
    Breaking the Fourth Wall of Public Education

    Kevin and David are former public school teachers who are dedicated to sharing the truth about what happens behind the scenes of public education in the U.S. today.
    There is a lot of talk about a teacher shortage however, the truth behind the fourth wall tells a different story. Together, with the help of expert guests, Kevin and David explore the ugly truths our public education system hides from the public as they continue to expose the Teacher Retention Issue the media has named a teacher shortage.
    David and Kevin are experienced educators with full knowledge of the inner workings of the U.S. public education system. Kevin taught in Southern California and David taught in New York City for over 20 years. Together they explore the systemic failure of the U.S. public school system and offer solutions backed by decades of real world classroom experience.
    Join them every Sunday night as they continue to expose the Teacher Retention Issue plaguing our public schools.
    enDavid Paige Productions28 Episodes

    Episodes (28)

    Education and Substance Abuse: A Conversation with Jessica Duenas

    Education and Substance Abuse: A Conversation with Jessica Duenas
    Jessica Dueñas, Ed.S., the founder of Bottomless to Sober and 2019 Kentucky State Teacher of the Year, is an educator in recovery who provides coaching services to individuals needing support in accomplishing their goals. In addition, Jessica facilitates professional development for organizations on wellness, leads workshops on writing and wellness, and is also available as a speaker for events.Bottomless to Sober’s blog captures stories that highlight the strength, beauty, and hope of living in recovery. Submissions are always welcome.

    If you are interested in sharing your story, email Jessica at jessica@bottomlesstosober.com


    Paying Teachers for Standardized Test Results?

    Paying Teachers for Standardized Test Results?
    Welcome back to Breaking the Fourth Wall of Public Education. On this episode, Kevin and David discuss the terrible idea of paying teachers for standardized test results that Houston, TX has decided to give a whirl. The issues within this idea are unpacked throughout this episode as Kevin and David attempt to make sense of this, somehow. Enjoy the show!!

    If you would like to get in touch with Breaking the Fouth Wall of Public Education our email address is:

    Thanks for listening, we hope you are enjoying the podcats. If you are, remember that like button helps us to produce more episodes. Have a great week and enjoy the show!

    An Interview with Eric Franzen from The Ideal School

    An Interview with Eric Franzen from The Ideal School
    Welcome back to Breaking the Fourth Wall of Public Education. On this mid-week episode, we discuss The Ideal School with Eric Franzen. He is the director of the school and he requested a spot on the show to discuss his vision for education of the future. Listen as David and Kevin discuss these new and interesting ideas for education.

    If you would like to get in touch with Breaking the Fouth Wall of Public Education our email address is:

    Thanks for listening, we hope you are enjoying the podcats. If you are, remember that like button helps us to produce more episodes. Have a great week and enjoy the show!

    Producers Note: Kevin, David, and Breaking the Fourth Wall of Public Education do not endorse any specific educational or schooling options presented on the show. We will at times provide a foram for guests to discuss education ideas, concepts, and curriculum.

    Teachers Resign for Many Reasons - A Conversation With Danielle Marshall

    Teachers Resign for Many Reasons  - A Conversation With Danielle Marshall
    Welcome back to another entertaining and insightful episode of Breaking the Fourth Wall of Public Education. On this episode, David and Kevin interview former teacher Danielle Marshall about why she decided to leave education. Her story will resonate with anyone who ever worked in public education. Danielle worked overseas, has won awards, and was a highly respected public school teacher for many years. Her story of gaslighting and intimidation tactics at the hands of school administration shed light on why there is such a temendous Teacher Retention Issue in the United States today. Listen in as Danielle, Kevin, and David take another gloves off approach to the issues facing public education on this epsiode of Breaking the Fourth Wall of Public Education.

    If you would like to get in touch with Breaking the Fouth Wall of Public Education our email address is:

    Thanks for listening, we hope you are enjoying the podcats. If you are, remember that like button helps us to produce more episodes. Have a great week and enjoy the show!

    Why We Decide to Leave Education: An Interview with Yehee Son

    Why We Decide to Leave Education: An Interview with Yehee Son
    Welcome back to another entertaining and insightful episode of Breaking the Fourth Wall of Public Education. On this episode, David and Kevin interview former teacher Yehee Son about why she decided to leave education. Her story of teaching will be familiar to educators everywhere. However, the story Yehee shares about finally attaining her dream job as a teacher, only to find it utterly disapppinting, is certainly more unique and rife with challenges most people never face to get where they want to be. This is certainly one episode you do not want to miss!

    Yehee Son is the host of the brand new and exciting podcat Hello, My Darlings... Her show brings to light the accomplishments of disabled people from all walks of life. In addition, she shares stories of hope and inspiration geared toward... well, everyone.

    Join Yehee for her first episode of Hello, My Darlings... on Sunday August 21, 2023. You can find her show on your favorite podcast channel.

