
    Behind Enemy Lines Radio

    Behind Enemy Lines is a national Award-Winning radio show / podcast broadcasting live out of the belly of the Democratic beast - "The People's Republic of" New York that airs on WJHC 107.5 FM (Jasper, FL), WDDQ 92.1 FM (Adel, GA) and WLBB 1330 AM (Carrollton, GA) as part of the Talk America Radio Network, as well as across premium networks streaming across the internet.

    The show highlights national politics with a conservative spin from "insurgent" Republicans fighting for every scrap they can get! Guests from the world of politics - candidates, elected officials, journalists, authors, personalities, pundits and prognosticators - stop by to discuss current events. The show and its predecessor, Brooklyn GOP Radio, has been recognized as a legitimate source - even shows like The O'Reilly Factor and CBS This Morning have cited the show and its blog for original source material!

    But it's not all business on air - in fact, there's rarely a dull moment. Sarcasm is a second language on Behind Enemy Lines, as evidenced by the wildly successful "Buffoon of the Week", where the hosts will nominate a public figure and hold him/her out for ridicule for some dubious distinction ripped from the headlines, culminating at the end of the year with "Buffoon of the Year" honors bestowed upon the truly deserving.

    We're surrounded. And taking heavy fire. But we stand and say "Bring. It. On." We're Behind Enemy Lines.
    enBehind Enemy Lines Radio5 Episodes

    Episodes (5)

    Shutdown Showdown!

    Shutdown Showdown!
    It's been a whirlwind of a week both in the news and here Behind Enemy Lines - but don't worry, we got you covered!

    First, Gene discussed the "Showdown at the White House Corral" between President Trump, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer as they publicly jousted over the impending shut down of the government. Who landed the most blows? Who landed the best blows? Is this what 2019 is going to look and sound like? We break it down.

    Then, as we continue to match toward crowining the 2019 Buffoon of the Year, we welcome Gavin Clarkson to the show to tell us his hilarious run-in with paper pushers in Washington D.C. who initially refused to grant him and his fiance a marriage license.... because they didn't know New Mexico was a state! We swear, this is real - we couldn't make this up even if we tried!

    Finally, we'll wrap up the week that was with Gene's take on where he thinks the Mueller investigation will ultimately lead after the conviction and sentencing of Michael Cohen, and we'll highlight the story of friend of the show, Jack Buckby, who is suing the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for holding up his visa application for over two years, preventing him from visiting his fiance.

    And speaking of relationships... oh, we won't spoil it - tune in to find out!

    2018 Buffoon of the Year Selection Show!

    2018 Buffoon of the Year Selection Show!
    It's the most wonderful time of the year - time to choose the 2018 Buffoon of the Year, presented by our friends at Less Government, More Fun!

    By now, you know how it works: Our BEL "Conclave" has assembled to review the news of the year and agreed upon the Top 16 political buffoons from government, media, celebrities, pseudo-celebrities, internet infamy and more. They will now go head-to-head in a tournament where YOU will decide who the bigger buffoon was until one is left standing as the one and only undisputed 2018 Buffoon of the Year!

    We take buffoonery very seriously, so much so that we have made a "science" of studying it. Just check out Matthew Fairley's The Sharpton Scale™

    As we wanted this to be the most competitive class of buffoons in our history, we did eliminate three people from consideration for fear that their high visibility and polarizing partisan nature would skew the results - after all, we are looking for buffoonery, not a partisan measuring contest! So President Trump and Hillary Clinton are out. As is the reigning 2017 Buffoon of the Year, Maxine Waters, who was not eligible this year for fear that her "victory" last year would unduly influence voters (but fret not, she may make a comeback next year... who knows!) Finally, any recent buffoonery (staring right at you, Tom Arnold) didn't make the cut, but will be factored into our consideration for next year.

    OK, enough of the nonsense, here are our finalists for the 2018 Buffoon of the Year!

    Oh, and here's this week's show.

    Dems' Cracks Already Showing?

    Dems' Cracks Already Showing?
    Happy Thanksgiving from Behind Enemy Lines Radio!

    This week, Gene flies solo-ish and talks about the dissension in the Democratic ranks exposed this week, when Congressional Democrats signed a letter of "no confidence" in Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House - and even then how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez broke down the politics of division even further. Because, apparently, some progressives are more "real" than others. Even the Women's March organizers are fighting among themselves and dividing not only by gender, but by race.

    Then, Gene talks to BEL Contributor Nat Paul about his recent series of articles about reforming the Electoral College. It's a healthy discussion of differing points of view on the topic of why it exists, and what, if anything, should be done to change the process for upcoming Presidential elections. And, with 2020 just around the corner, now is as good of a time as any to talk about this and more.

    Florida Strikes Again!

    Florida Strikes Again!
    Gene and Russ break down the breakdown in elections administration and the latest controversy in... you guessed it - Florida! The boys discuss the news coming out of the national embarrassment that were the elections for Governor and U.S. Senate in Florida. Were invalidated votes mixed with valid ones? Why does chain of custody matter? And they can't help but regale their own glory days of when they were winning elections in the "People's Republic of" New York.

    And hang around for the end of the show, where we bring back a Veteran's Day GEM from the "Brooklyn GOP Radio" days that involves our own "Yak Attack" and some horrible singing of a beautiful patriotic standard (Russ made us do it.)

    It's Outta Control! Escalation of Political Violence

    It's Outta Control! Escalation of Political Violence
    Behind Enemy Lines Radio takes a deep dive into the spike in politically-motivated violence - and we're not afraid to go straight to the source! Gene sits down with Pawl Bazile, a sort-of spokesperson for the controversial organization known as the Proud Boys. Who are they? What do they stand for? Why are they always around when political violence breaks out. We ask that and more.

    All that, plus Gene Berardelli offers up some of his own theories - like maybe Hillary Clinton is to blame? Listen without prejudice, keep an open mind, think for yourself and draw your own conclusions!