
    BMI Redefined™ with Gin and Moe

    Mission Statement: To inspire, educate and empower women to their full potential in their body, mind and image.
    en-usGin and Moe40 Episodes

    Episodes (40)

    Gut Instinct and New Knowledge on Gut Health!

    Gut Instinct and New Knowledge on Gut Health!

    Gin and Moe explore the current conversation on gut health... managing our microbiomes with probiotics... prebiotics... healthy food choices... very cool insights and personal stories about what works and what may not work... Gin and Moe talk about the need for customizing healthy eating plans for a more fit and well life... and of course Gin and Moe even with their own PhD teaching experiences, bring humor into the mix...  you're gonna love the info and the inspiration :)

    S4 E2 Why Attitude Matters with Gin and Moe

    S4 E2 Why Attitude Matters with Gin and Moe

    The Power of Positive Thinking: Why Attitude Matters is a special TIME edition! What is optimism? Does your outlook affect longevity? Maintaining hope through tough challenges takes skill and a little bit of practice on your part. Sometimes we don't want to see the silver lining. But rather than ruminate we should look for a positive outlook and we can begin building up our resilience for those challenging days/events. We all have them...you are not alone!  

    S3 E7 Let's Achieve S.M.A.R.T. goals! You got this! We are here with you!

    S3 E7 Let's Achieve S.M.A.R.T. goals! You got this! We are here with you!

    Hey everyone! BMI RedefinedTM with Gin and Moe team is reaching for new goals... we all have our own stories and journeys.  Excited to connect with you and learn about your goals and pathways for planned achievement.  This dynamic podcast duo talks about how to define the goal achievement process and how to manage deviations in  our plans as we work toward  achieving life changing efforts and goals.  Gin and Moe are here for you to know that you are enough and that you are beautiful and that you can go get your goals.  

    S3 E6 Overcoming Self Sabotage

    S3 E6 Overcoming Self Sabotage

    What are Self-Limiting thoughts?  Why do we Self-Sabotage our behaviors?  Gin and Moe explore their research and experiences with these questions and engage in a vibrant dialogue that will inspire you to contemplate... evaluate... and intentionally consider your thought processes at the base of goal development and action plans to achieve your goals.  You will begin defining your "Why" :)

    S3 E5 To Do or Not To Do: Procrastination

    S3 E5 To Do or Not To Do: Procrastination

    Gin and Moe are excited for this 40th episode of BMI Redefined™️ with Gin and Moe!  They talk about timing of tasks and the why and how of tendencies to procrastinate.  Continuing to build a toolkit for handling life's  challenges, this dynamic duo shares insights and experiences along with a few laughs!  Enjoy!  **

    **The information presented in this website and podcast is intended for entertainment and education only. We are not giving specific and personal advice for mental health, physical health, and specific diagnosis and their treatment, legal or financial matters. We are not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. Everyone's story is a set of unique facts. By listening to this podcast you are not forming a professional relationship with us. The past results we talk about for others are no guarantee of future results for anyone. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional medical advice , diagnose or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.  Love, Gin and Moe!

    S3 E4 New Year New You: Goals

    S3 E4 New Year New You: Goals

    Happy New Year!  Let's continue  to build our toolkits for becoming the best version of ourselves.  Moe and Gin explain how we can use the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change (TTM) to identify our goals , prepare for the journey, and activate our bodies and minds to achieve those goals!  This dynamic duo educates and entertains with knowledge and a little laughter along the way as they inspire listeners to think about their own narratives and  stretch their thinking to go for their dreams.  Everyone has a story! Enjoy!**

    **The information presented in this website and podcast is intended for entertainment and education only. We are not giving specific and personal advice for mental health, physical health, and specific diagnosis and their treatment, legal or financial matters. We are not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. Everyone's story is a set of unique facts. By listening to this podcast you are not forming a professional relationship with us. The past results we talk about for others are no guarantee of future results for anyone. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional medical advice , diagnose or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.  Love, Gin and Moe!

