
    Brofessional Development Podcast

    Join the Brofessional Development Podcast for your weekly insights for business and personal development! Here we cover everything from your favorite influencers, books, and podcasts! The Brofessional Development guys offer you a funny and insightful way to better yourself and those around you! As a group of entrepreneurs from the St. Louis area we help to make an impact around the world. If you hear something you enjoy or makes you ponder, share it with someone!
    enBrofessional Development100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    The Power of Regrets

    The Power of Regrets

    Welcome to the regret episode! This one is going to be a little different. It's not a story, but rather an exploration of a topic that we've come to believe is essential to living a good life with as little regret as possible.

    We'll start by sharing some quotes, books, and podcasts on regret. And then we'll also talk about some of our biggest regrets, what if we were all the perfect version of ourselves, would we be all the same? And then end the episode with some advice on regret.


    Key Highlights from the episode

    [00:41] Regret quotes

    [05:30] Books and podcasts on regret

    [08:39] Our biggest regrets

    [16:21] The three theories of regrets

    [18:26] Common regrets for other people

    [20:37] Stats on regret

    [21:46] Wallowing on a regret

    [25:03] What would the perfect version of yourself be?

    [28:42] What’s life all about?

    [31:28] Only fans inquiry

    [32:00] Advice for those who have regrets

    [33:25] Daniel Pink’s three-step process on overcoming regrets

    Notable Quotes

    • The only people without regrets are people who have brain damage. People who are sociopaths, and people who have neurodegenerative diseases, the rest of us have regrets.
    • Make it a rule of life, never to regret and never look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy. You can't build on it. It's only good for wallowing on it.
    • Never regret something that once made you happy.
    • regret is mostly caused by not having done anything.
    • You gotta keep on keeping on. Life's a garden. Dig it, dig it, make it work for you.
    • Everything in life is so finite. And there's always that last time, but you don't sometimes you don't even realize when the last time is going to be
    • For me, getting something, that thing won't make me happy. But achieving the thing is, like a level. And then I get to go to the next level.
    • I feel like there's always an opportunity to go back and remedy the regret you may have.
    • Use the regret you have now as a catalyst for what you want to do going forward.
    • control what you can control, move on, learn from that regret.

    What’s Considered Flexing?

    What’s Considered Flexing?

    What’s Considered Flexing?

    People say flexing is doing whatever you can to look good, but that doesn't explain why people who don't do anything to look good are considered flexing.

    It gets more complicated too, some people are considered "flexing" for being able to afford such and such, other people who can afford the same things aren't considered flexing at all. There's also this weird idea that flexing is about money and material goods, but in reality, most people who are considered flexing have nothing that others don't have. So what is the true definition of flexing?

    Join us in this episode as we try to find out what actually flexing is, especially on social media, and whether it’s even wrong in the first place. During the episode, you will also hear more about Kim Kardashian’s best advice for women, Pete Davidson’s beef with Kanye, and Elon Musk’s challenge to Putin.


    Key Highlights

    [00:20] What’s going on

    [01:30] Flex or No? What do you consider flexing?

    [05:59] Defining flex

    [09:50] Is flexing wrong?

    [11:40] Kim Kardashian’s best advice for women

    [14:23] Pete Davidson vs. Kanye West beef

    [15:53] Elon Musk challenges Putin to a fight

    [19:24] What’s going on in our businesses

    [20:48] Matt’s first month in Airbnb business

    Notable Quotes

    • Talking about flexes, my wife literally does not allow me to flex at all.
    • Social Media in general is a huge flex. Anything you post, it’s like, “I want people to see this.”
    • A flex is anything that’s above and beyond average. Because society has painted out to create average people.


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    The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

    The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
    Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a natural thing. It’s the perception that other people are having fun, experiencing better lives or things, and you’re missing out. It is often a result of some unhappiness that you’re trying to fulfill.

    In this episode, we discuss, what’s trending, valuable insights from last night's event, some of the powerful quotes on FOMO, where does it come from, how can you control it, get past it as well as how you can convert FOMO into JOMO (Joy of Missing Out). Besides, we look at opportunity cost, forgoing something for a more valuable course. If you are a victim of FOMO and you’re looking for ways to change that, this episode is for you!


