
    Beyond 8 Figures

    At Beyond 8 Figures, we believe in DELIBERATE entrepreneurship. It means creating a solid foundational framework for your entrepreneurial journey, building from a place of passion, and intentionally aligning your actions with your goals so that you can create success on your terms. Join A.J. Lawrence, the journeyman entrepreneur with several 7 figure exits, as he shares honest conversations with successful entrepreneurs about their experiences starting and scaling businesses to $10M and beyond, the realities of being a modern-day entrepreneur, advice for practicing deliberate entrepreneurship, and more!
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    Episodes (237)

    Biz Bite 6: Profit, Impact, Freedom - Mikael Dia, Funnelytics

    Biz Bite 6: Profit, Impact, Freedom - Mikael Dia, Funnelytics

    Dive into the essence of entrepreneurship with Mikael Dia, as he uncovers the four pillars crucial for business success. From profit to fulfillment, gain insights to simplify your journey towards sustainable growth.

    Listen to the full episode here - https://beyond8figures.com/podcast-episodes/

    Watch the Episodes On YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Beyond8Figures

    How to Create Thriving Partnerships for Growth with Charles Byrd of Pure JV

    How to Create Thriving Partnerships for Growth with Charles Byrd of Pure JV

    Joint venture partnerships can help your business grow faster and generate greater profit, but it's important to plan and carry them out carefully. Charles Byrd of Pure JV joins A.J. to discuss the strategies for fostering successful partnerships. Unlike the common trial-and-error approach that many entrepreneurs default to, Charles emphasizes the importance of a structured and systematic process for creating and managing joint ventures. He also shares his tips for maintaining a work-life balance, choosing the right partner, and measuring the success of these collaborations.

    About Charles Byrd:

    Charles Byrd is the Founder of Pure JV, which is an online training, product launch, and internet marketing company that is boosting results for niche markets. He’s a joint venture expert, renowned speaker, and educator in the sphere of joint venture partnerships.

    As a Silicon Valley veteran and former director at a billion-dollar software company, Cadence Design Systems, Charles is commonly praised as "The Chaos Killer." After leaving his corporate role, he infused his project management skills into entrepreneurship, creating a successful online productivity course. He quickly mastered joint venture marketing for his course and developed a systematic process to strike 2-6 joint venture deals per week. Today, Charles uses his unique skill set to educate other entrepreneurs and corporations, helping them maximize their potential via strategic joint venture partnerships.

    Key Insights:

    • Implement the right framework for success in joint venture partnerships. This helps avoid chaos and makes collaborations more fruitful. So, begin by mapping out your goals and building a structured process that captures every aspect of the cooperation. This will lead to increased productivity and ensure both sides benefit from the partnership. (04:25)

    • Prioritize long-term relationships over short-term interactions. Investing your time in building trust and working towards mutual benefit with your partners will create a better foundation for growth than short-term initiatives. This will create more value over time for both sides and foster a growth-focused environment for joint venture partnerships. (12:11)

    • Partner with those who serve your ideal clients. This cooperation enables you to present your value proposition to a pre-qualified audience and improves the potential for a successful partnership. (17:51)

    • Align with partners who amplify your message. When both of you push the same message out into the world, it reaches more people, sounds more convincing, and helps your joint venture partnership be a big success. This alignment ultimately leads to stronger brand recognition and a wider customer base, driving substantial growth and profitability for both partners in the joint venture. (21:44)

    • Balance personal life with business ambitions. Prioritize your personal life and aim to build your business around it if you want to be really fulfilled with your life/work balance. This means building systems that support your family life, well-being, and overall life satisfaction, such as remote work options, flexible hours, or delegating tasks, for instance. (29:45)

    • Diversify your leads. This not only mitigates risk but allows you to tap into various pools of potential clients, increasing overall market reach and brand awareness. You can strengthen your current position this way but also futureproof your business. (33:39)

    Charles’ best advice for entrepreneurs:

    “You build so much goodwill and rapport from building long-term relationships, you basically have an army of advocates all around. And that feels very good.” (05:40)

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    How This Ex-Firefighter Is Transforming Modern Health: Forge Your Best Self with Sam Tejada of Liquivida

    How This Ex-Firefighter Is Transforming Modern Health: Forge Your Best Self with Sam Tejada of Liquivida

    We all strive to live our best lives. But how to make that possible? The answer is long-term planning for optimal health and peak performance, and Sam Tejada of Liquivida showed us how in this episode. Sam believes that gradual, consistent effort has the potential to result in big rewards, be it in terms of health or other areas of life. He emphasizes the importance of bringing your best both physically and mentally as an entrepreneur and shares his regimen for achieving mental clarity and a stronger sense of presence.

    About Sam Tejada:

    Sam Tejada is the founder of Liquivida—a brand dedicated to promoting holistic health and wellness. Being a health enthusiast himself, Sam passionately advocates for the benefits of proper nutrition and wellness practices to boost productivity, mental clarity, and overall life quality. His personalized approach to optimizing health has helped many individuals find balance and upgrade their overall performance.

    Sam is a longtime entrepreneur who started his first business at the early age of 19. As a retired firefighter and paramedic, he launched Rescue-101, an esteemed provider of lifesaving training courses. Given his background as an emergency medical professional, he understands well the value of staying fit, healthy, and productive as an entrepreneur and is on a mission to promote health and wellness. Driven by his vision, Sam is eager to venture into politics and secure a position in local government, with the ultimate goal of bringing about change in the fields of medicine and business.

