
    Body-Led Business

    The Body-Led Business podcast is a no-fluff sanctuary for the rebel, ambitious, bold woman like you ready to build her business and her entire life in resonance with her nervous system and body's wisdom. When the body leads, you get to have it all: the monumental business success and the deep devoted love. Learn how to create a body-led business that is built around your values and lifestyle, without ever sacrificing the very things that matter to you the most: massive impact, true wealth, orgasmic vitality, spaciousness in your nervous system, and your dream Sacred Union. Aurika's goal is to always guide you back to your body's wisdom as a way to source your best business strategies, hold more wealth and source confidence as a leader. Tune in each week for practical trainings and high level conversations around how to allow your business to initiate you into the embodied, whole woman you're meant to be.
    enAurika Valan44 Episodes

    Episodes (44)

    Episode 44: The somatic perspective on setting business goals or how to actually achieve them?

    Episode 44: The somatic perspective on setting business goals or how to actually achieve them?

    If you're like me, I used to be very diligent about my business goals and I would attach them to a specific timeline. 10k months, 50k months, 3 private clients, 20 group clients… You know how that made me feel? Super excited on day 1. I LOVE setting delicious, expansive goals. That sense of possibility is thrilling and enlivening. 


    But you know how I'd feel on day 20 of my goal? Stressed and under pressure. Especially if the goal was especially attached to a specific timeline.


    The thing is, your business goals are not meant to feel stressful, daunting, or create pressure. 


    If you ever noticed that you keep on setting the goals but they keep on staying in the land aspirational dreams and not feel reachable…There is one big thing going underneath:


    The conflict between your mind setting the goal and your nervous system not feeling quite safe or ready to receive it. Your nervous system and your unconscious beliefs play a critical role in this equation.

    Your nervous system acts as a gatekeeper, determining what's safe or not (aka neuroception).  So, instead of patching 

    Through somatic practices, I help my clients address the underlying beliefs around feeling unsafe or unworthy of receiving what they most desire. 

    Long-lasting transformation occurs when our goals are mapped out mentally AND also anchored. Then your business goals are not merely aspirational. They become inevitable.

    This episode will be delightful stimulation for your mind and nourishment for your body 💋



    • What your business goals and your nervous system have in common
    • From setting aspirational goals to actually achieving them
    • Learn about neuroception, your nervous system's gatekeeper, and how it influences what you feel safe with in business
    • Move beyond traditional goal-setting approaches 
    • Growing your business through the unison of strategy and somatics



    Episode 43: Sexual desire: how to cultivate in long-term relationships & why we do silent days

    Episode 43: Sexual desire: how to cultivate in long-term relationships & why we do silent days

    Imagine a couple sleeping apart. Not touching. Not even talking! You'd imagine that they're fighting right? Well, that's what we do in our relationship two days per week. 


    Igniting sexual desire in long-term partnership is one of the biggest mysteries for modern couples, especially when they're not only sharing a household together but also working from home. You know how easy it is to get lost in logistics, casual touch, just hanging out together, small talk etc.


    One of our core values as a couple is to cultivate deep sexual chemistry, sacred sexuality being a core pillar of our relationship. Contrary to popular belief, sometimes desire needs not only more quality time together.. But also SPACE.


    Silent days help us create that space which beautifully resets our relationship.


    This means that we don’t engage in verbal communication for a couple of days and usually sleep apart that night too. If we need to arrange things, we’ll text each other or “talk” on the notes app. We will not touch each other either, but will make playful sounds, flirt and make "air kisses" ;)


    One of the biggest lies we have been fed is that sexual chemistry is meant to wane away and it is the ill fate of all long-term couples to eventually end up as roommates. The truth is, sexual desire will decrease if you do not cultivate it intentionally. 




    If you're devoted to increasing your libido and sexual polarity in your intimate life, this episode will give you lots of epic, creative ideas that go beyond your usual advice on "spending more quality time together". 



    • How intentional separation contributes to a deeper level of intimacy and passion in relationships.
    • Physical closeness doesn't necessarily equate to intimacy.
    • Through sounds, movement, and touch, we can discover new dimensions of connection
    • How to navigate practical and logistical barriers to intimacy



    Episode 42: Investing with Intention: The Journey Through a Misaligned Mastermind

    Episode 42: Investing with Intention: The Journey Through a Misaligned Mastermind

    It took me many months to record this episode – I need to find the right angle to speak about what at the time seemed as my worst investment into business coaching.


