

    Bear老師有20年的語文教學經歷。希望小朋友能跟Bear老師一起聽故事學語言,了解不同文化,發展良好品格。有什麼想法,都歡迎留言給Bear老師,也歡迎社會各界洽談合作項目。請訂閱Bear老師的播客,每個月15、30晚間8:00上架,讓我們一起學習成長。如果需要「各集逐字稿PDF」或進一步了解英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的ⒻⒷ或🅘🅖。 📧:bearlearnlanguage@gmail.com 🅘🅖:bear.bilingual ⒻⒷ:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691) 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
    zhBear Weir64 Episodes

    Episodes (64)

    EP.4 什麼是愛?/What is love? (Bear老師原創故事#2)

    EP.4 什麼是愛?/What is love? (Bear老師原創故事#2)
    今天的故事是Bear老師的原創故事。如果你喜歡,請訂閱、關注Bear老師播客。 如果有什麼想法,都歡迎留言給Bear老師。 歡迎社會各界洽談合作項目: E-mail:bearlearnlanguage@gmail.com FB:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 IG:bear.bilingual Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 今天,我們要來談談「什麼是愛?(what is love?)」 小朋友,你想過「什麼是愛」嗎?(Have you ever thought about "what love is "?)有一個小朋友Amy也在思考這個問題喔,不過,她覺得與其坐在家裡找答案,不如出門去問問朋友。 走啊走啊,她碰到了一朵美麗的花兒( a beautiful flower)。她問花兒:「花小姐,你覺得什麼是愛呢?(Miss Flower, what do you think love is?)」 花兒回答:「愛就是讓我在這裡享受陽光,(Love is to let me enjoy the sunshine here,),不要因為我美就把我摘回家。(and not to take me home, just because I am beautiful.)」 「啊?你不喜歡跟我回家嗎?(Won’t you like to come home with me?)你能待在美麗的花瓶裡(You can stay in a beautiful vase,),不必遭受風吹雨打。(without suffering from the wind and the rain.)」Amy試著說服花兒。 「可是,這樣我就再也見不到我的蝴蝶、蜜蜂朋友了。(But, then I will never see my butterfly and bee friends again.)」花兒擔憂地說。 「喔~~我懂了。(Oh~~ I see.)那麼,你好好地享受陽光吧!(Well, then enjoy the sunshine!)祝你有個美好的一天!(Have a nice day!)」 小朋友,如果你懂了,你可以說 「I see.」, 而如果你要祝福人有美好的一天,你可以說「Have a nice day.」。 Amy繼續往前走。走著走著,她碰到了蜘蛛(a spider.)。 「蜘蛛先生,什麼是愛呢?(Mr. Spider, what is love?)」Amy問。 「愛就是不要隨便破壞我辛苦織的網。(Love is not to break the web I've worked so hard to weave.)」蜘蛛先生回答。 「那是因為我看到你抓住了蝴蝶,她好可憐。(That's because I saw you caught the poor butterfly.)」Amy生氣地說,Amy is angry. 她好生氣啊! 「那我吃什麼?(Then what do I eat?)我會餓死的,(I'll starve to death,),我也很可憐。(I'm very poor too。)」