

    We highlight stories of acquired brain injury, promote the Brain Injury Network clubhouses and their members, and sprinkle hope on everything we share to new survivors, their caregivers and the public.

    en-usBrain Injury Network of Dallas (BIND)71 Episodes

    Episodes (71)

    Re-Release: What Is A Brain Injury?

    Re-Release: What Is A Brain Injury?

    In honor of Brain Injury Awareness Month, we are re-releasing our most popular episodes. Today you will be hearing our very first episode that was published on March 25th, 2021 “What is a Brain Injury?” You will re-meet Karl H. as a founding member of BIN and his knowledge on brain injury through 15 years of recovery 💚
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    Don't Get Mad, Do Something!

    Don't Get Mad, Do Something!

    Listen to these inspirational stories from two members at BIND.  Kezia and Olivia who are both young stroke survivors.  They will tell you that every experience is different, and how to recognize that many brain injuries are invisible.  In the podcast, you will hear how they persevere and overcome fatigue, difficulty in speech and cognitive tasks, memory lapses, and networking in simple conversations.  They both had to re-learn how to focus and concentrate with their challenges.  Ultimately, they desire to be a resource for others who have had strokes or any brain injury survivors.

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    Where do you want to go now…

    Where do you want to go now…

    Enjoy listening to Gregg Grossman, Ph.D., who is a life coach, president of Beyond Perseverance, and author of Times of Perseverance: Hope and Healing on the Battlefields of Life.  No stranger to brain injury, he had to recover from two car accidents over 10 years.  Gregg explains how he uses mostly open-ended questions to build trust, spirit, and why they should even care about themselves.  He finds ways to help clients to set boundaries, reframing their way to see things positively, and getting from point A to point B in life! 

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    Amplifying Our Importance

    Amplifying Our Importance

    In today's episode Carrie and Kezia take the stage to offer their perspectives, not just as co-hosts but as stroke survivors and members of the Brain Injury Network. Reflecting on why BIN embarked on this podcast journey and the importance of providing a platform for survivors to break the silence surrounding brain injuries.  They uncover the multifaceted layers of our mission and navigate the challenges, victories, and profound impact of our podcast within the brain injury community. 

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    What Difference Do We Make?

    What Difference Do We Make?

    Most members want to do a job well and improve what they do. This interview with BIND’s Executive Director, Brian White, explains the progress we have made in the past year, and looks forward to a bright future. Not only have we doubled our listening base with weekly podcasts, but we have been successful with our public events, efforts for fundraising, opening the new location, and setting plans for Fort Worth to open five days a week. Brian wants to continue high-energy projects, and plans to increase our member-led events.

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    There Are Many Ways to Watch Progress

    There Are Many Ways to Watch Progress

    Chris, a member of BIN, believes that his disability cannot stop his destiny with his brain injury.  He was born without sight but continued to study in college, worked, and lived independently before his brain injury. As his caregiver, his mom, Marilyn, joins us in the conversation to share her perspective.

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    What does a Licensed Professional Counselor do?

    What does a Licensed Professional Counselor do?

    Kevan believes that any professional does not allow people to humiliate themselves in therapy, but rather, strives to obtain the most self-efficacy with the least intervention possible. These programs are varied, including testing, coaching, on-site observations, and specific skills such as art, speech, and computer instruction.

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    It Takes a Team To Create a Clubhouse

    It Takes a Team To Create a Clubhouse

    Kevan Beijan brings more than 20 years of licensed professional counseling (LCP) experience. He was an original BIN board member for five years and was instrumental in the decision to create a clubhouse for brain injury survivors. 

    BIN is now a recognizable brand within the DFW medical community.

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    In his youth, Steve was a football player and still adores his home team!  Today, as a BIND member, he shares his mantra that despite the challeges he has faced, never give up!  Steve went through four different strokes with various symptoms, including fear, anxiety, balance, vision issues, blood clots, transfusions, and scary neck problems.  One of the most difficult effects of the many strokes was the struggle with aphasia, but he did not quit and has strengthened his speech and is now on our podcast! 

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    Taking Care of You During the Holidays

    Taking Care of You During the Holidays

    Enjoy our round table discussion for some holiday self care tips. What to avoid as a brain injury survivor and how your loved ones can help! We feel that these tools are useful for anyone during this time. We share what works for us and what we’ve learned since our brain injuries. We would also like to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday Season!

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    Making the Right Choices after a Brain Injury Part 2

    Making the Right Choices after a Brain Injury Part 2

    Do you know what eating habits, foster good sleep, and build strength following a brain injury?  Learn how to employ health lifestyles in Part 2 with Dr. Simon Driver and Jasmine Herrera - Martinez.  Consider some tools to help survivors choose foods with quality oils, using elastic bands to exercise, getting additional rest, eating dinner early, and limiting sugars, sweeteners, and caffeine.   Both of our guests acknowledge that it is difficult, but not impossible, to live with a healthy lifestyle after a brain injury.