    In 2022, I joined a high ticket mastermind that ended up being completely misaligned with my values and who I am as a woman.


    This mastermind experience was a bootcamp for me as a facilitator and a big kick in the ass to refine my integrity as a mentor by 100 levels. It was a huge test of my values. It showed me where I was outsourcing my power and authority onto others instead of unwaveringly trusting myself. 


    My journey through and out of this mastermind became a clarion call for integrity and a holistic approach to business. 


    This investment ended up being one of my biggest (and painful) blessings in disguise because it led me to finding the body-led business coaching paradigm. Here, we do sales ethically, we're trauma-informed and blend business strategy with nervous system support.


    In this episode, I  discuss how I navigated the aftermath of this mastermind, and how  I emerged with a heightened standard for mentorship—both as a mentor and a mentee. 


    I also share some tips to help you find the right mentor for you, ensuring that their values and teaching style resonate deeply with your own path. It's not just about their financial success but also about how they embody a path that feels authentically aligned with your own.




    → I have 1 spot for somatic business coaching where strategy meets somatic healing. Send me a DM for more info.


    Episode 41: When ambition is replaced by devotion

    Episode 41: When ambition is replaced by devotion

    When… Your ambition is gone. 


    Today I share with you my personal journey of returning to Texas from Lithuania and confronting significant changes within myself, particularly regarding my perception of ambition, leadership, and receptivity.


    This episode is a heartfelt exploration of surrendering to a deeper, more mature phase of how I desire to grow my business and deepen my Union.


    In the sacred unfolding of my life, I've been cradled by the profound realisation that ambition, as I knew it, has dissolved into the ethers, leaving space for a deeper devotion to emerge.


    For the first time since I began my professional life (way before I started my business), I have no urge to go bigger and faster or quadruple my income. My ego finds it quite uncomfortable yet my soul rejoices at this new level of peace.


    This experience, though laced with frustration, illuminated my path further towards embracing every cycle of existence, much like the seasons—each holding its magic and purpose.


    As women, we're cyclical beings. This means that your business will also have seasons. There's a toxic belief in the coaching industry that we need to be in a perpetual summer, chasing bigger and bigger months, all the time. At the very least, this is unrealistic.


    Having slower seasons and embracing the FERTILE VOID in business is healthy and, in fact, necessary.


    Your body will love this podcast episode. Send me a DM on Insta about how it landed for you. 



    • Sharing about my trip back to Lithuania
    • A personal story about an incident with the big media 
    • The ambition the way I know it is gone
    • Your business is cyclical, just like your body 
    • Your business needs you to embrace the fertile void 



    Episode 40: Increasing your Upper Limit to hold more love, pleasure & money

    Episode 40: Increasing your Upper Limit to hold more love, pleasure & money

    We all want more love, more money, more pleasure. All the good things have one thing in common: our Upper Limit, which defines how much of this goodness we feel to receive and hold.


    In this episode, I share a story about how one weekend, when I received more in a weekend than I had in a month, I reached such a messy Upper Limit that I picked a few days long fight with my partner at the time and even my entire website crashed. Yes, for real 😜


    So, what's an Upper Limit? Your Upper Limit is like a glass ceiling or gateway that determines how much love, joy, and money your nervous system can hold. 


    Expanding our Upper Limit means expanding our nervous system capacity to hold more.


    What most people do not prepare you for, however, is that expanding your Upper Limit will also mean stretching yourself to hold the duality of it all. Holding both pleasure AND pain, love AND the fear of losing it, money AND the fear of losing it. 


    Also, it's one thing to receive something, such as money, and it's quite something else to hold it and sustain it. Such delicious work! Tune in and begin expanding your Upper Limit to receive and hold more love, joy, and money. 



    • Sharing the behind the scenes on getting a puppy and how she has changed everything in our home and relationship
    • Your nervous system, not your mind, decides how much you get to receive
    • Learning to hold both pleasure and pain
    • Receiving money is not the same as holding it
    • What happens when we reach our Upper Limit without realizing it?
    • Mini practice to increase your Upper Limit through the body





    Body-Led Business
    enFebruary 06, 2024

    Episode 39: Cultivating staying power to hold the ebbs and flows of your business

    Episode 39: Cultivating staying power to hold the ebbs and flows of your business

    Navigating the emotional rollercoaster of running a business is very real. There's not a single successful person I know who's not experienced the following scenario → pouring all of their energy and time into their business and not seeing the results they want. 


