
    Bippity Boppity Business: A podcast for Disney Enthusiasts and Business Professionals.

    No one makes magic in business like Disney! On this podcast we are focused on teaching business leaders and entrepreneurs Disney storytelling magic. You will learn how to infuse wonder into your brand. You will uncover the secrets to immerse your customers and convert them from passive follower to super-fan consumers. Join us as we hear from Disney cast members, influencers, and enthusiasts as we uncover the secrets of what it takes "behind the scenes" to make Disney such a successful and well-loved brand! Better yet, how to apply these tactics and creative ideas for YOUR business! Don't worry, we will be sure to have some good old fashioned Disney fun along the way... It is "Bippity Boppity" business after all! . . . Want to know the best part?  This show has a secret premise... (Well, not so secret now!)Our host, Rita Richa, has always DREAMED of getting to see the Cinderella suite at the top of the castle in Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL.  Maybe, by episode 100, she just might meet the right person to make her wish come true and get to say: "Well, it all started with a ... podcast".
    enRita Richa24 Episodes

    Episodes (24)

    Unleashing the Power of Brand Values: Lessons in Marketing from a Former Disney Cast Member w/ Cameron Pivach

    Unleashing the Power of Brand Values: Lessons in Marketing from a Former Disney Cast Member w/ Cameron Pivach

    Welcome back to another exciting episode of Reignite Media! In today's episode, we have a special guest, Cameron Pivach, joining our host, Rita Richa, to dive into the world of creating exceptional customer experiences and building strong brands. With Cameron's background as a former Disney cast member and her expertise in social media and marketing, she brings a fresh perspective on how businesses can infuse the Disney magic into their own brand. From employee buy-in to genuine connections and experiences, Cameron shares valuable insights on creating a memorable brand story that engages customers on a deeper level. Get ready to be inspired as we explore the power of storytelling and the incredible impact it can have on your business. Let's dive in!


    How Frank Scandura Applies Disney's Customer Service Principles to His European Automotive Service Center

    How Frank Scandura Applies Disney's Customer Service Principles to His European Automotive Service Center

    All types of entrepreneurs have adapted Disney’s customer service principles, even Frank Scandura, a highly respected entrepreneur and automotive expert with over 40 years of experience. Frank is a published author, coach, speaker, and leader known for his transparent and honest approach to European vehicle service. So, what does this have to do with Disney’s approach to business?

    Frank has adopted many of Disney’s business principles to drive success in his company. His commitment to exceptional customer experiences has influenced countless other businesses to adopt his "Frank's way" approach, and he even coaches business owners on how to run a successful operation.

    Buckle up and get ready to learn how to make your business, customers, and employees thrive, “Frank’s way”! In this episode of Bippity Boppity Business, Frank Scandura shares his favorite Disney-inspired customer service and leadership principles that can be applied to any business.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    - Key entrepreneurial mindsets that have shaped Frank’s journey in business.

    - What it means to be an intentional leader.

    - How to take care of your business so it’ll take care of you.

    - Adapting your business to the rise of technology and staying ahead of the curve.

    - The dangers of not having a business plan and vision.

    - Disney’s customer service principles and practices that Frank uses to drive business success.

    - Advice on how to encourage a positive company culture.

    - Overcoming the fear of charging what you’re worth.

    Remember, no company is perfect, but we are ever-growing. The moment we put our differences aside, talk to each other, and learn from each other, that’s when our growth really takes off.

    Tune in to every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google! Leave a rating and review so we can keep making magic!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Connect with your host, Rita:

    Visit her website: https://bippityboppitybiz.com

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ritaricha

    Connect with Frank Scandura @ Frank Scandura Business Coaching:

    Visit his website & Book a coaching session: https://frankscandura.com

    Email him: frank@frankscandura.com

    Connect with him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/frankscandura

    Do you have a podcast you want to create, rebrand, or grow? Discover Rita’s podcast consulting and production company, Reignite Media.

    This episode was produced and brought to you by Reignite Media.

    Creating Magical Moments in Your B2B SaaS Customer Experience with Doug Rabold

    Creating Magical Moments in Your B2B SaaS Customer Experience with Doug Rabold

    IT is the last place a business prioritizes great customer experiences. But why aren’t we providing the same level of support and satisfaction in IT that we do in sales? 

    With all the recent tech layoffs and rapid changes in customer expectations, what your business needs to focus on is a balance of: Where are we going? How are we going to get there? And how will we deliver a customer experience that retains more customers and boosts long-term ROI?

    In this episode, we'll be teaching you how to apply Disney's magical approach to customer service to create a unique experience for your B2B SaaS clients. Our guest speaker is Doug Rabold, a Top 25 Thought Leader and CX Influencer and Strategist who has extensive knowledge of customer experience, service delivery, and experience management.

    Tune in as Doug shares his magical insights on how B2B SaaS companies can improve their customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty by applying Disney's customer service and experience strategies.

    In this episode, Doug joins Rita to talk about:

    • The key difference between customer service and customer experience.
    • CX principles that will improve your customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty.
    • How customer expectations have changed since 2020 & How that influences your CX success.
    • KPIs for measuring the success of your customer experience.
    • Why you should never blame CX issues on the system or your policy (and what to do instead).

    Are you ready to BE THE MAGIC?

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?

    Connect with Doug Rabold on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/doug-rabold-itil-hdi

    Tune in to every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google! Leave a rating and review so we can keep making magic!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Connect with Rita:

    Visit her website: https://bippityboppitybiz.com

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ritaricha

    Do you have a podcast you want to grow? 