    S3 E3 Navigating Opportunities, Choices and Challenges

    S3 E3 Navigating Opportunities, Choices and Challenges

    Hey everyone!  Gin and Moe are excited to launch Season 3 of BMI Redefined with Gin and Moe!  This dynamic duo talks about how choices affect the way in which a person either reacts or responds to opportunities and challenges in life's path.  They are leading workshops on managing stress and reducing anxiety.  Check out BMI Redefined with Gin and Moe on Facebook and Instagram. ** 

    **The information presented in this website and podcast is intended for entertainment and education only. We are not giving specific and personal advice for mental health, physical health, and specific diagnosis and their treatment, legal or financial matters. We are not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. Everyone's story is a set of unique facts. By listening to this podcast you are not forming a professional relationship with us. The past results we talk about for others are no guarantee of future results for anyone. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional medical advice , diagnose or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.  Love, Gin and Moe!

    S3 E2 Kevin Desrosiers: Bridge Over Adversity

    S3 E2 Kevin Desrosiers: Bridge Over Adversity

    Kevin Desrosiers is a dynamic Speaker, Coach, and Author!  His new book: Bridge Over Adversity, features true stories of incredible journeys through challenges with lessons and insights gleaned along the way.  You will be inspired and delighted as you listen to Kevin share the motivation behind his book and how he coaches individuals to find their true passions and effectively communicate.  We can't wait to read Kevin's book!**

    **The information presented in this website and podcast is intended for entertainment and education only. We are not giving specific and personal advice for mental health, physical health, and specific diagnosis and their treatment, legal or financial matters. We are not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. Everyone's story is a set of unique facts. By listening to this podcast you are not forming a professional relationship with us. The past results we talk about for others are no guarantee of future results for anyone. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional medical advice , diagnose or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.  Love, Gin and Moe!

    S3 E1 We're Back!!! Mindset, Goals and Challenges!

    S3 E1 We're Back!!! Mindset, Goals and Challenges!

    BMI Redefined™ with Gin and Moe is back!  This dynamic podcast duo talks about how a person's mindset can define his/her perspectives on life... goals... challenges... and the way we respond to events that unfold in the course of a single day.  Gin and Moe are developing lunch and learn talks and workshops where they invite listeners into the conversation as we all begin to thrive in the search for healthier habits and lifestyles.  Look forward to the journey with you!**

    **The information presented in this website and podcast is intended for entertainment and education only. We are not giving specific and personal advice for mental health, physical health, and specific diagnosis and their treatment, legal or financial matters. We are not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. Everyone's story is a set of unique facts. By listening to this podcast you are not forming a professional relationship with us. The past results we talk about for others are no guarantee of future results for anyone. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional medical advice , diagnose or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.  Love, Gin and Moe!

    S2 E11 Mental Health: A New Understanding: Part 2

    S2 E11 Mental Health: A New Understanding:  Part 2

    Gin and Moe talk with Lindsay Wills, MA LPC NCC, as their podcast adventure continues with Mental Health: A New Understanding in their 6-month series investigating the roles that anxiety, stress, and emotional health play in all of our lives.  Lindsay expertly and dynamically teaches us how to better understand the intersection between emotions, relationships, and joy!  She shares insights into perceptions and perspectives on mental illness.  How do you understand your own mind?  Lindsay talks with Gin and Moe about potential causes of and treatments for anxiety and depression.  And, she inspires everyone to take the next step on the journey of life!  Again, Gin and Moe added a few tools to their own "tool kits" for gaining insights into mental health and listeners will, too!      

    BMI Redefined™ is a new podcast that looks at Perceptions and Perspectives of the human Body, Mind and Image. This is a podcast that hopes to show how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us and how different those two sides can be. We hope you join us on this journey of BMI Redefined.

    S2 E10 Mental Health: A New Understanding

    S2 E10 Mental Health: A New Understanding

    Gin and Moe's podcast adventure continues with Mental Health: A New Understanding in their new 6-month series investigating the roles that anxiety, stress, and emotional health play in all of our lives, and ways in which emotions can positively intersect with nutrition, fitness, and ultimately happiness!  This dynamic duo's podcast conversations and guests will heighten your emotional awareness... while entertaining you with true stories and insightful moments.  

