
    Better Teams with Max & Vince

    Better Teams is simply about building better teams both in business and life. We interview people with real life experience in developing individuals into high-performing teams.
    enMaxime Castéra34 Episodes

    Episodes (34)

    Construire le succès d'une équipe - Interview avec Rémi Guyot

    Construire le succès d'une équipe - Interview avec Rémi Guyot

    Dans ce nouvel épisode, nous vous emmenons à la rencontre de Rémi Guyot, Chief Product Officier à BlaBlaCar.

    Rémi est sans aucun doute le mentor que beaucoup rêveraient d'avoir et nombreux sont les collègues qui le louent pour ses qualités de leader. Curieux et authentique, on vous promet une heure intense et pleine de bonnes choses avec Rémi.

    Au sommaire :

    * Intro *

    - 2:39, Le pouvoir de l'écriture, et pourquoi Rémi tient un blog et une newsletter.

    - 4:48, Tu crois fermement en 3 valeurs qui t’animent : la simplicité, la radicalité et le jeu ou l’importance du ludique (« playfulness »). Est-ce que tu pourrais développer un peu ces 3 valeurs et te présenter au travers d’elles ?

    - 7:59, Dans quelle mesure arrives-tu à mettre en place un peu ou beaucoup de ces 3 valeurs dans ton quotidien au travail ?

    - 9:58, J’aimerais qu’on parle hypothèse d’équipe. Imagine, tu entres dans une pièce et tu vois une équipe très performante à l’œuvre. Qu’est-ce que tu remarques ? Ou si tu devais créer une équipe comme tu crées un produit, sur quels points d’observation te focaliserais-tu ?

    - 14:04,  Si on pense à la première ébauche d’une équipe, à peine formée, à quoi est-ce qu’il faut faire attention pour déterminer son niveau de maturité et comment la faire évoluer vers plus de maturité ?

    - 16:17, Comment accueillir et faire confiance à son intuition ?

    La phase de recrutement des membres d'une équipe

    - 19:13, Tu penses qu'en recrutement, il est moins important d'embaucher les meilleurs que de savoir tirer le meilleur parti de tous. Comment fais-tu pour identifier les forces et la personalité des candidat(e)s ?

    Développer les membres de son équipe

    - 25:36, Sur ton blog, tu fais une liste de conseils que tu donnes aux autres et que tu devrais probablement appliquer davantage à toi. L'un de ces conseils est d'attendre beaucoup de son manager. Quelles attentes devraient être mieux satisfaites par les managers, selon toi ?

    - 26:50, En tant que manager, est-ce que tu sais ce dont on pourrait attendre plus de toi ? As-tu des retours de la part de tes collègues ?

    - 28:27, Comment mobilises-tu des techniques de recherche utilisateur pour les appliquer à tes collègues et à de meilleurs relations au sein de l'équipe ?

    - 30:50, Comment ne pas être aveugle face à ses propres limites, déconstruire ses biais et ses angles morts ?

    - 35:28, Tu conseilles sur ton blog de devenir un aimant à opportunité, pour se développer personnellement et professionnellement. Comment fais-tu ?

    - 38:09, À l'inverse, tu parles également de lutter contre ce que tu appelles l'inertie mentale. Qu'est-ce que ça veut, comment faire ?

    La performance de l'équipe

    - 40:19, Comment fais-tu pour maintenir tes équipes fédérées autour d'un but commun ?

    - 43:39, Tu écris sur ton blog que quand on demande à son manager plus de clarté, il y a des chances qu'il/elle esquive la question. Comment fait-on pour choisir efficacement ses batailles, et pour avoir de vraies réponses concrètes de son manager/de sa manager ?

    - 45:54, Du côté du manager, tu soulignes la complexité de donner une bonne consigne à ses équipes.  À quoi ressemble une bonne consigne, selon toi ?

    - 48:13, Comment faire comprendre ce qui doit être fait sans contrôler, comment laisser de la place, de l'autonomie à ses équipes ?

    - 51:19, Quel message voudrais-tu adresser, et à qui ?

    * 52:45, Conclusion *

    Pour vous abonner à la newsletter de Rémi, c'est par ici.

    Ne manquez pas également de regarder sa passionnante intervention sur comment combattre la complexité au travail, en français et en anglais.

    N'oubliez pas de vous abonner si ce n'est pas déjà fait, et rejoignez-nous sur LinkedIn !

    Bonne écoute !


