

    BossMove is a workshop-style podcast that will help you set your path to success and chase your goals. Kison and Shyla engage in conversations with leaders/entrepreneurs and ask them to lay out their steps to success. Now you can learn and repeat the moves they used to get to the top.
    enKison Patel53 Episodes

    Episodes (53)

    Unlocking Life's Lessons Through Failure with Roger Clark

    Unlocking Life's Lessons Through Failure with Roger Clark

    We all experience failure in our lives, no matter what we do. Facing these moments of adversity can be complicated and overwhelming, leaving us feeling defeated and discouraged. However, we can learn from these failures and use them to grow and develop as individuals. Roger Clark, an Irish American Actor, and Voice Actor best known for the character of Arthur Morgan in the 2018 video game - Red Dead Redemption 2, knows firsthand the power of failure and how to turn it into a positive learning experience.


    • Important life lessons from failure
    • Building up tenacity
    • Living your life with gratitude
    • Taking back your control

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    Finding Fulfillment Through Serving Humanity with Evy Poumpouras

    Finding Fulfillment Through Serving Humanity with Evy Poumpouras

    We live in a constantly changing world. Therefore, we must always reassess how we can serve humanity to make the most of our lives. According to Evy Poumpouras, a former Special Agent with the U.S. Secret Service, and Author of the Best-Selling Book Becoming Bulletproof, being in service of humanity does not necessarily mean that we need to volunteer or join a cause. It can also mean being conscious of how you can help those around you.


    • Serving people in a human relationship
    • Complaining will not fix your problem
    • Taking responsibility for yourself
    • Benefits of being an early bird
    • Becoming Bulletproof

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    Turning Your Passion Into A Career with Charlotte Kirk

    Turning Your Passion Into A Career with Charlotte Kirk

    “Find your passion,” we often hear these words, but many of us struggle to discover what we love to do, especially young ones. According to Charlotte Kirk, you only live once. She is an Award-Winning British Actress who started her acting career at 11, co-star in Vice (2015) with Bruce Willis and Thomas Jane, co-wrote and starred in a new film, The Lair. If you don’t love what you do, what’s the point of doing it and having success? Challenge yourself and try many different things to find out what you’re passionate about.


    • Turning your passion into a career

    • Trying new and scary things to find your passion

    • Doing what you don’t love will bring you to your end goal, which is doing what you’re passionate about

    • How to stay focused in this world full of distractions

    • Embracing your uniqueness

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    The Power of Curiosity and Being Around The Right People with Brendan Kane

    The Power of Curiosity and Being Around The Right People with Brendan Kane

    Back when we were a child, we were full of curiosity. But as we grew up, that eagerness to learn was gradually disappearing. We should not let that happen, as it is a key ingredient to success. This episode talks about the importance of curiosity and how to surround yourself with the right people, featuring Brendan Kane, an outside-of-the-box thinker, Speaker, Author, and Founder and CEO of the Hook Point Agency.

    Things you will learn in this episode:

    • Getting the best out of curiosity
    • The importance of applying what you learn
    • Learning from people better than you to achieve success
    • Why being different is a good thing

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    Dealing with Haters and Failures to Build your Dreams with Hayley LeBlanc

    Dealing with Haters and Failures to Build your Dreams with Hayley LeBlanc

    We are amazed by the young celebrities we see on TV and by famous vloggers on YouTube. But how did they get there? What are the things they did to get there? For Hayley LeBlanc, a 14-year-old American Actress, YouTube Star, Singer, and Author, it was not an easy journey.

    To become an actress, she has to audition many times and experience failures on the way. She also received hate comments on YouTube. But she didn’t stop. “In order to become successful, you have to fail.” This is what Hayley realized earlier than other teens at her age.


    • How consistency can change your life
    • Improving yourself with hate comments
    • Why you should enjoy your life as a kid
    • Why it’s okay to fail

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    Synergistic Collaboration with Jenn Gotzon

    Synergistic Collaboration with Jenn Gotzon

    With our fast-paced world that is constantly evolving there's always room to grow. And there's no better way to grow than to find someone who's better than you and learn from them. If you surround yourself with people who have the same skills as you, you will not evolve.  In this episode of the Bossmove podcast, Jenn Gotzon, Creator of The Farmer and the Belle, talks about the power of synergistic collaboration.   

    Listen up as she talks about her career journey and her three principles of success.


    Things you will learn in this episode:


    - The importance of Faith and Prayer

    - How collaboration can be the key to exponential growth

    - Synergistic Entrepreneurial Out-of-the-Box thinking. 

    - Finding mentors to grow

    - How collaboration and thinking outside the box can lead to something brilliant 

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    Why You Should Not Follow Your Passion With Guy Kawasaki

    Why You Should Not Follow Your Passion With Guy Kawasaki

    Time and time again, we always hear the phrase “follow your passion”. Even when we were younger, we were always told to follow our passion, because that’s what will make us happy.   

    In this episode of BossMove Podcast, Kison and Shyla speak with Guy Kawasaki, Chief Evangelist at Canva. He is also the podcast host of Guy Kawasaki's Remarkable People. Guy believes that we should pursue our interests, not our passion. 