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    Making the Right Choices after a Brain Injury Pt. 1

    Making the Right Choices after a Brain Injury Pt. 1

    What can we learn about healthy lifestyle choices after a brain injury?  We listen to Dr. Simon Driver who directs a research program in Rehab and Jasmine Herrera - Martinez who is a brain injury survivor and is the administrator of the TBI Peer Mentor Program at Baylor Scott and White.  Dr. Driver received his doctorate in Exercise Sciences which led to his interest in healthy lifestyles for brain injury survivors. As a brain injury survivor, Jasmine shares her experience living with TBI and how the lifestyle studies helped her.

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    Coordinating the Chaos

    Coordinating the Chaos

    Have you ever wondered, who is working behind the scenes to coordinate your care in rehab? Meet case manager supervisor, Tonja Ohradzansky, who has been working with brain injury survivors for over 8 years at PATE Rehabilitation. Tonja shares her superpower - Coordinating the Chaos! Learn how she helps survivors & their families navigate life with a brain injury after rehab.

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    How Does a “GO-GO-GO” Person Cope After a Brain Injury?

    How Does a “GO-GO-GO” Person Cope After a Brain Injury?

    This week we hear from Becca, a BIND member, who tells us how she got out of her comfort zone to prove that she was on the right track in her recovery. Following her skydiving accident in 2013, Becca learned that she was not in control of everything. In her recovery she is retraining herself to work with other people and plans to add to her three degrees by communicating her experiences. Becca gives advice that the injury will get better, that it takes time to understand people’s needs, and remember that what you put into your recovery is what you will get out of it. 

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    The Do Over

    The Do Over

    What happens when you go to sleep and wake up 6 months later? Meet BIND member Nate, who suffered a traumatic brain injury after falling down the stairs. This left him lying injured for an hour before he was discovered. He was in a coma for 6 months, then spent 6 more months in a vegetative state before being able to begin his rehabilitation. His do over is his second chance at starting life over.

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    Don’t wait! Reminder: Act FAST!

    Don’t wait! Reminder: Act FAST!

    For a lot of survivors, BIND is a lifeline to making new friends and accepting the “New You”. Listen to Michael who tells us that the most important factor for recovery is to keep an open mind at all times. He shares how the stroke affected him, how he is making progress each day, and how he is taking a bigger role and writing for bindwaves. 

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    en-usOctober 12, 2023

    A Vulnerability Became My Leading Best Asset

    A Vulnerability Became My Leading Best Asset

    Today, we're thrilled to introduce Emily, our intern at BIND Plano Clubhouse. Starting with a brain tumor diagnosis at 41, Emily has navigated a labyrinth of surgeries and brain-related challenges in her survival story. And guess what? She's far from done. In fact, she's back in school, and on her way to becoming a counselor. According to Emily, “Sometimes, it takes showing someone a mirror so that they can see their own resilience.” Listen to hear her amazing story of resilience, patience, and rock-solid fortitude. 

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    There's Magic In The Mess

    There's Magic In The Mess

    Today Kezia and Carrie talk with Jeni from the Brain Injury Network of Dallas (BIND). She shares her experience of suffering two concussions while working as a teacher. Her journey for recovery included difficulties in memory and recall, balance, speech, planning, slowness in answering questions, walking, shopping, and other physical activities. Jeni acknowledges that she has a long way to go, but has acquired a keen interest in becoming a social worker, specifically to help others with brain injuries. Her goal in life is to spread the word that survivors are never alone, and should take people at their word about their progress.

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    Train The Brain - Part 2

    Train The Brain - Part 2

    It’s ok to not be ok, just don’t stay there!” says Leigh Richardson, the Founder and Clinical Director of the Brain Performance Center. We’re welcoming Leigh back for a second episode as we delve into the purpose of the Brain Performance Center. The center focuses on the behavioral health model and it’s not just for brain injuries survivors but for anyone wanting to improve their brain health.  Learn about the 4 things that put the brain in a disruptive position. Mental health = Brain Health. 

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    Train The Brain - Part 1

    Train The Brain - Part 1

    When Leigh’s 5th grader came to her and told her that his “brain was broken”, it kickstarted her 30 year study of Human Behavior.Today, at the Brain Injury Network (BIND), we hear from Leigh Richardson, who started the Brain Performance Center in 2009 and has decades of experience in counseling. Leigh not only discusses her son’s brain injury but shares her personal experiences from her own concussions. 

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