    Musique :

    See You Tomorrow by GoSoundtrack http://www.gosoundtrack.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/see-you-tomorrow

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/idlqqMHd0W4 

    Waiting Room by Sapajou https://soundcloud.com/sapajoubeats Creative 

    Commons   —   Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream:  http://bit.ly/_waiting-room Music promoted by Audio Library      https://youtu.be/hbvZ-6ggvF4

    Kimochii by Mona Wonderlick https://soundcloud.com/monawonderlick
     Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
     Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/3aovLOi
     Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/ZjbXsGGJ4Ns 

    On ne naît pas servant leader, on le devient - Interview avec Jessy Halison

    On ne naît pas servant leader, on le devient - Interview avec Jessy Halison

    Pour ce nouvel épisode, rencontre avec Jessy Halison, Engineering Manager à Ecosia, le moteur de recherche bon pour la planète.

    Dans cet entretien, Jessy fait preuve d'énormément de générosité et d'authenticité en revenant pour nous sur les leçons d'un parcours professionnel difficile, au fil d'un burnout et d'une reconversion, faisant face à beaucoup de sexisme et de racisme.

    Cet épisode est particulièrement riche, nous abordons des sujets tels que :

    • Passer d'expert à manager, et grandir en tant que manager
    • Le servant leadership, ce que ça veut dire pour Jessy et comment elle le met en pratique.
    • Se reconvertir et tenter de dépasser un burnout.
    • La diversité, l'équité et l'inclusion, et comment faire que ce soit l'affaire de toutes et tous.

    Au sommaire :

    - 2:46, Quelles sont tes responsabilités à Ecosia ?

    - 4:39, En tant que manager, que donnes-tu actuellement aux ingénieurs que tu n'as pas reçu de tes managers précédents ?

    - 8:01, Qu'entends-tu par "servant leadership" ?

    - 12:18, Pourquoi as-tu dû abandonner ton rôle de QA Engineer et rester dans l'ingénierie ?

    - 13:27, Témoignage de Jessy sur son burnout.

    - 19:32, Comment s'est passé ta transition d'experte à manager ?

    - 24:53, Est-ce que tu as ressenti le syndrôme de l'imposteur, et comment tu le déconstruis ?

    - 27:23, À partir de quel moment t'es-tu sentie capable d'avoir un impact pour les gens de ton équipe ?

    - 29:13, Te souviens-tu de ton premier conflit à gérer, ou d'un conflit difficile au sein de l'équipe ?

    - 34:48, Comment faire pour tenir efficacement une posture de middle manager, entre des logiques et des besoins top/down qui peuvent parfois se révéler difficiles à concilier ?

    - 36:30, Peux-tu rappeler le but, la mission d'Ecosia ?

    - 38:35, Peux-tu parler un peu de ton vécu et des discriminations sexistes et racistes que tu as pu subir dans ton parcours antérieur ?

    - 44:16, Que veut dire "inclure", selon toi, dans la diversité, l'équité et l'inclusion ? Comme peut-on mieux inclure ?

    - 46:53, Quels biais peuvent nous aveugler et nous maintenir dans la discrimination ? Comment les dépasser, pour la diversité, l'équité et l'inclusion soient l'affaire de tous et toutes ?

    - 51:03, Quel message voudrais-tu adresser, et à qui ?

    - 51:54, Tu trouves que le métier de manager est solitaire ?

    * 53:34, Conclusion *

    N'oubliez pas de vous abonner si ce n'est pas déjà fait, et rejoignez-nous sur LinkedIn !

    Bonne écoute !


    Musique :

    See You Tomorrow by GoSoundtrack http://www.gosoundtrack.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/see-you-tomorrow

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/idlqqMHd0W4 

    Waiting Room by Sapajou https://soundcloud.com/sapajoubeats Creative 

    Commons  —   Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/_waiting-room Music promoted by Audio Library     https://youtu.be/hbvZ-6ggvF4


    Kimochii by Mona Wonderlick https://soundcloud.com/monawonderlick
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/3aovLOi
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/ZjbXsGGJ4Ns


    Le manager, un metteur en scène ? - Interview avec Jean-Christophe Hembert

    Le manager, un metteur en scène ? - Interview avec Jean-Christophe Hembert

    Vous l'aurez peut-être reconnu à son nom ou à sa voix si vous êtes fan de la série Kaamelott, cette semaine nous vous invitons à échanger avec Jean-Christophe Hembert, alias Karadoc.

    Jean-Christophe est un "touche à tout artistique", et c'est de mise en scène qu'il a discuté avec Vincent, métier qu'il pratique avec passion depuis des années.

    Pourquoi faire un pas de côté et parler mise en scène ? Parce que de nombreux articles et chercheurs ont fait ce parallèle entre le manager et le metteur en scène. Le manager dirigerait sa troupe, au service de la performance. Il créerait du sens et on l’encouragerait de plus en plus à se mettre en retrait pour mettre les autres en lumière, sur le devant de la scène.

    Nous espérons que ce témoignage passionné vous inspirera dans votre pratique.

    Au sommaire :

    - 2:14, Qu'est-ce qu'un metteur en scène, pour toi ? Comment tu définis le rôle et ses fonctions ? 

