
    Brofessional Development Podcast

    Join the Brofessional Development Podcast for your weekly insights for business and personal development! Here we cover everything from your favorite influencers, books, and podcasts! The Brofessional Development guys offer you a funny and insightful way to better yourself and those around you! As a group of entrepreneurs from the St. Louis area we help to make an impact around the world. If you hear something you enjoy or makes you ponder, share it with someone!
    enBrofessional Development100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Shooting in Texas, Monkeypox, Job Market Updates

    Shooting in Texas, Monkeypox, Job Market Updates

    Getting updated with the latest news that’s happening around us is important to find out if it may affect your business or not. Brofessional Development podcast covers trending news that should be brought to your attention.

    In this episode, we talk about the mass shootings in Texas, Airbnb parties in St. Louis, Job Market updates, Cardinals creating new ways to entice viewers, and Monkeypox and how it may or may not affect us.  


    In this Episode

    [0:40] Mass Shooting In Text

    [06:30] Airbnb Parties in St. Louis

    [11:52] Job Market Updates

    [14:06] Cardinals Livening the Game Again

    [17:35] Monkey Pox


    Notable Quotes

    “People are making the move for the wrong reasons, it’s ok to make a move if money is a factor. However, if money is the only factor, then you’re going to end up right back in the job market in less than 12 months”

    Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/brofessionaldevelopment

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    Listen to the Brofessional podcast on:

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    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/brofessional-development-podcast/id1525013123

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/18Mm3zIWLUl3vdAj0zBYHj

    Brofessional Development Podcast is hosted by St. Louis Business Owners Bobby Drummond, Brad Loyet, Dan Greiner, and Matt Kresko!

    Getting the Most out of your Employees

    Getting the Most out of your Employees
    If you create good systems as an employer or employee, then you can have a successful business. You define how well your employee will perform in your business starting from your hiring process, how you lead your employees and choosing the right employees that will match your business goals.

    In this episode, we talk about how you can get the most out of your employees. From powerful quotes for employees and employers, how you can maximize your employee’s productivity, the importance of getting the most out of your employees and you providing the best for your employees, important things you can learn from leading people, and understanding if mindset or skillset is better in an employee, and tactics and methodologies to maximize their production.

    In this Episode

    [00:08] Quotes for employees and employers

    [02:30] How do you maximize the productivity of an employee

    [08:05] What’s more important getting the most out of your employee or getting the most out of you as the employer

    [10:28] What do you feel like are the most important things that you’ve learned leading people

    [16:58] Being in a small business what’s better, skillset or mindset

    [19:20] Are there any new tactics or methodologies to maximize the production of people

    Notable Quotes

    “By recognizing people, you retain them.”

    “You can do whatever you want if you have the right people with you, and that’s the only way you’re going to strive in business”

    “Have transparency and show your employees that you care, with that it will help your employees to know that you care as their employer”

    “You cannot treat everyone equally, your top performers should get more privileges from your lower performers”

    “You have got to have a good mindset, because skills can be learned”

    Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/brofessionaldevelopment

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/brofessionaldevelopment

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/brofessionald

    Listen to the Brofessional podcast on:

    Our Website: www.brofessionaldevelopment.com

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/brofessional-development-podcast/id1525013123

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/18Mm3zIWLUl3vdAj0zBYHj

    Brofessional Development Podcast is hosted by St. Louis Business Owners Bobby Drummond, Brad Loyet, Dan Greiner, and Matt Kresko!

    Understanding Inflation, Johnny Depp & Amber Heard's Trial, Elon Musk Twitter Deal on Hold

    Understanding Inflation, Johnny Depp & Amber Heard's Trial, Elon Musk Twitter Deal on Hold
    Getting updated with current events is important if you want to understand what’s going on in the country. This will also help you understand how the economy is being affected by these new events.

    In this episode, we talk about the current events that are affecting us in business. From understanding inflation, baseball news, how Walmart went done in Q1 profit earnings, how Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s trial has affected the population, US soccer agreeing for equal pay, Elon Musk’s Twitter deal being put on hold, and Real Estate market events.

    In this Episode

    [04:00] Current real estate trend

    [05:10] Inflation numbers that are increasing

    [09:00] Baseball Events

    [10:20] Walmart took a huge loss in Q1 profit-earning

    [11:34] Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

    [13:10] US Soccer agreeing to equal pay

    [16:10] Elon Musk says the Twitter deal is on hold

    [20:10] Real Estate another housing market crash?