    Key Insights:

    • Embrace your struggles. The challenges in your life make who you are. They mold your character and shape your journey towards success. Remember, adversity often leads to perseverance and resilience. So, use these as opportunities to become stronger, wiser, and more resilient. (03:03)

    • Balance entrepreneurship with health. As Sam points out, you need to respect and nurture your well-being as much as your work. Otherwise, the unchecked scales can tip and lead you away from your goals. You can strike a balance between your health and work through responsible long-term planning, leading to not just a successful business but a fulfilling life. (09:38)

    • Stay consistent. Consistent efforts, even when they’re small, can yield big results over time. This goes for both your business and personal health goals. Consistency may seem difficult to maintain, but start by committing to it and making it a habit. Try sticking to a routine, even if it's a simple morning ritual, until it becomes an inherent pattern. (16:00)

    • Support your franchisees. If you are a franchisor, your relationship with your franchisees extends beyond business. Acting as a mentor, offering them the tools and support they need, can help them to thrive. Your franchisees' success is inherently linked to your own. (20:34)

    • Practice what you preach. Living by this principle ensures integrity and credibility. Regularly check on the progress towards planned tasks while sticking to the values and standards you expect of others. Your actions speak louder than words, so make sure they align with the commitments and objectives you set out. (24:12)

    Sam’s best advice for entrepreneurs:

    “If you don't define your personal definition of success, you're actually working towards absolutely nothing in life.” (34:27)

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    Biz Bites 5: Building Business Infrastructure with Eugene Ravitsky, FactoryPure

    Biz Bites 5: Building Business Infrastructure with Eugene Ravitsky, FactoryPure

    Discover practical solutions and firsthand experiences designed to help your SMB thrive and grow sustainably in today's competitive market. Dive into the world of business infrastructure with Eugene Ravitsky from FactoryPure. Join us to learn how incremental improvements pave the way for long-term success in the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship.

    Listen to the full episode here - https://beyond8figures.com/podcast-episodes/

    Watch the Episodes On YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Beyond8Figures

    Learn How PE Unlocks Explosive Growth with Adam Coffey of CEO Advisory Guru

    Learn How PE Unlocks Explosive Growth with Adam Coffey of CEO Advisory Guru

    Diving into private equity investment can seem risky and complex, but it can benefit your company with the right knowledge and a strategic approach. Today, Adam Coffey joins A.J. to share his expertise on developing exit strategies, pinpointing the ideal private equity partners, and collaborating with them to unlock more than just financial gains for your business.

    About Adam Coffey:

    Adam Coffey is a serial CEO, private equity expert, consultant, and bestselling author. An esteemed Army veteran, he is well-versed in executive coaching, mentorship, and keynote speaking. His acclaimed book, "The Private Equity Playbook," showcases his deep understanding of company acquisitions and financing, reflecting on his experience with around a hundred companies over two decades.

    His latest literary work, "The Exit Strategy Playbook," offers invaluable advice to owners contemplating selling their businesses, covering buyer types, including strategic and financial, with a keen emphasis on SPACs. His reputation extends beyond writing as he has successfully steered companies into market-leading positions. Respected in academic and professional circles, Adam lectures at universities and provides mentorship, distilling his considerable wisdom into lessons of leadership and growth. 

    Visit our curated collection of Business Books for more enriching reads.

    Key Insights:

    • Start with an exit in mind. Having a clear exit strategy from the get-go can shape your decision-making process to align with that goal. This is important because it helps prepare your company for sale in advance, identify the best course of action, and ease the transition when the time comes. (10:06)

    • Stay accountable with the help of private equity investors. If you opt for private equity, you can count on investors interested in your company’s growth and profitability to keep you accountable. This can help you remain committed to your plans, exceed your performance indicators, and continuously seek ways to add value or drive growth in your venture. (16:58)

    • Diversify your income. The future is unpredictable, and income diversification is your ultimate safety net. Cultivating various income sources can secure your business’ financial future against market volatility or unexpected events but also even out risks and provide a more stable and consistent earnings flow. (34:50)

    • Always keep growing. No matter what stage your business is at, investing time and effort into expanding your skill set can open doors to new opportunities and innovations. Constant education and self-improvement can give you a competitive edge, help you adapt to changes, and drive personal and professional development. (44:22)

    • Choose the right platform. Using the right marketing channels is key to scaling your business. For example, for B2B enterprises, LinkedIn could be a goldmine of professional connections, while consumer-focused brands may succeed more on visually-driven platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Choose the platform that aligns with your business goals and audience to maximize growth opportunities. (47:44)

    Adam’s best advice for entrepreneurs:

    “Think about private equity as a tool. [...] They're a tool. You use their capital. They use your knowledge, and it's a marriage made in heaven.” (14:52)

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    Affiliate Disclaimer: Some links in this episode are affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Rest assured, we only promote products/services we believe will benefit your entrepreneurial journey. 

    Biz Bites 4: Overcoming Health Care System Inefficiencies through AI with Renee Dua, Together by Renee

    Biz Bites 4: Overcoming Health Care System Inefficiencies through AI with Renee Dua, Together by Renee

    Renee Dua shares her journey of overcoming health care inefficiencies through AI tech in this Biz Bite segment. She discusses the importance of technology in enhancing access to care and the role of strategic leadership in innovating healthcare.

    Gain insights into leveraging technology, understanding the importance of strategic leadership in challenging environments, and seeing how balancing personal well-being with professional growth can lead to significant industry impact. This episode is a must-watch for those looking to make a meaningful difference in the healthcare sector.