    - 9:47, Qu’est-ce qui, encore aujourd’hui, peut te poser problème dans la fonction ?

    J’aimerais te faire réagir à quelques mots, qu’on retrouve au théâtre et en entreprise. Je t’invite à me dire comment tu les envisages, ce qu’ils t’évoquent, au théâtre :

    - 17:30, La performance.

    - 19:05, Est-ce qu’il y a des éléments clés pour une performance réussie ?

    - 22:33, Diriger, ou direction.

    - 28:42, Transmettre et interpréter.

    - 35:26, Rôle et acteur/actrice.

    - 37:33, Quel regard portes-tu sur les émotions, tant dans ton travail d’acteur que de metteur en scène ?

    - 43:48, La confiance.

    - 46:53, Quel regard portes-tu sur les situations de conflit ?

    -  50:19, À qui souhaiterais-tu envoyer un message ? (Et quel serait ce message ?)


    N'oubliez pas de vous abonner si ce n'est pas déjà fait, et rejoignez-nous sur LinkedIn !

    Bonne écoute !


    Musique :

    Freedom - Atch https://soundcloud.com/atch-music
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/al-freedom
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/whLknQE4tSU


    Waiting Room by Sapajou https://soundcloud.com/sapajoubeats

    Creative Commons  —   Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream:   http://bit.ly/_waiting-room Music promoted by Audio Library  https://youtu.be/hbvZ-6ggvF4 

    TEA(M) TIME - Episode 17 - How to Stop Wasting Your Team's Knowledge

    TEA(M) TIME - Episode 17 - How to Stop Wasting Your Team's Knowledge

    Your Tea(m) Time discussions are back!

    In this episode, we celebrate the almost 1 year of the Better Teams Podcast and we dig into the essential topics of knowledge and knowledge management.

    - 3:20, What is knowledge, and what is knowledge management?

    - 6:04, When is it a good time to think about knowledge and knowledge management?

    - 8:40, Compared to other aspects of business operation, how do you make knowledge management a priority?

    - 11:06, For Project Managers, or anyone managing a project at some point, what would be crucial elements to keep in mind about knowledge management?

    - 13:48, Max, you mentioned different types of knowledge in organizations, including "codification". Can you define what codification means?

    - 14:54, What is on the other side of the knowledge spectrum, opposite to codification?

    - 16:35, Where is knowledge hiding in organizations? (results and analyse of our LinkedIn poll)

    - 20:04, What advice would you give to Project Managers to put knowledge at the center of what they do and encourage people to share?

    Have a good listening!

    Check out these free resources:

    Download our FREE template to make knowledge part of your people development objectives.

    Take our Knowledge Management Assessment (it's also free and it only takes 4min). 


    Music credits:

    This track has been used and modified: 

    Think Tank by Audionautix http://audionautix.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_think-tank

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/mbV9t1Z0rA8  

    Construire une culture coaching - Interview avec Hugo Manoukian

    Construire une culture coaching -  Interview avec Hugo Manoukian

    Pour ce nouvel épisode, nous vous emmenons à la rencontre de Hugo Manoukian, qui a fondé avec son père et son frère il y a 7 ans l'entreprise MoovOne, développant une solution de coaching pour former et accompagner les managers. Leur ambition est démocratiser la culture coaching.

    Le témoignage d'Hugo est particulièrement intéressant parce qu'il est à la fois entrepreneur et manager d’équipe, et qu'il gère une entreprise qui dont le but est de développer de meilleurs managers.

    Nous vous invitons donc à plonger dans sa pratique de dirigeant de start-up, en même tant qu'à bénéficier de son expérience auprès de grands groupes qu'il a pu accompagner. 

    Au sommaire :

    - 2:18, Comment est né MoovOne ?

    - 7:52, Sur le mensonge à propos de l'entrepreneur qui est en réalité un manager caché.

    - 9:46, Combien de personnes manage-t-il ?

    - 11:23, Comment gère-t-il la croissance de son équipe et son éloignement progressif du terrain et du management direct de ses salarié.es ?

    - 13:50, Comment le paradoxe entre donner beaucoup de soi et de son énergie aux équipes, sans laisser place à de l'ego ?

    - 15:57, Comment avoir fait en sorte que la vision "MoovOne" soit partagée par tous au sein de l'entreprise ?

    - 19:23, Quels sont les manques qu'il a ressenti à sa sortie de l'équipe de management, en devenant manager pour la première fois ? Pourquoi ?

    - 23:58, Comment être un servant leader, au service des équipes, quand il faut parfois composer avec des injonctions économiques contradictoires, venant du dessus ? Comment concilier un décalage, parfois, entre besoins business et besoins humains ?

    - 26:27, Comment accueillir plus de diversité et de paradoxe dans sa gestion d'équipes et d'entreprise ?