    Discover Rita’s NEW podcast consulting & production company, Reignite Media: 



    Why The Customer is the Hero of Your Brand Story (And Not You) w/ Cassie Tucker

    Why The Customer is the Hero of Your Brand Story (And Not You) w/ Cassie Tucker

    One of the most common pitfalls that businesses make online is when they make everything about them. Every piece of content they post is about their story, their products, or what they can do, when it should be the opposite. 

    Instead, your customer should be the hero of the journey. Your business exists because you are there to help them solve a problem, but you are merely the guide. You are Mushu, not Mulan. Genie, not Aladdin. Olaf, not Elsa. You’ll have your moments, but everything you do should be in service of your customer. 

    In this episode of the Bippity Boppity Business, CAMM Media's founder and Co-Host of the Marketing Happy Hour Podcast, Cassie Tucker talks about the power of storytelling, leading with empathy, and maintaining a positive customer experience.

    Cassie also gives us a crash course on the Storybrand Framework, demonstrates how she would rebrand Hades from the movie Hercules, and talks about why we all need to feel that we're part of something bigger than ourselves.

    Rita Richa and Cassie have a magical discussion about:

    • How we can apply the Hollywood storytelling formula to business
    • Why the customer should be the hero of the story, not the brand
    • Why your personal brand needs to align with who you are as a person 
    • How Cassie would rebrand Hades from Hercules (1997)
    • How to turn pain points into a selling point, creating a what-if scenario and making your customers feel like they need your solution as a business owner 
    • How perception is important, but you also need to follow through on your promises and ensure that the experience is always positive 
    • Why you and your team should know how to lead with empathy, even in distressing times 
    • Why leadership needs to make their employees feel that they are part of the same higher purpose, story, and mission 
    • Why people who started their careers in customer service often make excellent marketers 

    Cassie's insights on marketing, storytelling, leadership, and empathy are especially helpful for smaller businesses and brands looking to establish themselves in their respective niches. Take a moment to process her insights to see how you can apply her advice to your own business and reach new levels of success! 

    Tune in to every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google! Leave a rating and review so we can keep making magic!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Connect with Rita

    Visit her website: https://bippityboppitybiz.com

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ritaricha

    Do you have a podcast you want to create, rebrand, or grow? Discover Rita’s NEW podcast consulting company, Reignite Media. Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You definitely won’t want to miss Dan’s creative answers!

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?

    Connect with Cassie Tucker 

    Cassie’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cassaundrapalmer/

    Cassie’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cassiejoytucker/

    Cassie’s Website: https://cammmedia.com/

    Cassie’s Podcast (Marketing Happy Hour): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/marketing-happy-hour/id1588397602

    The Magic of Aligned Leadership: Cultivating High-Quality Leadership, Culture, and Service w/ Michelle Baker

    The Magic of Aligned Leadership: Cultivating High-Quality Leadership, Culture, and Service w/ Michelle Baker

    Whether you’re an aspiring leader or a seasoned leader, there’s always more to learn, hone, and achieve. In any field, but particularly in business, leadership is a privilege that must be treated as such. It takes strength, courage, and constant personal development to be a successful leader. Not to mention, it takes a lot of self-care to avoid burnout!

    This episode is dedicated to future leaders, seasoned leaders, and the leadership advice that can take you from your first leadership role to your final.

    Our guest is a former Director of The Disney Institute where she led on-stage facilitators and collaborated with leading organizations across the world on leadership, culture, and service. Prior to that, she worked for the opening team at Disney Cruise Line. With 25+ years of experience working with Disney, her wisdom is sure to rub off on you throughout this episode!

    Listen in as Rita welcomes Michelle Baker, Co-Founder and CEO of Stoneledge Enrichment, to have a magical discussion about cultivating high-quality leadership, culture, and service in your business.

    In this episode, Michelle and Rita discuss:

    • How Michelle got started working at Disney & How her Disney career evolved into entrepreneurship.
    • The power of networking in achieving your dream leadership position.
    • Valuable leadership lessons learned from working in customer service/customer experience roles.
    • How to inspire creativity and collaboration in your team.
    • Self-care and personal development for leaders (or as Michelle calls it, “calming inner chaos”).
    • Advice for future leaders and seasoned leaders.

    Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You definitely won’t want to miss Michelle’s fantastic answers!

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?

    Connect with Michelle on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michellebakerkusala

    Visit her website: https://stoneledgeenrichment.com

    Tune in to every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google! Leave a rating and review so we can keep making magic!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Connect with Rita:

    Visit her website: https://bippityboppitybiz.com

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ritaricha

    Do you have a podcast you want to grow? 

    Discover Rita’s NEW podcast consulting & production company, Reignite Media: https://www.linkedin.com/company/reignite-media

    Inspirational Leadership Lessons from the Happiest Place on Earth w/ Dan Cockerell

    Inspirational Leadership Lessons from the Happiest Place on Earth w/ Dan Cockerell

    Being a successful business leader requires more than just making a profit. It's about hiring the right people, training them well, and treating them with respect. 

    It's about finding ways to infuse passion and wonder into their work to create memorable customer experiences. And it's about building relationships - with team members, customers, and the community. 

    In this episode of Bippity Boppity Business, former VP of Magic Kingdom, Dan Cockerell, shares his insights on what it takes to be a successful business leader. 

    He discusses the importance of having a common purpose, the power of storytelling, and the need to build relationships. 

    Rita Richa [Our Host] and Dan have a magical discussion about: 

    •Why Dan Cockerell believes that having a common purpose is important for keeping a culture together.

