

    A real talk no fluff podcast dedicated to helping brands stand out through copywriting, clever content marketing, and the understanding of consumer psychology. Join Anita Siek - founder and Director of Wordfetti, a strategic copywriting and communications house - as she sharp-shoots to your ears weekly practical copywriting, content, social media and online marketing advice and gives you a peek behind the curtains of how some of the best known brands in the industry have built their stand out brand through their language and copywriting.
    enAnita Siek318 Episodes

    Episodes (318)

    How to create content that's shareable

    How to create content that's shareable

    Stop. Measuring. The. Success. Of. Your. Social. Content. Based. On. Likes. And. Follower. Count!

    There. I said it, HA! In this episode, I dive into why I don't believe likes and follower counts are a measure of "success" when it comes to content and why it's important we create content that is highly shareable. To help you, in this episode, I throw down 3 simple questions you can ask to help you generate content ideas that will be highly shareable.

    PSSST! on the 21st of November, we are about to throw down on one VERY epic one-time-only-offer for FETTI FRIDAY (our version of Black Friday). This is BIG and is not something we have EVER done before. Want to be the first to know as soon as it drops? Sign up below. 


    My process when it comes to planning and creating captions and content

    My process when it comes to planning and creating captions and content
    Struggling when it comes to content planning and caption writing on Insta? Copywriters ain't immune to this either fam, so in this episode I share with you:
    • My approach when it comes to planning and creating content
    • The 5 things that are my GO TO when it comes to content planning strategically
    • How I cross pollinate my content and create more hours in my week.
    Want to learn the EXACT system to what to say on your gram? Join The Caption Formula Workshop here wordfettigroup.com/workshop
    For more BTS, follow me on IG at @anitasiek and the team at @wordfetti

    Is ranking #1 on Google still a thing?

    Is ranking #1 on Google still a thing?

    Is ranking #1 on Google still a thing? How does one balance the intention of writing human-friendly content vs writing something that ranks WELL for search engines as well? In this episode, I dive into my belief on whether it's still important, exactly how you can strike that balance, and 3 things to consider when writing something that is a nod to both search engines but will make you stand out.


    Sign up to our 5 e-copy lessons below, where everyday I'll land in your Inbox with simple tweaks you can make in your copy to level it up! From ad copy, website copy and more.

    How you should strategically come up with your "speaking" topics

    How you should strategically come up with your "speaking" topics

    If SPEAKING is something you want to do more of in 2024, chances are you're probably thinking of this question too. How do you come up with speaking topics? How can you get strategic about it? How can you really "own" a speaking topic so what you share it unique and memorable?


    Have no fear my friend. In this episode I dive into the 4 questions I ask to help me strategically come up with speaking topics.




    Sign up to our 5 e-copy lessons below, where everyday I'll land in your Inbox with simple tweaks you can make in your copy to level it up! From ad copy, website copy and more.



    Writing for the analytical readers and the skimmers

    Writing for the analytical readers and the skimmers

    Did you know that there are 2 types of readers? The Analytical and The Skimmer. AKA those that read every single word and those that skim through copy and content. So how the heck do you actually write for both in your audience?

    In this episode, I dive into one simple way you can optimise your copy to ensure it's easier to consume for the eyeballs.

    Pssst. Want a freebie?

    Of course you do!Sign up to our 5 e-copy lessons below, where everyday I'll land in your Inbox with simple tweaks you can make in your copy to level it up! From ad copy, website copy and more. 


    3 untraditional Black Friday campaigns (if you don't have want to discount)

    3 untraditional Black Friday campaigns (if you don't have want to discount)

    A lot of the time when we think Black Friday, we think mass discounts. But does it always have to be about discounting? Would it have the same effect if you didn't discount?

    In this episode, I dive into 3 untraditional ways you can Black Friday this year without having to discount.

    I also shared how we've put together a full Black Friday Promotional Email Sequence Kit (with 8 emails ready for you to swipe and get your campaign up live in just 1 hour!) for you if you've left it last minute. You can grab it now for $70 by clicking here (wordfettigroup.com/blackfriday)




    Sign up to our 5 e-copy lessons below, where everyday I'll land in your Inbox with simple tweaks you can make in your copy to level it up! From ad copy, website copy and more.


