
    Beg Your Pardon

    Do you have someone you need to ask of their forgiveness? Listen to these stories with the Morning Dream Team on 102.9 KBLX.

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    Episodes (100)

    Beg Your Pardon Sisters At Odds Over Same Fitness Instructor

    Beg Your Pardon Sisters At Odds Over Same Fitness Instructor

    Michelle is seeking a pardon from her older sister and roommate Chastity for letting an online fitness instructor come between their relationship. Chastity found the instructor online and told her sister about him. They have been working out together during the pandemic and taking some of his online classes. However, both sisters have slid into his DM's causing friction in their relationship. Will Chastity grant Michelle a pardon?

    Beg Your Pardon Social Distancing Drama

    Beg Your Pardon Social Distancing Drama

    Samantha and Jeff have been married for 3 years. They typically agree on most things but this year has been very different. Jeff doesn’t like to social distance especially with the holidays being a time when family gets together. Samantha is very adamant about staying away from people. Jeff decided to go to a get together with his family and friends for Thanksgiving against his wife’s wishes and came back positive for the coronavirus. Samantha was very angry upon receiving the news and spent 2 weeks at a hotel to self quarantine before getting tested. The results haven't come back yet but Jeff is seeking a pardon for not taking his wife’s advice. Will she give him one? 

    Beg Your Pardon Friends At Odds Over Child's Birthday Party

    Beg Your Pardon Friends At Odds Over Child's Birthday Party

    Iris and Medina are best friends who aren't speaking because of a birthday party for Iris' son. It's his 10th birthday and she is planning on spending over $2,000 dollars on the party. Medina told Iris she's being irresponsible with her finances since Iris is the only one working right now and her husband lost his job due to the pandemic. Iris is seeking a pardon from Medina because she misses her best friend even though she doesn't agree with her. Will Medina pardon her? 

    Beg Your Pardon Childhood Friendship Drama Over Moving Charge

    Beg Your Pardon Childhood Friendship Drama Over Moving Charge

    Horace is seeking a pardon from Brenton his good friend from grade school. They had a falling out a couple months ago and have not spoken since because Brenton asked Horace who has a truck to help him move to a new apartment and Horace charged him. Brenton was upset because he didn’t think Horace should charge him at all since they are childhood friends and also let Brenton stay with him rent free for awhile during the pandemic when he needed a place to stay. Horace realized he was wrong and wants a pardon but will Brenton give him one? 

    Beg Your Pardon Friend Sells PS5 At Higher Price To Someone Other Than Friend He Promised

    Beg Your Pardon Friend Sells PS5 At Higher Price To Someone Other Than Friend He Promised

    Baron is seeking a pardon from his friend Dorian for not selling him the Playstation 5 after he secured two PS5 consoles when they came out a couple of weeks ago. He promised Dorian that he would sell one to him except when Dorian came to pick it up the next day, Baron informed him that he had sold the PS5 to someone else for a higher price. Dorian was upset and they got into a huge argument and haven't spoken until now. Will Dorian give Baron a pardon? 

    Beg Your Pardon Friendsgiving Disagreement

    Beg Your Pardon Friendsgiving Disagreement

    Angela and Lauren are roommates that live in SF. They’re also good friends that go back to their college days. Angela’s name is on the lease and she wants to have a few friends over for Friendsgiving. Lauren is very uncomfortable with this due to the spikes in Covid-19 and has asked Angela to reconsider the shindig. Angela told Lauren that she will not cancel the party because she put a lot of work into it and that Lauren should consider leaving the apartment on Saturday. After thinking about it for a few days, Angela is now seeking a pardon from Lauren since there has been tension in the house. Will Lauren give her one? 

    Beg Your Pardon Co-Worker Spends Too Much Time In Bathroom

    Beg Your Pardon Co-Worker Spends Too Much Time In Bathroom

    Holly and Jack are coworkers at a department store who usually work the same shift and have come to learn each other’s tendencies while on the clock. Lately, Holly has noticed that Jack spends a lot of time in the bathroom. On one occasion he was in there for almost an hour. Holly likes Jack but believes he is going in there frequently to waste time and check his social media. Last week, she became fed up and confronted Jack at a team meeting. Jack did not respond to Holly and was visibly embarrassed. Later that day, Holly’s manager informed her that Jack has irritable bowel syndrome. Holly feels incredibly stupid and is seeking a pardon for jumping to conclusions. Will Jack give her one?

    Beg Your Pardon Sisters In Law At Odds Over Wedding Plans

    Beg Your Pardon Sisters In Law At Odds Over Wedding Plans

    Olivia and Maxine are sisters in law. Olivia's daughter is having a Covid friendly wedding with a limited number of people and wants Maxine's 7-year old daughter in the ceremony but doesn't want Maxine in the wedding. Maxine feels like her daughter should be home due to Covid-19 even though Olivia promises that she will be safe. Olivia wants to change Maxine's mind and also seek a pardon from her. Will she get one? 

    Beg Your Pardon Guilty Of Mistaken Identity With Wife's Twin Sister

    Beg Your Pardon Guilty Of Mistaken Identity With Wife's Twin Sister

    Shay is seeking a pardon from her husband of 3 years Darvin. Darvin came into the house through the kitchen door and saw Shay at the stove cooking. She was wearing a T-Shirt and shorts. He walked up behind her and grabbed her butt and kissed her neck. However it was not Shay it was her identical twin Rae who was visiting for the weekend. When Darvin realized what he had done he was totally embarrassed. He was upset that Shay didn't warn him that Rae would be there. Even though the twin sisters laughed it off Darvin still felt embarrassed. Shay is seeking a pardon from Darvin for not telling him about Rae. Will she get one? 