    Taking lots of action, creating epic content, launching new offers and then being in the unknown before you see any evidence of this working is edgy and vulnerable. It can feel as intense as saying "I love you" for the first time and waiting for their response back! 


    Today’s episode is a love note from me to you 🫶  It's the loving hug and the affirming word you desire to receive when things feel tough. 


    Staying power is your capacity to hold the unknown before you see any results. It's your spiritual and emotional tenacity. When you have staying power, then you can hold the lows as well as the highs – you're no longer defined by them. 


    And guess what 😉 Staying power is not cultivated through mindset work, journaling or affirmations. Staying power happens inside your body. It grows together with your nervous system and its capacity to hold more. 


    I want you to remember this, beloved. You are not your business. Your worth has nothing to do with your business results or financial results. Your mission cannot be bound by any external metrics.


    If how you hold your lows defines your success… Allow yourself to love the lows as much as the highs. 



    • Why I don't believe in failure 
    • Honouring slower seasons as a nature part of life & cycles
    • The way you hold your lows defines your success
    • Inner work as creative fuel for your business
    • Internal anchoring is your daily prayer as a CEO
    • Cultivate staying power through body-based practices
    • Here's how you become invincible




    Body-Led Business
    enJanuary 30, 2024

    Episode 38: The Power of Rest in Business: Nurturing the Feminine Entrepreneur

    Episode 38: The Power of Rest in Business: Nurturing the Feminine Entrepreneur

    It's time for the era where women are not only well-paid but also well-rested. 


    Rest has not been easy for me. My parents could have won the Olympics for workaholism. I grew up being societally “trained” to value productivity above everything else and see rest as being idle. Things are very different now but it's taken me a LOT of discipline to make rest part of my life.


    The truth is, many women have proved that they can build huge empires. But often… at the cost of their rest, aliveness, peace, intimate life. We've got it all upside down. What if conscious rest IS the place where we access more aligned productivity, reset our nervous system, and source limitless energy? 


    In all of my business containers, before we do any business work, I always ask my clients : "where are you at with your body and your nervous system?". Because the success of any business strategy is directly related to your nervous system capacity to implement it and have staying power.


    So, why is rest hard? Because many people don't actually feel safe or familiar with the state of being rested and relaxed. Just like in meditation, we have to face our restless monkey mind. All the addictive behaviours come up. And deep down, we unconsciously believe that our self-worth equals how much we get done and achieve. 


    On the other hand, rest is what feeds your nervous system. A deeply relaxed body is resilient. Open to flowstates. it  can surrender to the subtle waves of pleasure and stay there. A deeply relaxed body has the spaciousness to receive love, wealth, and clients. 


    Enjoy this episode to receive that paradigm shift that rest is productive and it is a vital fuel to receive all that you desire.



    • Prioritising rest is the key to productivity, nervous system health, creative flow states, and deep intimacy
    • My complicated journey with rest
    • Nervous system and business strategy go hand in hand
    • Transitioning from goal-driven masculine energy to receptive feminine energy at the end of your work day
    • Finding your daily practice to prioritise downtime



    Body-Led Business
    enJanuary 23, 2024

    Episode 37: Your energy sells. How to cultivate Energetic Alignment in your Business?

    Episode 37: Your energy sells. How to cultivate Energetic Alignment in your Business?

    Your energy sells. You may have heard this term thrown around before, because it is…the truth. Cultivating energetic alignment is a massively potent force for accelerated success in our business.


    Last December, I was faced with a conflict between energy and strategy. I was about to launch a strategy heavy program that made sense for my product suite. However, my body was yearning for more slowness and nourishment – I could not find a full body yes for the strategically logical offer. I share how I resolved this and how following my intuition led to a huge flowstate, an offer channelled in one hour that led to multiple 5 figs in clients. This is the power of body-led business and creating coherence between energy, body, strategy, and action.


    Just to be clear: energetic alignment isn't a metaphor or something conceptual. Personally, I feel energy as physical sensations in my body as I'm writing this text. 