    Notable Quotes

    “Don’t let the government tell you that inflation is anyone’s fault, besides the government. Because at the end of the day the government controls the dollar.”

    “Advertising is what’s generating the revenue, allowing more money to be distributed to players.”

    “Every time people say something like “there’s a market crash”, people are just aiming to sell you something.”

    “You don’t do real estate for the short term, but you need to look at it like if there’s a market crash. But then again we’ll never know until we know”

    Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/brofessionaldevelopment

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/brofessionaldevelopment

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/brofessionald

    Listen to the Brofessional podcast on:

    Our Website: www.brofessionaldevelopment.com

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/brofessional-development-podcast/id1525013123

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/18Mm3zIWLUl3vdAj0zBYHj

    Brofessional Development Podcast is hosted by St. Louis Business Owners Bobby Drummond, Brad Loyet, Dan Greiner, and Matt Kresko!

    Flexibility and Adaptation in Life and in Business

    Flexibility and Adaptation in Life and in Business

    Being flexible is not getting emotionally attached to specific outcomes. Being able to quickly adapt to a new circumstance is another way of being flexible in business. Understanding that even when things go wrong there are always opportunities there. You have to be flexible to become a successful business owner or you won’t last very long.

    In this episode, we talk about flexibility and adaptation in life and in business. From powerful quotes on life and business, the benefits of being flexible and adapting to situations in your business, and real-life examples of problems that became an opportunity.

    Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/brofessionaldevelopment

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/brofessionaldevelopment

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/brofessionald

    Listen to the Brofessional podcast on:

    Our Website: www.brofessionaldevelopment.com

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/brofessional-development-podcast/id1525013123

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/18Mm3zIWLUl3vdAj0zBYHj

    Brofessional Development Podcast is hosted by St. Louis Business Owners Bobby Drummond, Brad Loyet, Dan Greiner, and Matt Kresko!

    What is trending this week!

    What is trending this week!

    This week the guys from Brofessional Development take a look at what is trending the last week!  Tom Brady signs a huge deal to jump in the booth after his playing career! 

    EA Sports and FIFA split after a dispute over money and contract talks!

    Elon Musk reports that he believes the ban on Donald Trump was to much on Twitter and he would have him back if he completes purchase!

    The St. Louis Cardinals Bader hits first inside the park homerun in the new Busch Stadium ever!

    Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/brofessionaldevelopment

     Facebook: www.facebook.com/brofessionaldevelopment

     Twitter: www.twitter.com/brofessionald

    Listen to the Brofessional podcast on:

     Our Website: www.brofessionaldevelopment.com

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/brofessional-development-podcast/id1525013123

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/18Mm3zIWLUl3vdAj0zBYHj


    Brofessional Development Podcast is hosted by St. Louis Business Owners Bobby Drummond, Brad Loyet, Dan Greiner, and Matt Kresko!

    Automation In The Business Place

    Automation In The Business Place

    Do what you do best and outsource the rest. Automation simplifies all business areas by automatically accomplishing tasks that an employee would have to do manually and letting them focus on higher ticket items.

    In this episode, we explore automation in the business place. From powerful quotes on automation, real-life examples of automation, and how long it takes to pay off when investing in automation. Besides, we dive deep into the impact of automation on employment rates, calculating your ROI and why most people are working towards independent jobs!

    In this Episode

    [00:15] Quotes on automation

    [02:37] Real-life examples of automation

    [06:30] Defining automation

    [07:33] The impact of hiring Virtual Assistants

    [13:22] Investing in automation and how long it takes to pay off

    [15:25] Are we o the downtick like the industrial revolution

    [16:38] Job elimination with increased automation

    [17:22] Why people  hate their jobs

    [20:10] Calculating your ROI of automation

    [24:38] Cool things kids are learning nowadays as opposed to Microsoft word and excel


    Notable Quotes

    • “Interesting about these Virtual Assistants (VAs) is that you hired a VA to do it. But I guarantee you these VAs are using some form of automation to do every task you give them.”
    • “A lot of people think whenever they hear automation, it's some sort of robot that's doing it or like some sort of, you're paying other humans to do the things. So you get to focus on those higher ticket items and things that are really going to move your business forward.”
    • “ So some stats say that 69% of managerial work will be automated by 2024.”
    • “I think you're always going to have employees because you need to make sure that the systems and processes are correct. So it is running efficiently.”
    • “The more technology grows and expands, the more jobs can be created on the job we're doing.”
    • “60% of the US workforce will be independent by 2027. The pandemic caused a lot of people to realize that they fucking hate their jobs, and they want to go do something and work for their on their own.”