    How to ensure Black Friday Campaign success for 2023

    How to ensure Black Friday Campaign success for 2023

    To Black Friday or not to Black Friday? This month in our membership, The Wordfetti Club, our monthly masterclass was all about Black Friday. We had a lot of epic conversations and ideas swirling around in the membership so I thought I'd do an episode here to share the 3 principles I believe are going to be KEY for a success Black Friday campaign in 2023.Want to join the Wordfetti Club? Click here to join us.


    *FREEBIE*Sign up to our 5 e-copy lessons below, where everyday I'll land in your Inbox with simple tweaks you can make in your copy to level it up! From ad copy, website copy and more.



    Pst. Want something covered in Brandfetti? Fill out this 30-second form, and who knows, our next episode might be featuring YOU: 


    Try this 1 hack to make talking about the same service or product more interesting

    Try this 1 hack to make talking about the same service or product more interesting

    I was recently asked about HOW you can talk about the same service or product and make it interesting at a speaking gig. It's a question I get asked often so I thought I'd record an episode to share 1 simple hack you can adopt to make "talking about the same service or product" less boring and more interesting.

    *FREEBIE*Sign up to our 5 e-copy lessons below, where everyday I'll land in your Inbox with simple tweaks you can make in your copy to level it up! From ad copy, website copy and more.


    Pst. Want something covered in Brandfetti? Fill out this 30-second form, and who knows, our next episode might be featuring YOU:


    My 5 biggest flearnings (failure + learnings) in business

    My 5 biggest flearnings (failure + learnings) in business

    Flearnings is the combination of the word failure and learnings. It's a new word I've coined which speaks to the art of how we learn through our failures. In this episode, I share about a full circle moment I had over the weekend, that led us to becoming the official TEDx copywriting and creative content partner, a special project we held on the day and also my 5 big flearnings in business.


    *FREEBIE*Sign up to our 5 e-copy lessons below, where everyday I'll land in your Inbox with simple tweaks you can make in your copy to level it up! From ad copy, website copy and more.


    Pst. Want something covered in Brandfetti? Fill out this 30-second form, and who knows, our next episode might be featuring YOU: 

    How to use LGBTQ+ inclusive language and how to show your allyship with Hank Paul

    How to use LGBTQ+ inclusive language and how to show your allyship with Hank Paul

    As a wordsmith, I am deeply fascinated by how the delicate choices of language and words evoke different means and emotions in a reader. When it comes to writing, and also in how we approach writing at Wordfetti, inclusivity in our language is something we've been striving to learn more and more about. This is why I'm thrilled to bring on guest Hank Paul, who is a Queer Inclusion Strategist to share more about this topic.


    In this episode, we dive into:

    • Why brands should embrace LGBTQ+ inclusive language
    • The most common myths and misconceptions about LGBTQ+ allyship in business
    • What to do when you make a mistake
    • The difference between performative allyship and authentic allyship





    Sign up to our 5 e-copy lessons below, where everyday I'll land in your Inbox with simple tweaks you can make in your copy to level it up! From ad copy, website copy and more.





    Pst. Want something covered in Brandfetti? Fill out this 30-second form, and who knows, our next episode might be featuring YOU: anitasiek.com/askanita



    Why we cleaned and removed thousands of our email subscribers (and why you should too!)

    Why we cleaned and removed thousands of our email subscribers (and why you should too!)

    You might be readin' the headline for this episode thinking: "what the heck Anita?! Isn't the whole goal to get people ON the list and no remove em'?


    It's a fair question friend. And also one people often ask when I tell them that we deleted people off our email list.


    So in this episode, I'll be sharing with you:

    • The 3 big reasons why we removed thousands of email subscribers from our email list;
    • Some key signs you should consider "spring-cleaning" your own email list;
    • And how to go about cleaning up your email list along with what we did.





    Sign up to our 5 e-copy lessons below, where everyday I'll land in your Inbox with simple tweaks you can make in your copy to level it up! From ad copy, website copy and more.





    Pst. Want something covered in Brandfetti? Fill out this 30-second form, and who knows, our next episode might be featuring YOU: anitasiek.com/askanita

    What worked and what surprisingly didn't work in our latest WYW Sept 2023 launch

    What worked and what surprisingly didn't work in our latest WYW Sept 2023 launch

    We've just wrapped up our 7th launch for WYW, and with every launch the team and I always take the time to reflect on what went well, what didn't go well, what we learnt and what we'll do differently next time.