    Listen up as he talks about his career journey and her three principles of success.


    Things you will learn in this episode:


    -Why you should not follow your passion

    -Keep showing up is crucial in your success

    -How to get luck on your side

    -The best mistake he’s ever made

    -Advice for the next generation of leaders

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    How Experimentation Led Susan Bennett to Become the Original Voice of Siri

    How Experimentation Led Susan Bennett to Become the Original Voice of Siri

    You might now know her name but might have heard her voice.   

    Susan Bennett is an American Voice Actress and is the Original Voice of Siri. She was initially a singer before she accidentally landed a career in voice acting. 


    In this episode of Bossmove, Susan joins us to share her story of how she transitioned from singing to voice acting and how she became the voice of Siri.


    Listen up as she talks about her career journey and her three principles of success.


    Things you will learn in this episode:


    -How Susan discovered voice acting

    -The downside of being the voice of Siri

    -What she did to turn her career around

    -The importance of confidence in anything that you do

    -How to accustom yourself to experimentation 


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    Winning with Positivity with Paul Olsen, Legendary Head Track and Cross Country Coach

    Winning with Positivity with Paul Olsen, Legendary Head Track and Cross Country Coach

    Do you know what it takes to have a winning attitude? Athletes compete all the time with skill and confidence. Notwithstanding the fact that they train hard for their respective sports, behind every team is a great coach. 


    In this episode of Bossmove, Kison & Shyla interview Paul Olsen, head track and cross country coach at Augustana College as he talks about how to have a winning attitude with positivity. 


    Paul is an enthusiastic coach and has received several honors and recognition. He’s been producing winning teams and individuals since the 1960s. He loves sports and helping young people have a good experience competing.


    In this episode you will learn:


    -How positivity and inspiration can be contagious

    -Surrounding yourself with the right people is key to success

    -If you give people the freedom to fail, they will perform better

    -How to foster a winning attitude

    -The best mistake that Paul has ever made

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    Embrace Life as Your Authentic Self with Victoria Jancke

    Embrace Life as Your Authentic Self with Victoria Jancke

    If there is one thing in life that is true, it is that life is short. Time passes by in the blink of an eye, and that any moment could be our last. You should embrace life as your authentic self. 

    In this episode of Bossmove, Kison & Shyla interview Victoria Jancke, Actress, Model, Speaker, Host & Fempreneur. She is the  Founder of "We.Media One Agency".

    Listen up as she talks about her career journey and her three principles of success.


    Things you will learn in this episode:

    -The accident that gave her a different perspective in life

    -How authenticity made her happier and more successful

    -Being grateful can help you stay grounded 

    -Challenge yourself for continuous growth

    -Her advice to future entrepreneurs


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    Taking Control of Your Life with Rio Olympics Record Holder Alexi Pappas

    Taking Control of Your Life with Rio Olympics Record Holder Alexi Pappas

    As a kid, we were always told what to do. And as we grow older, there are certain expectations that are built by the people that surround us.


    Sadly, most of us feel compelled to follow those expectations to try and please others. This is no way to live. 


    In this episode of BossMove, Kison & Shyla interview Alexi Pappas,  Author, Actress, Filmmaker and Olympian. She is an Olympic runner who holds the national record in the 10,000 meters at the Rio Olympics. 

    Listen up as she talks about her career journey and her three principles of success.

    Things you will learn in this episode:

    -How she became an Olympian Runner

    -How to Create yourself and not Discover yourself

    -It’s ok to seek assurances from people closest to you

    -Chasing your dream is a part of the dream

    -Evolve for yourself 

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    enMarch 16, 2022

    The Power of Mindset

    The Power of Mindset

    Your mind is your best tool. Unfortunately, most of us only believe the negative things about ourselves. But how you see yourself matters because it will dictate your behavior towards your relationship with others and in life.  

    In this episode of Bossmove, I interviewed Sarah Preston, Founder & Director of Bamboo Media Productions Ltd. She is an Actor, Voice-Over Artist, Writer, and Director of a new, female-centric TV and Film production company - Bamboo Media Productions.

    Listen up as she talks about her career journey and her three principles of success.

    Things you will learn in this episode:

    -Her passion for acting

    -The importance of working hard and working smart

    -Why you should admit when you are wrong

    -Changing your mindset will change your life

    -Advice for future entrepreneurs

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    Follow the Data with Keltie Knight

    Follow the Data with Keltie Knight

    Do you have your dream job right now? Oftentimes, we don’t end up with the job that we want. And sometimes, we end up with the career that we thought we wanted, but we weren’t happy.

    This was the case for Keltie Knight, the New York Times bestselling author and host of the Ladygang podcast. She wasn’t happy with her career anymore so she turned her life around and created her own successful business by following the data.