    Listen to the full episode here - https://beyond8figures.com/podcast-episodes/

    Watch the Episodes On YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Beyond8Figures/videos

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    From Passions to Profit: Shaping eCommerce Success with Chloë Thomas of eCommerce MasterPlan

    From Passions to Profit: Shaping eCommerce Success with Chloë Thomas of eCommerce MasterPlan

    The secret to a successful business isn't always about going viral or having the flashiest product. Knowing your why is one of the most influential factors. Chloë Thomas of eCommerce MasterPlan joins A.J. to discuss the importance of building a strong foundation, understanding your purpose as you scale your business, how to avoid getting swept up by short-term trends, and staying focused on your long-term goals and vision.

    About Chloë Thomas:

    Chloë Thomas is an e-commerce expert and the voice behind the award-winning eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast, as well as the newly launched Keep Optimising marketing podcast. With over 400 episodes under her belt, Chloe brings invaluable experience from her entrepreneurial journey, combined with a knack for storytelling that intrigues and inspires. 

    She believes that becoming an entrepreneur is not always about inventing the next big thing; sometimes, it's about making what you love your next big thing. Chloë's passion lies in helping businesses grow by solving their unique problems and ensuring they make the most of available growth opportunities.

    Key Insights:

    • Define your ‘why’. Knowing why you do what you do is crucial for building a purpose-driven business. This understanding inspires and motivates both you and your team and effectively communicates your brand's essence to your audience. (04:25)

    • Align your business with your passions. Doing what you love can lead not only to personal satisfaction but also to business success. When passion drives your projects, it creates a genuine connection with your team and customers. You get the best of both worlds - personal fulfillment and professional growth. (08:32)

    • Play to your strengths. The better you understand yourself, the better equipped you'll be to bring the best out of you in your business. Focus on skills that come naturally to you, and strategically delegate roles and responsibilities in a way that supports your strengths. This will help you maximize efficacy, generate innovative solutions, and advance your business. (15:20)

    • Consistency is crucial. Whether it's the release date of your podcast or the topics you cover, maintaining regularity is key. Consistency builds trust with your audience, resulting in strong relationships and a stronger brand presence. It’s the best way to establish your brand as a reliable thought leader in the industry. (19:47)

    • Stay focused on your core purpose. With so many different marketing hacks and new trends coming up every day, it can be easy to get caught up in them and lose sight of the bigger picture. However, it's essential to remember and stay connected to your core purpose. This will create a stable foundation that will keep your business grounded and consistent, ultimately helping you achieve your goals. (20:27)

    Chloë’s best advice for entrepreneurs:

    “The more you can understand about you and how you function and how you can bring out the best in yourself and the people around you, the better the impact you can have.” (15:48)

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    Affiliate Disclaimer: Some links in this episode are affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Rest assured, we only promote products/services we believe will benefit your entrepreneurial journey. 

    Hired a Chess Coach, Grew His Business: Lessons from Growing from Phil Alves of Dev Squad

    Hired a Chess Coach, Grew His Business: Lessons from Growing from Phil Alves of Dev Squad

    Entrepreneurs often view strategy and tactics as essential elements for propelling their startups toward success. Today, Phil Alves of DevSquad and DevStats sits down with A.J. to shed light on the nuances of strategic planning and tactical decision-making and how to balance these two vital aspects. They also explore the significance of tactical focus in business, how to build operational excellence, and why a good work-life balance is vital for every business owner.

    About Phil Alves:

    Phil Alves is currently the CEO of DevSquad and DevStats. He became a successful business owner very early on at 18 after teaching himself to code and becoming an SEO powerhouse—ranking a post at #1 on Google while still in high school. From there, he grew his first venture to a 10-employee size business, then sold it all before he could legally buy a lottery ticket.

    Phil's relentless zeal for entrepreneurship didn't stop there. He moved to the US from his home country, Brazil, seeking further education, and settled in Salt Lake City, fore-fronting a new adventure by founding DevSquad. Over the years, he successfully grew his startup into a 100-person cross-functional team operating in the US and Brazil. Alongside, he’s been instrumental in leading numerous startups to multi-million dollar exits and developing digital products for major establishments like ADP, Box, and the US Ski and Snowboarding team.

    Key Insights

    • Make the most out of your team’s capabilities. Leverage the unique skills and expertise of your team. When you invest in developing and expanding their skill sets, you boost your business's tactical adaptability. This makes you more equipped to adapt in the face of changes, keeping you at the forefront of your industry's curve. (05:34)

    • Balance autonomy and direction. While giving your team autonomy is key, it's equally important to provide strategic direction. The right balance between the two can improve productivity and bring fresh ideas while moving towards the same business goals. This helps your team be happier, perform better, and feel more motivated. (08:33)

    • Reduce the downs in your business. Every business experiences peaks and downs. However, consistently striving to reduce those downs can strengthen your business and make it more resilient. This involves proactive risk management, where you identify potential problem areas, analyze their impact, and take measures to prevent or reduce their occurrence. (14:56)

    • Build a strong acquisition channel. A strong customer acquisition channel ensures a constant influx of potential customers, allowing businesses to focus on delivering quality products and services without fear of losing current customers. Instead of limiting yourself to one method, use multiple platforms to widen your reach and secure your customer base. (23:23)

    • Find a good balance between life and work. While professional accomplishments are important, they should never override the value of personal well-being. So, aim to find the right balance between work and personal life to avoid burnout and feel more fulfilled. (31:45)

    Phil’s best advice for entrepreneurs:

    “Every business has ups and downs, but what you're trying to do [...] is reduce the downs. And also, you're going to be able to know better how to behave into those downs because you know it's not the end, and things are going to turn around.” (14:56)

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    Biz Bites 3: Ending The Entrepreneur Burnout with Philip Blackett, Dream Business Makeover

    Biz Bites 3: Ending The Entrepreneur Burnout with Philip Blackett, Dream Business Makeover

    Discover the critical turning point every successful entrepreneur faces: the shift from hands-on problem solver to strategic leader. In this enlightening Biz Bite, hear firsthand accounts of the challenges of scaling a business and the personal toll it can take when you're juggling all the hats.