蜘蛛先生也生氣了。 「你可以吃草啊!(You can eat grass!)」Amy反駁。 「大自然有祂的道理,你不要干涉!(Nature has its reasons, don't interfere!)」蜘蛛先生氣憤地離開了。 Amy沒辦法,只好繼續往前走,雖然她不同意蜘蛛先生,可是,她也覺得蜘蛛先生的話好像有道理(It makes sense.) 小朋友,你覺得蜘蛛說得有道理嗎?當Amy正在認真思考這個問題時,忽然! 「蛇小姐,你嚇到我了!(Miss Snake, you scared me!)」Amy喘著氣說。 「你才嚇到我了。(No, you scared me.)我一直在這裡休息,(I've been resting here for a while,) 誰知道你忽然走過來。(Who knew you would suddenly come over?)」蛇小姐吐了吐舌頭。 「不好意思啊!(Sorry!)我正在思考什麼是愛。(I'm thinking about what love is.)」Amy認真地說。 蛇小姐嘆了一口氣:「唉~~愛就是你們人類不會只因為我看起來醜陋或可怕,就恨不得想殺我。(Love is that you humans won’t kill me only because I look ugly or scary.)」 Amy勉強地說:「可是,(But,),你們蛇真的很嚇人,(you snakes are really scary,) 而且,你們會傷害人。(and you hurt people.)」小朋友,你是不是也覺得蛇很嚇人(very scary)? 蛇小姐委屈地說:「那是因為我們受到驚嚇而害怕,(That's only if we are frightened,)我們平常不傷害人的。(we usually don't hurt people.)」 Amy深吸了一口氣說「好吧,(all right), 那我下次經過這裡時會先發出聲音讓你知道,(next time when I pass by here, I will make a sound to let you know I am coming, )(I won't suddenly scare you.)不會忽然嚇到你了。」 蛇小姐說:「謝謝你啊,(Thank you,) 我要走了。(I'm leaving.) 其實我喜歡自己一個人。(Actually, I like to be alone.)再見!( Goodbye!)」 Amy跟蛇小姐說了再見後,繼續走著走著。她看到了好朋友Emma在樹下吃著冰淇淋(ice cream)。 「Emma!Emma,什麼是愛?(what is love?)」Amy興奮地跑過去問。 「愛就是我很想跟你分享這個好吃的冰淇淋。(Love is that I really want to share this delicious ice cream with you.)」Emma把冰淇淋分享給了Amy。 「謝謝!(Thank you!)我們一起吃。( let's eat together.)」Amy好開心啊。 兩個人吃著、笑著、聊著,不知不覺,到了該回家的時間。Amy跑回了家,一開門,見到了迎接她的媽媽。 「媽媽!媽媽!什麼是愛?(Mom! Mom! What is love?)」Amy抱著媽媽問。 媽媽說:「愛就是我很想聽聽你今天過得怎麼樣,(Love is that I really want to hear how your day was?) 你願意說給我聽嗎?(Would you like to tell me?)」Amy於是向媽媽說起了今天發生的一切。 小朋友,你覺得什麼是愛呢?What is love?你覺得誰說得有道理?誰說的沒有道理呢? 如果你覺得有道理,你可以說:「It makes sense.」,如果你覺得沒有道理,你可以說:「It doesn’t make sense.」 請跟Bear老師再說一次: 有道理「It makes sense.」 沒有道理「It doesn’t make sense.」 小朋友,請告訴大家你有什麼想法,或是你也可以留言告訴Bear老師喔。 Please tell everyone your ideas. Or you can leave a message to me. Have a nice day! 祝你有個美好的一天。 我們下次見嘍 See you next time.