    In this Episode

    [01:20] McDonald’s closing all its stores in Russia

    [01:46] Porn hub sanctioned in Russia

    [03:24] better.com massive employee lay off

    [06:34] Gas prices going up

    [08:18] South Korea’s squid game election

    [09:40] A recap on our last night's event

    [16:00] Having a work-life  balance

    [19:16] Quotes on FOMO

    [23:02]  How FOMO is good

    [25:16] Where FOMO comes from

    [29:51] The opposite of FOMO

    [30:50] The Power of Now book

    [32:14] Opportunity cost

    [37:30] Focusing on your goals

    [40:21]  Getting past FOMO

    [42:37] Creating joy of missed opportunity

    [46:09] The upcoming event

    Powerful Quotes

    • If you have an actual goal and want to hit it, you have to do the daily actions to get you there.
    • The fear of missing out can influence an emotional decision to even the most successful people in the world.
    • There is an abundance of opportunities down the road. It's okay that passed.
    • The present moment is the key to liberation.
    • Why sacrifice anxiety of the future or feeling regretful in the past so you can enjoy this moment?
    • If you are anxious, you are living in the future, if you are depressed, you’re living in the past, and if you’re happy, you’re living in the present.
    • What you focus on grows.
    • Every opportunity that I get and turn down, the opportunity that I know will grow me. There is a cost to that.
    • Accept that this might really take off, but I am not going to be part of it.
    • Fear of missing out is a natural thing, but there are ways to overcome it.

    How to build a real estate empire with Sam Primm

    How to build a real estate empire with Sam Primm

    A lot of people think that you need to accumulate several million to invest in real estate, but you can invest even from jail as long as you have a phone. You don’t need to have a lot of money. You can leverage other people’s money and make robust returns by buying rental properties or flipping houses.

    In this episode, Sam shares his journey from quitting corporate to real estate, leveraging on other people’s money, his funny moment as a landlord, and the secret behind his huge success in online programs. Besides, he highlights the secret behind his huge following on TikTok and how to determine if your self-storage facility will perform. If you’re looking forward to investing in real estate, whether as a side hustle or full-time, this episode is for you!


    In this Episode

    [00:09] About Sam Primm

    [01:24] Sam’s story of quitting his corporate job for entrepreneurship

    [02:54] Growing up as an entrepreneur

    [06:27] Investing in real estate using leverage

    [12:11] Where to start if you have $0 or $200

    [17:11] Setting specific goals on what you need to invest in per year

    [18:22] Can you do real estate as a part-time gig, full-time job, or both?

    [19:50] How much time do you need to allocate if you’re in corporate to do ten rentals over five years?

    [22:39] Favorite or worst landlord story when you started out

    [25:06] The secret behind Sam’s huge following on TikTok

    [32:14] Sam’s success in online programs and coaching

    [37:16] Resources that have been significant in Sam’s professional life

    [39:08] First step to self-storage without experience

    [41:51] How to determine whether a self-storage facility will perform

    [45:26] Sam’s online courses

    [47:44] At what point did you set money aside to build your first home

    Powerful Quotes

    • You can invest in real estate from jail if you’re able to sneak a phone.
    • You got to be involved with the local community no matter where you are.
    • Everybody borrows money. That’s how the world works. If you borrow money, invest in something that grows cash and produces value.
    • I posted on TikTok every single day for the past 18 months. So, continually putting stuff out there and giving free information, people will follow you.
    • If you make your entire YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram about pushing a product, it will get stoked. People are going to stop watching and go away.
    • Understanding that you are not alone in the problems you are going through helps push you past the point most people get stuck.
    • Every single investor I know has two things in common. They wish they had started earlier, and two, they all pay for some type of subscription or coaching service.
    • Having the right mentorship just keeps you out of the gutters. It’s going to save you time, money, and headaches.

    Porn as a Side Hustle? The business of the PORN industry!

    Porn as a Side Hustle? The business of the PORN industry!

    One out of five mobile searches is for porn. In 2018, there were 33.5 billion viewers, that’s 92 million visits per day which is as much as the population of Canada, Australia, and Poland combined.