    Gain insights on the importance of consistent evaluation and course correction in your business journey, all while maintaining your well-being and personal relationships. Learn from those who've walked the path before and understand the delicate balance between rolling up your sleeves and stepping back to steer the ship.

    Listen to the full episode here - https://beyond8figures.com/podcast-episodes/

    Watch the Episodes On YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Beyond8Figures/videos

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    A Fitness Phenomenon: How Ex-Minor Leaguer Created a Franchise Empire with Devan Kline of Burn Boot Camp

    A Fitness Phenomenon: How Ex-Minor Leaguer Created a Franchise Empire with Devan Kline of Burn Boot Camp

    Business expansion comes hand in hand with daunting challenges, particularly when venturing into franchising. Devan Kline, the co-founder of Burn Boot Camp, has skillfully navigated this path, transforming a humble fitness venture into a soaring $400 million enterprise. Today, he sits down with A.J. to share the lessons he learned from growing his fitness franchise, the challenges of scaling from 10 to 100 million, and the importance of people operating systems.

    About Devan Kline:

    Devan Kline is a dynamic entrepreneur, renowned fitness expert, and motivational speaker known for his relentless commitment to health and wellness. As a co-founder and CEO of Burn Boot Camp, a thriving fitness brand valued at $400 million, he has reached outstanding heights in the fitness industry.

    Starting his entrepreneurial journey with just $600, Devan and his spouse transformed a simple parking lot boot camp into a fitness empire spanning over 200 locations. His story is a testament to his impassioned dedication, risk-taking, and visionary leadership.

    Key Insights

    • Create a community around your product. Your product draws customers in, but the sense of community and connection fosters long-term loyalty and engagement. Aim to build a supportive environment by creating meaningful, value-centered engagements through regular interactions, customer appreciation, or active participation in community initiatives. (06:34)

    • Speak your customers’ language. Use the common language of your customers so that you can cultivate a deeper connection with them and build a supportive community around your brand. This will drive the expansion and sustained growth of your business franchise. (09:49)

    • Lead by example. When leaders live the values they preach, it inspires their employees, reinforcing the company's culture and strengthening the organization as a whole. So, live your values, inspire people through actions, and cultivate a work culture that mirrors your brand's ethos. (13:18) 

    • Keep a clear vision. Business growth requires clarity that aligns with your goals and objectives. This creates direction and minimizes potential risks or missteps during the expansion phase. It ensures your business continues on the correct path and helps with decision-making, planning, and strategizing for successful growth. (26:17)

    • Stay focused. Focus on your main operations and avoid distractions that may hamper growth, compromise product or service quality, and lead to unexpected challenges. Stay focused on primary goals, ensuring every step aligns with your overall mission for effective and efficient scaling. (38:35)

    Devan’s best advice for entrepreneurs:

    “The business needs to serve something greater than itself. And you can't just wake up every day staring at an issues list and a book of problems and pretend that you thrive in the chaos. Everybody needs a pat on the back every once in a while.” (30:33)

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    Affiliate Disclaimer: Some links in this episode are affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Rest assured, we only promote products/services we believe will benefit your entrepreneurial journey. 

    Biz Bites 2: How to Craft Timeless Copy That Sells with Will Green

    Biz Bites 2: How to Craft Timeless Copy That Sells with Will Green

    Discover what it takes to excel in copywriting from an industry expert who's made a million dollars a year without relying on the hyped-up promises of quick riches. In this eye-opening Biz Bite, Will debunks the myths of copywriting courses and shares the real secret to making an irresistible offer – it's simpler than you think, but far from easy.

    Gain insights into the transformative power of clear, honest copy that delivers on its promises, and learn why tactics like the surprisingly effective Post-it note ad are just fleeting advantages in the ever-evolving landscape of marketing. Whether you're crafting your next campaign or refining your brand's message, this episode will arm you with the foundational principles of copywriting that endure beyond the latest trends.

    Listen to the full episode here - https://beyond8figures.com/podcast-episodes/

    Watch the Episodes On YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Beyond8Figures/videos

    The Long Journey to Overnight Success with Kim and Lance Burney of Mighty Carver

    The Long Journey to Overnight Success with Kim and Lance Burney of Mighty Carver

    The challenges of entrepreneurship are sometimes hidden behind those "instant" success stories, which are actually built on loads of hard work, smart planning, and detailed execution. Today, A.J. welcomes Kim and Lance Burney of Mighty Carver, who know quite well what it takes to overcome these entrepreneurial hurdles. In this episode, they share their journey from starting in 1999 to an overnight boost after their appearance on Shark Tank.

    About Kim and Lance Burney:
    Kim and Lance Burney are a powerhouse duo famous for their creation, the Mighty Carver, an innovative company born out of a family tradition. Their story is one of perseverance and dynamic adaptation in entrepreneurship. They have been leading innovators in manufacturing since 2000 with their primary venture, Sigalarm. They revolutionized the power-line warning system industry, growing from being the only players to standing out among ten competitors globally. 

    Branching out, they grabbed an opportunity on a Thanksgiving dinner when a quirky idea sparked - manufacture an electric carving knife that looks like a chainsaw. Leveraging their expertise in manufacturing, Kim came up with the idea out of a playful thought that if the knife were a chainsaw, every member of their family would be excited to cut the turkey. So, the Mighty Carver was born, a testament to their creativity, wit, and entrepreneurial spirit.