    Your energetic alignment encompasses thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Together, they shape all that happens inside your businesses. 


    And yes, you've guessed right!! If alignment is the result, somatic is how we get there: it is through the body that we release emotions and rewire deeper unconscious beliefs. When you lead your business from full coherence, you become unstoppable.



    • Business alignment and energetics - how it impacts success
    • Prioritizing nourishment and energy alignment in content creation. 
    • The importance of energetic coherence in content creation, by aligning thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.
    • Aligning with your deeper purpose and vision for successful launches.
    • Connecting with the "soul of your offer" and imagining a courtroom defense of one's business idea.
    • Developing creative momentum by recording and listening to yourself, ensuring authenticity in content creation.



    Episode 36: 7 ways to create irresistible content that converts

    Episode 36: 7 ways to create irresistible content that converts

    Let me start being real honest here. One of the biggest mistakes that I did in the earlier stages of my business is posting what's alive for me, what I was going through. I was doing well in my business and I would get engagement along the lines of: "this is inspiring!". But "inspiring" is many miles away from "I like you, I trust you, I know. I want to work with you. Where do I pay?".


    The biggest change happened when I began applying somatic work in my business (that's a conversation you're well aware of, my love!) AND when I intentionally began content for my people, about my people. 


    Your messaging is more important than most realise. It has the power to attract your soulmate clients and filter out the non-aligned ones. It can ignite people's hearts to take the next step towards transformation as well as get lost in the ocean of seen-it-a-million-times vanilla content.  


    Most importantly, when your messaging and content are strategic, they get to sell your offers for you. Let this sink in. 


    Right now, I have had many people invest in my programs without having ever spoken to me. And I'm speaking about offers that cost thousands, not hundreds of dollars. Why? Because my content transformed their lives before they even paid me, hence making it easy for them to trust me and join my offers. 


    Here's the thing: no matter where you’re at in your business, before you sell, you first want to have a community of people who know, like and trust you. Selling to a cold audience d o e s. n o t. w o r k. 


    By using these 7 tips I mentioned in this podcast episode, you'll be able to offer deep, meaningful value to your people and create a hot audience ready to play full out. 


    This episode will help you avoid the mistake I made of creating content for myself, about myself and instead learn to create content that MOVES and SELLS.


    • Intentional messaging that is real & vulnerable creates trust
    • Shifting from self-focused to client-focused messaging
    • Core elements to build trust with your audience and turn them into ride-or-die community
    • How to be a mentor who is both a badass leader and also a relatable human
    • 7 potent, precise tips to elevate your content & messaging
    • Some sweet behind the scenes personal life updates 🫶



    Say hi to me on Insta

    Join Creative Momentum

    Genesis: Accelerating Newer Entrepreneurs

    Velocity: A Mastermind for Holistic Success



    How do you become a Thought Leader?

    The secrets behind my creative routines for widely valuable and consistent content

    Creating consistent content - not just for a week, but years to come

    Attracting High Caliber Clients through the power of messaging

    5 keys to Creating Valuable Content that Actually Converts

    Episode 35: Mapping Your Boldest Vision for 2024

    Episode 35: Mapping Your Boldest Vision for 2024

    New Year. New beginnings. Ever tried to come up with a new word and then… forgotten it by March? I totally have, every single year lol. Let's take this 1,001 times deeper and tap into your boldest vision, your DIVINE ASSIGNMENT,  that actually fuels lasting change.


    Before we ask for success, we first want to redefine it. What does success mean to you? What's your "why"? So dear to you that it almost makes you wanna tear up? What truly drives you? Your divine assignment is bigger than you—it's the purpose handed to you. As a leader, your role is to steward it and let it initiate you.


    Success, of course, means different things to different people and it is crucial to redefine it periodically. My upbringing in Lithuania shaped my understanding of success; it was once about financial stability but evolved into holistic success.


    For me, holistic success transcends mere financial wealth. It includes as much money as we need to have our desired lifestyle but goes beyond it. It also involves impactful service, time freedom, love, vitality, orgasmic bliss, deep community connections, creative freedom, and joy in daily life. 


    This is true, long lasting, meaningful wealth. I'm here to help you create a business that supports that. And yes, that may mean big, structural changes in your business so that it revolves around your lifestyle and values, not vice versa.