    - 28:54, Sur la démocratisation de la culture coaching.

    - 31:57, La Covid a eu un effet dévastateur pour les managers "Superman", plutôt dans le contrôle. Comment les aider à prendre du recul pour récupérer du souffle et interroger leurs pratiques ?

    - 35:28, Comment fais-tu pour éviter que tes salarié.es fassent partie des 44% d'employé.es mécontents qui quittent leurs managers ?

    - 38:24, Quel message voudrais-tu adresser, et à qui ?

    * 39:50, Conclusion *

    N'oubliez pas de vous abonner si ce n'est pas déjà fait, et rejoignez-nous sur LinkedIn !

    Retrouvez MoovOne sur leur site et sur LinkedIn.

    Bonne écoute !


    Musique :


    See You Tomorrow by GoSoundtrack http://www.gosoundtrack.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/see-you-tomorrow

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/idlqqMHd0W4 

    Waiting   Room by Sapajou https://soundcloud.com/sapajoubeats Creative  Commons —   Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream:  http://bit.ly/_waiting-room Music promoted by Audio Library    https://youtu.be/hbvZ-6ggvF4 

    For an Inclusive and Participative Leadership - Interview with Gökşen Çalışkan

    For an Inclusive and Participative Leadership - Interview with Gökşen Çalışkan

    In this new episode, we are thrilled to introduce you to Gökşen Çalışkan, EU Advocacy Director and Head of New Business at Euractiv in Brussels.

    Gökşen has an extensive experience in developing and leading teams. She is passionate about emotional intelligence, women's empowerment and how to best develop people.

    From her experience in the media industry and in communication, she has also developed a strong ability to observe people to understand them and better assess their needs.


    Building yourself through crises

    1:52, Can you walk us through your main missions and responsibilities, so that our listeners get a good understanding of what you are busy with?

    3:37, Before we talk about leadership and we go further into team development, I want to talk about crisis and personal development. When we first talked before this interview, you told me how you have built your career over a few moments of crisis, when you felt you had to shift, to pivot, to adapt. Can you develop your relationship to personal development?

    7:07, What lessons did you learn from your main moments of professional crises?

    10:26, You also hosted a podcast in Turkey (Project Post 30), which was born out of the fact that you felt people were getting to work too early in their lives, without getting enough experience and self-knowledge, which eventually led to crises at around 30 years old. Do you plans for the podcast in the near future?

    Thoughts on Leadership, development & empowering women

    12:30, You told me that you don’t like the word/concept of “leadership”. Why? What do you feel closer to?

    14:40, You are very good at observing and understanding people. What are you particularly sensitive to when it comes to assessing or observing other people?

    17:09, You care a lot about women’s empowerment. Would you like to share some thoughts on the topic? What have you learned from your experience?

    20:58, Would you have books to recommend on the topic of women's empowerment?

    About the importance of Emotional Intelligence

    22:46, Emotional Intelligence is key to you. Why?

    How to develop and sustain better teams?

    24:51, How do you help team members develop their emotional intelligence?

    29:24, What are key foundations for you in developing and maintaining better teams? How do you develop these foundations?

    The final say

    31:13, I give you the final say: who would you like to send a message to (and what would you tell them?)?

    Book recommendations about women empowerment

    • Maya Angelou- I know why the caged bird sings
    • Susan Sontag - As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh
    • Simone de Beauvoir  - Second sex
    • Clarissa Pinkola Estés  -  Women Who Run with the Wolves 
    • Rebacca Solnit: Men Explain Things to me  
    • Duygu Asena-  The Woman Has No Name


    Have a good listening!


    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 


    See You Tomorrow by GoSoundtrack http://www.gosoundtrack.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/see-you-tomorrow

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/idlqqMHd0W4 


    Waiting   Room by Sapajou https://soundcloud.com/sapajoubeats Creative Commons —   Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream:   http://bit.ly/_waiting-room Music promoted by Audio Library   https://youtu.be/hbvZ-6ggvF4

    A Transformative Journey Through Leadership & Development - Interview with Mike Gasca

    A Transformative Journey Through Leadership & Development - Interview with Mike Gasca

    In this episode, you will meet Mike Gasca. Mike has been praised for his management capabilities by many colleagues over the years.

    He is passionate about developing people and has a tremendous, hands-on experience to share.

    With him, we will discuss how to engage people in a project, how to build your own leadership identity and practice. Mike will walk us through 2 of his main transformative and insightful experiences.

    Last but not least, we will talk about Mike's personal transition from female to male and how he is building the man and the leader that he is today.


    3:26 First, can you tell us a little bit about what led you to managing a team? Who you are, how you landed your first managing position and what this first challenge was.

    6:11, Do you regret having to learn everything by yourself, what do you think about learning leadership on-the-job?