    • How hiring the right people, training them well, and treating them with respect is key to being a successful leader.

    • The reason Disney uses storytelling to connect with their audience and inspire them to take action AND is something that businesses of all sizes can adapt to fit their own needs 

    • Stories are memorable, and by sharing them, businesses can create an emotional connection with their customers

    •Leaders should encourage their team to find ways to infuse passion and wonder into their work to create memorable experiences for customers- by involving the team in the creation process and being open-minded to new ideas.

    • How leaders can make a difference by respecting and valuing diversity among team members, listening to everyone's point of view, and giving them a chance to express themselves candidly.

    • What to do to create a super fan of your business, service or product. [Hint: you need both consistency (the science) as well as an emotional connection (the art).]

    Dan’s advice is timely and relevant for business leaders of all sizes. By following his advice, you can create a culture of excellence in your organization and inspire your team to reach new levels of success!

    Tune in to every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google! Leave a rating and review so we can keep making magic!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Connect with Rita:

    Visit her website: https://bippityboppitybiz.com

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ritaricha

    Do you have a podcast you want to create, rebrand, or grow? Discover Rita’s NEW podcast consulting company, Reignite Media. Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You definitely won’t want to miss Dan’s creative answers!

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?

    Connect with Dan Cockerell @ Cockerell Consulting:

    Dan’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dancockerell/

    Dan’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dancockerell/

    Dan’s Website: https://dancockerell.com/

    Dan’s Email: Dan@Cockerellconsulting.com

    How To Create a Brand People Will Love (Disney Imagineering Secrets) w/ Theron Skees

    How To Create a Brand People Will Love (Disney Imagineering Secrets) w/ Theron Skees

    Theron Skees is a highly adaptive, solution-oriented creative executive with 30 years experience assembling and leading multi-disciplined, cross-functional teams for both domestic and international projects in the Themed Entertainment Industry. 

    A veteran of Walt Disney Imagineering, he has led diverse concept, design and construction projects from hundreds of millions to multiple billions of dollars in a wide variety of experience types all over the world. 

    The requirements for theme parks, hotels and attractions are different than retail, dining, entertainment and cruise ships, however, he applies the same story-based approach to connect the brand to the consumer in lasting ways. 

    Disney is synonymous with family entertainment, and their parks reflect that commitment to quality. 

    Whether it's the care taken to create an immersive environment or the focus on customer service, Disney sets the standard for the themed entertainment industry. 

    For Theron, it's all about creating an emotional connection between the brand and the customer. 

    That's what innovative design is all about. It's not just about making something look pretty; it's about creating an experience that will stay with people long after they've left your park or attraction. When done right, that connection can last a lifetime.

    On this episode of Bippity Boppity Business our host, Rita Richa and guestTheron Skees, Owner and CCO @ The Designer's Creative Studio, discuss:

    • Storytelling in business, inspired by Disney
    • How to connect your brand to an audience 
    • Excellent CX, infusing wonder in the work and experience
    • How to continually create/innovate in a saturated market/ building selling experiences 

    Want to learn more about the magic of branding behind the scenes to apply to YOUR business? If yes, then this episode is for you!


    Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You definitely won’t want to miss Adam's creative answers!

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?

    Connect with Theron Skees @: https://linktr.ee/designers.creative.studio 

    Theron's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/theronskees/  

    Website: https://www.designerscreativestudio.com/

    Tune in to every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google! [Leave a rating and review so we can keep making magic! ;)]

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Have guest ideas or would like to be interviewed?

    Connect with Rita:

    Visit her website: https://bippityboppitybiz.com

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ritaricha 
    Email: contact@bippityboppitybusiness.com

    Do you have a podcast you want to create, rebrand, or grow? Discover Rita’s NEW podcast consulting company, Reignite Media. 

    This episode of Bippity Boppity Business was produced by Reignite Media. 

    How Walt Disney Became an Iconic Businessman with Dr. Jeffrey Barnes

    How Walt Disney Became an Iconic Businessman with Dr. Jeffrey Barnes

    Walt Disney’s life story is one of leadership, perseverance, courage, and above all, vision. Having a vision and believing in your wild ideas is vital to building a successful, passion-driven business, especially one that serves our future.

    A wise man once said, if you’re facing a fork in the road, trying to figure out which way to go, pick the passionate option and put it all on the line. That wise man is actually our guest today, Dr. Jeffrey Barnes!

    Listen in as Rita welcomes Dr. Jeffrey Barnes, best-selling author and world-renowned Disney keynote speaker, to have a magical discussion about the most powerful lessons learned from Walt Disney’s life and career.

    In this episode, Rita and Jeffrey discuss:

    • How Walt Disney became an iconic businessman.
    • Why you need to take risks in business and go ALL IN.
    • Innovative technology and business strategies Walt Disney used to market and grow his theme parks.
    • How to truly believe in your wild ideas and see them come to fruition.
    • Why Walt’s older brother, Roy Disney, is a forgotten hero.
    • The powerful role of storytelling in business.
    • The unspoken key to great storytelling.

    Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You won’t want to miss Jeffrey’s answers!

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?

    Visit Jeffrey’s website: https://thewisdomofwalt.com

    Connect with him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffrey-a-barnes-a18055106

    Follow him on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdisneyland

    Follow him on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drdisneyland

    Connect with him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewisdomofwalt

    Check out Dr. Jeffrey Barnes’s books: https://thewisdomofwalt.com/books

    Email him: jeff@thewisdomofwalt.com

    Tune in to every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google! Leave a rating and review so we can keep making magic!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Connect with Rita:

    Visit her website: https://bippityboppitybiz.com

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ritaricha

    Do you have a podcast you want to grow? 