    Key Insights

    • Take a leap of faith. Success often starts with taking a calculated risk. You need to rely on due diligence and informed judgment, but be ready to dive deep when you sense an opportunity. This leap of faith, combined with resilience and hard work, lays a strong foundation for your business. This approach inspires forward-thinking strategies, innovation, and sustainable growth, which are key elements in achieving long-term success. (07:55)

    • Embrace the good side of competition. Competition can give you a necessary push towards innovation and excellence. It keeps you on your toes and encourages you to improve your products, services, and processes continuously. Taking cues from your competitors can lead to new ideas and underline areas of growth in your business. (10:15)

    • Believe in what you're doing. Passion and belief in your cause will help you go far. They not only fuel motivation but also encourage others to support your vision. Your employees, partners, and customers can all sense true passion, motivating them to invest their time, effort, or loyalty into helping bring your vision to life. So, stand behind your product or service and ensure your actions and strategies align with this belief. (17:48)

    • Define success on your own terms. Success is subjective - it doesn't have to align with societal expectations or norms. Define what success means to you, whether it's gaining financial independence, making a difference, or achieving a healthy work-life balance. Follow this personal metric instead of comparing yourself with others because that’s the only way to achieve the goals that truly matter to you. (33:25)

    • Maintain a good work-life balance. While it's important to be dedicated to your business, setting aside time for relaxation and relationships is equally important. Striking a balance between professional goals and personal time isn't just crucial for well-being—it can actually boost productivity at work. When you return to work recharged, you can focus more, creatively solve problems, and stay motivated for longer periods. (34:56)

    Kim and Lance’s best advice for entrepreneurs:

    “You can't focus on the failures. [...] Yes, you have to learn from it, but you cannot dwell on it and let it consume you and your drive for whatever it is you're doing.” (31:07)

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    Biz Bites 1: Entrepreneur's Dilemma: SMB vs Startup with Amit Garg

    Biz Bites 1: Entrepreneur's Dilemma: SMB vs Startup with Amit Garg

    In this insightful segment, join Amit Garg, Co-Founder, and Managing Partner at TAU Ventures, an AI-first, seed-first VC fund, as he delves into the entrepreneur's dilemma, weighing the options between Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) and startups. Gain strategic insights, investor selection tips, and a nuanced understanding of purpose in business. Navigate the crossroads with Amit Garg, drawing from his wealth of experience in the business landscape.

    Listen to the full episode here - https://beyond8figures.com/podcast-episodes/

    Watch the Episodes On YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Beyond8Figures/videos

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    Spreading Wealth Through Acquisition Entrepreneurship with Jason Ehrlich of Fruition Capital

    Spreading Wealth Through Acquisition Entrepreneurship with Jason Ehrlich of Fruition Capital

    Entrepreneurs are continually seeking new opportunities to expand their wealth. One standout strategy is to diversify investments, a powerful approach that minimizes risk and maximizes opportunities for growth. Jason Ehrlich of Fruition Capital sits down with A.J. to explore how you can create wealth through acquisition entrepreneurship and real estate but also demonstrate the key advantages of investment diversification.

    About Jason Ehrlich:
    Jason Ehrlich is an entrepreneur and passionate investor based in Atlanta who's also a pro at juggling family, business, and adventure. He spends his days managing two investment firms that he founded—one in the commercial multifamily space, the other in small business acquisitions

    Jason and his wife, Kelly, were digital nomads for two years, traveling all over the world way before remote work became cool. When he's not running his investment firms or spending quality time with Kelly and their two boys, you’ll find him on a learning journey, always open to the world of new opportunities. With his unique insights and experiences on the connection between entrepreneurship and investment diversification, Jason helps other entrepreneurs level up their financial game to eight figures and beyond.

    Key Insights

    • Find investors who will actively participate in your journey. When working with investors, remember it's not just about the capital they provide. They offer much more, from providing valuable insights and experience to extending your network. They can help you build a stronger foundation and build a roadmap that works for your unique goals. (08:29)

    • Embrace incremental growth. Aim for steady progress rather than overnight success. This way, you can build long-term value and gradually move towards your goals. This approach ensures sustainable growth, lays a solid foundation for your business, and even attracts investors who can provide strategic guidance and share valuable industry insights. (12:32)

    • Focus on one thing at a time. As Jason puts it in this episode, growth comes from a dedicated and singular focus. When you focus on everything all at once, you can spread your resources too thin and get mediocre results. Prioritize and direct your energy and resources toward a specific aspect of the business to improve your decision-making processes and create more intentional growth. (17:29)

    • Get a clear picture of the operations before you acquire a business.  When considering an acquisition, it's crucial to thoroughly understand the operational aspects of the target company. Research, analyze, and assess the company's systems, strategies, and compatibility with your own business to ensure a successful integration. (33:52)

    • Bring on an investor to improve your chances of success. Engaging with the right investor can bring additional value to your business. The expertise, mentorship, and network they provide can enhance your chances of success, thereby making the investment a mutually beneficial partnership. With their support, your ability to diversify investments also improves. (39:06)

    Jason’s best advice for entrepreneurs:

    “Growth comes from dedication, focus on a particular area of expertise. So that's where our fund kind of comes in and adds some value: we are investing with folks that have that singular laser focus on the thing that we're doing.” (17:29)

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    Build Your Legacy through Real Estate Investing Brandon Cobb of HBG Capital

    Build Your Legacy through Real Estate Investing Brandon Cobb of HBG Capital

    Not many investment opportunities are as rewarding and powerful as real estate investing. However, it requires careful planning and an in-depth understanding of the real estate market. Today, Brandon Cobb of HBG Capital joins A.J. to discuss how real estate can help you generate passive income, ensure financial stability, and leave a legacy for generations to enjoy. They dive into the value of investing in middle Tennessee, the benefits of passive real estate investing, and when to consider jumping into this field as an entrepreneur.