    Tune into this episode and listen to some of the top-earners in the porn industry, highest-paid scenes, average annual pay, and our go-to search! Besides, just like any business, we get to discuss the new venture in porn, VR  porn. Tune in for more!


    In this episode

    [01:26] What we’ve been up to

    [06:11] Euphoria movie on HBO

    [10:58] Porn overview

    [13:19] The wage gap in the porn industry

    [14:42] The highest net worth of all pornstars

    [16:58] Highest paid scenes per type of porn

    [21:22] How long is a porn scene

    [23:05] Average annual pay

    [26:28] The Go-To search

    [30:44] Why do a lot of girls watch lesbian porn

    [32:15] Percentage of porn mobile search

    [32:57] The new venture in porn-VR porn

    [35:30] A funny story on uncircumcised dicks


    Powerful Quotes

    • It’s more a supply and demand thing. There are more people into anal than there are in double penetration.
    • If you do lesbian porn for 40hours a week, you are a millionaire
    • I like understanding the dynamic between the two people. It’s interesting, aligns up, and I feel like I could be the guy.
    • A lot of girls watch lesbian porn. There is no incarnation to become lesbian, do anything with other chics, or be bi. It’s like the porn that is guy and female porn. It’s all about the dude.


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    Customer Service Expert Shep Hyken!

    Customer Service Expert Shep Hyken!

    Improving customer service is a vital part of growing any business. After all, the lifeblood of any company is repeat customers. As many as 70 percent of customers say they’ll spend more with companies that provide excellent customer service. In a market where it's easier than ever for customers to take their money elsewhere, how can you improve your customer service?


    In this episode, we talk to Shep Hyken, CSP, CPAE. He is the Chief Amazement Officer of Shepard Presentations. As a professional speaker and author, Shep works with companies that want to develop loyal relationships with their customers and employees. He is the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Amazement Revolution and The Cult of the Customer.


    Shep shares about his journey and how he started his personal and professional development, the common mistakes organizations make with their customer care services, and some of the steps you can take today to make great customer service culture in your organization.


    Key Highlights

    [00:42] Shep’s views on Spectrum’s customer service experience

    [01:16] How Shep connected with Jason Selk

    [02:05] Getting started in personal and professional development

    [04:15] What has changed in the world of the customer care department

    [08:59] Why organizations overlook customer service

    [12:32] Customer service is not about the frontline people

    [16:23] Dealing with unhappy employees

    [20:13] Becoming a destination employer

    [21:29] Dealing with already upset customers

    [26:12] Customer service solutions

    [34:31] Creating a customer-focused culture

    [36:37] The power of gratitude

    [39:44] The only fans inquiry: The magic trick

    [43:59] Connect with Shep

    Notable Quotes

    • My best coaches and mentors were actually my parents.
    • Customer service is not a dep[artment. It’s part of the culture.
    • Every single person in your company, no matter how big or small your organization is, has some impact on that end experience the customer has.
    • If you take care of people on the inside, they’re going to take care of people on the outside.
    • Herb Kelleher, the first CEO of Southwest Airlines, when he was asked which is more important, your shareholders who invest in you? Your passengers who pay money? Or the employees? He said the employees. Because “if the employees are happy, then they will take care of the passengers who will fly on the airline again and will then make the shareholders happy.
    • You can’t wow a customer but you can amaze them all the time.
    • Most of the clients that call me, don’t need help. They want sustainability.
    • Leaders have to demonstrate what they want everyone else to do.


    Connect with Shep Hyken

    Customer Service Speaker | Shep Hyken Keynote Speaker

    Shep Hyken: Customer Service & CX-Expert - YouTube

    Mentioned Resources

    I'll Be Back Book | Shep Hyken Customer Service Expert

    How to Master the Art of Selling: Hopkins, Tom

    Moments of Truth by Jan Carlzon

    Have your Customers Say "I'll Be Back" with Shep Hyken

    Have your Customers Say "I'll Be Back" with Shep Hyken

    In this mini-episode Shep Hyken tell us the 6 steps to have your customers saying "I'll Be Back!"  From his most recent book Shep sums up what it takes to be succesful creating loyal customers that will come back again and again to do business with you! 