    Discover Rita’s NEW podcast consulting & production company, Reignite Media: 


    The Business of Storytelling: Finding Wonder and Purpose in Your Work

    The Business of Storytelling: Finding Wonder and Purpose in Your Work

    The passion of art often gets lost in the business world… but when we work from a place of passion, creativity, and wonderment, we can make a magical impact on people.

    “Wonder” is defined as a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused my something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable. Here at Bippity Boppity Business, we believe that if you can hold onto the feelings of wonder you once experienced in childhood, you’ll be more likely to create something meaningful and impactful as an adult.

    Having started his animation career for the Walt Disney Studios, this week’s guest has a unique background of infusing wonder into his work. 

    Listen in as Rita welcomes Saul Blinkoff, legendary animator and filmmaker, to have a magical discussion about the power of wonderment in business and the skills/mindsets you need to pursue your most wondrous ideas.

    In this episode, Saul and Rita discuss:

    • How Saul became an animator and filmmaker for Disney, Netflix, MTV, and more.
    • How to infuse a sense of wonder in your art or business.
    • The secret to being confident in your career and achieving the “impossible”.
    • How to turn your weaknesses into your strengths.
    • Saul’s best advice for aspiring animators, entrepreneurs, and creators of all kinds.
    • The #1 thing you need to be a successful leader, according to Saul Blinkoff.

    Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You won’t want to miss Saul’s wondrous answers!

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?

    Visit Saul’s website & listen to the Life of Awesome Podcast: http://www.saulblinkoff.com

    Follow him on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saul.blinkoff

    Tune in to every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google! Leave a rating and review so we can keep making magic!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Connect with Rita:

    Visit her website: https://bippityboppitybiz.com

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ritaricha

    Do you have a podcast you want to grow? 

    Discover Rita’s NEW podcast consulting & production company, Reignite Media: https://www.linkedin.com/company/reignite-media

    The Business Case for Culture: Why Pixar and Disney's Merger Almost Failed [w/ Adam Kingl former Disney/Pixar Business Consultant]

    The Business Case for Culture: Why Pixar and Disney's Merger Almost Failed [w/ Adam Kingl former Disney/Pixar Business Consultant]

    When Disney acquired Pixar in 2006, it was a big moment for the company. 

    In the book “Ride of A Lifetime,” former CEO Bob Iger recounts that many felt it was too risky, controversial, and almost impossible to successfully execute.Disney and Pixar were two very different companies, with clashing animation and culture ideals. 

    Directed under Steve Jobs, Pixar’s creative team were the rebels of animation, innovating and producing work that was far beyond the time and what technology was capable of achieving. They had free range to create, with little to no “corporate red tape”. Pixar’s creative team was creating movie blockbuster hits like “Toy Story” that no one had ever seen before. 

    Meanwhile, Disney was struggling to rank in the box office- the golden era of the 90’s movies was beginning to fade. At the same time, they had stakeholder expectations, intellectual property, and Walt’s legacy, for their creative team to maintain and consider. Innovation was welcomed, but the prospect of producing 3D animation, instead of hand drawn 2D, was not widely accepted. 

    There was a lot of worry, from the Pixar team, that they would lose their creative edge, that they would become a corporate machine, that churned out product without any care or feeling. 

    But Iger knew, in order to continue growing as a business, Disney had to merge with Pixar. Iger was aware of the potential cultural clash that would occur when their two very different organizations would come together. His team couldn’t only be the ones executing this culture change management. 

    Disney was not only acquiring Pixar's team and outputs, they were also acquiring the values and culture of Pixar. They needed a specialist, a neutral third party, to help bring these two very different worlds of business together. 

    Adam Kingl was brought on board as a business consultant and leadership expert to help with the transition and merger. By hiring someone like Kingl, who could help them navigate these waters, Pixar was able to maintain their creative spirit and continue to inspire others.

    In this episode Rita Richa and Adam Kingl discuss:

    - Ways business leaders can effectively navigate cultural change and people during a merger

    - How culture directly correlates to business profitability and business success

    - Strategies Adam implemented to insure Pixar and Disney’s cultural transition was a success

    - The difference between scientific management and creative leadership

    - Future of work and capitalism, how Disney is innovating in this space

    - The magic ways to fulfill organizational and personal purpose.

    Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You definitely won’t want to miss Adam's creative answers!

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?

    Connect with Adam Kingl @:

    Adam's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/htaha/

    Website: https://www.youngandprofiting.com/

    Check out Adam’s Book, “Next Generation Leadership: How To Ensure Young Talent Will Thrive With Your Organization” here: https://www.amazon.com/Next-Generation-Leadership-Ensure-Organization-ebook/dp/B07TD15SYL/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=adam+kingl&qid=1561900368&s=gateway&sr=8-1

    Tune in to every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google! Leave a rating and review so we can keep making magic!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Have guest ideas or would like to be interviewed?

    Connect with Rita:

    Visit her website: https://bippityboppitybiz.com

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ritaricha
    Email: contact@bippityboppitybusiness.com

    Do you have a podcast you want to create, rebrand, or grow? Discover Rita’s NEW podcast consulting company, Reignite Media. 

    This episode of Bippity Boppity Business was produced by Reignite Media. 


    Pitfalls & Pixie Dust of Podcasting: How Podcasting Helped 3 Entrepreneurs

    Pitfalls & Pixie Dust of Podcasting: How Podcasting Helped 3 Entrepreneurs

    This episode of Bippity Boppity Business was a live streamed virtual event! 