    About Brandon Cobb:
    Brandon Cobb is the CEO of HBG Capital, assisting busy business owners to build a legacy, retire, and make an impact with real estate investments. He’s a strategic legacy consultant dedicated to providing passive investment opportunities for busy professionals who want to invest in real estate without the hassle of being a landlord.

    Brandon worked as a medical device sales rep before becoming a fund manager & licensed GC in TN, managing 20 million+ of new development annually in first-time home buyer housing and build-to-rent communities. He was featured on the cover of REI Wealth magazine, Realty 411 Magazine, and has been quoted and published in Forbes magazine.

    Key Insights:

    • Identify the best investment opportunity and lean into it. Just like in business, real estate investing is also about spotting the right investment opportunities. Once you’ve recognized the most promising opportunity, commit to it with confidence and diligence. This is how your real estate investment portfolio can experience significant growth and returns. (05:10)

    • Reinvent your strategies. The same strategies give the same results, whether it is in business, real estate, or any other investment. Stay flexible to change and ready to pivot when it’s needed. So, when you feel stuck, don’t be afraid to refine and reinvent your strategies. That’s how you achieve progress and ultimately open yourself to a world of new opportunities. (15:20)

    • Shift your growth mindset. When you feel like you’ve hit the growth ceiling, Brandon suggests applying the concept ‘10x is easier than 2x.’ This will force you to think exponentially instead of linearly and redefine your approach to push the boundaries of what you deem possible. (17:28)

    • Hire strategic partners, not employees. Hire proactive people who you can learn from and who can take initiative when needed. Empower them to take ownership of not only their own professional development but also your company’s growth. This hiring attitude will benefit you both, leading to a more growth-centric environment. (18:58)

    • Focus on one thing. Single focus is vital in real estate, just like business. It allows you to think more clearly, make better decisions, and ultimately achieve excellence. So, focus your attention on one opportunity, and don’t stop until you have mastered it! (26:05)

    Brandon’s best advice for entrepreneurs:

    “If you want to grow a giant pumpkin, first identify the strongest pumpkin early on, cut off all those other pumpkins off the vine, so all of the nutrients goes to that pumpkin.’ And that's how you grow.” (05:32)

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    Key Learnings from 2023 with A.J. Lawrence of JAR Group

    Key Learnings from 2023 with A.J. Lawrence of JAR Group

    As we prepare and set goals for the upcoming year, reflecting on how far you’ve come and where you want to go next as an entrepreneur is important. Join our host, A.J. Lawrence, in this special episode as he shares his top 5 business learnings from the brilliant guests in 2023. Let’s set the tone for a successful 2024.

    About A.J. Lawrence

    A.J. Lawrence is the Founder and CEO of the award-winning JAR Group, a global growth strategy and management agency. You probably also know him as the host of Beyond 8 Figures. A.J. is a dedicated mentor, growth strategist, and angel investor. He calls himself a “journeyman entrepreneur” because he finds great joy in learning from accomplished experts and finding ways to apply these insights to his life and business.

    Having led his award-winning digital marketing agency into the INC. 500 twice and having several 7-figure exits, he knows exactly what it takes to get where he is today. Apart from providing consulting services to his clients, he also gives back and shares his expertise with the community by hosting Beyond 8 Figures and welcoming other inspiring entrepreneurs to the show.

    Craft your own entrepreneurial journey in 2024

    With the new year just around the corner, ask yourself, ‘Where do I want to be this time next year?’ More precisely, ‘What kind of entrepreneur do I want to be?’ 

    Before you write any resolutions and business goals this year, take the time to reflect on lessons, achievements, and failures from 2023. Identify the highs and lows, the opportunities you seized, and the challenges you successfully overcame. Acknowledge the overall progress you’ve made both personally and professionally. This is the perfect time of the year for introspection and past year reflection. Take some rest from hard work and give yourself a pat on the back. And then, it’s time to get to work!

    2024 has the potential to be your best year so far, but it’s all up to you. Embrace the learnings from 2023 and stick with us at Beyond 8 Figures – we’re here to share insights, guide, and inspire you with every new episode. 

    Key Insights

    • Believe in possibilities. Believe you can and you will. As A.J. puts it in this episode, a can-do attitude can weather any storm. So, start consistently working on the belief that you will succeed in your business goals. That’s how you will be able to take the necessary actions to achieve them and overcome any challenges. (02:09)

    • Define what success means for you. Success means different things for different people. Defining your version of success is important to set clear goals and priorities. When you have a clear idea of where you’re going, you can better decide on the next steps and build a business that aligns with your values and mission. (04:13)

    • Communicate your vision consistently. Setting goals is not enough. You also need to consistently communicate them with your team as you move toward them together. Consistently communicating your vision will encourage your team to keep going and help recognize and celebrate the progress you’re making together, ultimately fostering a resilient team culture. (06:05)

    • Invest in your people, and they’ll invest in your vision. It’s no secret that growing your team means growing your company. When you invest in your team’s development, you practically invest in your company’s future. Skilled people deliver better results; that’s a fact. But this kind of leadership goes beyond mere numbers. It inspires and motivates people to drive innovation, work more productively, and ultimately push together toward a shared vision. (08:40)

