

    Encouraging women, and inspiring self motivation. The revolution of women entrepreneurs and mompreneurs. Living a healthy lifestyle.
    enEbony Moore54 Episodes

    Episodes (54)

    level Up in Confidence

    level Up in Confidence
    Helping women build Confidence is the main reason I started this podcast. In 2022 I want to make sure I achieve that quest. I have set out to help women across the world realize how great and powerful they are, and that Confidence first starts within not on the outside. Tonight, I talk about six steps to leveling up your confidence and how to face things head on and quite those negative thoughts. Jion me and lets LEVEL UP OUR CONFIDENCE.

    Being Passionate with Nova Wise

    Being Passionate with Nova Wise
    Nova speaks to us about her passion in helping others reach their best potential. She devotes her time to the youth and her community by helping with advice and other many talents. Nova is a very strong and talented young woman who knows what real strength looks like.

    Podcast: NPP (Nova Phoenix Podcast)

    End Of the Year with Darryl Moore Jr.

    End Of the Year with Darryl Moore Jr.
    As we glace back through the ups and downs of 2021 as a couple, as CEO's and as parents we remember the best part of 2021 is each other. What we have to offer our family is nothing short of continuous love and friendship. As man and wife, we grew together, we set goals and planned on making the next year even better. As parents learned to laugh and keep an open mind because regardless of where our kids take us, we will be right beside them learning and loving them all the way. 2021 wasn't easy but this year made love even harder. Happy New Year from the Moore Family.

    Almost 30 with Pamela Slack

    Almost 30 with Pamela Slack
    Join in the conversation about leaving it all on the table. This young woman is in the prime of her life and living it to the fullest. Pamela stopped by tonight to encourage all ages of women that regardless of what could have been, we still have time make the "could have been" possible. This is the time of year where we reflect on the past 11 months of our lives, well during your reflections listen to this young woman gain encouragement, and endurance and go for it in 2022!! Nothing stopping you but you. Leave it all on the table!

    Cover Girl Edition #4 The Power of a SHE-EO with Ebone Boyd (Glampreneur)

    Cover Girl Edition #4 The Power of a SHE-EO with Ebone Boyd (Glampreneur)
    Join the fun with Ebone and I as we discuss the Power Behind Becoming a Glampreneur. Anything worth having is worth the sweat! We talk about how to set your company apart from others, and the wisdom it takes to be exceptional and peculiar. The drive that Ebone has for her empire is everything but regular. Tune in for tips on how to take yourself serious in your business as a SHE-EO all the while never dropping the ball as a wife or mother. The definition of Bosswife!

    Find Ebone Boyd:
    website: ClassyChicTeeBoutique.com
    FB: ClassyChicTeeBoutique
    IG: @ClassyChicTeeBoutique

    Cover Girl Edition #3 Business Minded Women with Zipporah Wilkerson (Glampreneur)

    Cover Girl Edition #3 Business Minded Women with Zipporah Wilkerson (Glampreneur)
    Join the fun as Zipporah and I talk about the changes of life and the ugliness of becoming a entrepreneur. Life has no guarantees and makes no promises of fame or wealth. So why not create your own fame, wealth, and glamor. Zipporah shares the joys of being a mother and putting her sons needs ahead of her own. Building a empire is not easy but someone has to do it.

    Take away:
    Value Your Time
    Believe in Yourself
    Set Boundaries
    Think of Your Future Needs Not your Current Ones

    Find Zipporah : Facebook, Instagram
    website: GlitztGoldJewelry.com

    Cover Girl Edition #2 A Love Story Between Girl and Fashion with Veatrice Conley (Glampreneur)

    Cover Girl Edition #2 A Love Story Between Girl and Fashion with Veatrice Conley (Glampreneur)
    Veatrice Conley talks about how she found her way to love through fashion. Fashion is more than materials for her, it's a way of life. Veatrice not only started and created her own road but she fell in love along the way. Veatrice shows us how not to give up on our dreams but to take different roads with fun, energy, and style. Every road we want to take my not be a life long journey but it can definitely guide you to the right one. Don't give up on your dreams when one door closes the right one will open.