    Listen in and learn:

    • How to get good with rejections
    • The importance of paying attention to numerical and personal data
    • Learning from failures
    • Creating the job you want
    • How to use data to succeed

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    Cultivating Your Planted Roots to Thrive

    Cultivating Your Planted Roots to Thrive
    When we were kids, we begin to discover what we like doing. Eventually, it becomes our passion as our parents help us grow through playdates and workshops. Once we get to know what we love doing, we pursue more about it by gaining experiences such as joining competitions and attending classes. These planted roots need to be cultivated as we grow because our environment also changes.

    Through preparation, self-awareness, failing forward, discipline and motivation, we’ll be able to keep going as we thrive and succeed in our endeavors.   

    This week, Kison interviews Daniela Ruah, an American-Portuguese actress, where they discussed the importance of knowing how to help oneself develop and grow to thrive and reach success. 

    They also touch on the following:

    • Gaining preparation through classes and other’s experiences
    • Being aware of your strengths and things to improve on
    • Using failures as a stepping stone to move forward and step up
    • Knowing how motivation and discipline work together 

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    Flipping Your Approach to Success

    Flipping Your Approach to Success
    We are all entitled to our points of view and perspectives, but if you want to succeed, you must learn that trying to get everything perfect, is not the way to go. It’s not a bad idea to try flipping your approach, and see where it would bring you.

    This week, Kison interviews Lindsay McCormick, a sports broadcaster and journalist. Lindsay shares the strategies and steps to take in taking a different route towards success.

    They also touch on the following:

    • How to stop perfectionism from debilitating you
    • Filling in the gaps of your weaknesses through outsourcing 
    • Creatively challenging yourself despite receiving no’s and closed-doors
    • Why you need to take care of your health and get enough sleep
    • Taking advice with a grain of salt

    Follow BossMove on all socials: https://linktr.ee/bossMoveSeries

    Transitioning To Long Term Success

    Transitioning To Long Term Success
    What does one need to keep in mind once they succeed? What needs to be maintained once they reach their goals? There’s no secret that humility comes after this, but what brought there should still be present. The curiosity that piques your interest and drives you to be disciplined infuses humble leadership leading to long-term success.  Listen as Kison interviews Pete Chatmon, American film and TV director, about how he makes sure he keeps his feet on the ground once he reaches his long-term successes.

    In this episode you will learn about:

    • Catering to your curiosity as it piques your interest to learn more and be better
    • Demanding discipline from yourself to make sure you keep going everyday
    • Handling and handing over humility as you achieve milestones to inspire others
    • Making sure you have a game plan and discipline to achieve your goals

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    Taking Tenacity to the Next Level

    Taking Tenacity to the Next Level
    When you want something, no matter how hard or challenging, you need to persevere. Now, this requires a different level of self-reflection to see what you can and can’t due to, and be humble and prepared to pivot and adjust to make things happen.  This week, Kison interviews Eugenie Bondurant, an actress from New Orleans, Louisiana. Eugenie shares how being honest, building yourself up and having tenacity brings you closer to your dreams despite all the challenges and hardships. 

    They also touch on the following:

    • Knowing and acknowledging yourself and your skills and still being open to feedback 
    • Building yourself up by trying other areas of your chosen industry to gain experience
    • Focusing on what you can do next without waiting for immediate results
    • Being persistent and doing everything you can to achieve everything you want
    • Being open to what’s being given to you and doing your best to be good at it

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    Level Up Through Strong Relationships

    Level Up Through Strong Relationships
    How can you become better as a leader and an entrepreneur? How do you deal with the people you work with? Do you still aim for improvement?  In this episode, Kison and Jason Lippert, President and CEO of LCI Industries, enlighten us with the importance of building a healthy and trusting relationship with the people we work with in improving leadership skills and business cultures.  They also touch on the following:
    • Having the courage to work on yourself and improve through an action plan
    • Asking for advice and 360-degree-reviews to figure out your deficiencies 
    • Serving your people by building a trusting relationship through interaction 
    • Recognizing the efforts given and good things done by your people
    • Learning from a mentor 

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    Rigidity as a Creativity Killer

    Rigidity as a Creativity Killer

    Are you doing the things you’re passionate about right now? How can you cultivate creativity and passion and get rid of all that rigidness in your dynamics and workflow? 

    This week, Kison is joined by Wendy Heilbut, Founder and Managing Partner at Jayaram Law, a law firm that advises clients globally on critical intellectual property and commercial matters and disputes. They talk about how you can cultivate your passion, create connections, welcome creativity, and just learn to empower others.

    They also touch on the following:

    • Allowing more flexibility in your processes and systems
    • Reaching out to people within and outside your circle
    • Building powerful relationships and connections
    • Elevating the learning experience
    • Leading from behind


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    Blend Curiosity with Happiness

    Blend Curiosity with Happiness

    Do you ever feel like you want to do, learn and experience more? Does exploring new opportunities and going on a new journey excite you and make you happy and giddy all over?

    This week, Kison interviews Elena Campbell-Martinez, a bilingual Latina actress who has created memorable performances on both film and TV. Elena shares the pivots she made in her career and how she chose to follow her calling and pursue the passion that gives her joy. 

    They also touch on the following:

    • Practicing mindfulness
    • Being in the moment of genuine curiosity
    • Enjoying the journey
    • Finding your passion and being good at it


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