    A virtual event for business leaders who want to learn about the benefits of podcasting from storyteller experts and two former Disney cast members!

    Presented by Rita Richa, host of Bippity Boppity business & Founder of Reignite Media [B2B Podcast Coaching & Content Creation Collaborator].

    Rita Richa is joined with TWO Former Disney Cast Members and Entrepreneurs rocking it in their spaces:

    Cassie Tucker and Katie Currens!

    Cassie is the Co-host of the Marketing Happy hour & Founder of CAMM Media.

    She has 6+ years of experience in social media, marketing, public relations, photography, and consulting at a local and even international level.

    Do you wish to connect with our special guests?

    Connect with Cassie Tucker of CAMM Media on LinkedIn Here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cassaundrapalmer/

    Connect with Katie Currens of One Spark Solutions on LinkedIn Here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katiecurrens/ 

    She’s a HUGE fan of storytelling and loves coming up with creative ways of engaging audiences.

    Katie Currens is the Host of One Spark stories and Chief Engagement Officer at One Spark Solutions. She specializes in providing "people-focused" empowering Innovative & empathetic leadership solutions.

    Her motivation to explore wonders has contributed to her extensive knowledge through self-taught and formal education. In an effort to help create more equitable and inclusive experiences, she has completed several certificated courses on DEI in the workplace through the University of South Florida.

    In this special feature virtual event they will discuss 3 things:

    ✨ How podcasting has helped us as entrepreneurs network with dream collaborators and clients
    ✨ Why podcasting is our favorite form of content creation for our business
    ✨ What most business leaders get wrong about podcasting when they first start out

    If you are a business leader that is looking to infuse wonder, connection, and creativity in your work, this event is for you!


    Personal Branding Magic: How to Gain Followers & Build a 6-Figure Business w/ Hala Taha @ YAP Media

    Personal Branding Magic: How to Gain Followers & Build a 6-Figure Business w/ Hala Taha @ YAP Media

    Storytelling is a talent and a gift. A great storyteller can create a connection with their audience, evoke emotion, and leave a lasting impression. The best storytellers immerse us into their worlds and leave us wanting more. As more businesses explore storytelling as a digital content strategy, it's become an increasingly valuable tool in a marketer's arsenal, especially in B2B. 

    When we story-tell we don’t just create content, we create connection.  

    And as a result, an amazing phenomenon occurs.  We start to gain super fans of our work that eventually turn into our super consumers. And Disney is a company that has properly executed this idea and profited from this content strategy ever its inception. 

    As I started to think about the best person to explore this topic with, I immediately thought of Hala.


    Hala Taha is the founder and CEO of YAP Media, a social media and podcast marketing agency for top podcasters, celebrities and CEOs and more. Also dubbed the “The Podcast Princess,” Hala is the host of the Young and Profiting (YAP)  Podcast, frequently ranked as a #1 Education podcast and has interviewed star-studded guests from the likes of Matthew McConaughey, Deepak Chopra, Seth Godin and countless others. 

    Hala started her career in radio production while in college at HOT97 on “The Angie Martinez Show.” Later, she launched an entertainment news blog site, “The Sorority of Hip Hop,” where she led an all-female team of 50 bloggers, she nearly snagged a reality TV show on MTV! 

    She took a temporary exit from the entertainment industry to get an MBA and has 7 years of corporate marketing experience at HP and Disney Streaming Services. She started the Young and Profiting Podcast and YAP Media as a side hustle, scaling the business to 35+ employees before quitting her executive position at Disney to take the leap into entrepreneurship. 

    YAP Media is now a premier social media and podcast production agency for CEOs, celebrities and top podcasters, with a dozen high-profile clients and nearly 60 employees. 


    She has mastered the art of story through her personal branding, marketing, and podcast, and she’s got over 150,000 super fans on LinkedIn to prove it!

    In this episode, Hala and Rita discuss:

    • Hala’s current business and podcast “YAP”
    • Her thoughts  on how to turn super fans into super consumers
    • Tips on podcast storytelling
    • Her mindset on creating content with intent to serve your audience, not yourself
    • How she pushed through constant rejections in her life and finally found success through podcasting and LinkedIn
    • Personal Branding: From 0 -150,000+ Followers and a Six-Figure Business. How she went from rejections to success through her online side hustle. 
    • Hala’s former experiences and how they have shapes her professional career then and now
    • And Much More!

    Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You definitely won’t want to miss Hala’s creative answers!

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?

    Connect with Hala @ Young and Profiting:

    Hala’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/htaha/

    Hala’s Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/yapwithhala/

    Hala’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/yapwithhala

    Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/@halataha

    Website: https://www.youngandprofiting.com/

    Text Hala: https://youngandprofiting.co/TextHala  or text “YAP” to 28046  

    Tune in to every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google! Leave a rating and review so we can keep making magic!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Connect with Rita:

    Visit her website: https://bippityboppitybiz.com

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ritaricha

    Do you have a podcast you want to create, rebrand, or grow? Discover Rita’s NEW podcast consulting company, Reignite Media. 

    How to Grow Your Business With Immersive Writing and Storytelling [w/ Geoffrey Golden]

    How to Grow Your Business With Immersive Writing and Storytelling [w/ Geoffrey Golden]

    Disney is known for its fantastical immersion factor, meaning their storytelling never fails to suck you into its wonder… much like Alice falling into Wonderland!

    Though, many businesses struggle to convey the heart of their brand’s story through storytelling and immersive writing. Why is that? How can businesses organically create that Disney-level immersion factor? 