    If you enjoy this short teaching episode make sure to listen to our full length podcast with Shep as well.

    hep Hyken, CSP, CPAE is the Chief Amazement Officer of Shepard Presentations. As a professional speaker and author, Shep works with companies that want to develop loyal relationships with their customers and employees. He is the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Amazement Revolution and The Cult of the Customer.

    Businesses to Start in 2022!

    Businesses to Start in 2022!

    Business Ideas

    Finding your niche as an entrepreneur can be challenging. You might already have an established business, but you could do things differently looking back. You probably have new ideas or are looking for interesting ideas to get that dollar to work for you.

    Tune in to this episode and listen to some powerful insights about business, favorite books on business, and what we would do differently if we were to start over again. Besides, what interesting business ideas would we go for. Find out more on this episode!

    In this episode

    [00:30] What’s trending

    [05:32] About NFT’s and Crypto

    [09:13] Palatin stocks

    [11:34] Quotes on businesses

    [13:22] Recap on our mastermind group event

    [24:59] Favorite books about owning businesses

    [30:46] Inflation - how it is affecting businesses and pay raises

    [35:01] If we were to start over again, what businesses sound interesting, and what would we do differently?


    Powerful Quotes

    • Influencers can do more for a company than a sports athlete can right now. They can make a thirty seconds TikTok right now and sell it for 250 grand for it.
    • You have to build a business around your business brand
    • It’s always easier to slow someone down than speed them up.
    • A player wants A players around, B players want C players around so they can look like the shining star.
    • In order to stay in business, you have to keep up with market trends. You have to be ahead of the market trends.
    • If you can’t do something for five days in a row, why do you expect to have a reward?
    • Daily consistent efforts eventually will compound and pay off.
    • There is a lot of money in anything service-based.

    Mentioned Resources



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    Leadership! How can you be better!

    Leadership! How can you be better!

    This week the Bros dive deep into leadership!  With the first episode of the new year the guys wanted to start with a powerful episode!  Leadership can be looked at in several viewpoints.  As business owners they break down what it takes to be a great leader along with examples from some of the biggest influencers in the business and entrepreneurship world! 

    Reflecting and Auditing The Past Year

    Reflecting and Auditing The Past Year

    Having regular reflection on every aspect of your life allows you to understand better where you want to go and develop a growth mindset. As we start this new year, you need to reflect and audit your past year. What have you accomplished? How has your circle been? Have you built any long-term networks?

    In this episode, we look at some of our reflection points for the past year with our guest Blake. What are some of the biggest changes we made in 2021, and what are our focus areas in 2022? Besides, we discuss how proving doubters wrong turned us into the best version of ourselves. Tune in for more!


    In this episode

    [01:33] Meeting Blake

    [05:40] Quote on reflection

    [06:00] Our reflection points for the past year

    [08:09] About the book The Darkside of the Light Chasers.

    [08:24] 2022 Goals

    [12:37] Proving doubters wrong

    [18:35] Looking into negative situations

    [20:39] Biggest changes we made in 2021

    [21:45] Achieving your goals

    23:11] Focus areas in 2022

    Powerful Quotes:

    • We do not learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience.
    • I have all this shit going on, I have all these people bending against me, but I’m gonna come out on top.”
    • The best revenge is success, but more importantly, the best revenge is becoming a better person.
    • Whenever shitty circumstances arise or are out of control in your life, you have two options. Sit down and be like, bitch, and let your life become shittier and just say it’s like you are a victim of circumstances someone else created or just move forward.
    • When you reflect, you can have a better understanding of where you want to go and how you want to build on that.

    Mentioned Resources

    Previous episode


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    Goal Planning!

    Goal Planning!

    As we start a new year, everyone is looking forward to being a better version of themselves. What areas do you need to improve on? How do you intend to remain persistent in hitting your goal? Any goal properly set is halfway reached. You need to know where you are going before you get there and be persistent.

     In this episode, we look at how we can keep ourselves accountable and where we plan to go in 2022. Besides, we discuss why we begin to fall off months after setting our goals, auditing our goals, finding a business, how you can leverage on debt, and also reflect on our growth for the past year besides our bank statement. Tune in for more!