    In this episode, I dive into 5 of the factors that worked well for us for this launch, and the 3 things that surprisingly didn't work as well in our latest launch.





    Sign up to our 5 e-copy lessons below, where everyday I'll land in your Inbox with simple tweaks you can make in your copy to level it up! From ad copy, website copy and more.





    Pst. Want something covered in Brandfetti? Fill out this 30-second form, and who knows, our next episode might be featuring YOU: anitasiek.com/askanita

    Behind the scenes of how I pivoted and relaunched an offer that was no longer working

    Behind the scenes of how I pivoted and relaunched an offer that was no longer working

    At the end of July this year, I launched (relaunched) our dedicated all-in-one content marketing membership: The Wordfetti Club. And it was a WILD success, with us x2 our initial goal of 100 members, to hitting 209 members for our first launch! In this episode (where I was a guest on my biz bestie Steph Taylor's podcast Imperfect Action), I dive into:

    • the behind the curtain view of what it actually took to launch this offer;
    • how it felt different to any other launches I have had (as I was travelling and launching at the same time); and
    • how I pivoted an offer that was no longer working.





    Sign up to our 5 e-copy lessons below, where everyday I'll land in your Inbox with simple tweaks you can make in your copy to level it up! From ad copy, website copy and more.





    Pst. Want something covered in Brandfetti? Fill out this 30-second form, and who knows, our next episode might be featuring YOU: anitasiek.com/askanita


    How to build a business with passion, purpose, and profit with Fiona Killackey of My Daily Business

    How to build a business with passion, purpose, and profit with Fiona Killackey of My Daily Business

    What does it actually take to build a business with passion, purpose, and profit?! In this honest conversation, I bring in business coach Fiona Killackey and fellow podcast host of My Daily Business onto Brandfetti where we chat about all the ups and downs of what it truly takes to run a business.


    We dive into:

    • What Fiona's biggest FLEARNING (failure and learning is);
    • The key characteristics of a successful business owner and leader that Fiona sees having worked in some incredible businesses and organisations;
    • Whether or not we can have a business without the hustle;
    • How we can not just set but really make strides towards our business goal;
    • Key questions to consider if you feel like you are currently treading water.


    If you enjoyed this episode, then don't forget to tag me, @anitasiek and Fiona @mydailybusiness_





    Sign up to our 5 e-copy lessons below, where everyday I'll land in your Inbox with simple tweaks you can make in your copy to level it up! From ad copy, website copy and more.





    Pst. Want something covered in Brandfetti? Fill out this 30-second form, and who knows, our next episode might be featuring YOU: anitasiek.com/askanita



    7 must-know copywriting lessons that will help you boost your conversions

    7 must-know copywriting lessons that will help you boost your conversions

    Time poor and want 7 must-know copywriting lessons that will help you boost your conversions? Here it is. In this sharp shoot episode, I dive into 7 profitable copywriting lessons to help you up your copy and content game.




    Sign up to our 5 e-copy lessons below, where everyday I'll land in your Inbox with simple tweaks you can make in your copy to level it up! From ad copy, website copy and more.





    Pst. Want something covered in Brandfetti? Fill out this 30-second form, and who knows, our next episode might be featuring YOU: anitasiek.com/askanita

    Stuck on your brand voice? Listen to this.

    Stuck on your brand voice? Listen to this.

    Know what you want to say but don't know HOW to say it?! This episode is for you because chances are? You haven't clearly articulated your brand personality and voice.

    In this episode, I dive into:

    • The difference between brand voice and brand tone of voice;
    • 3 of the biggest mistakes I see businesses and organisations making when it comes to brand personalities and curating a unique verbal identity (and what to focus on instead to future proof your brand)
    • What you should include when it comes to documenting your brand voice.

    Curating a unique brand voice and documenting your Brand DNA is one of the key phases in our signature copywriting and sales psychology course Wordfetti Your Words.

    Doors are closing soon, and won't reopen until later in 2024. Ready to finally write words that connect compel and convert?

    Sign up here: wordfettigroup.com/wordfettiyourwords

    Enjoyed this episode? Don't forget to follow me on @anitasiek and the team at @wordfetti


    How she landed her BIGGEST retainer client and x8 her ROI in our course with Madison Klein

    How she landed her BIGGEST retainer client and x8 her ROI in our course with Madison Klein

    And we're back with another incredible WYW Case Study, and this episode, we're featuring Madison Klein, a content marketer and copywriter from New Jersey, NY who joined Wordfetti Your Words at the beginning of her freelancing journey.