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    Josh Sample - Speaker Series

    Josh Sample - Speaker Series

    Josh Sample is the founder and operating partner of Drive Social Media, a St. Louis- and Nashville area-based digital marketing agency. A serial entrepreneur and marketing strategist/consultant for over a decade, Sample, with his team, has implemented and executed data-driven digital marketing strategies for thousands of companies, ranging from startups and single-person businesses to multi-million dollar organizations.

    Please apologize for the quiet audio. This was held at a lecture Josh was presenting at!

    Here Josh Sample is speaking at a Bro's in Business event held in St. Louis hosted by popular podcast Brofessional Development Podcast! The event is hosted for entrepreneurs, business owners, or anyone looking to level up in life. With the guidance of Bobby Drummond, Brad Loyet, Dan Greiner, and Matt Kresko these events are some of the most sought after in the area.

    More information on Events Here: www.brofessionaldevelopment.com

    Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/brofessionaldevelopment

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/brofessionaldevelopment

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/brofessionald

    Listen to the Brofessional podcast on:

    Our Website: www.brofessionaldevelopment.com

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/brofessional-development-podcast/id1525013123

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/18Mm3zIWLUl3vdAj0zBYHj


    Roe vs Wade, Fed Raises Rates, and BMI affecting Sexual Perfomance!

    Roe vs Wade, Fed Raises Rates, and BMI affecting Sexual Perfomance!

    In this episode, we dive deep into what’s trending in business and entertainment.  From Drake’s getting revenge on an internet troll by sliding into his Wife’s DM, the Roe versus Wade deal, and the impact of the Fed announcing interest rate hikes with the high inflation rate and GDP numbers being 1% on the negative. Besides, we take a look at Dave Chappelle’s attack on stage with a knife and how your BMI might influence your sexual performance.

    In this Episode

    [00:19] What’s happening in our life and business

    [02:11] Drake’s troll on Twitter

    [02:53] Jake Paul and McGregor’s wife

    [04:12] The internet  post drake commented on

    [05:00] Roe versus Wade deal

    [09:31] Fed announcing interest rate hikes

    [14:31] Dave Chapelle getting tackled on stage

    [15:09] The video of the guy attacking Dave Chappelle afterward

    [17:15] BMI & Sexual performance

    [22:15] How many times you can get to knock it out

    Notable Quotes

    • “As a father, when you go in for that first ultrasound, and you have no idea what a kid even is, and you hear that heartbeat for the first time, it definitely changes your opinion about everything.”
    • “The US Department of Justice shows children from fatherless homes account for 90% of all homeless and runaway children.”
    • “But by definition, two quarters in a row with a negative GDP is a recession.”
    • “Low-interest rates shoot up, and the pricing of houses and higher interest rates shoot down. “
    • “Researchers in Turkey did a year-long study on BMI and sexual performance. So what it says is that men with a higher BMI last 7.3 minutes. But leaner men hardly make it to 108 seconds.”





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    Catalysts For Change!

    Catalysts For Change!

    Catalysts For Change

    At any point in your life is in one of three phases with change, you either just completed the change, you're in the process of changing or you know that you need to change, but you haven't done anything about it.

    In this episode, we share with you some of our catalysts for change, and how they have changed our lives to where we are now.

    Key Highlights

    [00:06] About today’s topic

    [00:47] Quotes about change

    [01:51] Resources on change

    [02:23] Our experience at Jordan Peterson’s show

    [07:33] Jordan Peterson’s view on what the greatest catalyst for change

    [08:28] Biggest changes we have made in our lives and their catalysts

    [13:25] Constantly make an effort to be better

    [15:43] Dealing with an identity crisis

    [16:38] The categories of change we are at now

    [22:31] Biggest changes going out now in the world

    Notable Quotes

    • If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for long. - Theodore Roosevelt
    • You have to always be doing something different to expect a different outcome. - Brad Loyet
    • If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living. - Gail Shelly.
    • You always got to be adapting to what's around you to make a good life.
    • Change’s inevitable. Growth is optional.
    • The greatest catalyst for change in the world sits between one's ears.
    • Doing anything consistently for 75 days to start out, is going to get you progress in any fucking area of your life
    • if you're not taking the mindset that you know, you want to change yourself or you want to change, you know your experiences in life, then you're just gonna sit around and do nothing.