    This week’s guest is going to illustrate how you can integrate storytelling and creative immersion through your marketing strategy, content creation, and creative process. Doing this will not only connect you with your target audience, but turn passive followers into super fans and then into super consumers.

    Listen in as Rita welcomes Geoffrey Golden, an LA-based narrative designer and game creator, to have a magical discussion about immersive writing and storytelling for businesses.

    In this episode, Geoffrey and Rita discuss:

    • How Geoffrey’s love for The Muppets has influenced his career as a creator and designer.
    • Tips and advice for business owners on telling their brand story authentically and creatively.
    • How his email newsletter, Adventure Snack, became so successful.
    • Walt Disney’s eccentric approaches to storytelling.
    • How to start your business like a movie.
    • Geoffrey’s creative process & “The Carpenter Mindset”
    • Advice for aspiring creators, game designers, etc.

    Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You won’t want to miss Geoffrey’s answers!

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?

    Visit Geoffrey’s website: https://www.geoffreygolden.com

    Follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/geoffreygolden

    Sign up for Adventure Snack: https://adventuresnack.substack.com

    Connect with Geoffrey on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/geoffreygolden

    Be sure to hear every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    How DISNEY Used Psychology to Create the "Most Magical Place on Earth" [w/ Jennifer Clinehens, Founder of Choice Hacking]

    How DISNEY Used Psychology to Create the "Most Magical Place on Earth"  [w/ Jennifer Clinehens, Founder of Choice Hacking]

    The secret behind Disneyland's success is in Mickey's 10 Commandments. 

    Created by Disney's "Imagineers," this cheat sheet of sorts forms the core principles behind a brand that has captivated the imaginations of generations.

    This week's guest has spent the last 15 years using behavioral and consumer psychology to develop what she calls "meaningful marketing," and one of her major inspirations is Disney's story. 

    Listen in as Rita welcomes Jennifer Clinehens, the founder of Choice Hacking and the author of the book of the same name. They dive into the psychological concepts behind Disney's vision, design, and execution of Disneyland that have created visitors for life. 


    In this episode, Jennifer and Rita discuss:

    • Jennifer's introduction to behavioral psychology.
    • The Imagineers and Mickey's 10 Commandments:

    1. Know your customer.

    2. Wear your guest's shoes, a discussion on empathy.

    3. Organize the flow of people and ideas. 

    4. Create a weenie, a visual magnet, which ties to the concept of salience.

    5. Communicate with visual literacy.

    6. Avoid overload, applying simplicity theory to minimize cognitive load. 

    7. Tell one story at a time.

    8. Maintain identity and avoid contradiction. 

    9. For every ounce of treatment, provide a ton of fun.

    10. Keep it up.

    Jennifer: "I've been using behavioral science and psychology to create again what I'm kind of calling meaningful marketing and customer experience. So this idea that, can we sort of get into people's brains? That sounds creepy, but you know what I mean? Kind of see through people's eyes, why do people do the things that they do even if they don't really know it themselves?"

    Jennifer: "We don't create memories from every single moment of an experience. We create memories and opinions and beliefs and things about an experience based on only two points, and that would be the emotional peak, which can be good or bad, so it can be a trough of like a peak, and then the end of the experience."

    Jennifer: "I think a really important one is number two, so wear your guest's shoes. Having empathy for customers, the people you're trying to welcome to a park or sell something to, regardless of what your business is. Just go out and pretend to be a customer. Just watch people. And you'd be shocked because, being somebody who's worked in a big company and also in big ad agencies, small ad agencies, working for a client or being a client, you'd just be shocked like people forget."


    Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You wouldn't want to miss Jennifer's awesome answers!

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest? 

    Connect with Jennifer on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenclinehens/

    Get her book Choice Hacking: How to use psychology and behavioral science to create an experience that singshttps://www.amazon.com/Choice-Hacking-psychology-behavioral-experience/dp/B08BV7JF2B

    Visit her website: https://www.choicehacking.com/

    Listen to her podcast, Choice Hacking: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/choice-hacking/id1535389276

    Subscribe to her YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GrowLiketheGreatest

    Tune in to every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google! Leave a rating and review so we can keep making magic!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Connect with Rita:

    Visit her website: https://bippityboppitybiz.com

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ritaricha


    Do you have a podcast you want to grow? Discover Rita’s NEW podcast consulting & production company, Reignite Media: https://www.linkedin.com/company/reignite-media

    Revealing the Mastermind Behind Disney’s TikTok & Instagram [w/ Josephine Maida of Maida Media]

    Revealing the Mastermind Behind Disney’s TikTok & Instagram [w/ Josephine Maida of Maida Media]

    Do you ever wonder who the masterminds are behind Disney’s TikTok and Instagram accounts?

    Have you ever considered creating social media content for Disney or even becoming a Disney microinfluencer?

    It’s not easy, but it’s definitely a dream job if you ask us!

    This week’s guest is a former Content Creator & Social Media Manager for The Walt Disney Company. She has helped them rapidly grow their TikTok and Instagram presence in just a few months. Now, she has a media company that specializes in social media strategy and influencer partnerships.

    Listen in as Rita welcomes Josephine Maida, a freelance writer, PR expert, microinfluencer, and Founder of Maida Media, to have a magical discussion about Disney content creation, transitioning from freelancing to entrepreneurship, and growing as a social media influencer.