    • Take small steps to achieve big goals. There’s a reason we say ‘slow and steady wins the race.’ Achieving big wins involves setting up the right foundation and making consistent, incremental progress toward your goals. So, take the time to build a strong foundation and a resilient team. Then, maintain your pace; when the right opportunity comes, you'll be fully prepared to seize it. (12:24)

    A.J.’s best advice for entrepreneurs:

    “A can-do attitude can weather any storm. [...] Just consistently work on the belief that you will succeed. That doesn't make it that you will succeed, but it will help when problems come up.” (02:24) 

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    New Year, New Heights: The Best of 'Beyond 8 Figures' 2023

    New Year, New Heights: The Best of 'Beyond 8 Figures' 2023

    ‘New Year, new me.’ Why don’t we switch it up in terms of business and instead say, ‘New Year, new heights?’ With this as our main motto for the following year, we’re bringing you our special compilation episode. We’ve had so many incredible guests this year that it’s almost impossible to pick the best moments from 2023. So, we focused on highlighting the best business lessons that can help you set your goals and transform your business in 2024.

    About the Guests

    • Ray Titus is the CEO of United Franchise Group™ (UFG), who transformed Signarama® into a leading sign franchise, laying the groundwork for UFG's success as a global leader for entrepreneurs.
    • Juho Makkonen is the CEO and Co-Founder of Sharetribe, an innovative software company helping entrepreneurs get their marketplace businesses off the ground.
    • Billie Simmons is the co-founder and COO of Daylight, a company on a mission to help LGBTQ+ people live their best lives.
    • Kirk Michie is the Founder and currently the Managing Partner of Candor Advisors, a company providing transaction advisory services to successful founder-led businesses. 
    • Curro Romero is the founder of Vimbu (also considered an Airbnb of ski lessons), an innovative app connecting skiers and snowboarders directly with instructors.
    • Matthijs Welle is the CEO of Mews, a hospitality software company. He’s passionate about reshaping the hotel industry with technology and an innovative approach.
    • Karen Eber is a thought leader, author, and an exceptional storyteller. She’s currently the CEO and Chief Storyteller at Eber Leadership Group.

    Key Insights

    • Gear your business towards your strengths. Instead of trying to do everything on your own, focus on your strengths and hire your weaknesses. This will allow you to channel your energies into areas where you excel and make the most impact. (00:30)
    • Open your eyes for opportunities. Sometimes, there are business opportunities staring you right in the face, but you don’t even see them. Try to be more present and keep your eyes open. An opportunity of your lifetime could be just around the corner! (09:19)
    • Seek help when you need it. Despite what some entrepreneurs believe, it’s okay to ask for help. It acknowledges the fact that you're determined to overcome obstacles and succeed by leveraging all available resources. So, whether you need a growth advisor or a team coach, don’t hesitate to get support when needed. (12:33)
    • Embrace uncertainty. When you accept that life is unpredictable and that you can’t control everything in your business, that’s when you truly open yourself to opportunities. It’s true that uncertainty brings challenges, but it also spurs innovation and creativity, so embrace it to unlock your business potential. (16:06)
    • Focus on your customers. Your business is all about your customers. When you’re thinking of a new content strategy, sales pitch, or unique differentiator for your company, keep your customers at the forefront. This will create a loyal customer base but also grow your business through referrals. (23:09)

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    From Immigrant to Multimilionare: Bridging Borders & Building a Global Empire with Kanessa Muluneh of Mulu

    From Immigrant to Multimilionare: Bridging Borders & Building a Global Empire with Kanessa Muluneh of Mulu

    Global expansion offers many business benefits, but it requires careful planning and a deliberate approach. Kanessa Muluneh of Mulu joins A.J. to discuss how she built a multimillion-dollar lifestyle brand and global influence spanning different industries and continents. She dives deep into her immigration journey, the challenges of unfamiliar territories, and overcoming cultural barriers. 

    About Kanessa Muluneh:
    Kanessa Muluneh is the Founder of MULU, a multimillion-dollar plus-size clothing brand. She comes from Ethiopia but was raised in the Netherlands. From reshaping fashion with MULU to launching Europe's first Female American Football League, Kanessa uses her global influence to solve actual problems for her audience and make a true impact beyond business.

    She started six businesses by age 32 but also built diverse streams of income and companies. She's not just an entrepreneur; Kanessa prefers to call herself a ‘problem solver.’ Shaped by her cultural background and motivated by impact, Kanessa brings a unique perspective to the table, fostering learning in underserved regions and inspiring a new generation of entrepreneurs worldwide.

    Key Insights:

    • Take the time to adjust to a new market. Every new market is different and it requires a different game plan. No matter how much you read and learn about it, you can never be fully prepared to take on a new market until you have boots on the ground. So, it’s essential to take your time with global expansion, stay agile, and learn from the local environment. (06:01)

    • Find your unique differentiator. The thing with achieving significant success is pinpointing what sets you apart and then playing to those qualities. Just like Kanessa recognized what made her special to her audience, you can leverage your special traits to your advantage and turn them into value for your customers. This will attract more like-minded people to you, create stronger bonds with them, and ultimately build a successful personal brand. (15:48)

    • Learn from your mistakes. Much like every other person on the planet, you will also make mistakes. But what matters for your entrepreneurial journey is to find a lesson in every failure. They are the most valuable opportunities for growth and improvement. (17:55)

    • Surround yourself with supportive people. A strong support system is one of the key factors for success in life. That can be your family member, friend, or partner, but it can also be a mentor. So, find someone who will hold you accountable, push you to new levels, and help you achieve your goals. With that kind of support, everything is possible. (19:35)