    7:15 In your first experience as Customer Service Team Leader, you managed a multilingual team of 12 to 40 people. How did you feel about this new role?

    8:46, How did it go? What was particularly challenging, and how did you overcome these challenges?

    9:43, What lessons did you take away from this experience?

    11:33, What part(s) of your role did you like the most?

    12:32, Right after that, you became Content Executive Team Leader. At that point, you have more experience, the team is a lot smaller, so one might think this second experience would have been easy compared to the previous one. But it was not, and it brought new challenges, and new lessons on how to engage people.

    Can you tell us more about this new context?

    14:14, To what extent was it a different leadership challenge?

    14:46, How did you adapt?

    15:48, How did you get people to work on your project and be committed to your vision?

    17:02, What do you do when you can’t be completely transparent with the team and there are information you must hold?

    17:58, Looking back at these 2 experiences, what is your view on authority and influence?

    20:17, How would you sum up main pillars for engagement?

    23:26, When we first discussed to prepare this interview, you told me that your journey was a “self-made man” experience, and I thought it was very true.

    Can you tell us more about what you mean by “self-made man”?

    26:00, How do you think your personal journey influenced the way you lead other people and teams?

    28:29, Leadership is still very much associated with men, and we try to define masculine and feminine leadership. Through your transformative experience from female to male, what is your view on these debates around leadership and gender? How difficult was it to craft your own leadership in this context?

    I give you the final say. To whom whould you like to send a message and what would be that message?

    Have a good listening! 



    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 


    See You Tomorrow by GoSoundtrack http://www.gosoundtrack.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/see-you-tomorrow

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/idlqqMHd0W4 


    Waiting  Room by Sapajou https://soundcloud.com/sapajoubeats Creative Commons —  Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream:  http://bit.ly/_waiting-room Music promoted by Audio Library  https://youtu.be/hbvZ-6ggvF4

    Building People-Centric Organizations - Interview with Gabrielle Botelho

    Building People-Centric Organizations - Interview with Gabrielle Botelho

    This week, you will meet Gabrielle Botelho, HR Director at CGG in Brazil. Vincent digged into the challenge of building a people-centric workplace by discussing with Gabrielle some of her preferred topics:

    - the key role of HR in companies and how to make the most of it, 

    - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,

    - "culture fit" vs "culture add"

    - and more.

    The questions:

    2:07, What is HR about, for you?

    3:45, Why is it so important to humanize organizations, to make them more people-centric, and what does it mean for you?

    6:06, What could be concrete elements or signs to recognize real, authentic people-centric organizations?

    9:07, How can you transform organizations as an HR professional if you are not taken seriously, or not perceived as a powerful and impactful by the organization?

    12:25, What would it change if the HR function did not exist anymore in the organization, what would it change?

    15:24, You are a strong advocate for diversity, how would you argue for an active and ambitious diversity strategy?

    20:22, What is wrong with the concept of “culture fit” and why can it harm an effort towards people centricity?

    23:38, What does it mean for you to include people?

    25:57, Who would you like to send a message to and what would be that message?

    26:48, Where to go to read Gabrielle’s articles?

    Have a good listening! 

    You can read Gabrielle's articles here.

    Follow the Better Teams Podcast and more of Max&Vince's posts on Entervals.



    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 


    See You Tomorrow by GoSoundtrack http://www.gosoundtrack.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/see-you-tomorrow

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/idlqqMHd0W4 


    Waiting Room by Sapajou https://soundcloud.com/sapajoubeats
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/_waiting-room
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/hbvZ-6ggvF4 

    A Public Speaking Masterclass - Interview With Mark Robinson

    A Public Speaking Masterclass - Interview With Mark Robinson

    In this episode, you will meet Mark Robinson. Mark is a Senior Software Consultant who became expert and passionate about speaking in public.

    Expect a lot of great tips to improve your presenting skills.

    2:09, Mark’s story towards public speaking.

    7:15, Why you should become better at presenting.

    8:51, What are the benefits for a team leader or a team to acquire better speaking skills?

    10:51, Tips to foster better presentations:

    - 10:51, The 3 Es.

    - 13:20, Kill your darlings.

    - 14:02, Get a clear goal.

    - 16:56, How to gain influence.

    - 18:36, About body language.

    - 20:00, Prepare for your speech.

    - 22:31, Ask questions.

    25:37, The use of (only) positive feedback to learn.

    28:46, What to do to improve and work with Mark.

    30:02 Mark's final say.

    To know more about Mark and his training, visit https://www.markrobinsontraining.com/

    To subscribe to Max's Youtube Channel and get his weekly practical wisdom for 1st-time leaders, click HERE.

    Have a good listening!