    In this episode

    [18:53] Quotes on goals

    [21:20] Auditing your goals

    [23:46] Paying yourself and separating your personal expenses while in business.

    [27:42]Goals for 2022

    [30:41] Leveraging on debt

    [34:22] Finding a business

    [36:18] Biggest areas of change over the past year besides financial growth.


    Powerful Quotes

    • At any level in every sort of business, if you do not have a process and you are not habitual in something that you do, daily, weekly, you are never going to hit those goals.
    • The reason we do not end up hitting our goals is because we stop.
    • In order to hit those goals, you got to stay on a daily test, weekly, monthly, and quarterly. You got to keep updating.
    • It does no good having no debt if I’m planning on it making me more money.
    • If you look at the super successful people financially, they are leveraging debt. That’s the only way to gr
    • ow and build your cash flow positive.
    • The goal is not just having a business and being like the face of the business. The goal is to have the business running without you and growing without you.

    Mentioned Resources Mentioned episode




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    Emotional Intelligence

    Emotional Intelligence

    Emotional Intelligence

    What comes to mind when you think of Emotional Intelligence(EI)? It involves understanding and managing your own emotions and those of the people around you. 

    Emotional intelligence is essential for success. In this episode, we look at the key components of EI, IQ versus EI, and the biggest determinant of a high EQ. Besides, is it better to be street or book smart, and why do successful people have high emotional intelligence? Tune in to find out more!


    In this Episode

    [09:09] Emotional Intelligence Assessment

    [15:57] Quotes on emotional intelligence

    [20:46] Five key elements of emotional intelligence

    [25:13] Emotional Intelligence vs. Intelligence Quotient

    [29:00] Why are people with higher EQ more successful than people with higher IQ?

    [32:40] Street smart vs. Book smart

    [34:33] Feedback as the biggest determinant of high EQ

    [40:27] Fake feedback

    [42:19] Vulnerability and owning up.

    Powerful Quotes

    • I can not offend you. Only you can offend yourself. This is how the brain works. I might be the catalyst, I say something, and you have thought about what I say, and that thought creates a feeling. If you’re training the culture of you can offend me, and I can offend you, then we are training them to be victims.
    • Between stimulus and response, there is a space, and in that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies growth and freedom.
    • When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic but with creatures of emotions.
    • Making obvious decisions is not based on emotion but based on logic and trying to remove emotion.
    • IQ is a good protector of who is going to do good in school, while EQ is a good protector of who is going to be more successful and happier in life.
    • The strength of your emotions dictates the level of happiness and fulfillment you will achieve.

    Mentioned Resources




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    How To Make a Lasting Change in Any Area Of Your Life

    How To Make a Lasting Change in Any Area Of Your Life

    “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” You need to make a lasting change in all areas for a better life. 

    We are all looking for a change, but why is the change short-lived, and do we start quitting once we see a little bit of progress? In this episode, we talk about making a lasting change. Tune in to find out more on this!


    In this Episode

    [12:00]  Quotes on change

    [17:54] Inspiration or desperation? What is more of a changing factor?

    [21:48] Principles of psychology

    [23:20] Fear of the unknown

    [26:43] Why changing others might not work

    [28:10] Reasons why people fail in making change

    [32:38] Distress versus Eustress

    [36:00] Healthy stress

    [38:00] Having a purpose

    Powerful Quotes

    • Money does not change people, money shows who they really are.
    • 99% of people let other people’s opinions and beliefs keep them from living the life they want.
    • If you want to change your life, raise your standards. What changes people is when their should become musts.
    • Kicking a habit constitutes a dramatic change, but the change need not occur in a dramatic way.
    • The reason why most people do not change is that they are comfortable.
    • People go back to watching a bunch of shows over and over again because they want to be in control.
    • You can make others change but only through manipulation. However, the change will be temporary and not real. 

    Mentioned Resources




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    Profit First with Michael Michalowciz

    Profit First with Michael Michalowciz

    Michael Michalowciz is an entrepreneur, business maker on Amazon and a popular speaker on innovative entrepreneurial topics. He is also a former host of the “Business Rescue” segment for MSNBC’S  Your business and an American author. His business books include Get Different, Clockwork, The Toilet paper Entrepreneur, The Pumpkin Plan, Surge, Fix This Next and Profit First.