    In this episode, I invite you to envision your highest timeline for 2024 with me. I share a beautiful practice for you to connect to your vision at a sensory level. Feel free to send me a DM and share your insights!


    • How to redefine success to avoid chasing external metrics and find true fulfilment.
    • What is holistic success and how it can change everything in your business
    • Crafting a business that supports your desired lifestyle and values
    • Balancing masculine and feminine energies in business to achieve sustainable success.
    • Envisioning your highest timeline for 2024


    Say hi to me on Insta
    Born to Lead FREE Activation
    Genesis: Accelerating Newer Entrepreneurs
    Velocity: A Mastermind for Holistic Success


    Body-Led Business
    enJanuary 02, 2024

    Episode 34: My story of living in the Arctic: the Polar Rite of Passage

    Episode 34: My story of living in the Arctic: the Polar Rite of Passage

    Once upon a time, I lived in the Arctic. In the Northernmost human settlement on Earth that has more polar bears than humans. In the dark polar night, I had one of the hardest and also the most extraordinary experiences of my entire life. Only later did I realise that my life in the Arctic was my major Rite of Passage that shaped the woman I am today. 


    Years ago, I was so eager to launch my coaching business – I had a huge vision and a thousand euros to my name. I knew that I could not lead people through transformation from a place of needing money in order to survive. So, destiny led me to taking on a job in a place called Svalbard. I arrived there one month before the Polar Night began.


    I worked at a bar by night. I lived a magical ritual-filled priestess life by day. When the Polar Night began, the moon would never set – it was already travelling around the skyline. Days blended into darkness; the landscape felt both desolate and breathtaking. I grappled with deep loneliness, seeking connection online while surrounded by an icy, barren world.


    In this episode, I share my naked heart about all that happened in this surreal phase of my life. From collapsing on the kitchen floor, freefalling into my deepest fears, to finding the most profound love for myself and God I didn't know existed.


    This experience completely transformed me. I returned feeling whole. I left the Arctic feeling… invincible; knowing that if I could hold myself living literally at the end of the world, I could do anything. 


    In the wake of this transformative journey, life picked up pace. I moved to Thailand, entered a beautiful long-term relationship, went straight to 6 figures in my first year in business, and broke cycles that no longer served me.


    It’s a tale that will feature prominently in my book, and I hope the wisdom I gleaned resonates with you. Thanks for staying through this journey with me. If you want to share your thoughts, feel free to DM me on Instagram. I appreciate you being here and can’t wait for our next episode together.



    • How living and working in the Arctic was a pivotal experience that shaped personal and professional growth.
    • Balancing passion and financial limitations while striving to launch a coaching business, highlighting the challenges and sacrifices made.
    • Discovering inner strength through spiritual practices amidst a barren landscape of stark isolation and challenges faced in Svalbard 
    • A profound moment of reckoning which was a catalyst for self-discovery, acceptance, and a radical shift in perspective.
    • How the Arctic experience sparked personal transformation, leading to newfound self-love, a return to wholeness, and subsequent success in both business and personal life.





    Body-Led Business
    enDecember 26, 2023

    Episode 33: How do you become a Thought Leader?

    Episode 33: How do you become a Thought Leader?

    As a thought leader, you do not follow. YOU go first. 


    The world is full of experts, but there are way less thought leaders because thought leadership takes profound innovation, creativity, and immense courage. 


    The process of becoming a thought leader can't be rushed. It is made up of so many initiations, trust leaps, service, and lots of time honing your craft.  


    As a thought leader, you are here to lead by example. You are not here to follow what other people are doing or create from what you see online. You are here to come up with new creative solutions to improve whatever you see as a problem or as a challenge or as a gap in your field.


    Many people will teach you "IG hacks and trends" or tell you how to follow their "proven 5 step formula". 


    When you use your time on becoming a thought instead of chasing trends or following other people's "codes", you build a business that feels authentic to who you are. Your business stands the test of time. You naturally stand out from the crowd, without ever having to perform a dance to moving text boxes 😜. 


    In this episode, I explore the nuances of thought leadership and, as always, share lots of valuable tips on how to begin claiming your own thought leadership. 



    • What becoming a thought leader looks like
    • Why pain point marketing is dead
    • Fear of speaking up and the witch wound
    • How hiring the wrong mentor" became a catalyst to my own thought leadership 
    • Your stand is your brand & values-based marketing
    • Identifying your "hill to die on" to find your thought leadership and create content that truly resonates with your audience.