    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 


    See You Tomorrow by GoSoundtrack http://www.gosoundtrack.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/see-you-tomorrow

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/idlqqMHd0W4 


    Waiting Room by Sapajou https://soundcloud.com/sapajoubeats Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/_waiting-room Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/hbvZ-6ggvF4

    A Cultural Transformation Journey - Interview With Mariana Machado

    A Cultural Transformation Journey - Interview With Mariana Machado

    Max and Vince are thrilled to introduce you to Mariana Machado, VP Global Cultural Transformation at Accor.

    With Mariana, we will walk through the ambitious bottom-up journey of transformation that is happening around the world within Accor.

    It all started 3 years ago, when she joined a small group of rebels, going on a mission to put people first and getting employees to express themselves and their needs. 

    Now the transformation is well alive and touched more than 200k people.

    1:48, Mariana's professional story and what led her to transforming Accor.

    6:23, How to create value and serve people better, authentically?

    8:31, How did the transformation work?

    12:30, How did Accor shift people's mindset toward more people centricity?

    13:30, How did they include employees and make them change how they feel?

    16:45, Where are they now in the transformation journey?

    18:25, What surprised her the most in the process?

    20:30, How do you empower employees to be themselves? How do improve Diversity and Inclusion?

    24:17, How would she summarize key elements of the success of this transformation?

    26:07, How did they measure the success of their project?

    29:32, Who would she like to send a message to?

    30:30, A last word to other HR professionals.

    To subscribe to Max's Youtube Channel and get his weekly practical wisdom for 1st-time leaders, click HERE.

    Have a good listening!



    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 


    See You Tomorrow by GoSoundtrack http://www.gosoundtrack.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/see-you-tomorrow

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/idlqqMHd0W4 


    Waiting Room by Sapajou https://soundcloud.com/sapajoubeats
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/_waiting-room
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/hbvZ-6ggvF4


    Mettre en place le changement à grande échelle - L'exemple de Time For The Planet avec Arthur Aubœuf

    Mettre en place le changement à grande échelle - L'exemple de Time For The Planet avec Arthur Aubœuf

    Une fois n'est pas coutume, cet épisode est en français, à la demande de notre invité.

    Max et Vince sont très heureux de vous présenter Arthur Aubœuf et le projet qu'il a co-fondé avec 5 autres entrepreneurs : Time For The Planet. C'est un projet citoyen et collectif d'envergure qui vise ni plus ni moins  recueillir un milliard d'euros pour fonder et financer 100 entreprises open-source capables de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre.

    Non content de vous faire découvrir en détails cette belle aventure à laquelle nous pouvons tous prendre part, cet épisode est aussi l'occasion de parler de management du changement.

    L'exemple de Time permettra de mettre en pratique le modèle de John Kotter, professeur à la Harvard Business School, et d'aborder précisément les 8 axes qui favorisent le changement, les 4 pôles de résistance au changement, et comment les dépasser.

    Les 8 axes qui permettent le changement, selon Kotter, sont :

    1.  Créer ou valoriser un sentiment d’urgence. 

    2.  Former une « coalition » puissante.  

    3.  Créer une vision de l’état futur souhaité.  

    4.  Communiquer la vision.  

    5.  Inciter à l’action.  

    6.  Générer des victoires à court terme.  

    7.  Consolider les succès pour aller plus loin.  

    8.  Ancrer les nouvelles approches dans la culture.  

    Les 4 freins que Kotter identifie face au changement sont :

    1. L'intérêt personnel.

    2. L'inertie.

    3. Le fait d'analyser différemment la situation.

    4. La mauvaise information ou le malentendu.

    La discussion avec Arthur fut très riche, nous espérons qu'elle vous sera utile.

    N'oubliez pas de vous abonner si ce n'est pas déjà fait, et rejoignez-nous sur LinkedIn !

    Bonne écoute !


    Musique :

     Wild Waves by Grenada https://soundcloud.com/grenadamusic Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported  — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/wild-waves-grenada Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/PTM1--4-66s 


    See You Tomorrow by GoSoundtrack http://www.gosoundtrack.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/see-you-tomorrow

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/idlqqMHd0W4 

    A Product Owner Journey - Interview With Jean-Bernard Pain

    A Product Owner Journey - Interview With Jean-Bernard Pain

    Max and Vince are thrilled to introduce you to Jean-Bernard Pain.

    Jean-Bernard is a dedicated and passionate Product Owner, and we invited him to share his unique and rich point of view on the role of PO.

    - What is the role of a Product Owner?

    - What challenges do you have to overcome in this position?

    Jean-Bernard will share good practices based on his experience and also traps to avoid.

    We will also discuss how to coach your team to become better, improve ways of working, move towards more autonomy, deliver more value, and better products.


    Have a good listening.