    In this episode, Michalowciz gives insight on his best selling book “Profit First”, what inspired the book, and why most businesses fail. He also shares his turning point from employment to entrepreneurship, successful business tips, and good business culture. 


    In this episode

    [01:27] Mike’s view on the video format of his best selling print book

    [03:44] Profit First book insights

    [07:17] Causes of most business failures and advice to such businesses

    [09:10] Learning the process and habits from his failures and success

    [13:15] Turning point to being an entrepreneur

    [15:00] Pushing employees to work towards their dream

    [18:38] Business Culture

    [22:45] Drawing the line with bad customers

    [25:01] Best professional development book to read

    Powerful Quotes

    • Profit is not an event but a habit
    • Most businesses tend to fail since they do not have a cash flow system.
    • Taking money from someone and you cannot stand what you are doing is business prostitution.
    • When you get rid of a bad customer, it opens up more space for a good customer.
    • The foundation formula, sales minus expenses equal profit, is logical but not behavioural. According to human behaviour, when something comes last, it is not important. Taking your profits first ensures permanent profitability.
    • How you manage your mind is a big determinant to success


    Mentioned Resources



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    House Hack Your Way To Financial Freedom with Craig Curelop

    House Hack Your Way To Financial Freedom with Craig Curelop

    In this episode, we are joined by Craig Curelop, a real estate agent and investor based out of Denver, Colorado. Craig is also the author of The House Hacking Strategy book, which teaches the tricks that savvy investors have been using in the real estate industry to save thousands of dollars in monthly expenses as you build your financial independence. Starting off with a $90,000 student loan debt and -$30k net worth, Craig has worked his way up to become financially free in 2.5 years. 

    He shares his story in the episode and some strategies you can employ today to join the real estate and finance markets and start your journey to living for free!


    In This Episode:

    [00:49] Craig’s college life

    [02:05] The house hacking idea

    [07:43] How much do you need to get started?

    [10:36] Why aren’t more people into house hacking?

    [14:55] House hacking strategies

    [19:55] The downside of sharing your space

    [23:58] Property purchase options

    [26:30] Airbnb rules

    [28:16] Craig’s self-development journey

    [31:52] Motivated by money or freedom and time?

    [33:02] Money saving challenge

    [37:59] Automating your work

    [41:24] Best books to start your real estate or finance journey

    [43:54] Craig’s daily routine

    [48:00] Only fans inquiry

    Notable Quotes

    • You can invest wisely and create passive income. And that passive income is what creates financial independence.
    • Keep keeping your expenses super low while you start making money. 
    • If there’s a book that I’ve heard of and I hear more than once, I’m 100% reading it.
    • You won’t be good if you’re just motivated by money. But then, money allows for a lot of things.
    • Airbnb doesn’t want you to risk your safety to meet their law requirements.


    Mentioned Resources


    Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi

    The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

    The Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

    The Book On Rental Property Investing by Brandon Turner

    The Simple Path To Wealth by J.L Collins


    Connect With Craig Curelop

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/craig-curelop-a6457242/ 

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thefiguy/ 

    Fun Episode: Welcoming Our New Intern, Bobby’s Encounter with Ghosts, And Latest from Aaron Rodgers COVID-19 Protocol Violations

    Fun Episode: Welcoming Our New Intern, Bobby’s Encounter with Ghosts, And Latest from Aaron Rodgers COVID-19 Protocol Violations

    In this episode, we welcome Sal, our first intern, to the show. Sal attended Saint Louis University and graduated with a marketing degree. He now works as a transportation broker, where he loads shipments to ensure products are delivered in time. In the episode, you will hear more about him, what his tasks will be in the show, and other fun questions. We also talk about Aaron Rodgers’ COVID-19 protocol violations, and the consequences he may face. 