    Beg Your Pardon Little League Baseball Daddy Drama

    Beg Your Pardon Little League Baseball Daddy Drama

    Jimmy and Frankie are little league baseball dads whose sons are on the same team. Jimmy is the head coach and criticized Frankie's son on a zoom meeting with the rest of the boys on the zoom. Frankie was offended by this and couldn't believe that the head coach was speaking that way about his son especially in front of the kids. Frankie jumped on the zoom meeting and gave Jimmy a piece of his mind. Now Jimmy is seeking a pardon because he did not intend on hurting anyones feelings. Will Frankie give him one? 

    BegYour Pardon Wife Talks In Her Sleep

    BegYour Pardon Wife Talks In Her Sleep

    Jennifer and Milton have a wonderful marriage except for the fact that Jennifer has a habit of talking in her sleep. Milton has heard her talk about another guy and a baby that they don't have among other things. Milton wants a pardon however because he feels bad at the way he approached Jennifer about the situation basically accusing her of cheating. Will she give him one? 

    Beg Your Pardon Mom Broke Sons Collectible

    Beg Your Pardon Mom Broke Sons Collectible

    Craig lives with his mom and dad. He doesn't have a job and has no interest in getting one. His girlfriend dumped him a few months ago and he doesn't think he is the problem. His only passion in life are all of his collectables which he hangs on to. His Mom, Janice, accidentally knocked over and broke his prized possession: a model of the 1982 Pontiac Trans-Am from the 80's show Knight Rider, better known as K.I.T.T. Craig was furious when he found out and stormed out of the house and has been spending the night in the backyard since he has nowhere to go as a protest. Now his Mom feels bad and wants Craig to come back in the house. Will Craig grant his Mom a pardon?  

    Beg Your Pardon Sisters Fight Over Daycare Duties

    Beg Your Pardon Sisters Fight Over Daycare Duties

    Brianna has a 3 year old son and lives with her Mom who watches him when she is at work. The pandemic got to Brianna and she needed a break so she called her sister Jovanna and demanded that she watch her son. Jovanna got mad at the way she came at her and they haven't spoken since. Now Brianna wants to apologize for the way she acted and seek a pardon from her sister. Will she get one? 

    Beg Your Pardon Thanksgiving Dinner Drama

    Beg Your Pardon Thanksgiving Dinner Drama

    Joey is seeking a pardon from his wife of 7 years Tammy. They have been fighting over how many people to invite on Thanksgiving. Joey wants to invite their parents over like they've done in years past but Tammy doesn't think it's a good idea to put them at risk due to Covid. Joey has another reason why he wants his parents there and it has something to do with Tammy's cooking. Will he receive a pardon?

    Beg Your Pardon Gambling Debt Loan Gone Wrong

    Beg Your Pardon Gambling Debt Loan Gone Wrong

    Eric and Julian have been friends since childhood and are practically like brothers, Eric had some money problems and reached out to Julian for help. Eric has always been a sports gambler and needed $1,000 dollars to pay back some debts. Julian gave it to him without hesitation and told Eric to pay him back whenever he could. Eric was embarrassed he couldn't pay him back so he stopped contacting Julian for nearly a year. He feels that he owes Julian an apology for not contacting him and disappearing from his life. Will Julian give Eric a pardon? 

    Beg Your Pardon Brothers Boat Drama

    Beg Your Pardon Brothers Boat Drama

    Jesse is seeking a pardon from his older brother James. They recently had a big falling out and haven’t spoken in months after their father passed away earlier in the year. Their father owned a 25 foot boat that he and James used to go fishing on. Jesse never was into boating and it was always understood that James should get the boat if something were to happen to their father. However James had a falling out with their mother who in turn decided to give the boat to Jesse instead. Jesse wants to apologize and get a pardon from James in exchange for giving the boat back to him. Will he get one? 

    Beg Your Pardon Twin Sisters Can't Agree On The Holidays

    Beg Your Pardon Twin Sisters Can't Agree On The Holidays

    Faith and Grace are twin sisters with separate lives. They each have families of their own except for the holidays when they fly home to see their Mom in Florida. Due to the pandemic, Faith assumed the annual trip to see Mom was cancelled when in fact, Grace is still going. Faith is upset while Grace doesn't think it's a big deal. Will Faith pardon her twin sister Grace?

    Beg Your Pardon Co-Worker Is Bothered By Co-Workers Singing

    Beg Your Pardon Co-Worker Is Bothered By Co-Workers Singing

    Gerald and Samantha are co-workers at a well known drug store. Times have been tough and both of their hours have been cut. Samantha has been stressed out and it’s very visible at work. Gerald, the eternal optimist, has been dealing with the uncertainty of the world by being positive and happy when he’s on the clock. He spends almost all of his time singing while doing his work duties. Although most of his other coworkers don’t seem to be bothered by his very mediocre singing abilities, Samantha had enough and let Gerald have it at work. Now she feels bad and wants a pardon for the way she treated him. Will Gerald give her one?