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    Johnny Depp’s Divorce Trial, Elon’s Twitter Purchase, and Other Hot Topics

    Johnny Depp’s Divorce Trial, Elon’s Twitter Purchase, and Other Hot Topics

    In this episode, we talk about some of the recent hot topics including Johnny Depp’s divorce trial against his ex-wife Amber Heard, Elon’s Twitter purchase, when the deal will be finalized, and why exactly Elon purchased Twitter. Tune in to listen to these and more exiting topics.

    Key Highlights

    [01:26] Latest hot topics

    [04:28] What we know so far about Johnny Depp’s divorce trial

    [06:26] Amber Heard threesome rumor

    [07:12] Elon Musk Twitter purchase

    [10:43] Is Elon normal?

    [11:38] Tesla shares drop

    [12:31] When will the Twitter deal be finalized

    [13:21] Other bigger platforms ever purchased

    [15:29] When Jack Dorsey quit Twitter

    [16:37] Will Trump come back to Twitter?

    [17:59] How Elon plans to deal with Twitter fake accounts

    [19:00] Investing in NFTs

    Notable Quotes

    • I think Elon is pretty awesome. Like, do I think he's normal? Fuck, no, he's not normal. He's definitely a weird dude.
    • If the Twitter board decides to back out or tries to kill the deal, Elon gets a billion dollars. And if Elon fucked up, that's nothing.
    • YouTube makes like a billion dollars in revenue a day right now.
    • You’ve got to invest 50 hours of your time before you start talking about something.
    • One thing you know Gary always says is you’ve got to believe in the jockey, not the horse.


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    This week the guys from Brofessional Development are once again joined by NASCAR star Kenny Wallace and we talk about PERCEPTION! Perception is an important factor in life that starts from the time you are born. People perceive what others are capable of along with they themselves are able to achieve! In the 20 minutes we host this podcast we cover a broad array in the topic along with real life items and how they have affected all of us!

    Perception is created from the time you are born.  Instilled in you from friends, family, and teachers.  Everyone can percieve items from a different view as well even though they have been raised the same way.

    The Business of Weed with Drew Lammert

    The Business of Weed with Drew Lammert
    Our special 420 episode is now live! Join us as we sit down with Drew Lammert from KindGoods and Day Break Cannabis!  We talk about the business side of weed and how they have brought medical marijunana to the state of Missouri.  The bros recorded this podcast in the middle of a cultivation facility and learned about the processes of taking a seed a developing it into something that can be used for the end user! 

    Drew was nice enough to fill us in on the amount of capital needed to get this venture off the ground and the efforts that are being made to serve their investors.  So sit down, grab a joint, and give this podcast a listen!  

    Kenny Wallace Shoots the Shit!

    Kenny Wallace Shoots the Shit!
    NASCAR Superstar Kenny Wallace aka "The Herminator" joins the Bro's of the Brofessional Development podcast! Live in Studio we take a deeper dive then the former NASCAR broadcaster usually goes as we talk about the current state of affairs in the USA, the economy as a whole, and even Kenny's own experience with the Mexico/USA border crisis! If you want to see more behind the scenes look at Kenny Wallace be sure to give this podcast a listen and a watch! The famous race car driver from Arnold, MO holds nothing back in this Shoot the Shit episode with the guys!

    Elon Musk on Twitter Purchase

    Elon Musk on Twitter Purchase
    In this episode, we dive into our shoot the shit session from Elon musk being the largest stake stakeholder exceeding the founder-Jack Dorsey, to who is likely to win the challenge fight between Musk and Putin.

    Besides, we dive deep into the Forbes billionaire list, having lost the largest number of billionaires since the 2008 housing crisis. Are we headed into recession? Tune in as we discuss this and much more!