    EP.3 小臭鼬的煩惱/The worries of a little skunk (Bear老師原創故事#1)

    EP.3  小臭鼬的煩惱/The worries of a little skunk  (Bear老師原創故事#1)
    小朋友,想跟Bear老師一起聽故事,學英文嗎?那麼,請訂閱Bear老師播客,讓我們一起享受聽故事的樂趣,輕鬆自然地學習喔。 希望你喜歡今天的節目。 如果有什麼想法,都歡迎留言給Bear老師。 也歡迎社會各界洽談合作項目: E-mail:bearlearnlanguage@gmail.com FB:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 IG:bear.bilingual 跟著Bear老師,聽故事,Learning English! 本集故事是Bear老師原創的喔~ Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 今天的故事是關於一隻小臭鼬的煩惱。 Today's story is about the worries of a little skunk. 你們知道臭鼬(skunk)為什麼會臭嗎?Why they are so stinky?為什麼他們那麼臭? 其實啊,臭鼬會臭並不是因為放屁(fart),而且啊,他們也不總是那麼臭。只有在遇到敵人的時候,臭鼬才會從肛門旁邊的肛門腺噴出一種非常臭的液體來保護自己、嚇跑敵人。但是很多人不知道,就以為是他們放的屁很臭。所以啊,下次如果你也碰到臭鼬,可千萬別嚇唬他們喔,免得被臭暈了。 現在我們來聽故事嘍。 有一隻小臭鼬,他非常煩惱, There was a little skunk, and he worried a lot. 因為,他很想交朋友, Because he wanted to make friends, 可是,森林裡的小朋友都躲著他, but the kids in the forest all avoided him, 讓他感到非常自卑。 which made him feel very inferior.(他覺得很自卑喔~) 有一天,他跟媽媽說:(One day, he said to his mother:) 「媽媽,我好難過(Mom, I'm so sad),大家都說我臭(everyone says I'm stinky),沒有人想當我的朋友(no one wants to be my friend.)。」 媽媽回答:「天生我材必有用(All things in their being are good for something),我們臭鼬雖然有時候會臭得讓人受不了,可是,我們也有優點啊(although we skunks stink so badly, we also have strengths.)。放心(Don't worry),他們總有一天會看到你的優點(they will see your strengths someday.)。」 小臭鼬聽了媽媽的話以後,決定再試一試,於是他去找了小貓咪。 After listening to his mother, the little skunk decided to try again, so he went to visit the kitten.(他去找小貓咪) 「小貓咪,你願意當我的朋友嗎?」"Kitty, would you like to be my friend?"小臭鼬問。 小貓咪回答:「(No)我才不要,你上次把我臭得睜不開眼睛(You were so stinky last time and made me unable to open my eyes),你忘了嗎(did you forget)?」 小臭鼬不好意思地說:「(I'm sorry,)對不起啊, (it was really dark that day, I couldn't see clearly,)那天真的太暗了,我看不清楚,(I thought you were a tiger.)我以為你是老虎。」 小貓咪不想聽解釋,跑走了。The kitten ran away. 小臭鼬去找小松鼠(little squirrel),想繼續試試看(He wanted to try again)。 「小松鼠,你願意當我的朋友嗎?」"Little squirrel, would you like to be my friend?" 小松鼠回答:「唉~~我上次被你臭得暈倒了,有好幾天連爬樹都有困難。(oh~~ I fainted because of your smell last time, and had difficulty climbing trees for days.)」 小臭鼬不好意思地說:「(I'm sorry)對不起, (because you suddenly jumped beside me.)因為你忽然跳到我身邊,我嚇了一跳(I was startled)。」 小松鼠說:「那是因為我要給你一個驚喜啊!(That's because I wanted to surprise you!)」 小臭鼬說:「請再給我一次機會吧~~( Please give me another chance~)」 忽然, 小臭鼬緊張地說:「是老虎(It’s taiger)!小鹿有危險了(The little deer is in danger!),我要去救他(I am going to rescue him)。」小臭鼬連忙跑了過去,然後,用力擠了肛門腺噴向老虎。 老虎大叫:「哎呀!好臭啊!(so stinky!)我的眼睛好痛啊!(my eyes hurt so much)」終於,老虎被嚇跑了!(the little skunk scared the tiger away)小臭鼬把老虎嚇跑了! 「謝謝你救了我的命。(Thank you for saving my life.)」小鹿感激地說。 「你好厲害啊!(You are amazing!)」小松鼠也跑過來誇獎小臭鼬。 小臭鼬開心地說:「媽媽說『天生我材必有用』(My mother said, " All things in their being are good for something."),很高興能幫到你們(I am so happy that I can help you.)。可是我現在這麼臭(but I am so stinky now),你們還願意當我的朋友嗎?(Would you still want to be my friends?)」 「當然願意(of course)!雖然你臭(although you are stinky),可是你是英雄(but you are a hero)。」小鹿和小松鼠異口同聲地回答,都願意當他的朋友。 就這樣,小臭鼬收獲了友誼。The little skunk made new friends. 小朋友,你知道自己有什麼優點(strength)或缺點(weakness) 呢? 你還記得「天生我材必有用」的英文怎麼說嗎? All things in their being are good for something. 請跟Bear老師再說一次: All things in their being are good for something. 你喜歡這個故事嗎? Do you like this story? 請記得跟家人、朋友、同學們分享喔! Please remember to share with your family, friends and classmates! 我們下次見嘍! See you next time!