    In this episode, Josephine and Rita discuss:

    • How Josephine got a job as a content creator and social media manager for The Walt Disney Company.
    • What it’s like to be a Disney Intern & How to work your way up the career ladder at Disney.
    • Is it difficult to get a job at Disney? How competitive is it?
    • Skills and lessons learned from her Disney career & The power of networking in getting a job at Disney.
    • What is a microinfluencer and how are they different from other content creators?
    • How Josephine founded her own media company, Maida Media.
    • Tops tips for getting brand deals as an influencer and growing your social media presence on TikTok and Instagram.
    • Is blogging still relevant and lucrative?
    • The importance of knowing when it’s time to find a new dream. 

    Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You definitely won’t want to miss Josephine’s hilarious answers!

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?

    Connect with Josephine on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/josephine-maida-she-her-50928393

    Follow her on Instagram: www.instagram.com/josiemaida

    Follow her on TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@josiemaida

    Visit her website: www.maidamedia.com

    Listen to her podcast, The Carousel Project: https://anchor.fm/thecarouselproject Email her: josie@maidamedia.com

    Tune in to every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google! Leave a rating and review so we can keep making magic!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Connect with Rita:

    Visit her website: https://bippityboppitybiz.com

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ritaricha

    Do you have a podcast you want to grow? Discover Rita’s NEW podcast consulting & production company, Reignite Media: https://www.linkedin.com/company/reignite-media

    Connect, Create, & Collaborate: How to Find your Business "Why" & Spark [w/ Katie Currens Former Disney Cast Member]

    Connect, Create, & Collaborate: How to Find your Business "Why" & Spark [w/ Katie Currens Former Disney Cast Member]

    The core of every Disney best practice is a service first mindset. 

    Cast members are trained to think questions like, "How can I serve this project? How can I serve my customer? How can I serve my team?"It all comes from the mission and "why" statement the Disney company lives and breathes by: "creating happiness for people of all ages everywhere,"Join us on this episode of Bippity Boppity Business as we speak to Katie Currens of One Spark Solutions about: ✨Her past experience as a Disney Cast Member ✨ Her magical three-pillar business theory: connect, create, and celebrate 🥳 ✨ How to explore and find professional purpose, in ourselves and in business 👩🏻‍💼  

     It just might spark ⚡️ some new ideas 💡 you can implement in your work today!"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." 🐉 - Figment

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?Connect with Katie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katiecurrens/

    Visit Katie's website: http://onesparksolutions.com/

    Email her: katie@onesparksolutions.com

    Tune in to every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google! Leave a rating and review so we can keep making magic!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Connect with our host Rita Richa :www.linkedin.com/in/ritaricha

    Innovators & Integrators: How to Turn Your Most Magical Business Ideas into Reality with Heather Havey [Former Disney Cast Member]

    Innovators & Integrators: How to Turn Your Most Magical Business Ideas into Reality with Heather Havey [Former Disney Cast Member]

    It’s no surprise that Disney produces some top tier leaders and visionaries, but what makes Disney leaders so magical?

    It’s the “integrators” backstage that know how to bring their most innovative ideas to reality!Because as they say, “The show must go on!”

    This week’s guest explains how she was able to execute some of the most complex of ideas and processes during her time at Disney.

    As a Cast Member, she spearheaded Workforce Management and productivity for the Disney Sports and Recreation businesses, launched large-scale work such as bringing the Disney Service Basics to life at Walt Disney World, and many more areas of business behind the scenes…

    Now, she consults leaders and entrepreneurs on how to fix, build, and grow their businesses to heights higher than Cinderella’s castle.

    Listen in as Rita welcomes Heather Havey, former Disney Cast Member, and mastermind behind Heather Havey Consulting, to have a magical discussion about how leaders of all kinds can bring their ideas to reality.

    In this episode, Heather and Rita discuss:

    - Heather’s most magical and most challenging moments as a Disney cast member

    - The tremendous impacts of 9/11 on Disney, its cast members, and its customers

    - The power of empathy and a people-focused approach to customer relations

    - Tips and tools for entrepreneurs and leaders in an ever-changing, tech-driven world

    - Best practices for guest follow-ups and ensuring a positive customer experience + Disney’s method of “Discover and Recover”

    - Skills learned at Disney and GE that have boosted Heather’s professional development

    - What inspired Heather to shift to entrepreneurship and consulting

    - The new technology system she designed and implemented at Disney that increased automation and trackable workflow while reducing design labor by 50%

    - Differences between leaders and integrators & How they can successfully work together

    Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You won’t want to miss Heather’s answers!

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?

    Connect with Heather on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/heatherlhavey

    Visit Heather’s website: www.heatherhaveyconsulting.com

    Email her: heather@heatherhaveyconsulting.com

    Tune in to every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google! Leave a rating and review so we can keep making magic!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Connect with Rita:

    Visit her website: https://bippityboppitybiz.com

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ritaricha

    Infusing Magic and Wonder Into Product Design [featuring Loungefly’s VP of Creative, Liz Desilva]

    Infusing Magic and Wonder Into Product Design [featuring Loungefly’s VP of Creative, Liz Desilva]

    In 2021, collectible items and products became ALL the rage. From re-selling valuable Pokémon cards to investing in one-of-a-kind pieces of art in the form of NFTs, consumers have entered a new era of buying… and brands have recognized that.

    Disney-lovers know better than anyone that pin trading and collecting items is more than a hobby, it’s a lifestyle! So, capitalizing on the concept of products becoming collectibles and creating a cult-like following has caused some companies to grow wildly successful, including Loungefly.

    If you’ve walked into a Hot Topic or a Disney store, you’ve likely seen Loungefly’s geeky backpacks. They’re not only adorable, but they’re big business for the leading pop-culture lifestyle brand, Funko. How do they achieve this kind of success? It’s an amazing combination of creativity, innovation, and a leader that encourages infusing wonder into every product design.