    Body-Led Business
    enDecember 19, 2023

    Episode 32: Hire before you're ready

    Episode 32: Hire before you're ready

    Anytime you see someone working 15h weeks and making lots of money, it's not because they have somehow magically reduced the number of hours needed to scale their business.  It's because… 9.5 times out of 10, they have a solid team, robust backend structure and streamlined processes.  No one has made it to the top alone.


    Let me share an analogy with you: Imagine going to see a dentist. You arrive at their clinic and see that the dentist is wearing all the hats – working as a receptionist, customer service, branding designer, bookkeeper, cleaner, sales person… plus being a dentist. That would be pretty insane, wouldn't it? Well, this is what a lot of coaches do. 


    One of the reasons for my success in the very first year was my courage to hire my first Virtual Assistant in the 3rd month of my business and my first Online Business Manager in the 7th month. This helped me stay in my zone on genius and do the things that would generate more revenue, instead of spending hours in the backend (totally not my zone of genius) 😜


    My best advice: hire before you're ready. The investment you make in a good team member has immense ROI. The sooner you realise that other people can do some of your tasks sooner and faster, the quicker you’ll scale, sustainably.


    Enjoy this highly valuable episode packed with lots of epic tips!



    • Hiring a team is non-negotiable for scaling a business to six figures and above: Entrepreneurs with successful businesses typically have a solid team and streamlined processes.
    • Why you should hire team members before you feel ready
    • Empowering your team by delegating tasks that drain your energy, so you can focus on coaching and teaching.
    • How hiring a team member can liberate time for creativity and impact business success.
    • Tips for business growth and hiring practices. 
    • Learn how to build and scale your business with upcoming programs in January 2024.
    • How hiring a team can be a devotional practice to grow your business and art.



    Body-Led Business
    enDecember 12, 2023

    Episode 31: The era of a nourished, devoted leader begins here

    Episode 31: The era of a nourished, devoted leader begins here

    This episode gave me a vulnerability hangover. To be honest, I considered not publishing it because sometimes it's still edgy for me to own my humanness and reveal what's really going on behind the scenes. But here we are, paving the way for a new era of leadership where before we are business owners, we are women first.


    Today I am speaking to the woman who is masterful at getting things done but who might have been feeling a bit stretched thin lately. If you're like me, you care about giving your best to everything that you do in life: love, business, inner work, health and fitness, community, service and so much more.


    It is so easy to get lost in the doing, in doing the next launch, in wanting that bigger month etc. But! Your business is not a machine, it is a sacred piece of art. It is a divine initiation into becoming the woman you're meant to be.


    Just like your nervous system, your business also needs a regular reset. So that when you take your next step, you do so not just because it's on your to-do list, but because your greater vision is pulsing in your heart so deep that you simply cannot not do it.


    Imagine each step in your business being driven not by mere obligation but by a powerful, innate wisdom residing within you - a business led by devotion, not just tasks to check off. 


    In this episode, I share a story about how moving my emotions (on the day of recording this episode) helped me return to my alignment and show up in my business with even more potency, precision, and devotion. Let me know how it lands for you by sending me a DM🌹



    • Balancing business and personal life as a feminine woman and high level CEO
    • Feeling your emotions is key to entering effortless energetic alignment 
    • Do not let your mood run your business 
    • Nervous system well-being is key to better productivity and momentum business growth 
    • Bridging somatic work with business strategy 
    • Replacing unhealthy overdrive with devotion
    • Leading more from a place of wholeness, nourishment, and alignment



    Body-Led Business
    enDecember 05, 2023

    Episode 30: How to fall in love with sales and feel confident AF to sell daily 💸

    Episode 30: How to fall in love with sales and feel confident AF to sell daily 💸

    If you have a business, then it means that you're here to make money. Not just to play around, offer free services or exchanges. Business is a commerce that relies on sales. But when we add the "soul-led" part to our business, lots of people get weird about selling, thinking it's somehow "unethical" to want to be well paid for their sacred work. 


    Lotssss to unpack here, baby.


    Let's acknowledge the fact that many of us have been on the receiving end where we have been sold unethically: pain points marketing, cold messaging, and feeling that if we don't buy, our life will be ruined forever lol 😜 Your resistance to selling is understandable. 