    If you would like to get in touch with Breaking the Fouth Wall of Public Education our email address is:

    Thanks for listening, we hope you are enjoying the podcats. If you are, remember that like button helps us to produce more episodes. Have a great week and enjoy the show!

    How Covid Changed Public Education

    How Covid Changed Public Education
    Welcome back listeners! Thank you for tuning in and sharing your time with us. On this episode, Kevin and David discuss some of the lasting effects of COVID on public education. Coming back into the classroom after almost two years of distance learning has had lasting effects on how public schools operate as well as policies that have altered the landscape of public education. If you are interested in the opinion of teachers who taught during the COVID crisis, this is the episode for you.

    Thank you for listening! If you enloy the show, please click that like button. It helps us keep the show going. Thanks!

    Here's our email: btfwpodcasts@gmail.com

    Cellphones are Disrupting Education

    Cellphones are Disrupting Education
    Welcome back listeners! Kevin and David are back with another controversial topic that teachers and educators deal with every day, cellphones. The collective grown of teachers everywhere can be heard loud and clear at Breaking the Fourth Wall of Public Education. On this episode, David and Kevin swap some great stories relating to their experiences with cellphones in the classroom as well as provide some insights into public school policies regarding cellphones that erode the authority of educators, demoralize teachers, and promote a culture of noncompliance in classrooms and schools across the nation. Join us as we tackle this controversial topic with honesty and true stories.

    Thank you for listenting. If you enjoy the show, please click that like button. It helps us keep the show going.

    Here's our email address if you want to comment or chat: btfwpodcasts@gmail.com

    The Story of Transitioning Teachers

    The Story of Transitioning Teachers
    Welcome back to another episode of Breaking the Fourth Wall of Public Education. On this episode, we discuss the many aspects and experiences of teachers transitioning out of the classroom into new careers. Since 2020, over 600K teachers have left the classroom to pursue other options. This has caused a teacher shortage, which is a teacher retention and recruitment issue brought upon by decades of de-professionalization and malignment of teachers by the media, administrators, and the public at large. Teachers will continue to leave the profession in droves and recruitment of new professionals will continue to decline until these and a plethora of other issues are dealt with by the real culprits of educational demise. These culprits are the politicians that make the rules and the many spinless administrators that do their bidding. The politics of Education will be its own demise. Listen as the truth about public education is peeled back and exposed for all to see.

    Is Banning Books Really a Good Idea? A Conversation with Carla Goldberg

    Is Banning Books Really a Good Idea? A Conversation with Carla Goldberg
    Welcome back to an all new episode of Breaking the Fourth Wall of Public Education. This week we discuss book banning in the U.S. Regardless of your opinion on this topic, this episode will surely inform and entertain you. Carla Goldberg is a former teacher in Alaska, who has since moved on to new pastures and is now living in Texas. She has a passion for the topoic of book banning and is quite vocal about the inherent dangers of this ever growing trend in states and school districts across the nation. Join us for a hard look at some statistics and titles of banned books that should be quite shocking to teachers and parents who desire access to education for all.

    The Dangers of Social Promotion

    The Dangers of Social Promotion
    Social Promotion has been an issue in puiblic schools since they were formed. However, in our ever increasingly competitive world social promotion is something parents and our communities at large should be more concerned about. Listen as Kevin and David explore this important topic facing education today. In fact, social promotion is a contributor to teacher burnout, lack of job satisfaction, and the growing Teacher Retention Issue that will eventually change the way public schools operate in the future. Thank you for listening and we apprecite your support.
    Reach us by email at: btfwpodcasts@gmail.com

    What is Special Education Really About? An Interview with April Maule

    What is Special Education Really About? An Interview with April Maule
    In this episode, Kevin and David continue to expose the many reasons for the Teacher Retention Issue with a candid discussion about special education with special guest and former teacher, April Maule. April lives in Pennsylvania and taught there for two decades before reinventing herself as a Learning Specialist. April provides real insight into the challenges faced by SPED teachers across the country. She also gives us some real pearls of wisdom in this very lightly edited conversation. Some silly moments and a really natural dynamic between three experienced teachers are awaiting your listening skills, right here on Breaking the Fourth Wall of Public Education..

    School Schedule Solutions

    School Schedule Solutions
    In this episode, Kevin and David continue to expose the many reasons for the Teacher Retention Issue with a candid discussion about school scheduling. Your hosts offer some solutions to the issue that will improve outcomes, relieve some anxiety, and create an improved school experience for students and staff alike. Dave contuinues his loud call for Competency Based Education and Kevin solves a scheduling probelm. Join us for another episode where your hosts provide unapologetic proof of the massive U.S. Teacher Retention Issue, which will continue to worsen if those in power keep refusing to give teachers the collective voice they deserve.