    In this episode, we dive into:

    • Imposter syndrome, perfectionism and how Madison navigated around the mindset wobbles despite having a decade experience in the industry;
    • How having the confidence to do this ONE thing, landed Madison her BIGGEST retainer yet (almost x8/x10 her ROI to WYW within 3 months of joining);
    • Her thinking process when it comes to turning something "bland" or "boring" into something non-boring.


    Doors to our signature copywriting and sales psychology course Wordfetti Your Words is officially OPEN for enrolment for 1 week. Ready to nail your messaging, uncover your brand DNA and write copy that connect, compel and convert through our psychology backed methodology?


    Sign up here: wordfettigroup.com/wordfettiyourwords


    Enjoyed this episode? Make sure you screenshot and tag @content.by.madison and myself @anitasiek and share your biggest AHHA!


    How Rewriting Her Website Copy Helped Zoe Richmond Attract Her Dream Clients

    How Rewriting Her Website Copy Helped Zoe Richmond Attract Her Dream Clients

    In this episode, I bring onto Brandfetti Zoe Richmond, a launch and website strategist for female course creators on Kajabi, who is also one of our incredible WYW alumni to share how rewriting her website copy has helped her attract her ideal clients and half her cost per lead by more than HALF in her latest launch.


    We dive into:

    • The 1 big thing that Zoe learnt through WYW that helped her rewrite, tweak and refine her website copy to attract her ideal audience
    • How she was able to reduce her cost per lead (CPL) in her latest launch from $22 to only $9 through tweaking her ad copy
    • What should (and should not) be on a digital course sales pages and landing pages
    • Zoe's predictions and recommendations in the world on online course launches: evergreen vs live


    Doors to WYW open on the 21st of September. Want a taster?

    We are hosting a brand new free LIVE masterclass, and you're invited.

    Learn how to level-up your website and write stand out copy that stand out (and convert) in this 60 minute masterclass and save your seat right here: www.wordfettigroup.com/freemasterclass.


    Enjoyed this episode? Make sure you screenshot and tag @zoe_richmond_ and myself @anitasiek and share your biggest AHHA!


    How to Ai-Proof Your Job as a Content Writer or Copywriter

    How to Ai-Proof Your Job as a Content Writer or Copywriter

    This one is for my fellow word nerds, copywriters, content writers and marketers. If you've been feeling a lil wobbly when it comes to AI and ChatGPT and how this may impact your client work and clients in general - this episode is for you. In it, I share the 3 key things you can do to really add value to your clients and AI-Proof your job. Use these value statements next time in your proposals.


    Doors to WYW, will be opening again in 1 week but as a waitlister you will be getting dibs 48 hours before everyone else along with exclusive bonuses. Click here to join the waitlist to snag some early bird bonuses: www.wordfettigroup.com/wywwaitlist

    How Trusting in Her Intuition Led Laetitia Andrac to Become a Best-Seller for Her Book

    How Trusting in Her Intuition Led Laetitia Andrac to Become a Best-Seller for Her Book

    One of the things I love? When internet friends, become your WYW alumni students, and they experience wins! For this episode, I bring in Laetitia Andrac, a business doula, strategy and intuition coach and also one of most recent WYW cohort students.


    In this episode, we dive into:

    • What is intuition (and what it's not) and the power of it in growing your business
    • The art of intuitively "selling"
    • Laetitia's 5-step method to begin trusting in your intuition.
    • Why Laetitia trusted HER own intuition in joining our cohort in May, and how that has supported her in launching her book "Light it" (now a best time seller!)
    • Why she wanted to learn how to write her own sales copy for her book, even though she usually outsources.


    Doors to WYW, will be opening again in 1 week, click here to join the waitlist to snag some early bird bonuses: www.wordfettigroup.com/wywwaitlist.


    A heads up, our 3-day Copy Confidence Challenge is happening TOMORROW. It's not too late to get your ticket. 14, 15, 18th of September (replay included). 1 hour over 3 days, that's all it's going to take to uplevel your copywriting game.


    Snag your early bird ticket now for only $49 here: www.wordfettigroup.com/3daychallenge