    Find Veatrice:
    Website: www.unveiledbriadalstudio.com

    Cover Girl Edition #1 The Making of a Glampreneur with Latasha Addison

    Cover Girl Edition #1  The Making of a Glampreneur with Latasha Addison
    Latasha Addison shares her ups and downs with us while on her Glampreneur journey to owning her very own clothing boutique. Her journey wasn't easy and its not for everyone but hers to keep. Latasha shares how to build your sisterhood and show yourself friendly. She gives advice on how lean on God in those moments when you cant find a friend. She's an amazing single parent rising in her community and sharing the wealth with everyone who needs a big sister. She's the definition of a Glampreneur!

    Find Latasha on:
    Facebook: Unique Curves Boutique BBW
    Instagram: @uniquecurbbw
    Website: www.uniquecurvesboutique

    Reclaim Your Happiness with Renee Bauer

    Reclaim Your Happiness with Renee Bauer
    Making light of a heavy situation doesn't mean it doesn't matter it only means there is life after problems. Renee speaks on how she went through, knowing she would see the light regardless of the darkness. Life doesn't stop when things don't work out the way we planned them, so why would we. Pick yourself up and recreate the new you.

    Take away:
    Date yourself
    Recreate Yourself
    Show up For Yourself
    Sit in Quietness and Find You Again

    Podcast: Happy Even After
    website: www.familylawyerct.com

    Fear of The Unknown (Feeling Stuck and Afraid of What's Next)

    Fear of The Unknown (Feeling Stuck and Afraid of What's Next)
    As Entrepreneurs we get stuck in the process and adopt the Imposter Syndrome. We forget to believe in the dreamer. This is all normal. Even in our personal life we get lost, burnt out and have to find our way back to the light.

    1)Take comfort in knowing its part of the process.
    2) Change your perspective
    3) Explore other options
    4) Revamp the plan
    5) Set realistic goals

    The Process to Ture Success on Podcasting with Danny Ozment

    The Process to Ture Success on Podcasting with Danny Ozment
    Exploring the journey on podcasting and helping those who might be on the fence about podcasting. Its not hard but its not easy. Danny shares many steps and different avenues to use on getting started, maintaining, and building your podcast. Danny also gives great advice on how to grow your audience and stay engaged.

    Take away:
    Show up, be consistent on your podcast
    Monetizing and marketing
    Build a community
    Statistics on Podcasting

    Links from the show:
    https:// emeraldcitypro.com

    Connect with Danny Ozment:

    Say YES to YOU with JEN DU PLESSIS

    Say YES to YOU with JEN DU PLESSIS
    Jen Du Plessis walks us through her journey of saying yes to her personal life. As women and all the multiple hats we wear its hard to go hard for ourselves. We talk about learning how to stop accommodating others to feel validated. Jen has some lessons and a very unique perspective on living life and being boss all at the same time.

    Take away:
    Learn, Earn, and Return
    When you sell everything to everybody you sell nothing to no one.
    Work on purpose to play with passion
    Be IN demand NOT on demand.

    Connect with Jen Du Plessis:

    How To Master You To Master Your Success with Colleen Biggs From Led Up For Women

    How To Master You To Master Your Success with Colleen Biggs From Led Up For Women
    Colleen speaks to us about the power of self worth and how important it is to surround yourself with like minded people. We uncover the character traits to have to be successful in life and in business. Colleen tells us the steps to take to become empowered and how to empower others.

    Meet Colleen: She has launched over 340 businesses, is an International Speaker, Author of several books and Authored a #1 International Best-Seller Anatomy of Accomplishment, also serves as the CEO of three businesses including Leadup for Women.

    You can find her on:
    YouTube @Leadupforwomen
    Facebook @Leadupforwomen
    LinkedIn @Leadupforwomen
    Tweeter @Leadupforwomen
    Instagram @Leadupforwomen
    website: www.leadupforwomen.com

    How to Reinvent You with Travia Steward.

    How to Reinvent You with Travia Steward.
    Join this adventure on how Travia went from an acting Coach of 24 years and a school theater teacher to becoming and running her own successful Performance and Life Coach business. She uses her journey and life lessons to guide us on how to rebrand and restructure yourself worth. Travia talks about Reinventing your self when its not popular. Her Life Coaching journey and why its important to have a coach. She inspires us to flip the switch on our mental and physical conditioning way of life.
    You can connect with her on:
    Reinvent You Podcast on apple.com