    In the body-led business paradigm, we're here to rewrite this and bring back the sacredness and the naturalness of selling.


    Personally, I love selling. I often get so many messages from people saying that they don't even feel sold to, they feel really seen and cared for who they are, not their wallet. This naturally invites a sale that comes from a place of client's power, not persuasion. 


    In this Body-led Business Podcast episode, I am reframing so many beliefs around selling, removing the shame around sales and wanting to make lots of money. Enjoy and see how you fall in love with selling is actually a service to your client's transformation 💸


    Dive Deeper into my World:

    • The program for new coaches - early bird enrolment for Genesis :: https://aurikavalan.thrivecart.com/genesis-early-bird/

    • Velocity:

    • Say hi to me on Insta :: https://www.instagram.com/aurikavalan/

    Episode 29: The secrets behind my creative routines for widely valuable and consistent content

    Episode 29: The secrets behind my creative routines for widely valuable and consistent content

    See me as a very feminine being? You have not seen my creative routines.   


    You may have noticed that I have a lot of high value content coming - consistently. I have a podcast episode coming out each week. I also launch and teach programs in Lithuanian alongside my business in English. Plus I am writing my book. Yes, it's a lot of writing and creation! 


     Keep in mind that your content is a big deal. We are working in the industry where content is a precursor for everything else in business. You can be the best expert with decades of experience in your area but if you don't know how to speak about it, then chances are, people are not going to buy into it if you can't portray your genius, embodiment, capacity to lead and serve via your content. 


    Your content is the place where people get to find you, have their first impression, decide whether they wanna go on a 2nd date with you, and eventually whether they trust you enough to take them on a profound journey.


    In this Body-led Business Podcast episode, I am talking about what it actually takes to be consistent with creating high value content. I share my creative routines, my masculine structure and feminine flow hacks. As always, you'll receive plenty of tips for you on how you can fall in loveeee with content creation and feel confident AF with it!


     May this episode inspire you to find your authentic rhythm with creative routines so that you could truly elevate the world with your epic content!


    Dive Deeper into my World:


    • The program for new coaches - early bird enrolment for Genesis :: https://aurikavalan.thrivecart.com/genesis-early-bird/

    • Velocity:

    • Liberate your creative genius to create content that moves and sells :: https://aurikavalan.thrivecart.com/creative-momentum/ 

    • Say hi to me on Insta :: https://www.instagram.com/aurikavalan/


    Episode 28: 7 steps I would take if I were to start my coaching business today

    Episode 28: 7 steps I would take if I were to start my coaching business today

    Someone recently told me “you give away so much value for free; you shouldn't give so much away - then people won't buy from you”.


    I disagree. I don't believe that you can give away too much free value. I believe in changing people's lives even before they invest in working with me. 


    I often get messages like "this was the most valuable thing I have read or listened to in a long time; you not only share what's possible but you also teach how I can get there too". 


    This is much more potent than "that's inspiring". "Inspiring" does not change lives, nor does it lead to sales.


    In this Body-Led Business episode, I am sharing the exact strategic steps I invite you to take if you're in the earlier stages of building your business. After 4 years of running my business, going from 0 to 6 figs in the first year, taking lots of leaps and making plenty of mistakes along the way, I discuss the 7 steps I would take if I were to start my business today. 


    Yes, I am giving you so much value for free which, I know, can change the trajectory of your life.
    Get ready to take plenty of notes xoxo


    Dive Deeper into my World:


    • The program for new coaches - Genesis :: https://aurikavalan.thrivecart.com/genesis-early-bird/ 

    • Velocity Business Mastermind waitlist :: https://aurikavalan.myflodesk.com/velocity-2024 

    • FREE Body-Led Business movement practice :: https://aurikavalan.myflodesk.com/bodyledbusinesspractice 

    • Say hi to me on Insta :: https://www.instagram.com/aurikavalan/


    Episode 27: Yes, you can be a hot mess while leading as a high level CEO

    Episode 27: Yes, you can be a hot mess while leading as a high level CEO

    Let's be honest. Sometimes in life we're being pulled in so many different directions: work, home, family, intimacy, health, admin, taxes, community dynamics, and so much more. 


    So, how do we show up in business when we are being pulled in 55 directions and are finding ourselves busier than we’d like?


