
    Beg Your Pardon

    Do you have someone you need to ask of their forgiveness? Listen to these stories with the Morning Dream Team on 102.9 KBLX.

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    Episodes (100)

    Beg Your Pardon Girlfriend Didn't Like Car Boyfriend Got Her For Her Birthday

    Beg Your Pardon Girlfriend Didn't Like Car Boyfriend Got Her For Her Birthday

    Annetta is seeking a pardon from her boyfriend of 4 years Corey. Corey recently surprised her with a car for her birthday since she needed something to get around town. However, Anetta had complaints and didn't think the car he got her was up to par. They have been distant ever since and now Anetta wants a pardon because she feels that she overreacted. Will Corey give her one or is there relationship over?  

    Beg Your Pardon Older Brother Bet Against Younger Brother In A Fight

    Beg Your Pardon Older Brother Bet Against Younger Brother In A Fight

    Lathan is seeking a pardon from his younger brother Nigel an up and coming professional boxer. Lathan and Nigel haven’t spoken in over a year because Nigel found out that Lathan actually bet against him in a Las Vegas fight. Nigel felt truly betrayed and has cut off all contact along with some family members. Lathan wants a pardon to get his relationship back with his brother and his family. Will he get one? 

    Beg Your Pardon 7 Year Old Son Returns Home After Holidays With Ear Piercing

    Beg Your Pardon 7 Year Old Son Returns Home After Holidays With Ear Piercing

    Blake is seeking a pardon from Davonna. They have a 7 yr. old son together named Xavier. Xavier went to stay with Blake around the holidays for a few days. When he returned home to his Mom, his left ear had been pierced. Davonna was furious! She says that Xavier is too young to have his ear pierced. Blake is seeking a pardon to keep the peace between them. Will he get one?  

    Beg Your Pardon Guy Got Damaged Car Back After Breakup

    Beg Your Pardon Guy Got Damaged Car Back After Breakup

    Anthony and Linda just ended a 6 year relationship. It wasn’t a friendly breakup. They’ve been slowly returning each other’s possessions over the last couple of months. Anthony left his 72 Chevelle at Linda’s parents house and when Anthony finally got his car back he realized that it had been taken out of the garage and left in the yard for the last few months resulting in a $1500 repair bill due to water and sun damage. Linda is seeking a pardon and acknowledges that she did leave it outside deliberately. Will Anthony give her one? 

    Beg Your Pardon Friends Torn Over Politics

    Beg Your Pardon Friends Torn Over Politics

    Tonya and Lester have been friends since childhood. Lester has been an ardent Trump supporter and Tonya the exact opposite. They’ve gone back and forth at parties and get togethers since 2016 and this last year has been the worst. They recently got into a heated debate during a zoom happy hour with their friends and made the entire party uncomfortable. Lester is seeking a pardon for letting his politics get in the way of their friendship. Will Tonya give him one?

    Beg Your Pardon Mom Threw Out Old Family Photos Upsetting Daughter

    Beg Your Pardon Mom Threw Out Old Family Photos Upsetting Daughter

    Maggie is Julia’s mom and has recently decided to clean out her garage. Julia, who lives in L.A. came home for the holidays and went to the garage to find some of her old baby pics. She was surprised to find out that the box where all the photo albums and pics were stored was thrown out during Maggie’s cleaning spree. Julia can’t believe her mom would just throw out her pics and is upset! Maggie is seeking a pardon from her daughter Julia and realizes she might have made a mistake. Will Julia give her one? 

    Beg Your Pardon Groom Wants Ring Back After Calling Off Wedding

    Beg Your Pardon Groom Wants Ring Back After Calling Off Wedding

    Tom and Gina have been together 5 years and engaged for 3 years. Last year things got hectic when Tom lost his job during the pandemic. Gina was working from home and didn’t really support him during that time and in return they grew apart. They called off the wedding which was supposed to happen late last year and Tom never got his engagement ring back from Gina. Now Tom is seeking a pardon from Gina for the way things ended a few months ago but more importantly to get the ring back! Will she give him the pardon and the ring back?

    Beg Your Pardon Roommates Fight Over Guys They Date

    Beg Your Pardon Roommates Fight Over Guys They Date

    Melissa and Savannah are roommates and good friends who’ve known each other for 10 years. Melissa has been with her boyfriend for 2 years and seems to be unhappy. Melissa has been seeing other guys on the side and expects Savannah to just go with the flow and not ask too many questions. Last week a new guy came to their apartment and Savannah casually mentioned that Melissa had a boyfriend. The guy was surprised and disturbed to hear that and decided to confront Melissa when she came into the living room. The entire situation was uncomfortable and now Savannah is seeking a pardon from Melissa for the mishap. Will she get one? 