    In Mental Health: A New Understanding, Gin and Moe talk about perceptions and perspectives on mental illness.  How do you understand your own mind?  They explore the current research into new techniques for identifying causes of and treatments for anxiety and depression.  And, again, Gin and Moe added a few tools to their own "tool kits" for gaining insights into mental health and listeners will, too!**     

    BMI Redefined™ is a new podcast that looks at Perceptions and Perspectives of the human Body, Mind and Image. This is a podcast that hopes to show how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us and how different those two sides can be. We hope you join us on this journey of BMI Redefined.

    **The information presented in this website and podcast is intended for entertainment and education only. We are not giving specific and personal advice for mental health, physical health, and specific diagnosis and their treatment, legal or financial matters. We are not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. Everyone's story is a set of unique facts. By listening to this podcast you are not forming a professional relationship with us. The past results we talk about for others are no guarantee of future results for anyone. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional medical advice , diagnose or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.  Love, Gin and Moe!

    S2 E9 Science of Emotion

    S2 E9 Science of Emotion

    Gin and Moe's podcast adventure continues with Science of Emotion in their new 6-month series investigating the roles that anxiety, stress, and emotional health play in all of our lives, and ways in which emotions can positively intersect with nutrition, fitness, and ultimately happiness!  This dynamic duo's podcast conversations and guests will heighten your emotional awareness... while entertaining you with true stories and insightful moments.  

    In Science of Emotion, Gin and Moe talk about ways in which we can unlock our emotional intelligence, how people define happiness, and upsides of bad moods.  They examine perceptions of moods and how people may appear to react differently in the same situation.    They share true stories and experiential data on some secrets to mental toughness.  And, again, Gin and Moe added a few tools to their own "tool kits" for gaining insights into emotional intelligence and listeners will, too!**      

    BMI Redefined™ is a new podcast that looks at Perceptions and Perspectives of the human Body, Mind and Image. This is a podcast that hopes to show how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us and how different those two sides can be. We hope you join us on this journey of BMI Redefined.

    **The information presented in this website and podcast is intended for entertainment and education only. We are not giving specific and personal advice for mental health, physical health, and specific diagnosis and their treatment, legal or financial matters. We are not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. Everyone's story is a set of unique facts. By listening to this podcast you are not forming a professional relationship with us. The past results we talk about for others are no guarantee of future results for anyone. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional medical advice , diagnose or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.  Love, Gin and Moe!

    S2 E8 Science of Stress Part Two

    S2 E8 Science of Stress Part Two

    Gin and Moe's podcast adventure continues with Science of Stress Part 2 in their new 6-month series investigating the roles that anxiety, stress, and emotional health play in all of our lives, and ways in which emotions can positively intersect with nutrition, fitness, and ultimately happiness!  This dynamic duo's podcast conversations and guests will heighten your emotional awareness... while entertaining you with true stories and insightful moments.  

    In Science of Stress Part 2, Gin and Moe discuss how we think about stress and ways to "embrace" the pressure as we reach toward our goals.   They examine how to find balance in life and better handle stress as we learn how to transform "distress" into "good stress."  They share true stories and experiential data on simple ways to change our moods to lessen the perceived disharmony in our lives.  Again, Gin and Moe added a few tools to their own "tool kits" for managing stress and listeners will, too!**     

    BMI Redefined™ is a new podcast that looks at Perceptions and Perspectives of the human Body, Mind and Image. This is a podcast that hopes to show how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us and how different those two sides can be. We hope you join us on this journey of BMI Redefined.

    **The information presented in this website and podcast is intended for entertainment and education only. We are not giving specific and personal advice for mental health, physical health, and specific diagnosis and their treatment, legal or financial matters. We are not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. Everyone's story is a set of unique facts. By listening to this podcast you are not forming a professional relationship with us. The past results we talk about for others are no guarantee of future results for anyone. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional medical advice , diagnose or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.  Love, Gin and Moe!

    S2 E7 Science of Stress Part One

    S2 E7 Science of Stress Part One

    Gin and Moe's podcast adventure continues with Science of Stress Part 1 in their new 6-month series investigating the roles that anxiety, stress, and emotional health play in all of our lives, and ways in which emotions can positively intersect with nutrition, fitness, and ultimately happiness!  This dynamic duo's podcast conversations and guests will heighten your emotional awareness... while entertaining you with true stories and insightful moments.  