    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 


    See You Tomorrow by GoSoundtrack http://www.gosoundtrack.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/see-you-tomorrow

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/idlqqMHd0W4 


    Moments by Sarah Jansen https://soundcloud.com/sarahjansenmusic

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/al-moments

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/qGWyeTnQavY


    Wild Waves by Grenada https://soundcloud.com/grenadamusic Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported  — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/wild-waves-grenada Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/PTM1--4-66s

    Keep That Weird Skill On Your CV - Interview With Stephanie De Cock

    Keep That Weird Skill On Your CV - Interview With Stephanie De Cock

    Max and Vince are thrilled to introduce you to Stephanie De Cock. Stephanie is HR Manager, a strong employee satisfaction advocate, and Radical HR.

    Stephanie is also a weirdo... A multipotentialite, curious about many topics, doing many things, and not easily fitting into the picture of what is traditionally expected.

    We were lucky to explore and discuss with her the topics of weirdness, originality and diversity in the workplace:

    - How to welcome weirdos or multipotentialites in the corporate world?

    - Why companies should recruit them and embrace diversity?

    - What does it take to include them?

    - Why should you keep that weird skill on your CV, and how to show your recruiter that you are more than a good fit?

    We will dig into these questions, and more, with Stephanie.

    Have a good listening.



    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 


    See You Tomorrow by GoSoundtrack http://www.gosoundtrack.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/see-you-tomorrow

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/idlqqMHd0W4 


    Moments by Sarah Jansen https://soundcloud.com/sarahjansenmusic

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/al-moments

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/qGWyeTnQavY


    Wild Waves by Grenada https://soundcloud.com/grenadamusic Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported  — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/wild-waves-grenada Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/PTM1--4-66s

    TEA(M) TIME - Episode 16 - The Right Way to On-board New Hires

    TEA(M) TIME - Episode 16 - The Right Way to On-board New Hires

    This week, Max & Vince will discuss onboarding.

    - Why is onboarding so important?

    - Why is it that many companies screw it up?

    - What does a terrible onboarding look like?

    - What does a great first day at work look like?

    - What would be the traps to avoid for the manager of the new hire joining the organization?

    - What about the new hire: should they be involved and what can they do?

    - What does onboarding look like in the current climate of the Covid-19 crisis?

    These are the questions that Max & Vince will address, digging into their past experience from the trenches.

    Have a good listening!

    PS: in this episode is mentioned the great book "The first 90 days", by Michael D. Watkins. Don't hesitate to read it, it's worth it!



    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 

    Track 1:

    Think Tank by Audionautix http://audionautix.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_think-tank

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/mbV9t1Z0rA8  

    Track 2:

    Moments by Sarah Jansen https://soundcloud.com/sarahjansenmusic

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/al-moments

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/qGWyeTnQavY

    TEA(M) TIME - Episode 15 - The Truth About Office Politics

    TEA(M) TIME - Episode 15 - The Truth About Office Politics

    In this episode, Max & Vince will discuss the topic of politics in the office.

    - Is politics in the workplace a bad thing?

    - What if you feel bad at it?

    - Is there a way around politics?

    - What should you do as a new people leader?

    Max & Vince will show you why office politics is a very important thing, and how you can turn it into a gift for your team.


    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 

    Track 1:

    Think Tank by Audionautix http://audionautix.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_think-tank

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/mbV9t1Z0rA8  

    Track 2:

    The last ones by Jahzzar http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar

    Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/the-last-ones

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/RypgEOITzWc

    TEA(M) TIME - Episode 14 - The 3 Biggest Challenges Of First-Time Leaders

    TEA(M) TIME - Episode 14 - The 3 Biggest Challenges Of First-Time Leaders

    What are the 3 top challenges and the 3 top good practices that you need to keep in mind as a first-time manager?

    This question was brought to Max & Vince by a listener, and they decided to make it the topic of this new Tea(m) Time episode.

    They will walk you through the 3 challenges and give you many tips to handle them.

    Have a good listening!



    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 


    Think Tank by Audionautix http://audionautix.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_think-tank

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/mbV9t1Z0rA8  


    The last ones by Jahzzar http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar

    Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/the-last-ones

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/RypgEOITzWc

    TEA(M) TIME - Episode 13 - Team Goals Keep Egos In Check

    TEA(M) TIME - Episode 13 - Team Goals Keep Egos In Check

    Max & Vince address a question they answered during a previous First Time Leading Teams coaching session: How do you manage individuality in a team?

    What tensions and issues do you face when you try to develop teams, create the conditions for collaboration while also being careful about developing individuals, and fueling talents' needs to thrive and grow?

    You will see how defining a good team goal will help you keep egos in check, valuing your talents, and strengthening team spirit.

    Max & Vince will also discuss how the Covid-19 situation and the unprecedented lockdown might have impacted team dynamics, and what you can do to repair and re-launch your team in the best conditions.

    Have a good listening!