    Your Tax Dollars in Action: Part II of our Discussion about Accountability with Pete Mercier

    Your Tax Dollars in Action: Part II of our Discussion about Accountability with Pete Mercier
    In Part II of our conversation with former teacher turned Learning Specialist, David, Kevin, and Pete discuss the current violence plaguing our public school system. Together, they offer some candid reasons why this upward trend seems to have a life of its own in modern schools. They point out the fact that decades of de-professionalizing teachers has resulted in fewer young peopole choosing education as a career and the mass exodus of experienced teachers fed up with a broken system with leaders unable or unwilling to do the hard work it takes to fix things properly.
    The panel discusses accountability, apathy, mismanged resources, administration through fear, the huge differences between secondary and elementary schools (that so many people cannot seem to wrap their head around), and the tax dollars school districts spend each year fixing vandalism and educating students that do not attend their classes. Join us for a realistic discussion using firsthand evidence that proves there is a massive Teacher Retention Issue causing schools across the country to scramble to fill roles very few desire. There is no shortage of teachers, simply a shortage of people willing to do this job. The solutions are obvious to anyone listening to teachers.

    School Shootings, Accountability, & Observations: An Interview with Pete Mercier

    School Shootings, Accountability, & Observations: An Interview with Pete Mercier
    Join our conversation with Pete Mercier as we discuss the recent shooting of a sixth grade teacher that made national news. Pete taught in the school district where this violence occured and offers his unique perspective on the situation. Kevin, David, and Pete discuss school violence, accountabilty, discipline codes, and defend schools administrators who are also stuck in the middle of a systemic failure quickly becoming out of their control. As the Teacher Retention Issue rages on, we begin to touch on some of the solutions to the problem from the perpsective of the people leaving education in droves.... the teachers. Today's panel discusses specific changes to the teacher observation system that empowers all stakeholders, provides honest and helpful feedback, is fair, and will be a huge step forward in retaining and attracting great teachers.

    Guest Bio: Pete Mercier was a high school music teacher for 16-years. He is a two-time teacher of the year who left education in 2022 to pursue a career as an Instructional Designer. His passion for creating music lead to a passion for developing learning experiences. Like many teachers, returning from the COVID crisis to the continuing terrible treatment of teachers, Pete decided that his love for his amazing wife and two fantastic boys was more than enough to propel him toward a successful career outside of the classroom.

    Gaslighting is Emptying the Tank

    Gaslighting is Emptying the Tank
    Gaslighting teachers and students is one of the leading causes of the systemic Teacher Retention Issue. In this episode, Kevin and David discuss how gaslighting has become normalized within many schools across the country, and how this is one of the most important issues at the heart of the mass exodus of highly qualified teachers from public schools. Funny stories, great examples, and a light-hearted approach to this week's topic of gaslighting is what to expect in this episode of Breaking the Fourth Wall of Public Education.
    If you are enjoying the podcast, please take a moment to click that like button. More likes, more listeners, and the message spreads. Thank you for caring about the future of public education. Thanks for listening!

    Teachers are Data Experts

    Teachers are Data Experts
    Welcome back! David and Kevin discuss school data on this episode of Breaking the Fourth Wall of Public Education. Continuing the expsoure of the Teacher Retention Problem currently plaguing the national public education system, your hosts unpack the concerns most teachers have with school data, particularly how it is used within the system. Teachers are data experts that use their own data every day to inform instruction, to create assessments, and to make important decisons regarding the education of the students they teach. Join Kevin and David as they explore the reason why teachers find school data to be mostly useless in their decsion making, but at the same time gather, analyze, and make decisions using data they collect themselves.

    Professional Development is a Misnomer

    Professional Development is a Misnomer
    Kevin and David are back after some health issues interupted production. This week they discuss how absoluelty useless most professional development really is for teachers and school staff. They offer a few suggestions for improving the system ans also dive into a few stories about PD disasters.
    Thank you for hanging in there with us while we were gone. We are back with all new episodes for seaon two of Breaking the Fouth Wall of Public Education, where we continue to provide firsthand evidence of the Teacher Retention problem that seems permentantly embeded into the national public education system. This ever-growing teacher retention issue has been discussed and disguised as a teacher shortage in the media and in other public forums.

    Step One: Please Let Them Teach

    Step One: Please Let Them Teach
    In this episode, Kevin and David discuss a simple idea that will certainly help schools retain more teachers. Let the teachers teach. Although, this would be only part of the solution to the current Teacher Retention Issue, stepping back from administrative micromanagement and learning from the professionals that are in classrooms every day would go a long way to improving the lives and education of our nation's youth. Trust in your staff is also a great way to improve teacher morale.
    Join us for another insightful episdeo of Breaking the Fourth Wall of Public Education.
    Thank you for listening. Contact the show at btfwpodcast@gmail.com