    [01:35] Elon Musk is the largest stakeholder on Twitter, with 9.2%

    [03:40] Who is likely to win the fight between Elon Musk and  Putin

    [05:16] The declining rate in the Forbes list of billionaires

    [07:42] Gerda Puridle invented eyelash extensions in 1882

    [09:15] A St. Louis bar owner caught on surveillance killing somebody

    [14:30] The theory behind Will Smith and Chris Rock's drama


    • “Today, the market stands at 6% from the beginning of the year. Is that enough to knock so many people out of the billionaire's list? Why are there fewer billionaires? Did they die?”
    • “These guys are billionaires. How do you not have enough financial advisors or people around you to make sure you are diversified enough…You have billions of dollars. How do you not set it up towards generating your money no matter what.”
    • “I think Chris Rock was fcking Jada Pinkett. He reeled back for a second like, “Oh, I could have said something, but he didn’t. He took the high roads.”
    • “Deutsche bank predicted the US is going under a recession. It says the Federal was too late to rate hike game and won't be able to achieve the goal of bringing down inflation without setting economic growth in reverse.”
    • “Industries really do well in a recession.”



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    What Holds People Back in Business, Life or Personal Relationships

    What Holds People Back in Business, Life or Personal Relationships

    A lot of people don’t take that step because they are scared of the what if’s, what could happen? But it’s your story. Don’t let anything hold you back. Put yourself in that uncomfortable situation to grow.

    In this episode, we look at quotes on what holds people back, fear as the main aspect that holds people back, choosing your hard, having a positive circle around you, and embracing self-development. Besides, we dive into imposter syndrome, making the next step to what’s holding you back, maintaining consistency in what you do, and finding effective solutions rather than complaining about your problems.


    In this Episode

    [00:37] Quotes on what holds people back

    [04:22] Definition of holding back

    [08:25] Choosing  your hard

    [10:10] Advice to make the next step in whatever is holding you back

    [13:22] Taking time for self-development

    [17:30] Consistency and avoiding instant gratification

    [20:58] Find ways to improve rather than constantly complain about your problems.

    [23:02] Influencers or business owners who have held themselves back

    [24:08] Richie’s Platinum record

    Notable Quotes

    • If you’re not growing, you are dying
    • It doesn’t have to be related to being an entrepreneur or opening up a business. There are so many ways you can grow.
    • If you are not where you need to be, you have to make changes. If you do the same shit day in and day out, you’re not going to get any other results.
    • There is a big fear of failure, but with failure, there is growth.
    • There's never a right time to do something. You are never ready for anything to ever happen, but you find a way to make it work.
    • Good things come with hard work and doing the same thing consistently.
    • Choose your hard. Whether you choose to be lazy or put in the work, it takes the same amount of time.
    • If you are wondering why you are not where you need to be, you need to look at the people around you.



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    What’s Trending in Sports and Entertainment

    What’s Trending in Sports and Entertainment

    In this episode, we dive into deep our shoot to shit session. From Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at Oscar awards, GIF creator dying at 74 years, and Tiger Woods comeback just like Ben Hogan.

    Besides, we dive deep into Albert Pujols’ return to the Cardinals and the announcement of the NFL’s new diversity committee where they need to have a minority coach. Although there’s a need for more minority coaches, we shouldn’t be forced to hire someone. Tune into this episode for more!


    In this Episode

    [01:01] The GIF Image creator dying at 74 years

    [02:07] Will Smith and Chris Rock scandal

    [08:33] Trump issuing a statement about hitting a hole in one knee

    [09:53] Is Tiger Woods going to make a comeback?

    [12:46] Ben Hogan coming back to golf after his accident and making major wins

    [13:42] Albert Pujols signing  a one year deal with the Cardinals

    [17:42] Lakers being currently out of plan

    [18:09 ]NFL announcing a new diversity committee

    Notable Quotes

    • “Who knows if Chris Rock wrote that joke? First of all, do you know how many probably read the joke before it started and were like, that’s funny and doesn't cross the line at all to me? It's just pretty wild.”
    • Ben Hogan came back from a bad car accident where he got hit badly. They didn't think he would ever play again. Ben Hogan came back and won a major and probably won a couple of more tournaments. So Tiger is probably thinking, let history repeat itself. I’m going to do the same thing.”
    • “I think it’s just so wrong. Could you imagine someone walking into your business and being like, “you have to hire one of these people? Whatever they may be, a woman, African or American, but they are clearly not the right people for the job.”
    • “I think with something like this, you are just trying to do things to appease certain people, and I think it’s kind of the culture we live in now. I’ll hire people from all different backgrounds because they can get to different target markets for me.”
    • “ We need more coaches that are the minority, but if they are not the right person for the job, they shouldn’t be forced to hire someone.