    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 


    Think Tank by Audionautix http://audionautix.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_think-tank

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/mbV9t1Z0rA8  


    The last ones by Jahzzar http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar

    Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/the-last-ones

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/RypgEOITzWc

    When Horses Make You a Better Leader - Interview With Nadja Talpaert and Annemieken Van Reepingen

    When Horses Make You a Better Leader -  Interview With Nadja Talpaert and Annemieken Van Reepingen

    Max & Vince are thrilled to introduce you to Nadja Talpaert and Annemieken Van Reepingen.

    Respectively Independent Executive Leadership Coach and M.D., they are both seasoned professionals dedicated to helping people become better leaders, in life and business.

    In this episode, we will talk about leadership development, sharing good advice to improve leadership and teamwork.

    We will celebrate the launch of their very first book and discuss their powerful and inspiring coaching method: horse-assisted coaching. 

    Did you know that horses could teach you a lot about yourself and help you become better leaders? Discover it in this episode.

    Interested in Nadja and Annemieken's book? Buy it from here: https://www.lannoo.be/nl/komt-een-paard-de-boardroom

    For more information about Nadja's practice, visit her website: https://noticethedifference.be/

    For more information about Annemieken's practice, visit her website: https://www.kivik.eu/

     Have a good listening. 



    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 


    See You Tomorrow by GoSoundtrack http://www.gosoundtrack.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/see-you-tomorrow

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/idlqqMHd0W4 


    The last ones by Jahzzar http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar

    Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/the-last-ones

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/RypgEOITzWc


    Wild Waves by Grenada https://soundcloud.com/grenadamusic Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported  — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/wild-waves-grenada Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/PTM1--4-66s

    TEA(M) TIME - Episode 12 - From Expert To Manager: Instant Credibility Is Not Enough

    TEA(M) TIME - Episode 12 - From Expert To Manager: Instant Credibility Is Not Enough

    How to become a people manager? This week, Max & Vince discuss a very common way: the transition from being an expert to being appointed people manager.

    What does this transition look like?

    When and why can it be dangerous to promote someone based on his/her level of expertise and seniority?

    Max & Vince will talk about the instant credibility from which an expert will benefit, and how to put it in perspective.

    How to change the way we promote to leadership roles and encourage people to develop more horizontally, from their expertise?

    Why do experts need to coach other people?

    What can organizations do to facilitate experts' transitions to management?

    Max & Vince will end by giving tips to experts struggling in their transition.


    Max & Vince are thrilled to invite you to take part in their First Time Leading Teams training sessions, starting on July 15th!

    If you are a manager, a team leader, a technical leader or a management trainee, don't miss this great opportunity to benefit from a comprehensive and interactive training session, specifically designed to empower first-time leaders and give you all the tips, the tools, and knowledge you need to kickstart or reinforce their journey as people managers.

    Spots are limited to 6 participants to ensure a maximum of interaction and work as much as possible on your management context.

    Don't wait, the training is available at a reduced price for a few days! Go check it out on entervals.com/events/

    Have a good listening. 



    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 


    Think Tank by Audionautix http://audionautix.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_think-tank

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/mbV9t1Z0rA8  


    The last ones by Jahzzar http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar

    Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/the-last-ones

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/RypgEOITzWc

    TEA(M) TIME - Episode 11 - Poor Team Performance Is Only a Symptom

    TEA(M) TIME - Episode 11 - Poor Team Performance Is Only a Symptom

    This week, Max & Vince discuss how to deal with poor team performance.

    How to define performance and high-performing teams?

    How can you see low performance coming?

    What good practices can you develop to ensure a high sustainable level of performance in your team?

    How to deal with a team member who is not performing?

    Join Max & Vince as they dig within their own experience and interactions with teams and managers to get you the answers from the trenches. 

    Max & Vince are thrilled to invite you to take part in their First Time Leading Teams training sessions, starting on July 15th!

    If you are a manager, a team leader, a technical leader or a management trainee, don't miss this great opportunity to benefit from a comprehensive and interactive training session, specifically designed to empower first-time leaders and give you all the tips, the tools, and knowledge you need to kickstart or reinforce their journey as people managers.

    Spots are limited to 6 participants to ensure a maximum of interaction and work as much as possible on your management context.

    Don't wait, the training is available at a reduced price for a few days! Go check it out on entervals.com/events/

     Have a good listening. 



    Music credits:

    These tracks have been used and modified: 


    Slowly by Smith The Mister https://smiththemister.bandcamp.com
    Smith The Mister https://bit.ly/Smith-The-Mister-YT
    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/s-t-mr-slowly
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/b4p9TiftgJY 



    Think Tank by Audionautix http://audionautix.com

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_think-tank

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/mbV9t1Z0rA8  


    The last ones by Jahzzar http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar

    Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/the-last-ones

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/RypgEOITzWc