    Listen in as we welcome Liz DeSilva, the Vice President of Creative at Loungefly and the innovative brain behind the accessories, and its extending brands Loungefly Apparel and Stitch Shoppe, to have a magical discussion about the creative process behind turning products into innovative collectibles, that turn customers into life-long fans.

    In this episode, Liz and I discuss:

    - Liz’s professional career: From girls’ clothing graphic designer to creative executive

    - How to keep your team aligned with the mission and vision for your organization while working remotely

    - The research and design process for a creative campaign

    - How Loungefly’s creative process works & Liz’s role in it

    - Business growth strategies they used to grow sales by 132% in 2021

    - Upcoming Loungefly collections [SanRio Sweet Treats, Care Bears, E.T., Valentine's Day, Disney Princess Castle, & Disney Villains Scenes Collections] past & upcoming (Gaston) & Liz’s favorites from the past

    Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You won’t want to miss Liz’s answers!

    Want to learn more?

    - Visit Loungefly’s website: www.loungefly.com

    - Follow Loungefly on Instagram: www.instagram.com/loungefly

    - Follow them on Twitter: www.twitter.com/Loungefly

    - Follow them on TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@loungefly

    - Connect with them on Facebook: www.facebook.com/shoploungefly

    - Follow Stitch Shoppe by Loungefly on Instagram: www.instagram.com/stitchshoppebyloungefly

    Be sure to hear every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.This episode of Bippity Boppity Business was hosted by Rita Richa. 

    Achieving Excellence in Hospitality, Customer Experience, & Company Culture w/ Former Disney Ambassador, Caitlin Busscher

    Achieving Excellence in Hospitality, Customer Experience, & Company Culture w/ Former Disney Ambassador, Caitlin Busscher

    From taking risks to leading a team, there are many intricate facets to career development. Especially when it comes to positions in hospitality and customer experience, gaining new skills and broadening your impact as a manager can launch your career to new heights.

    Having held multiple different positions at Disney World over ten years, Caitlin Busscher knows a thing or two about how the skills learned through working at Disney can be applied to any career in any industry.

    So, how do you become a great leader the Disney way? How do you achieve excellence in customer experience and team culture, regardless of what company you work for?

    Listen in as I welcome Caitlin Busscher, former Walt Disney World Ambassador and Experience Development Manager, to have a magical discussion about what it takes to achieve excellence in customer service, hospitality, and company culture.

    In this episode, Caitlin and I discuss:

    - How Caitlin’s career at Disney has shaped her as a person & Skills she’s transferred from Disney to other careers.

    - The power of taking risks in your career and going outside of your comfort zone professionally.

    - Advice for pursuing a career abroad at Disney Paris, Tokyo, etc.

    - How to stay organized, focused, and effective when solving business problems.

    - Characteristics of magical managers and leaders & Why feedback is a gift.

    A glimpse into what it’s like to be a Walt Disney World Ambassador.

    Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You won’t want to miss Caitlin’s answers!

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?

    Visit Caitlin’s website: www.caitwithoutborders.com

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/caitlinbusscher

    Follow her on Instagram: www.instagram.com/caitoutdoors

    Read her Q&A in Attractions Magazine: https://bit.ly/3FmmaEI

    Read her Medium article “We Keep Moving Forward – Life After Disney”: https://bit.ly/3oGmrvB

    Be sure to hear every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.

    Impactful Storytelling & Connecting With Your Audience The “Disney Way” w/ Writer & Author, Stacy Barton

    Impactful Storytelling & Connecting With Your Audience The “Disney Way” w/ Writer & Author, Stacy Barton

    Every Disney movie, show, park ride, and themed entertainment experience starts with an idea… but what really brings that idea to life is a writer and storyteller.

    Imagine a story you’ve created and developed over time being shown to thousands of people. Imagine them in absolute awe, falling in love with the characters and the storyline. That’s so incredible, it gives me goosebumps!

    As a writer of both books and immersive experiences, Stacy Barton loves hearing, seeing, shaping, and sharing stories. She also values how stories come to life with an audience and how that experience impacts them, no matter what age they’re at.

    So, what is it like to be a freelance writer that has worked with companies like Seaworld, Ringling Bros., and Disney? How does someone become a successful creative writer and storyteller?

    Listen in as I welcome Stacy Barton, writer, and award-winning author, to have a magical discussion about impactful storytelling and connecting with your audience through immersive experiences the “Disney Way.”

    In this episode, Stacy and I discuss:

    - Stacy’s journey to becoming a writer for Disney, SeaWorld, Ringling Bros., and more!

    - Tips for aspiring Disney writers.

    - How to connect to your audience and speak to their heart in the age of digital pollution.

    - The challenges and most fun parts of being a contracted writer or creative.

    - What the collaborative creative process is like for Disney’s themed entertainment.

    - Why is hope a theme people are searching for right now?

    - The connection between business, marketing, and storytelling.

    Be sure to stick around for the Disney Rapid Fire Questions segment! You won’t want to miss Stacy’s answers!

    Do you wish to connect with our special guest?

    Visit Stacy’s website: www.stacybarton.com

    Connect with Stacy on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/stacy-barton-58b7997

    Be sure to hear every conversation about making magic in business on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google!

    Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Bippity Boppity Business in your favorite podcast player.



    Bippity Boppity Business is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or brand. The content of this podcast is meant for educational purposes.  

    Guests featured in Bippity Boppity Business are voicing personal thoughts and opinions and are not directly representing the Walt Disney World Company or brand.