    [13:04] About Sal

    [17:10] Sal’s job outline in the show

    [20:02] How Bobby met Sal

    [23:50] Sal responds to “who’s your favorite” questions

    [26:21] Why Sal listens to Brofessional Development podcast

    [31:40] Other favorite podcasts

    [31:58] The who story about Aaron Rodgers COVID-19 protocol violations

    [42:35] Sal’s favorite book

    [43:37] Bobby’s encounter with ghosts

    [48:30] The ‘elevator’ speech.


    • Everyone has their own story. Everyone knows how they became successful. To hear all that is pretty cool.
    • I feel like I’ll bring little diversity in the group, like to spice up things a little bit here. I’d like to learn about how this whole podcast works.


    Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts (goodreads.com)


    Previous Episodes

    Skillset Vs Mindset - Brofessional Development Podcast | Podcast on Spotify


    Man Up! How To Break Out Of Mediocrity And Take Control With Bedros Keuilian - Brofessional Development Podcast | Podcast on Spotify

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    Jack Of All Trades, Master of None

    Jack Of All Trades, Master of None

    Jack Of All Trades, Master of None

    In today’s episode, Brofessional Development podcast hosts share their thoughts on the topic, Jack of all trades, master of none. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a Jack of all trades? And when do masters of none have an upper hand to a Jack of all trades? 


    In This Episode:

    [02:04] What’s going on

    [06:16] Zillow’s home flipping disaster

    [09:50] Rental Arbitrage

    [13:18] Leveraging debt

    [15:32] Quotes about today’s topic

    [19:06] Why it’s good to be Jack of all trades

    [21:10] Disadvantages of being Jack of all trades

    [27:08] Circumstances to becoming the jack of all trades or master of one

    [30:30] Adapt or lose your jobs to robots

    [32:29] Jack of all trades the better player

    [37:03] Creating multiple streams of income


    Notable Quotes

    • If you leverage debt correctly, you can make a fucking shit of money.
    • A jack of all trades is a master of none. But oftentimes better than a master of one.
    • I’m not a Jack of all trades. I’m a master of many. I don’t feel there’s anything I can’t do if I want to.
    • If you wanna do something, go and do it. Do it well. Put some focus into it.
    • When you’re developing your business though, you do have to be a master of all trades because you don’t have the capital or are able to employ a specialist.
    • If you become competent, you create new neuropathways. New ways your brain connects things it wasn’t able to connect before.
    • If you don’t have a job right now, it’s literally because you don’t want to work.
    • If you’re going to dedicate time to something, when you’re there, be 100% present.


    Tim Ferriss and The 4-Hour Workweek (fourhourworkweek.com)

    Harvard Business Publishing Education

    Managing Your Businesses: Interview with Emily Frisella

    Managing Your Businesses: Interview with Emily Frisella

    In this episode, we are joined by Brofessional Development’s first-ever repeat guest on the show, Emily Frisella. She is a multi-passionate entrepreneur who got into the industry at 20 and has never looked back. Emily is the founder of the Paper and Plan Co., an author for the best-selling cookbook, co-host of the Curious Me Podcast, and the founder of the Women In Business Workshop. Emily was our guest in Episode 12, where she talked about women in business and how to overcome the mentality that females cannot be successful. 

    Today, she joins us to share about


    Key Highlights In This Episode:

    [02:51] What’s been going on

    [04:01] How Emily is handling the troubled supply chain

    [07:21] The greatest resignation

    [10:15] How Emily built her company culture

    [14:13] Women In Business Workshop

    [17:33] Structuring your workshop to fit different people at different growth levels

    [24:04] Setting an effective routine

    [27:45] Adding the three critical tasks 

    [21:29] Staying disciplined in business

    [31:30] Writing and tracking your goals

    [33:00] Figuring out what to delegate

    [41:33] Controlling your emotions to perform at your best

    [43:30] Only fans inquiry: Start/not start a business during inflation?