    In Science of Stress Part 1, Gin and Moe discuss Fight or Flight scenarios and how researchers define stress.  They dive into research findings and insights into "perceived threats" as we learn how to rise to the challenges in our lives.  They share true stories and experiential data on the psychological and physiological impacts of stress, while discussing ways to effectively manage the anxieties and stresses that infiltrate people's daily lives.  Again, Gin and Moe added a few tools to their own "tool kits" for managing stress and listeners will, too!**      

    BMI Redefined™ is a new podcast that looks at Perceptions and Perspectives of the human Body, Mind and Image. This is a podcast that hopes to show how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us and how different those two sides can be. We hope you join us on this journey of BMI Redefined.

    **The information presented in this website and podcast is intended for entertainment and education only. We are not giving specific and personal advice for mental health, physical health, and specific diagnosis and their treatment, legal or financial matters. We are not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. Everyone's story is a set of unique facts. By listening to this podcast you are not forming a professional relationship with us. The past results we talk about for others are no guarantee of future results for anyone. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional medical advice , diagnose or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.  Love, Gin and Moe!

    S2 E6 Age of Anxiety Part Five

    S2 E6 Age of Anxiety Part Five

    Gin and Moe's podcast adventure continues with Age of Anxiety Part 5 in their new 6-month series investigating the roles that anxiety, stress, and emotional health play in all of our lives, and ways in which emotions can positively intersect with nutrition, fitness, and ultimately happiness!  This dynamic duo's podcast conversations and guests will heighten your emotional awareness... while entertaining you with true stories and insightful moments.  

    In Part 5, Gin and Moe discuss research and experiential data on the concept of "You Are Not Alone" when working to find ways to effectively manage the anxieties and stresses that infiltrate people's daily lives.  They share articles by people who work through anxiety, stress, worry, and panic... whether situational or chronic.  These authors, reporters, moms, and researchers provide real-life stories and pointers on how they identify impending anxious moments and re-direct their perspectives to see the positivity of what can often become extreme emotions.  Gin and Moe added a few tools to their own "tool kits" for managing anxiety and listeners will, too!**      

    BMI Redefined™ is a new podcast that looks at Perceptions and Perspectives of the human Body, Mind and Image. This is a podcast that hopes to show how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us and how different those two sides can be. We hope you join us on this journey of BMI Redefined.

    **The information presented in this website and podcast is intended for entertainment and education only. We are not giving specific and personal advice for mental health, physical health, and specific diagnosis and their treatment, legal or financial matters. We are not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. Everyone's story is a set of unique facts. By listening to this podcast you are not forming a professional relationship with us. The past results we talk about for others are no guarantee of future results for anyone. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional medical advice , diagnose or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.  Love, Gin and Moe!

    S2 E5 Age of Anxiety Part Four

    S2 E5 Age of Anxiety Part Four

    Gin and Moe's podcast adventure continues with Age of Anxiety Part 4 in their new 6-month series investigating the roles that anxiety, stress, and emotional health play in all of our lives, and ways in which emotions can positively intersect with nutrition, fitness, and ultimately happiness!  This dynamic duo's podcast conversations and guests will heighten your emotional awareness... while entertaining you with true stories and insightful moments.  

    In Part 4, Gin and Moe dive into researchers' work on lessons and treatments for alleviating anxieties and stresses that infiltrate people's daily lives.  They review studies and talk about ways that effective communication within relationships, spiritual insights, and interaction with social media, can impact a person's stress and anxiety levels.  And, Gin and Moe discuss the healing power of pets and scientifically researched natural remedies for mitigating feelings of anxiety.**     

    BMI Redefined™ is a new podcast that looks at Perceptions and Perspectives of the human Body, Mind and Image. This is a podcast that hopes to show how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us and how different those two sides can be. We hope you join us on this journey of BMI Redefined.

    **The information presented in this website and podcast is intended for entertainment and education only. We are not giving specific and personal advice for mental health, physical health, and specific diagnosis and their treatment, legal or financial matters. We are not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. Everyone's story is a set of unique facts. By listening to this podcast you are not forming a professional relationship with us. The past results we talk about for others are no guarantee of future results for anyone. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional medical advice , diagnose or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.  Love, Gin and Moe!