    Today I woke up late. I was unfocused, found myself complaining, and to top it off, I was in my luteal phase. But I also had business commitments (such as recording this podcast episode😉). In the past, I would have done one of the two:

    • Put on my independent woman hat and push through, in spite of my body's signals begging me to pause

    • Dropped everything to feel my deepest emotions 


    Balancing masculine structure and feminine flow in life and business is a core value of mine. Thus, today I dedicated an hour to tend to my nervous system. AND then I showed up for my business. 


    In this Body-led Business Podcast episode, I share what to do when you find yourself overwhelmed or under-resourced, with an intention to honor both: your body and your business. 


    Dive Deeper into my World:


    • The program for new coaches - Genesis :: https://aurikavalan.thrivecart.com/genesis-early-bird/ 

    • Velocity Business Mastermind waitlist :: https://aurikavalan.myflodesk.com/velocity-2024 

    • Say hi to me on Insta :: https://www.instagram.com/aurikavalan/

    Episode 26: What I did to go from 1k months to 6 figs in my first year in business

    Episode 26: What I did to go from 1k months to 6 figs in my first year in business

    Money was not something I used to have. Before starting my business, I'd never had more than 2k to my name. I'll be very honest with you… when I began dreaming about turning my passion into business, the idea of making *2k per month doing what I love* felt like the wildest dream to me and would make me tear up. 


    Little did I know that in the first year I would cash in 6 figures. Of course, I was euphoric to see such numbers but it was never about the money. It was always about the burning desire to serve and teach somatic work. Not doing this would have felt like betraying my soul. 


    My biggest lesson from the beginning of my business is to listen to every single nudge that I received and *take action every single time*. I took lots of messy action. I made lots of mistakes. I trusted myself to figure things out as I kept on going. And everything worked out so much better than I could have ever planned. 


    In this Body-led Business Podcast episode, I talk about the behind the scenes of my journey in the business world, how I went from 1k months to 6 figures in my first year, and how I’ve gotten to where I am now in my business. I share a LOT of tips I learned along the way, from building the foundations for your business to selling your first offer. 


    My best advice for you, Beloved? Feel the fear and do it anyway. 


    Dive Deeper into my World:


    • The program for new coaches - join the waitlist for Genesis :: https://aurikavalan.thrivecart.com/genesis-early-bird/ 
    • Velocity Business Mastermind waitlist :: https://aurikavalan.myflodesk.com/velocity-2024 
    • Say hi to me on Insta :: https://www.instagram.com/aurikavalan/

    You might also be interested in:

    • Episode 12: 10 things I wish I knew before starting my business ::


    Episode 25: Somatic and nervous system work as the next edge of your business growth

    Episode 25: Somatic and nervous system work as the next edge of your business growth

    What happens when you marry the nervous system and somatic work with business?  


    An entirely new paradigm of scaling our business while feeling FULLY ALIVE and connected to our deeper wisdom. A business that feels like an extension of who you are as a woman. A nervous system that can hold so much more peace, success, visibility, wealth, and responsibility. With ease.


    Here, everyone wins. Not just your business, but also your family and the people you love because you have so much more energy and freedom of time to do what you love. 


    One client of mine said that anytime she does one of my somatic practices in business, she feels so much more inspired, confident, and ready to claim her throne. Another client in Velocity said somatic practices open her creative channel so wide that new ideas are just pouring out. It’s no coincidence. 


    Somatic work helps us regulate our nervous system and discharge any stress which is priceless. It not only helps us prevent burnout, but it also expands our capacity to hold more growth.


    If you've been curious about how to start incorporating somatics into your business and personal life, then you'll absolutely love this Body-led Business Podcast. 


    PS enjoy a free Body-Led Business movement practice! Link in the shownotes.


    Dive Deeper into my World:


    • FREE Body-Led Business movement practice :: https://aurikavalan.myflodesk.com/bodyledbusinesspractice 

    • The program for new coaches - Genesis :: https://aurikavalan.thrivecart.com/genesis-early-bird/ 

    • Velocity Business Mastermind waitlist :: https://aurikavalan.myflodesk.com/velocity-2024 

    • Say hi to me on Insta :: https://www.instagram.com/aurikavalan/


    You might also be interested in:


    • Episode 5: Identity Work is at the Root of Scaling your Business :: 
