
    Brilliant Observations

    Real friends. Real funny. We swear. Like, a lot. Join us for unscripted, uncensored, and definitely unsuitable-for-work comedy conversation about relationships, marriage, friendship, sex, hope, parenting and prospering at midlife. It's like grabbing a weekly cocktail with your favorite girlfriends for a candid look at life that lifts you up as it pulls you in. From religion to porn to money, fears, our bodies, our brains, secrets, failures, food, family and finding your path, almost nothing is off-limits (except politics — gross). Longtime friends Melissa Brilliant and Amy Fugazi overshare about everything with the love and trust that only comes from a lifetime of being there for each other. So cut through the fake friends who try to glamourize all the BS masquerading as midlife. We're the bawdy, brutally honest best friends you never knew you had. And we always pick up the check. Love us? Tell your friends. Hate us? Tell your therapist.
    enMelissa Brilliant, Amy Fugazi: Brilliant Observations Comedy Conversation at Midlife342 Episodes

    Episodes (342)

    That's for Me

    That's for Me

    What's so funny about peace, love, and understanding? How often we take it for granted. Ride along with us as we explore all the ways we can tap into joy, effortlessly uplift each other, find the unfiltered laugh, call happiness to us in everyday life, and expand the dense and infinitely available goodness that flows all around us in this fractured world. 

    Give it a try. You never know what it will change. 

    And it case it wasn't patently obvious, we stand with Israel. We stand with Jews. We condemn terrorists and terrorism in all its forms. 

    Speak out for Jews, and #standuptoJewishhate.

    Your friends are listening. 

    Brilliant Observations
    enOctober 19, 2023

    Celebrity Bungholes

    Celebrity Bungholes

    Looking for a laugh this week? Boy, did you come to the right place! We're talking all things light, breezy, and lemon-squeezy this week, including a healthy mistrust of celebrity, the beloved Deborah Gibson, and (you guessed it) a recurring fascination with the anal region. Why listen to anything else? 
    Celebrate life. Embrace joy. Love your neighbor. Love your other neighbor. And find happiness wherever you can. The world needs you! 

    Brilliant Observations
    enOctober 11, 2023

    Lonely Hearts and Brittany Parts

    Lonely Hearts and Brittany Parts

    From a scantily clad, knife-wielding Brittany Spears-a-thon (or is it Spears-a-thong?) to the mystery ingredient in hot dogs, we've covering all things terrifying this episode. Join us as we delve into such bouncy topics as the Hundo List, adult loneliness, Tuscon on the horizon, and you guessed it, porn. What's not to love? 

    Brilliant Observations
    enOctober 05, 2023

    Psych Tests and Handcuffs

    Psych Tests and Handcuffs

    The Hallowieners are at it again, Dear Listener, and this time they're not even the worst of the worst we cover this week. Join us in flabberghasted awe as we giggle through the existence of Dog Doo DNA Kits, dangle death skeletal decor, Paul Simon's inexplicable mortality and the Four Personality Types (and How To Beat Them). We also cover Adults Behaving Badly, Theatre Edition, Jewish New Year, the rise of Cat Stevens (or is it Stevie Nicks?), Rick Rubin and the Creative Act, and Missy's trip down childhood memory lane (straight into the cabbage patch). Lots to love. Tell a friend. 

    Brilliant Observations
    enSeptember 28, 2023

    Murderer at the Window

    Murderer at the Window

    You heard it here first, Dear Listener... just as Missy predicted, the cops got wise and sent in the dogs to finally catch the escaped Philadelphia area prisoner — but not before he made a special ghostly appearance over Amy's shoulder while recording this week. Listen in for the fright of your life (that actually turns out to be the gardener). 
    Missy even predicted that K9 units would save the day. 
    All that, plus magic gratitude numbers, Stuart takes his life in his hands Kitchen Edition, and Ekhart Tolle part 2 (featuring Abraham Hicks). Woo-woo!

    Brilliant Observations
    enSeptember 14, 2023

    Who Let the Dogs Out? Stu! Stu, Stu, Stu!