    [47:24] Why you should start your own business


    Notable Quotes from the episode

    • It (supply chain) is a big issue and people are seeing it from all effects and it’s a trickle-down. So, if you haven’t felt it now, you will end up feeling it as a business owner. 
    • Everybody here wants to win. Anybody with my company or has an affiliation with any of the businesses that I have, that’s what they want. We all want the same thing.
    • I think that a lot of people are most exhausted by these massive 2,000 events. You just go and you hear somebody talking and that’s it. You don’t get to make connections and create those personal relationships.
    • I don’t want to have 300 people there and they can’t make those one-on-one connections.
    • It’s just so overplayed like the only way you can be successful or do anything is you have to get up at 4 am and stay till midnight. That’s not healthy.
    • I don’t look at what I need to delegate. I say what are my priorities that nobody else can touch.
    • Nobody cares what you’re going through. They care what you can do for them.


    Connect with Emily Frisella

    Emily Frisella (@emilyfrisella) • Instagram photos and videos


    Emily Frisella | Entrepreneur & Business Speaker | Lifestyle Blog – Fit Home & Health


    Curious Me Podcast

    Mentioned Books

    Automatic Habits book by James Clear

    Leadershift by John Maxwell

    Building Systems That Make Success More Automatic

    Building Systems That Make Success More Automatic

    Building Systems That Make Success More Automatic

    In today’s episode, we’re joined by the world’s most disciplined man and an author of three books, Craig Ballantyne. Craig is also the owner of earlytorise.com, where he works as a coach for thousands of entrepreneurs in over 45 countries. Born lazy and an introvert, Craig suffered from crippling anxiety attacks. He’s now built systems that have allowed him to build multiple 7-figure businesses stress-free. Join us and listen to Craig sharing about building systems that make success more automatic, becoming time-efficient, and breaking away from suffering. 


    Key Highlights in This Episode:

    [04:02] From “lazy’ to the world’s most disciplined man

    [09:44] Being efficient with your time

    [14:21] The four-quadrant metrics in our gene

    [16:38] Questions to help you make an extra 10 hours/week

    [20:33] The magic time and the science behind it

    [24:15] How early should you wake up?

    [25:25] How much sleep do you get?

    [27:45] Breaking away from suffering in silence

    [31:49] Separating your emotions from the job

    [35:20] Only fans inquiry: Finding a mentor


    Powerful Quotes

    • It all comes down to building systems that make success more automatic for you. That’s what allows you to be disciplined in the eyes of other people and get great results
    • If somebody has any ambitions at all, the reason why they are not successful is that they haven’t built systems that protect them from roadside bombs.
    • You can’t be doing anything else in the morning but going after your number one priority.
    • It’s not about the hour that you get up. It’s about what you do in the hours that you’re up.
    • You want to go to somebody (mentor) because they know exactly the steps that they took. But most importantly, they know the mistakes that you do not have to make.

    Mentioned Resources

    Dilbert comic by Scott Adams

    Craig Ballantyne books

    Skillset Vs Mindset

    Skillset Vs Mindset

    “Greatness isn’t born. It’s grown.” You need passion and the right mindset to build a range of skills that will help you achieve greatness. In today’s episode, we talk about skillset vs. Mindset. The two types of mindsets that people have, and why having a growth mindset is better than having a fixed mindset. We are all born with a growth mindset but when do we change to having a fixed mindset? Tune in to find out more!


    Mindset Episode:

    [00:21] Greiner wins Country club Golf Championship

    [08:00] Mindset vs. skillset quotes

    [10:28] Mindset definition

    [11:11] Skillset definition

    [14:31] Tiger Woods growth mindset

    [15:20] Identifying people with the growth mindset

    [16:07] Why you need to have passion

    [17:38] Kids’ growth mindset

    [20:00] Self-employment vs. being employed

    [21:35] Surrounding yourself with people with the right Mindset

    [27:50] The advantage of entrepreneurship

    [29:00] Achieving growth.

    Powerful Quotes

    • Tough times never last but tough people do - Robert H. Schuller
    • The first million is hard, the second is inevitable. If you’ve done something once, you have the skillset to do it again.
    • You can’t build a skillset without getting kicked in the nuts a few times.
    • You can have the greatest skill in the world. But if you do not have that mindset, hidden in there, you’re never going to be a little bit better.
    • One of the things you have to have to be the best in the world in what you do is passion. If you don’t have passion for what you’re doing, then you’re going to give up as soon as you get to a challenge.
    • The people that want that shit go out and get it. They have that growth mindset.



    The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle

    Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki