “畫蛇添足” in English?)英國人的說法是在百合花上塗顏色(To paint the lily.)大部分的百合花(lily)都是白色的,白色的百合花多麼美啊!(How beautiful it is!)我們何必再幫百合花塗上顏色呢?幫百合花塗上顏色(To paint the lily.)就是「畫蛇添足」,根本不需要,對不對?(It’s not necessary at all, right?) 所以啊!下次如果你要勸人「別畫蛇添足」,你可以怎麼說呢? Don’t paint the lily. 請跟Bear老師再說一次: Don’t paint the lily. 小朋友,有機會見到想學成語的外國人,試著用英語跟他解釋,好不好?加油! If you have a chance to see a foreigner who wants to learn Chinese idioms, try explaining it to him in English! Okay? You can do it! 我們下次見嘍! See you next time.

    EP.5 唐詩〈春曉〉/ Tang Dynasty Poem "Chūnxiǎo" (唐詩#1)

    EP.5 唐詩〈春曉〉/  Tang Dynasty Poem "Chūnxiǎo"  (唐詩#1)
    今天我們學的是一首唐詩〈春曉〉,也學中文,也學英文。Bear老師有多年的語文教學經歷,歡迎小朋友跟著Bear老師一起享受語文學習的樂趣。 Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你已經聽過Bear老師的故事了嗎?你喜歡那些故事嗎?英文聽不懂怎麼辦呢?別擔心,學新的語言本來就需要時間。你啊~多聽幾次,慢慢地,慢慢地,有一天,你一定自然就懂了。不信的話,你試試看,好不好? 那麼,今天我們要學什麼呢? 今天我們要來學一首唐詩〈春曉〉。 Today, we are going to learn a Tang Dynasty poem 〈春曉〉。 這首唐詩是大詩人孟浩然寫的。 This Tang poem was written by the great poet Mèng Hàorán. 現在我們來聽聽這首詩: Now let's listen to this poem: 春眠不覺曉,處處聞啼鳥。 夜來風雨聲,花落知多少。 什麼意思呢? What does it mean? 春眠不覺曉 意思是: 春天裡我睡得很好, In spring, I slept very well, 不知不覺天已經亮了, I didn’t realize it’s dawn already. 處處聞啼鳥 意思是: 到處都聽得到鳥叫聲。 I can hear the birds calling everywhere. 夜來風雨聲 意思是: 昨天晚上我聽到了風雨的聲音, I heard the wind and rain last night, 花落知多少 意思是: 我不確定有多少花被吹落了。 I wonder how many flowers were blown away。 小朋友,你知道這首詩好在哪裡嗎? Do you know why it’s a good poem? 你想想啊,刮風下雨的時候,你在家裡是不是很安全呢(very safe)?而且你能放心地睡覺,一點都不必擔心(You don’t need to worry at all)。這個時候,你會想到外面的花可能被吹落嗎?你會想到那些沒有家的人怎麼辦嗎?可是啊~我們這位詩人(poet)孟浩然他卻想到了,是不是非常有同情心呢?同情心的英文是「sympathy」。 小朋友,你覺得同情心(sympathy)重要嗎?為什麼重要呢?Why is it important?你可以跟爸媽或朋友討論討論喔。(You can discuss with your parents or friends.) 現在,我們來複習這首詩嘍。 春眠不覺曉,處處聞啼鳥。 夜來風雨聲,花落知多少。 你記住了嗎?(Do you remember it already?)如果還沒,別擔心(If not, don’t worry. )多念幾次,你就會記住了。(You will remember it if you read it more.) 小朋友,你還記得「我睡得很好」的英文怎麼說嗎? I slept very well. 你說對了嗎?請跟Bear老師再說一次。 I slept very well. 你喜歡今天的內容嗎?如果喜歡,請記得關注、訂閱Bear老師喔~也請你鼓勵我,給我五顆星或是一個讚,好嗎?謝謝你。(Thank you.) 我們下次見嘍! See you next time!