    EP.2 老鷹與猴子/The Eagle and the Monkey

    EP.2 老鷹與猴子/The Eagle and the Monkey
    希望你喜歡今天的節目。 如果有什麼想法,都歡迎留言給Bear老師。 也歡迎社會各界洽談合作項目: E-mail:bearlearnlanguage@gmail.com FB:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 IG:bear.bilingual 背景音樂:德佛札克(Dvořák)〈幽默曲(Humoresques)〉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W86cYGSSGUs 以下為故事內容: Hello everyone, I am teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 今天,我要跟你們說一個「老鷹與猴子」的故事。 Today, I want to tell you the story of "The Eagle and the Monkey”. 你一定覺得奇怪,為什麼是 「the eagle」、「the monkey」呢?因為啊,「the」遇到母音時,要念「the」,因為「eagle」的「ea」是母音,所以念「the eagle」。 好的,現在我們開始來聽故事嘍。 There once was a monkey who envied the flying eagle. 有一隻猴子很羨慕會飛的老鷹。 有一天猴子看到老鷹在天上盤旋,他說: One day, when the monkey saw the eagle circling in the sky, he said: “You are the best at flying among all birds.” 「你是鳥類裡飛得最好的。」 「要是你肯教我飛,」 “If you agree to teach me flying,” “ I will give you all the fruits I picked.” 「我就把摘的水果都送給你。」 老鷹說:「這根本不可能(It's impossible),你沒有翅膀(You don't have wings),(you can't fly)你不能飛。」 猴子說:「可是我有長長的手臂(But I have long arms),我能快速地揮動我的手臂(I can move my arms very fast.)。拜託,求求你教我(Please~~, please teach me, I like the feeling of looking down from a high place.),我很喜歡從高處往下看的感覺。」 老鷹又說:「你能爬到很高的樹上,這樣還不夠嗎?」 "Isn't it enough that you can climb a tall tree?" 猴子搖搖頭說:「不夠不夠(It's not enough, I want to go to an even higher place.),我還要到更高的地方。」 老鷹又說:「我抓著你飛到天上看一下,好嗎?」 "How about I grab you and fly to the sky to have a look?" 猴子還是用力搖頭:「不夠不夠,我要自己飛(Not good enough, I want to fly by myself.)。」 老鷹說:「你別自不量力了!你會傷害你自己的。」 "Don't bite off more than you can chew!You'll hurt yourself." 小朋友,如果你覺得有人自不量力,你可以怎麼勸他呢? Don’t bite off more than you can chew. 意思是,如果你一口咬太多,可是你的嘴巴不夠大,根本不能嚼,那是不是自不量力呢? (Unexpectedly)沒想到,猴子還是不接受老鷹的勸告(the monkey still refused to accept the advice of the eagle),老鷹沒辦法,只好飛走了(The eagle had no choice, but to fly away.)。 小朋友,你是不是覺得猴子非常固執呢?(very stubborn) 猴子看老鷹不願意幫他(when the monkey saw the eagle wouldn’t help him,),於是,就自己爬到很高的樹上(he climbed up a tall tree by himself, and then swung his arms vigorously to jump down!)然後,用力揮動手臂往下跳! 結果,當然重重地摔到了地上。 As a result, of course, he fell and hit the ground badly. 小朋友,你是不是也覺得猴子自不量力呢? 你還記得怎麼勸朋友別自不量力嗎? Don’t bite off more than you can chew. 你說對了嗎? 請跟Bear老師再說一次: Don’t bite off more than you can chew. 小朋友你對這個故事有什麼想法呢? What do you think about this story? 如果你有什麼想法記得跟你的家人、朋友、同學們分享喔! If you have any ideas, remember to share with your family, friends and classmates. 我們下次見嘍! See you next time.