    • Let go of fear. The best things in life are on the other side of fear. Despite the fact that fear is a natural human emotion, you can’t let it get in the way of your goals. So, instead of just ignoring these anxious feelings, learn to use them to your advantage. Sit with your fears to uncover what’s truly underneath. Then, when you’re ready, take small steps outside of your comfort zone because that’s how the most rewarding experiences will happen. (32:16)

    Kanessa’s best advice for entrepreneurs:

    “Sometimes people are quick to just say, ‘Just work hard, work smart, whatever.’ It's not just that. It's really your support system or the people around you that can get you to where you are sometimes.” (19:55)

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    Harnessing AI for Maximum Performance with AI Expert Kevin Surace of Appvance.ai

    Harnessing AI for Maximum Performance with AI Expert Kevin Surace of Appvance.ai

    What an exciting time to be alive. Using artificial intelligence for business has ushered us into a truly fascinating era of unprecedented productivity and efficiencies. Today, AI expert Kevin Surace of Appvance.ai joins A.J. to share his game-changing insights into AI capacities. He gives practical lessons about using automation to improve performance, choosing the right AI tools for your needs, and harnessing the power of AI to revolutionize your business.

    About Kevin Surace:
    Kevin Surace is a Chairman and CTO at Appvance, an AI expert, keynote speaker, and an award-winning CEO, CTO, and Innovator. He has been working in the Artificial Intelligence space since the 1990s and has much to say about AI's state, GPT models, and the impacts on your job and your life. He has been awarded almost 100 worldwide patents, including the core technology that would become Siri and other virtual assistants.  

    Futurist and Disruptive Innovation Keynote Speaker, Creator of the First Smartphone and Digital Assistant, and Innovator of the Decade. Kevin is a top innovation keynote speaker, CEO, and inventor of one of the world’s first smartphones. Kevin has been named Inc. Magazine’s Entrepreneur of the Year, CNBC’s Innovator of the Decade, and inducted into RIT’s Innovation Hall of Fame. While he has a deep technical background, he has been featured in over 15 TED and TEDx talks and is a high-energy, dynamic speaker and true entertainer who has energized hundreds of audiences to action.

    Key Insights:

    • Automate your business for faster delivery. You can use large language models to automate various tasks in your business, such as emails, presentations, social media scheduling, etc., to save time and money. This ensures faster and more accurate delivery, improving operational efficiency and leaving more time for strategic tasks. (09:53)
    • Improve communication with AI. AI can simplify complex information and help you achieve more clarity by condensing lengthy reports or turning articles into briefs. You can use it to streamline communication and reduce misunderstandings, ultimately improving work productivity and professional relationships. (12:58)
    • Double your productivity with AI. Using artificial intelligence for business is the ultimate productivity hack. Kevin says AI makes us 10 to 100 times more productive with everyday tasks. So, use it to boost your team’s performance and ultimately achieve more with less time. (14:58)
    • Choose the right AI tools. Take the time to find what works for you, what brings value to your business, and what improves your team’s productivity. This will ensure you get maximum value from the tools you use and not get distracted by every new one on the market. (21:25)
    • Futureproof your business. AI is transforming almost every industry. There’s no hiding from it or denying its potential. Artificial intelligence is no longer a fun thing to have for businesses that want to thrive - it’s what sets them apart from the competition. You either embrace it or risk extinction. (31:41)

    Kevin’s best advice for entrepreneurs:

    “I think as an entrepreneur, the only thing we don't have is time because time is money. [...] Start using these accessible models that are now in English, and you might find five hours of your day come back to you.” (20:02)

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    5 Proven Ways for Increasing Business Efficiency with A.J. Lawrence

    5 Proven Ways for Increasing Business Efficiency with A.J. Lawrence

    Business efficiency paves the way for sustainable growth and long-term success, so it’s important to prioritize it within the organization. This week, we have a special episode where A.J. reflects on the importance of simplicity in business and walks us through five tried-and-tested ways to improve business efficiency.

    Key Insights:

    • Remove inefficiencies from your processes. Increasing business efficiency starts by revisiting and reviewing your processes. Closely examine your current workflows for complexity and inefficiencies. When you identify unnecessary steps that no longer serve your purpose, eliminate them to leave more space for strategic thinking and innovation. (01:37)

    • Embrace automation. Automation can reduce repetitive tasks and minimize errors, leading to improved team productivity and overall business efficiency. Once you successfully implement automation into your processes, you can then repurpose your team's time and effort towards activities that require creativity and strategic thinking, as well as spark innovation. (02:00)

    • Standardize your business procedures. Instead of burdening yourself and your team with constant decision-making, aim to standardize your business procedures. Provide clearly defined processes and precise guidelines. This will reduce missteps, drive more efficiency, and ensure consistency in your business. (02:30)

    • Choose the right AI tools to improve business efficiency. AI is a powerful business ally, particularly when you use it effectively. The best AI tool is the one that perfectly aligns with your organization's needs, so take the time to find the right solution for your team, as this is an investment that will certainly bring incredible value to your company. (02:55)

    • Commit to ongoing improvement. As an entrepreneur, you can get so invested in daily operations that you overlook your potential to improve. But the key is to stay open to new ideas, groundbreaking technologies, and constant improvement. This is how you grow as an entrepreneur and, ultimately, how your business grows and evolves with you. (03:58)

    A.J.’s best advice for entrepreneurs:

    “Take the time to identify and eliminate unnecessary complexities. You can then create a more efficient, productive, and enjoyable environment for you and your team.” (05:29)

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