    Beg Your Pardon Cousins Fight Over Grandma's Funeral

    Beg Your Pardon Cousins Fight Over Grandma's Funeral

    Taylor and Gerald are cousins. Taylor lives in the Bay Area and Gerald lives in Sacramento. Taylor usually took care of their elderly grandmother while Gerald came down on the weekends until she passed away. Taylor is setting up all the arrangements for her funeral and expects Gerald to be there as well however Gerald has made it clear that he will not be attending the funeral due to covid concerns. Taylor is upset and thinks Gerald only cares about what he's getting in her will. Gerald is seeking a pardon and wants Taylor to understand his position. Will Taylor understand and give him one? 

    Beg Your Pardon Guy Went Out With Girls Friend During Short Separation

    Beg Your Pardon Guy Went Out With Girls Friend During Short Separation

    Keyshawn is seeking a pardon from Beverly his girlfriend of 4 years. During a short separation last year Keyshawn went out on a date with a friend of Beverly’s. Nothing really happened but Keyshawn never told Beverly. They got back together and things were good until Beverly recently found out about the date which upset her. She  accused Keyshawn of cheating which led to a huge argument. Now Keyshawn is reaching out to see if he can get a pardon. Will she grant him one? 

    Beg Your Pardon Wife Got Involved In Husband's Brothers Business

    Beg Your Pardon Wife Got Involved In Husband's Brothers Business

    Angelique is seeking a pardon from Levi her husband of six years. Levi has a younger brother Zion and Angelique recently saw Zion's girlfriend Unique out with another guy and told Zion. Levi felt Angelique shouldn't have told Zion and should've stayed out of their business. Now Zion and Unique aren't talking to either one of them. Will Levi pardon his wife Angelique?

    Beg Your Pardon Son Paid For Things Using Moms Credit Card Without Permission

    Beg Your Pardon Son Paid For Things Using Moms Credit Card Without Permission

    Tommy moved out of his Mom Trisha's house last year and things have been tough on his own that he's been using her credit card to pay for things without her permission. Trisha started noticing charges on her card and when she asked Tommy about it, he denied all charges! Now he's ready to come clean and is seeking a pardon for charging things without Mom's permission. Will she grant him one?

    Beg Your Pardon Husband Buys A Harley In Midlife Crisis Doesn't Tell Wife

    Beg Your Pardon Husband Buys A Harley In Midlife Crisis Doesn't Tell Wife

    Jonathan and Monica have been married for 10 years and have 2 kids. They're doing their best to handle their mortgage, credit card debts and the cost of kids during Covid-19. Monica has been furloughed and spends most of her time at home trying to sell jewelry online for extra money. Jonathan is feeling the pressure of being the sole provider for the family and is beginning to feel like his life is slipping away from him. He's basically going through a midlife crisis and buys a Harley which has been a lifelong dream of his. The only problem, he didn't tell his wife! Will Monica pardon Jonathan?

    Beg Your Pardon Wife Banned Junk Food From The House

    Beg Your Pardon Wife Banned Junk Food From The House

    Peter bought his wife Paulina a sweater for Christmas that was a little too small which lead Paulina to change the families diet. She got rid of all the junk food in the house which upset Peter and the kids. Peter is seeking a pardon for the sweater mishap but he also wants his wife Paulina to allow snacks back into the house. Will she pardon him and ease up on the dietary restrictions? 

    Beg Your Pardon Live In Boyfriend Disciplines Fathers Son

    Beg Your Pardon Live In Boyfriend Disciplines Fathers Son

    Cassandra is seeking a pardon from her ex-husband Miles. Recently their 9 year old son Coltrane was misbehaving and Cassandra's live in boyfriend Vernon stepped in and physically disciplined Coltrane. When Miles found out he was furious and came over to confront Vernon. They got into an altercation resulting in Miles arrest. There has been no communication since then. Will Miles pardon Cassandra?

    Beg Your Pardon Dad Wants To Keep Sons PS5

    Beg Your Pardon Dad Wants To Keep Sons PS5

    Cedric and Makayla wanted to get the brand new Playstation 5 for their 9-year old son for Christmas. Cedric scored one but instead of wrapping it up and putting it by the tree, he busted it open, set it up in his man cave and has been playing it ever since he got it without his wife's knowledge. Now Cedric is seeking a pardon and wants to break the news to his wife before the holidays. Will she give him one?