    S2 E4 Age of Anxiety Part Three

    S2 E4 Age of Anxiety Part Three

    Gin and Moe's podcast adventure continues with Age of Anxiety Part 3 in their new 6-month series investigating the roles that anxiety, stress, and emotional health play in all of our lives, and ways in which emotions can positively intersect with nutrition, fitness, and ultimately happiness!  This dynamic duo's podcast conversations and guests will heighten your emotional awareness... while entertaining you with true stories and insightful moments.  

    In Part 3, Gin and Moe explore research insights into techniques for addressing anxious moments experienced by children and young adults.  They talk about ways parents and mentors can help alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety, the idea of tactical learning, and leading by example.**  

    BMI Redefined™ is a new podcast that looks at Perceptions and Perspectives of the human Body, Mind and Image. This is a podcast that hopes to show how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us and how different those two sides can be. We hope you join us on this journey of BMI Redefined.

    **The information presented in this website and podcast is intended for entertainment and education only. We are not giving specific and personal advice for mental health, physical health, and specific diagnosis and their treatment, legal or financial matters. We are not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. Everyone's story is a set of unique facts. By listening to this podcast you are not forming a professional relationship with us. The past results we talk about for others are no guarantee of future results for anyone. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional medical advice , diagnose or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.  Love, Gin and Moe!

    S2 E3 Dr. Sheryl Kennedy: State of Michigan Representative - "I'm with her."

    S2 E3 Dr. Sheryl Kennedy: State of Michigan Representative - "I'm with her."

    State Rep. Sheryl Kennedy is serving her first term representing citizens in Michigan’s 48th District, which includes the Genesee County communities of Clio, Davison, Montrose and Otisville, as well as the townships of Davison, Forest, Genesee, Montrose, Richfield, Thetford and Vienna.
    Before joining the Legislature, Kennedy spent 30 years in the field of public education, working to empower youth as a local teacher for her first 22 years. After receiving her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Administration in 2011, Dr. Kennedy became a school administrator, most recently serving as principal in Walled Lake Consolidated School District since 2013. Kennedy continues to work in education as a lecturer at the University of Michigan.
    Sheryl is a 6th generation resident of Michigan’s 48th District, her lifelong home. She and her husband, Mike, have been married for 25 years and have three adult children and two daughters-in-law – David (Megan), Joe (Stefanie), and Karissa.**

    **The information presented in this website and podcast is intended for entertainment and education only. We are not giving specific and personal advice for mental health, physical health, and specific diagnosis and their treatment, legal or financial matters. We are not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. Everyone's story is a set of unique facts. By listening to this podcast you are not forming a professional relationship with us. The past results we talk about for others are no guarantee of future results for anyone. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional medical advice , diagnose or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.  Love, Gin and Moe!

    S2 E2 Age of Anxiety Part Two

    S2 E2 Age of Anxiety Part Two

    Gin and Moe's podcast adventure continues with Age of Anxiety Part 2 in their new 6-month series investigating the roles that anxiety, stress, and emotional health play in all of our lives, and ways in which emotions can positively intersect with nutrition, fitness, and ultimately happiness!  This dynamic duo's podcast conversations and guests will heighten your emotional awareness... while entertaining you with true stories and insightful moments.  

    In Part 2, Gin and Moe explore research insights into techniques for addressing anxious moments... Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and ideas in James Nestor's work entitled, "Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art." **     

    BMI Redefined™ is a new podcast that looks at Perceptions and Perspectives of the human Body, Mind and Image. This is a podcast that hopes to show how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us and how different those two sides can be. Every week we will feature someone's story. We hope you join us on this journey of BMI Redefined.

    **The information presented in this website and podcast is intended for entertainment and education only. We are not giving specific and personal advice for mental health, physical health, and specific diagnosis and their treatment, legal or financial matters. We are not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. Everyone's story is a set of unique facts. By listening to this podcast you are not forming a professional relationship with us. The past results we talk about for others are no guarantee of future results for anyone. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional medical advice , diagnose or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.  Love, Gin and Moe!

    BMI Redefined™ with Gin and Moe
    en-usSeptember 26, 2020