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    Is a Morning Routine Important?

    Is a Morning Routine Important?
    Every morning you wake up with a blank slide. You get a new chance to build it up how you want it.  It’s not just about saying you have a sweet morning routine but having a beneficial routine that you can see progress over time.

    In this episode, we look at why we need an efficient morning routine, quotes on routines, the million-dollar morning, and some of the best morning routines we have adopted. Besides, we dive deep into visualization and taking specific actions towards your goal, worst habits that could mess up your morning routine, and routines we will adopt going forward. If you’re looking towards having a conscious morning routine, tune in to this episode!


    In this Episode

    [01:56] What’s the magic time

    [03:20] Quotes on routines

    [06:57] Having a conscious morning routine

    [07:37] Why you need a morning routine

    [08:44] Having a million-dollar morning

    [11:33] Best or worst routines that we have ever adopted

    [15:38] Messing around with your morning routine

    [18:49] Manifestation and taking specific action

    [20:00] Worst habits in a morning routine

    [22:22] Any routines to adopt going forward

    [25:10] Leaving some room in your day for anything that might come up

    [25:53] Having sustainable programs such as The 75 Hard program

    [30:00] Having your priorities right

    Powerful Quotes

    • Everybody has a morning routine. Everybody you can think of wakes up in the first 15/20min and probably does the exact same thing every day subconsciously, but when you start to turn that into something conscious where you control the morning routine, I think that’s where you see progress.
    • Having some type of routine actually gives some regularity so that you’re less prone to being stressed.
    • The greatest gift you have every single morning is the fact that you woke up. So, instead of taking that time and thinking of something that stresses you out or something that pisses you off. Think about something positive to start your day, and you will have already had million-dollar money.
    • If you want to change the world, start by making your bed.
    • The visualization thing is important, but you have to take action towards it.
    • Every morning you wake up with a blank slide. When you look at social media or check your emails, you are giving those external things an opportunity to start your day off.

    Shoot the Shit Week 2

    Shoot the Shit Week 2

    What’s Trending in Business, Politics and Sports

    In this episode, we dive into our shoot the shit session. From business ideas, repercussions of the Lia Thomas winning Division I championship, and the impact of financial literacy classes introduced in the education system at the high school level.

    Besides, we look at the effects of the Russia-Ukraine war. If Biden happens to sign the No-Fly zone, it might lead to the third world war. How is this war affecting our stock markets? How will high inflation rates and interest affect businesses? Tune into this episode and learn more about what’s trending.


    In this Episode

    [00:38] Trademarking our name brofessional

    [01:25] Business ideas

    [05:36] Battery-powered sex toys-vibrators

    [08:02] Would you rather work 4 days a week or work two months on, and one month off?

    [09:53] Would you rather go back in time to meet your ancestors, or would you rather go forward in time to meet your great-grandchildren?

    [11:43] Repercussion of Lia Thomas winning  the Division I championship

    [16:09] Financial Literacy classes introduced for high school students

    [19:19] Effects of Russia and Ukraine asking for a No-Fly zone

    [21:18] Market speculations right now

    [22:38] How the war might impact business moving forward

    [23:20] If we were to go into recession, how would it play out

    [26:32] Connor McGregor arrested for reckless driving

    [27:00] WNBA star Brittney Griner detained in Russia

    Notable Quotes

    • Go through the situation with the kid before the situation happens and then talk about what they would do in that situation so that when the situation comes up or a similar situation, they are prepared for whatever scenario might come up.
    • Russia and Ukraine supply 15% of wheat to the whole world. So, if they do not start planting their wheat in the next week or two, up to 100 million people will starve.
    • There is only a 90-day supply of food in the entire world. So if food production stopped in 90 days, we would be completely out of it.
    • The days that the market takes an uptake is when there is a thought of good news, not that there is even good news. Just the thought of something good would happen or a sign of a peace treaty, the stock market starts to go up.