    Who Let the Dogs Out? Stu! Stu, Stu, Stu!

    It’s a shocking turn of events this week, Dear Listener, and poor Missy is stunned into silence over Stuart’s inexplicable — and uncharacteristic — inability to properly manage the three dogs. Visiting the Margate beach house takes a wild, if temporary turn. And yes, a police cruiser is involved.

    Rest assured, Dearest. In the end, all's well that ends well in doggy-dom. (Even if Stuart himself may never escape the doghouse again.)

    We also chat through the realities of semi-adult children flying the nest, the glories of a little light shoplifting (college edition), the miraculous sounds of laryngitis-tinged laughter and your favorite: turkey sandwich food porn. 

    Where is that terrible waitress, again? Check please!

    Brilliant Observations
    enAugust 31, 2023

    I Demand an Apology

    I Demand an Apology

    It's the vacation, vocation, medication episode, Dear Listener, complete with teen drivers behaving badly, young adults fleeing the nest, and teary-eyed besties rekindling their love affair with time, talents, and three decades' worth of  friendship. Gratitude, anyone?  

    Brilliant Observations
    enAugust 24, 2023

    Cabo San What Now?

    Cabo San What Now?

    To ice or not to ice, Dear Listener — that is but one of our many questions this week. Like, why do we still cling to toxic relationships (with Skittles)? How are multi-level marketers still a thing? What do photos of our past lives really say about our future? And when are we finally going to reveal the murderer?!

    All this and so very much more will be hiariously revealed this week on your favorite true crime podcast, Brilliant Observations. 

    Did I say true crime? I meant not true crime. Thank you, algorithm. 

    (Is it still a lie if it's said with love?)

    Brilliant Observations
    enAugust 17, 2023

    What Are You Afraid Of?

    What Are You Afraid Of?

    (Of what are you afraid?) Oh, I dunno. Sneezes, Skittles, death cleaning, failing, falling, and quite possibly burning down the house. It's a raucous, late night redo of an episode this week, Dearies. You won't want to miss it. 

    Brilliant Observations
    enAugust 10, 2023

    The Tale of Two Podiatrists

    The Tale of Two Podiatrists

    It was the best of toes. It was the worst of toes. Listen in as Missy reinjures her engorgement — hey now — and somehow lives to tell the tale. Spoiler alert: the story involves an iPad, three doctors and a blow torch. What?

    Next, Amy and Missy move on to all the adulty things you don't get enough credit for doing now that you're an adult. You know the list: cleaning out the dryer lint, confronting someone you don't want to, completely stalling out and failing to achieve or understand your life's purpose. That sort of thing. 

    It's all shits and giggles from there, Dear Listener. Including a very special video shout out on our private Facebook group, BrillObSquad, of the bat-shittiest national anthem you have ever experienced. (Thank you, Belgium.)

    So don your favorite national flag cape, grab your flame-tipped sunglasses and settle in for your favorite hour with friends — Brilliant Observations. 

    Brilliant Observations
    enAugust 03, 2023

    50 States of Inebriation

    50 States of Inebriation

    It’s around the world in 80 hours, Dear Listener, and boy do we have stories for you! Missy and Amy take to the skies to celebrate their college bestie on her 50th birthday, complete with a three mile hike straight up, beach rugby, late night pool parties and a rooftop concert. Throw in a weed store within walking distance of the rental property plus a fully stocked bar and you’ve got yourself one hell of a podcast. 

    There’s even a Very Special 30 Second with Amy, Murderers Edition, and a 50 States Quiz you won’t want to miss. 

    Jealous? Then JOIN US on the social @ListenBrilliant and BrillObSquad for all the juicy details. 

    Brilliant Observations
    enJuly 26, 2023

    Lie, Cheat, Kill, or Steal

    Lie, Cheat, Kill, or Steal

    "I don't steal stuff" and other lies kick things off this week, complete with a long list of all the ways that Amy truly, really does not steal (all that often). Oh, dear, Dear Listener. 

    Next, Missy tackles the unsolvable problem of the crippling sloppiness of Amy's living environment. Stick with me here, gang. Gotta say, feeling real good about this show this week. (You wanted the truth!) 