    EP.1 龜兔賽跑/The Tortoise and the Hare

    EP.1 龜兔賽跑/The Tortoise and the Hare
    希望你喜歡今天的故事。 大家如果有什麼想法,都歡迎留言給Bear老師。 也歡迎社會各界洽談合作項目。 e-mail:bearlearnlanguage@gmail.com FB:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 IG:bear.bilingual 以下為故事內容: Hello everyone, 我是Bear老師。 今天我要跟你們說一個龜兔賽跑的故事。 Today I want to tell you a story about the tortoise (烏龜) and the hare(兔子). 你一定覺得奇怪,兔子的英文不是「rabbit」嗎?「rabbit」是我們平常看到的兔子,「hare」是指森林裡的野兔。 現在,我們開始來聽這個故事嘍: 在一座美麗的森林裡住著一隻兔子和一隻烏龜, In a beautiful forest lived a hare and a tortoise. 兔子的腿長長的跑得非常快。 The hare had long legs and could run very fast. 因此每次他看到慢吞吞的烏龜總是取笑他。 So every time he saw the slow tortoise, he always made fun of him. To make fun of someone 就是「取笑某個人」,兔子總是取笑烏龜,你可以說「The hare always made fun of the tortoise.」 有一天烏龜說:「我受不了了。」 One day, the tortoise said: “I’ve had enough of this.” I’ve had enough of this. 我受不了了,小朋友,如果有一天你也受不了了,你可以說:「I’ve had enough of this.」 烏龜繼續說 :你別總是取笑我。Don't make fun of me all the time. 如果我們比賽賽跑.。 If we run a race. I won't necessarily lose. 我不一定會輸喔。 兔子驕傲地說 :「我一定會贏你。」不信我們來試試看。 The hare proudly said that I will win for sure. If you don't believe me, let's try it. 小朋友,你覺得兔子說他一定會贏是不是太驕傲(too proud)了呢?Do you believe he will win?你相信他會贏嗎? 於是,他們請了小松鼠(little squirrel)來當裁判(to be the judge),從山腳(the foot of the mountain) 跑到 山頂(the top of the mountain) 看看誰先到 誰就贏了。 比賽開始了,小松鼠((little squirrel)喊:「 one、two、three,go!」 比賽才開始沒多久,兔子(The hare)就已經跑到了山腰(halfway up the mountain), 可是啊,烏龜還在離起點不遠的地方慢慢地慢慢地爬著(slowly slowly crawling)。 兔子哈哈大笑說:「你這麼慢,我先睡個覺再起來跑,都能贏你。」 於是,兔子找了一個地方呼呼地睡著了(The hare fell asleep)。 過了不知道多久,烏龜終於經過了兔子睡覺的地方。 雖然烏龜非常累(Although the tortoise was very tired),也很想休息(He really wanted to take a rest),但是他知道如果他不繼續努力,就會輸給兔子的(he will lose, 他會輸的),因此他決定繼續努力地往前爬。 又過了好長一段時間 (after a long time),烏龜終於到了山頂(the tortoise finally reached the top of the mountain),烏龜大聲地歡呼(the tortoise cheered loudly):「I won!I won!我贏了!我贏了!」 這時候,半夢半醒的兔子聽到了烏龜的歡呼, 忽然驚醒, 這時候他才發現他輸了(he lost), 後悔也來不及了(It was too late to regret)。 小朋友,你是不是也覺得兔子太驕傲了(too proud)? 如果你的朋友太驕傲,常常取笑你,你受不了了,你可以怎麼說呢? 「Don’t make fun of me, I have had enough of this!」 你說對了嗎?請跟Bear 老師再說一次:「Don’t make fun of me, I have had enough of this!」 小朋友你對這個故事有什麼想法呢? What do you think about this story? 如果你有什麼想法記得跟你的家人、朋友、同學們分享喔! If you have any ideas, remember to share with your family, friends and classmates. 我們下次見嘍! See you next time.