    Brilliant Observations
    enJuly 20, 2023

    The Cereal Episode

    The Cereal Episode

    It's an all out CAGE MATCH this week, Dear Listener, as Missy and Amy take extreme umbrage with the powers that be at Breakfast. You heard me. It's the Post, Kellogg, General Mills, Gererica SHOWDOWN with our Heavyweight of the Cereal Aisle. We rank em. We spank em. We can't believe how much we know about em. Play along with our Best Of List, or just wring your hands as Amy retells the story of 18 Year Olds Gone Bad, Housesitting Edition. What's not to love?  

    Brilliant Observations
    enJuly 12, 2023

    Jews vs Italians: A Love Story

    Jews vs Italians: A Love Story

    Boy oh boy, Dear Listener, did we get feedback from you! So if last week's epsiode got you all riled up, you're in for a real treat. Join us as we discuss our shared admiration for the Jersey Jews, the Atlantic City Eye-talians, and of course, Justine Bateman's face. Oy. 

    All that plus Pants or Plan — a very special Missy quiz. Buckle up, buttercup. You won't want to miss this one. 

    Brilliant Observations
    enJuly 06, 2023

    All About That Face

    All About That Face

    Don't you just love Melissa? Well, Dear Listener, then this episode is for you. This week, we discuss the wonders of Missy's oceanside abode, including long lost friend reunions, sandy canines, too tall entry stairs, sequestering ourselves on the third floor and the perils of dispatching Stuart back to reality (ope! there goes gravity, ope! there goes Rabbit he choked he's so mad but he won't give up that easy no...)
    Then, as we often do, we ever so eventually get to the meat of the matter: Justine Bateman's face. It's a judgy critique, friends. So go easy on Amy this week. (From the sound of things, kharma won't.) 

    Brilliant Observations
    enJune 29, 2023

    Birthday Blowouts and Again with the Anal

    Birthday Blowouts and Again with the Anal

    Celebrating another 'birthday week/month' with the rest of the Millenials, are we? Well, prepare to be judged, Dear Listener, 'cuz we're officially sick of it. Time to scale back your annual self-acknowledgment to a Boomer-approved cake slice accompanied by a single, yet hearty handshake. (These kids today.)

    From there, of course, we pivot to anal. 

    It's all in a day's conversation on the little podcast that could (but maybe shouldn't). And, you're welcome. 

    We're dropping this week's episode a wee bit early in deference to She Podcasts Live — where we're soaking up the virtual goodness with fellow independent female podcasters. So enjoy a few extra hours with us this week, gang. You never know what's in store next time. 


    Brilliant Observations
    enJune 21, 2023

    Social Media Shaming with Super Close Strangers

    Social Media Shaming with Super Close Strangers

    Feeling psychopath-curious? Look no further than this week's shamefully relatable episode. Dear Listener: is this you?

    Sweeping sidewalks and city streets as if they are your own?
    Eshewing "group poop" with individualized walks for your multiple pets?
    Judging friends for ignoring obvious solutions to their probems? 
    Ignoring the fact that you, too, behave exactly like the friends you're judging?

    All that, plus: Amy’s neighbors head to the airport for a planeside visit with former president Donald J. Trump, complete with toddler side eye and an unsolicited Sharpie tattoo. 

    We also delve deep into missing obituaries for people too distant to ask about, common fashion choices among teenage girls, private canine poop times and the perils of sharing phone contacts with your grown ass spouses.

    Brilliant Observations
    enJune 15, 2023

    Face Spells and Experience Amnesia

    Face Spells and Experience Amnesia

    Nothing like a handcrafted Face Spell to make a gal feel better about herself. Which begs the question: should Etsy be allowed to sell literal "beauty charms" as products? Amy says yes. Missy cries cult. You be the judge — who are we kidding, Dear Listener, we're definitely judging this week. 

    All that, plus a rousing round of Would You Rather, a monkey-infused Costa Rican Recap, and Experience Amnesia. 

    Brilliant Observations
    enJune 08, 2023